ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 2001 / 1123 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynne E. Bradley The USA Patriot Act In barely six w eek s of activity, Congress final­ ized passage o f anti-terrorism legislation only modestly changed from that originally proposed by Attorney General John Ashcroft immediately following the terrorists’ attacks. W orking w ith our colleagues from the Am erican Association of Law Libraries (AALL) a nd the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), ALA identified sev­ eral fundam ental areas of concerns in the draft legislation. T hese issues included: expansion of p e n register and trap a nd trace devices to the Internet; expansion of access to business records; expansion o f access to educational in­ stitution records; expansion o f the definition of terrorism; a n d n e w m andates for technol­ ogy- During this entire period, ALA and o u r sis­ ter library associations w orked closely with the Center for D em ocracy a nd T echnology (CDT) a n d th e b ro a d c o a litio n o f o rg a n iz a tio n s brought together u n d e r the title o f “In Defense of Freedom ” Coalition (IDOF) by the ACLU. IDOF includes ACLU as w ell as Free Congress Foundation, Friends Committee on National Legislation, G un Ow ners o f America, The Eagle Forum, the American Muslim Council, Ameri­ cans for Tax Reform, and m any o ther diverse groups. O n October 2, ARL, AALL, and ALA released a joint public statement, signed by o u r respec­ tive governm ent relations staff, o n each of our Web sites and subsequently all of o u r associa­ tions signed o nto the IDOF statement. Later the Medical Library Association also signed onto the library statem ent. View the statem ent at: http://w w w ashoff/terrorism .pdf. O n O ctober 3, the H ouse Judiciary Com­ mittee passed H.R. 2975 unanimously. Although there w ere som e am endm ents m ade during the m arkup, n o n e w ere related to tw o of o ur chief concerns: business records (including li­ brary a n d student records) a nd com puter tres­ passing. O n O ctober 11, the Senate passed S. 1510. The next m orning the Senate bill language w as Lynne E. Bradley is Office o f Government Relations director o f ALA's Washington Office; e-mail: substituted for the original H ouse bill in a p ro ­ cedural m ove by the H ouse Rules Committee. With n o opportunity to a d d am endm ents or get o ther reconsiderations, the H ouse passed the “n e w ” (basically the Senate bill) H.R. 3108 in a vote of 357 to 66 o n O ctober 12. Many m em bers com plained a bout the unusual p ro ­ cess o r lack thereof. Changes in the final lan­ guage included a sunset o n the electronic sur­ veillance a nd a provision for judicial oversight o f the use o f the FBI’s Carnivore system. Some observers are n ow speculating w hether the lack of hearings or any o ther kind of public record will subject the law to legal challenges because o f lack o f a legislative history. During the Senate proceedings, the library associations focused on amendments proposed by Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin), subse­ quently offered during floor debate. Unfortunately, these amendments were defeated in a procedural move to table. The Senate passed S. 1510 in a 98 to 1 vote late on October 11. During floor debate on the business records and computer trespass amendments, key senators referenced the library issues in particular. In a procedural vote on the business records amendment, 11 senators voted with Feingold, including Senator Alien Specter (R-Pennsylvania). The next week, a conference committee met to negotiate the differences b etw een the Sen­ ate a n d H ouse versions. T here w as n o oppor- tunity to wiggle in som e o ther definition or report language to accom plish som e o f our objectives. President Bush signed the bill on O ctober 26. ALA is n o w w orking w ith outside legal ad­ visors to provide a systematic analysis o f the law. For exam ple, th e section on business records raises com plicated questions relative to state and other privacy laws. N ew privacy provisions d o not automatically preem pt exist­ ing state confidentiality laws regarding library records unless a n investigation is related to for­ eign intelligence and anti-terrorism investiga­ tions. In a related matter, w e are also address­ ing the “take-dow n” o f governm ent informa­ tion from Web sites and the depository library programs. Watch for additional reports; there is m uch m ore to come. ■