ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 7 From Inside the DLSEF By D r . K a t h e r in e M. St o k e s College and University Libraries Specialist, Library Planning and Development Branch, Division o† Library Services and Educational Facilities, U.S. Office of Education, Washing­ ton, D.C. 20202. It’s statistics time again! I know you’re all hoping to see Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1967-68; Data for Individual Institutions at midwinter ALA the week of January 26 here in Washington. Mr. Joel W il­ liams of the National Center for Educational Statistics is hoping even harder that the report will be ready for you, in the new olive green covers that have been designed for all NCES publications in the Library Series. The scheduling of this report had some very strict deadlines which had to be stringently enforced, if the publication were to be issued on time. Although the form contained the nota­ tion that it was to be completed and returned by October 1, only 700 out of a possible total of 2,500 had been returned by that date. Du­ plicate forms stamped “Second Request” were sent to nonresponding librarians on October 3, and another set of forms stamped “Third Re­ quest” went to nonrespondents in mid-October. By November 4, the total of forms received had climbed to 2,000, or 80 per cent. However, each form required complex proc­ essing. It was carefully examined for errors and inconsistencies. Since October 1, the staff of NCES has written about 300 letters and probably made about 150 telephone calls to librarians in order to clear up problems. There­ after, the statistics were keypunched and exam­ ined again, for errors and inconsistencies—this time on the computer. Naturally, this series of checks can result in the exclusion of numerous reports from the institutional listing. NCES has made a valiant effort to include as many institutions as possible in order to present a widespread representation of aca­ demic libraries. By November 26, the deadline for this phase of the project, statistics for about 1,880 libraries (nearly 75 per cent of the 2,500 The New York University List of Books in Education, has now been published. It is an annotated, subject-arranged bibliography of more than 2,800 titles recommended by the faculty of the School of Education, and has been published by Citation Press in New York. For further details see Library Journal for November 15, 1968. Barbara Marks, Chairman Education and Behavioral Science Subsection ■ ■ forms sent out) had been edited and key­ punched. What of the remaining reports? NCES will certainly use them. The staff is interested in a complete response from all academic libraries because it intends to publish an Analytic Re­ port in the spring. This report will represent the totality of libraries and will present na­ tional summary tables. When the NCES distributed the Preliminary Report on Academic Libraries, 1966-67 last January, it promised you a complete report on individual institutional data by June. You must be wondering what happened. As you may remember, the original report included data on only 395 libraries. The complete re­ port has been in the computer area for some time. Although the report has been given top priority by the Center, there have been un­ avoidable delays in the tabulating process. The data processing group, which is outside the Center, has reassured Mrs. Dorothy M. Gil­ ford, the new Assistant Commissioner for Ed­ ucational Statistics, that it is taking steps to expedite future publications through the use of contractual services, as has been done with the 1967-68 report. Since Mrs. Gilford’s arrival in May, she has placed an increased emphasis on the pro­ duction of library statistics by the establish­ ment of a new branch and the recruitment of a librarian staff member. If you wish to discuss your library’s statistics as they appear in Data for Institutional Li­ braries, call on Mrs. Doris Holladay or Dr. Bronson Price while you’re in Washington. Mrs. Holladay is in room 1010 at 400 Mary­ land Avenue, SW, and Dr. Price is across the hall in room 1013. His phone number is 962- 7443 and Mrs. Holladay’s is 963-7708. And if you were one of those librarians who didn’t make the October 1 deadline, do give the NCES staff a word of thanks for being patient with you. ■■ M O V IN G If you are changing your mailing address, please be sure to let ALA know at least six weeks in advance. Important: Please send ALA both your old and new addresses plus the date you would like the change made. (A copy of your address label clipped to your notice would help.) M e m b e r s h i p R e c o rd s A m e r ic a n L i b r a r y A s s o c ia t io n 5 0 E a s t H u r o n S tre e t C h i c a g o , Illin o is 6 06 11 announce a new program to develop A SERIES OF RESOURCE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES in ULTRAMICROFICHE [UMF] First library in the series will be the 20,000-Volume LIBRARY OF AM ERICAN CIVILIZATION The publishers of Encyclopaedia Britannica This new series of U M F Resource and Research Libraries will make it possible to offer important resources from the world’s most distinguished libraries—including rare and out-of-print items—at a fraction of the cost of a comparable conventional library. It is anticipated that these new Britannica U M F Libraries will be well within the means of every college and university. Advantages of New Ultramicrofiche Technology U M F is a refinement of microfiche, which permits greater miniaturization of anything in printed form with great precision and clarity. So, instead of 60 to 100 page images per fiche, it is now possible to carry up to 3,000 images per fiche. The most obvious benefits of this new technology include greatly reduced acquisition cost and far less space required for U M F than conventional book or periodical storage. Additional advantages include the possibility of centralized selection, cataloging and in­ dexing—thus achieving greater retrieval efficiency than is currently attained with books, manuscripts, newspapers and the like. The principal goals of Britannica’s U M F program are: ■ to prove the economy inherent in the U M F medium and in centralizing selection, cataloging and indexing; ■ to produce a library series, in this form, of such scope, quality and low cost as to establish U M F as a standard library medium; ■ to provide full bibliographic support for each U M F Library. Britannica’s Comprehensive Editorial Plan assures that each library will be a definitive and highly useful collec­ tion. The first Library in the U M F series—the Library of American Civilization—and subsequent Libraries will be made up of materials selected by area specialists accord­ ing to strict criteria, and will include complete catalogs, topical bibliographies and research guides. Pages from The Annals of America, new 20-volume chron­ ological collection of American source materials (1493 to present), which will be included in UMF form with The Library of American Civilization. Photo above illustrates the dramatic difference in space requirement between ultramicro­ fiche and conventional stacks. The space taken by the small boxes in the foreground is about all that is required for the entire content of the UMF Library of American Civilization. The Library of American Civilization will cover all as­ pects of America’s culture from the beginning up to 1914, and will encompass every significant point of view. While major emphasis will be on American history– political, economic, social, cultural, legal and scientific —the Library will also contain material of use and in­ terest to departments of English and American literature and in subject areas as diverse as government, economics, law and the lively arts. Future U M F Libraries (including those currently planned on Medieval Civilization, European History, Renaissance and Reformation Studies, International A f­ fairs, Science, Technology, Art, and African and Ori­ ental Studies) will be covered with equal thoroughness. For a F R E E BO O K LE T describing the Britannica U M F Library Series in greater detail —and for informa­ tion on how your school can become a charter subscriber — write U M F L IB R A R Y SERIES, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 425 N. Michigan Ave­ nue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Please indicate whether you are in­ terested in attending a U M F Seminar to be conducted in your area in 1969. 10 SUBJECT MATTER NASHVILLE • NEW YO RK ON SUBJECTS THAT MATTER BLACK POWER A N D CH RISTIAN RESPONSIBILITY C. Freeman Steeper. Using the concept of black power as a central ethical problem, Dr. Sleeper shows how this can help us see the biblical text in a new and fruitful way. He also shows how the Bible can provide important insights for this crucial struggle for justice in American life. This book successfully bridges the gap between biblical studies and ethics and between theory and practice. Index. $4.50 SCIENCE, SECU LA RIZA TIO N , A N D G O D Kenneth Cauthen. In a levelheaded affirmation of a transcen­ dent Cod, the author argues the credibility of Christian faith, from a standpoint of an appreciation of science and modern philosophy. He strives for a meaningful interpretation of creation and a theology that sees Christ as the clue to understanding cosmos as well as history. Dr. Cauthen effec­ tively points to a theology of and for the future. Index. $5.50 THE IN N O V A T O R A N D OTHER M ODERN PARABLES C. W illia m Jones; w o o d c u ts b y R obert O. H o d g e ll. Twenty-one contemporary parables and fourteen woodcuts— pictorial parables in themselves— speak to the concerns of modern man. W hether talking about a prisoner or priest, a medicine man or a merchant, the author penetrates the reader's defenses and leaves a lasting impression. Discussion questions at the conclusion lead to in-depth study. Paper, $1.75 A b in g d o n P r e s s