ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 7 0 / C&RL News A m ong Friends: Hospice Care for th e Person w ith AIDS, by Robert W. Buck­ ingham (191 pages, April 1992), shows how hospice can provide compassionate care to m eet the medical, psychological, and spiritual needs of persons with AIDS and those w ho love them. Written by one of the found­ ers of the first hospice in the United States, the book ar­ gues that hospice is more at­ tuned to the special needs of AIDS patients and far more cost-effective in most cases than acute-care hospitals. Chapters cover hospice care for children with AIDS, suicide and the AIDS patient, the cost of care, and a glossary of medical terms. A copy may be or­ dered for $19-95 from Prometheus Books, 700 E. Amherst St., Buffalo, NY 14215. ISBN 0- 87975-720-5. An Annotated Bibliography of Faculty Sta­ tus in Library and Inform ation Science, by Karl E. Johnson (66 pages, Occasional Papers no. 193, April 1992), contains more than 300 English-language items on faculty status. The work is intended to supplement the bibliogra­ phy by Nancy Huling in College & Research Li­ braries 34 (November 1976): 440-62. Copies are available for $8.00 (plus $3.00 handling) from Occasional Papers, GSLIS Publications Of­ fice, University of Illinois, 249 Armory Build­ ing, 505 E. Armory St., Champaign, IL 61820. ISSN 0276-1769. The Columbia Dictionary of European Po­ litical H istory sin ce 1914, edited by John Stevenson (437 pages, February 1992), brings together in a single volume a wide range of reference material on British and European his­ tory since 1914. The editor has attempted to indicate modern assessments of some of the issues of the period, including extensive treat­ ment of such topics as the Fischer controversy, the Spanish Civil War, and Soviet collectiviza­ tion. This is a good source for quick informa­ tion on European issues, leaders, and political parties. A copy may be ordered for $69.50 from Columbia University Press, 562 W. 113th St., New York, NY 10025. ISBN 0-231-07880-3. N e w Publications George M. Eberhart Contemporary Entrepre­ neurs, compiled by Craig E. Aronoff and John L. Ward (488 pages, February 1992), includes biographies of 74 c o n te m p o ra ry e n tre p re ­ neurs from diverse indus­ tries, all regions of the coun­ try, and a wide range of backgrounds and education. Each entry provides a sum­ mary of the entrepreneur’s com pany, revenues, em ­ ployees, original invest­ ment, business growth and obstacles, keys to success, future vision, entre­ preneurial lessons. Among those profiled are: Alan C. Ashton and Bruce W. Bastian (Word­ Perfect Corporation), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields’ Cookies, Inc.), Joel Hyatt (Hyatt Legal Services), Steven P. Jobs (NeXT Computer, Inc.), and Dane Alan Miller (Biomet, Inc.). The volume is available for $85.00 from Omnigraphics, Inc., Penobscot Building, Detroit, MI 48226. ISBN 1- 55888-315-0. The Economist A tlas (384 pages, 2d ed., March 1992) is organized into three sections: 70 pages of political and physical maps, 82 pages of thematic maps and charts drawn to reflect most recent economic data, and more than 200 country and regional profiles in map, chart, and narrative format. A copy may be ordered for $47.50 from Henry Holt and Co., 115 W. 18th St., New York, NY 10011. ISBN 0-8050-1987-1. The E ncyclopedia o f Ethics, edited by Lawrence C. Becker and Charlotte B. Becker (1,462 pages, 2 vols., April 1992), contains 435 signed articles on topics in meta-ethics, ethical theory, perennial moral problems, and politi­ cal, social, and legal theory. There are survey articles on trends and eras; summaries of lead­ ing concepts, principles, and theoretical prob­ lems; and biographical entries for prominent philosophers of ethics. Articles vary in length from 500 to 9,000 words; each has a bibliogra­ phy and was peer reviewed prior to being ac­ cepted for publication. Some of the broad top­ ics covered in depth are: abortion, business ethics, civil disobedience, compromise, envy, equality, Hindu ethics, hypocrisy, life and death, mass media, moral dilemmas, natural law, plea- July/August 1 9 9 2 /4 7 1 sure, privacy, rights, sexuality, virtues, and war. The volumes sell for $150.00. Contact Garland Publishing, 717 Fifth Ave., Suite 2500, New York, NY 10022. ISBN 0-8240-9906-0. The Fifth Off-Cam pus Library Services Con­ feren ce P ro ceed in g s, com piled by Carol J. Jacob (360 pages, 1991), reprints the 40 papers presented at the conference, sponsored by Cen­ tral Michigan University an d held in Albuquer­ que, O ctober 30 to N ovember 1, 1991. Topics include external relations, program administra­ tion, bibliographic instruction, and research in off-campus library services. Copies are avail­ able for $35.00 from Judith Porter, 207 Park Li­ brary, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleas­ ant, MI 48859. Financing Politics: M o n e y , Elections, an d P o litical R eform , by H erbert E. A lexander (212 pages, 4th ed., March 1992), gives an over­ view o f the role m oney plays in elective poli­ tics in the United States. This edition contains new material on public policy options for cam­ paign financing and a new chapter on the costs of elections. Also included is a detailed look at contribution and spending patterns in the 1988 presidential and congressional campaigns, and a state-by-state breakdow n of campaign finance laws across the United States. A copy may be ordered for $20.95 from Congressional Quarterly Books, 300 Raritan Center Parkway, P.O. Box 7816, Edison, NJ 08818-7816. ISBN 0-87187-6914. In fo rm a tio n in Eastern a n d C e n tra l Eu­ rope: C om ing in fro m th e C old (94 pages, 1992), contains papers presented at the 1991 SLA State-of-the-Art Institute reg ard in g the changes in information technology occurring in Eastern and Central Europe. Topics include acquisition tips on scholarly information in East­ ern Europe, the status o f the information infra­ structure in Eastern Europe, an d aiding Eastern and Central European libraries. A copy may be ordered for $31.25 (SLA members, $25.00) from the Special Libraries Association, 1700 Eigh­ teenth St., N.W., Washington, DC 20009-2508. ISBN 0-87111-394-5. In trod u ction to L ib ra ry Public Services, by G. Edward Evans, Anthony J. Amodeo, and Thomas L. Carter (374 pages, 5th ed., Winter 1992), lists and describes the services and ac­ tivities required to perform a variety o f library public services from circulation to public rela­ tions and reference. A com plete revision o f In ­ troduction to Public Services f o r Library Tech- nicians by Marty Bloomberg (4th ed.), this vol­ um e offers a more comprehensive description of public service in all types of libraries and for all public service staff, professional and para­ professional. Within each chapter the authors consider the philosophy and role o f each ser­ vice, variations in service, physical facility (and storage) implications o f the service, staffing patterns and administrative concerns, and le­ gal and ethical issues. Copies are $37.50 (cloth) from L ibraries U n lim ited , P.O. Box 3988, Englewood, CO 80155. ISBN 0-87287-859-7. The N a tio n a l B o o k A w a r d s — F o rty -o n e Y ears o f Literary E xcellen ce: W in ners and F in alists, 1 9 5 0 -1 9 9 1 , com piled by the Na­ tional Book Foundation (76 pages, March 1992), w as prepared in response to dem and for a com­ plete list o f America’s literary heritage as ex­ emplified by the awards. The booklet lists all o f the w inners and finalists by category within a specific year. An author index is included. To request a free copy, call Baker & Taylor Books’ Information Services at (800) 235-4490. O rig in s , C o n te n t, a n d Future o f A A C R 2 Revised, edited by Richard P. Smiraglia (139 pages, March 1992), is based o n a series of re­ gional institutes developed by the ALA Asso­ ciation for Library Collections and Technical Services to help librarians better understand and implement the 1988 AACR2 rule revisions. The articles in Part 1 provide contextual informa­ tion about the AACR2 revision, its origin, and the process by w hich it came to be published. Adaptations of cataloging w orkshop presenta­ tions, in w hich the specific content of the revi­ sion is covered, constitute Part 2. Part 3 is a symposium on the future o f descriptive cata­ loging and AACR2. Copies may be ordered for $20.00 (ALA m embers, $18.00) from the Order Department, ALA Publishing Services, 50 E. Hu­ ron St., Chicago, IL 606ll. ISBN 0-8389-3405-6. The Particle A tla s , Electronic Edition (CD- ROM version, 1992) is an exhaustive descrip­ tion o f all major classes o f particulate matter found in the world. Each class is represented by its m ost com m on m em bers. Among the pollens you will find pine, red oak, sugar maple, cottonw ood, and many others described. Doz­ ens o f minerals are included. Environmental effluents, paint pigments, food products, cos- 4 7 2 / C&RL N ew s metics, fibers, and insect parts are all repre­ sented, including even household dust balls. This CD-ROM edition, produced by Micro- Dataware in cooperation with the McCrone Research Institute, provides desktop access to all the images, text, and tabular information contained in the 6-volume print edition. Fu­ ture editions, available to Particle Atlas own­ ers on a subscription basis, will contain addi­ tional particles an d additional identifying information such as micro-FTIR spectra for al p a rtic le s . A pproxim ately $1,500.00 from MicroDataware, 2894 Tribune Ave., Hayward, CA 94542; (510) 582-6624, for further information. The Pre-Raphaelites in Context, by Malcolm Warner, et al. (251 pages, 1992), consists o the papers of a symposium organized by the Huntington Library to accompany its exhibi tion on the Pre-Raphaelite movement. The es­ says reflect a wide variety of approaches to the study of the movement, including such topics as Pre-Raphaelitism and the National Gallery Pre-Raphaelite challenges to Victorian canons of feminine beauty, the materialist aesthetic o William Morris, and a study of the Edward Burne-Jones letters in the Huntington manu script collections. This volume has been pub lished simultaneously in volume 55 of the H u n tington Library Quarterly (Winter 1992). Copies are available for $20.00 from the Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino, CA 91108 ISBN 0-87328-138-1. Preserving th e Illu strated T e x t, the fina report of the Joint Task Force on Text and Im age (30 pages, April 1992), examines the com plex issues involved across a broad spectrum of disciplines in preserving materials with both text and graphic images. The Joint Task Force composed of 16 scholarly and practicing pro fessional representatives from a variety of aca demic specialties, was charged by the Com mission on Preservation and Access to explore the problems of image preservation for schol arly research purposes. The group examined the attributes and distribution of images in en dangered books and periodicals, explored the characteristics of the uses and users of these materials in different disciplines, and assessed the current and potential capabilities of both analog and digital technologies to provide con venient, continuing access consonant with dis ciplinary requirements. The report is available for $10.00 (prepayment required, with check payable to the Commission on Preservation and Access), from Trish Cece, Commission on Pres­ ervation and Access, 1400 16th St., N.W., Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036-2217. The RLG Preservation Microfilming H and­ book (204 pages, April 1992) features detailed guidelines based on national and international standards for prefilming, targeting, and filming of monographs, pamphlets, and serials. Appen­ l dices provide samples of contracts, requests for information, requests for proposal, instructional flags, reel programming worksheets, quality control report forms, and selected targets. A chart for identifying defects in camera nega­ tives is also included. The publication super­ f sedes the earlier RLG Preservation M anual (2A ed., 1986) and results from the work of 18 RLG- ­ selected preservation microfilming specialists representing libraries, commercial micropub­ lishers, filming bureaus, and related organiza­ tions. A copy may be ordered for $75.00 (plus , $5.00 handling) from Distribution Services Cen­ ter, Research Libraries Group, 1200 Villa St., f Mountain View, CA 94041-1100. ­ Using the Nation's Documentary Heritage, ­ by Ann D. Gordon (112 pages, 1992), has been ­ published as the report of the Historical Docu­ ments Study, supported by the National His­ torical Publications and Records Commission . (NHPRC) in cooperation with the American Council of Learned Societies. In its survey of 1,394 members of historical and genealogical l societies, the study sought to identify the char­ ­ acteristics of users of archival collections, the ­ methods they use to locate documents, and their reasons for conducting research. The study came up with a number of recommendations , to enhance access to historical documents for ­ the commission to implement. For a copy of ­ the report, contact NHPRC, National Archives ­ Building, Washington, DC 20408. ­ W h o 's W h o in Africa: Leaders fo r the 1990s, by Alan Rake (448 pages, 1992), pro­ ­ vides lively descriptions of Black Africa’s top leadership. Arranged by country, each profile includes a short assessment of the leader’s char­ acter and career, followed by a life history. The book concentrates on people in power, those ­ recently in office, and those most likely to suc­ ­ ceed. Copies are available for $59.50 from Scare­ crow Press, P.O. Box 4167, Metuchen, NJ 08840. s ISBN 0-8108-2557-0. ■