ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 29 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s Submission guidelines E d it o r ia l p u r p o s e C o lleg e & R esea rch L ib ra r ies N ew s ( C&RL N ew s) publishes articles written by practitioners address­ ing the philosophy and techniques o f day-to-day management o f academic library services and col­ lections. C&RL N ew s provides current information relat­ ing to issues, activities, and personalities o f the higher education and academic/research library field. Trends and developments in user education, technology, professional education, preservation, public relations, products, acquisitions o f special collections, grants to libraries, governmental actions affecting libraries, and reports on meetings are cov­ ered in C&RL News. Established in 1966, C&RL N ew s is the official news magazine and publication o f record o f the As­ sociation o f College and Research Libraries (ACRL). It maintains a record of selected actions and policy statements o f the association and publishes timely reports on the activities o f ACRL and its units. It is published 11 times per year. The editor bears full responsibility for the con­ tent o f each issue o f C&RL N ew s and selects material for publication based on the following criteria. The editor also reserves the right to make appropriate revisions in material selected for publication in or­ der to standardize style or improve clarity (except official ACRL documents). N ote: Formal, theoretical, or research-oriented ar­ ticles inappropriate for C&RL News will be forwarded to the editor o f C olleg e & R esearch L ib raries for re­ view. In s t r u c tio n s t o a u t h o rs 1. Style. Articles should be practical and written in an informal, accurate, and informative manner. Manuscripts should be original and not published elsewhere. (Ex­ ceptions may be made for items previously published in institutional newsletters.) Footnotes, charts, and tables should be kept to a minimum. 2. Length. News notes may b e 150-350 words; reports o f meetings for the “Conference Circuit” should be 750-1,000 words; essays for “The Way I See It” should be 750 words; and articles should be no more than 2,000 words. 3. C ontent. Material selected should fall into one o f the following categories: a. Reports on a project, program, or dealing with a topic relevant to academic librarian- ship (e.g., “Improving valid access to site-licensed resources,” November 1997). serv b. Reports for “Conference Circuit” that sum marize the highlights o f a recent conference, work shop, or meeting of interest to academic or researc librarians (e.g., “The scholarly monograph in crisis, November 1997). c. Essays for “The Way I See It” that offe reasoned and informed speculation or comment o relevant topics (e.g., “Another look at staffing th reference desk,” November 1997). d. Essays for “Every Librarian a Leader” tha share practical examples o f how librarians can serv in leadership roles (e.g., “There must be 50 ways t be a leader,” April 1996). e. Standards, guidelines, or recommendation of an ACRL committee or other official ACRL group (e.g., “Standards for college libraries,” April 1995). f. Essays for “Focus on Libraries” that describe new and renovated libraries and innovative librar services, (e.g., “User education at NYPL’s new SIBL, October 1997). g. C&RL News may occasionally print requests for the donation o f books or materials to libraries, especially foreign libraries, which have suffered ex tensive loss through fire, hurricane, or natural disas ter. Other libraries soliciting contributions for othe reasons will be referred to the rates for classified advertising in C&RL News. 4. Graphics. Whenever possible, photographs, illustrations, images from Web sites, etc., should ac company article submissions. Authors are respon sible for obtaining permission to use graphic materi als. Submit camera-ready artwork for all illustrations. On the back o f each photograph include: a brie caption, credits (if appropriate), and your name, ad dress, phone number, and e-mail. 5. Submitting manuscripts. Authors should sub mit two copies, double-spaced, following The Chi cago Manual o f Style, 14th ed., to C&RL News Edi tor, ALA, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611. (Note: An e-mail note o f inquiry may precede submission o the article.) If the manuscript is prepared on a word processor, please supply an electronic version o the manuscript as a text file in an IBM-compatible format, preferably in WordPerfect for Windows 6.0 or ASCII. Note: Please label 3 .5 ” disks with you name, phone number, e-mail, and filename. Manu­ scripts may also be submitted via the Internet: ice Ed. note: These guidelines were reviewed and adopted by the C&RL News Editorial Board in the fall of 1997. ■ ­ ­ h ” r n e t e o s y ”. ­ ­ r ­ ­ ­ f ­ ­ ­ ­ f f r