ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries

2 0 2 /C&RL News

in the 

Pam Spiegel

Arlyne Jackson, librarian o f 
the Littauer Library at Har­
vard University, has taken a 
leave from Harvard to par­
ticipate in the Libraiy o f Con­
gress’ (LC) Leadership Devel­
opm ent Program. The 15- 
month program is designed 
to develop leaders for the 
library profession and in­
crease the number o f mi
nority-group librarians pre­
p a red  to assume library 
leadership positions. Ten 
people were selected for the 
program, which was funded by a gift from 
John Kluge, chair o f the LC Madison Society.

Erlinda J. Regner and Amy D. Seetoo were 
recently installed as president and vice-presi
dent o f the Asian/Pacific 
American Librarians As­
sociation (APALA), re­
spectively. R egn er is 
business reference li­
brarian at the Chicago 
Public Library. Seetoo, 
w ho is program assis­
tant with the Michigan 
Initiative for W om en’s 
Health, University o f 
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Amy Seetoo
previously served as ex­
ecutive director and president o f the Chinese- 
American Librarians Association.

Andrew H. Wang, director o f OCLC’s Asia 
Pacific Services, has been appointed advisor 
o f the National Central Libraiy o f Taiwan for 
1995. W ang said, “I hope to help the National 
Central Library and OCLC work closely in pro­
viding information to libraries in Taiwan and 
in strengthening the information bridge be­
tween the East and the West."

A ppointm ents
Larry Compton is the new librarian for the 
Reactor Engineering Tech nology Center at 
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque.

Shana Fair, formerly acting 
library director at Ohio Uni­
versity, Zanesville, has been 
named library director there.

Douglas M. Ferrier is now 
director o f the Arnulfo L. 
Oliveira Memorial Library at 
the University o f Texas at 
Brownsville in partnership 
with Texas Southmost Col­
lege. He most recently served 
as dean o f  the library at 
Texas Wesleyan University.

Paul Schrodt has been appointed librarian in 
the John D. Werkman endow ed chair o f Theo­
logical Bibliography at Methodist Theological 
School in Delaware, Ohio.

Faye Abrams has been appointed document 
delivery librarian at the University o f Waterloo, 

Scott A. Anderson has been named busi­
ness/economics librarian at Millersville Univer­
sity in Pennsylvania.

Althea Aschmann is now head o f technical 
services at Emporia State University, Kansas.

Gary D. Byrd has been named director o f 
the Health Sciences Library at the University o f 
Buffalo, State University o f N ew  York.

Cindy Buhi has been appointed reference 
librarian at Belmont Abbey College in North 

Robert L. Canida has been named automated 
public services librarian at Pembroke State Uni­
versity, North Carolina.

Joan Carey has been appointed reference 
librarian at Clark College in Vancouver, Wash­

Ruth Carter has been promoted to assistant 
director for automated and technical services at 
the University o f Pittsburgh Libraries.

Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from 
library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, 
individuals using institutional letterhead, and other 
sources. To ensure that your personnel news is con­
sidered f o r  pu blica tion , write to Pam 
Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Hu­
ron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:

March 1995/203

Cynthia Coccaro has been named assis­
tant professor o f bibliography in the Bierce Li­
brary at the University o f Akron, Ohio.

Adele Combs is now  assistant university li­
brarian o f general services at Northwestern
University, Evanston, Illinois.

Brian Dunlap has been appointed tempo­
rary assistant periodicals librarian at Emporia
State University, Kansas.

Patrick Dunn has been appointed acting
head o f the Interlibrary Loan Division at the
University o f British Columbia.

Jane Goh is n ow  information services li­
brarian at Stanford University, California. She
was mistakenly listed as Joan Goh in the D e­
cember issue. The editors regret the error.

Charles Green is the new  catalog librarian
at Pembroke State University, North Carolina.

Nancy Hayes has joined the Science and
Technology Library  at the University o f Akron
as life sciences and medical bibliographer.

L. Dexter Honeycutt Jr. has been ap­
pointed serials librarian at Pembroke State Uni­
versity, North Carolina.

Kathryn Hornby is n ow  temporary refer­
ence librarian in the W oodw ard Biomedical
Libraiy at the University o f British Columbia.

Scott Kantor has been named reference li­
brarian at Yakima Valley Community College,

Kevin Lindstrom has been named refer­
ence and outreach librarian in the Science &
Engineering Division o f the Main Library at the
University o f British Columbia, Vancouver.

Michael Lorenzen is now  bibliographic in­
structor and reference librarian at Ohio Uni­
versity, Zanesville.

Laura Minott has been named assistant uni­
versity librarian o f public services at Northwest­
ern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Janet Spaeth has been appointed biblio­
graphic educational services librarian at the
University o f North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Joe Straw is now  assistant professor o f bib­
liography in the Bierce Library at the Univer­
sity o f Akron, Ohio.

Richard Stringer-Hye has been named
head o f access services in the Sarah Shannon
Stevenson Library for Science and Engineering
at Vanderbilt University, Nashville.

Dajin Sun is n o w  head o f East Asian tech­
nical services at the University o f Pittsburgh.

Morag Sutherland is n ow  journalism, reli­
gion, and speech bibliographer at Northwest
ern University, Evanston, Illinois.












Pamela Vance has been promoted to asso­
ciate director o f the University o f Pittsburgh 

John Whelan has been appointed reference 
librarian/selector for the Sarah Shannon Steven­
son Library at Vanderbilt University, Nashville.

Jennifer W u is now  a librarian at North Se­
attle Community College.

R e tirem en ts
Graham Elliston recently retired as head o f 
the Gifts and Exchanges Division at the Uni­
versity o f British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, 
a position he held since 1973. He began w ork­
ing at UBC as a cataloger in 1961.

Helen Mayoh recently retired as science ref­
erence librarian at the University o f British Co­
lumbia, Vancouver, after 19 years in that posi

Willie Scott, acting head o f the Undergradu­
ate Library at Southern Illinois University (SIU) 
at Carbondale, retired at the end o f last year. 
Scott began his career serving as a catalog li­
brarian at four colleges before switching to ref­
erence and instruction in 1972, when he joined 
the Undergraduate Library at SIU. He earned 
his B.A. from West Virginia State College in 
1957, and his MLS from Western Reserve Uni­
versity in 1959.

Martha Shepard, librarian at the Alaska Re­
sources Libraiy in Anchorage, retired in Janu­
ary. She had been w orking there since the 

D eath s
Cheryl Griffin, director o f learning resources 
at Danville Community College (DCC), Virginia, 
since 1992, and DCC librarian from 1989 to 1992, 
was found dead at her home in October.

Roland Lanning, head o f serials at the Uni­
versity o f British Columbia, Vancouver, from 
1926 until his retirement in 1965, died late last 
year at the age o f 94.

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