ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1987 / 553 R ela to r term s fo r rare b ook , m an u scrip t, a n d sp ecia l co llectio n s ca ta lo g in g : T hird ed itio n P rep a red by the RBMS Stan dards Com m ittee John B. Thomas III, Chair Standard terms for contributors to the content, production, or provenance of special materials. The following list of relator terms has been ap- proved for use in rare and special materials cata loguing by the Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries. It is now pub lished in this third edition. The present list is a further revision of one origi nally proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee of the In dependent Research Libraries Association (IRLA) in Proposals fo r Establishing Standards fo r the Cat­ aloguing o f Rare Books and Specialized Research Materials in Machine–Readable Form (Worcester, Mass., 1979), and published in its first edition in C&RL News, September 1980, and in its second edition in C&RL News, October 1981. Comments from members of the rare books, manuscripts, and archives communities have been taken into ac­ count in preparing this third edition, and relator terms provided in the second edition of the Anglo- American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) have been added to the list. The list, in its first edition, was transm itted to the ALA Resources and Technical Services Divi­ sion Committee on Cataloguing: Description and Access, with the request th at AACR2, rule 21.0D, be amended to allow for the optional use of these terms in special materials cataloguing; this change ­ in rule 21.0D has since been accepted. Relator codes (for use in subfield 4 of the MARC format) have been assigned to all terms authorized in the ­ second edition of this list, and will be requested for those added in this third edition. These codes are ­ published in Appendix l l . D of the MARC Formats ­ for Bibliographic D ata (MFBD). It is the recom m endation of the RBMS Stan­ dards Committee th at this standard list be adopted by all rare book and specialized collections, espe­ cially those participating in a bibliographic net­ work. Purpose The need for rare book and special collections us­ ers to be able to distinguish added entries for differ­ ent kinds of contributors to the intellectual con­ tent, physical production, or provenance of special materials in their collections has long been recog­ nized. Relator terms traditionally have been used in m anual cataloguing systems to create discrete special files for access by the names of illustrators, printers, former owners, etc., or to arrange biblio­ graphic records w ithin a single catalogue file in an order reflecting these distinctions. 554 / C &R L News The IRLA Ad Hoc C om m ittee studied the use of relator term s in MARC cataloguing and found th a t such term s w ould be essential if special files were to be created in an autom ated system. In addition, the use of relators potentially provides the capabil­ ity of conducting specialized searches in online databases, and of producing valuable o u tp u t lists, inventories, etc. To derive these benefits in a n et­ work environm ent, however, relator terms and the m anner of their use in bibliographic records must be standardized to the greatest degree possible. This list does not attem p t to be exhaustive in enu­ m erating all possible functions a person or body may perform in the production or history of an item or collection. The present list, ra th e r, a t­ tem pts to give those functions th a t are considered to correspond to widely accepted types of associa­ tions w ith printed, m anuscript, and archival m ate­ rials. Brief definitions or scope notes are provided w here necessary to avoid am biguity. Form The list constitutes an alphabetical list of autho­ rized terms and cross-references, following the for­ m at recom m ended in the Am erican National Stan­ d a rd G u id e lin e s f o r T h e sa u ru s S tr u c tu r e , Construction, and Use (New York, 1980). Scope notes follow terms thought to be obscure or am big­ uous or w hich are to be used in a technical sense. Each term is followed by the cross-references, if any, m ade to and from other term s in the list. Terms authorized for use are given in capital let­ ters; unauthorized terms appear in lower case let­ ters. The symbols used are as follows: USE leads from unused synonyms and inverted forms of the term to the term used; UF (used for) is the reciprocal of the USE refer­ ence and accompanies the term to which the USE reference refers; BT (broader term) refers from a term for a m em ­ ber of a class to the term for the class; NT (narrow er term) refers from a term for a class to the term for one of its members; RT (related term) is used between terms w ith a relationship which is not hierarchical in nature w hen it seems helpful to bring associated functions to the user’s attention. Application Use of relator terms is voluntary. W hen they are used in MARC records, relators are entered in sub­ field in m ain (100 or 110) or added (600 or 610, 700 or 710) e n try fields, as a p p r o p r ia te . F o r printed books, relators are most often appropriate w ith 7xx fields; lxx and 6xx fields are most likely to be used w ith relators in records for non-book for­ mats. If a person or body is associated w ith m ore than one function, do not repeat the s u b f i e l d rather, repeat the added entry field as m any times as there are functions to be indicated, using an appropriate relator in each case. Alternately, those interfiling various types of relator entries in a single alp h a­ betic sequence m ay wish only to employ broader term s such as ARTIST in an inclusive m an n er rath er th a n using specific narrow er term s such as ENGRAVER or E T C H E R w hen such usage w ould result in m ultiple entries for the same person or body serving in various capacities in a single m ani­ festation of a work. Institutions w ith extensive holdings of a single person or firm may wish to employ all the most spe­ cific term s in extensively subdivided files. Each in­ stitution should apply relator terms in the m anner most appropriate to its ow n needs, w hile working w ithin this fram ew ork of standardized term s to provide the benefit of netw ork interaction. Some of these relator term s pertain largely or ex­ clusively to “copy-specific” entries (e.g ., FORM ER O W N E R , H O N O R E E ). C ataloguers should be careful to preserve this im portant distinction in MARC records, using the mechanisms for copy- specific added entries provided by their networks or bibliographic utilities, and providing ap p ro p ri­ ate copy-specific notes in bibliographic descrip­ tions. Revision The list of relator terms is m aintained by the edi­ tor of the Relator Term List on behalf of the RBMS Standards Com m ittee. Updates to the list appear occasionally, published in the library press. Upon the advice of the Standards C om m ittee, the editor shall prepare a new edition for publication. Addi­ tional terms for the list should be subm itted in w rit­ ing, including: 1) the scope or use of each term ; 2) the reason for need of the term; 3) an appropriate reference structure. Queries and com m ents m ay be addressed to: C h a ir, S tan d a rd s C o m m ittee, R are Books an d M anuscripts Section, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron S treet, C hicago, IL 60611, A tten tio n : R elator Term List. Relator term list [N.B. Terms preceded by an asterisk (*) appear in the thesaurus for the first tim e in this 3rd edition.] ANNOTATOR Use for w riter of m anuscript annotations on a printed item . BT ASSOCIATED NAME * ARTIST Use for person who conceives, and perhaps also im plem ents, an original graphic design or work of art. Prefer IL L . for book illustrators. UF G raphic technician NT ENGRAVER ET C H E R ILL. October 1987 / 555 LITHOGRAPHER RT BOOK DESIGNER CALLIGRAPHER PHOTOGRAPHER ASSIGNEE Use for person or body to whom a license f printing or publishing has been transferred. RT COPYRIGHT HOLDER LICENSEE ASSOCIATED NAME Use w ith a name associated with or found in item or collection which cannot be determin to be th a t of a FORMER OWNER or other re tor indicative of provenance. NT ANNOTATOR DEPOSITOR DONOR FORMER OWNER HONOREE INSCRIBER LENDER SIGNER * ATTRIBUTED NAME Use to relate an author, artist, etc. to a work f which there is or once was substantial author for designating th at person as author, creato etc. UF Supposed name BINDER RT BINDING DESIGNER BINDING DESIGNER UF Designer of binding RT BINDER BOOK DESIGNER BOOK DESIGNER Use for person or body responsible for the ent graphic design of a book, including arrangem e of type and illustration, choice of materials, a processes used. UF Designer of book RT ARTIST BINDING DESIGNER BOOKJACKET DESIGNER TYPE DESIGNER TYPOGRAPHER BOOKJACKET DESIGNER UF Designer of bookjaeket RT BOOK DESIGNER BOOKPLATE DESIGNER UF Designer of bookplate BOOKSELLER RT DISTRIBUTOR PUBLISHER Bowdlerizer Use CENSOR CALLIGRAPHER RT ARTIST CARTOGRAPHER CENSOR Use for censor, bowdlerizer, expurgator, etc., official or private. UF Bowdlerizer Expurgator or *CO LLECTO R Use for person who has brought together m ate­ rial from various sources, which has been ar­ ranged, described, and catalogued as a collec­ tion. The collector is neither the creator of the an m aterial nor the person to whom manuscripts in ed the collection may have been addressed. la­ BT FORMER OWNER C O L L O T Y P E R BT ELECTROTYPER *COMP. AACR2 form comp, required. Use for person who produces a work or publication by selecting and putting together m aterial from the works of various persons or bodies. UF Compiler RT ED. Compiler Use COMP. or ity COMPOSITOR r, UF Typesetter RT PRINTER TYPOGRAPHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER RT ASSIGNEE LICENSEE CORRECTOR Use for corrector of m anuscripts, such as the scriptorium official who corrected the work of a scrib e. F o r p r in te d m a tte r , use P R O O F ­ READER. ire RT PROOFREADER nt * CORRESPONDENT nd Use for person or body who was either the writer or recipient of a letter or other communication. NT RECIPIENT Counterfeiter Use FORGER D EDICATEE Use for person or body to whom a book, m anu­ script, etc., is dedicated (NOT the recipient of a gift). RT DEDICATOR DEDICATOR Use for the author of a dedication, which may be a formal statement or in epistolary or verse form . RT DEDICATEE * DEPOSITOR Use for person or body placing m aterial in the physical custody of a library or repository w ith­ out transferring legal title. BT ASSOCIATED NAME Designer of binding Use BINDING DESIGNER Designer of book Use BOOK DESIGNER 556 / C &R L News Designer of bookjacket Use BOOKJACKET D E ­ SIGNER D esigner of bookplate Use BOOKPLATE D E ­ SIGNER Designer of type Use TYPE DESIGNER DISTRIBUTOR RT BOOKSELLER PRINTER PUBLISHER SPONSOR DONOR Use for donor of a book, manuscript, etc., to present owner; donors to previous owners are d e sig n a te d as F O R M E R O W N E R or IN- SCRIBER. BT ASSOCIATED NAME *ED. AACR2 form ed. required. Use for a person who prepares for publication a work not prim arily his own, such as by elucidating text, adding intro­ ductory or other critical m atter, or supervision of editorial staff. UF Editor RT COMP. Editor Use ED. * ELECTROTYPER BT PLATEMAKER NT COLLOTYPER ENGRAVER BT ARTIST NT METAL-ENGRAVER WOOD-ENGRAVER ETCHER BT ARTIST Expurgator Use CENSOR FORGER UF Counterfeiter FORMER OWNER Use for person or body owning a book, m anu­ script, e tc ., in the past. Include person or body to whom book was once presented as nam ed in a statem ent inscribed by another person or body; person or body giving book to present owner is designated as DONOR. BT ASSOCIATED NAME NT CO LLECTO R Graphic technician Use ARTIST [Formerly an authorized term; deleted in this 3rd edition.] HONOREE Use for person in memory or honor of whom a book, manuscript, etc. is donated. BT ASSOCIATED NAME UF Memorial ILL. AACR2 form ill. required. Use for person who conceives, and perhaps also implements, a de­ sign or illustration, usually to accompany a w rit­ ten text. UF Illustrator BT ARTIST RT ILLUMINATOR RUBRICATOR ILLUMINATOR RT ILL. RUBRICATOR Illustrator Use ILL. Im prim atur Use LICENSOR INSCRIBER Use for person who signs a presentation state­ ment. BT ASSOCIATED NAME * IN TERVIEW EE RT INTERVIEW ER * INTERVIEW ER RT INTERVIEW EE * LENDER Use for person or body perm itting the tem porary use of a book, manuscript, e tc ., such as for pho­ tocopying or microfilming. BT ASSOCIATED NAME LICENSEE Use for original recipient of right to print or pu b ­ lish. RT ASSIGNEE COPYRIGHT HOLDER LICENSOR Use for signer of license, im prim atur, etc. UF Im prim atur LITHOGRAPHER BT ARTIST Memorial Use HONOREE METAL-ENGRAVER BT ENGRAVER PAPERMAKER PHOTOGRAPHER Use for person or body responsible for taking photographs, w hether they are used in their original form or as reproductions. RT ARTIST * PLATEMAKER NT ELECTROTYPER STEREOTYPER RT PRINTER OF PLATES Plates, Printer of Use PRINTER OF PLATES PRINTER Use for printer of texts, w hether from type or plates. RT COMPOSITOR DISTRIBUTOR PRINTER OF PLATES PUBLISHER TYPOGRAPHER October 1987 / 557 PRINTER O F PLATES Use for printer of illustrations from plates. UF Plates, printer of RT PLATEMAKER PRINTER PROOFREADER Use for corrector of printed m atter. For m anu­ scripts, use CORRECTOR. RT CORRECTOR PUBLISHER RT BOOKSELLER DISTRIBUTOR PRINTER RECIPIENT Use for person to whom correspondence is ad­ dressed. BT CORRESPONDENT RUBRICATOR RT ILL. ILLUMINATOR SCRIBE Use for maker of pen-facsimiles of printed m a t­ ter, as well as for amanuensis and for w riter of manuscripts proper. RT TRANSCRIBER SIGNER Use for person whose signature appears w ithout a presentation or other statem ent indicative of provenance. W hen there is a presentation state­ ment, use INSCRIBER. BT ASSOCIATED NAME SPONSOR Use for person or body which sponsors or funds the production of a work, e .g ., the entity “under th e auspices of w h ic h ” a w ork was w ritte n , printed, published, etc. RT DISTRIBUTOR STEREOTYPER BT PLATEMAKER Supposed nam e Use ATTRIBUTED NAME * TRANS. AACR2 form trans, required. Use for person who renders a text from one language into an­ other, or from an older form of a language into the modern form. UF Translator * TRANSCRIBER Use for person who prepares a handw ritten or typew ritten copy from original m aterial, includ­ ing from dictated or orally recorded material. For makers of pen-facsimiles, use SCRIBE. RT SCRIBE Translator Use TRANS. TYPE DESIGNER Use for person who designed the type face used in a particular item. UF Designer of type RT BOOK DESIGNER TYPOGRAPHER Typesetter Use COMPOSITOR TYPOGRAPHER Use for person prim arily responsible for choice and arrangem ent of type used in an item. If the typographer is also responsible for other aspects of th e g ra p h ic d esig n , (e .g ., BO OK D E ­ SIGNER), added entries for both functions may be used as desired. RT BOOK DESIGNER COMPOSITOR PRINTER TYPE DESIGNER W OOD-ENGRAVER BT ENGRAVER RBMS S ta n d a rd s C o m m itte e m em b ers for 1986-87 were: John B. Thomas III (chair), Univer­ sity of Texas at Austin; Dianne Chilmonczyk, Stan­ ford University; Michele Cloonan, University of Il­ linois G SL IS; A lan D e g u tis, A m eric an A ntiquarian Society; Jackie Dooley, University of California, San Diego; Rebecca Hayne, University of California, San Diego; Sara Sliatford Layne, University of California, Los Angeles; Hope Mayo, Pierpont Morgan Library; Elisabeth Betz Parker, Library of Congress; and Joe Springer, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College. ■ ■