ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July /August 1983 / 245 two-story addition designed by Ford, Powell & Carson, In c., of San Antonio. The theatre arts li­ brary, another Tobin gift, places a special empha­ sis on theatre construction and stage design. Before it enters the McNay, the collection will form the basis for a large exhibition to open at the Grolier Club in New York in September. ■ ■ . P E O P L E . PROFILES K e i t h M . C o t t a m , acting director of Vanderbilt University Library since 1982, has been named di­ rector of the University of Wyoming Libraries, Laramie, effective July 1. He replaces Walter F. Eggers, head of the De­ p artm en t of E n glish , who has been acting di­ recto r since August 1981. Cottam will direct the William Robertson Coe Library and the ac­ tivities of the archivist and cu rato r of W y o ­ ming’s American Heri­ tage Center. C ottam has been at K eith M. C ottam Vanderbilt since 1977, where he has served as associate director and deputy of the V anderbilt li­ brary system and assistant director for public ser­ vices and employee relations with the Joint Univer­ sity Libraries, the defunct library cooperative enterprise that formerly served Vanderbilt, Pea­ body College, and Scarritt College. He was also assistant director of libraries for the U ndergraduate L ib ra ry at the U niversity of Tennessee-Knoxville (1972-1977), head of the So­ cial Sciences Library at Brigham Young University (1967-1972), assistant social science librarian at Southern Illin o is U niversity-E d w ard sville (1965-1967), and adult services librarian and li­ brarian trainee with the Brooklyn Public Library (1963-1965). His MLS is from the Pratt Institute. Cottam currently serves as chair of ACRL’s Con­ tinuing Education Committee. He was also chair of the College and University Section of the Utah Library Association, and president (1979-1980) of the Tennessee Library Association. Cottam is co-author of Writer's R esearch H an d­ b o o k : A G uide to Sources (1977), and has written over 20 articles and reports in the fields of library science and higher education. In 1975 he was awarded a fellowship from the Council on Library Resources for a cooperative study with ARL/OMS on the role of managerial and technical specialists in academic and research libraries. In 1979-1980 he was a participant in the first class of the OMS Academic Library Consultant Training Program. G e o r g e V . H o d o w a n e c , director of libraries at Emporia State University, Kansas, has been named director of the university library and learning re­ sources at the University of Akron, Ohio, effec­ tive September 1. He re­ places Pauline Franks, who is retiring at the end of 1983. Hodowanec has been at Emporia since 1975. He was director of the Educational Media lab­ o ratory and assistant professor in the Gradu­ ate School of L ibrary Science at Drexel Uni­ G eorge V. H od ow an ec versity from 1969 to 1974. Prior to that he served as chief librarian in the Cambria-Somerset L ib ra ry System in Joh nstow n , Pennsylvania (1967-1969), director of the Carteret Public L i­ brary (1965-1967), cataloger at Temple University (1962-1963), and reference librarian at the Free Library of Philadelphia (1960-1962). Active in ACRL, Hodowanec is a member of the Standards and A ccreditation Com m ittee and helped to develop the “Guidelines for Extended Campus Library Services” reviewed by that com­ mittee in 1981. He spoke on the history of guide­ lines for library services to extension students at the first National Conference on Extended Campus Services at Central Michigan University in Octo­ ber, 1982. Hodowanec has written many articles for such professional journals as C ollege ir R esearch L i­ 246 / C&RL News braries, L ibrary Acquisitions: Practice and T he­ ory, and C ollection M anagem ent. He currently serves on the editorial board of C ollege & Research Libraries. He chaired the Council of Deans and Directors of Libraries in Kansas from 1978 to 1980. Hodowanec earned his bachelor’s degree in 1958 from Temple University, an MLS in 1960 from Drexel University, an advanced certificate in li­ brarianship in 1969 from the University of Pitts­ burgh, and a doctorate in communications and ed­ ucational media from Temple in 1972. E i l e e n D u b in has been appointed director of the library at William Rainey Harper College, Pala­ tine, Illinois. Prior to coming to Harper, she held several positions at Northern Illinois University from 1968 to 1983, including acquisitions librar­ ian, head of the Interlibrary Loan Office, and asso­ ciate head of circulation. Before that, she was a ref­ erence librarian at Chicago Public Library from 1959 to 1965 and supervisor of the Curriculum Laboratory Library at the University of Chicago, 1956-1957. Dubin has an MLS from Northern Illinois Uni­ versity. She is currently serving as an intern on the ACRL Continuing Education Committee and as chair of the Research Committee of ALA’s Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT). In 1979-1982 she was chair of L IR T ’s National Programs Study Task Force, and was elected treasurer of the Round Table for 1980-1981. Dubin is the author of Basic Library Skills: A Self-Paced W orkbook (1979), and co-author of L i­ brary Skills Test (1980), as well as numerous arti­ cles in professional journals. J o s e p h H. T r e y z , director of libraries at the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin, Madison, has been appointed special advisor to the university chancellor, effec­ tive May 1. Administration of the 14 campus li­ braries has temporarily been turned over to Nancy Marshall, associate director of libraries. As special advisor to the chancellor, Treyz will focus on national assignments involving library networking and automated cataloging. Treyz has been director of libraries since 1971, during which time he served on the ALA and CRL Councils, the Board of Directors of ARL and RTSD, and as president of the Universal Serials and Books Exchange and the Midwest Regional L i­ brary Network. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS P a t r ic i a Se n n B r e i v i k , director of the Auraria Library and Media Center, University of Colorado at Denver, has been named a Fellow in Academic Administration for 1 9 8 3 -8 4 by the American Council on Education. The 18-year-old Fellows program offers individuals the opportunity to par­ ticipate in academic adminstration and policy­ making at their home or a host campus. H e n d r i k E d e l m a n , Rutgers University librar­ ian, received the 13th Distinguished Service Award of the College and University Section at the Spring Conference of the New Jersey Library Association. The award honors any librarian whose outstand­ ing contributions have enriched the librarianship of higher education in New Jersey. D o u g l a s F e r g u s o n , head of the System Office at Stanford University Library, has been named Member of the Year by the California Academic and Research Librarians, an ACRL chapter. The honor was conferred for Ferguson’s successful ac­ tivities as 1982 program chair, which included twelve successful programs offered by the CARL Northern Section on topics ranging from the online catalog to professional responsibilities of academic librarians. The award was presented at the Decem­ ber CARL meeting which took place at the Califor­ nia Library Association meeting in Los Angeles. B e r n a r d M . F r y , professor in the Indiana Uni­ versity School of Library and Information Science, has been selected as the recipient of the 1983 James Bennett Child Award. The award is given annually by the Government Documents Round Table of the American Library Association to that individ­ ual who has made the greatest contriubution to documents librarianship. Presentation of the award will be made at the annual meeting of GO- DORT at ALA Annual Conference in Los Angeles. M a r y J o L y n c h , director of ALA’s Office for Re­ search, has been named visiting scholar in O C LC ’s Office of Research. Lynch will study present and potential management information systems in li­ braries and how OCLC might support them. N a n c y M a r s h a l l , associate director for public services at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, was elected to a 6-year term on the Board of Trust­ ees of OCLC in December. L o r r a i n e M a t h i e s has been named librarian emeritus by UCLA president David S. Saxon. Mathies, head of the Education and Psychology L i­ brary, is only the third librarian at the university to receive the honor. In May she also received the Dis­ tinguished Leadership Award from the Doctoral Alumni Association of the Graduate School of Edu­ cation. The S t a t e U n i v e r s it y o f N e w Y o r k has hon­ ored five of its librarians with the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship. The recipi­ ents are: Marcia Zubrow, head reference librarian at SUNY-Buffalo; Judith Lingenfelter, reference li­ brarian at State University College at Brockport; Susan P. Besemer, associate librarian at State Uni­ versity College at Buffalo; John Lee, reference li­ brarian at the Maritime College at Fort Schuyler; and Christine Root, associate professor of the Learning Resources Center at Hudson Valley Community College, Troy. The U n i v e r s it y o f I l l i n o i s Library, Urbana, has honored four retired faculty members for de­ veloping its special collections. Each of the emeri­ July /August 1983 / 247 tus professors received the new title of Honorary Curator in the University Library. The five faculty members were: Robert B. Downs, dean emeritus of the library and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, named Honorary Curator in Bibliography; George W. White, professor emeri­ tus of geology, named Honorary Curator in the History of Geology; Marian Harman, professor emerita of library administration, named Honor­ ary Curator of Incunabula; and Henri Stegemeier, professor emeritus of Germanic languages and lit­ eratures, named Honorary Curator of Emblem Books and Emblematics. APPOINTMENTS (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611). R o s e m a r i e A r id a s has been appointed catalog librarian at Pace University Library, New York City. R o s e m a r y H . A r n e s o n is now picture librarian at the Virginia State Library, Richmond. D a v i d A . B a d e r t s c h e r has been appointed technical services librarian at Virginia Military In­ stitute, Lexington. J a c k G . B a z u z i has been appointed systems manager at the Virginia State Library, Richmond. R o b e r t B e r k has joined the faculty of the Uni­ versity of Missouri School of Library and Informa­ tion Science, Columbia. G l e n n L . B r u d v i g , has been named director of information resources at the California Institute of Technology Libraries, Pasadena. D a l e C . B u r k e has been appointed W E S T - FO R N E T librarian at the Forest Resources L i­ brary, University of Washington, Seattle. D a r c y E . C a h i l l has been appointed informa­ tion retrieval/reference librarian at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. A n n L e o n g C a s e has been appointed reference librarian at Baker Junior College of Business, Flint, Michigan. R i c h a r d C l a r e has joined the staff of the New York Academy of Medicine Library as a cataloger. L o i s C l a x t o n has been appointed coordinator of information services at the University of W ater­ loo Library, Ontario. J o s e p h W . C o n s t a n c e , J r ., has been appointed archivist/instructor at the Pullen Library, Georgia State Universitý, Atlanta. N a n c y D o u g l a s has been appointed head of cat­ aloging at the University of California, Riverside. E l i z a b e t h E . E a t o n has been named director of the Health Sciences Libraries at Tufts Universitv, Boston. N a n c y I . E l d e r h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d h e a d l i b r a r ­ ian of the Science Library, University of Texas, Austin. M i c h e l l e F a n e l l i is a new readers’ services li­ brarian at the Pace University Library, New York City. A d r i e n n e F r a n c o is the new assistant head of Serials and Acquisitions Services at the New York Academy of Medicine Library. E l i z a b e t h F r i c k has joined the faculty of the Dalhousie University School of Library Service, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Sy l v i a G e i g e r has been appointed head of the Catalog Department at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. B a r b a r a G e y e r has been appointed map refer­ ence librarian at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. A r t h u r C l i n t o n G u n n has been appointed li­ brarian of the Afro-American Library at the Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh. A r n o l d H ir s h o n has been appointed assistant director for technical services at Virginia Com­ monwealth University Libraries, Richmond. J a m e s S. H o d g s o n has been named librarian of the Frances Loeb Library in the Harvard Graduate School of Design. N i g h a t I s p h a n y has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the New York Academy of Medicine L i­ brary. K a t h l e e n S. J a c k s o n has been named head of the Copy Cataloging Section at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. D e b o r a h L . J a k u b s has been appointed general bibliographer in the Collection Development De­ partment at Duke University. P a m e l a H . J e f f c o a t has been appointed head of academic services at the Milton S. Eisenhower L i­ brary, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. C a r o l J e n k in s has been appointed executive di­ rector of the Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medi­ cal L ib rary Services, University of M aryland Health Sciences Library, Baltimore. T i m o t h y D . J e w e l l has been appointed online reference librarian at the Suzzallo Library, Uni­ versity of Washington, Seattle. J a n i c e K e l l y has been appointed resource shar­ ing coordinator for the Southeastern/Atlantic Re­ gional Medical Library Services, University of Maryland Health Sciences Library, Baltimore. M a r k H . K i b b e y has been appointed assistant di­ rector of libraries for automation and planning at Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh. R o b in K l e i n has been appointed assistant refer­ ence librarian at the Albin O. Kuhn Library and G a lle ry , U niversity of M aryland B a ltim o re County. J a n e L a m b r e m o n t is now education coordinator for the Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medical L i­ brary, University of Maryland Health Sciences L i­ brary, Baltimore. B r u c e L e a c h has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Fogler Library, University of Maine at Orono. 248 / C&RL News Susan L e e is the new associate director for ad­ ministrative services in the University of Connecti­ cut Library, Storrs. St u a r t M a c K inn o n has been appointed collec­ tions management coordinator at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. K a r l F . M i l l e r has been appointed audiovisual librarian in the Fine Arts Library, University of Texas, Austin. N o r a J . Q u in l a n has been appointed head of Special Collections in the University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder. H e l e n I. R e e d has been appointed head of ac­ quisitions at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. E l l e n D e r e y Sa f l e y has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in charge of government documents for the University of Texas at Dallas. P . St e v e n T h o m as has accepted appointment as instruction and reference librarian at the Under­ graduate Library, University of Texas, Austin. Susan A . W ay has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Vanderbilt University Medical Cen­ ter Library, Nashville. RETIREMENTS D o r is B u r g e s , head of the Science and Engi­ neering Library Reserve Book Room at the Univer­ sity of Arizona, Tucson, retired in June. R o b e r t K . J o h n s o n , professor and Individual Studies director at the University of Arizona Grad­ uate Library School, Tucson, retired at the end of June. Johnson’s tenure at Arizona began in 1964 when he accepted the position of university librar­ ian. Prior to that, he had been assistant director of libraries (1 9 5 9 -1 9 6 2 ), director of libraries (1962-1964) ‚ and adjunct professor in the School of Library and Information Science (1959-1964) at Drexel University. At Arizona Johnson was instrumental in estab­ lishing the Graduate Library School in 1969. He resigned as university librarian in 1972 to become a member of the GLS faculty, and in 1979 took over the Individual Studies Program in addition to teaching. J o s e p h L e i t e r , associate director for library op­ erations at the National Library of Medicine, re­ tired in April after 18 years in that position and nearly 50 years of Federal service. A nn M i t c h e l l , head of public services in the Law Library at the University of California, Los Angeles, retired at the end of May after 20 years of service. J o s e p h D . P a l a d in has retired from his position as head of circulation services in the Harvard Law School Library. J o e P a r k , microforms librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson, retired in June after 19 years of service. J a m es H . R ic h a r d s , J r ., will retire on September 1 as librarian of Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania, a position he has held since 1974. Richards has also served as director of the University of Wyoming Libraries (1969-1974), librarian of Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota (1952-1969), and librarian of Earlham College, Indi­ ana (1947-1950). Richards directed the planning, equipping, and the moves into new library buildings at Carleton and G ettys­ Jam es H. Richards burg Colleges (1956 and 1981), and equipping and move into a new Science Library at the Uni­ versity of Wyoming in 1970. A life member of ALA, Richards served as presi­ dent of the Library Administration Division in 1970-1971 and was on the ACRL Board of Direc­ tors in 1965-1969. He was also elected chair of ACRL’s Committee on Organization (1961-1962) and College Section (1955-1956), and was a mem­ ber of the first C h o ic e editorial board in 1963-1965. In 1973-1974 he served as president of the Wyoming Library Association and in 1978-1981 he was on the PALINET Board of Di­ rectors. Richards was a captain in the U.S. Army Field Artillery during World War II and was awarded two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart. A n n ie Ross, music cataloger at the University of Arizona, Tucson, retired at the end of June. J a m es R. Sm a r t , reference librarian for sound re­ cordings at the Library of Congress, retired on April 8 after 30 years of Federal service. DEATHS G e o r g e J . R o m a n , senior specialist in the Euro­ pean Law Division of the Library of Congress, died on April 17. R ic h a r d W. T r u e s w e l l , professor of industrial engineering and operations research at the Univer­ sity of Massachusetts, died on April 8 at Bolling Air Force Base, Maryland. Trueswell, an active mem­ ber of both ALA and ASIS, was the author of sev­ eral articles on collection maintenance and user satisfaction in College 6- Research Libraries. ■ ■