ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries


Classified Advertising
Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must 

reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­
ceding publication of the issue. Late job listings will be accepted on 
a space available basis after the ninth of the month (by telephone 

Contact: Riley Tate, Administrative Secretary, ACRL, American 
Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 

Rates: Classified advertisements are $1.80 per line for ACRL 
members, $2.25 for others. Late job notices are $7.00 per line for 
members, $8.50 per line for others. Organizations submitting ads 
will be charged according to their membership status.

Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­
ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders 
should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used 
in proofreading.

Guidelines: Advertisers placing job announcements must list 
closing dates for applications no sooner than the last day of the 
month in which the notice appears. All job announcements must 
include a salary range. Job announcements will be edited to 
exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that 
the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institu­


MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government 
publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No 
prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846.

CHINA-JAPAN. Major private quality collection— reasonable. All 
topics. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. Inquiries 

CONTEMPORARY CHINA. Serials FBIS P.R. of China and Asia and 
Pacific 1968-79. Reasonable. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Far­
mington, CT 06032. Inquiries invited.

FOREIGN MICROFORMS. Any foreign microform from anywhere in 
the world at the foreign list price. Free searching. Monographs and 
serials. IMDS, 1995 Broadway, New York, NY 10023; (212) 873- 

SEARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate titles or subject, plus 
150,000 indexed stock. PAB 2917 Atlantic, Atlantic City, NJ 
08401. Phone 609/344-1943.


graphical Searching Unit and processing of approval plans involving 
$750,000 book budget. MLS required. Experience in technical ser­
vices, including OCLC, and knowledge of one or more foreign lan­
guages highly desirable. Position may be filled at rank of instructor 
($14,500+) or assistant professor ($17,000+, requires second 
master's degree). Send letter and vita to Joe. W. Kraus, Director, 
Illinois State University Library, Normal, IL 61761. An equal 
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

dinates the operations of the units responsible for providing physi­
cal access to library materials. These units include the Circulation 
Services Department, the Film Library, the Interlibrary Loan Office, 
Non-Print, Reserve and Periodical Services, and the Hawley Library 
(a branch library serving the graduate schools of Criminal Justice, 
Social Welfare, and Library and Information Science). Staff of these 
units includes: 5 librarians with faculty status; 4 nonteaching pro­
fessionals; 31 classified service employees; approximately 20 FTE 
student assistants. Library faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill 
faculty obligations in one or more of the areas of teaching, research 
and service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications: 
MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. At least five years of 
successful administrative experience, including experience in pub­
lic services in a medium or large academic library. Candidates with 
knowledge of circulation services preferred. Demonstrated skills in 
leadership, organization, and the integration of change with 
technological innovation. Commitment to actively promoting growth 
and development through teaching, research and service as an es­
sential part of the professional lives of academic librarians. The 
successful candidate will be one who recognizes the role and func­
tion of the units within Access Services in the context of the Uni­
versity Libraries and the academic community. Salary and rank 
commensurate with education and experience; salary from $20,000 
depending on qualifications. Twelve months' appointment; sick 
leave and annual leave @1.75 days each per month. Fully paid 
major medical, hospitalization, and dental insurance. Social security

coverage, TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Retirement 
available (employee contribution rate = 3%). Contact: Jean Wha­
len, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 109, State Uni­
versity of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, 
NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by July 5, 1980. (Prelimi­
nary interviews may be arranged for the ALA Conference in New 
York City.) SUNY at Albany is an Equal Employment Opportunity/ 
Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from women, minorities, 
and handicapped are especially welcome.

University of Georgia Libraries seek an experienced librarian with 
strong leadership qualities to assume responsibility for the overall 
coordination of collection development. Responsible to the Director 
of Libraries, the Assistant Director manages and allocates a $2 mil­
lion materials budget; supervises the Collection Development Divi­
sion comprised of Education, Fine Arts, History, Humanities, and 
Social Sciences Departments with a staff of 11 professionals and 
10 support; and coordinates collection development with other 
units in the libraries. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; additional 
advanced degree; 5 years’ experience with collection development 
activities, preferably including budget preparation and control, in 
large academic or research library; additional library experience 
preferred; knowledge of national trends in collection development 
and the book trade; demonstrated administrative and supervisory 
ability; ability to deal sensitively with co-workers and to interact 
cooperatively with other library units; ability to work positively with 
university faculty and administrators; knowledge of the principles of 
bibliographic control; understanding of academic research needs; 
experience with or knowledge of automated library systems; flexibil­
ity in planning and implementing library programs; effective oral 
and written communication skills. Salary competitive and negoti­
able, minimum of $24,000. Closing date for applications July 18, 
1980. Send letter of application addressing the above qualifica­
tions, résumé, and names of three (3) references to Bonnie 
Jackson Clemens, Personnel Librarian, University of Georgia Librar­
ies, Athens, Georgia 30602. The position will not be filled unless 
suitable candidates are found. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative 
Action Institution.

ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Assistant Librarian for collection de­
velopment and public service. Will be expected to share in library’s 
strong commitment to public service through reference desk cover­
age including evenings and weekends. Liaison responsibilities with 
academic departments and participation in the library's instruction 
program. MLS from an ALA-accredited school required, plus ex­
perience with OCLC, personnel supervision, and collection de­
velopment. Salary $15,500 maximum, dependent on qualifications 
and experience. 12-month tenure track. Send letter of application, 
résumé, credentials, and three letters of recommendation by July 
15 to Nancy Lusburrow Eldblon, Frederick W. Crumb Memorial 
Library, Potsdam College of Arts and Science, Potsdam, NY 13676. 
An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

University of Santa Clara, a Jesuit University. Provides reference 
service, assists in student library orientation, works with special col­
lections, and generally assists in the activities of the department. 
The work schedule calls for one to two evenings per week and 
some weekends. Minimum qualifications: MLS degree from an 
ALA-accredited library school, an interest in helping users, pleasant 
disposition. Minimum salary: $14,316 p.a. The university offers an 
excellent benefit package. Selected candidates will be interviewed 
on campus. Position available September 1, 1980. Apply by July 
15, 1980, to Victor Novak, University Librarian, University of Santa 
Clara, Santa Clara, CA 95053. Equal opportunity employer through 
affirmative action— M/F/H Title IX.

school required. Supervisory experience, facility with foreign lan­
guages, and serials experience in an academic library desirable. 
Responsible for receipt and processing of periodicals, continuations 
and microforms, as well as organization of materials (including bib­
liographical search and verification). Trains and supervises two 
Kardex assistants, the assistant in charge of the serials printout, 
and students. Assists in serial collection development and reader 
services. Salary $13,000 and up, depending on qualifications. Fac­
ulty status. Tenure-track position. Twelve-month appointment. Lib­
eral fringe benefits. Position open July 1, 1980. Send résumé, 3 
current letters of recommendation, and placement folder to Mary 
Jane Conger, Chairperson, Library Search Committee, Jackson Li­
brary, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 
27412. Deadline for applications: postmarked by July 15, 1980. An 
Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

sity of Michigan. Under the general direction of the Director, Uni­
versity Library, the associate director is responsible for the adminis­
tration, planning, and policy direction of technical services of the 
university library with its major functional units of acquisitions, 
cataloging, serials, automated bibliographic catalog control and 
maintenance, and area programs. The University of Michigan is a 
member of the Research Libraries Group and is in the process of


implementing RLIN bibliographic system. Significant participation in 
overall library planning and policy making also expected. Salary: 
$40,000+. Qualifications: MLS; progressively responsible experi­
ence in library management with emphasis on technical services 
operations within a large academic library; demonstrated leadership 
ability with strong emphasis on interpersonal skills; demonstrated 
ability in both oral and written communication; background in au­
tomated systems as they pertain to technical services is important. 
Write: Lynn Marko, Assistant for Personnel and Staff Development, 
The University of Michigan Library, 818 Hatcher Library, Ann Ar­
bor, Ml 48109. The University of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, 
affirmative action employer.

CATALOG LIBRARIAN. New position available July 1, 1980. Re­
quired: ALA-MLS; strong background in the sciences (subject de­
gree preferred); experience or evidence of training in the LC sys­
tem, OCLC, and original monographic and serial cataloging; ability 
to work with foreign languages. Responsibilities include the original 
cataloging and classification of monographs and serials in geo­
graphy and oceanography (classes G-GC) and the sciences 
(classes Q-TX); training, revision, and supervision of 2 paraprofes­
sionals. ASU is a member of the AMIGOS Bibliographic Council 
and has adopted the COM format of its catalog. A new Science Li­
brary is planned for 1982. Salary: $13,500 minimum. Send letter of 
application responding to qualifications above, a current résumé, 
and the names of three recent references to Constance Corey, Act­
ing Assistant University Librarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, 
AZ 85281 by July 15, 1980. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 

CATALOG LIBRARIAN (two vacancies). Working knowledge of 
OCLC, fa m ilia rity  with standard cataloging practice and LC 
classification required. ALA-accredited MLS and minimum 3 years' 
experience with both serials and monograph cataloging. Salary 
$14,500 minimum, depending on qualifications. TIAA/CREF and 
many other fringe benefits. Tenure-track library faculty position. 
Positions open immediately. Send application and résumé to: Royal 
V. Pope, Director of Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 
AR 72701. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer; appli­
cations from all qualified individuals welcome.

CATALOGER. Responsible for cataloging and tagging library mate­
rials for input into OCLC under supervision of the unit head. Oppor­
tunity to work with a variety of formats. Requires basic working 
knowledge of AACR, LC schedules and subject headings; ALA- 
accredited master’s degree; ability to work well with others. Prefer 
candidate with prior experience in university cataloging department. 
Minimum salary $12,500. Nine-month temporary position, assistant 
professor rank. Usual fringes. Starts Sept. 15, 1980. Send letter of 
application, credentials and vita, names of 3 references by July 1, 
to Joan Repp, Head, Cataloging Department, University Libraries, 
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Pre­
liminary interviews ALA, New York. An equal opportunity, affirma­
tive action employer.

CATALOGER/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Cataloger for the humanities and 
social sciences in a six professional department which utilizes 
OCLC. Participate in collection development activities. Required: 
MLS degree from ALA-accredited library school, a minimum of two 
years' professional experience in a catalog department, knowledge 
of Library of Congress classification schemes, familiarity with AACR 
2, and working knowledge of at least one modern European lan­
guage. Full-time tenure-track calendar year position at assistant 
professor level, available July 1. 22 days' vacation, TIAA/CREF, plus 
other excellent fringe benefits. Full position description will be sent 
to all qualified applicants; salary minimum $16,514. Send résumé 
and names of 3 references by July 15 to Dean George R. Parks, 
Chair, Search Committee, University of Rhode Island Library, Kings­
ton, Rl 02881. AA/EOE.

CLINICAL MEDICAL LIBRARIAN. Clinical Medical Librarian posi­
tion available September 1, 1980, at the University of Texas Medi­
cal Branch Library. Working from a major medical library, the CML 
responds to the information needs of a clinical care team in the 
medical center hospitals. Duties include: attending hospital rounds, 
conferences and meetings, searching MEDLINE and other NLM 
data bases; retrospective literature searching and current literature 
alerting; arranging for delivery of search results; assessing the qual­
ity of materials and progress of the program; supervision of clerical 
support staff. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program, 
MEDLINE training/experience, reference experience in medical li­
brary, ability to work closely with present clinical medical librarians, 
reference and extension librarians. M inimum salary: $16,800. 
UTMB is an equal opportunity (M/F/H) affirmative action employer. 
Contact: Emil F. Frey, Director, Moody Medical Library, The Univer­
sity of Texas Medical Branch, Substation, P.0. Box 146, Galveston, 
TX 77550.

CLINICAL MEDICAL LIBRARIAN (two positions). Responsible to 
Chief Medical Librarian. Provides outreach reference in curriculum 
development support services to students and faculty of docent 
teams and other core rotations in the schools of medicine, nursing, 
and pharmacy. Participates regularly as a team member on rounds,

in clinics, and at planning meetings. Searches on-line data bases, 
including MEDLINE and helps to design and maintain in-house files 
in reference data bases. Provides library use instruction in orienta­
tion to students and faculty. MLS is required from  an ALA- 
accredited school. Course work and/or experience in biomedical 
reference desirable. Certification by the Medical Library Association. 
Academic biomedical course work and/or familiarity with medical 
terminology. Salary: $11,500, positions available July 1, 1980. 
Apply to: Gary D. Byrd, Chief Medical Librarian, 2411 Holmes 
Street, University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Medicine, 
Kansas City, MO 64110; (816) 474-4100, ext. 310.

Professor rank, University of Oregon, Opportunity for creative man­
agement of expanding research collection. Duties of this newly es­
tablished position include responsibility for proposing acquisitions 
allocations, writing collection guidelines, identifying areas requiring 
assessment, monitoring approval plans, evaluating order requests, 
supervising selection procedures, advising library subject spe­
cialists, and working with faculty library representatives. The collec­
tion development librarian reports directly to the university librarian. 
Minimum degree master’s or equivalent, at least five years of in­
creasingly responsible experience in collection development, or ex­
tensive experience in the book trade, is required, and a reading 
knowledge of modern European languages is highly desirable. 
Minimum salary $22,000 for 12 months. Position available January 
1, 1981. Send résumé, names of four references, and letter of ap­
plication postmarked no later than July 15 to: Kenneth W. Duckett, 
Chair, Search Committee, Library, University of Oregon, Eugene, 
OR 97403; (503) 686-3069. Equal-opportunity, affirmative-action 

plications are invited for the position of Director of Library Services. 
The director serves as the chief administrative officer of the library 
and is responsible for ail phases of library operation: budgeting, 
acquisitions, cataloging, readers’ services, bibliographic instruction, 
and staff development and supervision. The Andrews Library holds 
a collection of 500,000 items and is a member of OCLC and 
NEOMAL. Minimum requirements: MLS with significant library ex­
perience; demonstrated leadership and management ability. Salary 
$22,000-$25,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. 
Position available July 1, 1980. Send résumé, transcripts, and ref­
erences to: William M. Baird, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 
The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691.


EDITOR FOR C&RL NEWS. The Association of College and Re­
search Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, in­
vites applications for the position of editor for C&RL News. To 
manage and be responsible for all aspects of the editing, produc­
tion, distribution, and promotion of a monthly typeset magazine 
with a circulation of 13,500 and an annual budget of $80,000. Re­
quires demonstrated editorial competence, including seeking out 
news; writing, editing, styling manuscript; experience in magazine 
production including type specification, design, layout, and proof­
ing. Requires ability to manage an operation, meet deadlines, and 
stay within a budget; to deal effectively with a wide variety of 
people, including membership, related organizations, suppliers, 
printer, etc. Successful applicant must have an MLS from an ALA- 
accredited library school program and a knowledge of the issues 
and personalities in academic librarianship. Familiarity with the or­
ganizational structure of ACRL and ALA preferred. This position re­
ports to the ACRL Executive Secretary. Salary range $  17,867+ 
$26,363; appointment will be made at first step in range. Affirma­
tive action, equal opportunity employer. Send cover letter and ré­
sumé by June 30 to: Julie Virgo, Executive Secretary, ACRL/ALA, 
50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.

versity of Cincinnati. Responsibile to Head of Engineering Library 
for reference and bibliographic functions in the Engineering Library 
which serves a college of six departments and 3,000 students and 
faculty. Responsibilities include reference service, on-line search­
ing, collection development, materials selection, and library instruc­
tion. The Engineering Library staff consists of two professional li­
brarians and two support staff. MLS degree required and BS in sci­
ence preferred. Previous professional experience and on-line 
searching experience desirable. Minimum salary $12,200-$ 14,200. 
Available September 1. Send résumé and names and addresses of 
three professional references before June 30 to Elizabeth Byrne, 
Chair, Engineering Search Committee, Central Library, Room 640, 
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The National Commission on Libraries 
and Information Science (NCLIS) is seeking applicants for the posi­
tion of Executive Director. The position will be open as of July 1, 
1980. Responsibilities: Serve as Executive Director and Chief of 
Staff to NCLIS, an independent agency within the executive branch 
of the federal government. The commission, whose chairman and 
members are appointed by the president, with the advice and con­
sent of the Senate, is charged with developing or recommending to 
both the president and the Congress plans for the provision of li­
brary and information services adequate to meet the needs of the 
people of the United States. Under the general direction of the 
commission chairman, the executive director: recommends new 
policies and programs for the commission's consideration; imple­
ments commission policies and reflects them publicly in the name 
of the commission; conducts, directs, or supervises such staff 
studies and other staff work as is necessary to support the objec­
tives and programs of the commission; directs and supervises the 
members of the commission's staff; maintains official relationships 
with congressional and executive departments at levels appropriate 
for the conduct of daily commission business; prepares an annual 
report to the president and the Congress; prepares a detailed an­
nual budget and quarterly financial reports and administers com­
mission funds in accordance with policies and guidelines estab­
lished by the commission; and develops study and grant proposals 
for submission to foundations, government agencies, and private 
sector sources. The position is in the Senior Executive Service at 
the 04 level which is equivalent to GS-16 and has a salary range of 
$47,889 to $50,112. Qualifications: Applicants must have outstand­
ing qualifications in a number of areas: advanced degree in library 
science, information science, or other related field; significant ex­
perience in library and information services; ability to organize and 
supervise the work of a staff of professionals and support person­
nel; ability to develop and maintain effective relationships with other 
government organizations; ability to develop and maintain effective 
relationships with major professional constituencies with which the 
commission works; ability to write and speak effectively; and man­
agement and leadership skills. Method of Application and Screen­
ing: Written applications and résumés will be accepted until the 
close of business, Monday July 7, 1980. They should be sent to: 
Bessie B. Moore, Chair, NCLIS Search and Screening Committee, 
712 Legato Drive, Briarwood, Little Rock, AR 72205. Applicants 
whose qualifications meet initial screening criteria will be invited for 
interviews with the Search and Screening Committee. The final 
group of candidates will be interviewed by the full commission. The 
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science is an 
equal opportunity employer.

GENERAL COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. One of four professional posi­
tions providing general reference and bibliographical instruction to 
undergraduate students. Some book selection. MLS required. Pre­
vious reference or teaching experience desirable. Position may be 
filled at rank of instructor ($14,500+ ) or assistant professor 
($17,000+, requires second master’s degree). Send letter and vita 
to Joe W. Kraus, Director, Illinois State University Library, Normal, 
IL 61761. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DIVISION. Texas A&M University Libraries. 
Responsible for planning, problem-solving, formulating policy, and 
other administrative duties required to manage the division. The di­
vision is composed of: Bindery preparation, serial records, and 
monographic and serial ordering and receiving; and includes 1 pro­
fessional and 20 classified staff. The libraries will be a test site for 
the OCLC Acquisitions Subsystems. Applicants must have an ALA- 
accredited MLS; minimum seven years' relevant professional library 
experience in an academic library; familiarity with OCLC and auto­
mated acquisitions systems; proven administrative, supervisory, oral 
and written communications skills; and the ability to work effectively 
with faculty and library staff. Salary: $17,000 minimum for 10.5- 
month appointment, faculty status. Position available May 1, 1980. 
Apply to; Kristen M. Dahlen, Head, Personnel Operations, Texas 
A&M University Libraries, College Station, TX 77843. An Affirmative 
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Administer all activities of division including supervision of staff, col­
lection development, and reference service. Serve on library direc­
tor’s council. Require ALA-accredited master's degree; B.S. or M.S. 
in biological sciences. Library public service experience in the 
biological sciences. Salary: $17,400-$20,100. Position open Sep­
tember 15, 1980. Closing date for applications July 15, 1980. Send 
application with résumé and names of three references, preferably 
former employers, to Roscoe Rouse, University Librarian, Oklahoma 
State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. An affirmative action/equal 
opportunity employer.

HEAD, IMPRINTS DEPARTMENT. Eleutherian Mills Historical Li­
brary. Major responsibilities: development of library collections in 
American economic and technological history, supervision of 
cataloging and technical processing of all types of printed mate­
rials, and administration of six-person department. Annual acquisi­
tions budget is ca. $50,000. Qualifications: MLS degree from an 
accredited library school and a second graduate degree in history 
or related field required; reading knowledge of French and German 
preferred; some publication in subject field or bibliography desired. 
Experience: approximately 5 years of responsibilities in selection, 
supervision of personnel, and bibliographic research; familiarity with 
original cataloging and automated cataloging support systems de­
sired. Salary and benefits: minimum $17,000, actual according to 
experience and qualifications, 20 days' paid vacation, noncon­
tributory medical and hospital insurance, group life insurance, and 
pension. Position open: 1 January, 1981. Send application, ré­
sumé, salary history, and salary requirements to the Business Of­
fice, Eleutherian Mills— Hagley Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 3630, 
Wilmington, DE 19807, and/or make appointment to see Library Di­
rector at ALA meeting in New York City on June 30 or July 1, 
1980. AA/EOE.

HEAD LIBRARIAN. Japanese American Cultural and Community 
Center, Los Angeles, seeks head librarian to organize and adminis­
ter its Franklin D. Murphy Library, specializing in collection of 
books in Japanese and English on Japan and Japanese Americans. 
MLS from American Library Association-accredited school, 
minimum two years’ experience, knowledge of cataloging (Nippon 
Decimal System) and ability to read, write, and speak Japanese 
and English required. Salary $14,000 to $17,000. Send résumé to 
Che-Hwei Lin, Asian American bibliographer, University Research 
Library, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024, by July 1, 1980.

University of California, Riverside, is seeking an experienced refer­
ence librarian to head its General Library Reference Services De­
partment. The department has a staff of seven academic librarians, 
five library assistants, and student assistants divided into three 
units: (1) Reference Services; (2) Interlibrary Loans; and (3) Educa­
tion Services which maintains curricular materials. The department 
provides reference service primarily in the humanities and social 
sciences. The department offers a wide range of computerized lit­
erature searching services and provides many instructional pro­
grams including a credit course on "Library Research Strategies.” 
Under the general review of the University Librarian, the head has 
three primary responsibilities: (1) management of the total de­
partmental operation; (2) participation in the University Librarian’s 
Cabinet, the management team of the library; and (3) active par­
ticipation in the department's programs. Additionally, the position 
supports other library, universitywide, and professional commit­
ments. UCR offers a unique opportunity for professional participa­
tion and development. Qualifications: Graduate library degree or 
equivalent. Demonstrated administrative ability, particularly in plan­
ning and program development, and skill in working and com­
municating effectively with faculty, students, staff, and campus 
administrators essential. Considerable working experience in refer­
ence service in an academic or research library. Some facility with 
foreign languages desirable. Salary range.- $21,480-$34 104 Ap­
pointment range: $21,480-$26,340. UCR is a member of the As­
sociation of Research Libraries. The library serves over 4,500 grad­
uate and undergraduate students, 26 Ph.D. programs, and has 
over 950,000 volumes. Staff of 34 librarians and other profession­
als and approximately 95 support staff. Riverside is a community of


160,000, just 60 miles east of Los Angeles. Send résumé and list 
of three professional references to Eleanor Montague, University Li­
brarian, University of California, Riverside, P.0. Box 5900, River­
side, CA 92517. Applications accepted until position is filled. An 
equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

RAPHER (search reopened). Responsibilities: serving as a liaison 
with faculty in the areas of accounting, business administration, 
and economics; provides reference desk services, library instruc­
tion; collection development. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Pre­
ferred: undergraduate business major or second appropriate ad­
vanced degree, or professional experience as a business librarian. 
Professional reference experience in an academic library; experi­
ence in library instruction. Faculty appointment, TIAA. Salary 
$ 13,000—$15,000. Send résumé and names of three references by 
July 30, 1980, to Donna Dye, Administrative Assistant, J. Murrey 
Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, UNCC Sta­
tion, Charlotte, NC 28223. An equal opportunity employer.

Arizona. Responsibilities include reference service, library 
orientation/instruction, book selection, and on-line literature search­
ing. The Science-Engineering Library is staffed by six professional 
librarians and 16 career staff, and contains 283,000 volumes, 
580,000 microforms, and 7,300 serial subscriptions. Qualifications: 
ALA-accredited degree and either work experience in an academic 
or special science library or an undergraduate degree in one of the 
pure or applied sciences. Special knowledge of, and/or experience 
with, on-line literature searching; and at least one year of experi­
ence in providing reference service preferred. Knowledge of Ger­
man or Russian and the ability to speak Spanish desirable. Good 
communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to interact 
effectively with students and faculty essential. Salary dependent on 
qualifications with minimum of $12,500. Faculty status, 12-month 
appointment, 22 days’ vacation, fringe benefits. Send résumé, in­
cluding a list of three references, to: W. David Laird, University Li­
brarian, Main Library, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. 
Application deadline: July 31, 1980. An Equal Opportunity/ 
Affirmative Action Employer.

LIBRARIAN— SERIALS/ACQUISITIONS. Responsibility for supervi­
sion and operation of the Serials Section of the Acquisitions De­
partment with a staff of 3 FTE and 2 FTE student positions. Activi­
ties include ordering and processing 6,000 periodicals/con- 
tinuations, bindery processing, shared collection development, re­
porting and analyses of serials section activities. An ALA-accredited 
master’s degree required. Evidence of continued professional de­
velopment, OCLC and/or automation background in acquisitions or 
serials control desirable. Flexibility and good interpersonal relations 
skills essential. Position available July 1, 1980. Salary: $12,500 to 
$15,000. To receive full consideration, applicants should send ré­
sumé, transcripts of academic work, names and addresses of three 
references by July 4, 1980, to Cynthia B. Duncan, Dean of Library 
Services, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508. An affirma­
tive action/equal opportunity employer.

LIBRARIANS. Northwestern University Library. African-American 
Studies Reference Librarian: Participates in general reference ser­
vices in the social sciences and humanities. Provides specialized 
reference services designed to reach minority students and in sup­
port of African-American Studies Department. Selects material in 
field of African-American Studies. MLS from accredited library 
school required. Courses in African-American Studies, MA in ap­
propriate social science or humanities discipline, and general or 
appropriate specialized reference experience with on-line searching 
and bibliographic instruction desired. Reading knowledge of French 
or Spanish and ability to work effectively with faculty and students 
required. Reference Librarian: Participates in broad program of 
academic reference service in the social sciences and the human­
ities, including desk service (some evening and weekend work), 
on-line searching, bibliographic instruction, and selection of refer­
ence material. MLS from accredited library school, reading knowl­
edge of at least one modern European language, and academic 
background in one or more areas of the humanities or social sci­
ences required. General academic library reference experience in­
cluding on-line searching and bibliographic instruction desired. 
Both positions: salary $12,800+ (depending on qualifications). Ap­
plications received by June 30, 1980, will be considered. Send let­
ter of application and résumé, and have library school credentials 
including transcript forwarded to Virginia Freyre, Personnel Office,

Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal 
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

MUSIC LIBRARIAN. Permanent position beginning September 2 
(with possible summer 1980 employment) at the instructor or as­
sistant professor rank. Salary range: $13,50G-$18,000 (9-month 
contract, summers possible). The position will provide library ser­
vice to the music needs of the university community by maintaining 
a decentralized library currently housed within the music depart­
ment building (Cagswell Hall). The duties include supervising the 
music library; selecting, acquiring, and processing resource mate­
rial; and providing reference service. The music library’s reference 
collection, sound recordings, and music scores are cataloged using 
LC classification. The librarian shall be responsible for: selecting, 
training, and supervising student and non-instructional employees; 
library orientation and bibliographic instruction in the music library; 
preparing and maintaining appropriate reports (budget requests, 
circulation records, and annual reports); and maintaining the music 
library’s card catalog. Other duties as assigned by the director of 
Libraries and Media Resources. Minimum requirements: bachelor’s 
degree in music; master of library science from an accredited li­
brary school; music performance capability is desired. Three years’ 
music library experience preferred. Send applications to Edward G. 
Wolf, Search Committee, University Library and Media Resources, 
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705 by June 30, 
1980. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

PUBLIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. University of Minnesota Li­
braries, St. Paul Campus Libraries. Under the direction of the Di­
rector of the St. Paul Campus Libraries, the Public Services Coor­
dinator is responsible for the public services and collection de­
velopment programs of the St. Paul Central Library and the seven 
special subject libraries on that campus. These libraries have total 
collections of over 200,000 cataloged volumes as well as almost 
300,000 government publications. They directly support 33 teach­
ing and research programs in agriculture, home economics, fores­
try, veterinary medicine, and biological sciences with a student en­
rollment of over 5,000. The major responsibilities of this position 
include programmatic planning and coordination, operational 
supervision, staff training and development, and acquisitions 
budgeting. The Public Services Coordinator also carries out some 
direct collection development and reference responsibilities. Nine 
librarians and two library assistants report directly to the Public 
Services Coordinator. Candidates for the positions must have an 
MLS plus five years of relevant library experience, preferably in a 
science-oriented library. Exceptional ability in interpersonal rela­
tions, data base searching experience, and management or super­
visory experience are very desirable, as is a background in some 
area of science. This is a tenure-track position, and the incumbent 
will be expected to meet university and university libraries' criteria 
for promotion and tenure. Appointment will be at the assistant pro­
fessor rank or higher, depending upon qualifications and back­
ground. The position has a minimum salary of $20,000 per year for 
a 12-month appointment. Please send résumé and letter of appli­
cation to Clarence Carter, Personnel Officer, 499 Wilson Library, 
University of Minnesota, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 
55455. Include the names and addresses of at least four refer­
ences. Applications must be received by July 15, 1980. Applicants 
must meet the requirements listed by the deadline date for consid­
eration by the Search Committee. The University of Minnesota is an 
equal opportunity educator and employer.

USER EDUCATION LIBRARIAN. Assists in planning, implement­
ing, and evaluating large-scale library user education programs; in­
cludes classroom instruction primarily for undergraduate students. 
Contributes to the development of instructional materials. Provides 
reference service to undergraduates, including evening/weekend 
assignments. Requires MLS from ALA-accredited program; demon­
strated interest in ‘ library user education/bibliographic instruction; 
ability to communicate clearly and effectively both orally and in writ­
ing. Desirable: experience in library user education/bibliographic in­
struction, instructional use of audiovisual materials, on-line biblio­
graphic systems. Available July 1, 1980, $13,320-$15,000; rank 
and salary dependent on qualifications, must meet university ten­
ure and promotion requirements for research, service, and publica­
tion. Apply by June 30, 1980, to: Personnel Librarian, Ohio State 
University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. 
Include résumé with three references. An EEO/AA employer. Qual­
ified women, minority, and handicapped persons, as well as others, 
are encouraged to apply.


HEAD CATALOGER. Directs cataloging and related activities of four-person 
(plus student assistants) department currently processing 10,000 volumes 
per year through OCLC. Responsibilities include overseeing reclassifica­
tion and implementation of AACR 2. MLS and at least two years' profes­
sional cataloging experience required. Background should include foreign 
language skills, supervisory experience, and knowledge of OCLC. Academic 
library experience preferred. Subject master's desirable. Position avail­
able July 15, 1980. Minimum salary $14,000. Interviews at ALA, New York. 
Send application, resume, and names of three references by June 30, to 
Mary Ann Griffin, Library Director, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH 
45207. Xavier is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

LIBRARIAN, MAP REFERENCE. University of Arizona. Duties include reference, 
instruction in map use, and other duties as assigned by head map librarian. 
Qualifications: ALA-accredited library degree, undergraduate degree in 
geography or geology with coursework in cartography required; academic li­
brary experience, and training in drafting maps preferred; ability to speak 
Spanish helpful. Salary based upon qualifications; minimum $12,500. Fac­
ulty status, 12 month appointment, 22 days annual vacation, fringe benefits. 
Send resume and list of three references by July 15, 1980 to: W. David 
Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 
85721. An equal opportunity/affirmative action Title IX/Section 504 em­

Administers substantial collection (including juvenile literature) for the 
Scjîóol of Library and Information Sciences. Devotes 25% of time to new un­
dergraduate library instruction program. Reports as appropriate to the
 Associate Director of Libraries for Public Services and the Dean, School of 
Library and Information Sciences. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, 3 
years' academic library experience in public services, including supervi-
sion, required. Experience with library instruction programs or relevant 
teaching experience desirable. Position available: 9-1-80. Salary: 
$15,000 to $16,800 depending upon qualifications. 12 month contract. Send 
resume and 3 references to Joe H. Bailey, Chair, Library Science Librarian 
Search Committee, North Texas State University, Denton, TX 76203. An af­
firmative action,equal opportunity employer.

for U.S. and United Nations depository collections. Provides reference 
service, bibliographic instruction, orientation. Selection responsibility 
for Public Administration. As Coordinator of the Social Science Center ad­
ministrative duties will involve scheduling, assigning and evaluating work 
of eight Library faculty and staff. Coordinator reports to the Associate 
Dean of Libraries. Qualifications: Accredited MLS, with subject master's 
required for appointment or promotion above the rank of Library Associate 
(eqv., Instructor). At least three years' public service experience in so­
cial sciences, and two years' with U.S. Documents. Familiarity with U.N. 
materials. Demonstrated supervisory and management ability. Minimum sal­
ary $18,000. TIAA/CREF, group life insurance, 5 weeks' annual vacation, 
and full tuition remission. Tenure track appointment. Apply by July 1 to: 
C. Thomas Pfingsten, Associate Dean of Libraries, New York University, 70 
Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. Interviews at ALA—New York.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


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