ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ A p r il 1 9 9 9 / 31 7 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s news The time to lead ACRL seeks nominees for office Wo u ld y o u lik e to s e e k o ffic e in an ACRL section? Would you like to nominate anyone else for one o f these positions? If the answers is yes, here is what you need to do. ACRL section o fficers Candidates for vice-chair/chair-elect o f ACRL s ec tio n s are s e le c te d by th e N om inating Com m ittee o f e a c h section . If you w ould like to nom in ate so m e o n e o r b e nom inated for v ice-ch air o f an ACRL section , con tact the ch air o f the Nom inating Com m ittee for the ap p rop riate s e c tio n p rior to th e ALA Annual C o n feren ce in New Orleans. O th er section officers, including s ec re ­ tary and m em ber-at-large, m ay also b e un­ d er c o n sid era tio n fo r this term o f o ffic e , w hich will b eg in in the sum m er o f 2000. Section nominating committee chairs Asian, A frican, and Middle E astern To b e announced. Contact the current Vice- Chair, Donald P. Chvatal, Preferred address: 5833 SW Terwilliger Blvd., Portland, OR 97201; A frican A m erican Studies Librarians B en n ie P. R obinson, B I coordinator & refer­ en c e librarian, University o f Akron, B ierce Library, Buchtel Commons, Akron, OH 44325- 1712; bpr@ A n th ro p o logy and Sociology Section Jo y c e O gburn, assistant university librarian for Inform ation Resources and Systems, Uni­ versity Library, Old Dominion University, Nor­ folk, VA 23529-0256; jogbu rn@ od Arts Stephen Bloom, director o f the University of Southern Maine Library, University o f Southern Maine, Preferred address: 638 Congress St. #711, Portland, ME 04101; College Libraries C. I. Dillon, library director, Thom as Stanley Library, Ferrum C ollege, Ferrum, VA 24088; cdillon@ ferrum .edu C om m unity and Ju n io r College Libraries Mary Ann Affleck, director o f libraries, Capi­ tal Community Tech nical C ollege, Preferred address: 254 Griswold Dr. W., Hartford, CT 0 6 119-1023; affleck@ com m net.ed u D istance L earning Thomas Abbott, dean, University o f Maine at Lewiston-Auburn College, 55-55 Westminster St. Lewiston, Maine 04340; Education and B ehavioral Sciences Nancy J. Becker, instructor, St. Jo h n ’s Univer­ sity, Preferred address: 240 Lim estone Rd., Ridgefield, CT 06877; English and A m erican L iterature Tim othy Shipe, Arts & Literature bibliogra­ pher, Preferred address: University o f Iow a, 100 Main Library, Iow a City, LA 52242; Tim o­ thy -shipe@ u iow In stru ctio n Loanne Snavely, chair, E 410 P atee Library, P en n State University, University Park, PA 16802; Law an d Political Science Ron H eckart, librarian, Institute o f G overn­ m ental Studies, M oses Hall 109, University o f California-Berkeley, B erkeley, CA 94720; rheckart@ library.berkeley.ed u Rare Books and M anuscripts Laura Stalker, associate director for Tech ni­ cal Services, Huntington Library, 1151 O x ­ ford Road, San Marino, CA 91108; lstalker@ 318 / C&RL News ■ A p r i l 1999 S cience an d T echn ology Allison V. Level, associate professor, South­ w est Missouri State University, M eyer Library 901 South National, Springfield, MO 65807; allisonlevel@ m Slavic an d East E urope Bradley Schaffner, Russian/Soviet Studies b ib ­ lio g rap h er, W atson Library, U niversity o f Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800; bschaffn@ U niversity Libraries Lori A. Goetsch, director o f Libraries for Public S e r v ic e s , U n iv e rs ity o f M a ry la n d , 3 1 1 5 ( “Image is everything” continued from page 2 7 7 ) Tired o f the im age problem? B e part o f the im age solution. In your next triathlon, w ear a T-shirt that says, “C onan the Librar­ ian.” W hen you accep t your Oscar, thank the d ean o f your library school. And w hen som e­ o n e rem arks that you d o n ’t look like a librar­ ian, take a page from Gloria Steinem and ( “learning to lead” continued from page 293) Recent articles in C&RL News on ACRL Presi­ dent Maureen Sullivan’s them e o f “Leadership and Learning” challenge all o f us to b e both leaders and learners and have offered insights into ways to do so within our libraries today. Another challenge is to stop thinking about learning as som ething that happens only in a classroom. B y participating in various groups and teams doing real w ork in real time, w e can both learn and lead. ( “ULS activities at Midwinter” continued from page 316) to validate users’ passwords. T he user sta­ tions are passw ord-protected at night, w hich effectively limits a ccess to UT students, staff, and faculty. Som e universities have adopted op en policies toward W eb access, w hile oth­ ers have initiated strict sign-up policies. T he final topic under discussion .dealt with electron ic referen ce services. Most libraries n ow offer som e type o f e-m ail referen ce ser­ McKeldin Library, College Park, MD 20742- 7011; lgoetsch@ W om en’s Studies D aren Callahan, associate professor, Library Affairs, Southern Illinois University, Delyte W. M o rris L ib r a ry , 1 8 0 3 W. F r e e m a n , Carbonctale, IL 6 2 901-2105; d callaha@ lib.siu. edu W estern E u ro p ean Specialists Thom as Izbicki, collection developm ent c o ­ ordinator, Eisenhow er Library, Jo h n s Hopkins University, 340 0 N. Charles, Baltim ore, MD 21218; Izbicki@ ■ say, “Yes, I do. This is w hat a librarian looks lik e .” M aybe o n c e p e o p le realize that librar­ ians, like th ose in m ost o th er professions, co m e in every sh ap e, size, sex , sexual pref­ ere n c e , tonsure, d ecib el level, and body-fat com p osition , w e ’ll feel free to just relax and b e ourselves. It just so h ap p en s that I do w e a r m y h a ir in a b u n . I t ’s g r e a t fo r kick b oxin g . ■ Notes 1. Warren B en nis and Burt Nanus. Lead­ ers: Strategies fo r Taking Charge (N ew York: HarperCollins, 1997): 176. 2. Ibid., 17. 3. P eter B. Vaill. Learning as a Way o f Be­ ing: Strategies f o r Survival in a World o f Per­ manent White Water (San Francisco: Jo ssey - B ass, 1996). 4. B e n n is a n d N an u s, Leaders Strate­ gies‚ 1 7 8 - 9 . ■ v ice although not all have established pro­ cedures for monitoring these services or track­ ing statistics. T h e n ex t discussion at the An­ nual C on feren ce will focu s on GIS and data services, planning for s cien c e libraries, and 24-hour library access. T h e Discussion Group w elcom es all librarians w h o are interested in these topics to attend its m eeting in New Orleans.— Anne Garrison, reference librarian at Georgia Tech Library, e-mail: anne. ■ mailto:dcallaha@lib.siu