ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 / 223 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young Brenda Bailey-Haner, director o f Network­ ing and Resource Sharing for the Colorado State Library, has been named Librarian of the Year by the Colorado Library Association. Bailey-Haner was cited for her vision of out­ standing access to library resources for all li­ braries and residents in the state. Other achievements under her direction have been service to help libraries find new integrated library systems, a statewide license to full- text databases for schools and libraries, imple­ mentation of national grants dealing with Internet access, and leadership of her team of staff and advisory committees. S teph en E nniss, curator o f literary collec­ tions at Emory University, has been awarded a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellowship to conduct research in the School of Advanced Study at the University of London during the 2002-03 academic year. The award funds fel­ lows for a nine- or ten-month research resi­ dency at the school, while they pursue an independent research project. Enniss will be working on a critical study of the contempo­ rary Irish poet Derek Mahon. Bruce R. Schatz, University of Illinois at Ur- bana-Champaign’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science researcher, has been elected as a 2001 fellow of the American As­ sociation for the Advancement of Science. Schatz was honored for work on supercom­ puting for information retrieval, particularly semantic analysis of scientific terminology, and for developing the Telesophy system, which inspired Mosaic software. A nne Tanner has resigned as associate dean after nearly 21 years of service to Drexel University’s College of Information Science and Technology (1ST). Tanner has held posi­ tions of associate and assistant deans since 1986. During her tenure, she introduced in­ novative recruitment techniques and commu­ nications that resulted in a steady increase in enrollment; tripled the number of graduate inquiries; and was instrumental in establish­ ing the 1ST Web site. She also led significant changes in college processes through the Knowledge Process Task Force and worked with faculty to launch a Women in Informa­ tion Systems organization for 1ST students. Tanner joined the college in 1981 as manag­ ing editor of the Drexel Library Quarterly, and in 1983 she became publications editor. Prior to these positions, she was librarian at the Eastern Regional Research Center of the USDA and at Beaver College. A rlene G. Taylor, professor of library and information science (LIS) at the University of Pittsburgh, has received a Fulbright Senior Specialists grant to Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. She will spend three weeks leading workshops on online catalog­ ing and on how to teach LIS distance educa­ tion courses via the Web. Taylor also will give a seminar on major trends in LIS education. She joined the university in 1993 as an asso­ ciate professor in the School of Information Science Department of Library and Informa­ tion Science. A p p o i n t m e n t s T ob eylynn B irch has been appointed univer­ sity librarian at Alliant International University. From 1976 to 1979, she w orked in the UCLA G rad u ate S c h o o l o f M anagem ent Library. Prior to this position, she was Los Angeles campus libraiy director at the California School Tobeylynn Birch Ed. n o t e : To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to A nn-C hriste Young, productio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax:(312)280-2520. 224 I C&RL News ■ M arch 2002 o f Professional Psychology from 1981 to 2001. She is a member o f ACRL, LAMA, LIRT (past- president), the Association of Mental Health Librarians (past-president), and California Aca­ demic and Research Libraries. In 1990, Birch won the ALA World B ook Award. J e n n ife r G illey is the new head o f the Elisabeth S. Blissell Library at Pennsylvania State, New Kensington. S h irley H allblade has becom e the sixth col­ lege lib raian at Occidental College’s Mary Norton Clapp Library in 89 years. Hallblade, who was director o f the J. Hugh Jackson Li­ brary at Stanford University’s business school, has held several administrative positions at Vanderbilt University, including the associate director o f libraries post, which she held for a decade. She also taught library management, information science, and computer applica­ tions at the University of Mississippi’s Gradu­ ate School of Library and Information Science. Karla Block has been appointed head of access and outreach services at the Bio-Medi- cal Library at the University of Minnesota Li­ braries. Randy Brandt has been named principal cataloger at the University of California, Ber­ keley. Su C hen is now East Asian librarian at the University of Minnesota Libraries. Leslie C zech ow ski has been appointed archivist of the Minnesota Orchestra Collec­ tion at the University of Minnesota Libraries. A d ve rtise r index Academic Press/Elsevier 193 American Chemical Society 172 American Theological Library 222 Association Chemical Abstracts Service Cover 2 EBSCO Cover 3 Endeavor Info. Services 159 Excelsior College 162 ISI 167 OCLC Online 171 SWETS/Blackwell 197 University o f Maryland 213 University College West Group Cover 4 J o a n D a lry m p le is now head o f access services at the Sidney Silverman Library of Bergen Community College. V ir g i n ia D u d le y h a s b e e n n am ed MINITEX bibliographic and technical services coordinator at the University o f Minnesota Libraries. Cecilia G en ereu x is now serials cataloger at the University o f Minnesota Libraries. J e n n ife r G illey is the new head o f the Elisabeth S. Blissell Library, at Pennsylvania State University, New Kensington. Mark G o o ch has been appointed visiting technical services librarian at the College of Wooster, Ohio. R ebecca H e n n in g has b een appointed cataloger at Amherst College Library. Val H o u lso n has been appointed assis­ tant business librarian at the University of Min­ nesota Libraries. A n n em arie M ascarenharas is now ref­ erence librarian at the Sidney Silverman Li­ brary of Bergen Community College. Jan et Miranda has been named MINITEX contract cataloger at the University o f Minne­ sota Libraries. M ich ael E. M ou n ce is now reference/in­ structional services librarian at Delta State Uni­ versity. D eb orah P o w ell has accepted the posi­ tion of cataloguing services librarian at the Old Dominion University Libraries. G loria R h o d es has accepted the position o f outreach/community resources librarian at San Diego State University. C ynthia R o b in so n is now associate di­ rector o f the Bio-Medical Libraiy at the Uni­ versity of Minnesota. Lynn S ch ott has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Sidney Silverman Library o f Bergen Community College. MacKenzie Sm ith has been appointed as­ sociate director for technology in the Massa­ chusetts Institute o f Technology Libraries. J im S tem p er is now electronic resources librarian at the University of Minnesota Li­ braries. R ong Wang has been named coordinator for technical systems and media services at the Sidney Silverman Libraiy of Bergen Com­ munity College. A ntonella Ward has been appointed elec­ tronic resources/reference librarian at Angelo State University in Texas. C&RL N ew s ■ M a rc h 2002 / 22 5 N anette J. W elton is now head of infor­ mation resources in the Health Sciences Li­ braries at the University o f Washington in Seattle. R e t i r e m e n t s Frank Q. H elm s has retired as director of the West Chester University Library after 35 years o f service. During his tenure, the li­ brary collection grew from 50,000 to 500,000 volumes and the library expanded to include a six-story addition. Helms was instrumental in developing the library’s endowment in ex­ cess o f $1.5 million. He has served as chair of the Library Directors Board o f the State System o f Higher Education of Pennsylvania and fulfilled many leadership positions in the Delaware Valley Chapter o f ACRL and the Tri-State College Library Cooperative. Frank Q. Helms an d M ary E. N e h lig Mary E. N eh lig has retired as assistant direc­ tor o f the West Chester University Library. Since joining West Chester in 1967, Nehlig has m anaged the public services division o f the library as it em braced new tech n olo­ gies and expan d ed services. N ehlig has b een active on campus and at regional and state levels with issues related to staff d e­ velopm ent. B ill R oberts, university archivist at the Uni­ versity o f California, Berkeley, has retired. He started in the Bancroft Library as a stu­ dent assistant in 1964, while doing graduate work in French. He becam e a library assis­ tant in Bancroft’s old manuscript division in 1966 and was appointed assistant librarian in 1971. Roberts has worked in all areas of Bancroft— technical services, public services, and, since 1984, as university archivist, only the fourth since the university’s foundation. During the mid-1990s, he served as acting curator of pictorial collections and o f the His­ tory o f Science and Technology Program— essentially holding three full-time jobs at once. Roberts has served on numerous librarywide and LAUC-B committees; he received LAUC- B ’s Distinguished Librarian Award (1997-98). B ella S hirm an , circulation supervisor and operations manager in the astronomy/math- ematics/statistics library since 1990, has re­ tired from the University o f California, Ber­ keley. J a m es C. T h o m p so n , university librarian at the University o f California, Riverside, has retired after 15 years o f service. Under Thom pson’s stewardship, the science library was com pleted in 1998 and the Rivera Li­ brary renovation was com pleted in 2001, modernizing and doubling the space avail­ able for collections and services to 301,032 square feet. Thompson was also responsible for reorganizing the management o f the li­ braries and streamlining and automating li­ brary operations. D e a t h s Ed. note: In the January 2002 issue o f C&RL News, the photo of George D. Terry was in­ correctly identified as Dan Foley. The editors regret the error. G eorge D. Terry, vice provost and dean of libraries at the University o f South Carolina (1991-2001), died Octo­ ber 20, 2001. Before as­ suming the position of dean, Terry served as d ir e c to r o f th e u n i­ versity’s McKissick Mu­ seum and administrator for special projects, in­ cluding development of an online library system to link the university’s G e o rg e D. Terry nine campuses. Terry excelled in facilitating the acquisition o f no­ table materials for the libraries’ special col­ lection department. ■