ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 / 329 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young B arb ara Ford, assistant com m issioner for Central Library Services at the Chicago Pub­ lic Library and immediate past-president o f the ALA, was awarded the 1998 Distinguished A lu m n a o f th e Y e a r A w ard b y I llin o is W esleyan University (IW U) in Bloom ington. A 1968 graduate o f IWU, Ford was recog­ nized for her contributions to libraries and her leadership o f the ALA. Suzanna (Suzy) J . T urner, coordinator o f reference service at Mississippi State Univer­ sity has b e e n appointed p resident o f the Mississippi Library A ssociation for 1999. A p p o i n t m e n t s Brinley Franklin is now director o f Library Services at the University o f Connecticut (UC) Libraries. Franklin has b e e n associate director for Administrative Ser­ vices at UC since 1990. From 1982 to 1990, he w a s a m a n a g e m e n t c o n s u lta n t in KPMG Peat M arwick’s higher e d u c a tio n c o n su ltin g p ra c tice an d p rior to that he served as head Brinley Franklin librarian in the Wash­ ington, D.C. offices o f KPMG Peat Marwick and Coopers & Lybrand. P a u l K o b u ln ick y is now vice-chancellor for I n fo rm a tio n S e rv ic e s and university librarian at th e U n iv e rs ity o f C o n n e c t i c u t (U C ), S to r r s . F r o m 1 9 9 4 through 1998, K obu l­ nicky was the director o f libraries at UC and from 1 9 9 0 -9 4 h e was the interim director o f libraries at the University o f Pittsburgh. The majority o f his early career was spent in li­ braries providing service to academ ic science programs. He has also taught numerous com ­ puter scien ce and library scien ce courses at the university level. Kobulnicky is active with the ALA, the Association o f Research Librar­ ies, and EDUCAUSE. Bridget L. Lamont, former director o f the Illi­ nois State Library, has been appointed director o f policy development for the state o f Illinois. C arol A. Mandel has b e e n nam ed dean o f libraries for New York University, she cur­ rently is the Deputy University Librarian at Columbia. She also has served as director o f T echnical and Networked Information Ser­ vices at Columbia University. Her other po­ sitions have included assistant/associate uni­ versity librarian, A ccess Services at the Uni­ versity o f California, San Diego, and associ­ ate executive director o f the Association o f R esearch Libraries. M andel has published widely on such topics as cataloging, preser­ vation, and inform ation technology, and she is an active participant in the programs o f numerous professional organizations, such as the Council on Library and Information Re­ sources (CLIR). She has played a leadership role in the library profession in a num ber o f areas, including bibliographic access, digital library services, and electronic scholarly pub­ lishing. Ja m e s W. M arcum is the new ch ief librar­ ian at the College o f Staten Island. B rian M orrell has b e e n appointed general m anager o f A-G Canada Ltd., a provider o f online database and resource-sharing services for public, school, and university libraries. Morrell brings m ore than 25 years o f experi­ en ce in library environm ents, including the last 17 years with A-G Canada and its prede­ cessor, ISM Library In form ation Services, w hich w as acquired by A uto-G raphics in 1997. He previously served ten years with 330 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 Mount Allison University Library as a refer­ en ce librarian and head o f the cataloguing department. Paul A. Roberts has b een appointed direc­ tor o f the Prairie B ible College & Graduate School Libraries. He w orked in the library at Columbia International University in South Carolina for 11 years, for 10 o f those years as reference librarian. Roberts is a m em ber o f ACRL, Alberta Library Association, Canadian Library Association, Alberta A ssociation o f College Librarians, Association o f Christian Librarians, and A ssociation o f Th eolog ical Librarians. Je a n Wilkins, form er associate director o f library services for the Illinois State Library, has b een appointed director o f the Illinois State Library. C hristine Bruzzese has b e e n appointed c o o r d i n a t o r o f R e f e r e n c e S e r v i c e s at Q ueensborough Community College Library, CUNY. Ju n e C arter is now a reference librarian in the G alter Library at Northwestern Uni­ versity. Allison Cowgill has b e e n appointed c o ­ ordinator o f reference and information ser­ vices at Colorado State University. Tony Doyle has b een appointed refer­ ence/instruction librarian at Hunter College Library, CUNY. Nancy Egan is now interlibrary loan li­ brarian at Jo h n Ja y College Library, CUNY. Shafeek Fazal has b e e n appointed sys­ tem s librarian at B ron x Community College Library, CUNY. Louise Fluk has b e e n appointed coordi­ nator o f instruction at LaGuardia Community College Library, CUNY. Laural G rah am has b e e n tem porarily appointed Learning Resource Center librar­ ian in the G alter Library at N orthw estern University. R osem ary H enders has been appointed instructional services librarian at North Cen­ tral College in Naperville, Illinois. Steven Hunt has been temporarily ap­ pointed programmer for the Health W eb c o n ­ tract in the G alter Library at Northwestern University. P eter Jefts has been appointed evening reference librarian at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts. Kriza Jen n in g s has b e e n appointed ref­ erence/instruction librarian at Hunter College Library, CUNY. Maria Kiriakova has been appointed ref­ eren ce library at Jo h n Ja y College Library, CUNY. David K oenigstein has been appointed reference librarian at B ron x Community Col­ lege Library, CUNY. Naomi K rym has b e e n appointed m an­ ager o f docum ent delivery at CISTI in Ot­ tawa, Canada. B rian Lauer is now a referen ce librarian in the G alter Library at Northwestern Uni­ versity. Sandra Marcus has b e e n appointed c o ­ ordinator o f Bibliographic Instruction and Re­ serve Services at Q ueensborough Commu­ nity College Library, CUNY. Leona McDonald is the new acquisitions and serials librarian at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts. Kurt I. Munson has been appointed head o f clien t services in the G a lter Library at Northwestern University. H o n o ra Nerz is n o w the textiles and e n g in e e r i n g s e r v i c e s l ib r a r ia n in th e Burlington Textiles Library for North Caro­ lina State University. Rita O rm sby has b e e n appointed refer­ e n c e librarian at B aru ch C olleg e Library, CUNY. Mark Padnos has been appointed coo r­ dinator o f Public Services at the B ron x Com­ munity College Library, CUNY. Ruth Pyne has b e e n appointed director o f Library Inform ation Services at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts. Luis Ram os has b e e n appointed coordi­ nator o f A ccess Services at LaGuardia Com­ munity College Library, CUNY. Anne Reuland has b e e n appointed head o f R eferen c e and Inform ation Services at Marquette University. Lisa R obinson has b e e n appointed ref­ e ren ce librarian at M ichigan State and the E d . n o t e : To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered f o r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to A nn-C hriste Young, Production Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520. C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 / 331 d ean’s assistant for Inform ation and Instruc­ tional Technology in the College o f Social Science. Ellen S exton has been appointed reserve librarian at Jo h n Ja y College Library, CUNY. Polly Thistlethwaite has b een appointed coordinator o f Instruction, Outreach, and Staff D evelopm ent at Colorado State University. Vanrea Thom as has b e e n nam ed acting ch ief library o f the Medgar Evers College Li­ brary, CUNY. Micaela W aldman has b een appointed serials/acquisitions librarian at Baruch Col­ lege Library, CUNY. Linda J . W alton is now associate direc­ tor o f the Galter Library at Northwestern Uni­ versity. Suzanne W ein er has b e e n appointed head o f the Burlington Textiles Library for North Carolina State University. Teresa W estphal is now a reference li­ brarian in the G alter Library at Northwestern University. R e t i r e m e n t s Suzine Har-Nicolescu has retired from her position as c h ief librarian at Medgar Evers C ollege Library, CUNY. C arlton Rochell has retired as dean o f li­ braries for New York University (NYU). He will continue to serve as executive publisher o f the NYU Press indefinitely. Under Rochell’s direction sin ce 1976, NYU’s library has b e ­ com e a leading research cen ter and an inter­ national model o f applied advanced tech nol­ ogy, w here o n e o f the nation’s first online catalogs was developed. Soon after arriving at NYU, Rochell form ed the Research Library Association o f South Manhattan, linking the university’s libraries with the New School, Parsons, and C ooper Union. Working with national and local labor leaders, he created the internationally renowned collection o f the Wagner Labor Archives. Prior to his appoint­ m ent at NYU, he headed the Atlanta Public Library. He has directed public libraries in Anniston, Alabama, and Knoxville, Tennes­ see. The author o f books on library services and inform ation tech n o log y , R o ch ell has served as a cou nselor o f the ALA and as a m em ber o f the Association o f Research Li­ braries Executive B oard, as w ell as board chairm an o f the Research Libraries Group. D e a t h s Tess C apone, w ho retired in 1995 as head o f Cataloging and archivist at the Jo h n Ja y College Library, died on March 14, 1998, o f a heart attack. Capone began working at Jo h n Ja y in 1970 after having w orked in the New York Public Library. She was active in New York City archivist associations. Connie McCarthy, w ho was a m em ber o f the Northwestern University (NU) Library staff for more than 20 years, has died. McCarthy retired from her position as assistant head o f th e re fe re n c e d ep artm ent in 1993. B etsy Baker, head o f reference, said, “Students to­ day en counter C onnie’s legacy in the fine reference collection she built.” B efore join­ ing NU, McCarthy served as a librarian at the University o f Illinois at Chicago, the State Uni­ versity o f New York at Buffalo, and at Niagara University in Niagara Falls, New York. She began her career in 1951 as special services librarian with the U.S. Army stationed in Bayreuth, Germany. ■ A d v e rtis e r index ACRL 302 American Foundation for the Blind 303 American Psychological Association 322 ATLA 262 B lackw ell’s B o ok Services 270 CHOICE 286 EBSCO 285 G .K Hall 293 G ale Research 273 Gaylord Creative Services Cover 4 G raphics Press 259 IEEE Cover 3 ISI Cover 2 Nature Publishing 328 OCLC 321 PAIS 266 Primary Source Media 312