ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 154 PREC O N FER EN C E INSTITUTES • “New Dimensions in Acquisitions” will the theme of a 2½ day Institute June 19 through June 21, 1969, to be held prior to th e Annual Conference of the American Library Associa­ tion in Atlantic City. The sponsor of this In ­ stitute is the American Book Publishers Coun­ cil/Resources and Technical Services Division Joint Committee of the American Library Association. Innovative approaches to the solutions of li­ brary acquisition problems will be emphasized through both traditional print material and the newer non-print materials. Among traditional problems covered in the Institute sessions will be the out-of-print market, periodical subscrip­ tions, gifts and exchanges, and th e purchase of paperbacks. Newly emerging techniques for purchasing, such as advance copy plans, blan­ ket orders, and centralized acquisitions will be presented along with modern acquisition techniques using computer processing, the standard book number, and other aspects of scientific management. The opening address will be by James C. W orthy of the management consultant firm of Cresap, McCormick and Paget. Mr. W orthy’s topic will be “Scientific Management” stress­ FOR THE RUSSIAN BOOK SECTION R e fe re n c e a n d S o u r c e M a t e r ia l • Russian Literature: Classics, Contemporary • Linguistics and Literary Criticism • English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionaries • Russian Language Records, Folk Songs and Dramatic Readings • Children’s Literature • Books on Art • Books on Science • Textbooks on mathematics, geography, natural sciences, history, etc. • Socio-Economic Literature • Russian Atlases and Maps • Soviet Magazines and Newspapers Inquire about our out-of-print books and back issue magazines. W rite f o r C atalogs & P rices P h on e 212 CH 2-4500 FOUR CONTINENT BOOK CORP. D E PT.7 7 0 156 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK, N. Y. 10010 be ing the need for efficient and economical pro­ cedures, research experimentation, and testing of acquisitions systems. Mrs. Elizabeth Rodell of Rice University, for seven years executive secretary of the Resources and Technical Serv­ ices Division, will be the banquet speaker. Her topic “Performance Goals for the Acquisitions Process.” To register, send name and address, with or without the official application blank, with the registration fee of $41.00, to ABPC-RTSD Pre­ conference Institute, American Library Associ­ ation, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Please make checks payable to the American Library Association. T he Institute is limited to 500 attendees. T he Institute will be held in th e Dennis Ho­ tel, Atlantic City. For hotel reservations, use the housing form in the January, 1969 A LA Bulletin. Room reservations will be honored in th e block space only until May 1. Request housing in the Lombardy, Mt. Royal or Tray- more hotels w here space is being reserved for attendees at this institute. Include the state­ ment that you will be attending the ABPC- RTSD Preconference Institute. The registration fee covers the costs of luncheons of Thursday and Friday and the banquet Friday evening. • “New Strategies for Learning: the Impa of Instructional Technology Upon the Junior College” will be the theme of a preconference sponsored by the American Association of Jun­ ior Colleges and the Association of College and Research Libraries at Atlantic City, New Jer­ sey, from June 19-21, 1969. Planned to stimu­ late dialogue between administrators, faculty, librarians and media specialists; the two days of sessions will include demonstrations, concur­ rent workshops, and contact with resource per­ sons. Major presentations will be made by Dr. Bill J. Priest, Chancellor, Dallas County Junior College District, Dallas, Texas; Dr. Gabriel Ofiesh, Chairman, D epartm ent of Educational Technology, Catholic University, Washington, D.C.; Dr. James Zigerell, Dean, TV College, Chicago City College, Chicago, Illinois; and Dr. Carol Zion, Assistant to the Vice-President, Miami D ade Junior College, Miami, Florida. Maurice B. Mitchell, Chancellor of th e Uni­ versity of Denver and former President and Editorial Director of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., will speak at the banquet to be held in connection with the preconference Friday, June 20. Attendance is limited to 500 persons, and the registration fee, including three meals, is $50. Reservation forms and information may b e requested from the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library As­ sociation, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Il­ linois 60611. ■■ ct