ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 368 / C&RL News ■ May 1998 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg CLIR publishes digital image report The Council on Library and Inform ation Re sources (CLIR) recently published Stephen E. O strow ’s “Digitizing Historical Pictorial Collections for the Internet.” This report co n siders the impact o f digital technology on traditional pictorial co llection s and the ways in w h ich it may b e used to ad v an tag e. Ostrow specifically addresses the nature o f pictorial co llection s as primary research m a terials and how digital surrogates can affect that use, with particular attention to digital selection criteria, image resolution, and cre ation o f metadata. A detailed digital project planning checklist and a summary o f co p y right and other restrictions ap p licable to im ages published on the Internet, prepared by Library of Congress staff, are also included. T he report is available for $20, including shipping and handling, from CLIR, 1755 Mas sachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 500, Wash ington, D.C. 20036-2188; phone: (2 0 2 ) 939- 4 7 5 0 ; fax: (2 0 2 ) 9 3 9 -4 7 6 5 ; e-m ail: info@ Orders must b e prepaid by ch eck , m ade payable to CLIR. Update on Bookkeeper mass deacidification process In January 1998, the Library o f Congress (LC) awarded Preservation T ech n o log ies Limited Partnership (PTLP), ow ners o f the B o o k k eep er mass deacidification process, a four- year contract. This follow s a tw o-year lim ited production contract, w hich deacidified 100,000 books. T he new contract not only calls for deacidification o f 250,000 to 275,000 b o o k s at PTLP’s plant in Cranberry, Penn sylvania, but also for PTLP to provide sup port services at the library. PTLP staff will, under the supervision o f LC staff, pull, pack, ship, and reshelve b o o k s selected for treat ment. The LC will continu e its evaluation o f the B o o k k e e p e r p ro ce ss, particu larly for n o n b o o k paper formats, and has generously offered to act as a dem onstration site, so staff from o th er cultural institutions may learn about the administrative aspects o f a large-scale deacidification project. In March 1998, the State Archives o f the Netherlands selected B o o k k e e p e r as its dea cid ification p rocess. T hey, in co n ju n ctio n with the TNO Center for Paper and Board Research, will also continue to evaluate the effectiv en ess o f the process, particularly for h o m o g e n e i t y o f t r e a t m e n t , pH le v e l achieved, and alkaline reserve deposited. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e LC Project, contact K enneth E. Harris, preser vation projects director, preservation direc torate, Library o f Congress LM-G21, W ash ington, D.C. 20540-4500; phone: (2 0 2 ) 707- 1054; fax: (2 0 2 ) 707-3434; e-mail: khar@ loc. gov. Greenfield publishes bookbinding glossary Ja n e G reenfield, a w ell-know n conservator, has written and illustrated a new glossary called the A B C o f B o o k b in d in g . This 200- page oversize volum e, with over 700 illus trations, com p rehensively covers the terms related to b o ok s and bookbinding, plus pro v id es in fo rm atio n a b o u t h isto rica l b o o k structures and styles. Copies are available for $35, plus ship ping and handling, from O ak Knoll B ooks, 414 D elaw are St., New Castle, DE 19720; phone: (3 0 2 ) 328-7232; fax: (3 0 2 ) 328-7274; e-mail: o a k k n o ll@ o ak k n o m . Order no. 49915-A 15. ISBN: 1-884718-41-8. Digital conference proceedings available To scan or not to scan: W hat are the q u es tions? T he printed proceed ings o f its 1996 conference on digital projects in libraries and archives, are now available from the South eastern Library Network (SOLINET). T h ese proceed ings cov er theoretical issues as well as the practical co n cern s o f funding, project developm ent and m anagem ent, outsourcing, ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3 7 3 ) Jane Hedberg prepares this column for the College Libraries Com m ittee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made (by the 15th of the month) to Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College;; fax: (781) 283-3690 C&RL News ■ May 1998/ 369 BSCO Online™, the latest in a long journals in full text dating back to 1990 — Eseries of electronic services from more than any other competing database.EBSCO Information Services, is Order virtually any document now from putting a charge into academic libraries. EBSCO Document Services (EBSCOdoc) Available in early 1998, EBSCO Online lets through the World Wide Web, by phone, mail, you identify, access, acquire and manage elec fax or e-mail. A new express ordering service tronic journals from one convenient location. and expanded Web capabilities now in devel The Web-based service gives you easy-to-use opment will electrify your electronic ordering administrative features and enables end- and customized service options. users to seamlessly access a wide range of EBSCO. Powering your library with electronic journals. shockingly comprehensive electronic Academic Search FullTEXT Premiere™, avail services. able on EBSCOhost®, offers more than 1,000 All the information you need and w ant from a name you already know and trust. 370 / C&RL News ■ May 1998 C&RL News ■ May 1998/373 Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) from 1982 to the present and CDC Prevention G uide lin es.” The system requires either tem po rary or perm anent registration options, with user ID ’s and passwords, and limits access according to registration level. It provides a som ew hat m ind-boggling num ber o f search limitations for several databases, including FARS (fatal accident reporting), SEER (Sur veillance, Epidem iology and End Results), CDP (Chronic D isease Prevention), and IRIS (Injury Research Information Service). Data use restrictions are clearly listed and user support is available. A huge resource list to other sources is also included, sorted by pro tocol (ftp, gopher, http, mailto, telnet, etc.). Training, em ploym ent, and funding o p portunities round out the site. They include fellow ships, research, training, grants, resi dencies, and conferences. The CDC has de v elop ed a co m p lex and seem ingly in e x haustible site o f information that su ccess fully and artfully achieves its mission and goals.— E la in e H o ffm a n , S tate U niversity o f N e w Y ork, S t o n y B r o o k ; e b o f f m a n @ c c m a il.s u n y s b .e d u Notes 1. David Farley, University o f Chicago, DOCTOR FUN (January 28, 1994). 2. sanit/ vsp/ im ages/ im ages.htm lin k in g to h ttp :/ / su n site.u n c.ed u :80/D ave/D r-Fun/ df940Vdf940128.jpg. ■ (P r e s e r v a tio n … c o n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e 3 6 8) and copyright. They also include case stud ies from different types o f institutions. Copies are available for $10 each from Alicia Riley-W alden, SOLINET, 1438 West Peachtree Street N.W., Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 3 0 3 0 9 -2 9 5 5 ; p h o n e: (8 0 0 ) 9 9 9 -8 5 5 8 ; fax: ( 4 0 4 ) 8 9 2 - 7 8 7 9 ; e - m a il : a l i c i a _ r i l e y - w alden@ Orders must be prepaid by check, made payable to SOLINET. CT h e ow rorngr UeRL c fort tih eo E unro p ean Commission on Preservation and A ccess’ Virtual Exhibition appeared in the February 1998 column. The correct URL is http:// editors regret the error.