ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries

368 / C&RL News ■ May 1998

P r e s e r v a t i o n  N e w s Jane Hedberg

CLIR publishes digital image report 
The Council on Library and Inform ation Re­
sources (CLIR) recently published Stephen 
E. O strow ’s “Digitizing Historical Pictorial 
Collections for the Internet.” This report co n ­
siders the impact o f digital technology on 
traditional pictorial co llection s and the ways 
in w h ich  it may b e  used to ad v an tag e. 
Ostrow specifically addresses the nature o f 
pictorial co llection s as primary research m a­
terials and how digital surrogates can affect 
that use, with particular attention to digital 
selection criteria, image resolution, and cre ­
ation o f metadata. A detailed digital project 
planning checklist and a summary o f co p y ­
right and other restrictions ap p licable to im­
ages published on the Internet, prepared 
by Library of Congress staff, are also included.

T he report is available for $20, including 
shipping and handling, from CLIR, 1755 Mas­
sachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 500, Wash­
ington, D.C. 20036-2188; phone: (2 0 2 ) 939- 
4 7 5 0 ; fax: (2 0 2 ) 9 3 9 -4 7 6 5 ; e-m ail: info@ Orders must b e prepaid by ch eck , 
m ade payable to CLIR.

Update on Bookkeeper mass 
deacidification process
In January 1998, the Library o f Congress (LC) 
awarded Preservation T ech n o log ies Limited 
Partnership (PTLP), ow ners o f the B o o k ­
k eep er mass deacidification process, a four- 
year contract. This follow s a tw o-year lim­
ited production contract, w hich deacidified 
100,000 books. T he new contract not only 
calls for deacidification o f 250,000 to 275,000 
b o o k s at PTLP’s plant in Cranberry, Penn­
sylvania, but also for PTLP to provide sup­
port services at the library. PTLP staff will, 
under the supervision o f LC staff, pull, pack, 
ship, and reshelve b o o k s selected  for treat­
ment. The LC will continu e its evaluation o f 
the B o o k k e e p e r  p ro ce ss, particu larly for 
n o n b o o k  paper formats, and has generously 
offered to act as a dem onstration site, so 
staff from  o th er cultural institutions may 
learn about the administrative aspects o f a 
large-scale deacidification project.

In March 1998, the State Archives o f the

Netherlands selected  B o o k k e e p e r as its dea­
cid ification p rocess. T hey, in co n ju n ctio n  
with the TNO Center for Paper and Board 
Research, will also continue to evaluate the 
effectiv en ess o f the process, particularly for 
h o m o g e n e i t y  o f  t r e a t m e n t , pH le v e l 
achieved, and alkaline reserve deposited.

F o r m o re  in fo rm a tio n  a b o u t th e LC 
Project, contact K enneth E. Harris, preser­
vation projects director, preservation direc­
torate, Library o f Congress LM-G21, W ash­
ington, D.C. 20540-4500; phone: (2 0 2 ) 707- 
1054; fax: (2 0 2 ) 707-3434; e-mail: khar@ loc. 

Greenfield publishes bookbinding 
Ja n e  G reenfield, a w ell-know n conservator, 
has written and illustrated a new  glossary 
called the A B C  o f  B o o k b in d in g . This 200- 
page oversize volum e, with over 700 illus­
trations, com p rehensively covers the terms 
related to b o ok s and bookbinding, plus pro­
v id es in fo rm atio n  a b o u t h isto rica l b o o k  
structures and styles.

Copies are available for $35, plus ship­
ping and handling, from O ak Knoll B ooks, 
414 D elaw are St., New Castle, DE 19720; 
phone: (3 0 2 ) 328-7232; fax: (3 0 2 ) 328-7274; 
e-mail: o a k k n o ll@ o ak k n o m . Order no. 
49915-A 15. ISBN: 1-884718-41-8.

Digital conference proceedings 
To scan or not to scan: W hat are the q u es­
tions? T he printed proceed ings o f its 1996 
conference on digital projects in libraries and 
archives, are now  available from the South­
eastern Library Network (SOLINET). T h ese 
proceed ings cov er theoretical issues as well 
as the practical co n cern s o f funding, project 
developm ent and m anagem ent, outsourcing,

( c o n t i n u e d  o n  p a g e  3 7 3 )

Jane Hedberg prepares this column for the College Libraries 
Com m ittee, Commission on Preservation and Access. 
Submissions may be made (by the 15th of the month) to 
Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College;; 
fax: (781) 283-3690

C&RL News ■ May 1998/ 369

BSCO Online™, the latest in a long journals in full text dating back to 1990 — 

Eseries of electronic services from more than any other competing database.EBSCO Information Services, is Order virtually any document now from putting a charge into academic libraries. EBSCO Document Services (EBSCOdoc) 
Available in early 1998, EBSCO Online lets through the World Wide Web, by phone, mail, 
you identify, access, acquire and manage elec­ fax or e-mail. A new express ordering service 
tronic journals from one convenient location. and expanded Web capabilities now in devel­
The Web-based service gives you easy-to-use opment will electrify your electronic ordering 
administrative features and enables end- and customized service options.
users to seamlessly access a wide range of EBSCO. Powering your library with 
electronic journals. shockingly comprehensive electronic 
Academic Search FullTEXT Premiere™, avail­ services.
able on EBSCOhost®, offers more than 1,000

All the information you need and w ant 
from a name you already know and trust.

370 / C&RL News ■ May 1998

C&RL News ■ May 1998/373

Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) from 1982 
to the present and CDC Prevention G uide­
lin es.” The system requires either tem po­
rary or perm anent registration options, with 
user ID ’s and passwords, and limits access 
according to registration level. It provides a 
som ew hat m ind-boggling num ber o f search 
limitations for several databases, including 
FARS (fatal accident reporting), SEER (Sur­
veillance, Epidem iology and End Results), 
CDP (Chronic D isease Prevention), and IRIS 
(Injury Research Information Service). Data 
use restrictions are clearly listed and user 
support is available. A huge resource list to 
other sources is also included, sorted by pro­
tocol (ftp, gopher, http, mailto, telnet, etc.).

Training, em ploym ent, and funding o p ­
portunities round out the site. They include 
fellow ships, research, training, grants, resi­
dencies, and conferences. The CDC has de­
v elop ed  a co m p lex  and seem ingly in e x ­
haustible site o f information that su ccess­
fully and artfully achieves its mission and 
goals.— E la in e  H o ffm a n , S tate U niversity o f  
N e w  Y ork, S t o n y  B r o o k ;  e b o f f m a n @  
c c  m a il.s u n y s b .e d u

1. David Farley, University o f Chicago, 

DOCTOR FUN (January 28, 1994).

sanit/ vsp/ im ages/ im ages.htm  lin k in g  to 
h ttp :/ / su n site.u n c.ed u :80/D ave/D r-Fun/ 
df940Vdf940128.jpg. ■

(P r e s e r v a tio n  …  c o n t i n u e d  f r o m  p a g e  3 6 8)  
and copyright. They also include case stud­
ies from different types o f institutions.

Copies are available for $10 each from 
Alicia Riley-W alden, SOLINET, 1438 West 
Peachtree Street N.W., Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 
3 0 3 0 9 -2 9 5 5 ; p h o n e: (8 0 0 ) 9 9 9 -8 5 5 8 ; fax: 
( 4 0 4 )  8 9 2 - 7 8 7 9 ;  e - m a il : a l i c i a _ r i l e y -  
w alden@ Orders must be prepaid 
by check, made payable to SOLINET.

CT h e ow rorngr UeRL c fort  tih eo E unro p ean  
Commission on Preservation and A ccess’ 
Virtual Exhibition appeared in the February 
1998 column. The correct URL is http:// editors 
regret the error.