ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 273 Draft Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Commercial Purposes The following statement was prepared by the Committee on Manuscripts Collections of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the As­ sociation of College and Research Libraries. It is a revised version of the “Draft Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Commercial Purposes" which was published in the March 1975 issue of College & Research Libraries News (p.96-97). It will be consid­ ered for approval by the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors at the 1977 Midwinter Meeting, in Washington, D.C. All comments and suggestions concerning the statement should be sent to the chairman of the committee, Vesta Lee Gordon, Special Collec­ tions Librarian, James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23220. Material to be deleted is enclosed in brack­ ets. Material to be added is underscored. 1. It is the responsibility of libraries, ar­ chives, or manuscript repositories to facili­ tate access to original collections by per­ mitting commercial publishing companies to reproduce, reprint, or otherwise pub­ lish certain collections in their [its] pos­ session, unless: a. the physical condition of the originals prohibits reproduction; b. there are legal restrictions which pro­ hibit or limit reproduction of the originals. 2. No repository shall be expected to repro­ duce a complete manuscript collection or archival record group. 3. The commercial publisher shall agree to the following conditions: a. Permission. (1 ) The publisher shall be responsible for compliance with all copyright and other legal requirements applicable to reproduction of the ma­ terial borrowed and will obtain (and will deliver to the repository [owning institution] a duplicate executed coun­ terpart of) all such consents, licenses, and other instruments as may be nec­ essary for such compliance. (2) The publisher shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the repository [owning institution], its officers and employees, any and all of them, against and from any liability, loss, cost or expense what­ soever, including attorney’s fees, which the repository [owning institution], its officers and employees, any and all of them, may at any time incur arising out of or relating to the reproduction of any of its manuscripts or other original material. b. Acknowledgment. The publisher shall cause the reproduction of any manu­ script collection or archival record group to show that it has been made from an original in the library of the owning repository [institution] in the form specified by the repository. c. Quality of Reproduction. The publish­ er shall cause his reproduction to be of a quality satisfactory to the repository [institution] from which he has bor­ rowed the originals. A hard copy re- production should meet current mini­ mal standards for binding and paper as formulated by the Library of Con­ gress and by the Resources and Tech­ nical Services Division, a division of the American Library Association, [and] If published on microfilm, the reproduc­ tions shall meet the minimum specifica- Continued on page 289 289 Draft Statement Continued from page 273 tions in Specifications for the Microfilm­ ing of Books and Pamphlets in the Li­ brary of Congress (Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, 1973) [standards for microfilming established by the Li­ brary of Congress], In addition, the fol­ lowing American national standards, published by the American National Standards Institute, shall be adhered to: 1. Specifications for Safety Photograph­ ic Film, ANSI PHL25-1974. 2. M ethylene Blue Method for Measur- ing Thiosulfate and Silver Densito­ metrie Method for Measuring Resi­ dual Chemicals in Films, Plates, and Papers, ANSI PH4.8-1971. 3. Specifications for 16mm and 35mm Silver Gelatin Microfilms for Reel Applications, ANSI PH5.3-1967 (R1973), 4. Practice for Storage of Processed Silver Gelatin Microfilm, ANSI PH5.4-1970. 5. Dimensions for 100-Foot Reels for Processed 16mm and 35mm Micro­ film, ANSI PH5.6-1968 (R 1974). 6. Microfiche of Documents, ANSI PH5,9-1975. 7. Microfilm Package Labeling, ANSI PH5.19-1975, 8. Practice for Inspection and Quality Control of First Generation Silver Halide Microfilm, ANSI PH5.23. 9. Operational Procedures for th e Pro­ duction of Microforms, ANSI PH5.- 24. [If the reproduction is published in book form, the publisher must use permanent paper (as defined by the Barrow Laboratories, Richmond, Vir­ ginia).] d. [e.] Reproduction. The owning re­ pository [institution] shall specify when and where the reproductions are to be made and the conditions under which they will be made. e. [d.] The Original. (1 ) The publisher will not permit original manuscripts or other archival materials to suffer phys­ ical damage while in his care. Should damage occur, all repairs are to be made by qualified conservators chosen [in accordance with guidelines estab­ lished] by the owning repository [insti­ tution] and at the expense of the pub­ lisher. (2 ) If the archival or manu­ script materials are damaged beyond repair, the publisher must return the materials to the owning repository and reimburse the owning repository [in­ stitution] at the value set by an inde­ pendent appraiser who is jointly se­ lected and therefore satisfactory to both the publisher and the owning reposi- tory [institution]. The publisher must pay the appraiser’s fee. f. Royalties. The owning repository [in­ stitution] shall receive from the pub­ lisher (1 ) an agreed royalty which has been established in advance by legal contract and (2 ) a sufficient number of copies of the publisher’s reproduc­ tion for the repository’s [institution’s] internal use. g. Restrictions. The publisher must re­ spect any restrictions placed upon re­ productions or copies of original manu­ scripts or archival materials furnished to him. h. Pricing, The publisher shall agree to market his reproductions using a non­ discriminating price structure. 4. a. Both the owning repository [institu­ tion] and the publisher must inform purchasers of reproductions that per­ mission to make extensive direct quo­ tations or to print any reproduction in full must be obtained from the owning repository [institution]. Every repro­ duction must bear a clear statement to this effect. b. Manuscripts must not be published without due regard for literary prop- erty rights (also known as common law rights), personal property rights, libel, and unwarranted invasions of privacy [common law rights, literary rights, property rights, and libel laws], ■■ Are You a Pilot? All pilot librarians interested in form­ ing an association of flying librarians (tentatively called PAL, Pilots Associa­ tion of Librarians), contact: David C. Genaway, Associate Dean of Libraries, John G. Crabbe Library, Eastern Ken­ tucky University, Richmond, KY 40475. Possible activities include fly-ins, spe­ cial dinners at conferences, etc. SOUTHEAST ASIA; Bibliographic Directions in a Complex Area by Paul Bixler Less is known about Southeast Asia than any other part of the world—no area is in greater need of clarification, understanding, and informative context. 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Träger, New York University. 96 pages 478 title entries 8½ x 11 Index Bibliographies Paperbound $4.75 MARITIME HISTORY A Basic Bibliography by Edward W. Sloan III (Reprinted from CHOICE, September 1972) Often dismissed as a haven for the antiquarian or armchair browser, maritime history is in fact a field distinguished by works of scholarly precision—and often by striking literary felicity. While unavoidably fragmented, it nonetheless has as its bond the fundamental, pervasive, and unending confrontation of man with the sea. Dr. Sloan demonstrates this by organizing his material under such subjects as American & British Maritime Activities; The Sea, Ships, and Ship­ building; Science and Navigation; War and the Merchant Marine; Privateering and Piracy; Whaling and Fishing; and many others. Dr. Sloan is Associate Professor of History at Trinity College, Hartford. 17 pages 379 title entries 8½ x 11 Bibliographies Paperbound $2.00