ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 718 /C&RL News New Publications G eo rg e M. Eberhαrt Academ ic Libraries as H ig h -T e c h G a tew a y s: A Guide to D esign and Space D e c is io n s , by Richard J. Bazillion and Connie Braun (225 pages, May 1995), fo­ cuses on physical access to online information systems and the design o f electronic study centers. The authors provide their recommenda­ tions for making the facility as user-friendly as the soft­ ware. $40.00 (ALA members, $36.00). ISBN 0-8389-0656-7. A related title from ALA Editions, Planning Additions to Academic Library Buildings: A Seamless Approach, edited by Pat Haw­ thorne and Ron C. Martin (40 pages, May 1995), shows how to incorporate the features o f exist­ ing structures in a new addition without com­ promising functionality. $25.00 (ALA members, $22.50). ISBN 0-8389-0651-6. American Library Association, Book Order Fulfillment, 155 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60606-1719. Baltimore's Past: A Directory o f Histori­ ca l Sources, compiled by the Baltimore Ar­ chives Network (255 pages, May 1995), pro­ vides the name, address, p hone and fax numbers, hours o f service, and a description o f the holdings o f more than 140 institutions, museums, and repositories with holdings open to researchers who are undertaking historical or genealogical research in the Baltimore Met­ ropolitan area. $15.00 (plus $1.75 handling). Historyk Press, 7 Dendron Court, Baltimore, MD 21234. ISBN 1-8871-2411-X. Blacks in Black and W hite: A Source B o o k o n Black Films, by Henry T. Sampson (735 pages, 2d ed., April 1995), traces the his­ tory o f the black film industry from its begin­ nings around 1910 to its demise in 1950. This new edition offers significantly more informa­ tion on Oscar Micheaux and other African American producers o f the period and new material that shows how the themes o f these early films changed over the years. The film­ ography and the lists o f black film production companies and black filmmaker credits have been expanded; a list o f theaters that catered to black audiences and a filmography o f video­ like Soundies featuring black musicians are new to this edition. Many illustrations, film reviews, and biogra­ phies are included. $89 50. Scarecrow Press, 4720 Bos­ ton W a y, Lanham, MD 20706. ISBN 0-8108-2605-4. Building Partnerships: C o m p u tin g an d L ib ra ry P r o fe s s io n a ls , edited by Anne G. Lipow and Sheila D. Creth (102 pages, April 1995), contains the papers presented at the Library Solutions Institute Num­ ber 3, held in Chicago, May 12– 14, 1994, and cosponsored by Library Solutions Institute and CICNet, Inc. Sixty-one academic librarians and computing professionals met to eradicate ste­ reotypes about each other and work together to launch collaborative projects that they felt could be accomplished upon returning home. The proceedings include four formal presenta­ tions as well as post-institute reports by partici­ pants on projects underway on their campuses. Also reprinted is Creth’s pre-institute reading assignment, “Creating a Virtual Information Or­ ganization,” in which she suggests methods for collaboration. $29.00. Library Solutions Press, 1100 Industrial Road, Suite 9, San Carlos, CA 94070. ISBN 1-882208-18-8. Certified Course in C, by David Himmel (393 pages, July 1995). What me? Program in C? For anyone with a modest technical aptitude and little fear o f the word “programming,” this book could be the source o f new skills and opportu­ nities. It comes with a working version o f Borland’s Turbo C++ compiler and an oppor­ tunity to earn collegiate certification and cred­ its. C++ has emerged as the language o f choice for commercial software products written for MS-DOS/Windows computers. If you’re only mildly deterred by chapter headings like “Func­ tions with Pointer Arguments and Return Val­ ues” or “Directives for Conditional Compilation,” Himmel’s manual might open up new career George Eberhαrt is editor and compiler o f The W hole Library Handbooks f o r ALA Editions (1991, 1995). He sewed as editor o f C&RL News from 1980 to 1990. November 1995/ 719 vistas. $39.95. Waite Group Press, 200 Tamal Plaza, Corte Madera, CA 94925. ISBN 1-878739- 92-1. The Columbia Dictionary o f M odern Lit­ era ry and Cultural Criticism , edited by Jo­ seph Childers and Gary Hentzi (362 pages, April 1995), unveils the meaning behind all those social studies terms that have recently invaded everyday life and speech. Armed with this book, you can venture unafraid into essays and mono­ graphs that blithely ramble on about decon­ struction, schizoanalysis, pathetic fallacy, anxi ety o f influence, and— yes— postmodernism without feeling that you are reading a Sanskrit epic. Most o f the 450 entries include a bibliog­ raphy o f the essential texts, while a separate name index makes it easy to trace the influ­ ence o f specific scholars. $49.50. Columbia Uni­ versity Press, 562 W. 113th Street, New York, NY 10025. ISBN 0-231-07242-2. Doing M ore Business on the Internet, by Mary J. Cronin (368 pages, 2d ed., June 1995), is an update o f last year’s book, but as Net users know, the World Wide Web has evolved into a completely differ­ ent animal in a short pe­ riod o f time. Like the ear­ lier edition, this speaks directly to the business community (and M.B.A. candidates) by dem on­ strating the advantages of W e b sites and d irect customer connections. Cronin anchors her argu­ ments to solid data by demonstrating how com­ panies as diverse as J. P. Morgan, Schlumberger, and R ockw ell Interna tional have used the In­ ternet strategically and cost-effectively. As The Economist quipped, “if y ou ’re not on the net, you’re not in the know.” $29.95. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 115 Fifth Ave., New York, N Y 10003; http://www.novalink.cυm/cronin. ISBN 0-442- 02047-3. Some other business-related Internet books that I can recommend are Cyber-Investing: Cracking W all Street with Your Personal Computer, by David L. Brown and Kassandra Bentley (286 pages, plus Telescan software, July 1995), which emphasizes the practicalities and strategies o f monitoring stocks electronically. $49.95. ISBN 0-471-11926-1. H ook Up, Get Hired!, by Joyce Lain Kennedy (250 pages, July 1995), which offers practical tips for find­ ing jobs online (mostly computer-related, but this may change). $29.95. ISBN 0-471-11629-7. Both from Wiley, 605 Third Ave., N ew York, N Y 10158. And the O n lin e M a rk e tin g H andbook, by Daniel S. Janal (370 pages, May 1995), which is a practical and well-illus trated manual on selling products and services on both the Internet and other commercial online systems. $24.95. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 115 Fifth Ave., New York, N Y 10003. ISBN 0- 442-02058-9. Emerging Democracies and Freedom o f In form a tion , edited by Barbara Turfan (192 pages, May 1995), contains papers on writers and governments, the abuse o f human rights, democracy and Islam, freedom o f information in South Africa, and library information access issues in countries adjusting to democracy. The essays are divided into three geographical ar­ eas: the Far East, Russia and Eastern Europe, and Africa. £25.95. Library As­ sociation Publishing, 7 Ridgmount Street, Lon­ don, England, WC1E 7AE. ISBN 1-85604-170-0. The Encyclopedia o f th e S w o r d , by Nick Evangelista (690 pages, May 1995), serves as both a glossary o f fencing terms and a repository of facts concerning actors and films in which sword­ play is prominent. Equal time is given to historical, mythical, and Japanese swordsmanship, so that this can be used as a lit­ erary reference as well as a sportsman’s guide. $79.50. Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, P.O. Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881-5007. ISBN 0-313-27896-2. The Historical Atlas o f W orld W a r II, by John Pimlott (223 pages, June 1995), is a wor­ thy addition to the genre o f World War II at- http://www.novalink.c%cf%85m/cronin 720/ C&RL News lases. The maps are w ell drawn and informa­ tive, and show broad strategic operations like the Winter Offensive in the Ukraine as well as such tactical deployments as the fall o f Tobruk and Tarawa Atoll. The commentary is concise and the illustrations are minimal, allowing the cartography to take the leading role. A nice companion to Anthony Livesey’s Historical Atlas o f W orld W a r I (192 pages, Septem­ ber 1994), also published by Holt. $45.00. Henry Holt and Co., 115 W. 18th St., New York, NY 10011. ISBN 0-8050-3929-5. The G a y and Lesbian Literary Heritage, edited by Claude J. Summers (786 pages, June 1995), brings together scholarship on the liter­ ary representation o f homosexuality in the form o f a reader’s guide. More than 350 essays es­ tablish the presence o f gay and lesbian themes in a variety o f genres, countries, and historical periods. In addition to particular authors, this volume covers such issues as camp, decadence, identity, AIDS, bisexuality, and romantic friend­ ship. Since much o f the literature has been misinterpreted by straight literary critics, this book sets the record unstraight. $45.00. Henry Holt, 115 W. 18th St., N ew York, N Y 10011. ISBN 0-8050-2716-5. Hunters and Shooters: An Oral History o f the U.S. N a vy SEALs in Vietnam , edited by Bill Fawcett (288 pages, July 1995), presents the first-person accounts o f 15 combat veter­ ans who fought in Vietnam, the earliest prov­ ing ground for the Navy’s SEa, Air and Land (SEAL) teams. Their descriptions o f SEAL train­ ing and combat operations are grim reminders o f a war that many now regret the United States was ever involved in. $23.00. William Morrow and Co., 1350 Avenue o f the Americas, New York, N Y 10019. ISBN 0-688-12664-2. Indigenous Literature o f Oceania: A Sur­ v e y o f C ritic is m an d In te r p r e ta tio n , by Nicholas J. Goetzfridt (347 pages, March 1995), is an extensive annotated bibliography o f criti­ cism relating to poetry, fiction, and drama writ­ ten in English by indigenous peoples o f the South Pacific, N ew Zealand, and Australia. The listings are largely confined to academic and literary journals and books. $75.00. ISBN 0-313- 29173-X. Also o f interest is Micronesiαn Reli­ gion and Lore: A Guide to Sources, 1526- 1990, by Douglas Haynes and William L. Wuerch (300 pages, March 1995), which re­ views 1,193 titles dealing with myth, legend, and ritual in the Marianas, Carolines, and Gil­ bert and Marshall Islands. $75.00. ISBN 0-313- 28955-7. Both published by Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, P.O. Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881-5007. M agnetic Tape Storage and Handling: A Guide fo r Libraries and A rch ives, by John W. C. Van Bogart (34 pages, June 1995), details the long-term storage requirements for mag­ netic media and offers advice on how to care for tapes in order to maximize their life ex­ pectancies. Van Bogart, who is principal inves­ tigator for media stability studies at the National Media Laboratory, provides the rationale be­ hind recommended procedures, which might be used to support cost-benefit arguments to administrators. $10.00. Committee on Preser­ vation and Access, 1400 16th St. N.W., Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036. ISBN 1-887334- 40-8. Shakespeare Companies and Festivals: A n In tern ation al Guide, edited by Ron Engle, Felicia Hardison Londré, and Daniel J. Water meier (568 pages, May 1995), describes more than 150 Shakespeare troupes and performances worldwide. Each profile describes the history o f each company, its staffing and budget, its physical facilities, the demographics o f its au­ dience, its approach to producing the plays, audition procedures, and production history. O f particular interest are the innovative Ger man-language festivals and the China Shakes­ peare Festival, which incorporates traditional Chinese theater practices. $95.00. Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, P.O. Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881-5007. ISBN 0-313-27434-7. Soren Kierkegaard Bibliographies: Rem­ nants, 1944—1980, and Multi-Media, 19250– 1992, compiled by Calvin D. Evans (May 1995), are a component o f the International Kierke­ gaard Bibliographic Database. Remnants in­ cludes 221 books, 201 articles, and 142 disser­ tations which have never before been included in a published bibliography or which supply additional information or corrections to already- published works. The multimedia section lists audiotapes, films, music, radio, slides, and the­ atrical performances. $25.00 (plus $5.00 ship­ ping). Director o f Libraries, McGill University Libraries, 3459 McTavish Street, Montreal, Que­ bec, Canada H3A 1Y1. November 1995/721 Style: T ow ard Clarity and G race, by Joseph M. Williams (208 pages, June 1995), ex­ plains, without going into the intricacies o f syntax and grammar, how writers can improve the style o f their reports, articles, memos, and books, and clarify complexities in their chosen subjects. Indeed, pop grammarians with nar­ row definitions o f prose propriety are derid­ ed for their folklore and foibles. The ultimate objective o f competent exposition is stressed, with many examples o f how to achieve that goal. Those w ho feel that structure is more important than effective communication may feel slighted; however, these days both readers and writers need as much help as they can get in conveying and interpreting complex ideas. $9.95. University o f Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. ISBN 0-226- 89915-2. Upside Your H ead! Rhythm and Blues o n C e n tra l A ven u e, by Johnny Otis (174 pages, July 1995), is a trade paperback edition o f Otis’s outspoken 1993 memoir on his early days in R&B. Otis reminisces about the black cultural scene on Central Avenue in the 1940s, which was Los Angeles’ Harlem Renaissance, and his encounters with musicians such as Lester Young, Little Esther Phillips, Etta James, T-Bone Walker, and many others. He also pulls no punches in his indictment o f society’s racism, both then and now, and the theft o f African American musical styles by white musicians. $16.95. University Press o f N ew England, 23 South Main St., Hanover, NH 03755. ISBN 0- 8195-6287-4. W hales, Dolphins and Porpoises: The Visual Guide to A ll the W o rld ’s Cetaceans, by Mark Carwardine (256 pages, 1995), is one o f the latest Eyewitness Handbooks published by Dorling Kindersley. Like the others in this series, each animal is carefully illustrated with callouts that highlight its distinctive character­ istics. There is an identification checklist for each species, along with distribution maps, tips on where to observe whales, and notes on be­ havior. The introduction even lists dos and don’ts for dealing with stranded live animals. Ultimately, the guide contains less information than The Sierra Club Handbook o f Whales and Dolphins (Random House, 1983) or Lyall Watson’s Sea Guide to Whales o f the World (Dutton, 1981), but its color, illustrations, and ease o f use make it an excellent field guide. $29.95. Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., N ew York, N Y 10016. ISBN 1- 56458-621-9. Statem ent of ow nership and m an agem ent College & Research Libraries News is pub­ lished 11 times a year (monthly, combin­ ing July/August) by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Am erican Library Association, owner; Mary Ellen K. Davis, editor and publisher. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in the U.S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (DMM Section 423.12), the purposes, function, and nonprofit status o f this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding 12 months. Extent and nature o f circulation ( “Average” figures denote the number o f copies printed each issue during the pre­ ceding twelve months; “Actual” figures de­ note the number o f copies o f single issues published nearest to filing date.) Total number o f copies printed: Aver­ age, 12,304; Actual, 12,322. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales: not applicable. Paid or re­ quested mail subscriptions: Average, 11,472; Actual, 11,592. Total paid and/or requested circulation: Average, 11,472; Actual, 11,592. Free distribution by mail: Average, 44; Actual, 32. Free distribution outside the mail: Average, 0; Actual, 0. To­ tal free distribution: Average, 44; Actual, 32. Total distribution: Average, 11,516; Ac­ tual, 11,624. Copies not distributed: Office use, leftover, spoiled: Average, 788; Actual, 698. Returns from news agents: not appli­ cable. Total (sum o f previous entries): A v­ erage, 12,304; Actual, 12,322. Percent paid and/or requested circulation: Average: 99.62%; Actual: 99.72%. Statem ent o f O w n ersh ip , M anage­ m ent, and C ircu lation (PS Form 3526, October 1995) for 1995 filed with the United States Postal Service, Postmaster in Chicago, Illinois, October 5, 1995. 722/C&RL News