ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 11 News From the Field A C Q U I S I T I O N S • The Hoover I nstitution, Stanford Un i­ versity, has recently acquired the papers of General Claire Lee Chennault, Stanley K. Hombeck, former State Department officer and Ambassador to The Netherlands, and Vladimir Dimitrevich Pastuhov, whose entire career was dedicated to international cooperation, first in the League of Nations and then in the United Nations. In addition, the Institution has also received important documentation on World War II from Colonel W. L. Philp of the Euro­ pean Command Intelligence Service Center, including photograph albums of Von Ribben- trop’s trip to Moscow and Himmler’s album commemorating Hitler’s visit to Rome in 1938. The papers of Major Walter J. Muller of the Seventh Army with Patton contain important documents on the invasion of French Morocco, Sicily and France as well as reports on his duties as Military Governor of Bavaria. Most recent of the Institution’s acquisitions are pa­ pers of General Robert C. Richardson, Jr., Mil­ itary Governor of Hawaii and Commanding General of the Pacific in World War II. • Richard Harwell, Librarian of Smith Col­ lege, has presented the working manuscript of his abridgement of Douglas Southall Free­ man’s Washington to the Hawthorne-Longfel­ low library of B o w d o in C o l l e g e . Mr. Harwell was librarian of Bowdoin from 1961 to 1968. The manuscript includes the second effort at reducing the length of the Pulitzer Prize win­ ning work and the later corrections as they went to the printer. The library already has in its collections the seven-volume work showing Mr. Harwell’s first effort at reducing its length, plus all the correspondence relating to publi­ cation of the abridgement. Other recent gifts to the library include the presentation by Elizabeth Coatsworth Beston of a collection of the works of her husband, nat­ uralist and author Henry Beston. Marguerite Yourcenar, the noted French author, presented copies of her many novels, essays, plays, poems and translations to the library last spring. • The Holt E. Ross papers, a collection deal­ ing with labor organization in Mississippi, has recently been added to the manuscript collec­ tion of Mitchell Memorial library at M is s is ­ s ip p i St a t e U n iv e r s it y . The collection con­ tains correspondence, speeches, poems, legal papers, published materials, and newspaper clippings collected by Mr. Ross during his ca­ reer as a labor leader, chiefly in Mississippi and Louisiana, and pertains to the state, na­ tional and international labor scene. It is the gift of Mr. Ross’ granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Brown, and her husband, of Hattiesburg, Mis­ sissippi, and was made through Dr. Donald C. Mosley, head, management department, Col­ lege of Business and Industry, Mississippi State University. • Norris S. Haselton, of Washington, D.C., a member of the Princeton Class of 1925 and former Inspector General of the U.S. Foreign Service has donated a substantial collection of rare maps, including early European woodcuts, to the P r in c e t o n U n iv e r s it y library. Repre­ senting works mainly of the 16th and 17th centuries, the collection includes 53 single maps and 15 books and atlases, including works by Ortelius, Speed, and Joan Blaeu. B U I L D I N G S • The Kenneth Spencer Research library at the U n iv e r s it y o f K a n s a s was formally opened on November 15. Robert Vosper, li­ brarian of the University of California at Los Angeles, and director of libraries at the Uni­ versity of Kansas from 1952 to 1961, returned to Lawrence to speak at the opening ceremony of the new two million dollar facility for the University library’s Department of Special Col­ lections. The library, a gift of Mrs. Kenneth A. Spencer of Kansas City in memory of her late husband, contains 90,000 square feet of space for 800,000 volumes, with special areas for manuscripts, university archives, seating space for two hundred, and work space for a staff of 43. Designed by Robert E. Jenks, AIA, of Kan­ sas City, the building provides highly pre­ cise temperature and humidity controls, exhi­ bition and reception areas, a small auditorium, seminars, and sixty small study rooms for facul­ ty members and visiting scholars. The library was dedicated on November 8, with a special convocation at which C. P. Snow was the speaker. F E L L O W S H I P S , S C H O L A R S H I P S • February 1, 1969 has been set by The United Educators, Inc., as the deadline for accepting applications for T a n g l e y O a k s G r a d u a t e F e l l o w s h ip s for the 1969 summer session and the 1969-70 academic year. Each year the Tangley Oaks program offers one or more fellowships in an amount of up to $3,000 aid for each recipient. The grants are pro­ vided for graduate study up to and including the postdoctoral, and at any accredited uni­ versity. Although preference is given to appli­ cants in the fields of education and library science, candidates in any discipline are eli­ gible. Applicants are judged on the merit of their academic achievement and an evaluation 12 of the social contribution of their work. Ad­ ditional information and application blanks are available by writing to E. E. Sentman, The United Educators, Inc., Tangley Oaks Ed­ ucational Center, Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044. • The N e w E n g l a n d L ib r a r y A s s o c ia t io n announces scholarships in librarianship for the academic year 1969-1970. Scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to applicants who are New England college seniors, graduates of a New England college, or residents of New England to be used for one year’s full-time study for the master’s degree in library science at a school accredited by the American Library Association. For further information and appli­ cation forms, write to: New England Library Association, Scholarship Committee, P. O. Box 669, Peabody, Massachusetts 01960. Completed applications must be received on or before March 1, 1969. • The School of Medicine Library, W a y n e St a t e U n iv e r s it y , Detroit, announces the con­ tinuation of its Post-Master’s Fellowship Pro­ gram in Medical Librarianship sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service. The program offers to graduate librarians a year’s training with major emphasis on 1) the development of skills and attitudes for investigative work, Build on your library education by joining Free membership promotion materials upon request. M e m b e r s h i p p r o m o t i o n A M E R I C A N L I B R A R Y A S S O C I A T I O N 50 E. Huron, Chicago, III. 60611 2) experience and competence in the technical and administrative operations of biomedical li­ braries, and 3) knowledge of the organizations and subject content of the biomedical scholarly record through working with students, facul­ ty, research workers and practicing physicians. Applicants for the program must be United States residents and must have been graduated within the past two years from library schools accredited by the American Library Association. A bio-science background is not a major con­ sideration in making appointments, however the applicant must demonstrate an interest in med­ ical librarianship as a career. Three fellowships are available in 1969-1970. Applications will be accepted at any time, but the deadline is May 1, 1969 for appointments beginning Sep­ tember 1, 1969. Bequest application forms or further information from: Vern M. Pings, PhD, Professor and Librarian, School of Medicine Li­ brary, Wayne State University, 645 Mullett Street, Detroit, Michigan 48226. G R A N T S • D r . D a v id A . K ro n ick, lib ra ria n o f the U n iv e r s it y o f T e x a s M e d ic a l Sc h o o l at San A n to n io , Texas a n d Professor A la n M . Bees, school o f lib ra ry science, C a s e W e s t e r n R e - s e r v e U n iv e r s it y , C le v e la n d , O h io are jo int recipients o f a $108,492 research g ran t fro m th e P u b lic H e a lth Service th ro u g h th e E x tram u ra l P ro g ram o f the N a tio n a l L ib r a r y o f M e d ic in e . T he project is e n title d “E d u c a tio n a l N eeds in M e d ic a l L ib ra ria n s h ip a n d H e a lth Sciences I n ­ fo rm a tio n .” T he objectives o f th e study are to id e n tify a n d assess the cu rre nt h e a lth sciences lib rary w o rk force in term s o f q u a n tity , geo­ g rap h ic al d is trib u tio n , age, sex, e d u c a tio n a l p re p a ratio n a n d co m petence a n d to d e te rm in e the m a n p o w e r req uire m e n ts to staff current a n d fu tu r e lib r a ry a n d in fo rm a tio n services in the h e a lth sciences. T he n a tu re o f th e e d u c a ­ tio n a l p ro gram s re q u ire d to m e e t those needs w ill also be specified. T h e p ro ject w ill in v o lv e one year’s effort a n d w ill s tu d y th e s u p p ly a n d d is trib u tio n o f lib ra ry m a n p o w e r in a p ­ p ro x im ate ly 12,500 health-related institutions. T he Texas-Case W e ste rn R eserve U nive rsity i n ­ ve stig ation w ill s u p p le m e n t th e statistical sur­ veys o f h e a lth science libraries currently b e in g c o n d u c te d b y th e American Medical A ssoci­ atio n i n c o n ju n c tio n w ith th e M e d ic a l L ib ra ry A ssociation a n d b y th e A m e ric a n H o s p ita l A s­ sociation. Jo in t p la n n in g is b e in g u nd e rta ke n w ith these organizations. T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L S C E N E • R o b e r t M. C o p e l a n d , librarian of Colo­ rado College, has been appointed assistant uni­ versity librarian, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. 13 M E E T I N G S J a n . 27-Ju n e 5: Institute in information science, University of Southern California. Participants will be admitted on a highly se­ lective basis. Each person will be paid $75 per week, with $15 per week for each de­ pendent. Persons who are admissable and who wish credit may earn from nine to twelve units of course credit during the semester. Further information about this institute may be obtained by writing to: The Dean, School of Library Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007, Telephone: (2 1 3 ) 746-2548. F e b . 10-11: Institute in Cleveland jointly sponsored by the Library of Congress Informa­ tion Systems Office, the Division of Library Automation of ALA, and Case Western Re­ serve University school of library science to ex­ plain the organization and use of LC’s MARC magnetic tapes which became available for dis­ tribution beginning Oct. 1. The program is di­ rected at catalogers, acquisitions librarians, heads of these departments, data processing li­ brarians and heads of technical processes. Reg­ istration is limited to 100. Send name and address to: ISAD/LC MARC Institutes, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, I11. 60611, with fee of $43. M a r . 24-25: Institute in Los Angeles jointly sponsored by the Library of Congress Informa­ tion Systems Office, the Division of Library Automation of ALA, and UCLA libraries to explain the organization and use of LC’s MARC magnetic tapes which became available for dis­ tribution beginning Oct. 1. The program is directed at catalogers, acquisitions librarians, heads of these departments, data processing librarians and heads of technical processes. Registration is limited to 100. Send name and address to: ISAD/LC MARC Institutes, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, I11. 60611, with fee of $47. M a r . 27-29: Fourth Annual Conference on Junior College libraries, University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale, Illinois. The main con­ ference theme will be “The Multi-Media Cen­ ters in Action.” Main speakers scheduled to date are Louis Shores and Peter Kim. Programs and registration information are available from: Mr. George A. Fox, Dean of Learning Ser­ vices, Prairie State College, 10th Street and Dixie Highway, Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411. A p r i l 14-15: Institute in Houston jointly sponsored by the Library of Congress Infor­ mation Systems Office, the Division of Library Automation of ALA, and the Rice University libraries, to explain the organization and use of LC’s MARC magnetic tapes which became available for distribution beginning Oct. 1. The program is directed at catalogers, acquisi­ tions librarians, heads of these departments, data processing librarians and heads of tech­ nical processes. Registration is limited to 100. Send name and address to: ISAD/LC MARC Institutes, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, I11. 60611, with fee of $47. M a y 2-3: Fourteenth annual Midwest Aca­ demic Librarians Conference at Miami Uni­ versity, Oxford, Ohio. M a y 5-9: A general call has been issued for “free communications,” or unsolicited pa­ pers, for the Third International Congress of Medical Librarianship 1969, in Amsterdam. Pa­ pers should be 2,000 to 2,500 words long and may be submitted in one of the five Congress languages—English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish. Each paper should be accompa­ nied by an abstract of not more than fifty words in English. October 15, 1968 is the final date for submission of papers. They should be addressed to the Office of the Secretary-Gen­ eral, Third International Congress of Medical Librarianship, c/o Excerpta Medica Founda­ tion, 119 Herengracht, Amsterdam, The Neth­ erlands. The theme of the Congress is “World Progress in Medical Librarianship.” The sub­ ject areas include the contribution of medical libraries toward an increase of biomedical knowledge; the functions of medical libraries in the transmission of biomedical knowledge; the functions of the organization of medical knowledge: indexing and classification; modern information systems in medicine; technical de­ velopments in the medical library field; and problems of medical information systems and centers in developing countries. There will be invited lecturer’s, as well as contributed, papers. Registration fee is $50 if paid before January 1; $60 thereafter. Registration forms are available from the office of the Secretary-General. In­ formation about special transportation to Am­ sterdam from the United States will be avail­ able from Mrs. Jacqueline W. Felter, The Medical Library Center of New York, 17 East 102 Street, New York 10029, and for Canada from Miss Doreen Fraser, Dalhousie University Medical Dental Library, Carleton and College Streets, Halifax, Nova Scotia. J u n e 17-20, 1969: Puerto Rico will be the site of the Fourteenth Seminar on the Acqui­ sition of Latin American Library Materials, June 17-20, 1969. The acquisition of Latin American scientific and technological materials will be the special topic for discussion. Other ses­ sions will deal with progress made in the past year on matters concerning the booktrade and acquisitions, bibliography, exchange of publica­ tions, official publications, photoduplication of Latin American materials, and archives. Meet­ ings of the Seminar Committees will take place on Wednesday morning, June 18. The first gen­ eral session will be held Wednesday afternoon 14 to initiate committee and progress reports, and the last one on Friday morning, June 20. Meet­ ings of the Executive Board of the newly incor­ porated SALALM will be held on the evening of Tuesday, June 17, and at luncheon on Wednes­ day, June 18. Institutional registration in the Fourteenth Seminar is $15.00, which includes preprint working papers only available through payment of the institutional registration. These papers, including the Progress Report on books in the Americas, will be distributed at the time of the meeting to participants and to those registered but not attending. The registration fee for additional participants from the institu­ tion registering is $7.50, and includes preprint working papers. Additional sets of working pa­ pers can be subscribed to in advance for $5.00 each. The Final Report and Working Papers will be subsequently published by the Pan American Union. Information on the content of the program and working papers can be procured from Mr. James Andrews, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439. For other information, refer to the Executive Secretary, Mrs. Marietta Daniels Shepard, Pan American Union, Wash­ ington, D.C. 20006. J u l y 20-Au g . 1: Third annual Library Ad­ ministrators Development Program at the Uni­ versity of Maryland’s Donaldson Brown Center, Port Deposit, Maryland. Seminar sessions will concentrate on the principal administrative is­ sues which senior managers encounter. Director of the program will be John Rizzo, associate professor, School of Government and Business Administration, George Washington University. Those interested in further information are in­ vited to address inquiries to the Library Ad­ ministrators Development Program, School of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742. O c t . 1-5: 32d Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science (ASIS) will be held in San Francisco. O c t . 26-30: 68th annual meeting of the Medical Library Association will be held at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Miss Joan Titley, director of the Kornhauser Me­ morial Medical library, University of Louis­ ville, is convention chairman. The advance pro­ gram and registration forms will be a part of the May, 1969 issue of MLA News. M I S C E L L A N Y • A study of an advanced type of micr filming system and its application in schools and libraries as a tool for coping with the in­ formation explosion is being supported by the U.S. Office of Education’s Bureau of R esearch. The main feature of the system, according to the Bureau of Research, is an “ultrafiche,” a transparency as small as 2-by-2 inches that o­ can hold images of more than 9,000 pages of printed material. (A standard microfiche, or film, holds images of up to 60 pages.) Devices to produce and read the film are also part of the system. The study’s director is James P. Kottenstette, of the Denver Research Institute, U n iv e r s it y o f D e n v e r . The new system for miniaturizing printed materials has been suc­ cessfully used in industrial applications such as cataloging parts inventories. The Denver re­ searchers will design experiments, using regu­ lar library and educational materials, to show how schools and libraries can also use the sys­ tem for meeting their needs. Another aim of the study is to determine the best mix of equipment, procedures, and printed materials that will enable students to read the ultrafiche as easily as they can read original documents. Cooperating in the study are the National Cash Begister Co., Dayton, Ohio, and Microform Data Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif. • The German Baroque Literature collection at Y a l e U n iv e r s it y is an important and often unique source of material for the study of the period. The University has agreed to the micro­ filming of this collection. Dr. von Faber du Faur noted in the preface to his excellent bibliography, that the purpose of the collection, begun in 1912, was to represent the baroque period in its own literary productions from its beginnings, about 1575, to its last echoes, about 1740. Since 1944 when the collection be­ came the property of the Yale University li­ brary, it has been augmented from that li­ brary’s own holdings and by a program of reg­ ular acquisitions. Only literary works have been included in the collection, although that term has been interpreted in a liberal sense. Phi­ losophers, historians, philologists and theolo­ gians have been admitted but only when their works were of general interest. Preservation of this material is another important aspect of the project, since many of the books are fragile. For further information and detail regarding this project, write to Research Publications, Inc., 254 College Street, New Haven, Conn. 06510. • Delaware has established a teletypewriter network for the exchange of reference and in­ terlibrary loan information among public, col­ lege and university libraries in the state. The U n iv e r s it y o f D e l a w a r e is acting as co­ ordinator for the project. Bequests for resources not available within the state will be screened by the University library before being directed elsewhere. The project is known by the acronym D RIL L (Delaware Rapid Interlibrary Loan and Reference Service). It is funded by the Library Services and Construction Act, Ti­ tle III, through the Delaware State library. • The U n iv e r s it y o f M ic h ig a n Begents have approved a plan which will separate 15 the present department of library science from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and create a new School of Library Science with its own dean and administrative staff. The new autonomous unit will come into being on July 1, 1969 as the university’s 18th school or college. • An Africana Showroom has opened in New York on the second floor of 101 Fifth Avenue with a display of some 1,500 recent and significant publications on Africa, includ­ ing many foreign titles. Open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, the Showroom is part of the A f r ic a n a C e n t e r , offering bibliograph­ ical and consulting services to librarians and scholars. The Center is a new development of International University Booksellers, Inc. The opening of the Showroom and Center coincides with the publication of a 161-page Africana Catalogue, the first in a series of reg­ ular quarterly listings. The initial catalogue provides details of 1,524 new books published during the period January 1967 through Oc­ tober 1968 and includes announcements of many forthcoming publications. Africana Cat­ alogue No. 2 is in active preparation. For more information contact: Hans M. Zell, Editor, Africana Center, International University Book­ sellers, Inc., 101 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003 (Tel: 212/691-5253). • Trustees, members and friends of the Sy r a c u s e U n iv e r s it y Library Associates met on November 7 to honor Philip Hof er, cur­ ator of the Houghton Library at Harvard University, with the presentation of the Uni­ versity’s Centennial Medal. • Documentation Abstracts are now avail­ able from a new address: P.O. Box 8510, Phil­ adelphia, Penn. 19101. • Telefacsimile equipment now links nearly all the Commonwealth Campus Libraries of the Pe n n s y l v a n ia St a t e U n iv e r s it y with Pattee Library at University Park. This system allows the small Commonwealth Campus Libraries ac­ cess to the over one-million volume collection at Pattee Library. The use of telefacsimile equipment at Penn State began with an initial test period of six months from September, 1966- March, 1967. As a result of the test, Magna­ fax Telecopiers, marketed by Xerox, which transmit over telephone lines were chosen for use in the Penn State network. The telecopiers transmit a standard size document at the rate of one page every six minutes. These facilities are also available to industry through the Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program’s (PENNTAP) Library Information Center lo­ cated at Pattee Library. A person desiring in­ formation places a request to the Library In­ formation Center through the librarian at the nearest Commonwealth Campus. The needed information is then sent from University Park back to that Commonwealth Campus and for­ warded to the requester. An additional tele­ facsimile connection is maintained between Penn State’s Agricultural and Biological Scien­ ces Library and the National Agricultural Li­ brary in Washington, D.C. P U B L I C A T I O N S • The library of the University of Calif­ fornia at Los Angeles has issued the follow­ ing publications as the fifteenth and sixteenth, respectively, in its series of Occasional Pa­ pers: The Monitor ir the Merrimac: A Bib­ liography, compiled by David R. Smith, of the reference department staff in the research li­ brary. This publication represents the first at­ tempt to compile a complete bibliography on the iron-clad vessels and their famous battle at Hampton Roads (March 9, 1862) which marked a turning-point in the history of naval warfare. Mr. Smith has provided descriptive notes or comments for most of the entries in his bibliography, as well as a short Introduc­ tion. The bibliography includes books, pam­ phlets, articles, government documents, disser­ tations, typescripts, and manuscripts, 254 en­ tries in all. There are twelve illustrations. A Checklist of Trade Bindings Designed by Mar­ garet Armstrong, compiled by Charles Gullans and John Espey, of the Department of English. It has a Preface by Brooke Whiting, of the department of special collections, and an In­ troduction by Professor Gullans on the life and career of Miss Armstrong. The Checklist in­ cludes 273 entries with brief descriptions of binding designs and other notes; it serves as much more than an exhibit catalogue, since it endeavors to list all of the bookbinding de­ signs which thus far can be attributed to Miss Armstrong. The 37-page Checklist also has seven illustrations and a chronological register. Copies priced at $1.00 each, plus sales tax for California purchasers, are available at the Li­ brary Card Window in the research library, or by mail from the Gifts and Exchange Sec­ tion, UCLA Library, Los Angeles, California 90024. Checks should be made payable to The Regents of the University of California. The library has also announced the publi­ cation of Victorian England in Its Novels (1840-1870) by the late Myron F. Brightfield, with an introduction by Gordon N. Ray, Vic­ torian scholar and President of the Guggen­ heim Foundation, and a prefatory note by Bradford A. Booth, Chairman of the Depart­ ment of English at UCLA. The work, which is in four volumes, has been published in a lim­ ited facsimile typescript edition of 100 copies, and will sell for $100 a set. Professor 500 copies. First printing,1609. Second printing,1968. One copy. We don’t know exactly how many copies of this book were originally published 359 years ago. But we do know that as fewer and fewer of these copies remained in existence, more and more people have wanted to read them. And those copies that are still intact are diffi­ cult for even a scholar to get his hands on. Be­ cause the most effective way for a library to pro­ tect its rare books from being destroyed is to pro­ tect them from being used by too many people. University Microfilms is in business to make sure that the available supply of any given book is precisely equal to the demand for it. If so much as one copy of a book exists, and that copy is capable of being microfilmed, we can make as many additional copies as anyone wants. As of this moment, we have over 30,000 out-of- print books on microfilm And if we don’t have a book, we’ll find it, film it, and turn out copies like the one above. Books printed in Roman alphabets cost you At per page. Books in non-Roman alphabets cost 2¢ a page more. And the minimum order we fill is one copy. If you’re interested in seeing which books we already have on film, send $3.25 for our 800-page catalog. (If you’re a librarian, send us a letter on your library’s stationery instead of the money.) In addition to the catalog, we’ll send you our monthly publication listing all the books we’ve added to it. Then, should what you want turn out to be something other than what we have, send us the title, author and publisher’s name. If copies of the book are still around, we’ll see that you get one, also University Microfilms 300 N o rth Zeeb R oad, Ann A rbor, M ich. 48103, (313) 761-4700 University M icrofilms L im ited, H igh W ycom b, England. A XEROX COMPANY XEROX 18 Brightfield, who was the author of Theodore Hook and His Novels and John Wilson Croker, still the standard works on their subjects, was a member of the English Department at the University of California, Berkeley, for nearly forty years. In this work he is concerned with life in Victorian England from 1840 to 1870 as it was depicted by the novelists of that period. He has arranged some 8,000 descriptive quo­ tations from more than 1,200 novels under 99 subject headings, such as “The Clergy,” “The Pure English Girl,” “The Stately Homes of England,” and “Fallen Women,” and has add­ ed connecting commentary. The result is a re­ markably vivid contemporary picture of that fascinating period. An author and title index was prepared for the set by Norman and Mimi Dudley, of the library staíf. The UCLA library has acquired the typescript of this work, to­ gether with all the notes and papers of Pro­ fessor Brightfield, who read and took notes on more than 2,000 Victorian novels in preparation for this enterprise. The library is deeply in­ debted to Mrs. Brightfield for making this val­ uable archive available. The papers are de­ posited in the department of special col­ lections. • Library Technicians: A Survey of Cur­ rent Developments, by Joanne Boelke. This 12 page monograph published in September 1968 is the first ERIC/CLIS publication in a continuing series of bibliographies and re­ view papers on topics of interest to library and information science communities. The purpose of the monograph is to (1) summarize current activities in this rapidly developing field, (2) present an overview of the issues, problems, and opinions on the subject, (3) identify the agencies and organizations concerned with li­ brary technicians, and (4) list, in a selective bibliography, some of the recent significant journal articles and other publications that re­ flect these current trends. The review is based on an examination of the literature and corre­ spondence and discussion with individuals ac­ tive in the field. The annotated bibliography of 43 items consists of documents referred to in the review article. Copies of the monograph are available in microfiche and hard copy for­ mat from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS), The National Cash Register Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 (ED 019 530; Price: Micro­ fiche—$0.25, Hard Copy—$0.56). Orders must be placed directly with EDRS and must in­ clude the ED number. • A new Directory of Computerized Infor mation in Science & Technology (DCIST) identifies and describes data banks and ma­ chine readable collections developed by lead­ ing governmental, research, industrial, aca­ ­ demic, library, publishing and professional so­ ciety sources—from Abbott Laboratories through Yale University. Leonard Cohan, Director of Libraries, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, has edited the volume and Margaret R. Fox, Chief, Technical Information Exchange, Center for Computer Sciences and Technology, U.S. National Bureau of Standards, has written the preface. A master index gives rapid access to data. Each system entry has been indexed in depth by significant names, subject terms, title words, hardware and software components, etc. Virtually every major area of science and tech­ nology is represented within the systems de­ scribed. Appended periodically will be brief re­ ports by recognized experts on techniques and applications of computerized information. DCIST is issued in a special 3-inch wide, 10¾” x 11¾” prong binder to accommodate supplements. Price, including full updating service through December 1969, is $175.00. DCIST may be ordered from the publisher, Science Associates/International, Inc., 23 East 26th Street, New York, N.Y. 10010, USA. • The K e n t St a t e U n iv e r s it y Libraries announce the first of a series of Occasional Papers on subjects of interest to librarians and scholars. Occasional Paper Number One is Richard Wright: Letters to Joe C. Brown, ed­ ited with an introduction by Thomas Knipp. It is based upon a collection of Wright’s let­ ters recently acquired by the Kent State Uni­ versity Libraries. Forthcoming in the series are Rare Books and Very Special Collections by Joseph Katz, The Cataloging Requirements of the Book Division of a Rare Book Library by Josiah Q. Bennett, and Mere Collector s Items by Matthew J. Bruccoli. Richard Wright: Let­ ters to Joe C. Brown may be purchased for $1.25 from Occasional Papers, Kent State Uni­ versity Libraries, Kent, Ohio 44240. • The Library Association (United King­ dom ) has announced publication of a new Journal of Librarianship. The first issue of the new quarterly will be published in January 1969. The Editorial Board has stated that the Journal “will publish longer articles, usually four to an issue, dealing with all aspects of library and information work, both in the Unit­ ed Kingdom and abroad. It will pay par­ ticular attention to new work in the field and will attempt to provide some outlet for pub­ lication arising from the rapidly increasing re­ search and investigation in all branches of library and information work.” Requests for subscriptions may be directed to The Publica­ tions Department, The Library Association, 7 Ridgmount Street, Store Street, London, W .C .l, United Kingdom. Cost is £.5 (U.S. $12.50) or £.4 (U.S. $10.00), for Library Association Members. ■ ■