ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College No. 1. January 1970 Research Libraries N E W S ACRL News Issue (A) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 31, No. 1 Nominations Sought for ALA Awards All members of the American Library Asso ciation are urged to recommend candidates for the ALA awards, citations, and scholar ships presented for distinguished service to the profession, publication, study, and re search. Most of the 1970 awards will be made during the ALA Annual Conference in Detroit. The chairman of the 1969-70 Awards Com mittee is Spencer G. Shaw, of the Nassau Li brary System, Garden City, New York. Fol lowing is a list of awards which may be of particular interest to members of the Associa tion of College and Research Libraries, with names of persons to whom nominations should be sent: Beta Phi Mu Award. An annual award of $50 and a citation of achievement made to an individual for distinguished service to educa tion for librarianship. Only persons nominated by an ALA member are considered. The nom ination must be accompanied by a specific statement of the qualifications of the nominee. Donated by Beta Phi Mu. Administered by Li brary Education Division. Deadline for nomi nations, April 1, 1970. Send nominations to Jury Chairman Irving Lieberman, School of Librarianship, University of Washington, Seat tle 98105. John Cotton Dana Publicity Awards. An nual citations made to libraries or library or ganizations of all types submitting scrapbooks representing the year’s public relations pro gram. Donated by the H. W. Wilson Com pany. Administered jointly by the Public Rela tions Section of the ALA Library Administra tion Division and Wilson Library Bulletin. Deadline for entries, April 1, 1970; for scrap books, April 14, 1970. Send entries and scrap books to the John Cotton Dana Publicity Awards Contest, c/o Wilson Library Bulletin, 950 University Avenue, Bronx, New York 10452. Information available from Jury Chair man Samuel L. Simon, Long Beach Public Li brary, 111 W. Park Avenue, Long Beach, New York 11561. Exhibits Round Table Award. An annual award of $500 made to an individual or a group to aid or improve some particular aspect of librarianship or library service on the basis of need to the profession or in the operation of professional library associations. Donated and administered by Exhibits Round Table. Send applications to Jury Co-chairmen: Harry M. Rowe, Jr., Orange County Public Library, 431 S. Manchester, Orange, California 92668 or John Wall, Demco Library Service, Madi son, Wisconsin. 2 Library Buildings Award Program. A bi ennial citation and plaque presented for dis tinguished accomplishments in library archi tecture by an American architect. Awards are made in three classifications: school libraries (up to and including secondary schools), col lege and university libraries, and public li braries (including county and state). Donated and administered by American Institute of Architects, American Library Association, and National Book Committee. Deadline for entries to be determined. Application forms available from Library Administration Division at ALA Headquarters. Isadore Gilbert Mudge Citation. A cita tion to be given to a person who has made a distinguished contribution to reference librarianship: V oters’ time suggests how to preserve dem ocratic choice as TV costs escalate in presidential elec tion s. By a T w e n tie th C e ntury Fund Commission —Dean Burch, Thomas C. C o rcoran , A le xa n d e r Heard, Robert Price; Newton M inow ,chairm an. 70 pp. $1. Twentieth Century Fund, 41 East 70 Street, New York City 10021. ATTENTION COLLEGE LIBRARIANS! You expect more from M idwest Library Service … And you get it! For complete job be r services on U. S. titles, call us collect in St. Louis, Missouri— Area Code 3 I4, 845-3 100. M ID W EST LIBRARY SERVICE 11400 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, Missouri 63042 an imaginative and constructive pro gram in a particular library; the writing of a significant book or articles in the reference field; creative and inspirational teaching of reference service; or other noteworthy activities which stimulate reference librarians to more distinguished performance. Donated and ad ministered by the Reference Services Division. Deadline for nominations, March 15, 1970. Send nominations to Jury Chairman Ruth Er landson, Ohio State University Library, Colum bus, Ohio 43210. Eunice Rockwell Oberly Memorial Award. A citation and a cash award presented biennially in odd-numbered years to the Amer ican citizen who compiles the best bibliography in the field of agriculture or one of the re lated sciences in the two-year period preced ing the year in which the award is made. Do nated by colleagues of Eunice Rockwell Ober ly. Administered by Agricultural and Bio logical Sciences Subsection, Association of Col lege and Research Libraries. Deadline for nom inations, March 15, 1971. Chairman to be ap pointed. Send nominations to staff Raison, Don ald Thomas, ACRL Executive Secretary, ALA Headquarters, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611. Herbert Putnam Honor Fund. An award of $500 presented at intervals as a grant-in- aid to an American librarian of outstanding ability for travel, writing, or other use that might improve his or her service to the library profession or to society. Donated by friends and associates of Dr. Herbert Putnam. Admin istered by ALA Awards Committee. Send nom inations to Jury Chairman Spencer G. Shaw, Nassau Library System, Lower Concourse, Roosevelt Field, Garden City, New York 11530. The ALA Awards Committee is responsible for recommendations on all pohcies relating to awards made or sponsored by ALA. The com mittee reviews periodically the appropriateness of existing awards; recommends modification, elimination, or suspension of existing awards; and makes recommendations on all new awards proposed. The committee coordinates the work of juries appointed to select recipients of gen eral ALA awards, arranges for the presenta tion of these awards, and coordinates the awards programs of the various ALA divisions. In addition to Shaw, the chairman, committee members are Sister Lauretta McCusker, OP (1970); Carlton C. Rochell (1970); Marian Sanner (1970); Mrs. Virginia G. Young (1970); Robert F. Delzell (1971); and Ray mond W. Frantz, Jr. (1970). ALA staff Raison is Mrs. Judith F. Krug, director of the Office for Intellectual Freedom.