ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1989 / 859 from 1946-1949 he was a news re p o rte r/e d ito r for Yankee N etw ork Inc.; and from 1950-1955 he was an o rd er librarian at th e University of C onnecticut. In 1956 he jo in ed th e staff o f th e W ayne State U ni­ versity L ibrary as a b ib lio g rap h er, th e n la te r as­ su m ed responsibility for collection dev e lo p m en t and served as a librarian in P urdy Library. R em ain­ ing active since his retire m e n t in 1986, Sullivan had re c e n tly c o m p le te d a p u b lic a tio n title d French Language and Literature: A n A nnotated Bibliogra­ p h y . ■ ■ PUBLICATION • California Legal H istory M anuscripts in the Huntington Library: A Guide, p re p a re d b y th e C o m m itte e on H istory o f Law in C alifornia o f th e S tate Bar o f C alifornia (233 pages, July 1989), rep re sen ts th e culm ination o f w ork begun in 1984 w hen G ordon Bakken began th e task of cataloging th e H u n tin g to n ’s legal history special collections. T h e guide has two m ajor parts: a su b ject access guide th a t refers to individual docum ents a n d sets o f d o cum ents by topic; and a description o f collec­ tions of interest to legal historians. The m anuscripts d escrib ed are prim arily from th e 19th cen tu ry and involve real estate, agriculture, and such industries as mining, oil, and com m erce. Copies are available for $35.00, plus $2.00 handling, from H u n tin g to n Library Publications, D e p a rtm e n t C, 1151 Oxford Rd., San M arino, C A 91108. C alifornia resid e n ts add $2.28 sales tax p e r book. ISBN 0-87328-099-7. • Campus Trends, 1989, by Elaine El-Khawas (48 pages, July 1989), has been published as H igher E d u c a tio n P anel R e p o rt no. 78 by th e A m erican Council on Education. This is th e sixth in an annual series o f ACE surveys of academ ic and adm inistra­ tive practices o f A m erican colleges and u n iv ersi­ ties. In this re p o rt, special atte n tio n was given to cam pus faculty and activities to im prove m inority p a rticip a tio n in h ig h er education. Tables show p a tte rn s o f faculty hiring, c u rre n t and e x p ected shortages o f faculty by su bject area, th e c u rre n t status o f stu d en t assessment, and changes in enroll­ m ent. C opies are available for $5.00 (ACE m e m ­ bers) or $8.00 (non-A CE m em bers) from th e D ivi­ sion o f Policy Analysis and R esearch, A m erican Council on E ducation, O ne D u p o n t Circle, N.W ., W ashington, D C 20036-1193. • PC USA, rele ase d in A ugust by PC G lobe, Inc., is a u n iq u e, P C -b a se d softw are package th a t com bines m aps, graphics, and statistics to give users an in stan t profile o f all 50 states and P u e rto Rico. W ith PC USA installed at th e referen ce desk, staff or students can find data on population, ethnic groups, b irth s, death s, divorces, hospital beds, dentists, pharm acists, elem entary schools, colleges and universities, crim e, natural resources, agricul­ tu re , gross sta te p ro d u ct, average annual pay by industry, sta te sales tax, c o rp o ra te a n d personal incom e tax, state revenues and ex p en d itu res, m o­ to r vehicle registration, public road m ileage, gaso- hol consum ption, governm ent, history, and tourist attractio n s. T h e p rogram is very easy to learn and w orks well b o th w ith or w ith o u t a m ouse. O th e r e n d e arin g features o f this program are its ability to calculate th e distan ce and bearings b e tw e e n any two cities, com pare tim e zones across th e country, find th e location o f any five-digit zip code or th re e - digit area code, and instantly show U . S. maps color- c oded to th e statistic you are in te re s te d in. State m aps are also available th a t display p o p u la te d places, fea tu re s, and elevations. T he p rogram has th e ability to export data to an A SC II or Lotus 1-2- 3 file and export graphics to a .PCX file readable by m ost graphics o r desk to p pu b lish in g packages. It re q u ire s a m inim um o f 5 l2 K RAM a n d su p p o rts H ercu les m onochrom e, CGA, EGA and VGA dis­ plays for IBM PC /X T/A T/PS2 or com patibles. M a cin to sh and A pple I I versions are now u n d e r developm ent. T h e suggested retail price is $69.95; annual up g rad es are available at a m inim al cost. C o n ta c t PC Globe, Inc., 4435 S. R ural Rd., B uild­ ing 5, Suite 3, T em p e, AZ 85282, (800) 255-2789, for m ore inform ation. A com p an io n p rogram , PC -G lobe+, rele ase d earlier this year, provides sim ilar statistics for every c o u n try in th e world. F o r exam ple, you can co m ­ p a re th e literacy rate in N am ibiaw ith th e 10 coun­ tries w ith th e highest rate, or th e n u m b e r o f nurses p e r person in U ruguay with th e n u m b er in C zecho­ slovakia. T h e m aps are excellent and especially d e ta ile d for som e o f th e sm aller c o u n tries, w hich o fte n get glossed over in even th e b e st p rin te d atlases. T he suggested retail price is th e sam e as for PC USA. 862 / C&RL News • Retrospective Conversion: APractical Guide fo r Libraries, by Jane B eaum ont and Joseph P. Cox (198 pages, A ugust 1989), provides inform a­ tion about converting a card catalog to m achine- read ab le form for use with a co m puterized, au to ­ m ated library system . T he book provides essential inform ation for organizing a R ECO N project, c re ­ ating or obtaining appropriate m achine-readable records, and establishing ongoing pro ced u res for online cataloging. F o u r appendices provide a comparative chart of R E C O N services, a directory o f firms and organizations providing MARC r e c ­ ords and R E C O N services, sam ple w orksheets, and a selected bibliography. T he guide may be ord ered for $35.00 from M eckler C orporation, 11 F e rry Lane W est, W estport, CT 06880. ISBN 0- 911259-25-2. • Sex Discrimination in Higher Education and the Professions: An Annotated Bibliogra­ phy, by M ary Donovan (32 pages, 1989), consists o f 124 anno tated citations to m onographs and a r­ ticles that appeared in 1984-1988. C ourt cases and item s from th e p o p u lar press are excluded. F o u r m ajor categories are identified (com pensation/ pension, hiring practices, prom otion, and w ork environm ent) and library litera tu re is well re p r e ­ sented. C opies are available for $10.00 from th e N ational C e n te r for th e Study of C ollective B ar­ gaining in H igher E ducation and th e Professions, 17 Lexington Ave., P.O . Box 322, N ew York, NY 10010. ISBN 0-911259-25-2. • Sources in E lectrical H istory: Archives and M anuscript Collections in U.S. Reposito­ ries, com piled by Joyce E. Bedi, R onaldR . Kline, and C raig Sem sel (234 pages, 1989), lists 1,008 collections in 158 repositories, prim arily university archives and state historical societies. This volume is th e first in a series th at prom otes research in electrical history by m aking scholars aware of th e diverse collections o f prim ary sources and by e n ­ couraging th e collection and preservation of these m aterials by archives and m anuscript repositories. Subject and repository indexes are provided. The book is available for $15.00 (prepaid) from th e C e n te r for th e H istory o f E lectrical E ngineering, I E E E , 354 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017. • Telecommunicationsfor Information Spe- cialists, by Larry L. Learn (165 pages, June 1989), covers such topics as regulation, netw orks and netw ork technology, th e telecom m unications in ­ fra stru c tu re , re c e n t developm ents in public n e t­ works, and future netw ork strategies. The book has a substantial glossary of telecom m unications term s and acronyms as well as a comprehensive bibliogra­ phy and index. A study guide assists readers to fu rth e r th e ir u n d ersta n d in g o f th e m aterial p r e ­ sented. Ifyou always w ondered w hat was involved in m ultiplexing, inside w iring deregulation, or short-haul transmission devices, this is th e book for you. T h e cost is $15.00 (specify p ro d u c t code 8080). N on-m em bers of O C L C m ust p rep a y and send o rders to O C L C , D ep t. 630, Box ON B, C o­ lum bus, O H 43265. ISBN 1-55653-075-7. ■ ■ CALENDER October 25 —Jew ish libraries: T he N ew York M etropoli­ tan Area C h a p te r o f th e Association of J ewish Libraries will hold its Fall C onference from 1-5 p.m . at th e Park A venue Synagogue, 50 E. 87 S treet, New York. A p anel discussion on a r­ chives m anagem ent will be followed by a tour of Yivo In stitu te of Jewish R esearch. F o r m ore inform ation contact E sth er Nussbaum at (212) 517-5955, ext. 336, or M arion Stein at (212) 678-8836. 31 — M icrocom puters: The New England M icro­ c o m p u te r U sers G roup, N EA SĪS, and 128 Librarians are jointly sponsoring a fall m eeting at G T E Labs in W altham , M assachusetts. The topic will be “U pgrading IBM and M acintosh C om puters— W hat? W hy? W hen? C ost?” F o r fu rth e r inform ation contact Jeanne U ppgard, Library, W estfield S tate College, W estfield, M A01806. N ovem ber 1 - 3 — A frican stu d ie s: T he fall m eeting o f th e A rchives/L ibraries C o m m ittee o f th e African Studies Association will be h e ld at th e H yatt Regency H otel in Atlanta, Georgia. T h e m e e t­ ing agenda and room and tim e designations will