ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 692/ C&RL News Fundraising: A selected list of Internet resources By Irene M. Hoffman Surfing the Net can be a profitable experience P hilanthropy has been part o f the Ameri­can culture for centuries. In recent years, right-sizing, declining economies, and shifts in cultural priorities have pushed philanthropic pursuits into the forefront. Out o f necessity, nonprofit organizations, more than ever before, are becoming tuned in to the culture, ethics, philosophies, and benefits o f fundraising. A trend within the professions o f librarianship and fundraising is the emergence o f a hybrid spe­ cialty: library development. Both public and private libraries o f all types are joining the ranks o f professional fundraisers, or are strengthen­ ing their already successful fundraising efforts. This new energy towards identification and so­ licitation o f private funding resources has re­ sulted in increased professional activities re­ lated to fundraising, ph ilanthropy, and foundation/corporation relations. Examples o f this trend include the creation o f ALADN (the Academic Library and Advance­ ment Directors Network), a newly formed group o f academic library fundraising professionals; the Association o f Research Libraries’ Office of Management Services (OM S) Developm ent Officers for Research Libraries (DORAL) Man­ agement Institutes for Development Officers; the formation o f ALA’s new Library Fundrais­ ing Resource Center; and ALA’s Goal 2000 and Fund for America’s Libraries campaigns. All are indications o f the growing interest in the field, as well as the increased attention being given to raising private funding for libraries. Library- specific fundraising is unique, but it is built on the foundation o f general fundraising principles and practices. Library-oriented groups provide one avenue for learning, sharing, and increas­ ing the awareness and understanding regard­ ing the issues specific to library fundraising. The fundraising profession, a well-developed discipline itself, also offers a rich compliment o f learning opportunities, most o f which can be applied in part or whole to library settings. Internet and Web sites, listservs and re­ sources are either specific to libraries or spe­ cific to disciplines o f fundraising as a whole. Each one provides access to information that can be applied to library settings. All are ben­ eficial for learning, staying in touch, network­ ing with other professionals, and becoming fa­ miliar with the issues and applications o f fundraising. What follows is a selected list o f the vari­ ous electronic resources available to fundraisers. Some lists are specific to library fundraising is­ sues, others focus on types o f fundraising, or specific areas within fundraising such as planned giving, prospect research, fundraising automation, or alumni affairs. Lib rary fundraising • LIBDEV. This electronic discussion fo­ rum for academic library development and fundraising was created in March 1995 follow­ ing the founding o f the ALADN group. Access: • FRFDS-L. This new LAMA Fund Raising and Financial Development Section (FRFDS) list- serv is devoted to fundraising and financial de­ velopment issues in all types o f libraries. It is also a vehicle for sharing information regard­ ing the section’s activities. Access: listserv@ Irene M. Hoffman is assistant to the dean f o r library p la n n in g a nd development at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; e-mail: em November 1995/ 693 • PUB-ADV. This forum for public librar ies fosters discussions o f all types related t library advocacy issues. List members includ library trustees, library directors, librarians, an board members o f friends groups. Funding related issues, including fundraising, are ofte discussed. Access: G e n era l fundraising • ALUMNI-L. This is an alumni relation discussion list. Access: listserv@brownnvm. bitnet. • CFRNET. An active list for discussio o f foundation and corporate relations issues, which may include solicitation strategies, stew ardship programs, proposal writing, prospec tracking, gift-in-kind programs, and issues related to employment recruiting and corpo rate giving. The list also features periodic re print excerpts from the Corporate Philanthrop Report and Foundation Grants Alert. This is no a list for discussion o f alumni or individual do nor relations, administration, or general fund raising topics. Access: listserv@ gibbs.oit • ESTPLAN-L. An open, unmoderated dis cussion list featuring estate planning. Discus sions center both on techniques o f estate plan ning and on the product available in the financial services industry. It also includes reports o f re cent IRS rulings, court cases, and new legisla tion. Access: • FUNDLIST. A discussion list on a wide range o f fundraising issues for nonprofits. The list began as a place for university fundraisers to share ideas. Access: listserv@jhuvm.hcf • FUNDSVCS. This list is for fundraising software and technology issues. It is designed as a companion to FUNDLIST. This list is “nut & b o lts ”-orien ted . Access: m ajordom o@ • GIFT-PL. A discussion o f planned giving topics for fundraisers who specialize in seek ing gifts o f bequests or other types o f planned gifts. Discussion revolves around gift planning and development issues in academic settings. Access: • GIFT-MGT. A brand new forum dedi cated to discussions related to managing planned gifts after the transaction has been completed by the development officer. It in cludes topics such as prudent investment, fidu ciary obligations, reporting, and tax compliance. Access: ­ o e d - n s n ­ t ­ ­ y t ­ ­ . ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ . s ­ ­ ­ ­ • GIVING. A list for donors, volunteers, and anyone interested in philanthropy and volun­ teer activity. Access: listpro@envirolink. • LAMA FRFDS Fundraising and Finan­ cial Development Clearinghouse. Librarians seeking materials on fundraising and financial development now have access to clearinghouse information through LAMASOURCE fiieserver on the ALA gopher. The clearinghouse file con­ tains a subject headings list and instructions for contributing and borrowing clearinghouse ma­ terials. Access:, select “library,” select “American Library Association,” select “ALA’s Divisions,” select “LAMA.” • PRSPCT-L. This list is a forum for fund­ raisers, primarily those involved with prospect research. Access: Electronic journals • A m e rica n P h ila n th ro p y Review. The first electronic subscription magazine o f its kind devoted exclusively to American philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. Access: http://205.198. 215.242/. • C h ro n icle o f P h ila n th ro p y . Subscrib­ ers get a summary o f the current issue every other Tuesday. On the alternate Tuesday, they provide a listing o f forthcoming conferences, (Fundraising cont. on page 717) mailto:listserv@gibbs.oit mailto:listserv@jhuvm.hcf http://205.198 November 1995/ 717 W o rld H istory. Access: WORLD-L@UBVM. CC.BUFFALO.EDU. Correction The address for EQUILIBRN, ACRL’s Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee’s listserv on diver­ sity in libraries, published in the April 1995 C&RL News was incorrect. The correct address is: EQUILIBR@CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU. (Fundraising cont. from page 693) workshops, and other events by region. Ac­ cess: • Philanthropy Journal Issues available by month. Access: hilant/philjune.html. • Philanthropy N ew s Digest. Access: • Professional Fundraising Magazine. Access: ing/mags/proffund/proffund.html. Other resources • A Guide to Internet Resources f o r Non-Profit Public Service Organizations. This guide is made available via the University of Michigan’s Clearinghouse for Subject-Ori­ ented Internet Resource Guides. It was created to help administrators and employees o f non­ profit public service organizations. It contains sections on grants and funding and philan­ thropy. Access: chdocs/nonprofits/nonprofits. html. • P h ila n th ro p y Links. This site is a con­ stantly growing resource o f foundations, chari­ ties, etc., for fundraising professionals. Access: h t t p :/ / w w w .d u k e .e d u / ~ p t a v e r n / P e t e . Philanthropic.html. • Foundation Center. The mission o f the center is to increase public understanding o f the foundation field. The center maintains a comprehensive and up-to-date database on foundations and corporate giving programs. Ac­ cess: • In tern et N o n p ro fit Center. This Web site is for donors and volunteers. It is arranged into four sections: Gallery, a collection o f nonprofits and what they do; Library, a reposi tory for publications and data about nonprofit organizations and the nonprofit sector; Parlor, a bulletin board on various topics such as events and volunteer opportunities; and Heliport, hot keys to other Web sites and Internet services. Access: mailto:EQUILIBR@CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU http://fdncenter