ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 163 elect is now chosen by and from members of the board, and W arren J. Haas was so elected at a later meeting of the board. After w ann words of thanks for Dr. McCarthy’s contribu­ tions and th e announcement that the next ARL meeting will be held on Saturday, June 21, 1969, at the Shelburne-Empress Hotel in At­ lantic City, President Eaton turned over the gavel to Douglas Bryant (H arvard University L ibrary), incoming President, who—after two long days of concentrated attention to library programs and problems—mercifully carried on the ARL tradition of no inaugural speeches, thus beginning his regime with warm good wishes from all. A R L January Meeting—Addendum . Not reported a t the seventy-third meeting of the Association of Research Libraries was an action of its Board of Directors th a t is of par­ ticular interest and gratification to th e Library of Congress and of significance in the effort to achieve standardization in library automation. The Advisory Committee to the U.S. Na­ tional Libraries Task Force on Automation and O ther Cooperative Services, at its meeting on July 11, 1968, agreed to recommend to the governing bodies of each of the national library associations represented on the committee the adoption of the following resolution: Because the MARC II format has been adopted by the three National Libraries as their standard format for exchange of bib ­ liographic information, and Because the MARC II format has also been adopted by the British National Bib­ liography, and Because MARC II is the de facto na­ tional standard and contains more biblio­ graphic elements than most libraries re­ quire, and Because the Library of Congress intends to produce all machine-readable output in the MARC II format and intends to create a national data base for monographic ma­ terials in this way, the National Libraries Task Force Advisory Committee recom­ mends that— The MARC II format be endorsed by the various national library associations as th e na­ tional standard for communication of biblio­ graphic information, and th a t The endorsement be widely publicized in the professional journals published by th e associa­ tions and in such other ways as each association may deem suitable for informing its member­ ship, and that Each association strongly urge its members to adopt this format for communication of biblio­ graphic information between themselves as well as in relaying information to the National Li­ braries. ARL’s Board of Directors, at its meeting on January 26, 1969, voted endorsement of this resolution. In transmitting notice of this action to the Librarian of Congress, ARL Executive Director Stephen A. McCarthy said: “W e hope that the adoption of this resolution will strengthen the commitment to the MARC II format and help to assure its general adoption by American libraries.”—Elizabeth E. Hamer, Library of Congress. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON LIBRARY COOPERATION The Library Research Center, University of Illinois, is compiling an annotated bibliography of cooperation between libraries of different types. Because of the elusive and ephemeral nature of much of this material, the Center has experienced difficulty in locating it through the standard indexing tools. The Center is in­ terested in: 1. all materials describing actual instances of cooperation between libraries of different types ( i.e., academic, school, special and public libraries) since 1940; 2. all such reports written in English through­ out the world; 3. all present plans to establish cooperation between libraries of different types. Both citations and actual reports will be wel­ comed and all inquiries and correspondence should be addressed to Galen E. Rike, Re­ search Associate, Library Research Center, 428 Library, University of Illinois, Urbana, Il­ linois 61801. ■■ ISAD ANNOUNCES TW O EX PER IλlEN T A L TUTORIAL SESSIONS • S u n d a y , J u n e 22, 1969, A t l a n t i c C i t y Hotel to be announced later • S u b j e c t s Session One: Elementary Systems Analy­ sis Session Two: Basic Machine Functions • FOR ISAD personal members only • Each session limited to 100 persons (divided into four groups of 25 each). • No charge Registrations will be accepted from ISAD members who wish to learn about automation, systems, and th e function of the various m a­ chines used in typical automated libraries. Specify which of the two topics you wish to attend. Mailed registrations only will be ac­ cepted in order of their receipt. Address them to Tutorials, American Library Association, 50 East H uron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. ■■ 164 ANNOUNCING Blanket Order Plan For College & University Libraries A new conce p t in college lib ra ry boo k selection and a c q u isition enabling you to receive all p e rtin e n t U.S. title s as published. This plan provides the following: • A u to m a tic selection and shipm ent o f new U.S. title s according to y o u r predeterm ined guidelines and selection c riteria. • A u to m a tic p reparation o f y o u r m u ltip le -c o p y o rde r slips • A u to m a tic n o tific a tio n by te m p o ra ry shelf lis t card c o py o f th e b o o ks to be shipped • A u to m a tic re tu rn privileges on books deemed to be unsuitable. A lth o u g h th e details o f th is plan are processed on a c o m p u te r, we s till exam ine each b o o k th o ro u g h ly before sh ip m e nt th e re b y e lim in a tin g unsuitable title s and reducing returns. We use th e "P ub lish ers' W e e k ly " W eekly Record as th e basis f o r o u r selections. A n annotated c o py o f th e "P ub lish ers' W eekly Record is sent to you so th a t y o u m ay check and v e rify o u r selections and shipm ents. 4 Step s to the P la n 1 W e send y o u an a n n o ta te d 2 We p repare a m u ltip le - 3 We send y o u a te m p o ra ry 4 Y o u receive th e b o o k s w ith c o p y o f th e “ P ub lis he rs ' p a rt o rd e r f o r m f o r each s h e lf lis t c o p y o f th e title s a d d itio n a l co pie s o f th e W e e k ly " W e e k ly R e c o rd t i t l e y o u w ill receive. y o u w i l l be re c e iv in g. m u ltip le - p a rt f o r m in th e w it h o u r selections. f r o n t co ver o f each b o o k . WEEKLY RECORD SPEIZM A N . M ilto n D . comp. 301.3'64O973 Urban A m erica in the tw entieth century: docum ents selected, ed. by M ilton D . Speiz- m an. New Y ork, T Y. Crowell [1968] x, 228p. 20cm. (Crowell source readers in A mer. hist.) [HT123.S67] 68-13386 pap., 2.25 / . Cities and towns — U. S. 2. U . S. — Soc. condit. — 1945- 1. Title. SPE N CE , Jo hn E dw ard 968.6 Lesotho: the politics o f dependence [by] J . E . Spence. London, New Y ork [etc 1 pub. for the Inst, o f Race Relations [by] Ox­ f ord Univ. Pr„ 1968. [8], 88p. m ap. 21cm. Bibi. [DT787.4.S63] 68-93949 pap., 2.00 SPINKA, Matthew. 1890- 209V496 A history of Christianity m the Balkans; a study in the spread o f Byzantine culture among the Slavs [Hamden. Conn.] Archon 1968 [C1933J 202p . 23cm. Bŭ›l. [BR737.S6S6 19681 68-20379 6 00 I. Slavs. Southern– –Church history. 2. O rthodox Eastern Church—H ist. 1. Title. II. Title: Christianity in the Balkans. ST ON E, Wilfred Healey, 808.04'275 1917- ed. F o rm and th ought m prose [ed. by] Wil­ fred Stone, R obert H oopes. 3d ed. New Y ork, Ronald [1968] viii, 804p. 22cm. [PS 645 S8 1968] 68-19839 6 75 1. College readers. I. H oopes, R obert, joint ed. 11. Title. T extbook fo r freshm an E nglish courses in composition or expository writing. New selections have been added since toe pub­ lication o f the second edition in 1960. M IDW EST LIBRA RY SERVICE 11400 D orse tt Road M aryla n d Heights, M issouri 6 30 4 2 For additional information, call us collect in St. Louis at 314-845-3100.