ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1 9 9 2 /4 7 3 B row n U niversity's John Hay Library has received a $72,466 Title-IIC grant from the U. S. Department o f Edu­ cation for a two-year project to provide original cataloging for 4,000 books, pamphlets, and serials in the H. Adrian Smith Collection o f Conjuring and Magicana. The Smith col­ lection covers the art, theory, and history of magic as a per­ formance art and includes a copy of the second edition of Hocus Pocus Ju n io r (London, 1635) signed on the title page “Harry Houdini, London, Jan 4/1904, The Jail Breaker.” N o rth e rn Illinois U n iv e rs ity (N IU ) has been awarded $2,475 from the Cooperative Col­ lection Management Coordinating Committee of the State Library of Illinois for the acquisi­ tion of the San Francisco Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Serials microfilm collection—almost all of the major lesbian and gay publications pro­ duced in Northern California betw een 1950 and 1990 as well as a significant num ber o f lesser- known and short-run journals. The gay press collection already housed at Northern em pha­ sizes both the regional press of the Midwest and the new spapers o f record from cities with substantial homosexual communities. Accord­ ing to NIU, this acquisition will create the larg­ est single microfilm collection of this genre at any research library in the United States. The collection presently includes titles from Canada, England, an d France as well as the United States. The NIU collection began in 1982 as a project to create an index to The ADVOCATE under the direction of Robert B. Marks Ridinger. Rutgers, the State University o f N e w Jer­ sey, h as rec eiv e d a co n tin u a tio n g ran t o f $125,000 in outright funds and $108,658 in matching funds from the National Endowment of the Humanities. The grant supports the U.S. C e n te r o f th e L ex ico n I c o n o g r a p h ic u m Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC) for an additional two years. The LIMC is an international project of nearly 40 countries to publish a pictorial dictionary o f classical mythology. The U.S. Center is located in A lexander Library on the Rutgers Campus. G r a n t s and Acquisitions The University o f Califor­ n ia , I r v in e ’s East Asian C o lle c tio n r e c e n tly r e ­ c e iv e d tw o g ra n ts from Japanese sources. For the second consecutive year, the Japan Foundation ap­ proved a two million yen ($16,000) grant to support the library’s Japanese acqui­ sitions program. A $10,000 grant was also provided by Toshiba International, To­ kyo (with the assistance of the Irvine-based Toshiba America Electronic Components), to aid in col­ lection development. The U niversity o f M a n ito b a Libraries re ­ ceived three grants from the Canadian Council of Archives (CCA): $8,310 will be used to pro­ cess papers of Manitoba playwright and screen­ writer Maxwell Charles Cohen; $4,800 will pro­ cess records o f the university’s now-defunct Centre for Settlement Studies; and $20,000 is for preservation microfilming of archival records. Acquisitions A lib r a r y o f Josiah W e d g w o o d in fo r­ mation collected by Elizabeth Chellis has been donated by Lucille Stewart Beeson to the Bir­ m in g h a m M useum o f Art. The 1,200-volume library includes a core collection of 18th-cen­ tu ry b o o k s d o c u m e n tin g th e fa c ts o f W edgw ood’s world including the impact of the discovery of classical artifacts on 18th-century European tastes. Also included are 21 letters, 13 o f w hich w ere inscribed or w ritten by Wedgwood. H e n r y S. V illa r d , fo rm e r U.S. a m b a s ­ sador to three African nations, has donated his papers to the Twentieth Century Archives at B oston U niversity. Villard’s career as a for­ eign service officer spanned a period from the late 1920s to the early 1960s. As a diplomat he served at posts in Tehran, Rio de Janeiro, Caracas, and Oslo and as ambassador to Libya,