ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ May 1998/335 No food, no drinks 1 S lam d u n k t h a t f o o d a n d W e h a t e t o b u r s t y o u r b u b b le D o g g o n e it! K eep t h a t f o o d d rin k b e f o r e y o u c o m e in to … b u t f o o d a n d d rin k s a r e a n d d rin k o u t o f t h e library. t h e library. n o t a llo w e d in h e r e . 2 3 Food + drinks in libraries = pests + dam­ age. Librarians everyw her e are co n cer ned with this problem : patrons w ho bring in food and drinks that attract pests that de­ stroy library materials. O ne solution to the problem is a “No food, No drinks” cam ­ paign. T he Henry Madden Library at Califor - nia State University, Fr esno, has fought the good fight for several years with a c o n ­ tinuing cam paign using various poster de­ signs and messages, ranging from an Uncle Samfinger pointing caricatur e o f Library D ean M ichael Gor man declaring “I want YOU to stop eating and drinking in the library” to W innie the Pooh with a honey pot stuck on his head. The success o f such a poster cam paign is hard, if not im possible, to gauge, but the most r ecent one appar ently made some impr ession on the patr ons o f the Madden Library, if theft o f the posters is any indi­ cation. The popular posters depicted two well- know n campus coaches and the (Bulldog) mascot. Besides appealing to the r ecog n i­ tion factor o f the subjects, the posters pro­ jected a sense o f campus community spirit- that everyone uses, and should ther e fo re help car e for the library. The athletic “celebrity” posters, with a variety o f captions, lend a lighter , m ore friendly, chiding tone to the ster n “No food, No drinks” admonition. Photographs w ere obtained thr ough the campus Sports Infor mation O f fice; permis­ sion to use the images (with photo cr ed ­ its) was granted by that o ffic e and the coaches after m ock-ups o f the posters wer e submitted. Tw elve posters weie placed thr ough- out the four-story library; five posters wer e stolen. No other posters in the library’s cam paign have proven to be as attention- getting. We can only hope that the r eal m essage— that food and drinks should not be consum ed in a library— was appr eci- ated, as well. Notes 1. Basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian with his trademark towel-biting gesture. Captions included “The library’s out o f bounds to eating and drinking” and “Foul! No eating or drinking allow ed.” 2. Olympic Gold Medalist and softball coach Margie Wright blow ing bubble gum on the sidelines. 3. Time out, the Bulldog mascot, pointing a big foam finger. —J a n e t B a n c r o ft , M a d d e n L ib r a r y a t C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n iv e r s it y , F r e s n o ; j a n e t _ b r a n c r o ft @ c s u fr e s n o .e d u