ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 259 Personnel PROFILES Larger academic libraries seem to desire sim­ ilar qualities in individuals they consider for di­ rector positions. Experience in building design, proven organizational ability, a creative bent in problem -solving, and some sort of abil­ ity to cope with auto­ mation all weigh heav­ ily in a candidate’s favor. A respect for and perhaps training in a humanistic field will also find favor on most campuses. The administration of No­ tre Dame seems to have found such a David E. Sparks man in David E. Sparks, new Director of Libraries. Mr. Sparks comes to Notre Dame from Yale University where he was Associate Librarian for Public Services. While at Yale, he played a major role in the $3 million addition to the Sterling Memorial Library, was responsible for the reorganization of the circulation, reference, reserve book, and photographic departments, and played a central role in the organization of the Yale “intensive use” collection. From early 1965 until September of 1967 when he attended Yale he was Head, Reference and Library Services Section, Science and Technology Division, in the Library of Con­ gress. While serving in this position he was closely involved with the serials data program and the MARC program as the latter pertained to the Science Reading Room Collection. His educational background includes an A.B. and an M.A. in romance language and linguis­ tics and library science training at Catholic University. His commitment to libraries in general can be seen by his professional activities, which in­ clude memberships in ALA, SLA, ASIS, and ALTA. Particularly commendable is his role as a trustee for the Lucios Beebe Memorial Li­ brary in Wakefield, Massachusetts, and for the B. C. Scranton Memorial Library in Madison, Connecticut. A P P O IN T M E N T S Thomas E. Albright has been appointed as assistant director of libraries at Michigan State University, E. Lansing, effective July 1, 1971. George M. Bailey has been named associ­ ate director of libraries for the Claremont Col­ leges, Claremont, California. James E. Buck is now librarian of St. Jo­ seph’s College, Rensselaer, Indiana. W illiam H. Calhoon, Jr., has joined the staff of the University of Delaware library, Newark, as an assistant reference librarian. Allen Cohen is now senior assistant librari­ an in the cataloging department of the Pennsyl­ vania State University library at University Park. He will be responsible for cataloging in­ struction. Earle E. Coleman is the new university archivist at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Mrs. Nola Crawford has recently assumed the position of assistant reference librarian at the University of Delaware library, Newark. Mrs. Sarah Crews is now associate director for technical services, James Branch Cabell Li­ brary, Academic Center, Virginia Common­ wealth University, Richmond. W ilford D evine has been appointed associ­ ate librarian I in the Acquisitions Department of the University of Maryland library, College Park. Herman E lstein has been appointed assist­ ant director for reader services, Richard Stock- ton State College, Pomona, New Jersey. Laurence F eldman is now the physical sci­ ences librarian at the University of Massachu­ setts library, Amherst. George Gibbs has been named assistant to the head, original cataloging, technical services, Columbia University libraries. Alan V. Gould is to be the new senior as­ sistant librarian, science and technology divi­ sion of the University of Nebraska libraries, Lincoln. Molly H aarhoff has been appointed asso­ ciate librarian I in the humanities reference room of the University of Maryland Library, College Park. Donald D. Hendricks will become director of the library for the University of Texas South­ western Medical School, Dallas. Michele A. Huntley is to be senior assist­ ant librarian in the acquisitions department of the University of Nebraska libraries, Lincoln. Donald B. Imrie has joined the University of Toronto library, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as director of library administrative services. Eugene B. Jackson has accepted a dual po­ sition on the staff of the University of Texas at Austin as professor of library science and con­ sultant on library automation for the university libraries. John R. James is now a cataloger in the in­ formation processing department at the Univer­ sity of Massachusetts library, Amherst. 260 VicKE F aye Keating has joined the staff of the University of Nebraska Libraries, Lincoln, as assistant librarian in the science and tech­ nology division. Charles King has accepted an appointment with the Columbia University libraries as medi­ cal reference librarian. Robert P. Lang has been named associate university librarian, University of California, Riverside campus. W illiam J. Leiblein has been appointed as­ sistant director for nonprint services, Richard Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jersey. George L owy has accepted an appointment in the Columbia University libraries as librari­ an, International Affairs Library. Beverly Lusey has been appointed associ­ ate librarian I in the technology and science reference room of the University of Maryland library, College Park. Janet Kay McNeil has been appointed as­ sistant reference librarian at the James Branch Cabell Library, Academic Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond. Jess A. Martin has received appointment as director of libraries at the University of Tennes­ see Medical Units in Memphis. Mrs. Barbara N. May is now an assistant reference librarian at the University of Dela­ ware library, Newark. Everet Minett is now director of library automation systems a t the University of Toron­ to library, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Marcia Parsons has been appointed head librarian of Sears Library of the Case Western Reserve University libraries, Cleveland, Ohio. Gary N orman Paul has accepted appoint­ ment to the position of head librarian at the University of Hawaii’s Hilo College in Hilo, Hawaii. Miss Janice J. Poplau has accepted the po­ sition of cataloger in the library of Birmingham- Southern College, Birmingham, Alabama. Theodore Rauch is now serials librarian, se­ rials and documents acquisitions, Columbia University libraries. Mrs. Pamela Ross is now assistant circula­ tion librarian with the Columbia University li­ braries. Martha Rudyk has been appointed head catalog librarian, Richard Stockton State Col­ lege, Pomona, New Jersey. Stanley A. Shabowich has been appointed acquisitions librarian and instructor in library science at Purdue University, Calumet campus, Hammond, Indiana. Mrs. Joanne Simonds is now assistant fine arts librarian with the Columbia University li­ braries. F rederick E. Sm ith has been appointed as head of the Circulation Department a t Michi­ gan State University Libraries, E. Lansing, ef­ fective July 1, 1971. Ormond Somervill is now assistant librari­ an in the humanities division of the University of Nebraska libraries, Lincoln. Mrs. Jean Stefancic has joined the library staff at Birmingham-Southern College, Birming­ ham, Alabama, as periodicals librarian. F. W illiam Summers has accepted a posi­ tion as assistant dean of the University of South Carolina’s new Graduate Library School a t Co­ lumbia. Ronald Swanson is now senior assistant li­ brarian in the humanities division of the Uni­ versity of Nebraska Library, Lincoln. John B. T homas is the new director, Learn­ ing Resource Library, Davidson County Com­ munity College, Lexington, North Carolina. Phillip Tilghman is joining Washburn Uni­ versity, Topeka, Kansas, as assistant librarian. Christina W agner has been appointed asso­ ciate librarian I in the reserve book room of the University of Maryland Library, College Park. Mrs. Marjorie F. W allace has been ap­ pointed reader services librarian, Richard Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jersey. Marqua E. W eathers has been appointed technical services librarian and assistant profes­ sor of library science a t Purdue University, Cal­ umet campus, Hammond, Indiana. Hans H. W eber is now head of the serials department a t the University of California, Riv­ erside campus, library. Dr. John G. W illiamson has joined the staff of the University of Delaware Library, New­ ark, as an assistant acquisitions librarian. Patrick W ilson is th e new dean of the school of librarianship a t the University of Cal­ ifornia, Berkeley. Mrs. Katharine M. W ood has been named reference librarian at the University of Dela­ ware Library, Newark. RETIREMENTS Mrs. Myrtle Chaney, an assistant professor in the library education department, has retired from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Mrs. Irene Cunningham has retired from her position as library cataloger at Oklahoma State University library, Stillwater. She served in her position as cataloger for fifteen years. Dr. Luther H. Evans retired as director of international collections, Columbia University libraries, on June 30, 1971. Dr. Evans had been with Columbia since 1962 and was actively en­ gaged in developing the university’s interna­ tional collections as well as assisting in develop­ ing the library program of the Graduate School of International Affairs. Dr. Evans had served as Librarian of Congress from 1945-1953 and Director General of UNESCO from 1953-1958. 263 ENGLISH LANGUAGE BOOKS BY TITLE: A CATALOG OF LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS Although title arrangements of bibliographic materials often permit simpler, easier, and faster consultation than the more common author arrangements, there has until now been no truly comprehensive published bibliography arranged in title order. The serious need for such a tool will be met by Gale’s forthcoming English Language Books by Title, a catalog based on Library of Congress depository cards arranged by title and reproduced in their entirety (including LC and Dewey numbers and subject tracings). Cards included pertain to works completely or principally in the English language, regardless of place of publication. THE BASE SET—Covering the years 1969 and 1970, the base set will consist of more than 160,000 entries in 20 volumes. The first two volumes will be ready for shipment in June, 1971; publication of the entire set will be completed before the end of the year. The base set is priced at $380.00. QUARTERLY SUPPLEMENTS AND ANNUAL CUMULATIONS—Supplements to the base set will appear quarterly; the first supplement will cover January through March, 1971. Each two-volume, paperbound issue will contain about 20,000 entries, or about 80,000 entries a year. Annual cumulations, clothbound, will be issued about four months after the close of each year. The annual subscription to the quarterly supplements is $150.00 per year; the annual cumulation also costs $150.00 per year. ADVANTAGES OF THE TITLE APPROACH—In addition to those already mentioned, some of the more prominent advantages of the title approach are that it w ill: . . . simplify searching and permit use of subprofessionals for this function . . . make possible the immediate preparation of catalog cards by the Polaroid process or similar methods . . . include under their titles government publications and publications of corporate authors which are not listed at all in some bibliographies . . . give an alternate point of entry and enable the determination of LC card order number when the author is uncertain or incorrectly cited . . . help eliminate confusion when main entry information in inter-library loan requests does not cor­ respond with main entry established by the lending library … in general, give added flexibility to search and research activities which until now have been handi­ capped by the almost exclusive use of author names as the basis for organizing catalogs and indexes TYPES OF PUBLICATIONS INCLUDED—Included among the 80,000 titles to be covered annually in the new Gale publication will be the following types of material, many not covered in any other source providing title access: books, monographs, and periodicals; publications of university presses, institutes, research units, etc.; local, state, federal, and foreign government publications; maps, reports, and pamphlets; reprints; publications in microform; and other published materials in English cataloged by LC, regardless of publisher or country of origin. FURTHER INFORMATION—Please write for a detailed brochure describing the catalog, the professional staff involved in its preparation, and the trial plan under which the catalog may be used free for 90 days. For im ­ mediate answers call Robert Cartwright collect at (313) 961-2242 GALE BOOK TOWER • DETROIT, MICH. 48226 RESEARCH COMPANY