ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College & Research ay 1973ro. 2, FebruN Libraries news ACRL N ew s Issue (B) of C ollege & Research Libraries, Vol. 34, No. 2 Editorship of CRL News Changes This will be the final issue of CRL News edited by Michael Herbison. Replacing him will be Allan Dyson, head, Moffitt Undergradu­ ate Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 as editor and Susana Hinojosa as as­ sociate editor, also of Moffitt Undergraduate Li­ brary. Allan J. Dyson is head of the Moffitt Under­ graduate Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. After graduating from Harvard College in 1964 and spending two years in the Army, he attended the Simmons College School of Library Science in Boston. Prior to his cur­ rent position he was assistant to the director of the Columbia University libraries from 1968-1971. Susana Hinojosa, recently appointed Assistant Librarian in the Reference Department of Mof­ fitt Undergraduate Library, did her undergrad­ uate work in Spanish at the University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Barbara. Ms. Hinojosa is a gradu­ ate of the School of Librarianship at Berkeley, and while there worked as an Assistant in the General Reference Service. ■ ■ ATTENTION All future copy is to be sent to: Mr. Al­ lan Dyson, Editor, CRL News, Moffitt Undergraduate Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Please draw this information to the attention of your colleagues and your public informa­ tion officers. C o lle g e & Research L ibra rie s is published by the Association of C o llege and Research Libraries, a division of the Am erican Library Association, 17 tim es yearly— 6 bimonthly journal issues and I I monthly, com bining July- August, New s issues a t 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, M o. 65251. Subscription, $ 15.00 a year or, to members of the division, $5.00, included in dues. C irculation and advertising office: American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611. Second-class postage paid a t Fulton, Missouri 65251. News editor: Michael Herbison, Library, University of Co lorad o, C o lorad o Springs Center, C olorado Springs, C o lo rad o 80907. Editor: Richard M . Dougherty, University Library, University of C a lifo rn ia, Berkeley, Califo rn ia 94720. President, ACRL: Rusself Shank. Executive Secretary, ACRL: Beverly Lynch, ALA . SE-LIN® labels stay on and stay clean for the life of the binding... O u r SE-LIN System m akes la b e lin g o f a b o o k a o n e - tim e p r o p o s itio n . SE-LIN la b e ls w o n 't c o m e o ff because th e y 're h e a t sealed to th e s p in e . . . c a n 't g e t d ir ty because th e y 'r e p ro te c te d b y a la m in a te d la y e r o f c le a r p la s tic . T he SE-LIN la b e l-m a k in g d e v ic e a tta ch e s to y o u r ty p e w r ite r . So s im p le th a t a n y o n e can use it. A n d so e c o n o m ic a l. . . o n ly a b o u t o n e c e n t each f o r m a te ria ls . Please w r it e f o r o u r n e w illu s tra te d f o ld e r g iv in g fu ll d e ta ils . g aylord G A Y L O R D BR O S., IN C . L IB R A R Y S U P P L IE S A N D E Q U IP M E N T • S Y R A C U S E , N Y 13201 • S T O C K T O N , C A 95204