ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 146 / C&RL News P E O P L E Profiles Michael B. Binder of libraries at Western ing Green. For the past has been appointed director Kentucky University, Bowl­ eight years he served as di­ re c to r of M essier L i­ b ra ry a t F a irle ig h D ickinson U niversity’s Rutherford, New Jersey campus. His professional c a ­ reer also includes library d ire c to r p o sitio n s at Clinch Valley College of th e U niversity of V ir­ ginia and the University of P ittsburgh at B rad ­ ford. In 1979-81 he c o ­ Michael B. Binderfounded and served as P re sid e n t of th e New Jersey Chapter of ACRL; and from 1984-85 he was President of the Council of New Jersey College and U niversity L ib ra ria n s. From 1979 to 1984 he served on the statewide planning group of the New Jersey State Library. A graduate of New York University, Binder re­ ceived his MLS from Rutgers University and a Ph.D. in library and information sciences from the University of Pittsburgh. He is the author of Videotex and Teletext: New Online Resources fo r Libraries, published by JAI Press in 1985, and has frequently contributed to the professional literature. C. Edwin Dowlin has been appointed director of the Golden Library at Eastern New Mexico Uni­ versity, Portales. Dowlin began his career as a pub­ lic librarian in Provo, Utah, and moved into state lib ra ry a d m in istra tiv e w ork in 1967 w hen he joined the staff of the State Library of Ohio. After a year as head of the Ohio Catalog Center, he was named head of library development for the state. In 1977 Dowlin was named State Librarian of New Mexico, and was a chief architect of the Co­ ordinated Library Systems Plan of New Mexico. Dowlin then entered the Ph.D. program at the University of Pittsburgh and in 1980 was named di­ rector of the Library Science D epartm ent at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. Nicholas B. Burckel has been appointed direc­ or of public services and collection development at he W ashington University Libraries, St. Louis, ef­ ective January 1. Burckel joins W ash­ gton University w ith a ro fessio n al b a c k ­ round th at includes ca­ eers as an h is to ria n , e a c h e r, a rc h iv is t, l i ­ rarian and university dm inistrator. He received a bache­ r ’s degree in history rom Georgetown Uni­ ersity in 1965, m aster’s n d P h .D . degrees in Nicholas B. Burckelistory from the Univer­ ity of Wisconsin, M adi­ on in 1967 and 1971, respectively, and an MLS de­ ree from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1983. Most of Burckel’s professional experience has een w ith th e Wisconsin university system. In 971, he was nam ed assistant archivist at the Uni­ ersity of Wisconsin, Madison, and served for 10 ears as director of the Archives and Area Research enter at the University’s Parkside institution. uring most of this period, Burckel also served as xecutive assistant to the chancellor. In 1982, he became associate director of the Uni­ ersity of Wisconsin, Parkside, Library Learning enter and was subsequently appointed assistant ice chancellor. Prior to accepting this position at Washington niversity, Burckel took a year’s leave of absence to ccept an Academic Library M anagement In tern ­ ip at the University of Chicago. In addition to these positions, Burckel has taught arious courses in U.S. History, and has been an ac­ ve scholar. His contributions to scholarship in­ ude th e c o -a u th o rin g or co -ed itin g of seven oks. He has had more than 15 articles and 60 re­ ews published in historical, archival and library ublications, as well as having been listed as con­ ibutor to several indexes, encyclopedias and ref­ ence books. Currently, Burckel serves on the ACRL’s Publi­ tions Committee (1982-86); is a member of the t t f in p g r t b a lo f v a h s s g in b 1 v y C D e v C v U a sh v ti cl bo vi p tr er ca February 1986 / 147 Feis Award C om m ittee of the American Historical Association (1985-87); is P ro g ram C o m m ittee c h a ir for th e Society of A m eric an A rchivists (1986-87); and is book review editor of the A m eri­ can A rchivist (1984-87). In 1981-82, he was a m em ber of the history panel for the American Book Awards. O ther notew orthy achievements include awards from the Council for Wisconsin W riters, the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, and the American Association for State and Local History. In 1985 he was elected Fellow of the Society of American Ar­ chivists. Leigh Stewart Estabrook has been nam ed dean of the G raduate School of L ibrary and Infor­ m ation Science at the University of Illinois, U r­ bana, effective January 2. She holds the rank of professor. Prior to her appoint­ m en t at Illinois, E s ta ­ brook was an associate professor in the School of In fo rm atio n Studies at Syracuse University. Before joining the Syra­ cuse faculty in 1978, she taught in the School of L ibrary Science at Sim­ mons C ollege, Boston, Leigh Estabrook 1971-77. E a rlie r, she was a com m unity infor­ m ation specialist in South Bend, I n d ia n a ,1970-71, and a Soviet and East E uropean bibliographer at the University of Notre D am e, 1969-70. Estabrook holds a bachelor’s degree in history from N orthw estern University, an MLS from Sim­ mons and a doctorate in sociology from Boston University. She has served as a consultant on systems and in­ form ation m anagem ent to several cities and educa­ tional institutions. Barbara Buckner Higgenbotham has been a p ­ pointed chief librarian at Brooklyn College. She joins Brooklyn from C olum bia University were she held a num ber of positions from 1977 to 1985, in­ cluding head of access services, head of original monographs cataloging and assistant head of origi­ nal m onographs cataloging. Prior to th a t H igginbotham also held technical services positions at the U.S. Customs Service Li­ b rary , U.S. D e p a rtm e n t of T ran sp o rtatio n L i­ brary and Rhode Island College Library, and was ch ild ren ’s d ep artm en t director at the Lakeview Branch of the Chicago Public Library. Higginbotham received her bachelor’s degree from C entenary College of Louisiana, an MLS from C olum bia University, and is presently com ­ pleting her DLS at Colum bia. H ig g in b o th am is a m em ber of th e M ETR O Board of Trustees, the New York Technical Ser­ vices Librarians, and the New York L ibrary Club. She has taught library science courses at Queens College G raduate School of L ibrary and Inform a­ tion Studies and at Colum bia. Her research in ter­ ests include preservation and library history. She is a frequent speaker on professional topics ranging from cataloging government docum ents to RLIN and faculty status. Anne J. Mathews has been appointed director of library program s of the Office of E ducational Re­ search and Im provem ent by Secretary of E d u ca­ tion W illiam J. Bennett. M athews will direct the fe d e ra l g o v e rn m e n t’s p ro g ra m to im p ro v e p u b lic lib ra ry services and construction, post­ s e c o n d a ry li b r a r y r e ­ sources, interlibrary co­ operation, training and education in lib rarian - ship, lib ra ry research, and library services for American Indians. M athews, a professor A nne J. M athew sat the University of D en­ ver’s G raduate School of Librarianship and Inform ation M anagem ent, has been a m em ber of the University of Denver faculty since 1970. For the past year she has served as a consultant to the United States Inform ation Agency (USIA), re­ viewing USIA library program s in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Earlier, Mathews was the program director of the C entral Colorado L ibrary System, Denver. She has been a consultant on library systems for the U.S. D e p a rtm e n t of E d u catio n and th e U nited States Agency for In te rn a tio n a l D evelopm ent (AID). She re c e iv e d h e r b a c h e lo r ’s d e g re e fro m W heaton College in 1949, an MLS from the Uni­ versity of Denver in 1965, and a doctorate in speech com m unication from the University of Denver in 1977. Marietta Plank has been apppointed associate director for technical services at the University of M aryland, College Park, Libraries, w here she had served as acting associate director for technical ser­ vices since 1984. In her new position, Plank will be responsible for planning, directing, and adm inistering the opera­ tions and activities of the division. Plank joined the UMCP Libaries w ith experi­ ence gained in the position of senior librarian w ith Costabile Associates, Inc. There she provided staff support in project planning and adm inistration of lib ra ry an d in fo rm a tio n co n tra cts. P lank also served as project m anager for numerous federal 148 / C&RL News and private library and inform ation related con­ tracts. Prior to her experience w ith Costabile Associ­ ates, Plank was the head of inform ational and in­ structional services at Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity and had held a position as head reference librarian at Georgetown University. Plank received a bachelor’s degree in Art History and an MLS at the University of Michigan. Peter R. Young has been appointed chief of the C ataloging Division at the L ib rary of Congress Copyright Office, effective October 23. In his new post, Young is responsi­ ble for directing online c a ta lo g in g o p e ra tio n s for co pyright re g istra ­ tions. The division has a staff of 107 and p ro c ­ esses more than 550,000 co p y rig h t registrations each year. Young had been assis­ t a n t c h ie f of th e LC MARC E ditorial D ivi­ sion, Processing Services D e p a r tm e n t, since Peter R. Young1984. His prior LC ser­ vice includes custom er services officer of the Cataloging Distribution Ser­ vice, a position he held from 1980 until 1984. Before joining the Library of Congress, Young served in several technical and m anagerial posi­ tions in university, college, and public libraries, as well as working in private industry. A 1966 g ra d u a te of th e College of W ooster, O hio, Young received an MLS from C olum bia University in 1968. Following service in the U.S. Army in Vietnam 1969-70, he held positions in the American University L ibrary, Franklin and M ar­ shall College L ibrary, Rice University L ibrary, and the G rand Rapids Public Library. From 1976 to 1980, Young was a library systems analyst w ith CLSI, in Newton, Massachusetts, spe­ cializing in the development of autom ated library systems applications. Young’s professional activities include m em ber­ ship on various ALA committees in LAMA, and service as the LITA liaison to the RTSD Cataloging and Classification Section’s Description and Access Committee. People in the News Nicholas C. Burckel, director of public ser­ vices and collection development at W ashington University Libraries, St. Louis, has been elected a fellow of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), th a t organization’s highest honor. Burckel was aw arded the distinction based on his m any profes­ sional contributions, superior publishing record and strong com m ittm ent to innovative and out­ standing archival work. Stuart Kölner, a librarian and associate profes­ sor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine for eight years until his enrollm ent last fall in m edi­ cal school, has won the fourth annual D ata Courier Award. The aw ard, given yearly to the author of the best article published in online and database journals, includes a $1,000 prize. Kölner received the aw ard for his five-part series titled “The IBM PC as an Online Search M achine,” which appeared in the January, M arch, May, July, and September, 1985, issues of Online. It discusses in detail the fea­ tures of the various components of the IBM PC as well as electronic delivery of search results to end users and other applications. Kolner’s MLS is from Case W estern Reserve University. Susan Taylor, cu rato r of m anuscripts in the Lilly Library at the Indiana University, has been elected president of the Society of Indiana Archi­ vists. The term of office is one year. Elaine F. Sloane, dean of the Indiana Univer­ sity Libraries, has been elected to the board of di­ rectors of the Association of Reaserach Libraries (ARL). She will serve a three-year term on the board. Velma Veneziano, librarian at Northwestern University, and James Aagaard, com puter systems analyst at Northwestern University, have receieved the L ibrary and Inform ation Technology Associa- tion/G aylord Award for Achievement in Library and Inform ation Technology last July 7. The two were cited for their early vision of an integrated on­ line library system th a t evolved into NOTIS, the Northwestern Online Total Integrated System. Anne Woodsworth, associate provost for li­ braries at the University of Pittsburgh, is the new president of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). W oodsworth succeeds Richard J. Talbot, director of libraries at the University of Massachu­ setts, who had served as ARL president since O cto­ ber, 1984. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) J ohn Arbott has been appointed head of the Forest Resources L ibrary at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Lisa Abbott has been appointed documents li­ brarian at North C arolina State University, Ra­ leigh. Ronald Allen has been appointed head of the library at the G raduate School of Business A dm in­ istration at W ashington University, St. Louis, Mis­ souri. Gwendolynne Arthur has been appointed re­ ference/social services librarian at Tem ple Univer­ February 1986 / 149 sity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Christine S. Babcock has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Naval W ar College, Newport, Rhode Island. Jane Baldwin has been appointed serials acqui­ sitions librarian at North Carolina State Univer­ sity, Raleigh. Jane Barnwell has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. Lowell T. Berenguer has joined the reference services departm ent at Auburn University, Mont­ gomery, Alabama. Margaret Bielefeld has been appointed assis­ tant librarian in the Poetry/Rare Books D epart­ ment at the State University of New York at Buf­ falo. Rick J. Block has been appointed assistant cata- loger for science at M a rq u e tte U niversity L i braries, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Louis W.Bookheim has been appointed refer ence librarian at California W estern School of Law, San Diego. Axel Borg has been appointed science reference librarian at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Henry William Brands has been appointed oral historian at the Tarlton Law Library at the Uni versity of Texas at Austin. Keith R. Brehmer has been appointed director of the library at Monterey Institute of In te rn a tional Studies, Monterey, California. Lynda M. Bronaugh has been appointed refer ence librarian at the Naval W ar College, Newport. Kathleen Brown has been appointed assistant departm ent head in the Monographic Cataloging D epartm ent at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Caroline Carlton has been appointed head o the Design Library at North Carolina State Uni versity, Raleigh. Min-Chih Chou has been appointed curator o the Wason Collection at the Olin Library at Cor nell University, Ithaca, New York. Roxane Combs has been appointed assistant i special collections at the Museum of Comparativ Zoology L ibrary at H arvard University, C am bridge, Massachusetts. Kathleen Connors has been appointed refer ence lib r a r ia n a t th e U n iv ersity of O reg o n , Eugene. Anita Cook has been promoted to chair of th General Services D epartm ent at the University o Nebraska, Lincoln. Judith Copler has been appointed head of th Interlibrary Services D epartm ent at Indiana Uni versity Libraries, Bloomington. Kathy Cunningham has been appointed suppor services librarian at the NOTIS Office at N orth western University, Evanston, Illinois. H. Scott Davis has been appointed head of th Library Instruction and O rientation Program a Indiana State University, Terre Haute. ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ f ­ f ­ n e ­ ­ e f e ­ t ­ e t Jinnie Davis has been appointed assistant to the irector for planning at North Carolina State Uni­ ersity, Raleigh. Dorothy Hamilton DeSimone has been ap ­ ointed cataloger at the H arvard College Library. Tamsen Emerson has been appointed senior as­ istant librarian in the Documents D epartm ent at he University of Wyoming Library, Laramie. Maggie S. Fernandez has been appointed cata­ oger for Portuguese and Spanish Materials at the arvard College Library, Cambridge. Jerome B. Frobom has been appointed head of overnment documents at the University of Ne­ raska, Lincoln. Victoria Frowine has been appointed assistant o the director of libraries at Temple University, hiladelphia. Frank Gallegos has been appointed assistant atalog librarian at W hittier College School of aw , Los Angeles, California. Sue Smith Glaze has been appointed m ono­ raphic cataloger at Auburn University, M ont­ omery, Alabama. Edwin R. Harris has been appointed coordina­ or of information systems and operations at Au­ burn University, Montgomery, Alabama. Harold Isadore has been promoted to associate ibrarian and supervisor of reference and circula­ ion at the Southern University Law Library, Ba­ on Rouge, Louisiana. Dennis Isbell has been appointed assistant ref­ erence librarian at the University of South Caro­ lina, Columbia. Jeffrey S. Jackson has been appointed head of Social Sciences/Humanities Reference at Michigan State University, East Lansing. William Joyce has been appointed associate university lib rarian for Rare Books and Special C ollections at P rin ceto n U niversity L ib ra ry , Princeton, New Jersey. Barbara M. Kelly has been appointed curator of the Long Island Studies Institute and Special Collections at Hofstra University, Hem pstead, New York. Joseph T. King has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Norris Medical Library at the Uni­ versity of Southern California, Los Angeles. David Kohl has been appointed assistant direc­ tor of public services at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Cynthia Levine has been appointed humanities reference librarian at North Carolina State Univer­ sity, Raleigh. Caroline C. Long has been appointed science subject specialist/reference lib rarian at George W ashington University, W ashington, D .C. Katherine Malmquist has been a p p o in te d head of circulation at the University of Virginia College of Law , Charlottesville. Melbarose Manuel has been promoted to law librarian at Southern University Law Library, Ba­ ton Rouge. d v p s t l H g b t P c L g g t l t t 150 / C& RL News Jim Meyer has been appointed m onographic cat- aloger for Africana in the C atalog D epartm ent at N orthw esteren University L ibrary, Evanston. Sheila Milam h as b e e n a p p o in te d Ib e ro - American cataloger at Arizona State University, Tem pe. Patricia S. Neff has been appointed coordina­ tor of cataloging and bibliographic control activi­ ties at A uburn University, M ontgomery, Alabam a. Vivian Olsen has been appointed cataloger at the Sibley Music L ibrary at the University of Roch­ ester, Rochester, New York. Anne Ostrye has been appointed head of refer­ ence at the University of W yom ing L ibrary, L a ra ­ mie. Darlene A. PoDOLEYhas been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Florida A tlantic University, Roca Raton. Catherine Pollari has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Ham pden-Sydney College, V ir­ ginia. Alvin Roche has been prom oted to associate li­ b rarian at the Southern University L aw L ibrary, Baton Rouge. Gloria Rogers has been appointed senior assis­ ta n t librarian in the Catalog Division at the U ni­ versity of San Diego, California. Barbara Sargen has been appointed reference/ instruction librarian at Tem ple University, Phila­ delphia. Terri O. Saye has been appointed catalog li­ b rarian at the L aw L ibrary at the University of N orth C arolina, C hapel Hill. Jean Skipp has been appointed rare book biblio- grapher/cataloger at Tem ple University, Philadel­ phia. Jane S. Staffier has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the Naval W ar College, Newport. Larry Stallings has been appointed coordina­ tor of learning resources at Valencia C om m unity College, O rlando, Florida. Scott D. Stebelman has been appointed refer- African Studies award At its annual m eeting in New Orleans on No­ vem ber 24, 1985, the African Studies Associa­ tion aw arded its first Distinguished Service to African Studies A ward to Hans Panofsky, cu ra­ tor of N orthw estern U niversity’s Melville J. Herskovits Africana Collection. Panofsky, who has served as chair of both the ACRL Anthropology and Social Sciences Sec­ tion (1973-74) and the Asian and African Sec­ tion (1977-79), was cited for his “dedication to African studies at the technical, personal, and scholarly levels w hich has served as an inspira­ tio n ” to others in the field. He was responsible for developing the Herskovits L ibrary into the largest separate collection of Africana m aterials in the world. ence librarian and coordinator for bibliographic in stru c tio n a t G eorge W ash in g to n U niversity, W ashington, D .C . Sandra Thompson has been appointed assistant librarian at the Ambler Cam pus L ibrary of Tem ­ ple University, Ambler, Pennsylvania. Alphonse N. Vinh has been appointed acquisi­ tions lib rarian at Simmons College, Boston, Massa­ chusetts. Michael James Waldo has joined the reference departm ent at A uburn University, Montgomery, Alabam a. Ann Baker Ward has been appointed head of Interlibrary Loan at N orth C arolina State U niver­ sity, Raleigh. Shirlene Ward has been appointed recorded sound services lib rarian in the Music L ibrary at N orthw estern University, Evanston. Virginia W . Weathers has been appointed as­ sistan t reference lib ra ria n at th e U niversity of South C arolina, Colum bia. David Weinberg has been appointed assistant curator of u rb an archives at Tem ple University, Philadelphia. Mary Frances White has been appointed fine arts and hum anities reference librarian at L am ar University, Beaum ont, Texas. Vivian White has been appointed technical ser­ vices librarian at Mobile College L ibrary, Mobile, Alabam a. Elizabeth H. Wood has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Norris Medical L ibrary at the University of Southern C alifornia, Los Angeles. Retirements Freda Bailey, deputy head of the Catalog Rec­ ords Division at the University of British C olum ­ bia, retired in O ctober after 20 years of service. Charles F. Gosnell, chairm an of the Board of T rustees of P ublic A ffairs In fo rm a tio n Service (PAIS), retired in November. Gosnell had been a m em ber of the board since 1948, and had chaired it since 1976. He was instrum ental in securing a ch ar­ ter from the Regents of the University of the State of New York th a t established PAIS, a publisher of bibliographical indexes, as a not-for-profit organi­ zation. Gosnell is an active ALA m em ber, and has served as a m em ber of the Executive Board, chair of the C om m ittee on L ibrary C ooperation w ith L atin America, and as president of the A dm inistra­ tion Division. In 1974 he retired as director of li­ braries at New York University, becoming em eri­ tus professor of library adm inistration. Bill Horner, head of L ibrary Systems at North C arolina State University, Raleigh, retired Decem ­ ber 31. H orner joined the library in 1970 as a sys­ tems librarian. Frances Reece Kepner, cataloger of rare books and special collections at In d ian a State University, retired July 1. Her career also included positions at February 1986 / 151 the University of Michigan, Ohio State University, and Thiel College, Greenville, Pennsylvania. Mike MacInnes, assistant university librarian for personnel at the University of C alifornia, Ir ­ vine, retired F ebruary 1. A retired Navy captain with 26 years of service, MacInnes joined the UCI library in 1970. Ann Smith, head of Interlibrary Loan at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, retired in June after 15 years of service. Smith joined the library in 1970 as an assistant catalog librarian. Deaths Paul D. Barton Jr., fine arts librarian at the University of Arizona since 1970, died December 12. Barton was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (London). He was a founding m em ber of the University of Arizona C am pus L ib rary Council and the L ibrary Faculty Assembly, and served the latter as chairm an for three terms. D onald L . Leavitt, chief of the L ib rary of Congress Music Division from 1978 until his retire­ m ent in October due to ill health, died November 28. L eavitt’s 29 years of LC service included work as a music reference librarian, as head of the Re­ corded Sound Section (then p a rt of the Music D ivi­ sion), as assistant chief of the Music Division, and as acting chief of the division until his appointm ent as chief in 1978. Leavitt is credited w ith in au g u rat­ ing num erous in n o v ativ e series, in c lu d in g th e “Concerts from the Collections” series. Lillian J. Lee, fo rm er G eology lib ra ria n at N orthw estern University, died July 14 after a long illness. David Arnold Peele, periodicals librarian at the College of Staten Island, died November 9 of a heart attack. ■ ■ ♦ Blackwell North America now offers an Ĭndi- cator Fix service th a t autom atically checks and cor­ rects filing indicators in title fields of MARC rec­ ords. W hen properly set, filing indicators show the num ber of initial characters to be ignored w hen fil­ ing title field data. The service autom atically com ­ pares lists of definite and indefinite articles orga­ nized by language against the d ata string in the 245 and other fields. For more inform ation, contact Blackwell N orth America, 6024 S.W. Jean Road, Building G, Lake Oswego, OR 97034; (503) 684- 1140. ♦ Inform ation Access Com pany has introduced an enhanced version of its InfoT rac system d e­ signed for use in corporate and academic libraries. The new option adds downloading, w ord process­ ing, and dial out access to rem ote online databases to the electronic search and retrieval capabilities of the InfoTrac system. The InfoTrac database, in ­ troduced in January 1985, contains indexes to a p ­ proxim ately 1,000 business, technical, and general interest magazines and newspapers. The new en­ hancem ents allow the searcher to dow nload se­ lected references or full text onto a floppy disk for editing or inclusion in other documents. ♦ O C L C , In c., has m ade available the United States Newspaper Program National Union List, derived from inform ation added to the O C LC database by participants in the National E ndow ­ m ent for the H um anities’ United States Newspaper Program . P articipating national repositories in­ clude the L ibrary of Congress, the American Anti­ quarian Society, C enter for Research Libraries, Kansas State Historical Society, New York H istori­ cal Society, New York State Library, Rutgers Uni­ versity, and the State Historical Society of Wiscon­ sin. The union list provides inform ation on more th an 25,000 U.S. newspapers and identifies the li­ braries, archives, and historical societies th a t col­ lect them . Four indexes provide access to the list: place of publication, intended audience, language, and date of publication. H ard copy and microfiche editions of the union list, containing entries input through June 1985, may be ordered from O C L C , 6565 F rantz Road, D ublin, OH 43017. ♦ ScholarNet is a new electronic m ail service for scholars in the hum anities and social sciences h ead ­ quartered at North C arolina State University. The system allows scholars in 65 countries to com m uni­ cate w ith each other and receive notices of new journals, books, and software programs. Two net­ works, PoliNet for political scientists and public adm inistrators, and H um aN et for scholars in the hum anities, are online w ith others to be added in the future. An initial subscription costs $29.95 for an individual or $100 for a com pany or academic N E W T E C H N O L O G Y