ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 382 / C&RL News ■ May 1998 C L A S S IF IE D Career opportunities fro m across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices are $20.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.95 for others. Organizations submit­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude dis­ criminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regard­ less of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By adver­ tising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, ail engi­ neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more inform a­ tion please contact: C ollier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Pow ell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (8 0 0 ) 2 2 5 -6 9 1 1 ; fa x : (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 -0 5 0 5 ; e -m a il to : k irste n @ tech nical.p ow m . POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT/ASSO CIATE LIBRARIAN: SO UTHEAST ASIAN BIB- LIOGRAPHER. Arizona State University. General summary: This is a full-tim e continuing-appointm ent-track (Academ ic Professional) position requiring professional developm ent and service. Under the general direction of the Social Sciences C oordinator for Collection Development, develops and m aintains the Southeast Asian Studies Collection in the ASU Libraries. Uses excellent interpersonal skills working in a collaborative, team environment. Shows flexibility in carrying out assignm ents in response to changing circum stances. Essential functions: Trains and assists in supervising student assis­ tants and tem porary staff working with Southeast Asia library m ate­ rial; defines collection developm ent policies for Southeast Asian Studies materials; works with other divisions and departm ents in the university libraries to establish expedited processing of material; assists Southeast Asian Studies Program faculty and students and the university com m unity at large in the use of the collection. As a m em ber of the Collection Developm ent Division Team, works coop­ eratively with the Coordinators and other division members to develop material and collection goals for the university libraries. Serves on the Hayden Library reference desk. W orks closely with the University Libraries Developm ent O fficer to solicit capital and material donations for the developm ent of library collections. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; reading proficiency in at least one Southeast Asian language; and course work and/or experience that provides background in the region’s peoples, their history and culture. Preferred: Demonstrated knowledge of the Southeast Asian book trade; training and/or experience in collection development; evidence of ability to supervise staff; experience in writing grant proposals; graduate course work in studies related to Southeast Asia; profi­ ciency in at least one W estern language in addition to English; willingness to travel to Southeast Asia on buying trips; and training and/or experience with autom ated library system s and electronic resources. Minimum salary: $28,000. Application deadline: Monday, I ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Career Opportunity! A re you an in n o v a to r? … a le a d e r? … te ch n o lo g i- cally savvy? W e ’re looking fo r a m a n a g e r with public, special, or a cad e m ic library expe rien ce w ho w a n ts to m ove up. If so, you have the unique o p p o rtu n ity to im prove library p rocesses, hone y o u r le a de rsh ip skills, m anage projects, coach, facilitate, m otivate, and lead library staff te am s to im proved public service sa tisfaction. A s s is t in th e m a n a g e m e n t a n d le a d e r s h ip o f an a c a d e m ic lib r a r y w ith a s t a te - o f - t h e - a r t m a in lib r a r y b u ild in g , 1 9 9 8 a r c h ite c tu r e l i ­ b ra ry , fu ll- t im e s ta ff o f 2 4 , a n d lo ts o f n e w te c h n o lo g y (Y a h o o ! In te rn e t L ife m a g a z in e ’s # 2 M o s t W ir e d C o lle g e ) . R equires fo u r years professional librarian e xp e ri­ ence, MLS, integrated library experience, excel- lent PC, com m unication, and interpersonal skills. N om in a tio ns invited; an equal o p p o rtu n ity e m ­ p lo ye r located in the New Y o rk/N e w Je rse y m e t­ ropolitan area. S alary to high fifties. P lease send resum e to: L a w re n c e J . C o rb u s, C o rb u s Lib ra ry C o n s u lta n ts 11490 F o x h a v e n Dr. C h e ste rla n d , OH 44026 P h o n e : (440) 729-0650 F a x : (440) 729-3004 h ttp ://w w w .lib raryjo b m e-m ail: L IB R A R E @ a o l.c o m . I C&RL News ■ May 1998 / 383 ACQUISITIONS/GIFT LIBRARIAN George Mason University G eorge Mason University, a rapidly growing institution in northern Virginia, 20 miles from W ashington, D.C., seeks individual to m anage acquisitions and gift program in highly auto­ mated environm ent. Reports to the Associate Librarian for Collection M anagem ent; respon­ s ib le fo r the bibliographic andfinancial m anage­ ment of all nonperiodical acquisitions for the university libraries. Oversees gifts program, pro­ viding direction in collaboration with liaison li­ brarians when necessary. S upervises four clas­ sified staff and three-plua student assistants. Liaison with the Associate Librarian for C ollec­ tion D evelopm ent and the liaison librarians in collection developm ent. Q U ALIFIC A TIO N S : Required: ALA -accredited MLS and experience in acquisitions, preferably in an academ ic library. Preferred: Knowledge of book trade, O CLC and M ARC form ats, supervi­ sory experience, and know ledge of o r fam iliarity with autom ated library system s. Desired: W o rk­ ing experience with autom ated library system s, preferably Voyager, and spreadsheet softw are. INFO RM ATIO N: 12-m onth appointm ent, excel­ lent benefits. Salary: $36,000+, depending on qualifications. To learn more about G eorge M a­ son Unversity, visit http://w w w .gm APPLIC A TIO N : Send letter of application, re­ sume, and nam es of three current references to: A cquisitions/G ift Librarian Se arch Library Adm inistration, MSN 2 F L G eorge Mason U niversity Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Deadline for applications: June 15,1998. AA/EEO employer; minorities encouraged to apply. June 1, 1998. Application procedure: Send letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of four recent professional references to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistant Dean for Personnel, Univer­ sity Libraries, Arizona State University, Box 871006, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006. For more information e-mail, karie@, telephone (602) 965-4914, or fax (602) 965-9169. Full position description is available upon request. ASU is an EO/AA employer and actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse work force. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Rank: Senior Assistant/Associate Librarian. The Health Sciences Library at the State University of New York at Stony Brook is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Assistant Director for Information Sys­ tems, who will: Guide the continued integration of information technol­ ogy into the library’s operations and services; coordinate the opera­ tion, expansion, and training for local library networks and for Internet- based resources and services; administer and plan all computing and networking resources, including long-term planning in conjunction with the Department of Medical Informatics. The Assistant Director is a member of the Senior Management Team and reports to the Library Director. Minimum salary: $55,000. Qualified individuals should INTERLIBRARY LOAN/ CIRCULATIONS LIBRARIAN Winona State University Winona, Minnesota The Library and Inform ation Services D epart­ m ent has an opening for an Interlibrary Loan/ C irculations Librarian beginning July 1,1998. R E S PO N SIBILITIES: R esponsible for coordi­ nating the library’s interlibrary loan and circula­ tion areas. R esponsibilities include m anaging the interlibrary loan area, including a Library Technician and student assistants, assisting in the processing of interlibrary loans, and m anag­ ing the circulation and reserves area, including a library technician and student assistants. The librarian will be involved with any future docu­ ment delivery options. The Librarian will assist in providing general reference services, including evening and w eekend hours. Person will report to the Dean of Library and Inform ation Services. REQ UIRED Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : A LA -accred­ ited MLS. Fam iliarity with interlibrary loan, docu­ m ent delivery and circulation. M inim um of two years experience in academ ic libraries. Ability to w ork up to 45 additional duty days, beyond a ca d e m ic year, as needed (with additional com ­ pensation). PREFERRED: A d d itio n a l g ra d u a te degree. For a com plete job description, see the A ffirm a­ tiv e A c tio n O ffic e H o m e p a g e : h t tp : / / w w w .w in o n a .m s u s .e d u /A ffir m a tiv e A c tio n / h o m e .h tm ; e -m a il o u r o ffic e : affaction@ vax2.w inona.m; or call (507) 457-5639. Screening of applications begins May 1 8,1998. Position available pending budgetary approval. Winona State University (MnSCU) is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Spencer Marsh, Director, Health Sciences Library, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 8034 SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8034. For complete position and requirement descriptions, see our library’s web site: SUNY at Stony Brook is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES AND SYS­ TEMS. Responsibilities: The Assistant Director for Technical Ser­ vices and Systems leads and administers the Technical Services Divis,ion which consists of the following departments: Acquisitions; Cataloging; Database Maintenance, Processing, and Bindery: and Library Systems. Responsibilities include coordination to ensure the overall operational effectiveness of the division, planning, policy and budget development, fiscal management, and supervision of staff. The Assistant Director works in a collaborative mode, with a team- centered approach to problem solving. As a member of the senior administrative group, the Assistant Director shares responsibility for developing and implementing the mission and goals and broad policy directions of the university Libraries and coordinating initiatives with other Assistant Directors and library managers. The Assistant Direc­ 384 I C&RL News ■ May 1998 tor participates in leading the dynamic process of change in the transition to the digital library in a networked research environment. Reports to the Dean and Director of Libraries. Research, publication, and service to the libraries, university, and profession are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointm ent and promotion. Q ualifi­ cations: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution or foreign equivalent. Minimum of fives years of providing successful leadership in progressively more demanding technical services management roles in research libraries. Must have broad knowledge and proven expertise in technical services operations in a medium or large research library. Must have thorough knowledge of library systems applications. Must demonstrate a vision for providing information services in a research environm ent that is responsive to current trends and anticipates future needs. Must demonstrate strong leadership, analytical, interpersonal, communication, and supervi­ sory skills, and an ability to manage change. Highly desirable: Experience planning and administering librarywide information sys­ tems and related technology. Salary: From $52,000, plus adm inistra­ tive stipend. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries— UL 112, University at Albany, State Univer­ sity of New York, 1400 W ashington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin June 20,1998. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University at Albany is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR EXTENDED CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES DePaul University DePaul University, Chicagoland’s largest C atho­ lic university, currently has an opportunity a vail­ able fo r an individual to coordinate and su p e r­ vise the library services and program s at the extended campuses. Extended cam puses mean the n on-C hicago dom estic and foreign sites w here D ePaul courses and program s are o f­ fered, and include interactive video and othe r distance learning activities. The position has im m ediate responsibility fo r the suburban ca m ­ puses (N aperville, South, and O ’Hare). The qualified individual will have: An u nd e r­ graduate college degree; A LA -accredited MLS required; five years increasing responsibility in library positions, w ith at least tw o years of su pe rvisory experience; d em onstrated kn o w l­ edge of a cadem ic or research library public services and fa m ilia rity with all aspects of a ca ­ d em ic library service, as w ell as fa m ilia rity with extended cam pus library services; and e xce l­ lent w ritten and oral com m u n ica tion skills, in­ cluding public presentations. D ePaul offers an e xcelle nt salary with a full benefits package. Interested candidates should send a letter of application w ith resum e and nam es of three current references to: D o ris R. Brow n D irector of L ib ra rie s Jo h n T. R ich a rd so n Lib rary 2350 N. K enm ore C h ic a g o , IL 60614-3210 DePaul University, an employer of choice, is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. ASSISTANT SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Central W ashington Univer­ sity, Ellensburg, W ashington. Duties: Liaison between Systems and Public Services departments, serve as web administrator, oversee Innovative Interfaces integrated library system, design workstations, train staff and students, and other duties. Rank: Lecturer (non-tenure- track, $30,000-$35,000) or Assistant Professor (tenure-track, $35,118- $38,375), depending on qualifications. Minimum requirements: ALA- accredited MLS or equivalent; significant experience with library automation systems and services; demonstrated expertise in web development, including knowledge of HTML. For com plete position announcement, visit web site at, or call (509) 963-1901. AA/EEO/Title IX institution. BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE. University of Georgia Libraries. Duties and responsibilities: The Bibliographer for English and American Literature is responsible for developing and managing the libraries' general collections in English- language literatures, journalism and mass com munication, and re­ lated disciplines, and for promoting awareness of and access to these collections. Subject bibliographers are responsible for cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with faculty and students; selecting both traditional and electronic resources for the collection; developing web-based resources; and providing general and subject-related reference and instructional services. Selection and reference activi­ ties require strong com puter-based skills and a broad knowledge of electronic systems and databases, including various vendor data­ bases and Internet resources; OCLC; GALIN (Georgia Academic Library Information Network), the local integrated online system; and GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online), a statewide system which provides universal access to core materials for every student and faculty m ember in the University System of Georgia. The Humani­ ties Department is responsible for research and resource services in art, classics, history, journalism and mass communication, language Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. C onnecticut $31,273 Delaw are $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* M assachusetts $27,554* N ew Jersey $32,600 N ew Y ork varies* N orth C arolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 R hode Island $29,800 South C arolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 V erm ont $26,464 W est V irginia $22,000 W isconsin $25,830 * Rather than establish one statew ide salary minim um , som e state asso ciation s have adopted a form ula based on such variables as com parable salaries for public school teachers in each com m unity or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state asso cia­ tion for m inim um salary inform ation. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. 3 8 6 1 C&RL News ■ May 1998 form ation on the cam pus and the com m unity, visit the U niversity of G e o rg ia ’s web site (h ttp://w w w .ug a.e du/). A pplication procedure: Send letter of application, addressing all q u alificatio ns with a resum e and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references, by June 12, 1998, to: Florence E. King, A ssistant U niversity Librarian for Human Resources, U niversity of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602-1641; (706) 542-0626. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal oppor­ tunity, affirm ative action institution. CATALO GER. (Entry-level.) Utah State University Libraries. Re­ sponsibilities: Performs original and copy cataloging in all formats and subject areas as assigned. May assist in authority control and with retrospective conversion and other cataloging projects. Partici­ pates in Cataloging Departm ent activities and other library and university service as assigned. Q ualifications required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; experience or course work in cataloging; knowledge of AACR2; fam iliarity with LCSH, LC and Dewey classifi­ cation practices, and MARC formats; and the ability to work and com m unicate effectively with all levels of faculty and staff. Desired: Cataloging experience in an academ ic library; fam iliarity with NOTIS and/or HORIZON systems; experience with OCLC; experience with authority control; and reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages. This is a 12-month base professional position. Minimum salary of $26,000-plus excellent benefits of medical, dental, and retirement plans as well as vacation and sick leave. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references to: Max P. Peterson, University Libraries Director, Utah State University, 3000 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-3000. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled; applications received by June 1, 1998, will receive first consideration. Utah State University is a land grant institution, located 80 miles north of Salt Lake City. AA/EOE. CATALOGER FOR M ANUSCRIPTS AND VISUAL MATERIALS. New York University Libraries. Two-year Mellon Foundation funded grant with possible two-year renewal for project based at the New- York Historical Society Library. The Library, which recently affiliated with the New York University Libraries, encom passes approximately 400,000 volumes, 7,000 linear feet of manuscripts, and one million items in its print, photograph and architecture collections related to New York history and life. Create collection and item level cataloging records for the New-York Historical Society Library’s manuscripts, archives, and visual materials collection, using AACR.2, LCSH, and the MARC format. Requires ALA accredited NILS; two years catalog­ ing experience; fam iliarity with MARC AMC and/or VIM formats and automated cataloging systems; flexible, creative approach to provid­ ing bibliographic control over a large and diverse collection. Knowl­ edge of American and/or New York history and experiences working with archives or visual materials. Minimum: $34,000. (For application and additional information, see New York University Librarie's ad for Cataloger for Printed Books position, below.) CATALOGER FOR PRINTED BOOKS. New York University Librar­ ies. Two-year Mellon Foundation funded grant with possible two-year renewal for project based at the New-York Historical Society Library. Create full, minimal, and collection-level cataloging records for the Library’s book and pamphlet collection, using AACR2, LCSH and LC Classification. Requires ALA-accredited MLS; two years cataloging experience; fam iliarity with MARC format and automated cataloging systems; flexible, creative approach to providing bibliographic control over a large and diverse collection. Know ledge of Am erican and/or New York history and experience working in hum anities co lle c­ tions. M inim um $34,000. Send resume and letter of application, including names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references, indicating position of interest, by June 15, 1998, to: Janet Koztowski, New York University Libraries, 70 W ashington Square South, New York, NY 10012. Prelim inary interview s at ALA Annual C onference. NYU encourages applications from women and m em bers of m inority groups. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Catalog librarian to manage library catalog­ ing unit, including database maintenance, authority control, and end processing. Manage and supervise daily operations of cataloging unit and perform com plex and original cataloging of all library materials in all formats, including Internet resources. Maintain SVSU biblio­ graphic records on Innopac system, improve access to and quality of existing bibliographic database. Implement OCLC and III cataloging enhancem ents and participate in managem ent of automated library systems. MLS from an ALA-accredited library science program. Familiarity with AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, MARC formats, OCLC or other bibliographic utility, and the automated library environ­ ment. Experience with Innopac desirable. For full consideration, submit resume, including three professional references, to: James C&RL News ■ May 1998/387 BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENT INFORMATION LIBRARIAN Trinity University San Antonio, Texas Trinity U niversity, San Antonio, Texas, invites applications for the position of B usiness and G overnm ent Inform ation Librarian, a faculty appointm ent. Trinity, with 2,400 undergraduates and 200 graduate students, is strongly com m itted to excellence in support of the liberal arts and sciences tradition. In addition, a num ber of professional m ajors, including business adm inistration, are included in the T rinity curriculum . S elective adm issions, highly qualified faculty, outstanding teaching program s, support fo r library developm ent, and com m itm ent to undergraduate research place Trinity am ong the best liberal arts and sciences institutions in the nation. Presently, the Coates Library holds over 820,000 volum es, plus sizable holdings of governm ent docum ents, m icroform s, and media. W e seek a librarian w ho dem onstrates enthusiasm for the electronic transform ation of business and governm ent inform ation now underway, and who will integrate new inform ation resources into our collection developm ent and public service efforts. This librarian supervises tw o support staff m em bers assigned to processing governm ent docum ents. O ther prim ary responsibilities include liaison w ork with the D epartm ent of Business A dm inistration and possibly other departm ents; collection developm ent and m anagem ent activities; and user education. G eneral reference duties, including scheduled evening and w eekend hours, are a significant part of the position as well. Q ualifications include know ledge of and, preferably, experience with governm ent docum ents, business reference, electronic resources, w eb site developm ent, and other m icrocom puter applications in a netw orked environm ent; dem onstrated skills in reference service, collection developm ent, and user education; and an A LA -accredited MLS degree. Baccalaureate o r graduate degree in business adm inistra­ tion or a social sciences discipline preferred. Trinity seeks librarians w ho wish to function in a cam pus com m unity both as librarians and as academ ics, w ho dem onstrate an appreciation for and com m itm ent to undergraduate education, who possess initiative, energy, creativity, and good interpersonal skills, and who have the ability to function effectively in a com plex organization. A ssistant P rofessor rank. Tenure-track. Salary $29,000. 12-m onth appointm ent. T IA A /C R E F and other fringe benefits. Position available A ugust 1 ,1 9 9 8 , or as soon th ere a fter as possible. Send an application including description of experience and interests, detailed resum e, a placem ent file if available, and the nam es of three references to: R ich ard Meyer, Director C o a te s Lib rary Trinity U niversity 715 Stadium Dr. S a n Antonio, TX 78212-7200 Review of applications will begin May 2 6 ,1 9 9 8 , and will continue until position is filled. Wood, Director, Human Resources, Saginaw Valley State Univer­ sity, 7400 Bay Rd., University Center, Ml 48710. Position will remain open until filled. Saginaw Valley State University is an equal oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer. Please visit our SVSU web site at: CATALOG LIBRARIAN. W ichita State University. Prepares and maintains original bibliographic records using AACR2, LC Subject Headings and classification numbers, and US MARC tagging con­ ventions. Enters records on OCLC and NOTIS databases. Catalogs printed and recorded music, nonprint materials, electronic resources, government publications, monographs, and serials. Enters records on OCLC and NOTIS databases. Participates in the management of the cataloging unit, which includes developing policies and proce­ dures and training staff. Engages in scholarship and professional services. Librarians at W ichita State University enjoy faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities. Required qualifications. ALA-accred­ ited MLS and cataloging course work. Music background or course work and knowledge of music literature. Good communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with professional and support staff. Preferred qualifications: Two years recent experience in an automated environment that includes cataloging music or media, government publications, monographs, nonprint materials, and seri­ als; experience on NOTIS system; reading knowledge or better of at least one non-English language; second m aster’s degree. Starting salary is $26,000-$30,000 for 12 months, depending on experience and qualifications. Tenure-eligible. Choice of retirement plans, in­ cluding TIAA/CREF. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references, postmarked by June 1, 1998, to: Nan Myers, Chair, Catalog Librarian Search Committee, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260- 0068. Noncitizens must be eligible to work in the United States at time of appointment. Finalists will be invited for an expense-paid interview. W ichita State University is an urban institution with an enrollment of over 14,000 and a commitment to improving the diversity of its faculty by actively seeking applications from a broad spectrum of individuals. W ichita State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENTOFFICER. Harvard University, Gradu­ ate School of Business Administration, Baker Library. Reporting to the Director of Resource and Database Management, the Collection Development Officer provides a leadership role in Baker Library for the selection of business information resources in digital, multimedia, and print formats. Key responsibilities include: Develops policies and plans related to library collections development, including negotiation and management of contracts and licensing agreements for m ultim e­ dia and digital resources. Oversees $1 million-plus information re­ sources budget. Coordinates work of selectors in various library departments on continuing development of Baker's collections in all formats. Works with Harvard libraries to develop agreements and procedures for cooperative collection development. Creates and 3 8 8 / C&RL News ■ May 1998 UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR/INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN and UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR/ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN Governors State University University Park, Illinois G overnors State U niversity (G SU) is seeking a pplications and nom inations fo r tw o 12-m onth, tenure- track positions in the university library. S uccessful candidates will e xhibit strong service orientation, excellent com m unication skills, and a co m m itm e n t to d iversity and m ulticulturalism . GSU, the fastest- growing public university in Illinois, is an upper-division university serving a predom inately non-traditional and diverse student population. The GSU Library participates in the statew ide ILLIN E T O nline Network, w hich will be m igrating to the Data R esearch A ssociates (DRA) integrated library system . U N IV E R S IT Y P R O F E S S O R /IN F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S LIB R A R IA N R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S : Provide reference/inform ation services to library patrons. Provide inform ation te chn o lo gy instruction services. S erve as liaison librarian to the D ivision of Education, including library instruction. S elect library m aterials, develop and m aintain the library collection in liaison subject areas. C oordinate the curriculum m aterials center services and collections. Serve as liaison librarian to com m unity patrons and groups. C oordinate the university archives. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : A LA -accredited m a ste r’s degree required. E xperience in academ ic reference. E xperience in library co m p ute r applications and instruction preferred. B ackground in the field of education highly desirable. U N IV E R S IT Y P R O F E S S O R /A C C E S S S E R V IC E S LIB R A R IA N R ESPO N S IB ILITIE S: Serve as Head of the C irculation Departm ent. Serve as liaison librarian to distance learning program s of the C enter fo r E xtended Learning and C om m unication S ervices (C ELC S). C oordinate and provide inform ation te chn o lo gy instruction services. Serve as liaison librarian to the C ollege of Health Professions, including library instruction. Select library m aterials, develop and maintain the library collection in liaison subject areas. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : A LA -accredited m a ster’s degree required. M a n ag e m e n t/su p ervisory experience. E xperience with library co m p ute r applications and instruction preferred. E xperience with the DRA circulation m odule preferred. B ackground in the health professions desirable. A P P LIC A T IO N AN D N O M IN A T IO N P R O C E D U R E : T hese positions are available A ugust 1,19 9 8, and will be open until filled. R eview of applications will begin Ju n e 1, 1998. M inim um salary is $36,000. A pp lican ts should send a letter of interest addressing qualifications, a current resum e/vita, and three references to: Beth H an sen S h a w Lib ra ry S e a rc h Com m ittee G o v e rn o rs State U n ive rsity Lib rary U n iversity Park, IL 60466 http://w w w Governors State University, an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, is committed to achieving excellence through diversity. The university encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, and ethnic/racial minorities. oversees mechanisms for the evaluation, selection, and develop­ ment of new electronic and print products. Provides leadership for further developments in the Harvard Business School Core Collection Catalog and other print and electronic tools. Is a key liaison with faculty and program adm inistrators on collection development is­ sues. Represents Baker Library regionally, nationally, and interna­ tionally in collection development matters. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; experience in business or social sciences information services or academic and research library collection development; understanding of the evolving role of the academic research library and issues related to com munication, access and ownership, and emerging technologies; superior interpersonal skills; ability to provide leadership, set priorities, and resolve competing demands in an atm osphere of rapid change; excellent planning, analytical, and communication skills; ability to work cooperatively with and coordinate the efforts of colleagues to achieve stated goals; strong custom er service orientation; creativity and initiative; and com puter literacy. Desirable: Experience selecting business informa­ tion resources or providing business reference services; reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications; $43,700 minimum. Excellent benefits package. Send cover letter and resume to: Harvard Busi­ ness School, Lauren Baccus, Fowler 22, Soldiers Field, Boston, MA 02163. Closing date: Open until filled. COORDINATOR (CURATOR). Library of American Broadcasting. University of Maryland Libraries. The University of Maryland Librar­ ies, College Park, is accepting applications for the position: Coordi­ nator (Curator), Library of American Broadcasting. The Library of American Broadcasting, form erly the Broadcast Pioneers Library, is a multimedia research collection consisting of books, pamphlets, serials, scripts, photographs, phonograph recordings, audiotapes, videotapes, and film documenting the history of commercial broad­ casting in America. Supported by the Broadcast Pioneers Educa- C&RL News ■ May 1998/389 LIBRARIAN FOR AFRICAN STUDIES Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington T he Indiana U niversity Libraries are seeking an experienced and innovative individual to oversee the A frican S tudies collection and services fo r the Indiana U niversity Libraries at B loom ington. The Indiana University Libraries are one of the leading academ ic research library system s in North Am erica, providing strong collections, quality service and instructional program s, and leadership in the application of inform ation technologies. The university com m unity includes approxim ately 96,000 students and 4,000 faculty on eight cam puses. The libraries consist of the libraries on the Bloom ington cam pus, the libraries in Indianapolis (the university library and the m edicine, law, and dentistry libraries), and the libraries at six other cam puses across the state. The Bloomington campus, located in the rolling hills of southern Indiana, has a studentenrollment o f 36,000andfaculty numbering 1,500. The Bloomington libraries house over five million cataloged volumes and other extensive and diverse collections that include manuscripts, photographs, music, sound recordings, film, and electronic media. The African Studies Collection in the Main Library is a nationally known resource in the hum anities and social sciences fo r teaching and research on S ub-S aharan Africa, com prising som e 100,000 cataloged volum es. M aterials are collected in m ajor w orld languages and hundreds of African languages, with focus on 30 m ajor languages and language fam ilies. Particularly strong are collections in anthropology, ethnom usicology, fine arts, folklore, history, linguistics, literature, econom ics, political science, and governm ent. S ignificant A frican research m aterials are housed in the Lilly Library (rare books and m anuscripts), the Fine Arts Library, the Fine Arts M useum , and the A rchives of T raditional Music. A V A ILA B LE : A ug u st 1 ,1 9 9 8 . R E S PO N SIBILITIES: U nder the direction of the D irector of C ollection Developm ent, the librarian is responsible for building and m aintaining a collection of m aterials produced about Africa or in Africa in all m edia to support the current and future needs of the Indiana U niversity academ ic com m unity; teaches annually Introduction to the B ibliography of Sub-Saharan Africa, a required course for the African Studies graduate minor; and participates in the African Studies Program , chairing its Library C om m ittee. Assists in developing external funding sources; m aintains and develops cooperative program s for exchanges, gifts, and resource sharing; and provides advanced reference service in African Studies. W orks with other library units to acquire m aterials and provide access to them , including preparation of collection guides, web site developm ent, and digitization projects; participates in m eetings and activities of the Subject and Area Librarians Council and of A cadem ic Inform ation Services. S upervises a half-tim e support staff assistant and a student. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : R equired: A LA -accredited m aster's degree in library science w ith graduate w ork in A frican S tudies or e qu ivalent com bination of education and experience in an academ ic research library or special library; know ledge of e lectronic resources, with an interest in developing innovative services; fa m ilia rity with A frican S tudies curricula and area studies research trends nationally and internationally; excellent w ritten and oral co m m unication skills; good interpersonal skills and the ability to w ork as part of a team . Preferred: MLS and doctorate in field specializing in A frican S tudies and field experience in A frica b ib lio g rap h ic know ledge of o ther European and A frican languages, in p articular French, P ortuguese, G erm an, Sw ahili, Hausa, Bam bara, South A frican or G hanaian languages; fa m ilia rity with publishing patterns in Africa, the A frican book trade, and A frican vendors; and teaching experience. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary negotiable and competitive, dependent upon experience, qualifications, and rank, with minimum salaries of: Assistant Librarian, $30,135; Associate Librarian, $36,609; Librarian-$44,744. This is a tenure-track academic appointment, which includes eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Benefits include a university health care plan, TIAA/CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. To apply, send letter of application, professional vita, and nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of fo ur references to: Lila Fred en b u rg , L ib ra rie s Human R e s o u r c e s O fficer Indiana U n ive rsity L ib ra rie s Main Lib ra ry C-201 Bloom ington, IN 47405 phone: (812) 855-8196 fax: (812) 855-2576 e-m ail: lfred enb @ ind iana.ed u R eview of a pplications will begin on Ju n e 8 ,1 9 9 8 , and will continue until the position is filled. For fu rth e r inform ation concerning Indiana University: h ttp ://w w w .ln d ia n a .e d u /iu b . Indiana University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 3 9 0 1 C&RL News ■ May 1998 The New York Public Library, operating 4 major research facilities and 84 circulating libraries, is one of the most respected libraries in the world. To help us maintain our present success while building upon our history, we currently seek the following: SPECIAL ASSISTANT FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Develop, recommend and coordinate collection development policies and activities throughout the ser­ vice divisions of the Research Libraries. Provide analytical support for allocating and monitoring book funds and budgets. Coordinate collection management activities with the Preservation Division. Prepare grant and other funding proposals based on collection descriptions and activities. MLS from an ALA accredited library and 5 years’ experience in a large academic or research library. Substantial experience in all aspects of collection policy development, evaluation or assessment. Working knowledge of Western European languages for bibliography, research trends and publishing; substantial experience with material selection, budgeting and related accounting and database systems. LIBRARIAN III Responsible for bibliographic control of the Shelley and His Circle Collection. Catalog books and manu­ scripts. Design and maintain database for accession records. Manage an ongoing retrospective conversion project for monographs and develop one for manuscripts. MLS from an ALA accredited library and a second Master’s degree in Humanities (emphasis on late 18th - early 19th century literature a n d /o r history preferred). Professional experience cataloging rare books and m anuscripts in a research library or similar institution. A working knowledge of RLIN/OCLC, MARC, AACR2, LCSH, APPM, DCRB and other rare book and manuscript cataloging tools. Knowledge of elements of item-level bibliographical description, such as collation, binding description, watermarks and provenance. Public service experience with advanced scholars and knowl­ edge of relevant reference works. A working knowledge of Italian (preferred) or French, and SGML and MS Office is desired. Competitive salary; comprehensive benefits. Please send resume, indicating position of interest, to: The New York Public Library, Human Resources Dept. CRLN, 188 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, New York 10016-4314. An Equal Opportunity Employer. tional Fund, the Library of American Broadcasting is a unit of the University of Maryland Libraries. The Library of American Broadcast­ ing and its sister collection, the National Public Broadcasting Ar­ chives, together com prise a major resource in the history of American radio and television broadcasting. Responsibilities: The Curator of the Library of American Broadcasting provides day-to-day direction in the areas of arranging, describing, cataloging, and referencing mate­ rials that com prise the library. The Curator acts as liaison with the Broadcast Pioneers Educational Fund and leads efforts in outreach, public relations, and collection development. The Curator plays a m ajor role in fundraising for library operations and special projects. This involves making potential funding contacts within the broadcast com m unity and seeking funds from grant-making agencies. The Curator works closely with the Curator of the National Public Broad­ casting Archives, who has general oversight responsibility for both units. Qualifications: Required: A m aster’s degree or Ph.D. from an ALA-accredited program in library science, history, or com m unica­ tions. An in-depth knowledge of the history of broadcasting. At least three years experience in library or archives administration. Experi­ ence in grant writing and other forms of fundraising. Familiarity with personal computers, database managem ent software and web site construction and management. Experience in mounting exhibits or displays of historical interest. Ability to work with University of Maryland Libraries staff and officers of the Broadcast Pioneers Educational Fund. Excellent com munication skills. Salary: Com m en­ surate with experience. Benefits available. Applications: For full consideration, submit a cover letter and a resume and names and addresses of three references by June 1, 1998. Applications ac­ cepted until the position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Library Personnel Services, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. You may also fax your resume: (301) 314-9960. Libraries' web address: CP. The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY USER EDUCATION. Bowling Green State University is seeking innovative and dynamic applicants for a tenure-track faculty Coordinator of Library User Education position. Primary responsibilities include coordinating and assessing all library user education (LUE) programs and services for Jerome and Science Libraries; promoting library services and resources; supervising and evaluating LUE faculty and contributing to the evaluation of other faculty and staff; serving as lead instructor in training library faculty and staff involved with LUE activities; coordinating and developing instructional materials for all media; and providing reference service, including evenings and weekends. Required qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS; at least two years of academ ic library or equivalent experience; dem onstrated ability to coordinate programs and/or services; successful instructional experience; knowledge/ background in electronic resources; excellent organizational, leader­ ship, and com m unication skills; and a strong com m itm ent to serving diverse com m unities. Preferred qualifications include knowledge and/or background in various innovative educational technologies including HTML; and successful reference and supervisory experi­ ence. Assistant Professor. Service and research required to attain tenure and promotion. Qualified applicants must have proof of legal authority to work in the U.S. Salary com petitive, dependent on related experience. The anticipated starting date is Septem ber 1, 1998. BGSU is an AA/EEO em ployer and encourages applications from women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities. Mail letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and the names, phone num­ bers, and addresses of three current references to: Beverly J. Stearns, Office of the Dean, 204 Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Applications postmarked by June 15, 1998, will receive full consideration. DIGITAL RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Marriott Library, University of Utah. Position description: The University of Utah Marriott Library seeks an enthusiastic, innovative librarian to join the team respon­ sible for designing, implementing, and maintaining a content-rich, well-organized, web-based gateway to the library’s varied collec­ tions, ranging from electronic indexes and databases to locally created image collections. Under the direction of the Head, Library Information Services Division, of the library’s Academ ic Computing and Library Information Services Department, the librarian in this new position is specifically responsible for creating, editing, and updating Marriott Library web pages and presentations that foster interactivity and provide dynamic, current information and access to the library’s collections. As part of the digital library team, the librarian plays an active role in determ ining strategic and operational directions for the m anagement, structure, and content of the library’s information gateways. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited C&RL News ■ May 1998/ 391 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC AND RESEARCH SERVICES (Search Extended) Washington State University Libraries This is a newly created position resulting from an extensive planning process. The Assistant Director for Public and Research Services is an adm inistrative position responsible for planning, coordinating, and m anaging public and research services, including personnel, budget, services, and facilities, related to the nine Pullman libraries and units that com prise Public and Research Services. Assesses services and unit needs to assure user-centered public and research services. Coordinates with other library divisions to determ ine effectiveness of public and research services. W orks with the branch cam pus librarians in coordinating program s with Pullm an-based units. Serves on Library Council and the D irector’s Cabinet. Facilitates W SU Libraries’ efforts in building an open, collaborative organization. The A ssistant D irector reports to the Director of Libraries. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Required: MLS from an ALA -accredited program ; m inim um of five years recent experience in adm inistering public and research services in a m edium to large academ ic or research library; professional reference and user education experience in a research library; record of activity within the profession; experience applying new inform ation technologies in public service settings; successful adm inistrative and m anagem ent experience with diverse units, including facilitation of group decision making and planning; effective oral and written com m unication skills; supervisory and budget m anagem ent experience; ability to establish and m aintain productive working relationships with the university com m unity and libraries’ other clientele. Preferred: Dem onstrated support for staff develop­ ment; experience with assessing services and user needs; additional advanced degree. SALARY: From $60,000, com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. RANK: C om m ensurate with qualifications and experience; faculty status. O ther benefits: TIAA/C R EF, broad insurance program , 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave per year. APPLIC A TIO N : Send letter of application, resume, and names, telephone num bers, and com plete m ailing addresses of three references to: Donna L. M cCool A sso c ia te Director for A dm inistrative S e rv ic e s W ashington State U niversity Lib ra ries P.O. Box 645610 Pullm an, WA 99164-5610 Application review begins June 15,1 9 98 . W ashington State University Libraries’ Hom epage is: http:// w w w .w sulibs.w WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. program; experience with HTML and/or web design; experience in a library setting; demonstrated ability to provide individual and group instruction on technical topics; commitment to user-centered service; demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills in a team environment; ability to meet university requirements for promotion and continuing appointment. Preferred: Expertise in web develop­ ment and design tools, including HTML, Perl, databases, web tools, and UNIX; experience in an academic library; knowledge of emerging trends in electronic and digital libraries. Salary: $35,000 plus excel­ lent benefits. Marriott Library and the University of Utah: A member of ARL, the Marriott Library provides services to over 27,000 stu­ dents. The library has over two million volumes, 14,000 periodical subscriptions, and extensive networked electronic resources. The university is situated on a 1,500 acre campus in Salt Lake City, with a population of approximately one million and a strong economy. A cosmopolitan community, Salt Lake City offers a wide variety of cultural, entertainment, and recreational activities; the city will serve as host for the 2002 W inter Olympics. Application procedures: Send detailed letter of application, stating how applicant meets qualifica­ tions, along with resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Kristeen Arnold, Personnel Officer, Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. Applications received by June 15,1998, will be given full consideration. We are an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage appli­ cations from women and minorities and provide reasonable accom­ modations to know disabilities of applicants and employees. DO CUM ENTS LIBRARIAN. Central W ashington University, Ellensburg, Washington. Duties: Assist in the management of a depository library collection, provide documents reference service and user instruction, catalog maps and documents, oversee use of Marcive services, supervise staff and student employees, and other duties. Rank: Lecturer (non-tenure-track, $30,000-$35,000) or Assis­ tant Professor (tenure-track, $35,118-$38,375), depending on quali­ fications. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; strong public services orientation; demonstrated organizational, com­ munication, supervisory, and interpersonal skills; ability to work effectively in a team setting with students, staff, and faculty col­ leagues. For complete position announcement, visit web site at http:/ /, or call (509) 963-1961. AA/EOE/Title IX Institution. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. (Search extended.) West­ ern Illinois University Library ( seeks to fill a new position. Responsibilities: As C oordinator .of Electronic Re­ sources Unit, supervises staff in implementation and maintenance of hardware, software, and electronic resources, including migration to the statewide integrated system (DRA). Collaborates with Web Coor­ dinator and other library faculty and staff in assessment of technologi­ cal needs. Provides staff training and consultation in use of library software applications. Monitors technological trends and advises library faculty and staff about equipment planning and software use with instruction, research, and library services. Provides instruction in 21-workstation electronic classroom, and reference service. Qualifi- file:/// 392 / C&RL News ■ May 1998 BIBLIOGRAPHIC AND INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN/ELECTRONIC RESOURCES and INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN (Two positions) Hanover College H anover C ollege seeks creative, service-oriented librarians with broad interests in academ ic librarianship to provide leadership in tw o positions, (1) ca taloging and (2) ele ctron ic resources, as well as serving on the Inform ation S ervices Team , w hich is responsible fo r the reference, instruction, and fa culty liaison program s. Both positions report to the D irector of D uggan Library. B IB L IO G R A P H IC A N D IN F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N S P E C IF IC R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S : M anage ca taloging fu nctio n s fo r all collections. P rovide original cataloging as needed; oversee copy cataloging. A ssure qua lity of O P A C database. S upervise one p arap ro fe ssio na l and several students. R evise pro ced u re s and w o rkflo w as needed to utilize new te ch n o lo g ie s and to ensure m axim um efficien cy and effe ctive ne ss of cataloging operations. M ay also m anage serials processing. S P E C IF IC R E Q U IR E M E N T S : C ataloging e xperience in a uto m a ted e nvironm ent. M astery of current ca taloging practices, including A A C R 2, LCSH, and classification practices (D ew ey preferred). E xperi­ ence w ith one of the national utilities (O C LC preferred). Preferred: E xperience w ith ca taloging a variety of form ats. E xperience w ith g o ve rn m e n t docum ents and serials. E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S A N D IN F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N S P E C IF IC R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S : M aintain and co ordina te the lib ra ry’s e lectronic resources. Provide leadership to team effort to develop and m aintain lib ra ry’s hom epage. Be aw are of cu rre n t tre nd s and issues in library te chn o lo gy and electronic resources and apply know ledge of these to the local situation. P rovide su pp o rt fo r library staff use of e lectronic resources. D evelop training and d ocum entation for library system s. Serve as liaison to the A cad e m ic C om puting staff. Interface w ith inform ation system s staff fo r PALNI consortium . S P E C IF IC R E Q U IR E M E N T S : E xpertise in use of integrated library system s, ele ctron ic reference resources, and m icrocom puters. D em onstrated ability to learn new te ch n o lo g y and stay cu rre n t with technical d evelopm ents. K now ledge of em erging trends in ele ctron ic library services. Preferred: A cad e m ic sp ecializa tion or w o rk e xperience in planning and im plem enting e lectronic resources in libraries. E xpertise in setup and tro ub le sh o otin g of co m p u te r hardw are and softw are. Facility in w orking w ith W W W , HTM L, W in d o w s 3.1 and 95, and UNIX. A bility to establish and m aintain a C D -R O M LAN utilizing W in d o w s NT clie n t-se rve r technology. R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S C O M M O N TO BO TH P O S IT IO N S : As a m e m b e r of the Inform ation S ervices Tearn, plan and provide custom er-focused reference service using traditional and electronic resources, contribute to the developm ent and im plem entation of a course-integrated instruction program , and serve as a liaison to app ro p ria te a cadem ic dep a rtm e n ts in a new outreach program . R E Q U IR E M E N T S C O M M O N TO BOTH P O S IT IO N S : MLS from an A LA -a ccre d ite d program or international equivalent; co m m itm e n t to the service and educational roles of a cad e m ic libraries; enthusiasm fo r reference and instruction; ability to w ork e ffe ctive ly as part of a team as w ell as independently; excelle nt oral and w ritten co m m u n ica tion skills. P referred: D em onstrated skill in providing reference service in an autom ated a cadem ic environm ent; te ach in g o r training experience. H anover C ollege is a nationally ranked, private liberal arts college. A dditional inform ation is available at o ur w eb site at h ttp ://w w w .h a n o v e r.e d u . S alary co m m e n su ra te w ith e xperience ($27,500 m inim um ); start date as early as possible in July 1998; co m p etitive benefits package. Send letter of application; vita; and nam es, addresses, and te le p h o n e num bers of three references to: C h ristin e W ilcox S e c re ta ry to the Lib ra ry S e a rc h Com m ittee H anover C o lle g e P.O . B o x 108 H anover, IN 47243-0108 R eview of app licatio n s begins M ay 2 0 ,1 9 9 8 , and co ntin u e s until positions are filled. EOE. C&RL News ■ May 1998 / 393 THREE TENURE TRACK POSITIONS New Mexico State University DEPARTMENT HEAD; HUMANITIES, ARTS, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES— REFERENCE DEPARTMENT RANK: A ssistant/A ssociate Professor, tenure-track (full-tim e). QUALIFICATIO NS: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; strong subject background in hum anities or social sciences; five plus years experience showing progressive supervisory responsibility. Demonstrable knowledge of traditional and electronic reference services and sources; com m itm ent to faculty and student outreach; thorough understanding of library instruction; excellent written and oral communication skills; second m aster’s degree in selected field highly desirable. SALARY: $36,000-$42,000 depending on qualifications, plus adm inistrative stipend; departm ent head appointm ents are reviewed every three years. R E S PO N SIBILITIES: M anages, coordinates, and develops all aspects of library service to faculty, students and staff in the hum anities, arts, and social sciences reference departm ent; leads departm ent in translating library goals into a departm ental action plan; supervises and evaluates six reference library faculty, including coordinators for instruction and electronic services and one reference assistant; participates in regular reference desk rotation; develops collection in assigned areas; serves as m em ber of library m anagem ent com m ittee and other library and university com m ittees. AP PLY TO: R. David Myers, C hair ELEC TR O N IC R ESO U R C ES LIBRAR IA N RANK: Instructor/A ssistant Professor, tenure-track (full-tim e). Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : MLS degree from an A LA -accredited program . Strong public service orientation; extensive know ledge of com puter hardw are and softw are, including library applications (Internet, CD- ROMs); expertise in web page design and construction; dem onstrated excellence in teaching and/or training; dem onstrated interest in em erging technologies for reference services; excellent interpersonal com m unication skills; second m aster’s degree and fluency in Spanish are desirable. R E S PO N SIBILITIES: C oordinate the developm ent and m aintenance of the library’s web pages; provide general reference service, with particular em phasis placed upon the use of electronic resources; participate in all phases of reference, including evening and w eekend rotation; offer instruction to library users; coordinate evaluation and recom m endations for selection of electronic products. SALARY: $28,500-$32,500, depending on qualifications. APPLY TO: M olly Molloy, Chair. C O LLE C TIO N S E R VIC E S LIBRAR IA N RANK: Instructor/Assistant Professor, tenure-track (full-time). Q UALIFICATIO NS: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; at least one year of supervisory experience; at least one year of experience with collection developm ent or technical services; excellent interpersonal com m unication skills; ability to manage and prioritize sim ultaneous projects; desire and ability to work in a team -based environm ent. RESPONSIBILITIES: Assist in the m anagem ent of the Collection Services Departm ent (two librarians, 12 paraprofessionals); coordinate the preservation of the library’s circulating collection, including the operation of binding, mending; collaborate with librarians, staff, and university faculty to carry out m ajor weeding projects; help develop m aterials evaluation policies; collect and analyze data to support the developm ent of core collections and specialized research collections; provide leadership, encouragem ent, training, and support for departm ental staff in carrying out acquisitions, approval plan, and gifts functions. SALARY. $28,500-$32,500, depending on qualifications. APPLY TO: D onnelyn Cartis, Chair. A pplicants for all three positions m ust be able to dem onstrate ability to meet requirem ents for faculty prom otion and tenure. BENEFITS: G roup m edical and hospital insurance, group life insurance, state educational retirem ent, w o rke r’s com pensation, annual and sick leave, and unem ploym ent com pensation. AP PLY TO: C h a ir a s Identified S e a rch Com m ittee— (Position Title) NMSU Library Box 30006, Dept. 3475 L a s C ru c e s , NM 88003-8006 DEAD LIN E FOR A P PLIC A TIO N : Subm it letter of application; resume; supportive m aterials; plus nam es and addresses and phone num ber of three references. Must be postm arked on or before May 2 6 ,1 9 9 8 . For more inform ation about N M SU -Library, visit our web site at: http://lib.nm New Mexico State University is an EEO/AA employer. 394 I C&RL News ■ May 1998 CATALOG LIBRARIAN John M. Olin Library Washington University in St. Louis W ashington U niversity Libraries invites a p p li­ cations fo r the position of C atalog Librarian. R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S : U nder the direction of the D atabase M anagem ent S upervisor, the C atalog Librarian perform s original and a d a p ­ tive cataloging of m aterials, in a w ide variety of subjects, languages, and fo rm a ts and w orks with the S u p e rviso r on database quality control. R E Q U IR E D Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : MLS from an A LA -a ccre d ite d library school; ability to w ork w ith foreign languages; strong analytical and problem -solving skills; ability to initiate, plan, and carry out projects, both in d ependently and is a m em ber of a team ; e xcelle nt oral and w ritten co m m unication skills; ability to w ork e ffe ctive ly in a changing environm ent. D E S IR E D Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : A cad e m ic li­ b ra ry c a ta lo g in g e xp e rie n c e w ith A A C R 2, LCSH, and LC classification; know ledge of M AR C form ats; fa m ilia rity with N AC O sta n ­ dards; experience with autom ated authority control; experience with an online bibliographic utility (O C LC preferred) and an integrated li­ brary system (Innopac preferred). M inim um salary: $27,500, G E N E R A L IN F O R M A T IO N : W ashington U ni­ versity, located at the w estern edge of the city of St. Louis, is a m edium -sized, independent university founded in 1853, internationally known fo r excellence in teaching and research and for the quality of its fa culty and student body. W a shington U niversity Libraries includes the John M. Olin Library and 12 school and d e p a rt­ m ental libraries and holds over three m illion vo lum es and 18,000 journal subscriptions. For m ore inform ation, see the W ashington U n ive r­ sity w eb site, http://w w w .w u stj.ed u and the Libraries W eb site, h ttp ://lib ra ry.w u stl.e d u . A P P LIC A T IO N IN F O R M A T IO N : For full c o n ­ sideration, a pplicants should send a letter of application, resum e, and the nam es of three references to: Hum an R e s o u r c e s W ashing to n U n iversity C a m p u s B ox 1178 7425 Fo rsy th St. L o u is , MO 63105 Position will rem ain open until filled; initial re­ view of app licatio n s will begin Ju ly 1 ,1 9 9 8 . Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. cations: ALA-accredited MLS and additional advanced degree. Expe­ rience with microcom puter operating system s and network (Windows NT, 95, Novell, UNIX) and CD-ROM environments. Demonstrated ability to learn new technology and stay current with technical developments. Relevant library experience and an understanding of the mission and goals of academ ic libraries. Ability to work effectively as part of a team as well as independently. Excellent oral and written com munication skills. This 12-month, tenure-track position includes a flexible schedule (see C&RL News 57, no. 5 (May 1996): 278), standard benefits, salary of $44,000. Library faculty are evaluated for tenure and promotion on performance of primary duties, research, and professional service. WIU is a com prehensive university enroll­ ing 12,000 undergraduate and graduate students. It is located in Macomb, a rural com m unity of 20,000. With over one million cata­ loged volumes and large depository collections, the library employs 17 faculty and over 40 support staff in the main library, 4 on-campus branch libraries, and one off-cam pus library (Moline). Applications: Send cover letter, resume, copies of transcripts, and names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: Cindy Johnson, University Library, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455-1390. Review of applications will begin May 15, 1998, and continue until an appointm ent is made. Anticipated starting date is July 1,1998. WIU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and em ployer and encourages applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. FINANCIAL OFFICER. University Library Services seeks an innova­ tive and energetic individual with exceptional skills in business and finance to serve as Financial Officer. The incumbent directs business and financial affairs for University Library Services, oversees a $9.5 million budget, and works with the library Acquisitions Officer to ensure managem ent of the library’s acquisitions budget in accor­ dance with university fiscal policy. Administers grants, manages endowm ent funds, manages billing and accounts receivable for $600,000 in annual income, manages other central administrative services such as the libraries’ reprographics vending program. Re­ ports to Executive Director, University Library Services. Q ualifica­ tions: Master's degree required. ALA-accredited MLS or a masters degree in business-related discipline preferred. Preferred: Experi­ ence in library financial management; knowledge of fiscal, budget, and cash-handling principles; fam iliarity with online financial sys­ tems; working knowledge of financial spreadsheet and database applications; strong analytical skills; strategic and/or business plan­ ning experience; excellent oral and written com m unication skills; ability to work effectively with all levels of library staff and other university personnel; supervisory experience; ability to work indepen­ dently as well as as part of a team; initiative and creativity; flexibility and the ability to accept and manage change; involvement in profes­ sional activities; ability to meet requirements for faculty advance­ ment. Salary: $34,000 minimum plus generous benefits. Application: Review of applications will begin May 15, 1998. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: John K. Duke, Assistant Director, University Library Services, Virginia Com m onwealth Uni­ versity, 901 Park Ave., Box 842033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Virginia Comm onwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirm a­ tive action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Additional information available from the library’s homepage at; further information about the university may be found at http://w w w G OVERNM ENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Assistant Professor rank, tenure-track faculty appointm ent open June 1,1998. Responsi­ bilities: Effective m anagement of a Federal Depository Library Pro­ gram (FDLP) collection of more than 300,000 docum ents (25 per cent selective depository) and a state docum ents collection of approxi­ mately 9,000 documents. Provides in-depth docum ent references service, collection development, stack maintenance, and oversight of documents processing. Participates in Reference Departm ent activi­ ties, including reference desk shifts (one night per week and occa­ sional Saturdays required), and library instruction. Required: ALA- accredited MLS and course work and/or related experience in govern­ ment information and reference services. Basic com puter skills; ability to work with all levels of faculty and staff, good written and oral com munication skills. Preferred: Second m aster’s degree; practical experience with governm ent information and the FDLP. Advanced com puter skills, including knowledge of HTML and database man­ agement, spreadsheet, and GIS software. Experience in or knowl­ edge of library instruction. Salary to be determ ined based on qualifi­ cations and experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, by June 5 ,1 99 8, to: Susan M. Ryan, Chair, Search Committee, Campus Unit 8418, Stetson University, DeLand, FL 32720. Stetson Univer­ sity is an equal opportunity em ployer and is strongly com mitted to increasing the diversity of our faculty and administration. C&RL News ■ May 1998/395 JAPANESE STUDIES LIBRARIAN/SPECIALIST The University of Kansas Libraries Lawrence, Kansas The University of Kansas is accepting applications for the position of Japanese Studies Librarian/ Specialist; who will serve as the bibliographer and c a ta lo g e r for Japanese Studies m aterials, and serve as the liaison to Japanese Studies faculty of the KU C enter for East Asian Studies. R esponsibilities include collection developm ent m anagem ent, reference and research services, cataloging, supervising student assistants, and some preservation and conservation w ork with the libraries’ Preservation Librarian. REQ UIRED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Bachelor's or advanced degree in a social science or hum anities discipline with an em phasis in Japanese or East Asian Studies; high level of professional com petency in written and spoken Japanese and English; strong interpersonal skills to w ork effectively with colleagues and the research-oriented Japanese Studies community; knowledge of or experience with LC classification, LCSH, AACR2, LCRIs, and MARC formats; com m itm ent to professional involvement; and evidence of initiative and flexibility. PREFERRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; advanced academ ic w ork in Japanese studies; experience in an academ ic or research library, including reference and cataloging services; experience with the O C L C C JK Plus system; understanding of collection developm ent procedures and know ledge of the Japanese publishing industry; fam iliarity with current technological developm ents in East Asian Studies sources; fam iliarity with library Internet applications; ability to work independently in a rapidly changing environm ent. The term s and conditions of the appointm ent (tenure-track or professional staff) will be dependent upon the successful candidate’s qualifications. Annual salary range: $29,000-$34,000. To apply, subm it a letter of application, resume, copies of graduate transcripts, and names, addresses (including e-m ail addresses), and telephone num bers of three references to: Sand ra K. Gilliland A ssista n t to the Dean The U niversity of K a n s a s Lib raries Law ren ce, K S 66045-2800 e-mail: sg illiland @ m ail.lib .ukan s.ed u Copies of the full vacancy announcem ent are available from the above address. Applications postmarked by May 2 9 ,1 9 9 8 will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For additional inform ation regarding the University of Kansas, Lawrence Cam pus, and the U niversity of Kansas Libraries, consult our web site address: http://w w w An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DEPART­ MENT. Texas Tech University Libraries. Responsibilities: The Head of the Information Technology Services Department provides leader­ ship for the planning, development, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of the libraries’ technology efforts, including the infrastructure and operating systems of the network, hardware and software used throughout the library, and the distributed computing environment. Reporting to the Dean of Libraries, this position man­ ages a department of two professionals and 2.5 support staff, super­ vises the day-to-day operation of the Libraries’ systems, and devel­ ops technology plans for future growth in coordination with other library department heads, administration, and other campus libraries, as well as Academic Computing Services. Qualifications: ALA- accredited degree is required. Preference will be given to applicants with an additional degree or course work in a computer-related field. Three years experience in libraries. Experience with integrated library systems such as DRA or Innopac; automated cataloging systems such as OCLC or RLIN; coordinating web resources; and PC operat­ ing systems. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in systems management in an academic library, experience with a Windows environment, OpenVMS, and network administration. In addition to the required degree and experience, the successful applicant will have highly developed communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, and a strong service orientation. Strong supervi­ sory skills and demonstrated leadership ability are also needed. Must have ability to work successfully in a team environment. Must demonstrate evidence of problem-solving skills and ability to meet deadlines. Preference will be given to applicants with management experience. Salary and benefits: Salary range of $50,000 to $57,000. Appointment will be in a tenure-track position with rank of Assistant or Associate Librarian. Benefits include choice of retirement pro­ grams, including TIAA/CREF; 15 state holidays; developmental leave opportunities; partial moving expenses; and no state or local income tax. General information: Texas Tech University, with an enrollment of over 25,000 students, is one of four major state universities in Texas. A wide range of academic programs is offered in 11 colleges and schools, including law and medicine. Texas Tech is a member of ARL. The university library has over 1.3 million volumes and a budget of over $8 million for FY 1999. The Lubbock area (pop. 225,000) is the west Texas center for education, agricul­ ture, health care, banking, and business. Additional information about TTU and its libraries is available at To apply: Send letter of application, current resume, and names of at least three references with their mail/e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers to: E. Dale Cluff, Texas Tech University Library, Box 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. Applications received by June 1, 1998, will be given first consideration. Texas Tech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE. East Carolina University. J. Y. Joyner Library seeks an energetic, visionary librarian to lead the Reference Department in providing outstanding service to students, faculty members, and citizens of eastern North Carolina. Responsibilities: Reporting to the Director of Academic Library Services (ALS), the 396 /C&RL News ■ May 1998 DIRECTOR, LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Re-advertised) California State University, Sacramento The CSUS D irector of Library Inform ation System s guides the planning, design, and developm ent of library-based inform ation and know ledge system s and services; m anages the library system s team ; provides leadership in identifying, planning, im plem enting, and evaluating inform ation technologies, including the library’s com puting infrastructure, operating system s, hardware, and softw are; participates in cooperative university projects. The D irector reports to the Dean of the Library. REQ UIRED: ALA -accredited MLS with a concentration in library system s and inform ation technologies; or an advanced degree in com puter or inform ation science; a record of progressively responsible experience in the application of inform ation technology in an academ ic setting. A bility to m anage and provide leadership in a rapidly changing environm ent; excellent interpersonal skills; and the ability to work with faculty, staff, students, and vendors. D em onstrated interest or ability to w ork with a diverse faculty, student, and staff population; successful experience in staff m anagem ent and project and operational system m anagem ent activities; effective verbal and w ritten com m unication skills; dem onstrated under­ standing of the com puting needs of a com plex university library; dem onstrated understanding of system s analysis and program m ing, and of the internal w orkings of the hardware and softw are involved in com plex com puter system s. PREFER R ED : Record of progressively responsible experience in the application of inform ation technol­ ogy in an academ ic library setting; experience in planning, im plem enting, and m anaging Novell networks, C D -R O M local area netw orks, and Innopac integrated library system . A P P O IN T M E N T : 12-m onth C alifornia State U niversity System M anagem ent Personnel Plan position. S A LA R Y RANGE: From the m id-$40s to the high $50s, with excellent benefits. A P P LIC A TIO N P R O C E D U R E S : Anticipated start date is July 1,1998. A pplications received by May 15, 1998 will receive first consideration; position will remain open until filled. Send a current resume and cover letter addressing the qualifications for the position, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three professional references to: Patricia L a rse n Director and Dean of the Library T h e Library California State U niversity, Sa cram en to 2000 State U n iversity Dr. E. Sacram en to , C A 95819-6039 For a full position description and vacancy announcem ent, send a request to lm jon e s@ csu s.ed u . California State University, Sacramento is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Head of Reference will work with faculty and staff within the depart­ ment and the whole library to plan, develop, and deliver a full range of traditional and innovative products and services. The successful candidate will manage a heavily used reference desk, oversee training and professional development of nine FTE librarians and three FTE staff members, undertake regular reference and collection development duties, lead the department in providing effective in­ struction, and participate in the development of a systematic program to promote campuswide information literacy. The individual will be expected to facilitate the use of emerging technologies to expand services. As a member of the library’s management team, the Head of Reference helps guide the organization in its mission of service. Qualifications: Required: M aster’s degree in library or information science from an ALA-accredited institution; at least five years of reference experience in an academic library and two years of super­ visory experience; facility with traditional and electronic reference materials; outstanding leadership, supervisory, and communication skills; flexibility in adapting to change; and a strong commitment to public service. The successful candidate should have the ability to achieve tenure through effective job performance, scholarly publica­ tion, and service activities. Highly desired: Second m aster’s degree, reading knowledge of at least one foreign language, and experience in developing web-based services. East Carolina University has over 17,800 students in its College of Arts and Sciences and ten profes­ sional schools. It is a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina System. Academic Library Services provides library and information services through two libraries, Joyner Library and the Music Library. ALS participates in NC LIVE, a cooperative statewide network of databases that will greatly expand access to information through libraries of all kinds. 12-month tenure-track faculty position. Minimum salary $40,000. The position will be available August 1, 1998. Screening of applications will begin June 15, 1998, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of all transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Search Committee, Head of Reference, Becky Foster, Processing Assistant, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Preliminary interviews at the 1998 ALA Annual Confer­ ence may be arranged by contacting Becky Foster. More information about Joyn er Library may be viewed at our web site: http:// Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to a written offer of employment. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We accommodate individuals with disabilities. Applicants must comply with the Immi­ gration Reform and Control Act. LIBRARIAN, ELECTRONIC RESOURCES. Self-motivated, enthusi­ astic leader wanted: Provides technological vision for library; serves as cam pus coordinator for w w w development; responsible for overall implementation, supervision, and basic troubleshooting of hardware, software, and electronic resources in collaboration with others. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent, experience with W indows NT/95/3.11, MS7DOS, advanced WWW developm ent/ C&RL News ■ May 1998/397 REFERENCE/BUSINESS LIBRARIAN Regent University Library seeks an energetic, creative, and service-oriented librarian to join its library faculty team. Responsibilities: provides reference services to faculty and students; serves as library liaison to the School of Business; promotes and provides course-related instruction in information resources and research strategies; develops instructional materials and pro­ vides source information on the Web; participation in collection development. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS, and academic library reference and teaching experience required; current knowledge of emerging informa­ tion technologies and their application to reference services; familiarity with wide range of print and electronic resources in business and related fields; an undergraduate business major or a master's degree in business preferred; excellent interpersonal and written communication skills. APPOINTMENT/SALARY: Ten-and-one-half month faculty appointment with rank of Assistant or Associate Librarian: salary range $30,000-$40,000 per year, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Founded in 1977, Regent University is a Christian, graduate-only institution offering master's and doctoral degrees in business, education, counseling, divinity, communication, organizational leadership, government, and law. Eight degrees are also offered through Distance Education. For further infor­ mation, please visit our home page at http: // Regent University is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing education from a Christian perspective. Application deadline is June 15, 1998. Review of application begins immediately. Send letter of application, vitae, a statement of Christian faith and three references to: Albert C. Liu, Associate Dean, Regent University Library, 1 0 0 0 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 2 3 4 6 4 -9 8 0 0 . programming. Desired: Second master’s, cataloging experience/ training. Send resume and three references, no later than June 1, 1998, to: Search Committee, Reed Library, SUNY College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY 14063. Salary: Low to mid $30s. Additional information: SUNY Fredonia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. LIBRARY— COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES. To coordinate and supervise public service areas, including: Reference, Library Instruction, Interlibrary Loan, and Circulation; develop policies and procedures; participate in general reference service, library instruc­ tion program, collection development program with faculty liaisons, and training for public services staff. Includes one evening weekly and weekend rotation. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program; demonstrated training and supervisory skills; experience with current and emerging technologies; minimum three years experience in public services area(s), including at least one year in supervisory role. Qualified applicants must submit letter of interest (include e-mail address if applicable), resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of at least three work references to: Human Re­ sources A -117, Missouri Western State College, 4525 Downs Dr., St. Joseph, MO 64507; e-mail: employee@ Appli­ cations reviewed as received until filled. EEO/AA. LIBRARY SYSTEMS COORDINATOR. Cleveland State University invites applications for the position of Library Systems Coordinator for an innovative program focusing on information technologies to facili­ tate the learning, teaching, and research efforts of the university’s students and faculty. The Library Systems Coordinator manages all 3 9 8 1 C&RL News ■ May 1998 library systems by planning and implementing systems projects, overseeing the installation and maintenance of equipment and soft­ ware, recommending for purchase equipment and software, and engaging in long-range planning. Reporting to the Deputy Director, the position supervises one full-time assistant, two part-time assis­ tants, and coordinates teams engaged in systems support. Minimum qualifications: B achelor’s degree in com puter-related field (or bachelor’s degree in another field and significant experience); dem­ onstrated experience in project planning, installation, and implemen­ tation; demonstrated experience with integrated library systems; working knowledge of Windows 95, LANs, CD-ROMs, and Internet/ web technology; technical knowledge of UNIX-based computing; strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred qualifica­ tions: M S LS o r equivalent from an ALA-accredited program or master’s degree in computer-related field. Experience working in a university or library environment. Salary range: Commensurate with experi­ ence. Excellent benefits. Candidates with an MSLS will be appointed to a librarian rank; others to the professional staff. Start date: July 1, 1998. Application deadline: May 18, 1998. Send cover letter, full resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three refer­ ences to: Lynette Johnson, Cleveland State University, Rm. 501, Cleveland, OH 44115. For further information call (216) 523-7326 or visit the library web site at Cleveland State University is an AA/EOE committed to nondiscrimination. M/F/ D/V encouraged. MEDIA CENTER COORDINATOR. Hiram College Library. Hiram College, located in the Western Reserve region of northeast Ohio, is a private, four-year liberal arts institution committed to academic excellence. The Hiram College Library invites applications for the position of Media Center Coordinator. Responsibilities include coor­ dination of all audiovisual services for the Hiram College campus; management and operation of the Media Center, including supervi­ sion of one full-time employee and up to 20 student employees; coordination of the video production program; reference service for the Media Center, and general reference services for the library; teaching Technology for Pre-Service Teachers (one-credit-hour course); liaison to the Education Department, involving bibliographic instruction and collection development. Applicants must have an M.Ed. or ALA-accredited MLS with two years of media experience including knowledge of video distribution and satellite reception and transmission, and knowledge of copyright laws for media use. It is essential that candidates demonstrate strong interpersonal, com mu­ nication, and com puter application skills. Individuals with teaching certification, supervisory experience, video production experience, darkroom training, and/or a background in music are encouraged to apply. Salary is competitive and benefits are excellent. Interested applicants should submit a letter of introduction, resume, and three references to: Jeff Wanser, Acting Director, Hiram College Library, 11694 Hayden St., Hiram, OH 44234. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Hiram College is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity, http://library.hiram .edu. PRINCIPAL CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Principal Cataloger will coordinate original and copy cataloging efforts for the Appalachian State University Library, including: Supervision and training of four copy catalogers and one government documents assistant; coordina­ tion of authority control and bibliographic maintenance; and planning of special projects and bibliographic database enhancements in a university consortium environment. The Principal Cataloger will par­ ticipate in original cataloging in all formats, such as monographs, serials, nonprint materials, and kits for the Instructional Materials Center, and will train and coordinate the other faculty in the catalog unit. The cataloging function is part of the Materials Processing Team , which also includes serials, acquisitions, and material preparation functions. Library faculty are expected to take leadership roles within the library and university and to participate in professional service and scholarship. The Principal Cataloger serves on the Information Orga­ nization Team and on the WNCLN Network Bibliographic Committee, and may serve on other teams as well. Requirements: Substantial experience as a cataloger in an academic library, including experi­ ence with original cataloging and database management. Ability to manage change and work in a team environment. Working knowledge of: MARC formats and AACR2; Library of Congress and Dewey decimal classification schemes; automated bibliographic control systems; and online library systems. Commitment to enhancing the online public access catalog through new and imaginative ways of providing information and to staying abreast of current trends in technical services. Master’s Degree from ALA-accredited school. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills and strong service orientation. Commitment to professional service and scholar­ ship. Preferred: Experience in supervising and coordinating catalog­ ing staff members; second advanced degree strongly preferred; experience or training in working in a multicultural environment; and experience in working with the Innovative Interfaces system. Appala­ chian State University is located in western North Carolina, in the historic college town of Boone, nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Appalachian has a student enrollment of 12,100 students and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 190 majors. It is a part of the University of North Carolina System. Library holdings include more than 713,000 books and bound periodicals, about 6,000 current periodical, newspaper, and serial titles, and almost 1.4 million microforms. Appalachian is a member of SOLINET and the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three state universities sharing an Innovative Interfaces, Inc., system, document delivery by van, and an UnCover gateway. The position is tenure-track and is available July 1,1998. For appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, a second advanced degree is required. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications; minimum salary for appointment to the rank of Instructor is $32,000. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed applications must be received by May 29, 1998. Appalachian is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and is committed to hiring women and minorities. REFERENCE ELECTRONIC SERVICES. Schreiner College seeks full-time, tenure-track librarian to provide a variety of reference service and BI in a team environment. ALA-accredited MLS required. Instructor rank; nine months, summer negotiable. Salary $24,500- $27,000. Position begins August 16, 1998. Please send letter, resume, and names of three professional references to: Donna Beck, Personnel Coordinator, Schreiner College, 2100 Memorial Blvd., Kerrville, TX 78028; e-mail: dbeck@; (830) 792-7375. Screening begins April 15, 1998 and will continue until position is filled. EEO. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Bowling Green State University is seek­ ing innovative and dynamic applicants for a tenure-track faculty reference librarian position. Primary responsibilities include provid­ ing reference service, including evenings and weekends; developing library instructional tools both online and in print; and providing library user education to assigned academic departments. Required quali­ fications include an ALA-accredited MLS, broad academic back­ ground and/or experience including the social sciences and the humanities, knowledge/background in electronic reference; and a strong commitment to serving diverse communities. Preferred quali­ fications include library experience, strong interpersonal skills, in­ structional experience, and proficiency with electronic resources. Assistant Professor. Service and research required to attain tenure and promotion. Qualified applicants must have proof of legal authority to work in the U.S. Salary competitive, dependent on related experi­ ence. The anticipated starting date is September 1,1998. BGSU is an AA/EEO employer and encourages applications from women, minori­ ties, veterans, and persons with disabilities. Mail letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and the names, phone numbers, and ad­ dresses of three current references to: Beverly J. Stearns, Office of the Dean, 204 Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Applications postmarked by June 15, 1998, will receive full consideration. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. John Carter Brown Library at Brown University. The John Carter Brown Library, an independently funded and administered center for advanced research in the humanities at Brown University, is searching for a Reference Librarian. Duties include supervision of the Reading Room and assistance to research­ ers in making optimum use of the library’s collection, which is focused on the history of the Americas, North and South, before circa 1825. Other duties include responses to reference queries; selection and acquisition of rare books; research for and preparation of exhibitions at the library; and various other public and reader services. Qualifica­ tions: Candidates must have an accredited MLS or equivalent expe­ rience; proficiency in a modern Romance language, preferably Span­ ish; an advanced degree in a subject area pertaining to the library’s collection; and one to three years professional experience in rare books or special collections in a university or research library. Salary range: $29,000-$33,000, based on experience. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Department of Human Resources, Brown University, Box 1879/ B00313, Providence, Rl 02912. Brown University is an equal oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The library at the Vancouver branch of the Washington State University is seeking an enthusiastic librarian to join a growing library committed to playing an integral role in the academic initiatives of the branch campus. Creativity, initiative, and a willingness to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional library are highly valued. The position is a full-time, tenure-track, 12-month C&RL News ■ May 1998/399 faculty appointment. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifi­ cations and experience. The appointment is effective August 1,1998, or as soon as a candidate is selected. Minimum qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; demonstrated competence in the use of information and telecommunications technologies; working knowledge of tradi­ tional and electronic resources (including Internet/WWW, and elec­ tronic indexes); evidence of a strong service orientation; commitment to professional development; excellent oral and written com m unica­ tion skills. Preferred qualifications: Educational or working back­ ground in the sciences and/or engineering; bibliographic instruction experience; reference experience; knowledge of web page creation and maintenance; experience working in circulation. Responsibilities include: Providing reference services; user instruction in electronic and traditional classrooms; collection development; developing tradi­ tional and nontraditional library services in the sciences and/or engineering; faculty liaison in the sciences and/or engineering; active participation in national and regional professional organizations; scholarly publication; and university service; including campus com ­ mittee work. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days per year vacation, 12 days per year sick leave. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by May 29, 1998, to: Karen Diller, Assistant Campus Librarian, Washington State University Vancouver, 14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave., Vancouver, WA 98686. Application review will take place on both the Vancouver and Pullman campuses. Washington State University is an EO/AA education and employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Georgia Libraries. Refer­ ence Librarians are primarily responsible for assisting students, faculty, staff, and others in making effective use of library resources, including government documents. To achieve this goal, reference librarians develop strong relationships with faculty and students by providing assistance with searching the online catalog, GALILEO (a statewide information system), CD-ROM products, and other elec­ tronic resources; identifying unmet research needs; and developing web-based resources and other guides. In addition, each reference librarian contributes to the development of the reference collection through selection and weeding. While most work will be performed in the Main Library, some reference work may also be undertaken in the Science Library. The Reference Department is composed of 14 librarians and eight support staff in the Main and Science Libraries. Reference librarians report to the Head of the Reference Department. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; working knowledge of basic electronic and print reference sources; advanced reference courses in the social sciences or humanities, or relevant experience; experi­ ence in creating web pages, databses, or in using mark-up languages, such as SGML and HTML; ability to instruct users effectively both individually and in the classroom setting; experience with computer database and Internet searching; knowledge of instructional tech­ nologies; commitment to students, faculty and staff research and teaching; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; working knowledge of a second language preferred; undergraduate degree in the social sciences or hum anities preferred. Benefits: Standard benefits package includes life, health, and disability insurance and mandatory participation in the state or optional retirem ent system, and 21 days annual leave, plus 12 paid holidays. Salary minimum: $28,500, com m ensurate with experience. For further inform ation on the cam pus and the com munity, visit the University of G eorgia’s web site (http://w w w Application procedure: Send letter of application addressing all qualifications with a resume and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, by June 12, 1998, to: Florence E. King, Assistant U niversity Librarian for Human Resources, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602-1641; (706) 542-0626. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action institution. REFERENCE/LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Lydia Olson Library at Northern Michigan University seeks applicants for a Refer- ence/Library Instruction Librarian. This librarian gives direct assis­ tance to users seeking information, instructs patrons in the use of library resources, and helps facilitate access to information in a variety of formats. This librarian also coordinates and provides leadership for the library orientation and instruction program. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum two years full-time experience in an academic (college- or university- affiliated) library— this experience should be in reference and library instruction; demonstrated teaching ability and experience in a formal classroom setting; an appreciation for and demonstrated com mit­ ment to library and information instruction as evidenced by education, experience, and/or professional activities; ability to coordinate and provide leadership for a library and information instruction program; effective written and oral communication skills; ability to work coop­ eratively in a collegial environment. Preferred qualifications: Experi­ ence coordinating a library instruction program in an academic library; a second post-baccalaureate degree; willingness to share chocolate. Tenure-track, Assistant Professor; salary is competitive and com ­ mensurate with experience. Send letter of application with resume, copies of transcripts, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Search Committee, Olson Library, Northern Michigan University, 1401 Presque Isle Ave., Marquette, Ml 49855. Letters of application must address applicant’s qualifications and experience with respect to this position. Applicant review begins June 1,1998, and continues until the position is filled. NMU is an AA/EOE. RESOURCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN, ART HISTORY, CLASSICS, AND PHILOSOPHY. The mission of the Resource Services Depart­ ment is to deliver the full range of reference, instructional, and collection development services to the Hopkins community. Re­ sources Services librarians are subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building strong, client-centered relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. The Eisenhower Library’s commitment to working as a valued partner in the academic enterprise is being felt in four key ways: a concentration on designing services which respond to user feedback; a commitment to enable faculty, students, and staff to master the new information environment; a focused effort toward creating the digital library of the future; and major remodeling and programmatic re-orientation of the library’s public service spaces. The Eisenhower Library prizes initia­ tive, creativity, professionalism, and teamwork. Responsibilities in­ clude the ability to understand and facilitate the work of the Art History, Classics, and Philosophy departments, and cultivate and maintain close working relationships with the members of those departments; select traditional and electronic resources for the collection in as­ signed subject areas and manage related budgets; develop web- based resources in assigned subject areas; provide a variety of general reference, research consultation, and instructional services to the academic community. This position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; advanced degree or equivalent expe­ rience in Art History preferred. Commitment to quality, client-centered services; ability to conduct seminars and instructional programs in the use of the library and its resources; knowledge of the Internet and World Wide Web; two or more years experience in collection devel­ opment and/or reference in a research library; reading knowledge of two European languages, particularly French and German, highly desirable; willingness to work a flexible schedule, including some evenings and weekends, as part of a team. For more information on th e lib ra ry , p le a s e c o n ta c t o u r w eb s ite at: h ttp :// Starting salary range is $33,700- $43,000, including excellent benefits and tuition remission. Please send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference indicating Job #S97-6669, by May 29, 1998, to: Johns Hopkins University, Homewood Human Resources, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, 119 Garland Hall, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218. AA/EOE, smoke and drug free. Late Job Listings L IB R A R IA N FO R THE CO LLEG E OF A R TS AN D SCIEN CES. W estern W ash ­ ington U niversity seeks a librarian for the College o f Arts and Sciences for instruc­ tion, interdisciplinary collection developm ent and reference service. Located betw een Seattle, W ashington, and V ancouver, British Colum bia, the university, with a student population o f over 10,000, is organized into six undergraduate colleges and a graduate school. Required qualifications: M LS at tim e o f application; two years professional academ ic library or college teaching experience; expertise with software and inform a­ tion technology related to developm ent and delivery o f library instruction and service. Desirable qualifications: A dvanced degree in the physical or social sciences; evidence o f scholarship. A ssistant Professor, tenure-track position. C om pensation depends on qualifications. For a position description and further inform ation, contact Jeanne Arm strong, (360) 650-7667 or jean n ea@ cc.w w u .edu . A pplications accepted until the position is filled. A pplications received before June 1, 1998, will be assured a review. W W U is an AA/EE O em ployer. To request disability accom m odation: Voice: (360) 650- 3306; TTY: (360) 650-7607. R EFER EN C E L IB R AR IAN . The College at O neonta invites applications for the position o f Reference Librarian (12 m onth, tenure track). SU N Y-O neonta, a four-year arts and sciences college with a preprofessional focus, offers liberal arts and profes­ sional program s at undergraduate and m aster’s levels. The cam pus, with 5500 students and 240 full-tim e faculty, is located in the scenic Catskills, three and one h a lf hours from N ew Y ork City. The library has a collection o f m ore than 500,000 volum es and serves as a federal and state depository See the Oneonta hom e page for additional inform ation (http://w w w Duties: W ork in a collegial atm osphere in a six m em ber, service-oriented reference departm ent which provides direct assistance to users and instruction in a classroom setting, W ill be involved in other activities o f the department including producing handouts, instruction guides, and/or Web pages. Partici­ pates in night / weekend reference desk schedule. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, comm itment to student learning, ability to work effectively with other library faculty, as well as to work independently; excellent oral and written communication skills are required. Experience in reference service in an academic library, demonstrated teaching ability in an electronic learning environment; experience with electronic information sources and Internet search engines are preferred. Also, an understanding o f the mission and goals o f academic libraries and a comm itment to being a mem ber o f the college’s faculty. Applications: Send resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three references to: Elaine L. Dow ning, Chair, Personnel Com m ittee, M ilne Library, Box CR, SU N Y Oneonta, Oneonta, N Y 13820. R eview o f applications to begin im m ediately and continue until position is filledSalary low -thirties. SU N Y -O neonta is an E EO /A A em ployer. W om en and m inorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, LEARNING RESOURCES DIVISION, BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY. UCLA Li­ brary. Under the general direction of the Associate Biomedical Librarian, the Head o f the Learning Resources Division plans, manages, and supervises the divisional services, activi­ ties, and personnel. Administers and selects the multimedia, computing, and networking resources used within the IMF and Biomedical Library’s LAN in consultation with the health professional schools and with the UCLA Library’s Library Information Systems/Technical Support Unit. Supervises 2 FTE programmers, 1 FTE computer resource specialist, and approximately 4 FTE student assistants. Allocates, justifies, and monitors the budget for the IMF, including hardware, software, and student personnel. Represents the Biomedical Library to faculty and other interested groups. Serves on campus groups that focus on instructional use o f technology. Participates as a division head in Biomedical Library-wide planning. Qualifications: Minimum qualifications: Three - five years work experience in library systems or computer and networking operations in a complex environment; supervi­ sory experience; ability to lead and collaborate; strong technical skills associated with microcomputer hardware and software, LAN (NT and Novell operating systems) and Internet protocols; effective communication skills; excellent analytical and problem-solving skills; ability to communicate complex technical information to non-technical audiences; excellent interpersonal skills. Preferred qualifications: Knowledge and experience in faculty use of instructional technology. Knowledge o f health professions education. Experience in educa­ tional evaluation, including computer-based testing and outcomes assessment. Familiarity with Internet resources used in health sciences education. Experience in a health sciences libraiy. Salary Range: $38,688 - $65,472 . Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to Dr. Rita A. Scherrei, Associate University Librarian for Personnel and Administrative Services, University Research Library, UCLA, 11334 URL, Box 951575, Los Angeles, California 90095-1575. The application letter should include a complete statement o f qualifications, a full resume o f education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses o f at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications for this position. Candidates applying by June 15, 1998 will be given first consideration. 4 0 0 / Q&RL News ■ May 1998