ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 526 / C irR L News THED DAIEALSI CSSF Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.25 per line for ACRL members, $6.60 for others. Late job notices are $12.60 per line for members, $14.70 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $15 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE People Counters. For information: 1-800-441 -BOOK; library direc­ tor designed and markets accurate electronic device that will count the people that enter your library with invisible beam; usable any­ where, portable or permanently; $229 includes shipping. Full war­ ranty for one year, Laser Counters, 120 West Walnut St., Blytheville, AR 72315. (501) 762-2431. Over 500 sold U.S. and Canada. MATERIALS WANTED Space Problems? We will buy your surplus serials, technical, scien­ tific and historic materials. Send list for best offer to; Colfax Books, P.O. Box 380542, Denver, CO 80238. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS/GIFTS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities include co­ ordinating the processing and selection of gifts, monitoring approval plans. Should have a thorough knowledge of books and book trade. Must have a working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Salary guide Listed below are the minimum starting salary figures recommended by 16 state library orga­ nizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should con­ sider these recommended mimumums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1988, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Adm in­ istrative Compensation Survey) when evaluat­ ing professional vacancies. For more informa­ tion, c o n ta c t the A LA O ffice fo r L ib ra ry Personnel Services. Connecticut $22,200 Indiana varies* Iowa $18,792 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $20,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554 New Hampshire $17,500 New Jersey $22,000 New York varies* North Carolina $20,832 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $20,000 Rhode Island $20,000 Vermont $19,000 West Virginia $20,000 Wisconsin $23,700 *Rather than establish one statewide salary m ini­ mum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as com parable salaries for pu b lic school teachers in each com m unity or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you m ay wish to contact the state association for minim um salary information. Excellent fringe benefits. Minimum salary $24,000-$26,000. Send resume by July 6 to: James DeLancey, Georgetown University Li­ brary, P.O. Box 37445, Washington, DC 20013. G.U. is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution in employment. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Ruth A. Haas Library, anticipated full-time, tenure-track library faculty position. Includes budgeting, materials purchasing and coordinating purchase requests, and training and supervision of acquisitions staff. Participates in liaison and bibliographic instruction programs. Reports to the Director of Li­ brary Services. Minimum Qualification: ALA-accredited MLS. Expe­ rience with OCLC automated acquisitions systems and two years ac­ quisitions experience in an academic library are preferred. 1989-90 annual sa la ry ra n g e at th e rank o f A ssista n t L ib ra ria n is $28,000-$39,284. Send resume with cover letter and names of three references to: John Barton, Chair, Library Faculty Search Committee, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT 06810. Deadline is June 19, 1989, or until a suitable candidate is identified. W.C.S.U. is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Em­ ployer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SER­ VICES. Montgomery College, a comprehensive community college with campuses at Germantown, Rockville and Takoma Park, Mary­ land, is seeking applicants for the position of Assistant Director of Ed- June 1989 / 527 ucatioπal Support Services for the Germantown Campus. This posi­ tion reports directly to the College Director of Educational Support Services and is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the Germantown Campus' Educational Support Services unit, including library and educational media resources and services and other re­ lated areas. Responsibilities also include planning, managing, and evaluating the resources, services, programs, facilities, budget and personnel of the campus unit. A Master's degree in library science or educational media is required. At least three years of progressively responsible managerial experience in a library/learning resources environment is also required. Community college/higher education library and/or learning resources administration experience is de­ sired. Knowledge of the application and use of automated library ser­ vices, alternative learning strategies and educational technology support systems is also desired. The starting salary range for this po­ sition is $42,973 to $53,726. Benefits are excellent. Resumes must be received in the Personnel Office no later than June 26, 1989. Send resume with above position title noted to: Personnel Office, Montgomery College, 900 H ungerford Drive, Rockville, MD 20850. An EO/AA/Title IX Employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR ADMINISTRA­ TIVE SERVICES. Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Director of Libraries responsible for the effective management of facilities and Personnel resources. Assist Director in planning, imple­ menting, and monitoring the Library's budget. Directs all activities associated with personnel management and staff development. Re­ sponsible for the maintenance of physical facilities and the security of patrons, staff, and materials. Participates in the overall management, policy formulation, and planning for the Libraries. Requirements: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science. Second Master’s or higher degree required. Minimum of five years experience in an aca­ demic library with increasing administrative responsibility. Proven record of successful management and motivation of personnel. Commitment to team management in a dynamic organizational envi­ ronment. A record of professional involvement on the state and na­ tional level. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Salary: Range $31,000-$43,500 for a 12-month appointment. Application: Applications received by July 15,1989, will be given first consider­ ation. Position available August 1, 1989. Send letter of application, resume, a one page statement of leadership philosophy, and names of three references to: E. Dale Cluff, Director of Libraries, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. General Information: The State of Texas pays 88% of the employee portion of Social Secu­ rity for the first $16,500 of salary; choice of optional retirement pro­ grams including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income tax. Texas Tech, one of five comprehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollment of 24,000 students. It is located in Lubbock, Texas, a cul­ tural, commercial, educational, and medical center for the area with a metropolitan population of 225,000. The library has 1.1 million vol­ umes and total budget of over $4 million. Planning for an online cata­ log is underway. For information about preliminary interviews at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas, contact E. Dale Cluff at (806) 742-2261. Texas Tech is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR AUTOMATION SERVICES. A member of the library’s senior management staff, with broad respon­ sibility for planning, procurement, implementation, and subsequent operation of a major integrated library automation system to serve the University’s new Center for Information and Technology, a $20 million regional information center scheduled to open in mid-1992. Incumbent will provide leadership in the development of strategies and processes to assure the effective application of automation and advanced information technologies to library programs and ser­ vices. ALA-accredited MLS, minimum of 1 year professional experi­ ence involving library automation or information systems technolo­ gies, minimum of 1 year successful management/supervisory experience. Salary range: $40,000-$42,000. For complete job de­ scription, minimum qualifications, and application procedure call: Gonzaga University's Personnel Department; (509) 484-6096. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. Re­ sponsibilities: Original cataloging, revision of selected member cata­ loging records for titles in English and other Western European lan­ guages on RLIN, using AACR2, LCSH and LC Classification. Original cataloging for monographic state documents. Supervises OCLC Microcon retrospective conversion project. Performs Com­ mittee duties and other responsibilities expected of faculty members in tenure-track positions. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Two years professional experience in cataloging on a biblio­ graphic utility (RLIN or OCLC preferred) using AACR2. Knowledge of at least one Western European language in addition to English. Preferred: Some experience with retrospective conversion. Knowl­ edge of Chinese and/or Hebrew. Salary and Rank Commensurate with education and experience; minimum salary $21,600. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries, Room 139, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Wash­ ington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Letters of application and resumes will be reviewed starting June 30,1989. Please include a list of three persons with addresses whom we can contact for refer­ ences. The University at Albany, State University of New York is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, and/or special dis­ abled or Vietnam Era Veterans are especially welcome. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Temple University Libraries. Reporting to the Head of Bibliographic Services, incumbent participates in cata­ loging the resources of the Library. Primary responsibilities include provision of original and adaptive bibliographic records for print and non-print materials in a wide range of languages and formats (ex­ cluding serials). Additional duties include authority work; solving cat­ aloging conflicts and problems; documentation and implementation of policies and procedures, and participation in departmental policy­ making, automation planning and implementation. Assists in plan­ ning for library-wide services through participating in committees and task forces. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program; some professional cataloging experience in a large academic or re­ search library is highly desirable. Knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, USMARC formats, and RLIN or equivalent national bibliographic network. Familiarity with online integrated systems is preferred. Knowledge of Italian, and reading knowledge of Middle Eastern languages, preferably Arabic and/or Hebrew. Effective communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. Salary: Minimum: $20,000, depending on qualifications and experience; 10-month appointment. An additional month may be required for an added 10% of annual salary. Liberal fringe benefits include health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; TIAA-CREF. Send letter addressing all qualifications stated above, resume, and names of 3 references to: Cornelia Tucker, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Ad­ ministrative Services Department, Paley Library 017-00, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Review of applications to begin on June 30,1989, and will continue until position is filled. An AA/EO employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Tennessee Technological University. Re­ sponsible to the Coordinator of the Bibliographic Control Division. Appointment: Position is permanent, tenure leading, with faculty sta­ tus and rank. Appointment rank will be Instructor. Librarians are ex­ pected to meet tenure and promotion requirements of the Library A d v e rtis e r index Academic Book C e n te r.................... cover 3 Association of Research Libraries ....... 479 Ballen........................................................ 508 Book H ouse.............................................. 514 Bowker A & l .............................................. 486 Bowker Electronic Publishing ................ 511 Chadwyck-H ealey................................... 453 Data Research ....................................... 506 D isclo su re ................................................ 517 Eastern Book Co...................................... 520 EBS Books .............................................. 472 Faxon ...................................................... 522 Gale Research ....................................... 495 Omnigraphics ................................... cover 4 OCLC ...................................................... 463 K.G. S aur........................................... cover 2 Spires Consortium................................... 524 H.W. W ilson.............................................. 519 528 / C & E L N ew s faculty. Conditions are: 12-month contract, 24 days annual leave, 11 University holidays, 12 sick days, health/life insurance package with 80 percent paid by university, retirement program choice of either TIAA/CREF or State system. Both are paid entirely by the University (annual rate is approxim ately 10 percent of salary), better than aver age funding and support fo r professional development. Salary i minimally $18,800, more depending on experience. Responsibili ties: Doing original cataloging and editing OCLC mem ber-input rec ords primarily of monographs and serials, but possibly other formats as well; creating and maintaining records for holdings in online p ub lic catalog and authority files; checking physical processing and manual records for cataloged serials and add copies; and perform ing some information-desk service (possibly nights and weekends). Some responsibilities may change as a result of library automation. Qualifications: Master's degree from a program accredited by ALA, know ledge of LC classification and subject headings, knowledge of AACR-2 revised, ability to use OCLC for most formats, knowledge of MARC record formats, know ledge of LC authority records, proficient written and oral comm unications skills, ability to provide reference service, and ability to w ork cooperatively and collegially with library staff and other university personnel and students. University: Ten nessee Technological U niversity is a state-supported institution within the state University and Com m unity College System of Ten nessee. Tech has approxim ately 7,000 full-time students and 350 full-time faculty. The library has 15 library faculty and 18 support ­ s ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ staff. The library will begin implementation of the ATLAS system of Data Research Associates in April 1989, and will occupy a new build­ ing in June 1989. Application Procedure: The position is now open and will be filled as quickly as possible. Screening of applicants will begin July 1,1989. Position will remain open until filled. To apply you must send: letter of application, resume, transcripts for all college credits (unofficial copies of transcripts are acceptable for initial appli­ cation), and 3 current letters of reference to: Cataloger Search Com ­ mittee, Tennessee Technological University, Library, Box 5066, Cookeville, TN 38505. Minorities are encouraged to apply and to identify themselves for affirmative action programs. AA/EEO Em­ ployer. CATALOGER/TECHNICAL SERVICES. W ashington C ollege seeks a cataloger for original and OCLC cataloging, and, in collabo­ ration with the Technical Services Librarian, to be responsible for Cataloging Department operations, periodicals and government documents. Excellent opportunity for professional grow th in all areas of library work including automation and building projects. Some ref­ e re n c e d u ty on ro ta tin g s c h e d u le . R e q u ire M LS fro m A LA- accredited school; knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, USMARC, OCLC; working knowledge of French/German/Spanish. Previous cataloging experience preferred. Salary $19,000 plus ben­ efits. Position is for one year with possibility of reappointm ent contin- πfint nr›nn f u r t h e r o • T * fundinπ ⅛» Washin V α ton Colleα « e. ■ founded in 1782. is ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PRESERVATION Harvard University Malloy-Rab¡nowitz Preservation Librarian in the Harvard University Library. As a senior officer (equiva­ lent to an Assistant University Librarian) reporting to the Director of the Harvard University Library, provides University-wide leadership in the developm ent and expansion of preservation activities and coordinates extensive University-wide preservation efforts. The Preservation Librarian represents the Harvard Univer­ sity Library at relevant conferences and meetings, and is expected to participate actively in the preservation field with preservation agencies, organizations, national programs, and other research libraries. May supervise the developm ent and m anagem ent of a processing center. W orks closely with the Assis­ tant Director for External Affairs to prepare proposals to federal and private agencies to develop resources in support of preservation programs. The Harvard University Library, founded in 1638, is the oldest library in the United States and the largest university library in the world. This decentralized system of nearly one hundred individual library units is coordinated through the Office of the Director. The major libraries include those under eight faculties, with the Harvard College Library in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences being the largest. The University Library holdings exceed eleven million volumes, and the total annual budget is over $40 million. The Harvard University Library is a Charter Sponsor of the Commission on Preservation and Access. Over the past decade, Harvard has received more than $2.5 million for preservation program s from the U.S. Departm ent of Education Research Library Resources Program (Title ll-C). In Fiscal Year 1988, ap­ proxim ately $2.2 million was spent University-wide for preservation from university and private sources. An application has been submitted for a m ajor NEH grant to support new and ongoing preservation activities in addition to private funding. Qualifications: Significant professional library experience in preservation, including an intimate knowl­ edge of technological and administrative solutions to preservation problems, familiarity with conservation issues, physical treatm ent of library materials, and current directions in the preservation and conservation fields; dem onstrated organizational ability with strong interpersonal skills; capacity to w ork within a com ­ plex organizational structure to direct large-scale preservation projects involving many independent library units. Experience with grant proposals and knowledge of collection developm ent issues highly desirable. Salary: com m ensurate with qualifications (range from $45,000). Applications will be accepted until June 1 5 ,1 9 8 9 . The position will be available on July 1, 1989. Send resume to: Malcolm C. Hamilton University Personnel Librarian Harvard University Library Wadsworth House Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard University is an equal employm ent opportunity, affirmative action employer. June 1989 / 529 located on Maryland’s historic Eastern Shore. Attractive modern li­ brary with congenial staff of 10. Send a letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three current ref­ erences to: William J. Tubbs, Librarian, Miller Library, Washington College, Chestertown, MD 21620. We will begin reviewing applica­ tions after June 25th. AA/EEO employer. CHEMISTRY-MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN, the University of Oklahoma, library faculty vacancy. Duties: Under the direction of the Head of Branch Libraries, the Chemistry-Mathematics Librarian su­ pervises the Chemistry-Mathematics Branch Library including the review, development and implementation of programs and services; the hiring, training, supervision and evaluation of staff; the provision of reference service including database searching; the maintenance and circulation of library materials; the selection, weeding, and eval­ uation of the collection; and the provision of orientation and library instruction. The Chemistry-Mathematics Librarian serves as liaison between the University Libraries and the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Mathematics, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; familiarity with bibliographic control and subject litera­ ture of a science discipline; knowledge of database searching and library instruction concepts and methods. Previous experience in an academic, special library, or equivalent; evidence of research and publication. Desirable: Undergraduate or advanced degree in a subject-related field and strong interpersonal and communications skills; supervisory experience. Deadline for Applications: July 15, 1989. Available: August 1, 1989. Salary: $28,966 minimum. Bene­ fits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; comprehensive medical protection; 21 days vacation; University holidays; generous sick leave. University Libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group and ARL, the University Library consists of a main library and six branches. The collections contain more than 2.2 million volumes, 17,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special col­ lections in history of science, western history, and business history. A major expansion of the main library was completed in May 1982, doubling the size of library facilities. The Libraries operates an LS2 automated circulation system and is currently developing the NOTIS library system. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privi­ leges, responsibilities, rank of assistant professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume and the names of three references including current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Manager, Administrative Services, University Li­ braries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019. University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. Full-time probation­ ary, tenure-track, assistant professor to provide leadership in collec­ tion development and maintenance activities. Develop and imple­ ment collection development and evaluation strategies; work with librarians and instructional faculty to oversee collection develop­ ment; write collection evaluation reports as required. This public ser­ vice position reporting to the Dean, may have other duties assigned depending on the skills and background of the incumbent. ALA- approved Master's and three years experience in a compatible li­ brary (preferably in collection development) required. Leadership and good communication skills essential. Preference will be given to those who demonstrate collection development experience, online systems experience, possess a subject master's, and who demon­ strate other transferable library skills. Salary to $35,000 for 185 days per year. Applications from minorities are encouraged. Memorial Li­ brary is home to MSUS/PALS, an integrated online library system containing over 1.5 million records, now serving 44 public and pri­ vate academic libraries in Minnesota and North Dakota. Applications must be postmarked by July 3,1989. Preliminary interviews may be conducted in Dallas. Appointment will be made in September of 1989. A pply to: Thomas M. Peischl, Dean of the Library, Mankato State University, MSU Box 19, P.O. Box 8400, Mankato, MN 56002-8400. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. University of Arkan­ sas at Little Rock, Ottenheimer Library: Responsible for selection, analysis and balance of the university library’s collections; works closely with faculty m em bers in all departm ents, colleges and schools; prepares reports on library support for courses and pro­ grams offered by the institution; prepares grant proposals; works closely with professional as well as clerical staff of library; recom­ mends annual distribution of materials money to library administra­ tion. Reports to the Assistant Director for Instructional and Public Ser­ vices. Requirements: ALA-MLS; 2d Master's desirable; three years DIRECTOR Drexel University Library Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of University Library. The Direc­ tor reports to the Senior Vice President for Aca­ dem ic Affairs and is a m ember of the Academ ic Council. He/she has responsibility for library ser­ vices including long-range planning; formulation and implementation of goals and policies; manage­ ment of facilities, collections and budgets; selection and implementation of a computerized, integrated library system; representing the Library to constitu­ encies on and off campus, including solicitation of external funding. The University plans to establish an Information Resource Management Program. The Director of the Library will have a major role in the development of this program. Drexel University is the Premier CO-OPerative Technological University. It has 7 colleges, 12,000 students and 450 faculty members. Accredited pro­ grams are offered at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels. The College of Information Studies provides a nationally recognized resource for collaborative activities with the Library. The W.W. Hagerty Library has approximately 470,000 volumes plus microforms, AV, government docu­ ments, technical reports, and standards. The staff of 57 includes 20 professionals; current budget is $2.2 million. Qualifications: Master's degree in library science form ALA-accredited school preferred (other ad­ vanced degrees desirable); a strong commitment to excellent library services; minimum five years of senior managerial experience in academ ic, re­ search or special libraries; demonstrated leader­ ship; working knowledge of new com puter technol­ ogies a p p licab le to libraries; a com m itm ent to innovative approaches to expand access to materi­ als; effective oral and written communications skills. Position is available upon the retirement of the current Director, 30 June 1989. Salary is competi­ tive with a 12-month contract, and a com prehen­ sive benefit program including TIAA/CREF. The Committee will begin reviewing nominations and applications on June 15, 1989. Address: Wayne E. Magee, Chair Director of Libraries Search Committee Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Drexel University 32nd and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, PA 19104 Drexel University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer, and invites applications from female and minority candi­ dates. 530 / Cò-RL News library experience preferred; excellent oral and written communica­ tions skills; demonstrated ability to establish beneficial relationships with faculty, co-workers, patrons and donors in an academic envi­ ronment. Salary: dependent upon experience and qualifications w ith ' $23,000 minimum for 12-month appointment. Faculty rank and ten­ ure eligibility; benefits include TIAA-CREF. Position available August 1,1989. Deadline for nominations and applications is June 15,1989. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of 3 ref­ erences to: Kathy Sanders, Chair, Search Committee, University of Arkansas, Ottenheimer Library, 2801 S. University, Little Rock, AR 72204. Applications will be subject to inspection under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities and women. COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES/HEAD REFERENCE LI­ BRARIAN. The University of the South seeks a creative, energetic, people-oriented librarian to coordinate and supervise Reference, Circulation, Interlibrary Loans, Archives and Special Collections, and Non-Print Services in duPont Library. Reports to University Li­ brarian and serves on Library Administrative Cabinet. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; five years professional academic library expe- Slavic Serials Cataloger Stanford university Libraries We are looking for someone to join the Serials Department who is self-motivated, welcomes professional growth, is challenged by a broad variety of responsibilities, enjoys being part of a large academic library community and has strong interpersonal skills. QUALIFICATIONS: B.S. in Slavic Studies and MLS or equiva­ lent; demonstrated working knowledge of Russian; under­ standing of Slavic and East European bibliography; under­ standing of and experience with MARC tags, LC subject headings and classification numbersŝ DUTIES: Coordinates and performs original cataloging of Slavic and East European language serial materials; has indirect supervisory responsibility for other Slavic serials acquisition and cataloging staff; serves as liaison with the Slavic Curator’s Office; catalogs in a wide variety of lan­ guages, subjects and formats. Assistant/Associate Librarian with initial salary within range of $27, 000 - $41,400 depending upon qualifications and experi­ ence. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 professional references by July 21,1989 to Irene Yeh, 906- CRL, Acting Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. EEO/AAE. Full Vacancy Listing available on request. STANFORD UNIVERSITY June 1989 / 531 r¡eπce with significant reference service; three years progressively enceand qualifications, minimum $24,000. Contact: Imre Meszaros, Director of Library, Villa Julie College, Stevenson, MD 21153; (301)486-7000. .... ................................ DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, Head of Department, New Mexico State University. NMSU enrolls over 14,000 students in 70 major un- dergraduate areas, 42 master's degrees and 19 doctoral degree programs. In its 101st year, NMSU is the land grant institution for New Mexico. Located in southern New Mexico on the high desert in citV of '-as Cruces, NMSU is 40 miles from El Paso, Texas, at the southern e⅜ e of the Rocky Mountains. The area enjoys abundant sunshine, moderate temperatures, yet is within easy driving distance of alpine areas that include excellent skiing and winter sports. The Documents Librarian hired will be a service-oriented, energetic, imaginative librarian who manages a depository of hundreds of thou- sands of Federal documents, is talented in automation and CD-ROM applications, and is a creative and sensitive supervisor of two sup- port staff and several student assistants. The NMSU Library is in the initial stages of an $11 m illio n expansion, is highly automated utilizing VTLS, INNOVACQ, DIALOG, and has an expanding CD-ROM oper- at¡on. The ideal candidate for this position will have a Master s de­ responsible supervisory experience in libraries; demonstrated ability to work effectively with patrons and staff; excellent interpersonal skills; ability to plan, develop, and implement effective public ser- vices program. Preferred: second graduate degree; experience with computer technology related to library services. Position available: July 1, 1989. Salary Range: $25,0 0 0 -$ 3 1,900; excellent benefits; applications received by June 30 will receive first consideration, Send letter of application, resume, and three references to: David Kearley, University Librarian, University of the South, Sewanee, TN 37375. EOE. Minorities are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES AND CAT A- LOG ER for rapidly d e v e lo p in g small college library. Responsible for developing plan for automation and original cataloging, supervision of technical services. Participate in collection development and de- livery of information services including bibliographic instruction and online database search. Requirements: MLS from ALA-approved in- stitution, experience in LC cataloging and reference work, knowl- edgeof AACR2 rules and OCLC. Academic background in business or law, online searching experience. Salary: Dependent on experi- ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Miami University Information & Research Services. As a member of library management working directly with the Dean and University Librarian, the Assistant University Librarian for Information & Research Services will provide leadership for the formulation and implementation of evolving public service programs to meet the curricu­ lar and research needs of the users of the Miami University Libraries. The incumbent will have responsibility for Science, Music, and the Art & Architecture Libraries; the Peabody Reading room; and the Government Documents and the Humanities and Social Science Departments in King Library. The Assistant University Librarian will represent the Miami Libraries at professional activities on local, state, and national levels. The Ohio Board of Regents has recently adopted a planning document on interinstitutional cooperation calling for a state-wide sharing of resources and cooperative storage; a state-wide online catalog project is cur­ rently being explored. Qualifications: An ALA MLS; significant experience (at least 5 years in increasingly responsible library positions that included supervision) in public service positions in a large academic library; knowledge of and interest in library automation applications to reference and research services; evidence of effective and innovative accomplishments; strong interpersonal skills; comprehensive knowledge of organizational de­ velopment, communication processes and planning; active participation in library organizations as demon­ stration of intellectual leadership and professional expertise; ability to work effectively within an environ­ ment of interaction and consultation with teaching faculty and library colleagues; capacity to lead and manage change; familiarity with the current body of professional library/information theory and practice; effective skills in written and oral communication. Additional advanced degree desirable. The Miami University Libraries contain over 1.4 million volumes, have an extensive collection of govern­ ment documents and microforms, and subscribe to over 12,000 serials. They serve 800 teaching and re­ search faculty, 15,000 undergraduates and 1,000 graduate students. The library has 34 professional librar­ ians and 55 support staff. Miami University is a highly selective institution, located in Oxford, Ohio, 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Benefits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical, disability, dental and term life insurances all paid by the University. Public employees retirement system. Salary level begins at $40,000 based on experi­ ence and qualifications. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, telephone numbers and addresses of three profes­ sional references to: Judith A. Sessions Dean and University Librarian Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 Preliminary screening of applications will begin July 5, 1989. Position will remain open until a candidate is appointed. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer. 532 / C irR L N ew s gree in Library Science from an accredited ALA institution plus a subject Master’s. At least three years of experience in a documents situation will enable the Library to offer a salary of at least $25,000. Automation and supervisory experience are expected. A faculty po­ sition, the individual employed will be expected to fulfill the usual re­ quirements for promotion and tenure. Attractive fringe benefit pack­ age with twenty-two days of annual leave. If you are interested in a challenging position in a most attractive location, please submit your application with the names and addresses of three references by July 15,1989, to: Karen Stabler, Head of Information Services, New Mexico State University Library, Box 30006, Las Cruces, NM 88003. Initial interview could take place at ALA, Dallas. Position will remain open until filled. N MSU is an equal opportunity employer with an affirmat¡ve-action plan. Women, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and Vietnam veterans are encouraged to apply. EDUCATION CATALOG LIBRARIAN for monographs in Library of Congress classification schedules L, B, Q, and Z using OCLC and NOTIS. Twelve-month, tenure-track, faculty appointment with a mini­ mum salary of $20,000. Requires undergraduate degree in educa­ tion or a behavioral science; MLS from ALA-accredited program; knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, OCLC or similar util­ ity; ability to meet requirements for promotion. Cataloging experi­ ence in an automated library preferred. Submit letter of application, vita, and names of three references to: Office of Academic Affairs, Education Catalog Librarian Search, Western Kentucky Univer­ sity, Bowling Green, KY 42101, by August 1,1989. Women and mi­ norities are encouraged to apply. An affirmative action, equal oppor­ tunity employer. DIRECTOR Science Research Libraries Rutgers University Libraries invite applications and nominations for the position of Director, Sci­ ence Research Libraries. The Science Research Li­ braries comprise the Library of Science and Medi­ cine, w hich s u p p o rts p ro g ra m s in b io lo g y , psychology, pharmacy, medicine, an engineering, and six subject library units located on the Busch and Cook campuses. The collections number over 450,000 volumes and 5,000 journal subscriptions; there are 45 librarians and support staff. The Direc­ tor is responsible for the leadership and manage­ ment of the science libraries, including planning and administration of library programs. The Direc­ tor will act as liaison to science faculty an students, coordinate science libraries’ activities with sys­ temwide programs and represent the science li­ braries and library system as a whole. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited library school (advanced science degree preferred). Aca­ demic scientific/medical libraries experience with m inim um five years adm inistrative experience. Should be eligible for tenured librarian status. Salary: Negotiable, dependent upon experience and qualifications; minimum $50,000. Please send nominations and applications no later than July 14,1989, to: Sandra Troy (APP. 150) Library Personnel Officer Rutgers University Libraries 169 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08903 EO/AA Employer. ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Science and Engineering Library. The University of Virginia. Under the supervision of the Di­ rector of the Science and Engineering Library, organizes, manages, and coordinates electronic information services, including distrib­ uted and decentralized services for a number of science depart­ ments. Assumes a proactive role in evaluating and implementing new electronic systems and products; in developing information ser­ vices through technology such as computers, CD-ROM’s and video­ disks. Provides reference service and instruction in the use of index­ ing and abstracting systems and other new technology. Carries out surveys of user needs. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school or master’s degree in computing or infor­ mation sciences; knowledge of and experience with computer appli­ cations and with technologies such as CD-ROM’s and videodisks; ability to organize and manage electronic information services and instruct users; ability to work and communicate effectively with fac­ ulty, students, and staff; knowledge of traditional library and informa­ tion sources in the fields of science and engineering. Preferred Quali­ fications: Library experience. Benefits: General faculty status, 22 days vacation, generous sick leave, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, state and TIAA/CREF retirement plans, research leave. Salary; $24,000 or higher, depending on qualifications. Applications received before July 14 will be given first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three refer­ ences to: Gail Oltmanns, Personnel Director, Alderman Library, Uni­ versity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2498. An equal op­ portunity, affirmative action employer. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, Head of Special Ser vices, (Revision of ad for Head of Government Documents). Oregon State University, a land and sea grant university, has 15,000 stu­ dents in 12 schools and colleges. Offers programs at the undergrad­ uate through the doctoral degree. The Libraries consist of a main col­ lection of over one million volumes and one branch (the Hatfield Marine Science Center Library), and are currently installing an inte­ grated online system. The staff includes 35 faculty and 54 classified. 12-month appointment with 22 days vacation and excellent fringe benefits. The candidate hired with a second master’s degree will be appointed on tenure track with faculty rank and status as Assistant Professor; those hired without a second master’s degree will be ap­ pointed on a fixed term appointment as Instructor during which time they will be expected to complete a second master’s. The second master’s degree is required for tenure. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; 2 -3 years experi­ ence in government documents; 2 years supervisory experience, experience in planning, organization, and management; demon­ strated ability working comparatively in a demanding and changing environment, communicate effectively; demonstrated user-oriented philosophy and flexibility; potential for continuing professional growth and scholarly accomplishment. Strongly Preferred: Second master’s degree in subject area. Preferred: Experience in CD-ROM and online database searching; background and interest in biblio­ graphic instruction; research and publication record. Responsibili­ ties: Reports to Assistant Director for Research and Reference. Divi­ sion Head level position includes supervision of Documents, Maps and Microforms. Will have responsibility for administration of the documents collection including selection, maintenance and control of a large selective depository collection; provides reference and in­ formation services in Government Documents and Microform Units; plans conversion of records to an online system, assists with library orientation and bibliographic instruction; supervises the Map Librar­ ian and 3.5 FTE support staff; participates in scholarly activities, serves on library and University committees. Salary: Minimum: $30,000 with second master's degree or $29,000 with single mas­ ter’s degree. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Barbara Thornburg, Oregon State University, Kerr Library 121, Corvallis, OR 97321-4501. Closing date: July 1, 1989. Consideration of cre­ dentials will begin immediately and will continue until position is filled. OSU is an EEO/AA employer and has a policy of being responsive to needs of dual-career couples. Minority applicants are encouraged to apply and to identify themselves for affirmative action purposes. HEAD, ACQUISITIONS. Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Associate Director of Libraries for Information Access and Systems responsible for all activities associated with acquiring books, periodi­ cals and other materials, regardless of format. Directs the operation of Order/Verification, Receiving, Serial Maintenance, and Current Periodicals and Microforms. Administers a materials budget of $1.7 June 1989 / 533 million. Member of the Library’s Administrative Council. Require­ ments: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science. Second Master’s degree desirable. Five years specifically related, progressively re­ sponsible professional experience that includes knowledge of mate­ rials sources and acquisitions procedures. Ability to manage and motivate a staff of 12.5 FTE. Excellent oral and written communica­ tion skills. Commitment to team management in a dynamic organiza­ tional environment. A record of professional involvement. Salary: Range $27,000-$38,000 for a 12-month appointment. Application: Applications received by July 15,1989, will be given first consider­ ation. Position available immediately. Send letter of application, re­ sume, a one page statement of management philosophy, and names of three references to: E. Dale Cluff, Director of Libraries, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. General Infor­ mation: The State of Texas pays 88% of the employee portion of So­ cial Security for the first $16,500 of salary; choice of optional retire­ ment programs including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income tax. Texas Tech, one of five comprehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollment of 24,000 students. It is located in Lubbock, Texas, a cultural, commercial, educational, and medical center for the area with a metropolitan population of 225,000. The library has 1.1 million volumes and total budget of over $4 million. Planning for an online catalog is underway. For information about preliminary in­ terviews at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas, contact E. Dale Cluff at (806) 742-2261. Texas Tech is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, CATALOG SERVICES SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHER, Control Department, Technical and Automated Services. The Head of Catalog Services is responsible for the catalog Ynaintenance func­ tions of the Rutgers Libraries system, including maintenance of machine-readable records via Geac and RLIN, and of central shelf- lists. This person will play a key role in closing card catalogs and will be involved in the planning and implementation of online authority control. Catalog Services is also responsible for recataloging, relo­ cating, transferring, reinstating and withdrawing of library materials for the 18 libraries in the Libraries system. Supervises 7 FTE support staff and 5 FTE students. Reviews the section's organization struc­ ture, staffing and skills and recommends changes that could im­ prove its effectiveness. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Minimum 3 years supervisory experience with em­ phasis on technical services. Knowledge of MARC formats and na­ tional bibliographic standards. Experience with database mainte­ nance, library autom ation and b ib lio g ra p h ic utilities. Proven leadership ability with staff and in issues of bibliographic access. Knowledge of online authority control highly desirable. Salary: Ne­ gotiable, dependent upon experience and qualifications; minimum of $30,705 for a 12-month appointment. Profile: Rutgers has em­ barked upon a campaign for excellence strongly supported by the state legislature, and has gained significant new support for library materials and buildings. The University is a member of the Research Libraries Group. A Geac online public catalog, to be opened in Sum­ mer 1989, will be integrated into a campus network. The libraries are investigating new ways of providing electronic information services to the Rutgers research and student community in an environment of change and growth. Submit resumes and three sources for current references no later than: July 14,1989, to: Sandra Troy (APP. 149), Library Personnel Officer, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 Col­ lege Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An Equal Opportunity, Af­ firmative Action Employer. We would be pleased to meet potential candidates at ALA Conference in June. HEAD, COPY CATALOGING SECTION (Search Extended). The Head of the Copy Cataloging Section is a faculty librarian responsi­ ble for the daily management and supervision of monographic copy cataloging in the Catalog Department under the direction of the Head, Catalog Department. The Copy Cataloging Section handles both titles with Library of Congress copy and most OCLC member copy. In addition, the cataloging of most University of Pittsburgh Ph.D. dissertations and Masters’ theses is performed in this Section. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school program or recognized equivalent, three years experience in technical ser­ vices including demonstrated competency in original cataloging and classification. Ability to work with at least two modern European languages is essential. Supervisory experience required as is a strong interest in work in an academic research library. Working knowledge of a major bibliographic utility and local automated sys­ tems desirable. Must have strong interpersonal, oral and written communication skills, and be able to work with diverse groups in an ever changing automated environment. Salary and rank of appoint­ ment as a faculty librarian commensurate with qualifications. Appli­ cations must be received no later than July 15,1989. Apply in writ­ ing, including a resume and three letters of reference, to: Secretary, Search Committee, (Head, Copy Cataloging Section), 271 Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. The Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity em­ ployer. Minorities are actively sought. HEAD, INFORMATION ACCESS SERVICES Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. The University of Alaska, Fairbanks, is a uniquely multicultural land grant/sea grant institution founded in 1917 and located in the scenic Tanana Valley of historic Interior Alaska. UAF is a multi-site campus of some 8,300 students enrolled in over 100 programs with degrees from the associate through the doctorate. The campus is a world center for research on the Polar regions. The library staff seeks an experienced, effective manager to lead Information Access Services programs for acquisitions, cata­ loging, serials control, and a branch science library, within a highly MONOGRAPHS ORIGINAL CATALOGER (Two Positions) University of Georgia Libraries Duties: The Monographs Original Cataloger is re­ sponsible to the Head of the Monographs Original Cataloging Unit for performing original cataloging of monographic materials in all languages and sub­ jects. The University of Georgia Libraries supports MARVEL, an in-house automated, integrated sys­ tem. Monographs Original Catalogers serve as re­ source persons for monographic cataloging within the Department and in other areas of the Libraries. The Cataloging Department has 14 professional and 24 support staff positions and catalogs over 50,000 books, serials, microforms, and nonprint materials yearly. The Monographs Original Cata­ loging Unit of the Cataloging Department is com­ prised of the Head and three librarians plus student assistants. Some evening and/or weekend work may be required. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings; ability to work with broad range of subjects; knowledge of one or more mod­ ern European languages (preferred: one position with knowledge of Slavic languages); familiarity with automated cataloging systems; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; strong interest in academic librarianship preferred. (Salary minimum: $20,000.) Application Procedure: Send letter of application by July 10,1989, including resume and names of three references to: Florence E. King Personnel Librarian University of Georgia Libraries Athens, GA 30602 This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. 534 / C & R L N ew s DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Howard University Howard University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of University Libraries. Appointment is to begin July 1,1989, or as soon as possible thereafter. Howard University, founded in 1867 and located in Washington, D.C., has emerged as one of the na­ tion’s 70 most comprehensive universities. The University is a historically Black private institution supported by corporations, foundations, individual contributions from alumni and friends, and the federal govern­ ment. The University operates 5 campuses, a radio station (WHUR-FM), a television station (WHMM-TV), and a 500-bed teaching hospital. Howard consists of 18 colleges and schools with more than 2,000 faculty and approximately 12,500 students. Howard is a member of the Consortium of Universities of the Washing­ ton Metropolitan Area which includes Georgetown, George Washington, Catholic, American, and Gal- laudet Universities; Mount Vernon and Trinity Colleges; and the University of the District of Columbia. The Howard University Libraries (HUL) system is ranked by the Association of Research Libraries among the top research libraries in the United States and is the ranking institution in the Washington Consortium of University Libraries. The system houses 1,600,000 volumes and more than 25,000 serial publications. HUL includes a general library and 13 branches in various academic disciplines. Special features of the Howard University Libraries system include: A new undergraduate library housing 400,000 volumes; the Channing Pollock Theatre Collection, containing materials and documents on Blacks in the performing arts; the Bernard Fall Southeast Asian Collection, developed from a nucleus of documents on North and South Vietnam and the involvement of Blacks in the Vietnam War; the Moorland-Spingarn Research Cen­ ter, containing one of the w orld’s most comprehensive collections of materials on Africa and persons of African descent. The HUL is a member of the American Library Association and the Association of Re­ search Libraries. The HUL system has an annual budget of 12 million dollars and includes 300 employees. The Library is a major source of reference and research materials for students and faculty in a growing and expanding research-oriented, urban university. Responsibilities: The Director of University Libraries is the chief executive officer of the University Library system, responsible for the management and development of the Library collection; the provision of library services; the management of the Library budget and allocation of resources; the continued development of automated information management and other computer-based information systems; the direction and development of staff resources; the planning of future library services; and the Library’s participation in local, regional, national, and international cooperative efforts. The Director reports directly to the Vice Presi­ dent for Academic Affairs and is a member of the University senate. Requirements: Applicants should have an MLS or an equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited institu­ tion, and a second Master’s or higher degree; a doctorate in an academic discipline is desirable. Applicants should have a minimum of 10 years of professional experience, including at least 5 years of administrative experience in a major academic library, with responsibility for budgeting, personnel, daily operations, and long-range planning, and a record of successful management and motivation of personnel. Evidence of scholarly or professional achievement (e.g., research and publications) is desirable. The successful candi­ date will also have a commitment to the use of technology in the provision of information and library ser­ vices; excellent oral and written communication skills; a willingness to work with faculty, students and library staff in planning the growth and development of the library system; and a demonstrated ability to represent the library persuasively within the university and externally. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, range $60’s to the $80’s. Preliminary screening began on April 1 st, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications and nominations should be sent to: William A. Sadlor, Chairman Review and Advisory Committee on the Selection of a Director for the Howard University Libraries The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Office of the Dean Howard University Washington, DC 20059 Applications should include a current resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three references. To expedite your application, arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent directly to the above address. Howard University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. φψ⅞⅜⅞⅜⅜^•›X⅜•W «K•⅞•K⅛»H«K«H⅛⅜φφ⅜⅞í•⅞⅛φįφŵ⅞⅞ŵ•K••H•⅞ÝÝ⅞Ý⅞⅞⅞⅞•ĭ•M ••H June 1989 / 535 automated environment. The department head's responsibilities in­ clude planning, organizing, budgeting, directing, and evaluating services, programs, and personnel. Qualifications: The successful candidate must have an ALA-accredited MLS; minimum 5 years pro­ gressively responsible managerial experience in an academic or re­ search library, with experience in technical services or serials con­ trol; experience with WLN, RLIN, or OCLC, including integration with local systems; and knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC formats. Candidates must also have a demonstrated abil­ ity to plan, organize, coordinate, and supervise the work of others in a collegial and supportive atmosphere; strong leadership, interper­ sonal, analytical, and communication skills; and the ability to serve as afaculty member. Candidates will be expected to possess the ability to negotiate and delegate in a matrix-oriented team environment and show evidence of activity in appropriate professional organizations. A second advanced degree is desirable. Rasmuson Library is a charter member of WLN, uses UTLS as a statewide OPAC and circu­ lation system, and is now implementing MicroLinx. It is the largest library in the state (1.5 million volumes), and is an active participant in resource-sharing and technological innovation in a state with a tradi­ tion of multi-type library cooperation. IAS operates within the library’s matrix-oriented team environment and includes 9 faculty, 18 support staff, and student assistants. Salary: Minimum is $51,500 depending upon qualifications, plus excellent benefits, for 12-month appoint­ ment at the associate professor level. Full rank and responsibilities. Beginning date negotiable. Fairbanks offers many opportunities for outdoor recreation, including outstanding cross-country skiing. The­ ater, an award-winning symphony orchestra, and many other cul­ tural activities are available. Screening of candidates will begin July 17, and the position will remain open until filled. Full job description available upon request. Send nominations or application letters with resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three profes­ sional references to: Dennis Stephens, Chair, IAS Search Commit­ tee, Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Fair­ banks, AK 99775-1005. The University of Alaska is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educational institution. HEAD OF GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/MICROFORMS. Man age selective depository for U.S. Government Documents and mi­ croform collection; build State Documents Collection, participate in collection development, serve as member of reference staff. Salary $27,000. Generous fringe benefits. Required Qualifications: MLS, experience with Government Documents. Preferred Qualifications: supervisory and law library experience. Available immediately. A p­ plication deadline July 1,1989. University of Cincinnati is an affirma­ tive action, equal opportunity employer. Send resume to: Jim Hart, University of Cincinnati College of Law, M L. 142, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0142. HEAD, MULTI-CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES PROGRAM. Search reopened. Permanent 12-month position. Under the direc­ tion of the Director of Libraries, and in consultation with the multi­ cam pus Deans, plans, implements, and administers the multi­ campus library services program. Assesses multi-campus library needs. Develops short- and long-range plans. Prepares budget re­ quests and monitors budget allocations. Completes analytical and HEAD LIBRARIANS Pennsylvania State University (3 Openings), Beaver, Fayette, and New Kensington Campus Libraries. The Penn State University Li­ braries seek qualified applicants for head librarian vacancies at three branch campus locations in western Pennsylvania that support associate degree, up to two years of most University baccalaureate, and a vari­ ety of continuing education programs. Beaver Campus: 33,000-item library at a 94-acre commuter campus in Beaver County, thirty-five miles northwest of Pittsburgh. The campus enrolls approximately 900 full-time credit students and hundreds of part-time and continuing education students. Fayette Campus: 50,000-item library at a 200-acre commuter campus in Fayette County, forty-seven miles southeast of Pittsburgh. The campus enrolls approximately 900 degree-seeking students and 3,500 students in continuing education programs. New Kensington Campus: 30,000-item library at a 76-acre campus in Westmoreland County, fourteen miles northeast of Pittsburgh. The campus enrolls approximately 1,400 credit students and 5,000 part-time students. Campus head librarians, members of the University Libraries faculty, are responsible for overall library administration and services, instruction, participation in planning and development, supervision of staff, and effective and close involvement with students and faculty, the community, and the main campus library where processing is central via interactive computer systems. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited school; three years academic library experience with empha­ sis on successful public service and administrative activities; demonstrated ability to work with students, faculty, and administrators; evidence of potential for promotion and tenure. Second advanced degree and some instructional program and library automation experience desirable. Salary and Rank: Dependent on qualifications. Minimum $25,000 with tenureable rank. Benefits include liberal vacation, excellent insurances, State or TIAA/CREF retirement options and educational privilege. To apply, send letter of application (please indicate campus), resume and names of three references to: Nancy Slaybaugh Personnel Coordinator Box HD-ACRL Penn State University E1 Pattee Library University Park, PA 16802 Applications deadline: July 10,1989. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 536 / C‹ùrRL News • • • • C O O R D I N A T O R , LI BRARY S Y S T E MS A N D A U T O M A T I O N . W e s t V i r g i n i a U n i v e r s i t y Libraries a n n o u n c e a n e w p o s i t i o n in Li br a r y Systems. Under t h e di rect io n o f t h e Dean o f Libraries, r esponsibl e f o r successful p l a n n i n g , eval uat io n, testi ng, selection, i m p l e m e n t a t i o n , and ma i nt en a n c e o f an onl in e i n t e g r a t e d library system i n c l u d i n g s o f t w a r e m o d i f i c a t i o n as requi red. DUTIES: manag es t h e a u t o m a t i o n a n d systems p r o g r a m s w i t h i n t h e Un i v e r si t y Libraries, w o r k i n g closely w i t h t he library staff, library m a n a g e m e n t , and university c o mp u t in g services. Hires, trains, and supervises systems st aff; coordi nat es t r a i n i n g f o r library staff and serves as a p r ima r y resource person in all matters r e g a r d i n g a u t o m a t i o n . A s s i s t s l i b r a r y a d m i n i st r a t i o n w i t h b ot h long and short range p l a n n i n g f o r a u t o m a t i o n ; p r ep a r e s b ud get s, reports, presentations; prepares g r an t proposals a n d p u r s u e s e x t e r n a l sour ces o f f u n d i n g Develops a p p r o p r i a t e a u t o m a t i o n interfaces f or t h e selected system w i t h library operati ons and e x t e r n a l d a t a b a s e s C o o r d i n a t e s l i b r a r y a u t o m a t e d s y s t e m s w i t h l o c al , s t a t e , a n d n a t i o n a l age n c i e s a n d p r og r a m s , d e v e l o p i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g l i a i s o n s w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e p e r s o n n e l . C o o r d i n a t e s p l a n n i n g f o r o f f i c e a u t o m a t i o n and library dat a processing utilizing micr ocomput er s. REQUIRED: A L A - a c c r e d i t e d MLS o r a d v a n c e d d e g r e e in c o m p u t e r o r i n f o r m a t i o n science; m i n i m u m o f t h r e e years ex peri ence in a large academic library, library system or n e t w o r k w i t h direct responsibility f or pl anni ng, instal lati on and m a i n t e n a n c e o f an i n t e g r a t e d library system; w o r k i n g k n o w l e d g e o f c o m p u t e r h a r dwa r e, s o f t w a r e , and m a j o r p r o g r a m m i n g l a n g u a g e s a n d s t a t i s t i c a l pa c ka ge s such as IBM As se mb l er , PL/I, SAS. S t r o n g o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d i n t e r p e r s o n a l skills; t h o r o u g h k n o w l e d g e o f MARC b i b l i o g r a p h i c a n d a u t h o r i t y r e c o r d s f or ma t s. Excellent analytical, pr obl em solving, o r a l , a n d w r i t t e n c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s S u b s t a n t i a l m i c r o c o m p u t e r e x p e r i e n c e d e s i r a b l e . S a l a r y a n d r a n k n e g o t i a b l e d e p e n d i n g u p o n q u a l i f i c a t i o n s . M i n i m u m : $36,000. 12 m o n t h a p p o i n t m e n t . TIAA/CREF a n d o t h e r e x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t s . D e a d lin e fo r applications: June 20, 1989 Position available A u gu s t 1, 1989. Starti ng d a t e negoti abl e. Send tetter of application addressing qualifications, 2 copies of resume, and nam es, addresses and telephone numbers of a t least 3 professional references to: Mi l d re d Moyers, Chair, Search C o m m i t t e e f o r L i b r a r y Systems C o o r d i n a t o r , Wise Library, West Virginia University, P.O Box 6069, M o r g a n t o w n , WV 26506-6069 (304) 293- 5395. West Virgini a University is an A f f i r m a t i v e - Act io n, Eq u a l - Op p o r t un i t y Empl oyer ‹ v y y v v v v v v v *.ŝ v v v ĝ.• v \ĝ v w \ĝ statistical reports. Supervises multi-campus library services person­ nel. Makes periodic site visits to multi-campus locations. Maintains effective working relationships with WSU libraries and Extended Uni­ versity Services personnel to facilitate cooperation and effective ser­ vices. Initiates and maintains effective relationships with non-WSU- affiliated libraries serving WSU Extended University personnel and students. Provides library services for curricular and research needs of multi-campus students and faculty. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent; knowledge of and/or effective experience in management and supervision; effective reference and teaching ex­ perience; effective interpersonal relations and communications skills; previous experience in computer applications. Must build a progressive record of professional/scholarly achievement. Prefer­ red: Academic library experience; online search services experi­ ence. Rank: Librarian 2 or above, dependent on previous relevant experience; faculty status. Salary: $20,000-$30,000, commensu­ rate with experience and qualifications. TIAA/CREF, broad insur­ ance programs, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Send let­ ter of application, resume and names and addresses of three references to: Maureen Pastine, Director of Libraries, Libraries, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Applica­ tions should be postmarked by June 30, 1989. WSU is an EO/AA educator and employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. HEAD, SERIALS MANAGEMENT DIVISION, Central Technical Services, University of Minnesota Libraries-Twin Cities. Responsibil­ ities: Manages the work of the Serials Management Division, Central Technical Services, whose staff of two professionals, seventeen paraprofessionals, and students are responsible for serials acquisi­ tions, cataloging, and bindery preparations for the Humanities/So­ cial Sciences and Institute of Technology Libraries; serves as a mem­ ber o f Lib ra rie s-w id e com m ittees c h a rg e d with d e ve lo p in g bibliographic control and serials control policies and procedures; participates in implementation of the Libraries’ NOTIS-based auto­ mated system; participates, with the three other Division Heads and the Department Head, in the management of Central Technical Ser­ vices. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, three years of professional experience in serials acquisitions or serials cataloging, a record of increasing responsibility for serials management, and a thorough understanding of serials acquisitions and control practices with an understanding of and commitment to serials cataloging standards. Knowledge of automated serials con­ trol system capabilities and substantial experience in supervising both professional and paraprofessional staff. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, strong interpersonal skills, demon­ strated ability to exercise effective leadership in the management of change, and demonstrated flexibility and creativity in problem solv­ ing are required. Desired Qualifications: Experience in serials man­ agement using the NOTIS system, experience in managing the change from a manual to an automated serials control system. Ap­ pointment: Appointment is probationary at the rank of Assistant Li­ brarian, leading to a decision concerning continuous appointment and promotion; and as a Library Division Head, appointed on an an­ nual renewable basis. Applicants should send a letter of application, a detailed resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel and Staff Develop­ ment Officer, University oł Minnesota Libraries, 453 Wilson Li­ brary, 3 0 9 19th Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Letters of applica­ tion must be postmarked no later than 6/30/89 and should identify the position applied for as U L 182. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. Federal law requires that employees hired by the University provide docu­ ments showing they are U.S. citizens or aliens authorized to work. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. Manages staff of 7 in cataloging and processing activities. Participates in libraries’ administrative group; reports to Director. Qualifications: ALA MLS; knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, LCSH, MARC bibliographic and authority stan­ dards, and LC; at least 4 years of experience in a cataloging area in an academic library; experience with an online catalog; supervisory experience; excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills. Salary minimum: $27,000. To apply send letter or application, resume, and the names of three references by June 28, 1989, to: Joan Rapp, University of Mlssourl-St. Louis Libraries, 8001 Nat­ ural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121. Phone (314) 553-5053. An AA/EOE Employer. June 1989 / 537 HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN, English/American Language & Litera­ ture (temporary appointment). Date of Appointment: September 1, 1989. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Term of Appointment: Twelve­ month contract. Academic Rank: Faculty rank based upon qualifica­ tions and experience. Reports to: Head, Humanities & Behavioral Sciences. Educational requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required for appointment as instructor. For assistant professor or above, a second master’s degree or 30 hours of gradu­ ate course work, or equivalent, required in addition to the MLS. Ad­ vanced work in English/American literature preferred. Individuals hired without a second master's degree or 30 hours will be ap­ pointed on a fixed term basis as instructor during which they will be expected to complete a second master’s degree or 30 additional hours. Qualifications: Ability to handle collection development in English/American language and literature and other fields selected from the humanities group (communication studies, philosophy, reli­ gion, psychology, theater arts). Ability to handle faculty liaison work required. Experience with library bibliographic instruction or teach­ ing preferred. Experience with online database searching desired. Applicants should demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and students and be able to work cooperatively in a demanding and changing environment. Experience in an aca­ demic library preferred. Duties and Responsibilities: Participates in library programs for collection management and development, ref­ erence desk service, library instruction, and online database search­ ing. Participates in departmental and library planning and policy de­ velopment. Benefits: Illinois State Retirement System; 24 vacation days; faculty status and rank. Deadline for Applications: June 15, 1989. Send a cover letter with 1) a complete statement of qualifica­ tions; 2) resume of education and relevant experience; and 3) names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three refer­ ences to: Gordon S. Rowley, Associate Director, 416 Founders Me­ morial Library, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, IL 60115­ 2868. NIU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to appjy. HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN, Fine Arts (temporary appointment). Date of Appointment: September 1, 1989. Salary: $22,000 mini­ mum. Term of Appointment: Twelve-month contract. Academic Rank: Faculty rank based upon qualifications and experience. Re­ ports to: Head, Humanities & Behavioral Sciences. Educational Re­ quirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited school required for ap­ pointment as instructor. For assistant professor or above, a second master’s degree or 30 hours of graduate course work, or equivalent, required in addition to the MLS. Advanced work in art history or the fine arts preferred. Individuals hired without a second master's de­ gree or 30 hours will be appointed on a fixed term basis as instructor during which they will be expected to complete a second master’s degree or 30 additional hours. Qualifications: Ability to handle collec­ tion development for the fine arts and other fields selected from the humanities group (communication studies, philosophy, religion, psy­ chology, theater arts). Ability to handle faculty liaison work required. Experience with library bibliographic instruction or teaching prefer­ red. Experience with online database searching desired. Applicants should demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively with fac­ ulty, staff, and students and be able to work cooperatively in a de­ manding and changing environment. Experience in an academic li­ brary preferred. Duties and Responsibilities: Participates in library programs for collection management and development, reference desk service, library instruction, and online database searching. Par­ ticipates in departmental and library planning and policy develop­ ment. Benefits: Illinois State Retirement System; 24 vacation days; faculty status and rank. Deadline for Applications: June 15, 1989. Send a cover letter with 1) a complete statement of qualifications; 2) resume of education and relevant experience; and 3) names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Gor­ don S. Rowley, Associate Director, 416 Founders Memorial Library, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, IL 60115-2868. NIU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minori­ ties are encouraged to apply. HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN (Music): Humanities Division. Full-time faculty, tenure track. University and Library: Illinois State University is a multi-purpose university with more than 20,000 students, located in the medium-sized urban area of Normal/Bloomington. Academic programs and courses are offered in thirty-three academic depart­ ments organized into five colleges with master’s degree programs in most fields and doctoral degree programs in art, biological sciences, curriculum and instruction, economics, education, English, history and mathematics. Milner Library is the central library facility for the university community with a staff of 110 including thirty-four profes­ sionals, over one million volumes and a materials budget of $1.4 mil­ lion. The library is a member of the CRL and the Library Computer System (LCS), a resource-sharing network of twenty-nine academic institutions in the State of Illinois. Duties: With two other librarians and four civil service personnel, works within the Humanities Division of the Library as a subject librarian furnishing: 1) reference service in the humanities generally, including Music, and 2) collection develop­ ment, 3) bibliographic instruction, and 4) departmental liaison in Mu­ sic and one other humanities area, depending on the candidate’s qualifications and library need. Administers Humanities Audio/Visual Center (20,000 plus records, CDs, videotapes) services, personnel, and collection. Reports to Humanities Division Head. Required Qual­ ifications: ALA-accredited MLS; graduate degree in Music or Musi­ cology; relevant Humanities and Music reference experience. Pre­ ferred Qualifications: Reading knowledge of German and French; online searching facility: in remote databases, library catalog, and CD-ROM indexes. Salary and Rank: $24,000 minimum, faculty rank and eligibility for tenure. Position Available: July 1, 1989. Deadline: Applications will be accepted until position is filled, but for maximum consideration, applications should be received no later than June 20,1989. To Apply: Submit resume to: Music Librarian Search Com­ mittee, 311 Milner Library, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61761. ISU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Education Library The University of Virginia. Under the supervision of the Education Librar­ ian, organizes, manages, and coordinates electronic and related in­ formation services. Assumes a proactive role in evaluating and im­ plementing new electronic systems and products; in developing information services through technology such as computers, CD- ROM’s and videodisks; and in instructing users in indexing and ab­ stracting systems and other new technology. Provides reference ser­ vice; designs and conducts library instruction; produces guides, displays, and instructional materials; carries out surveys of user needs; develops and maintains reference resources. Oversees cir­ culation services, reserves, and interlibrary loans. Required Qualifi­ cations: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of and experience with computer applications and with technologies such as CD-ROM’s and videodisks; ability to organize and manage library information services and instruct users; ability to work and communicate effectively with faculty, students, and staff. Preferred Qualifications: Undergraduate or graduate degree in Education; li­ brary experience; supervisory experience. Benefits: General faculty status, 22 days vacation, generous sick leave, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, state and TIAA/CREF retirement plans, research leave. Sal­ ary: $22,000 or higher, depending on qualifications. Applications re­ ceived before July 14 will be given first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Gail Oltmanns, Personnel Director, Alderman Li­ brary, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2498. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN. One-half time in reference, one-half time in other areas depending on background and experience. Reference duties will in­ clude general reference (evening and weekend rotation required), database searching, and library instruction. Other duties may in­ clude multicultural resource development or coordinating a data­ base search service. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution re­ quired. Academic background in science or multicultural studies is desirable. Preference will be given to candidates with the ability to relate to an ethnically diverse student population. Faculty rank and tenure-track position. Salary range $31,680-$43,896. Starting date August 21 or as soon thereafter as possible. Attractive benefits pack­ age. Correspondence, applications, and confidential papers should be sent by June 16, 1989, to: A. Zane Clark, Search Committee Chair, Henry Madden Library, Administrative Office, California State University, Fresno, CA 93740-0034. Phone: (209) 294-2230. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIANS. Applications are invited for posts of Campus Librar­ ian and Deputy Librarian at the Main Library of the St. Augustine Campus effective as soon as possible. A good degree and profes­ sional qualifications in library/information science, with considerable experience in academic library management required. A working knowledge of at least one foreign language desirable and experi­ ence with automated library systems would be a distinct advantage. Annual Salary Ranges: Campus Librarian, $91,7 8 8 -$ 1 11,372; Dep­ uty Librarian, $82,536-$93,984. Pension, passages, housing. Send applications detailing qualifications and experience and naming 538 / C irR L News three references, as soon as possible, to: Campus Registrar, Uni- verslty of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, W.l. Further in- formation sent to all applicants. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Two positions). Seeking two flexible, in- novative individuals interested in quickly becoming part of manage- ment. One position will initially work under the direction of the Head of the Circulation Department and the other position will initially work under the direction of the Head of the Reference Department. Partici- pates in a one- or two-year library-wide orientation program prepar- ing the individual for a supervisory role in the Strozier Library, Florida State University. Responsibilities include orientation and special as- signments in all areas of the library in addition to circulation or refer- ence, assisting library users, coordinating student assistants, super- vising and a variety of management skill development opportunities, Duties include some night and weekend work. Must have an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Two years of profes­ sional experience after receipt of the M LS degree required for Ass¡s- tant University Librarian; five years of professional experience after receipt of the MLS degree required for Associate University Librar- ian. Supervisory experience and a strong interest in management preferred. Public service orientation helpful. This is a non-tenure- earning twelve-month General Faculty appointment. Salary range is $20,000 to $24,000 for Assistant University Librarian, $22,000 to $29,000 for Associate University Librarian. Standard state benefits of annual leave, sick leave, insurance coverage and retirement. July 13, 1989, application must be received by this date to be consid- ered. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three refer- REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATORS The University of Tennessee, Knoxville The John C. Hodges Library is seeking 3 subject coordinators for its newly re-organized Reference and Information Services Department which encompasses general reference, government documents and mi­ croforms, library instruction, and database searching. These services are supported by 22 faculty and 8 staff members. RIS is the primary liaison to the teaching faculty and has a major role in collection develop­ ment. Coordinators report to the Head, RIS, and as members of the departm ent’s administrative team, participate fully in department activities and in the planning, development, and refinement of effective user services. Some evening and weekend service required. All positions available July 1, 1989. 1) Reference Services Coordinator, Social Sciences. Supervises, evaluates, and provides guidance to approximately 1/3 of the reference faculty whose liaison responsibilities include the social sciences, the College of Business Administration, and the College of Education. Appointment at Assistant or Associate Professor. Minimum salary $28,000. 2) Reference Services Coordinator, Humanities. Supervises, evaluates, and provides guidance to ap­ proximately 1/3 of the reference faculty whose liaison responsibilities are the humanities (including art, clas­ sics, languages and literatures, history, philosophy, and religious studies) and the School of Architecture. Appointment at Assistant or Associate Professor. Minimum salary $28,000. 3) Reference Services Coordinator. Science and Technology. Supervises, evaluates, and provides guid­ ance to approximately 1/3 of the reference faculty whose liaison responsibilities include the physical, life, and health sciences, the College of Engineering, the College of Human Ecology, and the College of Nurs­ ing. Appointment at Assistant or Associate Professor. Minimum salary $30,000. Qualifications: All positions require ALA-accredited MLS degree; a minimum of three years academic library experience, preferably applicable to the descriptions and responsibilities outlined above; strong ser­ vice orientation; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff; excellent interpersonal skills and leadership abilities. Library faculty must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: additional graduate degree in an applicable subject area. The University of Tennessee is a multi-campus system of higher education and the state’s official univer­ sity and land-grant institution. UT, Knoxville is the major comprehensive university in the four-campus sys­ tem. The UTK Library with an annual budget in excess of $6.2 million, holds 1.5 million volumes and re­ ceives over 18,000 current serials. The new Central Library facility opened in September 1987. A major Library Development Campaign is now underway. The Library is a member of SOLINET, the Association of Research Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries. Librarians at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville have faculty rank and status and are appointed for twelve months. These are tenure-track appointments. Tuition remission is available to university employ­ ees; partial undergraduate tuition remission is available to dependent children and spouses of UT employ­ ees. There is no state income tax. Send letter of application, a current resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Jill Keally Personnel Librarian The University of Tennessee Library Knoxville, TN 37996-1000 Review of applications will begin July 1,1989, and will continue until the positions are filled. UTK is an EEO/AA/T¡tle IX/Section 504 Employer. ĵu n e 1989 / 539 ences to: Lois Burdick, Assistant Director for Administrative Ser­ vices, Room 105, Administrative Office, Strozier Library, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2047. Please cite position no. 53203/53317. An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action em­ ployer. MEDIA SERVICE LIBRARIAN. George Mason University, rapidly growing institution in Northern Virginia (20 miles from Washington, D.C.) seeks librarian to manage library and campus-wide media ser­ vices program in highly automated environment. Will work closely with faculty and other professional staff to develop traditional an non- traditional approaches to instructional support and media services at the University. Develops and produces instructional materials, works with liaison librarians in developing the media collection. Supervises 4.5 classified employees. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and expe­ rience in an academic library media environment. Preferred: Second master's degree or coursework in relevant area. Supervisory experi­ ence. Understanding and demonstrated application of media tech­ nologies and production in libraries, classroom, etc. Familiarity with program evaluation, adm inistration, and developm ent. Salary: $28,000 + depending upon qualifications. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Library Appointments Committee, George Mason University Library, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. Screening will begin June 30,1989. Recruitment will continue until position is filled. AA/EOE. PROCESSING COORDINATOR (Newly created position). Faculty tenure-track appointment. The Processing Coordinator has an aca­ demic year, guaranteed summer position, and reports to the Library Director. The position is a renewable three-year appointment, at the pleasure of the Library Director and the Library Faculty. The Univer­ sity of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is one of 13 degree-granting cam­ puses in the University of Wisconsin System. The University is lo­ cated in central Wisconsin, 110 miles north of Madison. Currently there are approximately 9,000 students and 550 faculty and aca­ demic staff members. The University Library has a collection ex­ ceeding 300,000, a select government depository of 750,000, and a staff of 34, including 16 faculty. The library is a highly automated component of a regional and cam pus netw ork, using OCLC, LS2000 online cataloging and circulation system, Faxon serials con­ trol, ACQ-350 acquisitions system, and online and com pact disc technology. Description: The Processing Coordinator coordinates and integrates monographic and serials acquisitions, cataloging, collection maintenance, and circulation services (including the Main, Reserve, Periodicals, IMC and Government Documents units). The Processing Coordinator is directly responsible for the development and coordination of processing operational functions and services in the University Library. The Coordinator is responsible for the form u­ lation and management, in consultation with library faculty and staff, of processing policies. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; second master’s or specialist degree is required for ten­ ure as a faculty member; knowledge of, and experience with auto­ mated systems and a bibliographic utility in an academic library; suc­ cessfully d e m o n s tra te d m a n a g e ria l and s u p e rv is o ry skills; commitment to shared governance; evidence of continual profes­ sional growth; strong communication and interpersonal skills. A p ­ pointment date: As soon as possible after July 1, 1989. Rank and salary: $24,400 minimum (Assistant Professor); salary and rank de­ pendent on qualifications and experience. Application procedure: Please send letter of application, resume, and 3 names of refer­ ences, addresses and phone numbers. Apply to: Carole Van Horn, Chairperson, Processing Coordinator Search and Screen Commit­ tee, University Library, Learning Resources Center, 900 Reserve Street, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wl 54481; (715) 346-3601. Deadline: The Search and Screen Commit­ tee will begin reviewing applications on July 1, 1989, and will con­ tinue to do so until the position is filled. The University of Wisconsin is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. PROCESSING LIBRARIAN, The Library of Congress, GS-1410-9 (6232), $23,846-$31,001. The Library of Congress is currently seek­ ing highly qualified applicants for the position of Processing Librar­ ian. This position requires the processing of rare books and other materials, in a variety of languages, in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in Li­ brary Science, AACR II, some knowledge of foreign languages, as well as knowledge of the principles and practices of descriptive and subject cataloging. For more detailed information on this position, contact: The Library of Congress, Employment Office at (202) 707­ 5620 and ask for Vacancy Announcement No. 90206. To be consid­ ered, applications must be received by the Employment Office no later than June 15,1989. EOE. RARE BOOKS CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Special C ollections, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Performs original and adaptive cataloging of rare books and other printed materials; serves as bibliographer for a subject area for the general libraries; assists users of Special Collections; supervises catalog mainte­ nance, shelving of printed materials, bookplating, processing and preparation of protective enclosures and related activities. Required: MLS degree from ALA-accredited library school; academic library or equivalent cataloging training or experience with AACR2 and LC classification; ability to work with non-English languages and non­ Roman alphabets. Strongly Preferred: rare book cataloging training or experience. Desirable: MA degree in the humanities; working knowledge of OCLC and other automated systems; collection devel­ opment experience; supervisory experience; knowledge of preser­ vation procedures; knowledge of national and international trends in bibliographic description. Minimum salary: $21,316. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Personnel Of­ fice, Washington University, Box 1184, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. Position will remain open until filled. Initial review of applications will begin August 18,1989. Employment eligi­ bility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Available immediately. Indiana Univer­ sity School of Law Library. Large dynamic urban campus, site of I.U. Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Business, Law; large unde­ rgraduate/graduate programs (over 24,000 students, 750 in Law School), world class sports facilities. City consistently has been ranked high in quality of life. Requirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Prefer candidates with experience in reference or other public ser­ vice functions, but also seek candidates with strong academic/per­ formance/service background. Duties: Provide reference service (some evenings), participate in book selection, assist at Circulation Desk if needed, maintain microform/media collection, maintain Indi­ ana legislative materials and appellate court briefs, and miscellane­ ous public service duties. After appropriate training, will also teach legal bibliography to law students and outside groups. Salary: $19,885. Fringe Benefits: Equivalent to nearly 30% of salary (TIAA/ CREF fully paid by University). Tenure track. Deadline: June 1,1989, but later received applications considered until position is filled. A p­ ply: Application, resume, three references to: Merlin P. Whiteman, Assistant Director for Reader Services, Law Library, Indiana Uni­ versity School of Law, 735 West New York Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202. (317) 274-4027. Indiana University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS SPECIALIST. Search Reo pened. Assist in providing reference services in business subjects, social science and humanities. Minimum requirements: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited school; reference experience, including work with business materials; knowledge of business literature; ex­ perience with bibliographic instruction, online searching; working knowledge of one modern European language. Acts as liaison to the Business School faculty. Salary $24,000-$26,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Open August. Send resume by July 6 to: James DeLancey, Georgetown University Library, P.O. Box 37445, Washington, DC 20013. G.U. is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution in employment. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS (2 or more positions). The University of Missouri-St. Louis Thomas Jefferson Library is seeking librarians to provide general reference desk service and associated reference activities and to participate in collection development. The Library is being renovated, will soon move into a six million dollar addition, and has recently gone through a major reorganization. The Reference Di­ vision consists of 8 professionals. Required qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS and a commitment to excellent service and professional development. Experience in reference, bibliographic instruction, use of an online catalog, online searching, or collection development are desirable. A subject master’s degree is also prefer­ red. Individual positions will include primary responsibility for biblio­ graphic instruction or online services. Salary: $20,000 minimum, commensurate with experience. To apply send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Sandra Snell, Univer­ sity of Missouri-St. Louis Libraries, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121. Phone (314) 553-5080. Applications received by June 28, 1989, will receive priority consideration. Positions will re­ 540 / C‹LrRL News main open until filled. An AA/EOE Employer. SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. The Wichita State Univer­ sity Library is seeking a Science/Engineering Librarian who will serve in a general university library setting as library liaison to the Col­ lege of Engineering and other departments as assigned, and func­ tion as a member of The Institute of Aviation Technology Transfer Team. Will assist users at a general reference desk, take part in bib­ liographic instruction and collection management programs, and provide computer searches. Participates in reference and collection management decision-making and in Library and University activi­ ties. As a member of The Institute of Aviation Technology Transfer Team, provides information services to the aircraft industry and to business, industry and inventors. An ALA-accredited MLS and an undergraduate degree in engineering or the physical sciences, or experience as a science librarian is required. An additional graduate degree in a scientific field is desired. The Wichita State University is an urban institution with an enrollment of 17,000. The library is fully automated on the NOTIS SYSTEM. Librarians at Wichita State enjoy faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities. Wichita is an active, growing city with a population of 350,000. Professional activities and conference attendance are supported by the library. Starting salary $22,000 to $27,000 for 12-month appointment, depending on expe­ rience and qualifications. The successful candidate will be eligible for tenure review. Benefits include TIAA-CREF, and a choice of Blue Cross-Blue Shield or HMO. Letter of application, resume and names of three references should be sent to: Joan Hubbard, Coordinator of Collection Development, Campus Box 68, the Wichita State Uni­ versity, Wichita, KS 67208. Preference will be given to applications received by July 15,1989, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The Wichita State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN (Search reopened). The University of Idaho Library seeks flexible, outgoing individual for reference/collection development duties in a divisional science/technology library. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: Science reference experi­ ence; science background; computer searching experience/train­ ing. Benefits: Full faculty rank and benefits, $ 20,000-$24,000 depending on experience. The University of Idaho offers the cultural opportunities and amenities of a university town, while being located in the midst of an outstanding outdoor recreation area, within easy drive of national parks and wilderness areas. Send vita and names of three references to: Ronald W. Force, Selection Committee Chair, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, ID 83843, (208) 885-7070. Application review begins June 30,1989. (May be extended until a suitable candidate applies). AA/EOE. SCIENCE LIBRARIANS: (2 Position Available) Engineering Librar­ ian and Science User Education Coordinator; Geology/Chemistry Li­ brarian and Science Bibliographer, Yale University Library. Mini­ mum rank: Librarian II. Responsibilities: Manages the appropriate libraries. Responsible for collection development in these libraries. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Two or more years of science reference experience with substantial online searching experience. Ability to work cooperatively in a de­ manding and rapidly changing environment. Demonstrated inter­ personal skills, including development experience. User education experience. Microcomputer or other computing experience. Super­ visory experience preferred. For Engineering: Undergraduate de­ gree or extensive experience in engineering or applied sciences. For Geology/Chemistry: Undergraduate degree in natural or chemical sciences. Salary and rank dependent on qualification; from a mini­ mum of $27,3000. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Please send letter of application, (specify position) resume, and names of 3 references to: Diane Y. Turner, Acting Head, Library Personnel Services, Yale University Library, P.O. Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. An EEO/AA employer. SENIOR ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, Public Services Department λ λ v λ v λ ⅝w λ v λ v λ v w λ v ' λ v λ v λ w λ v v λ w λ w λ v λ v λ HEAD, PRESERVATION REPLACEMENT/ PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE University of California, Berkeley Assistant-Associate Librarian. The Conservation Department maintains the research collections of Berke­ ley’s Main Library, Moffitt Undergraduate Library, the Bancroft Library and 23 branch libraries. Two of the Department’s divisions include the Preservation Replacement division, which manages the replacement process for items too deteriorated for continued circulation, and the Library Photographic Service, which is responsible for preservation microfilming and copy photography for the Library and outside customers. These divisions are managed by the Head, Preservation Replacement/Photographic Service. Specific re­ sponsibilities of the Head, PR/PS include overseeing production, managing personnel, preparing and monitoring budget, tracking grant monies, and serving as liaison to other departments as needed. Other duties involve representing the Library preservation program in capacities and implementing grant proj­ ects, planning and managing program research and development, and training in preservation practices. MLS degree or equivalent, demonstrated professional accomplishments, and knowledge of preservation replacement, microfilming and copy operations are required. Effective interpersonal and communication skills are also essential. Experience in management of a research library preservation program, grant prep­ aration and administration, budget management, and supervision is highly desirable. Salary range: $26,136—$37,512 per annum, based on qualifications. Position will be available August 1, 1989. Closing date for applications is June 30, 1989. Please apply in writing, including with your letter a full resume and the names and addresses of three references. Send to: Janice Burrows Director of Library Human Resources 447 Library Annex University of California Berkeley, CA 94720. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. w w λ λ λ λ ^λ w λ ⅛%⅝w λ ⅛w w ⅛⅝⅝⅝⅝⅝⅛⅛w λ v ⅛⅝⅝⅝W i w λ w June 1989 / 541 (teπure-track, full-time). Salary range: $2,640-$3,658/m onth. Appli­ cation deadline: June 30, 1989. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school or equivalent. Reference and instructional skills. Interest in, experience with, or recent coursework in online database/CD-ROM reference services. Desirable: Leadership/orga­ nizational ability and strong interpersonal communications skills. Ability to assist in long-range planning and coordinating equipment and facility needs for computerized reference services. Provides ref­ erence services for students and faculty; provides bibliographic in­ struction; chairs the Reference Database Committee; coordinates training program and maintains computer instruction manuals. Sub­ mit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and phones numbers of 3 professional references, to: Ann Waggoner, Chair, Public Services Department, Oviatt Library, California State University-Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330. An AA/EO, Title IX Section 503 and 504 employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES & BUSINESS LIBRARIAN, (temporary ap pointment). Northern Illinois University Libraries. Date of Appoint­ ment: September 1, 1989. Salary: $27,000 minimum. Term of A p­ pointment: Tweive-month contract. Academic Rank: Faculty rank based upon qualifications and experience. Reports to: Head, Social Sciences & Business. Educational Requirements: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school required for appointment as instructor. For assistant professor or above, a second master's degree or 30 hours of graduate course work or equivalent required in addition to the MLS. Advanced work in economics or business preferred. Individ­ uals hired without a second master’s degree or 30 hours will be ap­ pointed on a fixed term basis as instructor during which they will be expected to complete a second master’s degree or 30 additional hours. Qualifications: Ability to handle collection development in ec­ onomics and business including faculty liaison work. Experience with library bibliographic instruction or teaching preferred. Experi­ ence with online database searching desired. Applicants should demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and students and be able to work cooperatively in a demanding and changing environment. Experience in an academic library prefer­ red. Duties and responsibilities: Participates in library programs for collection management and development, reference desk service, library instruction, and online database searching. In addition to business and economics the Social Sciences & Business Depart­ ment’s programs include education, history, and political science. Participates in departmental and library planning and policy devel­ opment. Benefits: Illinois State Retirement System; 24 vacation days; faculty status and rank. Deadline for Applications: June 1, 1989. Send a cover letter with 1) a complete statement of qualifications; 2) resume of education and relevant experiences; and 3) names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Gor­ don S. Rowley, Associate Director, 416 Founders Memorial Library, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, IL 60115-2868. NIU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minori­ ties are encouraged to apply. SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Informa­ tion Services Department. Syracuse University Library. Reports to Head, Information Services Department. Responsible for collection development in the social sciences with emphasis on public adminis­ tration and political science. Serves as faculty liaison with appropri­ ate departments, including the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Provides an array of reference/user services including online database searching and bibliographic instruction in subject specialization. Contributes to major bibliographic publication in the social sciences. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; at least four years experience in a research library or equivalent set­ ting, experience in collection development in the social sciences; ex­ perience in online database searching, familiarity with datafiles and microcomputers; knowledge of contemporary issues in reference and collection development; strong service orientation; demon­ strated writing/editing skills; effective oral communication skills; abil­ ity to work collegially in a large departmental setting; commitment to promotion of traditional and electronic information services and col­ lections. Preferred: Graduate degree in political science or public administration; working knowledge of at least one modern European language; experience with U.S. and international documents collec­ tions; experience with current library technology. Salary: Commen­ surate with education and experience; minimum $26,000. Send let­ ter of application, resume and the names and telephone numbers of three references to: Search Committee for Social Sciences Refer­ ence/Bibliographer, Syracuse University Library, Office of Human Resources, Syracuse University, Skytop Offices, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300. Applications received by July 1,1989, will be given first consideration. Syracuse University is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. The University is particularly interested in the applications or nomination of women and minorities. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/RARE BOOKS CATALOGER, Temple University Libraries. Reporting to the Head of Bibliographic Ser­ vices, incumbent coordinates all special collections cataloging activ­ ities. Responsibilities include provision of original and adaptive bib­ liographic records for print and non-print materials designated for the Rare Books and other units of Special Collections. Serves as pri­ mary contact to curators and staff of Special Collections. Monitors work-flow and oversees activities associated with the formulation, documentation, and implementation of special collections catalog­ ing policies and procedures. Assists in planning for Library-wide ser­ vices through participation in committees and task forces. Qualifica­ tio n s: MLS fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m ; tw o -th re e years professional rare book/special collections cataloging experience preferably in a large academic or research library. Knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, USMARC formats, standards for bibliographic description and citation forms for rare book cataloging, and RLIN or equivalent national bibliographic utility. Familiarity with online integrated systems is desirable. Reading knowledge of Ger­ man and/or Italian. Effective com m unication, interpersonal and problem solving skills, and demonstrated ability to supervise and di­ rect staff. Salary: Minimum: $22,000, depending on qualifications and experience 10-month appointment. An additional month may be required for an added 10% of annual salary. Liberal fringe benefits include health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; TIAA- CREF. Send letter addressing all qualifications stated above, re­ sume, and names of 3 references to: Laila El-Ze¡n, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Administrative Services Department, Paley Library 017-00, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Review of ap­ plications to begin on June 30,1989, and will continue until position is filled. An AA/EO employee. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Gettysburg College. Mus- selman Library houses a collection of over 300,000 volumes in a modern award-winning building. Responsibilities include: 1) main­ taining the machine readable bibliographic database, 2) coordinat­ ing collection development and supervising associated record keep­ ing, 3) coordinating the management and evaluation of Geac's ADVANCE integrated library system, 4) supervising one librarian and seven support staff. Librarians are responsible for sharing in scheduled general reference assistance and serving as collection development liaisons. Qualifications include: 1) experience in cata­ loging with OCLC or RLIN, 2) good management abilities, strong an­ alytic and problem-solving skills, and a creative mind, 3) excellent written and oral communication skills, 4) master’s degree from ALA- accredited institution. Salary: upper 20’s. Full job description and re­ lated documents sent upon request. Position available mid-summer. Applications will be reviewed until position is filled. Preliminary inter­ views available at ALA. Complete applications will include letter, graduate transcript(s), vita, names of three references, and prefera­ bly a placement file. Submit to: Willis M. Hubbard, College Librarian, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 17325-1493. (717) 337-7001. Gettysburg College is a highly competitive liberal arts college of 2,000 students related to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Amer­ ica. It is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. TWO PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIANS, Tenure-Track, 12 Month Positions open in a 750,000 volume library serving a multi-ethnic uni­ versity population of 12,000 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS; experience in working with an ethni­ cally diverse student body; demonstrated ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; demonstrated professional commitment. Progressive professional and/or scholarly develop­ ment required for promotion and tenure. Includes evening and weekend duty. Circulation Services Librarian: Responsibility for cir­ culation desk and reserve book room; automated circulation system operation; stack maintenance; physical access and collection secu­ rity; analysis of collection use data. Participation in implementation of integrated online public access catalog including circulation and re­ serve modules. Requirements: minimum of three years’ professional experience preferably in an academic library, with a minimum of two years in circulation or access services in a library which utilizes an 542 / C&RL News online system. Demonstrated interpersonal and management skills; strong commitment to service; Senior Assistant or Associate Librar­ ian rank, d e p e n d in g u p o n e x p e rie n c e and q u a lific a tio n s ($31,680-$48,204). Reference Librarian: Duties include general ref­ erence service, bibliographic instruction, database searching, refer­ ence collection development, other related duties as assigned and serving as backup at branch campus. Requirements: At least two years full-time professional academic library experience performing general reference, bibliographic instruction and database search­ ing. Academic background in physical/life sciences is preferred. Senior Assistant Librarian rank, depending upon experience and qualifications ($31,680-$38,136). Positions open until filled. To be assured consideration applications must be received by July 15, 1989. Send letter of application, including complete resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Me­ lissa Rose, Library Director, California State University, Hay­ ward, Hayward, CA 94542. Applications from women and minori­ ties welcome. AA/EOE. LATE J O B L IST IN G S A S S IST A N T A C Q U ISIT IO N S L IBR ARIAN. P erform s g e n e ra l acquisitions d u tie s (verification a n d ordering); w orks w ith OCLC a n d VTLS records; su p erv ises m usic binding. MLS req u ired . Academ ic lib ra ry experience, second lan g u ag e, fa m ilia rity w ith m usic desired. P osition av ailab le J u ly 1, 1989. R eview of ap p licatio n s begins J u n e 15 a n d will continue u n til position is filled. S alary: $16,937—$19,970. S end le tte r of application, c u rre n t re su m e , official copy of tra n s c rip ts , a n d n am es, ad d re sse s an d phone n u m b e rs of th re e references to: D avid C. G enaw ay, U n iv e rsity L ib ra ria n , M aag L ib rary , Y o u n g s to w n S t a t e U n iv e r s ity , Y oungstow n, OH 44555-3675. YSU is an E q u al O p p o rtu n ity , A ffirm ative Action Em ployer. A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N F O R ADM INISTR ATIV E SE R V IC E S. George M ason U n iv ersity , a rapidly-grow ing u n iv e rsity in th e W a sh in g to n D.C. a re a , is seeking a n A s s is ta n t L ib ra ria n to a s s is t in th e overall m a n a g e m e n t of th e U n iv e rsity lib ra ry , w ith p rim a ry re sp o n sib ilities in b u d g e t a n a ly sis a n d m a n a g e m e n t of th e perso n n el program , including s ta ff developm ent. We need som eone in te re s te d in all p h a se s of lib ra ry m a n a g e m e n t who w ould enjoy th e challenge of p la n n in g a new facility a n d ex p an d in g in to new space in th e c u rre n t b u ild in g a t th e sam e tim e a new in te g ra te d sy stem is being im p le m e n ted a n d th e collections a n d s ta ff a re growing. B ackground in s ta tis tic s a n d in te r e s t in g ra n tsm a k in g would also be desirable. T he A s sista n t L ib ra ria n is a m em b er of th e a d m in istra tiv e te a m a n d su p erv ise s two classified staff. A LA -accredited MLS a n d re le v a n t lib ra ry or o th e r experience required; experience w ith b u d g ets, p ersonnel, supervision, an d /o r g ra n ts m a k in g highly d esirab le. S alary: $26,000 a n d up, depending on qualifications. S en d cover le tte r a n d re su m e w ith n am es of th re e references to: A s s is ta n t L ib ra ria n S e a rc h C om m ittee, G e o r g e M a so n U n iv e r s ity , 4400 U n iv ersity , F airfa x , VA 22030-4444. P o sitio n will re m a in open u n til a su ita b le c a n d id a te is found; review ing of re su m e s will begin J u ly 10. AA/EOE. A S S IS T A N T U N D E R G R A D U A T E L IB R A R IA N (2 or 3 positions). P rovides referen ce a n d in fo rm atio n services to u sers. P a rtic ip a te s in co u rse -in teg rated bibliographic in stru c tio n . R esponsible for collection developm ent a n d faculty liaiso n in a ssig n e d subject a re a s. D u ties m ay include a d m in is tra tio n of U.G. L ib ra ry ’s circulation/shelving d e p a rtm e n t, or th e periodicals a n d CD-ROM site; m a n a g e m e n t of th e re se rv e s u n it; or coordinating facets of reference an d in fo rm atio n pro g ram s. R esponsibilities assig n ed will be b a se d on p erso n al q u alificatio n s a n d p re se n t staffing a rra n g e m e n ts . Q ualifications: R equired: M LS/ALA-accredited. One y e a r of experience in reference an d /o r bibliographic in stru c tio n . C o m m itm en t to dynam ic public services for u n d e rg ra d u a te s. A bility to m e e t u n iv e rsity re q u ire m e n ts for prom o tio n /ten u re. P referred: E xperience w ith public access online catalogs an d /o r CD-ROM d a ta b a se searching. D esired: F a m ilia rity w ith collection developm ent. E xperience in su p erv isio n /m an ag em en t. S alary/R ank: $21,000 u p w ard , d ep en d in g on qualifications/experience. Tw elve-m onth a p p o in tm e n t/A ssista n t Professor. M u st m e e t u n iv e rs ity re q u ire m e n ts for p ro m o tio n /ten u re (lib ra ria n sh ip , re se a rc h , p ublication, u niversity/professional service). A pplication: Send June 1989 / 543 application, resum e, nam es an d addresses of five professional references by Ju ly 17, 1989, to: Allen G. D ries, L ibrary Personnel M anager, U n iv e r s ity o f Illin o is L ib rary (U-C), 1408 W. Gregory Dr., U rbana, IL 61801. Phone: (217) 333-5494. A dditional Inform ation: C ontact B etsy Wilson, C hairperson, Search Committee, U n d erg rad u a te Library: (217) 333-3489. The U niversity of Illinois is an A ffirm ative Action, E qual O pportunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Jo y n er Library, E a s t C arolina U niversity. C atalog Librarian: R esponsible for original and complex copy cataloging of m onographic and audiovisual m aterials. This is a 12-m onth fixed-term faculty position and reports to th e C oordinator of Technical Services. S alary $22,000 m inim um , depending on qualifications. Q ualifications Required: ALA-accredited m a s te r’s in lib rary science; w orking knowledge of AACR2, LC rule in te rp re ta tio n s, LCSH, LC classification, and OCLC stan d ard s; experience w ith audiovisual cataloging; good oral and w ritte n com m unication skills; ability to work effectively w ith all levels of staff; ability to work well independently. Preferred: Knowledge of a m odern E uropean language; second m a ste r’s degree. E a s t C arolina U n iv ersity ’s lib raries serve a cam pus com m unity of over 15,000 students an d 950 faculty. The U niversity is a co n stitu en t in stitu tio n of the sixteen-cam pus U niversity of N orth Carolina. Screening of applications will begin A ugust 1, 1989, and continue u n til position is filled. Send le tte r of application, resum e, copies of tran sc rip ts, and nam es of th re e c u rre n t references to: Jo A nn Bell, Acting D irector of Academic L ibrary Services, Jo y n er Library, E ast C a ro lin a U n iv e r s ity , G reenville, NC 27858-4353. Official tra n sc rip ts from each college or u niversity atten d ed will be required prior to any offer of employment. - F ed eral law req u ires proper docum entation of id e n tity and employability a t th e tim e of employment. I t is requested th is docum entation be included w ith your application. E a s t C arolina U niversity is an afĥrm ative- action, equal-opportunity em ployer and, as such, encourages applications from women, blacks, and other m inorities. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, W abash College. P rincipal cataloger of m onographs, m usical scores, an d AV form ats usin g th e OCLC system , AACR2 an d L ibrary of Congress classification. C ataloging assistance provided by clerks an d stu d en ts train ed an d supervised by th e catalog lib rarian . Also responsible for catalog m aintenance, directing completion of a retrospective conversion project (using OCLC microcon system ), and planning for in stalla tio n of an electronic catalog in the 1990s. A ssists in providing reference service. Qualifications: C ataloging experience preferred. O rganizational skills. Broad, inform ed intellectual in terests evidenced by a record of strong p rep aratio n , a t le a st a t the u n d erg rad u ate level, in a liberal a rts discipline. MLS or com parable advanced degree. Position available S eptem ber 1,1989. S alary negotiable w ith m inim um of $23,000, in itia l two-year appointm ent, eleven-m onth work year, associated faculty ra n k w ith all faculty privileges except te n u re an d sabbatical leave, good fringe benefits. L e tte r of application, resum e and a t le a st th re e le tte rs of reference to:__ L a rry Frye, Lilly L ibrary, W abash C o lleg e, P.O. Box 352, Crawfordsville, IN 47933. Mr. Frye will be interview ing a t ALA/Dallas, Ju n e 24-27. Review of applications will begin Ju ly 15, 1989. The College is recognized n atio n ally for its com m itm ent to excellence in u n d erg rad u ate education. W omen and m inorities are encouraged to apply. EOE. CIRCULATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN/AUDIO-VISUAL COOR­ DINATOR. U n d er direction, H ead of Public Services, is responsible for a circulation/reserve d ep a rtm e n t of six plus staff. C oordinate circulation procedures an d policies w ithin a unified lib rary system; develop diverse m u lti­ m edia collection now consisting of 17,000 item s. Some reference desk service required. Knowledge of au to m ated circulation system s, or com puter technology applicable to lib rary operations expected. F am iliarity w ith Geac desirable. 544 / CérRL News MLS from accredited lib rary school; 3 years experience in academ ic, research, or special lib rary required. Salary: Negotiable, dependent upon experience and qualifications, m inim um $30,705. S ubm it resum e, 3 sources for c u rre n t reference no la te r th a n J u ly 14, 1989, to: S a n d ra Troy (App. #152), L ibrary P ersonnel Officer, R u tg e r s U n iv e r s ity L ibraries, 169 College Ave., New B runsw ick, N J 08903. EO/AAE. DIRECTO R OF INFORMATION SERVICES A N D UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. G riffith U niversity w ishes to m ake a n appointm ent to the position of D irector of Inform ation Services an d U niversity L ibrarian. The D irector of Inform ation Services will be the Executive Officer of th e Division of Inform ation Services which incorporates th e U niversity L ibrary an d th e Inform ation Technology C entre, and will be responsible for th e m an ag em en t of th e Division. The Inform ation Services Division provides library, inform ation, and com puting services to the U niversity. The appointee will re p o rt directly to th e Vice-Chancellor. A ppointm ent to th is position will be for an in itial five-year term , w ith eligibility for reappointm ent. The appointee will be expected to tak e a leadership role in providing innovative an d im proved services to stu d en ts, staff, research ers, an d U niversity m anagem ent. A m ost im p o rta n t aspect of th is role will be p lan n in g for th e application of com puter technologies to enhance an d resh ap e inform ation services a t G riffith U niversity. The successful ap p lican t will have a firm grasp of th e issues facing universities; thorough fam iliarity w ith th e operation and req u irem en ts of a m odern academic teaching and re se arc h library; strong leadership an d m an ag em en t skills a t a senior ad m in istrativ e level and in a collegial environm ent; superior com m unication skills; d em o n strated ability to ad m in iste r and re p re s e n t the lib rary and th e inform ation technology functions persuasively w ithin th e U niversity; knowledge of and com m itm ent to library autom ation in p a rtic u la r and inform ation technology in general; knowledge of th e place and use of inform ation technology in th e U niversity setting; a strong com m itm ent to th e developm ent of inform ation services using th e innovative opportunities which technology provides; an d successful experience w ith budgeting an d p lan n in g processes, personnel m anagem ent, resource developm ent, an d facilities planning. The successful applicant will have full professional qualification in lib ra ria n sh ip (qualification for th e A ssociateship of th e A u stralian L ibrary and Inform ation A ssociation—ALIA). The re m u n e ratio n package for th e position will be about $85,000 including salary, su p eran n u atio n , and use of a vehicle. The d istrib u tio n of th e package betw een these a re a s will be negotiated by the Vice-Chancellor w ith th e successful applicant. The U niversity will a ssist w ith th e cost of fares, rem oval expenses and housing. Applications from both women an d m en are encouraged. E m ploym ent benefits include the possibility of access to full-tim e child care and after-school care. A pplications, citing th re e professional references should be subm itted by F riday, J u n e 16, 1989 (though la te r applications will be considered), and should be addressed to: The Secretary, Senior Selection Com mittee, G riffith U n iv e r sity , N a th a n Qld 4111, A u stralia. An equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR, TECHNICAL AND AUTOMATED SERVICES, Baylor U niversity L ibraries. New Search. To provide leadership and m an ag em en t for technical and au to m ated services in a lib rary system im plem enting the m ultiL IS online system . Salary: $36,000 m inim um . T enured faculty position. Contact: S heila S later, B a y lo r U n iv e r sity , B.U. Box 7151, Waco, TX 76798­ 7151. Phone: (817) 755-1111, x6678. P relim inary interview s a t ALA possible. HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTM ENT, Position #125. H ead, Catalog D ep artm en t, rep o rts to A ssistan t AUL, Technical Services. M anages d e p a rtm e n t staff, supports public services and collection developm ent program s of C en tral L ib rary System . C oordinates procedures an d policies w ith other June 1989 / 545 cataloging u n its. C h airs L ib rary ’s C ataloging Policy C om m ittee. M anages work flow, supervision of priorities, b u d g et developm ent an d m anagem ent. Oversees functions for online catalog (HOMER), faculty a n d s ta ff re cru itm e n t, train in g an d supervision. R ep resen ts C atalog D e p a rtm e n t in Technical Services D e p a rtm e n t H ead s m eetings. MLS/ALA, extensive experience in bibliographic control in re se arc h lib rary environm ent, m a n a g e m e n t skills in analysis, short- an d long-term p lan n in g an d b u d g et p re p a ra tio n , goal setting, and developm ent of priorities. Experience w ith online catalog a n d in te g ra te d technical services autom ation. Salary: L ib ra ria n II, $32,020; L ib ra ria n III, $37,974 m inim um salary, p lu s benefits. P osition Open: J u ly 1, 1989, an d will rem ain open u n til filled. Apply To: C arolyn J . H enderson, A ssociate U niversity L ibrarian for A d m in istrativ e Services, Doheny M em orial L ibrary, U n iv e r s ity o f S o u th e r n C a lifo r n ia , U niversity P a rk , Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. Applicants su b m it le tte r of application; resum e; an d n am es, ad d resses, and telephone n u m b ers of th re e references. R efer to H ead, C atalog D ep a rtm en t, Position #125-C& RL. AA/EOE. HEAD, DO CUM EN TS D IV ISIO N (search extended). C oordinates reference and u s e r in stru c tio n services, collection developm ent, processing, circulation and a d m in istra tiv e operations including sta ff train in g . Define goals, esta b lish objectives an d form ulate policy for th e division. Provide overall supervision and m anagem ent for th e D ocum ents Division including 3.5 professional lib ra ria n s and 6 su p p o rt staff. Oversee U.S., Texas an d P a te n t D epository P rogram s. Provide com prehensive reference services th ro u g h indexes, online an d CD-ROM databases. P la n an d im p lem en t addition of bibliographic records to L ib rary ’s NOTIS system for th re e collections: U ġS ġ D ocum ents, Texas D ocum ents and Technical R eports. M a in ta in liaisons w ith academ ic d e p a rtm e n ts for prom oting use of D ocum ents resources an d services. Q ualifications: ALA-MLS. M inim um 6 years professional experience required, including experience w ith governm ent docum ents p referably in an academ ic library. E xperience in planning, organization, supervision an d m an ag e m e n t required. D em o n stra te d user- oriented philosophy required. Should be know ledgeable of au to m atio n and technical services re la tin g to governm ent docum ents. M ust possess ab ility to com m unicate clearly an d effectively. Should possess know ledge of issu es an d tren d s associated w ith governm ent publications an d th e ir applications to local program s. Should be know ledgeable of OCLC and/or o th er au to m ated bibliographic control system . M u st possess ability to w ork w ith faculty, sta ff and stu d en ts. S alary: $32,000 m inim um for 12 m onths; $33,000 m inim um w ith second m a s te r’s. C om petitive benefits package. No s ta te income tax. F acu lty rank. Texas A&M h a s a n enrollm ent of 39,000 an d is located in Bryan/College S tation betw een H ouston an d A ustin. Closing date: A pplications received by Ju ly 1, will receive firs t consideration. W rite or call for complete description of duties, qualifications an d benefits. To apply send le tte r of application, resum e and n am es a n d telephone n u m b ers of 3 professional references to: R oberta P itts, H ead, P ersonnel O perations, E vans L ibrary, T e x a s A&M U n iv e r s ity , College S tatio n , TX 77843-5000, (409) 845-8111. AA, EEO employer. HEAD, R E A D E R S SER VICES. Daw es M em orial L ibrary, M a rie tta College is seeking qualified can d id ates for th e position, H ead of R eaders Services. Position affords th e o p p o rtu n ity to work in a te a m en v ironm ent w here creativity and new p ro g ram in itia tiv e s are encouraged. M a rie tta College is a n atio n ally recognized liberal a r ts in s titu tio n located in historic so u th e a ste rn Ohio riv er town. L ib ra ry m a in ta in s a v ital collection of 290,000 volum es an d n o n p rin t m aterials. D e p a rtm e n t h ea d supervises w ork of s ta ff (3.5 FT E su p p o rt sta ff and 25 s tu d e n t a ss ista n ts ) in reference, circulation, in te rlib ra ry loan, and audiovisual center. D u ties include providing g en eral reference services, perform ing online searches, p lan n in g an d p a rtic ip a tin g in lib ra ry in stru c tio n program , an d responsibility for developm ent of reference a n d governm ent 546 / Cb-RL News docum ents collections. H ead of R ead ers Services re p o rts to College L ib ra ria n . A LA -accredited MLS req u ired ; 3 y ea rs experience in academ ic reference services in clu d in g online search in g preferred . E xcellent com m unication a n d in te rp e rso n a l skills essen tial. C a n d id ates should possess o rg a n iz atio n a l ab ility an d a w illingness to co n trib u te to m ak in g lib ra ry m a n a g e m e n t a n d policy decisions. M inim um sa la ry $21,000 for 12 m onths; faculty ra n k . 20 vacatio n days p lu s fringe b en efits package. P re fe rre d s ta rtin g d a te S ep tem b er 1, 1989. Review of ap p licatio n s begins J u ly 20, 1989, an d will continue u n til position is filled. S end ap p licatio n le tte r, resu m e, an d n am es of 3 references to: S a n d ra B. N eym an, College L ib ra ria n , D aw es L ib rary , M a r ie tta C o lle g e , M a rie tta , OH 45750. AA/EOE. M EDIA/M IC RO CO M PUTER COORDINATOR. A d m in istrativ e resp o n sib il­ ity for M edia C enter/M icrocom puter L ab o rato ry in U n d e rg ra d u a te L ibrary. P artic ip a te s/c o o rd in a te s original m ed ia cataloging. Provides reference services/bibliographic in stru ctio n . A ssigned resp o n sib ility in U G L book an d jo u rn a l selection. E sta b lish e d faculty liaison, develop reference aids in a re a s of subject responsibility. S upervise 2 F T E staff, 2 g ra d u a te a s s is ta n ts , an d $27,600 s tu d e n t w age budget. N ig h t a n d w eekend w ork expected. Q ualifications: R equired: M LS/ALA-accredited. O ne y e a r experience in m edia center, w ith n o n -p rin t m a te ria ls or m icrocom puter facilities. A bility to re la te effectively w ith faculty, s ta ff an d stu d e n ts. E xperience in su p erv isio n /m an ag em en t. Knowledge of m icrocom puter h a rd w a re an d softw are. A bility to m eet u n iv e rsity re q u ire m e n ts for prom otion/tenure. P referred : R eference and/or bibliographic in s tru c tio n experience in academ ic en v iro n m en t. D esired: N o n -p rin t cataloging experience. S alary/R ank: $21,000 u p w ard , d ep en d in g on qualifications/scholarly cred en tials. Tw elve-m onth a p p o in tm e n t/A ssista n t Professor. M u st m e e t u n iv e rsity re q u ire m e n ts for p ro m o tio n /ten u re (lib ra ria n sh ip , re se a rc h , publication, univ ersity /p ro fessio n al service). A pplication: S end application, resu m e, n a m e s a n d a d d resses of five professional references by J u ly 17, 1989, to: Allen G. D ries, L ib ra ry P erso n n el M an ag er, U n iv e r s it y o f I llin o is L ib ra ry (U-C), 1408 W. G regory D r., U rb a n a , IL 61801. Phone: (217) 333-5494. A dditional Inform ation: C o n tact B etsy W ilson, C h airp erso n , S earch C om m ittee, U n d e rg ra d u a te L ibrary: (217) 333­ 3489. The U n iv e rsity of Illinois is a n A ffirm ative Action, E q u al O p p o rtu n ity em ployer. M U SIC U S E R SE R V IC E S COORDINATOR, C oordinates reference a n d u se r services w ith in M usic L ibrary. T ra in s s ta ff in reference service. D u ties include reference, bibliographic in stru c tio n , d a ta b a s e searching, collection developm ent, cataloging a n d faculty liaison. E vening/w eekend w ork req u ired . Q ualifications: R equired: M LS/ALA-accredited. M a s te r’s Degree/M usicology or M usic H istory. M usic cataloging experience, in clu d in g AACR2, MARC tagging, LC C lassification an d S ubject H eadings. R eading know ledge of G erm an . A bility to w ork w ith re se a rc h -o rie n te d facu lty a n d stu d e n ts. R esearch o rien tatio n /m eet u n iv e rs ity re q u ire m e n ts for prom otion a n d te n u re . P referred : Two y ea rs professional experience in m usic cataloging, reference, an d collection developm ent. F a m ilia rity w ith a u to m a te d lib ra ry system s. D esired: K now ledge of one or m ore Rom ance lan g u ag es. M icrocom puter experience. S alary/R ank: $21,000 up w ard , d epending on qualifications/experience. Tw elve­ m o n th a p p o in tm e n t/A ssista n t Professor. M u st m e e t u n iv e rs ity re q u ire m e n ts for p ro m o tio n /ten u re (research , publication, u n iv ersity , com m unity, an d professional service) a s well as specific lib ra ry assig n m e n ts. A pplication Inform ation: S end application, resum e, n a m e s an d a d d re sse s of five professional referen ces by J u ly 15, 1989, to: Allen G. D ries, L ib ra ry P erso n n el M an ag er, U n iv e r s it y o f I llin o is L ib ra ry (U-C), 1408 W. G regory D r., U rb a n a , IL 61801. Phone: (217) 333-5494. The U n iv ersity of Illinois is a n A ffirm ative Action, E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity em ployer. June 1989 / 547 ORIGINAL CATALOGER, Special Collections. S upervise a n d direct the cataloging of special collection m aterials including a large collection of Texas range livestock an d science fiction m aterials. C atalog an d classify m onographs and a rra n g e for cataloging of serials located in Special Collections Division. Assign LC subject headings and classification num bers; verify cooperative cataloging from OCLC and revise OCLC in p u t. M ain tain a n aw areness of bibliographic access needs of Special Collections Divisions. A ssist in tra in in g new catalogers an d supervise 1.5 support staff. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. M inim um 2 y ears post-MLS cataloging experience including use of AACR2, OCLC system or sim ilar bibliographic utility, a n d LC classification an d subject headings. S upervisory experience and academ ic lib rary experience preferred. Salary: $23,000 m inim um for 10.5 m onths; $24,000 w ith additional m asters. Competitive benefits package. No sta te income tax. F aculty ra n k . Texas A&M has a n enrollm ent of 39,000 and is located in Bryan/College S tatio n betw een H ouston a n d A ustin. Closing date: A pplications received by J u ly 1 will receive first consideration. W rite or call for complete description of duties, qualifications an d benefits. To apply send le tte r of application, resum e and nam es an d telephone num bers of th re e professional references to: R oberta P itts, H ead, P ersonnel O perations, E vans L ibrary, T ex a s A&M U n iv e r s ity , College S tatio n , TX 77843-5000; (409) 845-8111. AA, EEO employer. REFERENCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. M ary W ashington College invites applications for th e Reference and Inform ation Services L ib ra ria n w hich will begin on A ugust 1 ,1 9 8 9 . The responsibilities will include m a in ta in in g general reference m aterials, m em ber of th e bibliographic in stru ctio n program , m anaging inform ation technologies, an d introducing m icrocom puter applications in public services of a highly au to m ated new lib rary serving a liberal a rts college com m unity of 3,160. P referred qualifications include ALA-MLS, experience and d em onstrated knowledge in m icrocom puter applications, v a rie ty of CD-ROM products, and in te g ra te d online system (VTLS preferred); ability to work effectively w ith stu d en ts, faculty a n d college s ta ff and experience in im plem enting a bibliographic in stru ctio n program for u n d erg rad u ates. S alary ra n g e $28,000 to $34,000 dependent upon experience and qualifications, w ith professional ra n k a n d s ta te benefits. M ary W ashington College is a s ta te supported u n d e rg ra d u a te liberal a rts in s titu tio n w ith a library collection of 285,000, VTLS, OCLC/SOLINET. To apply, a le tte r of application, resum e an d n am es of th re e references should be sen t to: LeRoy S. Strohl, L ib rary Director, M ary W a sh in g to n C o lleg e, F redericksburg, VA 22401-5358 by J u ly 1 ,1 9 8 9 . AA/EEO. REFERENCE/COLLECTION DEVELOPM ENT LIBRARIAN (Science and Technology Subject Specialist), Jo y n er L ibrary, E a s t C arolina U niversity. Responsibilities: P a rtic ip a te s in all aspects of reference service including service a t th e reference desk, online/CD-ROM d atab ase searching, and bibliographic in stru ctio n . Acts as liaison to th e science an d technology d ep a rtm e n ts and develops th e reference and stack collections in th ese subject areas. D e p a rtm e n t s ta ff of 12 includes 9 lib rarian s. Twelve-m onth, tenure- track faculty appointm ent. S alary $22,000 m inim um , depending on qualifications. R esearch and publication expected for te n u re and promotion. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, strong oral an d w ritte n com m unication skills an d re ad in g knowledge of a foreign language. Reference experience in an academic or re se arc h library, second m a ste r’s degree, an d experience w ith library applications for m icrocom puters preferred. E a s t C arolina U niversity’s libraries serve a cam pus com m unity of over 15,000 stu d en ts an d 950 faculty. The U n iv ersity is a co n stitu en t in stitu tio n of th e sixteen-cam pus U niversity of N orth C arolina. Screening of applications will begin A ugust 1, 1989, and continue u n til position is filled. Send le tte r of application, resum e, copies of tran sc rip ts, an d nam es of th re e c u rre n t references to: Jo A nn Bell, Acting 548 / C‹bRL News D irector of Academic L ib rary Services, Jo y n e r L ibrary, E a s t C a r o lin a U n iv e r s ity , G reenville, NC 27858-4353. Official tra n s c rip ts from each college or u n iv e rsity a tte n d e d will be req u ired prio r to a n y offer of em ploym ent. F ed eral law re q u ires p ro p er docum entation of id e n tity a n d em ployability a t th e tim e of em ploym ent. I t is re q u ested th is docum entation be included w ith your application. E a s t C arolina U niversity is a n afĭirm ative-action, equal- o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and, as such, encourages applications from women, blacks, a n d o th e r m inorities. R E FE R E N C E COORDINATOR, M abel S m ith D ouglass L ibrary. D ynam ic, creative lib ra ria n w ith good organizational an d com m unication skills to coordinate o u r reference services. D epending on qualifications, th is position will be th e b ib lio g rap h er for th e a r ts an d lan g u ag es including E n g lish an d will w ork closely w ith th e faculty in developing th e collection. S erves on U n iv ersity L ib raries S ta n d in g C om m ittee on Public Services a n d a ssists in recom m ending public service goals an d p rio rities for th e system as well as th e u n it. In addition to coordinating reference, provides reference, d a ta b a se searches, bibliographic in stru c tio n , collection developm ent a n d serves as coordinator w ith m edia d e p a rtm e n t. MLS from a n accredited lib ra ry school a n d th re e y ears re le v a n t experience in a n academ ic library. A dvanced subject degree desirable and scholarly record desirable. A rts background preferred. S alary: N egotiable, d ep en d en t upon experience a n d qualifications w ith a m in im u m of $30,705. S u b m it re su m e an d th re e sources for c u rre n t reference no la te r th a n J u ly 14, 1989, to: S a n d ra Troy (App. #151), L ib rary P erso n n el Officer, R u tg e r s U n iv e r s it y L ib raries, 169 College Avenue, New B runsw ick, N J 08903. E q u al O pportunity, A ffirm ative Action Em ployer. R E F E R E N C E LIBR A R IA N (Docum ents/Social Science). U n d e r direction, H ead of P ublic Services, provides general an d specialized reference services. O verall resp o n sib ility for org an izatio n a n d developm ent of governm ent docum ents collection w hich collects 49% of GPO depository item s. Supervise sm all staff. Provide online d a ta b a se searches, bibliographic in stru c tio n , an d collection developm ent in g overnm ent docum ents a n d social sciences. L iaison to academ ic p rogram s an d d e p a rtm e n ts. MLS from accredited lib ra ry school an d 3 y ears reference experience in a n academ ic, re se arc h , or special lib ra ry an d two y ears go v ern m en t docum ents experience required. S alary: N egotiable, d e p e n d en t upon experience an d qualifications, m in im u m $30,705. R esum e and th re e sources for c u rre n t reference no la te r th a n J u ly 1 4 ,1 9 8 9 , to: S a n d ra Troy (App. #148), P erso n n el Officer, R u tg e r s U n iv e r s it y L ib raries, 169 College Ave., New B runsw ick, N J 08903. EO/AAE. R E F E R E N C E LIBRARIAN, E m ory U niversity. A vailable F all 1989. R esponsibilities: Provide g eneral reference services in h u m a n itie s, social sciences an d b u sin ess in th e G eneral L ib raries. A ssist in providing u se r in stru c tio n an d developing in stru c tio n a l m a te ria ls. P erform com puter searches u sin g DIALOG, BRS, CD-ROM products, OCLC, RLIN a n d DOBIS (the lib ra ry ’s local OPAC). Q ualifications: Required: ALA-accredited M LS or eq u iv alen t degree; stro n g background in h u m a n itie s or social sciences, a n d know ledge of one m o d ern E u ro p e a n language; tra in in g in DIALOG or BRS a n d OCLC or RLIN bibliographic u tilities; d em o n strated stro n g com m unications and in te rp e rso n a l skills. P referred: S tro n g background in A rt H isto ry and/or S p an ish language. B eginning S a la ry an d R ank: D ependent upon qualifications an d experience. M inim um : L ib ra ria n I, $20,000; L ib ra ria n II, $23,750. A pplication Procedures: S end le tte r of application, resum e, a n d n a m e s and telephone n u m b ers of th re e references to: J a n e t T. P au lk , R obert W. W oodruff L ibrary, E m o r y U n iv e r s ity , A tla n ta , GA 30322. Call: (404) 727-6861 or w rite for m ore d etails. Review of m a te ria ls begins J u ly 10, 1989, an d continues u n til a n a p p o in tm en t is m ade. E m ory U n iv ersity is a n EEO/AA Em ployer. June 1989 / 549 REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. In anticipation of th e establishm ent of a new reference position, th e A tkins L ibrary of The U niversity of N orth C arolina a t C harlotte seeks a n individual who, u n d e r th e direction of the Reference U n it Head, will prim arily work nights and evenings a t the reference desk. O th er responsibilities will include some lib rary in stru ctio n an d online searching. The position, in conjunction w ith th e U n it H ead, develops the desk schedule. ALA-accredited M aster’s degree required. Two or m ore years public service experience preferred. Experience w ith online d atab a ses an d library in stru ctio n is highly desirable. Twelve-m onth appointm ent, ten u re -track position, ra n k com m ensurate w ith experience. M inim um salary $21,000. S tate m andated benefits. Send resum e and the nam es of th re e references by J u ly 15, 1989, to: Raym ond A. F ran k ie, Director, J . M urrey A tkins L ibrary, the U n iv e r sity o f N o r th C a ro lin a a t C h a rlo tte, C harlotte, NC 28223. UNC C harlotte is a n E qual O pportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. UNC C harlotte complies fully w ith the Im m igration Reform an d Control Act of 1986. Women an d m inorities are encouraged to apply. RESOURCE DEVELOPM ENT LIBRARIAN, HUM ANITIES. Responsible for all collection developm ent activities in th e h um anities, including selection of m aterials and evaluation of collections. M onitors funds associated w ith collection developm ent in th e hum anities. C oordinates gifts and exchange program . H ires, tra in s and supervises 2.5 support staff. W orks w ith academic faculty in collection building. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. M inim um two years professional (post-MLS) experience, preferably in a n academ ic library. Academic background in th e h u m an ities required. Knowledge of a t le a st one foreign language required; a m odern E uropean language desirable. Knowledge of OCLC an d m ajor p rin t and online bibliographic tools. R equires organizational, an alytical and supervisory skills, effective com m unication skills and th e ability to work effectively w ith faculty, s ta ff and stu d en ts. Salary: $23,000 m inim um for 10.5 m onths; $24,000 w ith additional m a ste r’s. Com petitive benefits package. No sta te income tax. F aculty ra n k . Texas A&M has a n enrollm ent of 39,000 and is located in Bryan/College S tatio n betw een A ustin and Houston. Closing Date: Applications received by Ju ly 1 will receive first consideration. W rite or call for complete description of duties, qualifications an d benefits. To apply, send le tte r of application, resum e, and nam es an d telephone num bers of th re e professional references to: R oberta P itts, H ead, P ersonnel O perations, E vans Library, T ex a s A&M U n iv e r sity , College S tatio n , TX 77843-5000; (409) 845-8111. AA, EEO employer. SEN IO R A SSIST A N T LIBRARIAN. Public Services D ep a rtm en t (Tenure- track, full-tim e). S alary Range: $2,640--$3,658/month. A pplications Deadline: Ju n e 30, 1989. Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited lib rary school or equivalent. Reference an d in stru ctio n al skills. In te re s t in, experience w ith, or recent coursework in online database/CD/ROM reference services. Desirable: L eadership/organizational ability and strong in terp erso n al com m unication skills. Ability to a ssist in long-range p lan n in g and coordinating equipm ent and facility needs for com puterized reference services. Provides reference services for stu d e n ts and faculty; provides bibliographic instruction; chairs the Reference D atabase Com mittee; coordinates tra in in g program s and m ain tain s com puter in stru c tio n m anuals. S ubm it le tte r of application, resum e and nam es, addresses an d phone num bers of 3 professional references to: A nn Waggoner, C hair, Public Services D epartm ent, O viatt L ibrary, C a lifo r n ia S ta te U n iv e r s ity , N o r th r id g e , 18111 N ordhoff St., N orthridge, CA 91330. An AA/EO, Title IX Section 503 an d 504 Employer. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS CATALOGER. Position Description: The Special Collections C ataloger is responsible for cataloging m ate ria ls in all form ats using 550 C& RL News / OCLC a n d N O T IS. R esp o n sib ilities include su p erv isio n of copy ca ta lo g in g a n d o th e r m a in te n a n c e ac tiv itie s involving S pecial Collections. W orks u n d e r th e g e n e ra l d irec tio n o f th e H ea d of B ibliographic C ontrol w hile b ein g resp o n siv e to p rio ritie s s e t by th e A s s is ta n t D irecto r for S pecial Collections. S erv es a s liaiso n w ith th e s ta f f o f th e Special C ollections D ivision. The collecting e m p h a sis of th e D ivision is T ex a n a, th e M exican-A m erican W ar, M exican h isto ry (1810—1920), a n d c a rto g ra p h ic h isto ry . Q ualifications: R equired: M a s te r’s degree from a n A L A -accredited lib ra ry school; d e m o n stra te d know ledge sufficient to p erfo rm su b ject a n a ly s is in S p a n ish ; m in im u m o f 2 y e a rs successful p rofessional ca talo g in g experience, p re fe ra b ly in a n academ ic lib rary ; know ledge of AACR2, L ib ra ry of C ongress classification, a n d LC SH . D esired: E x p erien ce in special collections; u n d e r g ra d u a te o r g ra d u a te h is to ry m ajor; good in te rp e rs o n a l skills; experience w ith OCLC or o th e r bibliographic u tility a n d N O T IS or o th e r a u to m a te d sy stem . Location: The U n iv e rsity of T exas a t A rlin g to n , located in th e D a lla s-F o rt W o rth m etroplex, h a s a c u r r e n t e n ro llm e n t of ap p ro x im ately 23,000 a n d offers 97 degrees, 21 a t th e Ph.D . level. T he U n iv e rsity L ib ra rie s p re s e n tly h a v e a s ta ff of 100 a n d ap p ro x im ately 1,250,000 ite m s in th e collections. S a la ry a n d B enefits: $19,504 s a la ry p lu s $965 in s ta te co n trib u tio n s to w a rd Social S e cu rity for a n a n n u a l m in im u m of $20,469, d ep e n d in g on q u alificatio n s a n d experience. A dditional co n trib u tio n s in clu d e $1380 p e r a n n u m to h e a lth a n d b en e fits p ack ag e a n d 8.5 p e rc e n t of a n n u a l s a la ry c o n trib u te d by th e S ta te for optional re tire m e n t p ro g ra m s, in clu d in g TIA A -CREF a n d o th e r approved 403 (b) (c) c a rrie rs . A pplications: A pplications sh o u ld in clu d e a re su m e a n d th e n a m e s a n d a d d re sse s of th re e professional references. C o n sid e ra tio n for th e po sitio n will begin J u ly 10, 1989, a n d will co n tin u e u n til a sa tisfa c to ry c a n d id a te h a s b e e n found. A pplications should be a d d re sse d to: C h a ir, S pecial C ollections C a ta lo g e r S earch C om m ittee, T he U n iv e r s it y o f T e x a s a t A r lin g to n L ib ra rie s, P.O . Box 19497, A rlington, TX 76019-0497. T h e U n iv e rsity of T exas a t A rlin g to n is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , affirm ativ e actio n em ployer. TWO P O S IT IO N S , F e rris S ta te U n iv ersity , S earch es C o n tin u ed . L ib ra ry A d m in istra tio n : (D e p a rtm e n t H ead s, $33,000 m in im u m . S erve as d ire c to rs on th e L ib ra ry a n d In s tru c tio n a l S ervices A d m in istra tiv e Council.) 1. S y stem s a n d O p e ra tio n s D e p a rtm e n t, consisting of bibliographic control (cataloging, OCLC, n etw o rk in g ) a n d collection developm ent (acq u isitio n s a n d a sse ssm e n t), a n d liaiso n w ith th e co m p u ter ce n te r, academ ic com puting, a n d 2 reference ce n te rs. R equired: M LS or e q u iv a le n t from a lib ra ry /in fo rm a tio n science p ro g ra m ac cred ited by th e A m erican L ib ra ry A ssociation a n d a com bination of re le v a n t a d m in is tra tiv e a n d tech n ical experience, 3 y e a rs m inim ally. D e m o n s tra te d e x p e rtise w ith bibliographic a u to m a te d sy stem s (i.e., N O TIS, PALS, C LSI, a n d a lte rn a tiv e s like PCEM A S, Bibliofile, MARCHON), a p p ro p ria te h a rd w a re (including IBM m a in fra m e su pport). 2. R eference a n d In s tru c tio n a l S ervices D e p a rtm e n t, c o n sistin g of reference (m a n u a l a n d online services, a n d a u to m a te d reference center), in te rlib ra ry loan, lib ra ry an d b ib lio g rap h ic in s tru c tio n , a n d 2—4 b ra n c h lib ra rie s a n d off-site reference c e n te rs. R equired: MLS or e q u iv a le n t from a lib ra ry /in fo rm a tio n science p ro g ra m a c c red ited by th e A m erican L ib ra ry A ssociation or e q u iv a le n t experience a n d a com bination of re le v a n t a d m in is tra tiv e a n d technical experience 3 y e a rs m in im ally (8 y e a rs experience i f in lieu of ed u catio n re q u ire m e n ts). C a n d id a te s m u s t d e m o n s tra te ex p e rtise in th e p ro g ra m design an d d eliv ery of refere n ce services a n d pack ag ed in fo rm atio n , a s w ell as in lib rary /b ib lio g rap h ic in s tru c tio n a n d p ro g ra m design, u sin g m a n u a l reso u rces, a u to m a te d in fo rm a tio n technology, a n d a v a rie ty of m ed ia. F S U is a polytechnic u n iv e rs ity of 11,800 w ith p ro g ra m s ra n g in g from asso cia te to d o cto ra te deg rees, s itu a te d in Big R apids, a co m m u n ity of 15,000, 50 m iles n o r th o f G ra n d R ap id s. T he L ib ra ry a n d In s tru c tio n a l S ervices h a s a s ta ff ca. 75, b u d g e t of over $2 m illion, a n d collections of ca. 1.5 m illion bibliographic June 1989 / 551 u n its. F u ll job descriptions are available: call (616) 592-3726. Apply (possible interview s a t ALA-Dallas) to th e ap p ro p riate search com m ittee, F S U Library, F e r r i s S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , Big R apids, MI 49307-2295. F e rris S ta te U niversity is a n affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. TW O P O S IT IO N S . 1) M onographic C ataloging L ib ra ria n . Supervision, p lan n in g , an d coordination of m onographic cataloging section. O riginal and copy cataloging of m onographs on OCLC. P osition carries academ ic r a n k of Senior A ss ista n t or Associate L ib ra ria n w ith m inim um sa la ry of $26,000+ depending on qualifications, experience, an d appointing ra n k . M inim um qualifications: M a ste r’s in library/inform ation science, cataloging experience, d em o n strated supervisory skills an d effectiveness in com m unication, and in te re s t in p lan n in g for au to m ated system s. Second m a s te r’s preferred. 2) T em porary T eaching M ateria ls Reference B ibliographer. 20-m onth position. R esponsible for overall a d m in istra tio n of T eaching M ateria ls 50,000-item collection an d re la te d services. Serves as liaison w ith te a c h e r education p rogram faculty. Responsible for lib ra ry in stru c tio n an d reference service re la te d to th e collection. S a la ry of $22,000+ depending on qualifications and experience. D esirable qualifications: K-12 course work, re cen t school experience including curriculum methodology a n d educational technology, d e m o n stra te d supervisory and in terp erso n al skills. MLS required. Recent teach in g experience an d second m a s te r’s preferred. C o rtlan d is an u n d e rg ra d u a te lib eral a r ts college of 6,500 stu d e n ts located conveniently in b ea u tifu l C e n tra l New York n e a r Cornell U niversity and Syracuse. L ib rary of over 360,000 volum es. F acu lty s ta tu s an d responsibilities, ca le n d ar year a p p o in tm en t, excellent fringe benefits. S ubm it cover le tte r a n d re su m e listin g a t le a s t th re e references to: Selby U. G ration, D irector of L ib raries, SUNY C o lle g e a t C o r t l a n d , P.O. Box 2000, C ortland, NY 13045. A pplications re q u ested by J u n e 30, b u t accepted u n til position is filled. AA/EOE. LOOKING FO R A JOB? ACRL’s F ast Job Listing Service brings you job notices four weeks before they appear in C ollege & Research Libraries N ew s. This monthly bulletin also contains job postings that, because o f narrow application deadlines, do not appear in C& RL N ew s. The F ast J o b Listing Service is sent to subscribers by first-class mail the first week of every month. You can be a step ahead of other job applicants by seeing position descriptions very shortly after they are received in our office. Subscriptions to the Fast J o b Listing Service are for a period o f six months— by that time we hope you have found the job you’re looking for! The cost is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for non-members. You may use the form below to enter your subscription. YES! I want to see job notices as quickly as possible by subscribing to ACRL’s Fast Job Listing Service. _________ I am a member of ACRL and am enclosing $10. _________I am not a member o f ACRL and am enclosing $15. NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP:_______________________________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to ACRL/ALA and send to the Fast Job Listing Service, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. 552 / CirRL News Recenł CLIPpings CLIP Notes (College Library Information Packets) Designed by ACRL's College Libraries Section to collect data and sample documents from academic libraries, CLIP Notes assist librarians in establishing or refining services and operations. Collection Development Policies for College Libraries. CLIP Note #11 Compiled by Theresa Taborsky and Paticia Lenkowski. Contains complete policies as well as selected ones on subject collections, special formats, and special collec­ tions. 1989. 181p. 0-8389-7295-0. $23.95; ACRL member $19.95. Annual Reports for College Libraries. C U P Note #10 Compiled by Kenneth Oberembt. Contains data-gatheringforms, graphics, and selected annual reports. 1988. 135p. 0-8389-7219-5. $20; ACRL member $17. Friends of College Libraries.CUP Note #9 Compiled by Ronelle Thompson. “A must for two groups of libraries: those who have Friends groups and those who do not ."Library Journal. 1987. 134p. 0-8389-7171-7. $17; ACRL member $14. Periodicals in College Libraries. CLIP Note #S Compiled by Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson. “Recom­ mended for all college and university libraries.” Library Journal. 1987. 116p. 0-8389­ 7143-1. $17; ACRL member $14. Managing Student Workers in College Libraries. C U P Note #7 Compiled by Michael D. Kathman and Jane McGurn Kathman. “Supervisors looking for help in hiring and managing these [student] workers, whether in small or large academic libraries, will find this compilation very useful.” RQ. 1986.182p. 0-8389-097­ 4. $17; ACRL member $ 14. Mission Statements for College Libraries. C U P Note #5 Compiled by Larry Hardesty, Jamie Hastreiter, and David Henderson. “The survey is a good one, eliciting answers to questions about why and how libraries developed statements of purpose, or why not...a commendable production...” RQ. 1985. 107p. 0­ 8389-6944-5. $20; ACRL member $15. ACRL Approval Plan 'P C 1 The convenient and cost-cutting approval order plan provides automatic priority shipping of ACRL's new CLIP Notes at a 20% discount to ACRL members (10% to non­ members). You may change or cancel your approval order at any time and you do have return privileges. To enroll write to ACRL Approval Plan, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. I Association of College and Research Libraries a division of the American Library Association c /o ALA Publishing Services, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795 The Approval Plan with No Surprises. Old-fashioned approval plans are they are spending. designed for the book budgets of the Our approval plans feature pre­ 1960s. Too often they surprise you publication title notification, person­ with unpredictable performance, ally selected (not computer-selected) high returns, and unforeseen cost books, a carefully defined list of pub­ fluctuations. lishers, and m anagement reports In contrast, we put librarians that really help you control future firmly back in control of the books approval activity. they are receiving and the money 1::• '⅝:: Call or write us for more information Academic Book Center 5600 NE Hassalo Street Portland, OR 97213 1-800-547-7704 503-287-6657 Scholarly Book Center 451 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10013 1-800-223-4442 212-226-0707 SURPRISE! Brand new revised edition of the ho. 1 guide to governm ent benefits for consum ers, students, educators, business people, and m any others. Government Assistance Almanac, 1989*90: The Guide to A ll Federal Financial an d O th e r Dom estic Programs Over 1,115 programs. scholarships, or traineeships." R ecom m ended 4,000 addresses and phone numbers. listings fo r business people include "B usiness Edited by J. Robert Dumouchel. 759 pages. development," “ Inform ation, general," "C om plaint investigations,” "Volunteers," and m any others. $55.00. Standing Order Available. Contents o f the Alm anac include: Your library patrons w ill find this revised and • Grants fo r research, experim ents, d e m o n ­ enlarged edition w o rth its w e igh t in gold as a strations, education planning, co n stru ctio n ; guide to cash assistance program s tha t can • Direct and in d ire ct paym ents and subsidies benefit students, researchers, and educators at to individuals, private firm s, n o n p ro fit every academ ic level. organizations, state and local agencies; Business people, in particular, place high value on • Governm ent loans w ith and w ith o u t interest; its wealth of detail on advisory services, counsel­ • Guarantee/Insurance on private loans; ing, conferences, training, workshops, technical • Availability o f federal property, facilities, and "Offers advice on seeking assistance, and practical inform ation in ju s t about eq uipm en t fo r pu blic or private use;assistance, surveys recent pro every field. gram funding levels, and pro­ • Technical in fo rm a tio n , a d viso ry services, The Alm anac covers every one o f the m ore than vides an extensive list o f agen­ counseling, conferences on a w ide range of 1,115 governm ent assistance program s m en­ cy addresses and telephone fields; tio n e d in the Catalog o f Federal D o m e stic numbers. Most importantly, • Training, apprenticeships, and internships;Assistance (CFDA)— b u t in a m uch m ore useful the Almanac offers a superb fo rm . Unlike CFDA, it is indexed. One easy-to-use • Fellowships, scholarships, and learning ... double-column index to its m aster index, filling 130 tw o-co lu m n pages, runs stipends; contents." —Library Journal. fro m “Abandoned Mine Land R eclam ation” to • Guidance on investigating co m p la in ts; “ Zoological Parks— S urplus W ildlife.” • Guidance on federal em p lo ym e nt; To help college-bound students, see “ Fellowships, • “ H o w -to -a p p ly ...” steps to obtain assistance. PRIVATIZATION: A SO U R CEBO O K SU BJECT BIBLIO G RAPH IES Reports, Sun•ey•s and Other Selected Materials o f Trends, OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS: Developments, Programs, Projects and Practices o f Govern­ A Compilation o f Books. Reports, and Pamphlets available ment, Trade and Professional Societies, Foundations, and from the U.S. Government Printing Office at the Time o f Their Other Public and Private Groups. Publication. Edited by John Sherrod. Over 500 pages per volume. Hard Index. 1,054 pages. $65.00. Standing Order Available. cover. $75.00 per volume; annual subscription, 2 volumes, Until now two barriers have m ade GPO 's valuable materials difficult to address: few $125.00. Standing Order Available. library patrons know exactly what fields are covered and few libraries possess co m ­ W ith growing numbers of public services being contracted out to private firms, there plete and current bibliographies of the thousands of titles available is urgent need tor reliable inform ation on the theory and practice— and the pros O m nigraphics solves both these problem s w ith this m aster bibliography of 225 and co n s — of privatization Om nigraphics presents a series of twice-yearly volumes subjects Each subject contains titles with brief annotations and prices o f books, that incorporates tim ely inform ation from a wide variety of sources. pamphlets, reports, and guides. Am ong the many topics included are Aging, A c ­ counting and Auditing, Econom ics, Gardening, Nutrition, Poetry and Literature, Volume 1 concentrates on privatization of libraries, especially those associated with governm ent agencies and departm ents Future volum es, in preparation, w ill deal Roads and Highways. Shipping, S m all Business, and Transportation All now— with other public services in the United States and with privatization in other for the first tim e— organized in one convenient, indexed volume. countries. AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENTS: A Guide to Battlefields and Cemeteries o f the United States All items on 60-day approval. Armed Forces. 10% discount on standing orders. Illustrated with photographs and maps. 450 pages approx. Index. $65.00. T his illustrated com pilation of docum ents from the A m erican Battle M onum ents C om m ission is valuable to veterans, relatives of fallen soldiers, tourists, students, and anyone else w ho w ishes to honor the m em ories of A m erican servicem en and wom en It provides detailed inform ation on m onum ents and cem eteries in many countries. Omnψηmcs; One. These descriptions include sum m aries of battles, tips for travelers, text of m onu­ Penobscot Building • Detroit, M l 4822 6 m ent Inscriptions, m aps, and photographs Fax (313) 961-1383 • Toll free phone 800-234-1340 Structure Bookmarks 526 / CirRL News Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.25 per line for ACRL members, $6.60 for others. Late job notices are $12.60 per line for members, $14.70 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their m Salary guideListed below are the minimum starting salary figures recommended by 16 state library orga­nizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should con­sider these recommended mimumums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1988, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Admin­istrative Compensation Survey) when evaluat­ing professional vacancies. For more info June 1989 / 527 ucatioπal Support Services for the Germantown Campus. This posi­tion reports directly to the College Director of Educational SupportServices and is responsible for the administration of all aspects of theGermantown Campus' Educational Support Services unit, including library and educational media resources and services and other re­lated areas. Responsibilities also include planning, managing, and evaluating the resources, services, programs, facilities, budget and personnel of the campus unit. A Master's d MLS. Two years professional experience in cataloging on a biblio­graphic utility (RLIN or OCLC preferred) using AACR2. Knowledge of at least one Western European language in addition to English. Preferred: Some experience with retrospective conversion. Knowl­edge of Chinese and/or Hebrew. Salary and Rank Commensurate with education and experience; minimum salary $21,600. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries, Room 139, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Was 528 / C&EL News faculty. Conditions are: 12-month contract, 24 days annual leave, 11University holidays, 12 sick days, health/life insurance package with80 percent paid by university, retirement program choice of eitherTIAA/CREF or State system. Both are paid entirely by the University(annual rate is approximately 10 percent of salary), better than average funding and support for professional development. Salary iminimally $18,800, more depending on experience. Responsibilities: Doing original cataloging and editing OCLC m staff. The library will begin implementation of the ATLAS system of Data Research Associates in April 1989, and will occupy a new build­ing in June 1989. Application Procedure: The position is now open and will be filled as quickly as possible. Screening of applicants will begin July 1,1989. Position will remain open until filled. To apply you must send: letter of application, resume, transcripts for all college credits (unofficial copies of transcripts are acceptable for initial appli­cation), and 3 curren ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PRESERVATIONHarvard UniversityMalloy-Rab¡nowitz Preservation Librarian in the Harvard University Library. As a senior officer (equiva­lent to an Assistant University Librarian) reporting to the Director of the Harvard University Library, providesUniversity-wide leadership in the development and expansion of preservation activities and coordinatesextensive University-wide preservation efforts. The Preservation Librarian represents the Harvard Univer­sity Library at relevant June 1989 / 529 located on Maryland’s historic Eastern Shore. Attractive modern li­brary with congenial staff of 10. Send a letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three current ref­erences to: William J. Tubbs, Librarian, Miller Library, Washington College, Chestertown, MD 21620. We will begin reviewing applica­tions after June 25th. AA/EEO employer.CHEMISTRY-MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN, the University of Oklahoma, library faculty vacancy. Duties: Under the direction of the Head of Branch Li DIRECTORDrexel University LibraryApplications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of University Library. The Direc­tor reports to the Senior Vice President for Aca­demic Affairs and is a member of the Academic Council. He/she has responsibility for library ser­vices including long-range planning; formulation and implementation of goals and policies; manage­ment of facilities, collections and budgets; selection and implementation of a computerized, integrated library system; representing 530 / Cò-RL News library experience preferred; excellent oral and written communica­tions skills; demonstrated ability to establish beneficial relationships with faculty, co-workers, patrons and donors in an academic envi­ronment. Salary: dependent upon experience and qualifications with'$23,000 minimum for 12-month appointment. Faculty rank and ten­ure eligibility; benefits include TIAA-CREF. Position available August1,1989. Deadline for nominations and applications is June 15,1989. Send resume, listing names, addresses an Freedom of Information Act. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities and women.COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES/HEAD REFERENCE LI­BRARIAN. The University of the South seeks a creative, energetic, people-oriented librarian to coordinate and supervise Reference, Circulation, Interlibrary Loans, Archives and Special Collections, and Non-Print Services in duPont Library. Reports to University Li­brarian and serves Slavic Serials CatalogerStanford university LibrariesWe are looking for someone to join the Serials Department who is self-motivated, welcomes professional growth, is challenged by a broad variety of responsibilities, enjoys being part of a large academic library community and has strong interpersonal skills.QUALIFICATIONS: B.S. in Slavic Studies and MLS or equiva­lent; demonstrated working knowledge of Russian; under­standing of Slavic and East European bibliography; under­standing of and experience with M June 1989 / 531 r¡eπce with significant reference service; three years progressively responsible supervisory experience in libraries; demonstrated abilityto work effectively with patrons and staff; excellent interpersonalskills; ability to plan, develop, and implement effective public ser-vices program. Preferred: second graduate degree; experience with computer technology related to library services. Position available: July 1, 1989. Salary Range: $25,000-$31,900; excellent benefits; applications received by June 30 will receive first consideration, Send letter of application, resume, and enceand qualifications, minimum $24,000. Contact: Imre Meszaros, Director of Library, Villa Julie College, Stevenson, MD 21153; (301)486-7000. .... ................................DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, Head of Department, New MexicoState University. NMSU enrolls over 14,000 students in 70 major un-dergraduate areas, 42 master's degrees and 19 doctoral degreeprograms. In its 101st year, NMSU is the land grant institution for New Mexico. Located in southern New Mexico on the high desert incitV of '-as Cruces, ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANMiami UniversityInformation & Research Services. As a member of library management working directly with the Dean and University Librarian, the Assistant University Librarian for Information & Research Services will provide leadership for the formulation and implementation of evolving public service programs to meet the curricu­lar and research needs of the users of the Miami University Libraries. The incumbent will have responsibility for Science, Music, and the Art & Architec 532 / CirRLNews gree in Library Science from an accredited ALA institution plus a subject Master’s. At least three years of experience in a documents situation will enable the Library to offer a salary of at least $25,000. Automation and supervisory experience are expected. A faculty po­sition, the individual employed will be expected to fulfill the usual re­quirements for promotion and tenure. Attractive fringe benefit pack­age with twenty-two days of annual leave. If you are interested in a challenging position in a most ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Science and Engineering Library. The University of Virginia. Under the supervision of the Di­rector of the Science and Engineering Library, organizes, manages, and coordinates electronic information services, including distrib­uted and decentralized services for a number of science depart­ments. Assumes a proactive role in evaluating and implementing new electronic systems and products; in developing information ser­vices through technology such as computers, CD-ROM’s and vide June 1989 / 533 million. Member of the Library’s Administrative Council. Require­ments: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science. Second Master’s degree desirable. Five years specifically related, progressively re­sponsible professional experience that includes knowledge of mate­rials sources and acquisitions procedures. Ability to manage and motivate a staff of 12.5 FTE. Excellent oral and written communica­tion skills. Commitment to team management in a dynamic organiza­tional environment. A record of professional involv ever changing automated environment. Salary and rank of appoint­ment as a faculty librarian commensurate with qualifications. Appli­cations must be received no later than July 15,1989. Apply in writ­ing, including a resume and three letters of reference, to: Secretary, Search Committee, (Head, Copy Cataloging Section), 271 Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. The Uni­versity of Pittsburgh is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity em­ployer. Minorities are actively sought.HEAD, 534 / C&RLNews DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESHoward UniversityHoward University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of University Libraries. Appointment is to begin July 1,1989, or as soon as possible thereafter.Howard University, founded in 1867 and located in Washington, D.C., has emerged as one of the na­tion’s 70 most comprehensive universities. The University is a historically Black private institution supported by corporations, foundations, individual contributions from alumni and fri June 1989 / 535 automated environment. The department head's responsibilities in­clude planning, organizing, budgeting, directing, and evaluatingservices, programs, and personnel. Qualifications: The successfulcandidate must have an ALA-accredited MLS; minimum 5 years pro­gressively responsible managerial experience in an academic or re­search library, with experience in technical services or serials con­trol; experience with WLN, RLIN, or OCLC, including integration withlocal systems; and knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC clas tural activities are available. Screening of candidates will begin July 17, and the position will remain open until filled. Full job description available upon request. Send nominations or application letters with resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three profes­sional references to: Dennis Stephens, Chair, IAS Search Commit­tee, Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Fair­ banks, AK 99775-1005. The University of Alaska is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and ed HEAD LIBRARIANSPennsylvania State University(3 Openings), Beaver, Fayette, and New Kensington Campus Libraries. The Penn State University Li­braries seek qualified applicants for head librarian vacancies at three branch campus locations in western Pennsylvania that support associate degree, up to two years of most University baccalaureate, and a vari­ety of continuing education programs.Beaver Campus: 33,000-item library at a 94-acre commuter campus in Beaver County, thirty-five miles northwest of Pittsburg 536 / C‹ùrRL News• • • • COORDINATOR, LIBRARY SYSTEMS ANDAUTOMATION. West Virginia UniversityLibraries announce a new position in LibrarySystems. Under the direction of the Dean ofLibraries, responsible for successful planning,evaluation, testing, selection, implementation, and maintenance of an online integrated librarysystem including software modification asrequired. DUTIES: manages the automation and systems programs within the University Libraries, working closely with the library staff, library management, and university comp statistical reports. Supervises multi-campus library services person­nel. Makes periodic site visits to multi-campus locations. Maintains effective working relationships with WSU libraries and Extended Uni­versity Services personnel to facilitate cooperation and effective ser­vices. Initiates and maintains effective relationships with non-WSU- affiliated libraries serving WSU Extended University personnel and students. Provides library services for curricular and research needs of multi-campus students and June 1989 / 537 HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN, English/American Language & Litera­ture (temporary appointment). Date of Appointment: September 1, 1989. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Term of Appointment: Twelve­month contract. Academic Rank: Faculty rank based upon qualifica­tions and experience. Reports to: Head, Humanities & Behavioral Sciences. Educational requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required for appointment as instructor. For assistantprofessor or above, a second master’s degree or 30 hours of gradu­ate co university community with a staff of 110 including thirty-four profes­sionals, over one million volumes and a materials budget of $1.4 mil­lion. The library is a member of the CRL and the Library Computer System (LCS), a resource-sharing network of twenty-nine academic institutions in the State of Illinois. Duties: With two other librarians and four civil service personnel, works within the Humanities Division of the Library as a subject librarian furnishing: 1) reference service in the humanities generally 538 / CirRL News three references, as soon as possible, to: Campus Registrar, Uni- verslty of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, W.l. Further in- formation sent to all applicants. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Two positions). Seeking two flexible, in- novative individuals interested in quickly becoming part of manage- ment. One position will initially work under the direction of the Head of the Circulation Department and the other position will initially work under the direction of the Head of the Reference Department. Partici vising and a variety of management skill development opportunities,Duties include some night and weekend work. Must have an MLSdegree from an ALA-accredited library school. Two years of profes­sional experience after receipt of the M LS degree required for Ass¡s-tant University Librarian; five years of professional experience afterreceipt of the MLS degree required for Associate University Librar-ian. Supervisory experience and a strong interest in managementpreferred. Public service orientation helpful. Th REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATORSThe University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleThe John C. Hodges Library is seeking 3 subject coordinators for its newly re-organized Reference and Information Services Department which encompasses general reference, government documents and mi­croforms, library instruction, and database searching. These services are supported by 22 faculty and 8 staff members. RIS is the primary liaison to the teaching faculty and has a major role in collection develop­ment. Coordinators report to th ĵune 1989 / 539 ences to: Lois Burdick, Assistant Director for Administrative Ser­vices, Room 105, Administrative Office, Strozier Library, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2047. Please cite position no. 53203/53317. An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action em­ployer.MEDIA SERVICE LIBRARIAN. George Mason University, rapidly growing institution in Northern Virginia (20 miles from Washington, D.C.) seeks librarian to manage library and campus-wide media ser­vices program in highly automated environment. Will w ered, applications must be received by the Employment Office no later than June 15,1989. EOE.RARE BOOKS CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Special Collections, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Performs original and adaptive cataloging of rare books and other printed materials; serves as bibliographer for a subject area for the general libraries; assists users of Special Collections; supervises catalog mainte­nance, shelving of printed materials, bookplating, processing and preparation of protective enclosures an 540 / C‹LrRL News main open until filled. An AA/EOE Employer.SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. The Wichita State Univer­sity Library is seeking a Science/Engineering Librarian who will serve in a general university library setting as library liaison to the Col­lege of Engineering and other departments as assigned, and func­tion as a member of The Institute of Aviation Technology Transfer Team. Will assist users at a general reference desk, take part in bib­liographic instruction and collection management programs, and provide c development duties in a divisional science/technology library. Re­quired: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: Science reference experi­ence; science background; computer searching experience/train­ing. Benefits: Full faculty rank and benefits, $20,000-$24,000 depending on experience. The University of Idaho offers the cultural opportunities and amenities of a university town, while being located in the midst of an outstanding outdoor recreation area, within easy drive of national parks and wilderness areas. Send HEAD, PRESERVATION REPLACEMENT/ PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICEUniversity of California, BerkeleyAssistant-Associate Librarian. The Conservation Department maintains the research collections of Berke­ley’s Main Library, Moffitt Undergraduate Library, the Bancroft Library and 23 branch libraries. Two of the Department’s divisions include the Preservation Replacement division, which manages the replacement process for items too deteriorated for continued circulation, and the Library Photographic Service, which is respon June 1989 / 541 (teπure-track, full-time). Salary range: $2,640-$3,658/month. Appli­cation deadline: June 30, 1989. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school or equivalent. Reference and instructional skills. Interest in, experience with, or recent coursework in online database/CD-ROM reference services. Desirable: Leadership/orga­nizational ability and strong interpersonal communications skills. Ability to assist in long-range planning and coordinating equipment and facility needs for computerized referen ence/Bibliographer, Syracuse University Library, Office of Human Resources, Syracuse University, Skytop Offices, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300. Applications received by July 1,1989, will be given first consideration. Syracuse University is an equal opportunity, affirma­tive action employer. The University is particularly interested in the applications or nomination of women and minorities.SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/RARE BOOKS CATALOGER, Temple University Libraries. Reporting to the Head of Bibliographic Ser­vices, incum 542 / C&RL News online system. Demonstrated interpersonal and management skills; strong commitment to service; Senior Assistant or Associate Librar­ian rank, depending upon experience and qualifications($31,680-$48,204). Reference Librarian: Duties include general ref­erence service, bibliographic instruction, database searching, refer­ence collection development, other related duties as assigned andserving as backup at branch campus. Requirements: At least twoyears full-time professional academic library experience perfor ing. Academic background in physical/life sciences is preferred. Senior Assistant Librarian rank, depending upon experience and qualifications ($31,680-$38,136). Positions open until filled. To be assured consideration applications must be received by July 15, 1989. Send letter of application, including complete resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Me­lissa Rose, Library Director, California State University, Hay­ward, Hayward, CA 94542. Applications from women and minori­ti LATE JOB LISTINGSASSISTANT ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Performs general acquisitions duties (verification and ordering); works with OCLC and VTLS records; supervises music binding. MLS required. Academic library experience, second language, familiarity with music desired. Position available July 1, 1989. Review of applications begins June 15 and will continue until position is filled. Salary: $16,937—$19,970. Send letter of application, current resume, official copy of transcripts, and names, addresses and phon June 1989 / 543 application, resume, names and addresses of five professional references by July 17, 1989, to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, University of Illinois Library (U-C), 1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801. Phone: (217) 333-5494. Additional Information: Contact Betsy Wilson, Chairperson, Search Committee, Undergraduate Library: (217) 333-3489. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer.CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Joyner Library, East Carolina University. Catalog Librarian 544 / CérRL News MLS from accredited library school; 3 years experience in academic, research, or special library required. Salary: Negotiable, dependent upon experience and qualifications, minimum $30,705. Submit resume, 3 sources for current reference no later than July 14, 1989, to: Sandra Troy (App. #152), Library Personnel Officer, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ 08903. EO/AAE.DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SERVICES AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Griffith University wishes to make an appointment t June 1989 / 545 cataloging units. Chairs Library’s Cataloging Policy Committee. Manages work flow, supervision of priorities, budget development and management. Oversees functions for online catalog (HOMER), faculty and staff recruitment, training and supervision. Represents Catalog Department in Technical Services Department Heads meetings. MLS/ALA, extensive experience in bibliographic control in research library environment, management skills in analysis, short- and long-term planning and budget preparation, goal settin 546 / Cb-RL News documents collections. Head of Readers Services reports to College Librarian.ALA-accredited MLS required; 3 years experience in academic referenceservices including online searching preferred. Excellent communication andinterpersonal skills essential. Candidates should possess organizational abilityand a willingness to contribute to making library management and policydecisions. Minimum salary $21,000 for 12 months; faculty rank. 20 vacationdays plus fringe benefits package. Preferred starting date Septembe June 1989 / 547 ORIGINAL CATALOGER, Special Collections. Supervise and direct the cataloging of special collection materials including a large collection of Texas range livestock and science fiction materials. Catalog and classify monographs and arrange for cataloging of serials located in Special Collections Division. Assign LC subject headings and classification numbers; verify cooperative cataloging from OCLC and revise OCLC input. Maintain an awareness of bibliographic access needs of Special Collections Divisions. Ass 548 / C‹bRL News Director of Academic Library Services, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. Federal law requires proper documentation of identity and employability at the time of employment. It is requested this documentation be included with your application. East Carolina University is an afĭirmative-action, equal- opportunity employer and, as such, encourages applications from June 1989 / 549 REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. In anticipation of the establishment of a new reference position, the Atkins Library of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte seeks an individual who, under the direction of the Reference Unit Head, will primarily work nights and evenings at the reference desk. Other responsibilities will include some library instruction and online searching. The position, in conjunction with the Unit Head, develops the desk schedule. ALA-accredited Master’s degree required. Two or more 550C&RL News OCLC and NOTIS. Responsibilities include supervision of copy cataloging and other maintenance activities involving Special Collections. Works under the general direction of the Head of Bibliographic Control while being responsive to priorities set by the Assistant Director for Special Collections. Serves as liaison with the staff of the Special Collections Division. The collecting emphasis of the Division is Texana, the Mexican-American War, Mexican history (1810—1920), and cartographic history. Qualificati June 1989 / 551 units. Full job descriptions are available: call (616) 592-3726. Apply (possible interviews at ALA-Dallas) to the appropriate search committee, FSU Library, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI 49307-2295. Ferris State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.TWO POSITIONS. 1) Monographic Cataloging Librarian. Supervision, planning, and coordination of monographic cataloging section. Original and copy cataloging of monographs on OCLC. Position carries academic rank of Senior Assist LOOKING FOR A JOB?ACRL’s Fast Job Listing Service brings you job notices four weeks before they appear in College & Research Libraries News. This monthly bulletin also contains job postings that, because of narrow application deadlines, do not appear in C&RL News.The Fast Job Listing Service is sent to subscribers by first-class mail the first week of every month. You can be a step ahead of other job applicants by seeing position descriptions very shortly after they are received in our office.Subscriptions Recenł CLIPpingsCLIP Notes (College Library Information Packets)Designed by ACRL's College Libraries Section to collect data and sample documents from academic libraries, CLIP Notes assist librarians in establishing or refining services and operations.Collection Development Policies for College Libraries. CLIP Note #11 Compiled by Theresa Taborsky and Paticia Lenkowski. Contains complete policies as well as selected ones on subject collections, special formats, and special collec­tions. 1989. 181p. 0-8389-7 552 / CirRL News The Approval Plan with No Surprises.Old-fashioned approval plans are they are spending.designed for the book budgets of the Our approval plans feature pre­1960s. Too often they surprise you publication title notification, person­with unpredictable performance, ally selected (not computer-selected) high returns, and unforeseen cost books, a carefully defined list of pub­fluctuations.lishers, and management reports In contrast, we put librarians that really help you control future firmly back in control of th Brand new revised editionof the ho. 1 guide to government benefits for consumers, students, educators, business people, and many others.Government Assistance Almanac, 1989*90:The Guide to All Federal Financial and Other Domestic ProgramsOver 1,115, or traineeships." Recommended 4,000 addresses and phone numbers. listings for business people include "Business Edited by J. Robert Dumouchel. 759 pages. development," “Information, general," "Complaint investigations,” "Volunteers," and man