ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 51 ACRL Budget Requests 1972/ 73 Budget Actual Budget Request Budget Request Line 1971/72 1971/72 1972/73 A d d ition al Staffing 1. Associate Executive Secretary $16,272 $ $16,272 2. Secretary II 5,964 5,964 3. Professional Assistant (½ tim e) 4,914 4,914 C om m u n ication s to M e m bers 4. C o lle g e & R e se a rc h L ib ra ries (2 7 ,8 8 5 ) (6 ,3 3 7 ) (T o be determined) 5. JC L S Communications Committee 250 150 250 D issem ination o f In fo rm ation 6. Materials for Advisory Service 700 630 700 Planning, Im p lem en ta tio n a n d / o r E v a lu a tio n o f A ctivities 7. Commitee on Academic Status 8,160 2,730 5,040 8. A C R L Executive Committee 3,360 3,360 9. Committee on Standards & Accreditation 3,000 5,400 10. AAJC/ALA (A C R L ) Committee on Junior College Libraries 1,850 1,490 1,850 11. AAC/AAUP/ACRL Committee on College Libraries 2,015 2,015 2,015 12. ARL/ACRL Joint Committee on University Library Standards 2 ,100 2,100 2,100 13. NUEA/ACRL ( U L S ) 1,230 1,230 1,230 14. Cooperation with Educational and Professional Organizations 250 15. Subject Specialists Section 125 480 16. Art Subsection SSS 200 200 250 17. Rare Books & Manuscripts Section Preconference Income 6,000 6,000 8,760 Expense 4,770 4,770 7,460 18. Rare Books & Manuscripts Section 420 19. University Libraries Section Preconference Income To be determined Expense To be determined 20. Publications in Librarianship ( formerly A C R L M on ograph Ed. Bd.) 250 2 5 0 250 2 1. Oberly Memorial Award Committee 65 65 65 22. Slavic and East European Subsection Slavic Holdings Committee SSS 1,590 1,590 23. Representation to C O SA TI Meetings 720 720 720 N ew R eq u ests 24. Ad Hoc Committee on Bibliographic Instruction 100 25. A C R L/JC LS Bibliographic Committee 150 26. ACRL Membership Promotion (5 0 0 ) F o r ex p la n a tion o f lin e item s, s e e b elo w . A d d ition al Staffing 1. Associate Executive Secretary—This person will report to the E xecutive 5 2 Secretary of ACRL and will carry out the charge established for the ACRL Academic Status Committee. He will investigate academic status problems in the field and will collect data necessary to achieve and maintain academic status. He will also coordinate and study all aspects of academic status including establishing relationships with appropriate academic bodies and associations. Appropriate equipment requested in General Funds. 2. Secretary II—Secretarial support for Associate Executive Secretary as requested in Line 1. Appropriate equipment requested in General Funds. 3. Half-time Professional Assistant—Difference between salary of full­ time Professional Assistant and that of the current salary ($ 4 ,9 1 4 ) of the present half-time Professional Assistant. 4. See budget requests for C R L (publications), which follows this section. Comm unications to M em bers 5. To continue updating and distribution of the annual listing of two­ year College Libraries in the US and their administrative libraries. To maintain a communications network for the purpose of ex­ changing ideas among the two-year Colleges. For postage and long-distance phone calls. Dissemination o f Inform ation 6. ACRL advisory materials consist largely of duplicated materials and of C R L reprints of sufficient interest to warrant nominal production runs that would not fit into the cost/sale structure required by Pub­ lishing Services. Planning, Im plem en tation a n d /o r E valuation o f A ctivities 7. Committee, established in June 1969, needs two meetings outside of the regular conference weeks in order to continue investigating academic status problems. Transportation at $150 each of ten committee members and ACRL Executive Secretary (eleven persons) to two meetings. $3,300 Per diem of $30.00 for each of two days for each of eleven persons for each of two meetings. 1,320 $4,620 To establish working relations with AAUP and AAC. Transportation at $150 for Committee Chairman to Washington, D.C. for two meetings. $ 300 Per diem at $30.00 for one person for each of two days for each of two meetings with AAUP and AAC. 120 420 $5,040 8. Committee is concerned with the slowness of decision-making, the delay in putting decisions into activity, and the need for long-range planning within the division. It is felt that this group should have four regularly scheduled meetings outside of conference week, par­ ticularly during the next few years when reorganization is studied. Transportation at $150 for three committee mem­ bers and the Executive Secretary (four persons) to each of four meetings. $2,400 Per diem at $30.00 for each of two days for each of four persons for each of four meetings. 960 $3,360 9. To continue to support the developing roles of this Committee in establishing direct communications with accrediting associations, it is proposed that the Chairman and the ACRL Executive Secretary schedule visits with the six regional accrediting associations. The objects of the visits would be as follows: a. To work toward all six accrediting associations including a 53 librarian on its visiting teams. At the present time, only the Southern Association follows this practice. b. To build a solid basis of cooperation on all library problems related to accreditation between ACRL and the accrediting associations. Contacting Accrediting Agencies—Transportation for six trips for two persons at $150 for each per trip. $1,800 Per diem at $30.00 for each of three days for each of two persons for each of six trips. 1,080 $2,880 College Standards Revision—Transportation for six people at $150 each. $ 900 Per diem at $30.00 for each of two days for six persons. 360 $1,260 A EC T Liaison—Transportation for two trips for three persons at $150 each person. $900 Per diem at $30.00 for each two days for each of two trips for each of three persons. 360 1,260 $5,400 10. This committee, composed of Junior College Presidents and librarians, holds two meetings per year; one in conjunction with the ALA Annual Conference, and one in conjunction with the AAJC Annual Conference. In 1972/73 the committee will continue to implement the Guide­ lines for Junior Colleges and pursue the problem of community use of Junior College Libraries. Since the size of the committee has been reduced, only $1,850 is being requested: • Travel for the ACRL Executive Secretary to im­ plement and facilitate the work of the joint committee. $ 400 • Transportation and per diem for four members of the committee and the Executive Secretary of ACRL to attend two meetings, to distribute literature for ALA, to provide library consultation service at the meetings. 1,300 • Miscellaneous expenses, postage, printing costs, telephone expenses, distribution of materials, etc. 150 $1,850 11. At the time of regularly scheduled AAC activities, the joint committee holds two meetings a year, for which papers are prepared by knowl­ edgeable academic librarians for publication in the committee’s news­ letter. This newsletter, published and distributed by AAC at its ex­ pense, is edited by an ACRL member. AAC through this committee is lending its support to the movement for academic status for librarians. Postage for special mailing of “College Library Notes for the College President,” to 3,500 members of College Library Section. $ 135 Transportation at $150 for each of three committee members and the ACRL Executive Secretary (four per­ sons) to each of two meetings annually. $1,200 Per diem at $30.00 for each of two days for each of four persons at each of two meetings. 480 Travel to Washington to continue discussion between the A CRL Executive Secretary and the staff of AAC. 200 $2,015 12. Joint Committee with ARL to work on revision of the new University Library Standards. Transportation at $150 for each of four ACRL com­ mittee members and the ACRL Executive Secretary (five persons) to each of two meetings designated by the chairman to work on university library standards. $1,500 Per diem at $30.00 for two days for each of five per­ sons at each of two meetings. 600 $2,100 54 13. New joint committee presently in the organization stage. The com­ mittee will b e composed of heads of extension departments at univer­ sities, and of librarians. Transportation at $150 for each of four A CRL com­ mittee members and the A C R L Executive Secretary (five persons) to annual meeting of NUEA. $ 750 Per diem at $ 3 0.00 for each o f five persons for each of two days and for each of two persons for an addi­ tional three days. 480 $ 1,230 14. Not applicable. 15. $ 60.00 for each Subsection Chairman and $ 6 0.00 for the Section Chairman, above and beyond the standard $25.00. This money would be in support of activities to strengthen the collective position of subject specialists as a professional group in academic libraries and in ALA. I t will enable Subsection Chairmen to attend meetings of scholarly organizations in their respective subject fields which are attended by subject specialist librarians and to bring these librarians into A C R L as members. Since subject specialists have two allegiances, namely, to their scholarly organizations and to their national library association, any reduction of their visibility in the latter will necessarily make them prone to dropping their ALA memberships. 16. During the last three or four years the A C R L Art SS has been re­ vitalized due to its strong leadership, improved attempts to establish better communications and a small but active core of art librarians. For the well-being of the A C R L Art Subsection this core must be expanded by encouraging the active participation of the total Art SS membership. Institutional members should also be made aware of the Section’s realistic, up-to-date goals and thus encouraged to b e ­ come personal members. T he growing interest in the College Art Association could weaken the Art Subsection position unless the above efforts are successful and some form of affiliation o f the two groups is established. The recent severe cuts in library budgets no longer allow indi­ vidual institutions to subsidize the cost of their librarians’ outside professional activities. Requested funds will be necessary for: a. Clerical assistance, supplies, mailing costs, and telephone expenses. $ 30 b. Follow-up of the 1971/72 questionnaires. 35 c. Initial cost of compilation and mailing of lists of institutions wishing to take part in exchanges of duplicate serials. I t will then be up to these institutions to send each other detailed dupli­ cate and want lists. 75 d. Compilation and mailing of lists of completed or in progress research projects. There are numer­ ous unpublished indexes and bibliographies which should b e shared. This list will avoid un­ necessary duplication of research and it is hoped will encourage individuals to take part in re­ search which will be mutually beneficial. 35 e. Costs of organizing and then notifying mem­ bership of schedules for “mini” institutes or workshops which will be held during the Las Vegas Conference. These unofficial workshops will deal with various types of technical prob­ lems particular to art libraries such as catalog­ ing of exhibition catalogs, collecting vertical file materials on local art, establishing coopera­ tives, etc. Experts in each area will be asked to serve as discussion leaders at no cost to ACRL. Also at no cost to A CRL, the four 55 sessions will be held at two-hour intervals throughout the day in a suite reserved by the chairman. Sessions will be limited to $1.00 per meeting to help cover the cost of the suite. $ 75 $ 250 17. Preconference Institute on the subject of “People in the World of Special Collections.” 18. Not applicable. 19. Preconference Institute on the subject of “The Place of the Univer­ sity Library in Regional Networks.” 20. To be used by editor in securing manuscripts and to pay the clerical fees required to prepare a manuscript for publication. 21. Funds needed for general committee expense. 22. Not applicable. 23. To cover costs of the Executive Secretary to attend four COSATI meetings as Representative of ACRL. Transportation at $150 for each of four meetings. $ 600 Per diem at $30.00 for each of four trips. 120 $ 720 24. A good deal of the work of the Committee is done by phone in order to help insure that the Committee’s work is done expeditiously. Since the members of the Committee are widely separated geo­ graphically the phone expense will be sizeable. In addition, we have some expenses from 1971/72 that must be carried over into 1972/73 since the Committee was not established and operating until August 1971. 25. This committee is culminating a listing of the serials holdings of two- year college libraries. The amount requested will enable the com­ mittee to duplicate the list in manuscript form and distribute it widely for correction and criticism, prior to its submission to ALA for possible publication. ■ ■ W e’v e g o t them covered Between the covers o f the new SWETS SUBSCRIPTION CATALOGUE 1972 we have brought together all those thousands o f periodicals (14,000 actually) from all parts o f the w orld now available through our Subscription Service. Copies are ready and w aiting for you to send for one. A t the same time, w hy not ask for details o f the Subscription Service we offer? This new catalogue is just to w het your appetite for the more substantial benefits to follow . M ail coupon below or call up either of our US branch offices for your copy W est Coast office Box 1761, SANTA CRUZ, Cal. 95060Please send me, free of charge, the new Swets Sub­ scription Catalogue 1972 Telephone: 4 0 8 -42 6-21 98 name: E a st Coast office affiliation: Box 517, BERWYN, Pa. 19312 street: Telephone: 215 -64 4-49 44 c ity : SWETS & ZEITLINGER N.V. Keizersgracht 487 - AmstSeCRTIION SEIRVPCEUBSrdam - The Netherlands