ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 182 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East H uron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach th a t office before th e tenth of the month preceding pu b ­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. BOOKS BUILDING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodi­ cals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Inc., Box 352, W hite Plains, N.Y. 10602. O U T OF P R IN T COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. W ant lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. PERIO D IC ALS PERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints of rare files. J. S. Canner Inc., 49-65 Lansdowne St., Bos­ ton, Mass. 02215. POSITIONS W A N T E D MAN, 41, 12 years in industrial and research libraries, 3 degrees (including M LS), 3 lan­ guages, seeks academic position as science, documents, or reference librarian. Would en­ joy opportunity to teach librarianship courses. Prefers W est Coast or southwest b u t will con­ sider other areas. Box 756, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD CATALOGER Midwest University in­ terested in administration, teaching, or tech­ nical services (including cataloging). Prefers Southeast or Middle Atlantic. Excellent refer­ ences. POSITIONS OPEN Administration DIRECTOR of Herrick Memorial Library, Al­ fred University. Position open July 1, 1969. Delightful rural campus. 1800 students. M.L.S. from accredited library school, plus adminis­ trative college library experience. Salary range $14,000 to $18,000, depending on qualifica­ tions; fringe benefits. Apply to: Dr. Garrett Droppers, Chairman, University Library Com­ mittee, c/o Herrick Memorial Library, Alfred University, Alfred, New York 14802. Cataloging CATALOGER for growing junior college li­ brary. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. M.L.S. preferred. Apply Dr. Jack Rodgers, President, Odessa College, P.O. Box 3752, Odessa, Texas 79760. CATALOGER: $7500 and up, depending on qualifications. To direct cataloging, processing, and classification of book ( L .C .). Requires MLS or BSLS. Does not require medical li­ brary experience. Apply to John A. Rindone, Librarian, Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery, 2105 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Missouri 64124. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, Kent, Ohio 44240. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. Two new positions are open for imme­ diate appointment in the Catalog department, for general cataloger and for cataloger for science materials. Familiarity with LC classi­ fication is essential; professional cataloging ex­ perience desirable b u t not required. Faculty rank. Excellent fringe benefits. Beginning sal­ ary $8,000 b u t dependent upon qualifications. W rite to Miss Dorothy M. Green, Associate Librarian for Personnel, and include résumé. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. MLS from accredited library school. 1-2 years experience w ith LC desirable. Faculty status with usual fringe ben­ efits. Two months vacation. Salary range: $7,000-$9,500. Send resumé and references to: Gladys M. Brownell, Librarian, Skidmore Col­ lege, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866. CATALOGERS. The University of Akron needs two experienced catalogers and one without prior experience. MLS, knowledge of LC nec­ essary. Background in serials or music or sci­ ence helpful. Salary $8,000 and up, depending on experience. Fringe benefits excellent. Apply H. P. Schrank, Jr., University Librarian, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44304. CATALOGER, literature and general materials; at least one year experience and knowledge of German, French or Italian. 39 hour week, month leave, fringe benefits. Salary competitive. Equal opportunity employer. Apply Dr. Robert K. Johnson, Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Arizona 85721. Position avail­ able July 1. CATALOGER to assume the directorship of th e existing departm ent and plan control of all technical processing as additional staff are added. M.L.S. and some experience required. 183 Salary open, depending upon experience. Ben­ efits include T.I.A.A., one month summer va­ cation plus academic Christmas and Spring vacations, academic status. Send resume to R. S. Emerick, Librarian, H obart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York 14456. Miscellaneous THEOLOGICAL AND PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN in library serving liberal arts college and theological seminary. MLS and academic background in theology required. Salary open, with generous fringe benefits. Apply to Dr. Glen C. Stewart, Director, College and Seminary Library, Naperville, Illinois 60540. Multiple WISCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITY, River Falls seeks candidates for two openings to work in new air conditioned library. Circulation li­ brarian to supervise main circulation desk and reserve desk. Two classified assistants plus student help. W e intend to change present circulation system and offer challenge in se­ lecting new one. Reference librarian to handle reference and bibliographic needs for an emerg­ ing university. Reginning salary is $8500 for the academic year. Summer session optional at 2/9 additional salary. M.S.L.S. required. Pro­ fessional librarians receive rank and faculty privileges, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, group in­ surance, social security plus new retirement system. Both positions begin September 1, 1969. W e offer small town atmosphere w metropolitan Twin Cities attractions only one half hour driving time away. Apply Richard A. Cooklock, Librarian, Wisconsin State Univer­ sity, River Falls 54022. SOMERSET COUNTY College Library, locat­ ed in pleasant suburban area near mountains and beaches, has several professional openings: (1 ) Media Specialist—Broad background of curriculum and instructional methods, graph­ ics, photography, television, radio, instructional materials and programmed learning. Masters Degree in A.-V. Media, 2 years experience. (2 ) Acquisition Librarian—Keen interest in auto­ mation, wide academic background, compre­ hension of the publishing business and new purchasing methods. M.L.S., 2 years experi­ ence. (3 ) Assistant Cataloger—Vital experi­ ence in original book cataloging and catalog­ ing of A.-V. and Media materials, interest in systems analysis and all phases of new methods in technical processing. M.L.S., 2 years experi­ ence. Salaries dependent on qualifications and experience. Liberal fringe benefits including TIAA. Faculty rank. Send résumé to Richard T. Samuelson, Library Director, Somerset County College Library, 132 Jefferson Ave., Green Brook, N. J. 08812, or telephone 201-752-3907. QUALIFIED LIBRARIANS in all specialties needed for college and university positions listed with us throughout the year by academic ith institutions seeking faculty and staff members. Enrollment includes notices of up-to-date va­ cancies, storage of your credentials for your use at any time, and other features. W rite for enrollment information. AMERICAN COL­ LEGE BUREAU and UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE STAFFING CENTER, 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 60604. Phone A.C. 312-427-6662. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS. Po­ sitions available May 1, 1969: DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Librarian II, $7,908-$10,092). Assignment will involve work relating to fed­ eral and international documents. SERIALS ORDER LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITIONS D E ­ PARTMENT (Librarian III, $9,372-$ll,388). Supervises acquisi-program for serials. Experi­ ence desirable. Position available July 1, 1969: DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Librarian I, $7,146-$7,908). Assignment will involve work relating to federal and state documents. Posi­ tions available July 1, 1969 subject to approval of 1969/70 University Budget: CATALOGERS (Librarian III, $9,3 7 2 -$ ll,3 8 8 ). Prior experi­ ence and background in physical sciences desir­ able. (Librarian II, $7,908-$10,092). Prior ex­ perience, knowledge of a foreign language or a scientific field desirable. REFEREN CE L I­ BRARIANS (Librarian II, $7,908-$10,092). General reference experience in an academic library desirable. Appointment a t lower clas­ sifications possible for most positions listed if requisite experience is lacking. Salary depend­ ent upon training and experience. Normally two years of professional experience is re­ quired for Librarian II appointments. Graduate degree in Library Science required. Davis is a pleasant university town 75 minutes b y free­ way from San Francisco and the Bay Area. Apply to J. R. Blanchard, University of Califor­ nia Library, Davis, California 95616. SAN FERNANDO VALLEY STATE COLLEGE invites applications for 1) Science Bibliographer responsible for developing science collection and maintaining liaison with science faculty, aca­ demic background in sciences, L II ($661- $886) or L III ($759-$969); 2) Catalog Li­ brarian to do original cataloging with excellent clerical support, foreign language competence desirable, L I ($600-$661) or L II ($661- $886); 3) Assistant Circulation Librarian to work with automated circulation system, inter­ est ‚ in data processing desirable, L I ($600- $661) or L II ($661-$886); 4 ) General Ref­ erence Librarian, L I ( $600-$661) or L II ($661-$886). Contact: Mr. Phillip Wesley at San Fernando Valley State College Library, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, California 91324 or at ALA Conference, June 22 through June 28, Claridge Hotel. Public Services INFORMATION SPECIALIST to serve needs of Colorado industry under State Technical 184 Services Act. Provide reference, literature search and photocopy services w ith staff of one sub-professional plus student assistants. Participate in promotional activities including newsletters, displays, some local travel. Must be able to work with literature of sciences, business and technology in serving technical clientele. Initially under general direction of Business Librarian, position offers opportunity to assume increasing responsibilities for entire operation. Annual salary to $9,500.00 depend­ ing on qualifications. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vaca­ tion; transportation to one professional meet­ ing each year. Candidates must have MLS from ALA accredited library school. Position available approximately August 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to Leo W. Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. OREGON—WESTWARD HO!!! Rewarding challenge and professional growth await in position on Oregon State Library administrative staff. State Capital, Salem, offers choice living and recreation for sports or cultural interests. Near urban benefits, scenic Pacific and Cas­ cade natural wonders. Enjoy progressive civic activities or timeless qualities of nature in land of open space! W e need: D IR E C T O R OF R E A D E R S’ SERVIC ES. Administrative and supervisory responsibilities, as Division D irec­ tor, for acquisition, reference, loan record, and circulation services of State Library. Recom­ mends policy relating to public services and development of State Library collection. Fifth year Master of Library Science degree re­ quired, plus five years of progressively respon­ sible professional library service, including ad­ ministrative and reference experience. Salary negotiable, depending on qualifications, within $10,350-$12,360 pay range. APPLY: Oregon State Library, Salem, Oregon 97310, Telephone 364-2171, Ext. 308. OPPORTUNITY FOR A CREATIVE PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN: H ead of Social Sci­ ences Division, Eastern Michigan University Library, situated in a region of unusual cul­ tural and educational opportunities. New air- conditioned building. Supervises staff of four other professionals, three clericals and student assistants. Gives reference service, coordinates book selection in th e social sciences, works with faculty in the social science departments, develops new programs and collections. U.S. documents and a small University Archives are in this division. Position carries rank of assist- REPRI NT PROGRAM R evu e d es E tu des B y z a n tin e s (Bucarest/Paris) vols. 1-25, 1943-67. Partly in reprint. Available. The s e t : $ 374.— vols. 1-4, 1943-46 in reprint. Available, paperbound. (vols. 1-3 as “ Etudes B yzantines” ) Each v o l: $ 20.— Echos d ’O rien t. Revue de théologie, de droit canonique, de liturgie, d ’archéologie, d ’histoire et de géographie orientales. (Jerusalem /Constantinople/Bucarest & Paris) vols. 1-14,1897/98-1911 in reprint with Table des articles 1-14 Available, paperbound. The s e t : $ 392..— Each v o l: $ 28.— vols. 15, 17-36. 1912, 1914/15-1937 Planned reprint, paperbound. Each v o l: $ E U R O PE R IO D IQ U E S, S.A. 72, Bd S én a rd -9 2 Saint-Cloud France. 32.— • 185 ant professor with complete academic status and is paid on regular faculty salary scale, plus additional compensation for summer session. Salary open. All regular faculty vacations. Mas­ ter’s degree in library science and in one of the social sciences, sound reference experience, and demonstrated planning and supervisory ability required. Position opens September 1, 1969. Apply to E. W. Erickson, head librarian, East­ ern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN for grow­ ing liberal arts college. Ten minutes from cen­ ter city Philadelphia. Excellent opportunity for varied experience. Supervision of circulation and periodicals. Share reference and student orientation. Two years experience preferred. Position open after May 15. TIAA. Rank of instructor. Beginning salary $8,000-9,000, de­ pending on qualifications and experience. Ap­ ply to: Parker Worley, Librarian, Rutgers Li­ brary in South Jersey, Camden, N.J. 08102. Reference Services KENT STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRABIES, Kent, Ohio 44240. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. The Reference D epartm ent has openings for two additional staff in specialized areas of Science and Business & Economics, to provide general reference service within the main li­ brary and to serve as liaison between th e Li­ brary and corresponding College and faculty groups. Qualifications include professional ex­ perience and sound competence in th e re­ spective subject fields. Faculty rank. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary $9,000. Positions open for immediate appointment. W rite to Miss Dorothy M. Green, Associate Librarian for Personnel, and include resume. GENEBAL REFERENCE, $7600 and up, de­ pending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in 10 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hues- ton Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Associate Director and University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. North­ ern Illinois University is searching for an ex­ perienced librarian to lead the 12 full time staff members of its general reference depart­ ment. This is a challenging position, offering as it does, major opportunities for profes­ sional fulfillment and growth; it will include participation in planning an entirely new Uni­ versity library system. The responsibilities as­ sociated with this position demand th at appli­ cants have a masters degree in library science, a minimum of 5 years of progressively respon­ sible reference service, including several years of administrative experience, plus demonstra­ ble leadership ability. Minimum salary $13,200 for 12 months contract, Illinois Retirement Sys­ tem benefits, academic status, one month vaca­ tion. Applicants should have transcripts and letters of application sent to George M. Ne- nonen, Personnel Director, University Library, N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115. TECHNICAL LIBRARY SUPERVISOR. The American Oil Company and Amoco Chemicals Corporation Research and Development L ab­ oratories are seeking a Supervisor for their Whiting, Indiana technical library. The li­ brary consists of 25,000 bound volumes plus periodicals and technical documents in the fields of petroleum refining and chemical tech­ nology. Duties include: selection of books, journals and other reference materials, super­ vising the professional and non-professional staff, operation of the computerized system of records and catalogs, and assistance in plan­ ning for library facilities in the new Standard Oil Technical Center in Naperville, Illinois. Science or engineering degree plus advanced degree in library science and supervisory ex­ perience are desired. Salary is commensurate with experience. Contact: J. J. Azman, American Oil Company, Research & Development D e­ partment, P.O. Box 431, Whiting, Indiana 46394. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Subject Specialists LAW LIBRARY, QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY, re­ quires experienced law cataloger, Senior Li­ brarian, $9000, available July 1. Law degree preferred; two year’s relevant exp. reqd. Law Library over 58,000 volumes; this will be an addition to present professional staff of five. Experience with Los Angeles County classifi­ cation highly desirable. Ask for details and supply full information to: D. A. Redmond, Chief Librarian, Queen’s University at King­ ston, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. An equal op­ portunity employer. SCIENCE-OPTOMETRY LIBRARIAN. B.S. and accredited Library degree. Preferably M.S., some Science teaching experience, or comparable experience. Principal responsibili­ ties include bibliographic and reference service to Science and College of Optometry faculty and students … complete liaison between library and Science departments and College of Optometry. Small, congenial library staff; new building; salary approx. $8500. Faculty rank; Blue Cross and Major Medical paid by University. Apply with credentials to Louis Flannery, Librarian, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116. Technical Services LIBRARIAN w anted for expanding private non-denominational four year college located in Midwest, enrollment 700. Position is one of responsibility in the area of technical proces­ ses with good chance to develop your own area. Salary open, position grants 2 months 186 vacation, academic vacations, and good fringe benefits. Experience preferred, but not neces­ sary for the right person. Dr. Gerald Hansen, Midwestern College, Denison, Iowa 51442. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. $18,000 salary and excellent fringe benefits for an Assistant Di­ rector to take overall administrative and or­ ganizational responsibility for the technical services of a large research library system. The appointee’s prime concerns will b e the implementation of on-line, computer-based, op­ erations and network coordination, and the supervision of completion over the next thirty months of a new eleven million dollar build­ ing. Applicants, who should have relevant ex­ perience, may have initial interviews at the A.L.A. 1969 Convention, and should send resumes to: Mr. W arren N. Boes, Director of Libraries, Room 208 Main Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13210. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR for Technical Serv­ ices. Faculty status and rank. Good fringe package. Salary negotiable b u t not below $12,000. State institution with doctoral pro­ grams. $300,000, plus, materials budget. In ­ teresting automation projects. Box 755 CRL, 50 E. Huron, Chicago 60611. UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA LIBRARY re­ quires a SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Previous ex­ perience in serials work (preferably catalogu­ ing) essential. Varied duties will include train­ ing and supervision of bibliographic assistants, editing a computerized serials catalogue, de­ veloping other specialized listings and bibli­ ographies, and generally assisting th e Head of a rapidly-growing Division. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. Full faculty fringe benefits, plus the in­ tangibles of life in British Columbia’s capital city. Apply to Mr. D. W. Halliwell, University Librarian, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada. YORK UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, TORONTO, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Library in a University which was founded in 1960. Holdings total 400,000 vol­ umes of which 90,000 volumes were added last year. Duties include supervision of a staff of eighty people. The Library is proceeding on automation projects, including the imple­ mentation of Marc II tapes, and has on staff six subject bibliographers. Book budget of over a million dollars. Library will be moving to a central building of some 260,000 square feet in 1970. Salary w ithin the range $13,000 to $17,000. Position open June 1, 1969. Ad­ dress enquiries to Director of Libraries, York University, Downsview, Toronto, Ontario. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Librarian II, step 4, $9,156. Open July 1, 1969. Assist in serials acquisition and resources develop- ment in the humanities and social sciences in a rapidly growing Serials Department, and head the bibliographic searching section of the department. Some reference work will be possible. The Serials Department is organized to provide all services relating to serials. A good technical-bibliographic background in serials, experience in acquisitions, and a sub­ ject specialty in one of the humanities or so­ cial sciences are highly desirable. This position offers an excellent opportunity both to spe­ cialize in or gain mastery over technical-bibli­ ographic work along academic subject lines and to be involved in readers’ service. “W E ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY­ ER.” University of California, Riverside, Cali­ fornia 92502. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Catalogers, ac­ quisitions librarians, and public services spe­ cialist. Experience, one year administrative. M.L.S. Three year old state college library in formative stages in south Los Angeles County. Desire to be part of a dynamic academic en­ vironment is important. Salary $9,100-$10,000, depending on qualifications. Benefits include one month vacation and California state retire­ ment. Contact: B. Gallo, California State Col­ lege, Dominguez Hills-Library, 809 E. Victoria Street, Dominguez Hills, California 90247. HEAD OF TECHNICAL PROCESSES to di­ rect order, serials and cataloging activities of a growing liberal arts college library of 85,000 vols. Converting to LC. Degree from ALA ac­ credited school and professional experience at a supervisory level. Salary $8,500-$11,000, de­ pending on experience. Generous benefits. Send resume to James E. Gaines, Jr., Library Director, Birmingham-Southern College, Bir­ mingham, Ala 35204. HEAD, SERIALS DEPARTMENT. Oakland University has an immediate opening for an experienced Serials Librarian, who will super­ vise a staff of three (including one profession­ al) plus student assistants. Serials Head will work with faculty to develop the serials col­ lection, and will be responsible for the Central Serials Record and binding preparation. Oak­ land is a rapidly expanding State University, set in beautiful surroundings, twenty-five miles north of Detroit. Acquisitions and circulation records are already on computer. The salary is $10,000, plus substantial fringe benefits. An M.L.S. from an accredited library school is required. Send resume to: W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063. Special Collections CHIEF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRAR­ IAN: administer and develop growing collec­ tions of rare books, m anuscripts, W estern Americana; some related experience required. 39 hour week, month leave, fringe benefits. Salary competitive. Equal opportunity employ­ er. Apply Dr. Robert K. Johnson, Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson Ari­ zona 85721. Position available July 1. Gale reprin871t editions of universal, national, and subject bibliographies … new availability of original sources W illia m S p o h n B a k e r B IB L IO T H E C A W A S H IN G T O N IA N A : a d e ­ s c r ip t iv e l is t o f th e b i o g r a p h ie s a n d b i o g r a p h ­ ic a l s k e tc h e s o f G e o r g e W a s h in g to n . A n a n n o ta te d , ch ro n o lo g ic a l listin g o f 502 A m erican a n d fo re ig n title s w h ic h co v e rs th e p e rio d 1777 to 1889. 1889/179p./$9.00 T h o m a s L in d s le y B r a d fo r d T H E B IB L IO G R A P H E R ’S M A N U A L O F A M E R IC A N H IS T O R Y , c o n ta in in g a n a c c o u n t o f a ll s t a t e ‚ t e r r i to r y ‚ t o w n ‚ a n d c o u n ty h is ­ to r ie s r e la tin g to th e U n ite d S ta te s . A list o f 6,065 sta te a n d lo cal h isto rie s t h a t c o n ta in v e rb a tim co p ies of th e i r title s a n d u s e fu l b ib lio g ra p h ­ ical n o te s to g e th e r w ith p ric e s a t w h ic h th e y w ere sold. 1798/5 v o l./l,7 9 8 p ./$ 6 8 .0 0 P a u l B r o c k e lt B IB L IO G R A P H Y O F A E R O N A U T IC S . A n e x h a u s tiv e c o m p ila tio n of m o re t h a n 13,000 books, a rtic le s, a n d p a m p h le ts w r itte n in E n g lish , F re n c h , G erm an , a n d I ta lia n b e tw e e n 1860 a n d 1910 b y p io ­ n e e rs in th e sc ien ce of a e ro n a u tic s. 1910/940p./$37.00 F r ie d r ic h A d o lf E b ert G E N E R A L B IB L IO G R A P H IC A L D IC T IO N A R Y . T ra n s la te d fro m th e G e rm a n , th is u n iv e r s a l b ib lio g ­ r a p h y h a s 24,280 a lp h a b e tic a lly a r ra n g e d e n tr ie s th a t go b e y o n d m e re d e s c rip tio n of e d itio n s a n d p ro v id e v a lu a b le n o te s t h a t a re i n t u r n h u m o ro u s, c au stic, a n d m o ra lis tic . 1837/4 vol./2,069p./$98.50 T h o m a s W . F ie ld AN E SSA Y T O W A R D S AN IN D IA N B IB L I­ O G R A P H Y , b e in g a c a ta lo g u e o f b o o k s r e la tin g to th e h i s t o r y ‚ a n t i q u i t ie s ‚ la n g u a g e s ‚ c u s to m s ‚ r e l ig io n ‚ w a r s ‚ l it e r a t u r e , a n d o r ig in o f th e A m e r ic a n I n d ia n s . R e p rin te d fro m th e 1873 e d itio n , th e 1,708 A m e ric a n a n d fo re ig n w o rk s in c lu d e t r a v e le rs ’ ac c o u n ts ; m is­ sio n a ry jo u rn a ls ; g o v e rn m e n t re p o rts ; a n d In d ia n n a rra tiv e s , tra d itio n s , leg en d s, a n d la n g u a g e s . 1873/ 430p./$12.50 G eo r g e G a tfie ld GUIDE TO PRINTED BOOKS AND MANU­ SCRIPTS RELATING TO ENGLISH AND FOR­ EIGN HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY; b‹›iiig a c la s s ifie d c a ta lo g u e o f w o r k s o f th o s e b r a n c h e s o f lit e r a tu r e . A classified g u id e to o v e r 17,500 b o o k s, p e rio d ic a ls, a n d m a n u s c rip ts c o v e rin g fa m ily h is to rie s, Pe d ig rees, p e e ra g e cases, crests, a rm s, m o tto e s, a n d allie d sub- je c ts . 1892/646p./$19-50 J a c o b H arry H o lla n d e r T H E EC O N O M IC L IB R A R Y O F JA C O B H . H O L L A N D E R . C om piled b y E lsie A. G. M a rsh , th is is a n in v e n to ry o f 4,071 ite m s in o n e of t h e g r e a te s t eco n o m ics co l­ le c tio n s in th e w o rld . I t in c lu d e s 3,860 b o o k s a n d p a m p h le ts p u b lish e d fro m 1574 to 1936 a r ra n g e d by d a te of p u b lic a tio n , as w e ll as n u m e ro u s p e rso n a l l e tte r s a n d e n g ra v e d a n d p h o to g ra p h ic p o r tra its of e m in e n t eco n o m ists. 1937/324p./$14.50 N ik o la u s T r ü b n e r T R Ü B N E R ’S B IB L IO G R A P H IC A L G U ID E TO A M E R IC A N L IT E R A T U R E : a c la s s e d lis t o f b o o k s p u b l i s h e d in th e U n ite d S ta te s d u r in g th e la s t f o r t y y e a r s ‚ w ith b ib lio g r a p h ic a l i n tr o ­ d u c tio n , n o te s ‚ a n d a l p h a b e tic a l in d e x . T h is 10,000-entry b ib lio g ra p h y b e g a n th e a u th e n tic r e c o rd of l ite r a r y p ro g re ss in A m e ric a a n d re m a in s t h e o n ly classed b ib lio g ra p h y o f th e tim e . T he m a in p a r t, “ C lassed L ist of B ooks,” classifies t h e lite ra tu r e o f th ir ty - o n e su b je c t a re a s . 1859/703p./$27.50 W illia m S w an S o n n e n s c h e in N e w i n tr o d u c t io n b y F r a n c e s c o C o r d a s c o T H E B E S T B O O K S . A r e a d e r ’s g u i d e a n d l i t ­ e r a r y r e f e r e n c e b o o k ‚ b e in g a c o n t r i b u tio n t o w a r d s s y s te m a ti c b i b li o g r a p h y ‚ 3 r d e d . A list of 150,000 w o rk s a r ra n g e d b y a u th o r a n d su b ­ je c t, c o v e rin g e v e ry d e p a r tm e n t of sc ience, a r t, a n d lite ra tu r e , w ith th e p ric e , size a n d p u b lis h e r ’s n a m e ( b o th E n g lish a n d A m e ric a n ) of e a c h book. V olum e VI o ffers o n e o f th e tw e n tie th c e n tu r y ’s m o st v a lu ­ ab le a n d c o m p re h e n siv e a u th o r, title , a n d su b je c t in d e x e s , p lu s th e a d d re sse s o f som e 1,500 B ritish p u b lish e rs , p r iv a te p resses, le a r n e d societies, etc. 1910- 1935/6 voL/3,816p./$165.00 R o b e r t W att A B IB L IO G R A P H Y O F R O B E R T W A T T , M .D . E d ite d w ith a n essay b y F ra n c e sc o C ordasco, th is w o rk in c lu d e s W a tt’s C atalogue o f M ed ica l B o o k s— a b o u t 1,000 v o lu m es of th e im p o rta n t m e d ic a l li t e r ­ a tu r e of th e tim e w h ic h h a s b e e n c a lle d th e b est a v a ila b le b ib lio g ra p h y of e ig h te e n th - c e n tu r y m e d ­ ic in e . 1950/72p./$8.50 A l l T i t l e s S h i p p e d O n T h i r t y - d a y A p p r o v a l C o m p l e t e C a t a l o g A v a i l a b l e U p o n R e q u e s t GALE RESEARCH COMPANY Book T ow e r D e tro it, M ic h ig a n 4822 6 881 AWARDS, HONORS A N D PRIZES A SOURCE BOOK A N D DIRECTORY Edited by Paul Wasserman D ean o f the University o f Maryland School o f Library and Inform ation Services A n indispensable new reference to o l for sch ools, public and special libraries, business firms, newspapers, advertising and public rela­ tion s agencies, and governm ent officials, Awards, Honors and P riz e s: A Source Book and Directory is based on tw o years o f intensive research and is the first single-volum e source b ook and directory for current inform ation on the prizes, awards, h on ors, and d istin ctions given in virtually every field o f human endeavor. Its geograp hic emphasis is u p on th e U nited States and Canada; how ever, data is given for the major international awards and honors. Listed and described are m ore than 2,000 different awards and prizes given in recognition o f outstand in g achievement in th e fields o f Literature, Art, Science, E ducation, A dvertising and Public Rela­ tions, Business, Government, Finance, Engineering, T ech n ology, Sports, R eligion, Public Affairs, Radio and T elevision , Politics, Librarianship, Fashion, M edicine, Law, P ublishing, International Affairs, T ransportation, Architecture, Journalism , M otion Pictures, M usic, Photography, or Theater and the Perform ing A rts. C onveniently organized to permit quick and efficient reference to inform ation under sp on sorin g body, popular name, or subject field o f the award, each entry in its main section provides these details: (l) N am e o f sp onsor; (2) A d dress o f sp onsor; (3) Exact title o f the award; (4) Purpose o f the award and terms o f eligibility; (5) T h e exact form o f the award (medal, citation, scroll, sum o f m oney, etc.); (ó) Frequency o f award; (7) D ate established; (8) N am e o f person or organ ization w h ich established th e award. T h e secon d section indexes awards alphabetically; the third is a subject ind ex to awards granted in each subject area. Order Awards, Honors and P riz e s: A Source Book and Directory and examine free for thirty days, w ith a n o -ob ligation return privilege. L .C . N o . 71-84903 3 1 1 pages $ 1 8 . 5 0 G A L E RESEARCH COMPANY BOOK TOW ER DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 A N N O U N C I N G