ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 52 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 C L A S S I F I E D A d s C a r e e r o p p o r t u n it ie s f r o m a c ro ss the c o u n try Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.60 for others. Late job notices are $24.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $29.50 for others. Organizations submit ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $485 to $900 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude dis POSITIONS OPEN C A T A L O G IN G AND C O L L E C T IO N M A N A G EM EN T LI BRARIAN. Senior Associate librarian rank. Some reference hours, 12- month, tenure-track. For full announcement, see: HR/Personnel/Vacancies/FacultyJndex.html. Primary consideration will be given to applications received before February 7 , 2003. State Uni versity of New York, Potsdam, is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. DIGITAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Dickinson College, a leading national liberal arts college, seeks a service-oriented, technologically proficient Digital Services librarian to lead development and administra tion of Web-based library services. Responsibilities include designing, developing, and maintaining the library Web site; participating in the development and management of library digital projects; working with the Assistant Director for Access and Digital Services to maintain and develop the library’s public Web catalog (SIRSI) and other digital ser vices. Requirements: MLS preferred or equivalent experience working in a technology-rich library setting; experience managing a Website, pref erably in a UNIX environment; one to two years’ experience in an academic library; excellent computer-based skills including intermediate to advanced knowledge of HTML, graphics, and Web development soft ware; knowledge of Javascript and CGI; experience working with local databases in a Web environment; awareness of trends in the application of information technologies to library public services, especially in an academic environment. For other qualifications, application details, and a complete description, see the Web site at: hrservices. Review of applicants will begin on January 15, 2003. Inter ested candidates should submit a cover letter and résumé to: Position #CRL-RR-01, Human Resources, Dickinson College, P.O. Box 1773, C arlisle, PA 17013-2896. Dickinson is an affirm ative action, equal o pportunity em ployer. Women and m inorities are especially encouraged to apply. D IR E C TO R OF T H E SO L O M O N R. BAK ER L IB R A R Y. Bentley College Education and Research Services. Bentley College, a business university focused on education and research in business and related professions, seeks applicants for the position of Director of the Solomon R. Baker Library. Bentley has taken a highly innovative approach to its curriculum, opening $22 million in high-tech teaching and learning facilities overthe past several years. O u r efforts to provide state-of-the- art teaching and learning have not gone unnoticed, as the 2003 US News & World Report ranks Bentley College among the Top 50 Business Schools in the country and among the 10 Best Universities-Masters in the northern region. Bentley was also ranked #7 in E-Commerce, #10 in Management Information Systems,#16 in Entrepreneurship, and #10 in Service Learning. Now, Bentley is in the midst of expanding its research mission that may well include offering Ph.D. programs in the nearfuture. The Baker Library is expected to plav an increasinαlv critical role as we criminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c& Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom mended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $26,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $36,503 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on variables such as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each commu nity, o r the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. **These recommendations apply only to public librarians. undertake a stronger emphasis on scholarly research. Providing innova tive leadership and management in supporting Bentley’s strategic direc tion, you will need to be current in your knowledge of modern research databases and electronic resources, familiar with print resources and collections used in academic research, and skillful in managing a balance between them. In addition to planning and budgeting, you will be respon sible for staff management, the physical environment, and the selection and evaluation of library services and collections to support the curricular C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 53 GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN Central Missouri State University Central Missouri State University (Central) Library Services seeks a faculty member (position#51485) in the area of Government Documents to administer Federal and State government document depository programs including development, management, and maintenance of the document collections. SKILLS REQUIRED: Broad knowledge of librarianship, including reference, presentation, selection, evaluation, and information technology skills; ability to provide excellent client service, assigned hours at the reference desk, including participation in the evening and weekend rotation; ability to adapt to a constantly changing information environment; ability to work well with colleagues, clients, and other campus constituencies. Applicants should have experience in one or more of th e following areas: maps, GIS Federal Depository Library Program regulations, bibliographic instruction, or supervision, and reference experience using print and electronic governm ent resources. Applicants with knowledge of AACR2 cataloging rules and best practices or Web authoring skills will be given preference. Each librarian serves as bibliographer fo r one or more academic disciplines and provides specialized reference service and library instruction to faculty and students in those disciplines. Faculty rank depends upon qualifications. ALA-accredited master's degree is required; additional graduate degree in social sciences preferred. Benefits are described at: ?pg=benefits_faculty.htm. Librarians at Central participate in campus governance and are eligible for sabbaticals and study leaves. Librarians participate In professional developm ent and scholarly activities. Funding opportunities for research and professional developm ent are also available. Central ( is located in Warrensburg, Missouri, approximately 50 miles southeast of Kansas City, providing the option for urban, suburban, or small-city living. The work environment is a three-year-old, $30,000,000 library facility, the James C. Kirkpatrick Library ( Salary commensurate with education and experience. TO A PP LY : Send a letter of application, current vita, graduate transcripts, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Pal V. Rao, Dean of Library Services Central Missouri State University Warrensburg, MO 64093 Screening begins February 1, 2003, and continues until filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EEO/ADA. and research needs of faculty in business disciplines as well as those of arts and sciences. To succeed in this role, you will be expected to demonstrate strong leadership and managerial skills, a track record of innovation in a library setting, and the ability to work collegially with faculty and other administrators to develop and promote the services and re sources of the library. You will report to the Director of Education and Research Services, Dr. Phillip Knutel. An MLS from an ALA-accredited program in library or information science is required, as is at least five years' managerial experience in academic libraries. You must have substantial knowledge of new technologies and electronic resources as they relate to the role of libraries in an institutional setting. As the ideal candidate, you should have familiarity with research resources, particu larly journals and online databases, that are available in a business school environment. As the largest business school in New England, Bentley College blends the breadth and technological strength of a large university with the values and student orientation of a small college. While an undergraduate education combines business study with a strong founda tion in the arts and sciences, a broad array of Information Age MBA, Master of Science, and certificate programs a t the McCallum Graduate School emphasizes the im pact of technology on business practice. Located in Waltham, Massachusetts, 10 miles west of Boston, Bentley College advances the academic objectives of approximately 3,800full-time under graduate students, 490 adult part-time undergraduates,and 1,300graduate students. Referencing Job Code 30159, please apply online at: Bentley College is committed to diversity, equal opportunity, and the support of education through neighborhood scholar ship programs. HEAD OF COLLECTION SERVICES. (J02188) Scarborough- Phillips Library seeks an energetic, service-oriented librarian to provide leadership and management in all areas of collection services including acquisitions, serials, and cataloging. Responsibilities: Plan, organize, and manage the workflow for acquiring and describing the library’s print, electronic, and media resources. Qualifications: ALA-accredited degree in library or information science; knowledge of current standards and practices in acquisitions, cataloging, serials, and integrated library sys tems; three years’ experience in an academic library in at least one of the areas of direct responsibility (acquisitions, cataloging, or serials). Salary and Rank: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. This is an 11 -month faculty appointment at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level. Review of credentials will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Position available immediately. Send letter of application, résumé, and names of three references to: Collection Services Librarian Search Committee, Scarborough-Phillips Library, Campus Mail Box 1037, St. Edward’s University, 3001 South Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78704-8492. St. Edward’s University is an equal opportunity employer and hires only United States citizens and documented workers. For more information and complete posting, please go to: http:// Posted: Novem ber 2 5 , 2002. Available: Immediately. L IB R A R Y D IR E C T O R , H O U G H TO N C O L L E G E . H oug h to n College (New York) invites applications fo r the position of Director of the Willard J. Houghton Library, to start June 1, 2003. The directorship is a 12- month, non-tenure-trackfaculty position. Candidates are expected to have 54 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN California State University, Hayward Tenure-track, 12-month. Refer to Position No. 03-04 LIBR-REF/INSTRSERV-TT. DUTIES: The library seeks a tenure-track reference/instruction librarian as the primary subject specialist (instruction, collection development) in the physical sciences (e.g., Engineering, Physics, etc.). The librarian will also teach a for-credit information competency course (part of the library’s dynamic instruction program) and participate in reference/instructional responsibilities (day, evening, weekend, and alternate campus). Full position and qualifications at: REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; excellent communication skills; experience with and/or demonstrated knowledge of Web-based and Internet resources and tools, classroom teaching, and principles of information competence; demonstrated ability to work collegially in a diverse, fast-paced environment; flexibility in handling reference at a busy centralized desk; strong service and work ethic; demonstrated commitmentto research and professional development worthy of promotion and tenure. DESIRED: Academic training and/or subject expertise in the physical sciences; public service experience (academic or large public library); teaching experience in class or group settings; familiarity with presentation software and the design and development of Web pages, written guides, and handouts. RANK: Senior Assistant Librarian. Minimum salary: $50,100. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Submit a cover letter, current vita, graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation (with phone numbers and e-mails) to: Office of the University Librarian California State University, Hayward 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard Hayward, CA 94542 (510) 885-3664 Fax: (510) 885-2049 E-mail: APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application review begins on January 31, 2003, and continues until the position is filled. Position Availability: July 1, 2003. Work authorization required. California State University, Hayward is an equal opportunity employer. an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school plus a second gradu ate degree in the same or another field (doctorate preferred), previous adm inistrative experience in an academic library setting, and com prehensive understanding of current library automation and the elec tronic information environment. Affiliated with the Wesleyan Church, Houghton is a residential liberal arts college of 1,300 students. Candidates must be committed to and supportive of the evangelical Christian basis and mission of the college. For more details about the position, see: Send letter, curriculum vitae, and three professional recommendations to: Terence Paige, Library Director Search Committee, Houghton C o lle g e , H o u g h to n , NY 14744; (5 8 5) 5 67 -9 4 5 5 ; e -m a il: REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Montana State University-Bozeman seeks entry-level Reference Librarian. $36,778; FY, tenure-track, assis tant professor, available July 1, 2003. Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited program by start date; a second graduate degree; ability to relate to various constituencies, including students, faculty, the general public, coworkers, and administrators in an academic environment; excellent written and oral communication skills; strong teaching abilities; technological literacy; and demonstrated experience with both traditional print and electronic information resources. Preferred: Experience in a reference or other public service setting. The successful candidate will have excellent written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills and an understanding of and commitment to the library’s instructional role; and will exhibit creativity, enthusiasm, flexibility, colleg¡al¡ty, the ability to work in a team environment, and a commitment to be a member of the university's tenured faculty. Applications must include a letter addressing each of the above qualifications, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three current professional references to: Reference Librarian Search Committee, Office of the Dean, Montana State University-Bozeman Libraries, P.O. Box 173320, Bozeman, MT 59717-3320; screening begins February 17, 2003, and continues until position is filled. For more information, see: about/jobs.html; or call: (406) 994-3119. ADA/EO/AA/Veterans Prefer ence. Claim veteran’s preference or request accommodation from HR/ AA, MSU, Bozeman, MT 59717; phone: (406) 994-2042; TDD: (406) 994-4191. REFERENCE/HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN. Assistant Librarian, full-time, tenure-track position available July 2003 in the Meriam Library Reference Department, California State University (CSU), Chico. Re sponsibilities include general reference service (including nights and weekends); library Instruction and development of information literacy programs; outreach to faculty and students; collection development in History, Art and Art History, Religious Studies, Music, and Philosophy; participation in professional development and service; and bibliographic consultation for ILL as needed. Minimum qualifications include ALA- accredited master’s degree, excellent communication skills, academic training in a relevant humanities field, ability to work independently and cooperatively, and reference and instruction experience in an academic library. Academic degree o r training in history, experience in humanities collection development and information literacy programs preferred. Starting Salary: $50,100 (10-month option available). For detailed infor mation, see library Web page: As a university that educates students of various ethnic and cultural back grounds, we value a diverse faculty and staff. CSU, Chico, welcomes applicants who are knowledgeable about and interested in working within across-cultural learning environment. Application Deadline: February 28, C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 55 HEAD, REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Florida International University The Florida International University (F IU) Libraries invite applications and nominations for the position of Reference and Instructional Services Department Head. Reporting directly to the Associate Director for Services and Systems, this management position is responsible for a wide range of reference and instructional services for the Green Library on the University Park campus. POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides leadership for activities associated with reference services with a dynamic and collaborative approach to information literacy and outreach services; manages all aspects of the department, including general reference services, the Latin American and Caribbean Information Center, Curriculum Collection and library services to the College of Engineering; supervises 11 reference librarians and 3 support staff; works closely with reference librarians to promote the library’s responsibilities to advance information literacy and library instruction to academic units on campus. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; a minimum of five years of professional library experience; experience supervising professional staff; experience with information technologies as applied to reference and instructional services; experience with current information literacy and library instruction practices; demonstrated effective leadership and interpersonal skills; proven oral and written communication skills. For additional information, see: news/jobs/refhead.htm l. ABOUT THE LIBRARIES: The new eight-story Green Library, located at the FIU University Park campus, is designed to accommodate state-of-the-art information technology. Togetherw ith the library of the Biscayne Bay campus, the collections total more than 1.6 million volumes with subscriptions to more than 11,000 scholarly journals. The libraries also provide access to over 250 databases and services, including the statewide OPAC, which is currently migrating to the Ex Libris Aleph library management system. The FIU Libraries are nationally recognized pioneers in information literacy programs. ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY: FIU is the fastest-growing unit of the State University System of Florida and one of the most rapidly growing urban, multi-campus comprehensive universities in the country. FIU offers its 32,000+ students from throughout the United States and 13 0 f oreign countries more than 180 majors at the baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral degree levels. The University prides itself on the cultural and ethnic diversity of its students and faculty. FIU is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and is classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a Doctoral/Research University-Extensive institution. APPLY TO: Candidates w ho are invited for interviews will be expected to make a presentation. T o apply, send a letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references (including address, telephone number, and e-mail address) to: Sue Wartzok Chair, Search Committee for Head of Reference and Instructional Services Green Library, Room 821 Florida International University Miami, FL 33199 E-mail: Fax: (305) 348-3408 TIME FRAME: Review of applications will begin on February 3 , 2003, and continue until the position isfilled. FIU is a member of the State University System o f Florida and an equal opportunity and equal access employer and institution. 2003. Send application letter addressing qualifications, current vita, and the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of three professional references to: Carolyn Dusenbury, Director, Meriam Library, Califor nia State University, Chico, CA 95929-0295. Or submit via e-mail to: jksim; or fax (530) 898-4443. For disability- related accommodations, call (530) 898-5862 o r TDD (530) 898-4666. EOE/AA/ADA. CSU Chico only employs individuals lawfully authorized to work in the United States. R E F E R E N C E /IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . A m e rica n U n i versity Library. Posted: July 2 , 2002. American University Library invites applications fo r a tenure-track Reference/Instruction Librarian at the rank of Assistant Librarian. Responsibilities: Seek an innovative, energetic, and service-oriented librarian to work in a team environment. Join a commit- ted team of reference library faculty in providing service to a diverse user population a t a busy reference desk, over the Web, and in classes. Provide research assistance in the use of the online catalog, the Web, and other 56 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 LIBRARIAN Harvard Divinity School Harvard Divinity School invites applications for the position of Librarian of the Andover-Harvard Theological Library. We seek candidates with successful admin istrative experience in a graduate theological or university library, a thorough understanding of technology in library settings, a strong commitment to service, and a collegial leadership style. The Librarian is responsible for providing leadership in long-range strategic planning, development and promotion of library resources and services, initiation and management of appropriate technologies, budget and personnel management, Library fund raising, and collaboration with other Harvard University libraries and external institutions and groups. As the chief administrative officer of the Library, the Librarian reports to the Dean of the Divinity School and is a member of the HDS faculty, the school’s senior management team, and the Harvard University Library Council. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent professional experience; in addition, an advanced theological degree is strongly preferred. Substantial managerial and senior-level administrative experience, including budgeting and personnel. Strong communication and interper sonal skills, with demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff in a diverse community. Thorough understanding of theological literature, both historical and current, and experience with collection management. The position will be available April 1, 2003. Review of applications will begin after January 1, 2003, and continue until the position is filled. For the complete job description and listing of required qualifications, and to apply, please visit the Harvard University Job Postings Web site at http:// and enter Req #15400. Further information about the Andover-Harvard Theological Library may be found on the Divinity School Web site at: http:// Harvard University is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity. Access Services Librarian, #115 Broward Community College (BCC) library is a joint-use academic library between BCC and Florida Atlantic University. BCC is seeking a highly motivated service-oriented individual who will provide professional management, supervision, and leadership in the operation of the following departments: Circulation/Reserves, Interlibrary Loan, and Periodicals/Microtexts. The staff includes seven full-time and numerous part-time staff and college work-study students. A completed employment application, resume, copies of graduate transcripts, e-mail and telephone of 3 references & letter of intent must be received by February 7 , 2003, to be considered for the position. Responsibilities include: the development and implementation o f policies and procedures, establishing department goals and objectives, conducting needs assessments, making recommendations for the hiring and evaluating of career staff, maintaining effective communication, and making recommendations to improve services. Requires some high quality reference assistance, which will include evening and weekend hours. Service on appropriate committees and task forces is expected. Requires: Master o f Library Science from an ALA accredited institution; four years of professional experience, with a minimum of two years in an integrated library circulation system and/or interlibrary loan; successful supervisory experience preferably in a library setting; evidence of strong interpersonal skills, demonstrated written and oral communication skills; evidence o f experience working in a computer-intensive Windows environment; knowledge of copyright law; a demonstrated ability to work with a multi-ethnic and diverse public; a commitment to public service with a strong customer service orientation; and the ability to work in a team environment with an emphasis on shared decision-making. Desire familiarity with Ariel and the ExLibris Library Management System. Salary: $46,779- $54,298 based on credentials. Includes: dental, medical, life and retirement benefits. Upon selection, official transcripts will be required. Apply on-line: w› or 800-682-3646 / 954-201-7338 Submit application packages to: Broward Community College/HR, 225 E. Las Olas Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, F L 33301. BCC is committed to the principle o f diversity. We are interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people including women, minorities, veterans, & disabled individuals. C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 57 DEPUTY UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Thomas Jefferson University Thomas Jefferson University, a health sciences university, seeks an energetic and experienced individual to fill its position of Deputy University Librarian. The Deputy has broad responsibilities for the management of the Scott Memorial Library. Directly reporting to the Deputy are the following: Information Services, Access Services, Library Systems, Collection Management, and the University Archives. In addition, the Deputy leads the library’s relations with affiliates and hospitals. Reporting to the University Librarian/Director of Academic Information Services and Research (AISR), the Deputy leads in the preparation of the library budget and supervises expenditure of budgeted funds. The Scott Library is a unit of AISR, which is focused on the development and transmission of knowledge resources for the university and its hospitals. AISR develops educational software; manages three public access computer labs, a s imulat¡on center, and media production services; and has responsibility for the learning infrastructure of the university. AISR has a staff of 62 and a budget of $4.7 million. Please visit JEFFLINE, AISR’s knowledge management resource, at for more information. Located in the center of Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson University is comprised of: Jefferson Medical College (one of the 10 oldest and largest medical colleges in the country), Jefferson College of Graduate Studies (offering master's and doctoral programs in biomedical sciences and public health), and Jefferson College of Health Professions (offering programs in nursing, physical and occupation therapy, and lab sciences). Its main campus includes Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, a major teaching hospital with over7 00 residents/fellows and significant clinical research. It isc lose to Important historical and cultural institutions. In addition to the main campus, the Scott Library maintains service agreements with several other hospitals within the region. QUALIFICATIONS: Master's in Library or Information Science from an ALA-accredited school with at least seven years of professional experience in a medical or science library. Supervisory experience, good oral and written communications skills, and knowledge of library automation are essential. Strong commitment to customer service is required. A full job description of this position may be found at: Salary minimum: $81,000. Excellent benefits package. Please send a letter of nomination or application to: James W ooten B usiness Manager Academ ic Inform ation Services and Research Thom as Jefferson U niversity 1020 W alnut Street P hiladelphia, PA 19107 Phone: (215) 503-8848 E-mail: Jam es.W ooten@ m electronic and print resources. Prepare bibliographic and other reference tools in selected subject areas. As a member of the team, share facilitation of team meetings. May serve on one or more reference sub-teams including reference collection development, planning and assessment, training, and publications, or serve as coordinator of special services. Individual will teach in library instruction program and contribute to collection development. May also provide service or represent reference team on cross-functional library teams. Some evening and weekend hours required. To meet university requirements for retention, promo tion, and tenure, library faculty must dem onstrate ongoing profes sional development through creative and scholarly work and/or pro fessional contributions. This work may include publication in librarianship o r o th e r fields relevant to the profession, o r substantial involvement in regional and national library organizations. Library faculty are expected to maintain knowledge of research and develop ments within the profession. Library faculty participate in faculty governance and campuswide activities and provide service to the library and university. Position is responsible to the team and reports to the A ssistant University Librarian fo r Information Services. Re quirements: ALA-accredited MLS; library experience in print and electronic library instruction; strong commitment to teaching and library outreach; evidence of potential fo r scholarship and ongoing professional development; outstanding interpersonal and communi cation skills; strong public service ethic; collaborative skills. Preferred: Experience with library instruction, Web page development, virtual refer ence, and working in a team environment. Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Position Available: Immediately. The Ameri can University, incorporated in 1893, offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, many with international focus, to over 11,000 students. Its proximity to centers of technology, politics, justice, world affairs, communication, science, business, and art in the Washington, D.C., area enhances the learning environment. The university library is a team-based organization serving the university through a collection of over 750,000 volumes, 20 library faculty, 52 full-time staff, more than 160 student assistants, and a budget of over $6 million. The university is an active member of the W ashington Research Library Consor tium, with a shared Endeavor system that includes an online public catalog and numerous bibliographic databases and full-text data bases. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Michele Mikkelsen, Library Personnel Officer, A m e ric a n U n i v e rs ity Library, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., W ashington, DC 20016-8046; e-mail: m m 58 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 DIRECTOR, ORAL HISTORY PROGRAM University of California, Los Angeles The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Oral History Program, which reports to the Associate University Librarian for Collections and Technical Services, seeks an experienced Oral History professional who is open, communicative, and confident, to be responsible for the program's overall administration. This includes personnel management, budget preparation and management, inter viewee selection, multiple-interviewee project development, research design and field interview strategies, and post-interview processing methods and preservation techniques consistent with the professional principles, standards, and guidelines of the field. The Director, if appropriate, could be considered for a faculty appointment. The Director is expected to give lectures in support of campus classes and may teach courses in departments that integrate oral history methodology and theory. The Director, with program staff, organizes and presents campus and community workshops in oral history practices, organizes seminars and conferences to advance oral history research, and participates actively in national oral history and related professional organizations. The Director is responsible for conceptualizing projects and identifying extramural funding sources for their support, serving as principal investigator fo r all extramural contracts and grants, maintaining extramural fund records, and submitting required reports to support agencies and organizations in a timely manner. QUALIFICATIONS: Extensive knowledge of the oral history field and experience with all aspects of the operation of an oral history program; demonstrated ability to provide strong leadership, vision, and strategic direction to a world-class program within a complex organization; a record of success in managing, motivating, and developing staff; knowledge of issues involved with the integration of information technology; demonstrated understanding of the resources necessary to support research and scholarship; excellent communication skills; ability to work in a highly collaborative environment and with a diverse workforce; ability to foster strong public relations with campus support groups, faculty, donors, and the local community; ability to synthesize different perspectives and a high degree of receptivity to different fields of study and new ideas; experience with successful grant-writing and fundraising; recognition as a leader in the oral history field. Successful candidate will be an open, communicative, and confident professional. Ph.D. in related academic field and a record of scholarly achievement is strongly preferred. SALARY RANGE: $68,700-$98,292. Anyone wishing to be considered for the position should write to: Karen Murray A dm inistrative Specialist Charles E. Young Research Library UCLA 11617 YRL, Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 Review of applications will begin on February 6 , 2003. For full description of duties and qualifications and application procedures, see Web site: R E F E R E N C E /IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . Penn S ta te Schuylkill, a predominantly undergraduate campus (1,100 students) of Penn State’s Capital College, seeks candidates fo r a tenure-track faculty position. Responsibilities: Reference and research assistance, course-related instruction, electronic resources workshops, Web page development and maintenance, promotion of library services, collection development, and service to the college and university. Some weekend and evening hours required. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent, two years of appropriate public service experience, excellent communication skills with all clients, and experience with library instruc tion. Desired Qualifications: Broad knowledge of print and electronic resources, client-centered service ethic, ability to use instructional tech nology effectively, experience with HTML scripting and Web instruction, and a commitment to working in a multicultural environment. Penn State Capital College’s two campuses are located in Harrisburg and Schuylkill Haven. The Schuylkill campus is located 1 -1/2 hours from Philadelphia and 2-1/2 hours from New York. The Ciletti Library is part of the Penn State University Libraries system. Candidates must meet faculty requirements in librarianship, research, scholarship, and service for promotion and tenure. Competitive salary and rank, commensurate with experience and qualifications, and excellent benefits package. For further information about the position, see: For further information about University Libraries, Capital College, and Penn State Schuylkill, see:,, o r Send application letter, current résumé, and names of three references to: Chair, Schuylkill Reference Librarian Search Committee, c/o Dorothy Guy, Human Resources Office, P enn S ta te C a p ita l C o lle g e , Box C&RL News, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898. Review of applica tions will begin January 3 1 , 2003, and continue until the position is filled. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportu nity, and the diversity o f its workforce. R E S E A R C H L IB R A R IA N . M ir a C o s ta C o m m u n it y C o l lege in coastal San Diego County, California, invites applications for tenure-track position beginning July 2003. Duties: Provide reference service, bibliographic instruction, and collection development, and work collaboratively with the Instruction Librarian to redesign, ad minister, and deliver a program o f information competency fo r the college as a whole. Closing Date: January 2 9 , 2003. For application, job announcement, and salary information, visit o ur Web site: www .m in/HR /jobs; o r call job line (760) 795-6868; o r toll free (888) 201 -8480, ext. 6868. Or leave request by e-mail: jobs@ Equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 59 MANAGER, PUBLIC SERVICES University of California, San Francisco The University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Library and Center for Knowledge Management seeks an innovative, experi enced individual for the position of Manager, Public Services. UCSF is one of the 10 cam puses of the University of California, and is the only campus devoted exclusively to the aca demic health sciences. The Manager of Pub lic Services is responsible for the organization, administration, and management of a depart ment that has a staff of approximately 25 and includes information and reference services, circulation, electronic and paper reserves, night and weekend services, interlibrary loans/ borrows, and stacks. In addition, the incum bent will be responsible for managing two branch libraries located at the new Mission Bay campus. REQUIRED: An MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent degree and demon strated and increasingly responsible manage ment experience in related areas. SALARY: Salary is commensurate with quali fications, with a minimum of $56,256 per year. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and the names of three references to: Nanette Grimm UCSF Library/CKM Box 0840 San Francisco, CA 94143-0840 E-mail: jobs@ For a complete position description, see: The university undertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunity for underutilized minorities and women, for persons with disabilities, and for Vietnam-era veterans and special disabled veterans. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Earlham College seeks an individual with a strong interest in guiding students and faculty in the use of research tools in the sciences. This position, a one-year-leave replacement, offers an opportunity to work in the ACRL Award-Winning Earlham College Librar ies as part of a collaborative information resources team and as head of the Wildman Science Library. The primary responsibility of the Science Librarian is to work as a partner with teaching faculty in biology, chemistry, computer science, geosciences, math, and physics. Other duties include overseeing a paraprofessional and student workers and participating in collection development, Web site creation, and other activities in support of teaching, learning, and research in an undergraduate setting. Qualifica tions: High standards of academic professionalism; excellent interper sonal skills; ability to be an effective team member; and an ALA-accredited MLS o r academic background in the sciences and demonstrated knowl edge of trends in access to information in the sciences and their use in undergraduate science education. Preference will be given to candidates who possess both academic library experience and a background in the Director of the Library Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi The Mary and Jeff Bell Library at Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi invites applications and nominations for the Director of the Library. The Library is the University’s major resource for research and study, housing a collection of approximately 1.1 million books, bound periodicals, microforms, government publications, and non-print materials. The Library includes a strong media collection; a unique Special Collections and Archives emphasizing the culture and history of South Texas; and a branch library at Driscoll Children’s Hospital, a pediatric teaching institution located near the university. The Library Director reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for supporting and leading a full-time staff of 32. The successful candidate will provide strong vision and leadership for the library which will include administrative oversight of staffing, technology services, and collection management of print and digital resources to support University research needs and academic program certifications. Qualifications; ALA-accredited MLS or other masters in librarianship required; a second master’s or advanced degree is desirable; at least 5 years in positions of increasing responsibility as a professional librarian in a graduate degree granting institution; exceptional interpersonal skills; a record of professional growth and development; and knowledge o f technology information management and academic library principles, practices, and procedures. Ability to work with a university committee representing faculty needs and recommendations is preferred. Candidates with experience in managing budgets at the assistant or associate director level or higher are preferred. A person of vision who can lead and work as a member of a team will be highly valued. We will continue to accept applications until the position is filled. To receive full consideration by the Search Committee, please submit letter of intent, current resume, copies of transcripts and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five professional references to: Dr. Sandra Harper, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, 6300 Ocean Drive, Texas A&M University-Corpus C hristi, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 or by January 17, 2003. For more details on this job announcement go to then link to Bell Library. sciences. To Apply: Submit letter of application, résumé, and contact information for three references to: Tom Kirk, Library Director, Lilly Library, Earlham College, 801 National Road West, Richmond, IN 47374; or send e-mail attachments and URLs to: Jeannette Wilson at Review of applications will begin January 15, 2003, and continue until the position is filled. Library Web site: w w w .e a rlh a m .e d u /~ lib r. E xpa n de d p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n : Information about Earlham College at: http://chronide.eom/jobs/profiles/1183.htm; o r the College Web site at: SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. (J02184) St. Edwards University Systems Librarian (new position). Scarborough-Phillips Library seeks an ener getic, service-oriented librarian to provide leadership in all areas of library technology. The successful candidate will help us evaluate current ser vices and lead new initiatives including review of the adequacy of our current integrated library system. Responsibilities: Planning, implement ing, maintaining, and evaluating library technology applications, including the SIRSI library system, library network environment, and software and hardware support. W ill coordinate technology issues fo r the Scarborough-Phillips Library and supervise student assistants. Partici http://chronide.eom/jobs/profiles/1183.htm 60 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Wichita State University Wichita State University seeks an innovative leader to serve as Dean of University Libraries. The dean is the chief administrative officer of the University Libraries, reports directly to the vice-president for academic affairs and research, and serves on the Academic Affairs Council. The dean is responsible for library support of the university's instructional, research, and service missions. PREFERRED START DATE: July 1, 2003 (negotiable). REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; an earned doctorate In an academic discipline; a record of achievement demonstrating eligibility for appointment as full professor; a successful record of senior-level administrative experience in a four-year college or university library; demonstrated strength in communication and interpersonal skills; success in developing and/or implementing technological innovation in an academic library; proven ability to provide supportive leadership to the library faculty and staff; demonstrated success in working effectively with faculty, staff, students, and administrators; a strong record of productive and cooperative working relationships with business and Industry, the community, and other library professionals; success in securing external funding through grants and/or private contributions; demonstrated successful experience with diverse populations; and demonstrable commitment to diversity. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated strength in evaluating library resources and services; and a record of success in outreach activities to various library constituents. The University Libraries, comprising a main library and two on-campus branches, houses a compre hensive collection containing over 1,123,000 volumes, maintains subscriptions to 4,260 periodicals, provides access to 96 electronic databases, and features an innovative Special Collections and University Archives Department. It has been a Federal Depository Library for over 100 years and participates in the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Depository Program. WSU Libraries uses the Voyager ILS system, provides study rooms and over 100 public-use PC workstations, and recently installed a librarywide wireless network. The University Libraries is a member of OCLC, Amigos Library Services, OCLC/CORC Founder Phase Library, and several Kansas statewide library consortia. The Dean of Libraries leads a faculty of 20 librarians, one functional specialist, 34 classified staff, and 23 FTE student workers. The WSU Universities Libraries Web site is found at: APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application, current curriculum vita, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of five professional references to: Peter A. Cohen Chair, Dean of U niversity Libraries Search Committee College o f Health Professions W ichita State U niversity W ichita, KS 67260-0043 Phone: (316) 978-3600 E-mail: Peter.Cohen@ To ensure full consideration, complete application packets must be received by February 15, 2003. The position will remain open until filled. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. pates in the library’s bibliographic instruction and reference activities, which may involve evening and weekend work. Reports to the library director and serves as a member of the library faculty. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent; at least two years of information technology experience; demonstrated expertise with inte grated library systems, preferably SIRSI; and working knowledge of Windows/NT and Unix environments, office application software, and Web server software; ability to specify requirements of network servers and routers and network security; documented knowledge of LAN and WAN network infrastructure and protocols; ability to plan, coordinate activities, and complete projects in collaboration with technical and non technical staff; understanding of emerging trends in the use of information technology; documented knowledge of data communications network, software applicat¡onsdes¡gn, information processing, and computer ar chitecture; ability to work in a collaborative environment as part of a team and with diverse groups, maintaining an environment of mutual respect; excellent organizational, interpersonal, oral, and written skills; strong troubleshooting skills. Salary and Rank: Commensurate with qualifica tions and experience. This is an 11 -month faculty appointment at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level. For full position description, please goto: Review of creden tials will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Position available immediately. Send letter of application, résumé, and names of three re ferences to: System s Librarian Search Committee, Scarborough-Phillips Library, Campus Mail Box 1037, St. Edw ard’s U niversity, 3001 S. Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78704-8492. St. Edward’s University is an equal opportunity employer and hires only United States citizens and documented workers. C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 61 EDUCATION INDIANA UNIVERSITY KOKOMO DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES INDIANA UNIVERSITY KOKOMO Indiana University Kokomo is seeking qualifie d candidates fo r the position o f Director o f Library Services. Reporting to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, th e Director o f Library serves as the c h ie f library adm inistrative o ffic e r providing overall coordination and leadership in establishing and im plem enting the m ission, goals, and strategic direction o f th e Indiana University (IU) Kokomo Library. IU Kokomo Library provides printed and electronics m aterials fo r approxim ately 3 0 0 0 students and 9 0 faculty m embers. The library collection to ta ls 6 5 6 ,5 6 3 volum es inclu ding microform s and other media. Access to non-library m aterials is provided via interlibrary loan, in ternet and subscription databases. The library provides internal wireless access to online resources and services. The Director is responsib le fo r the overall adm inistration, operation and on-going developm ent o f the Library. H e /sh e m u st dem onstrate e ffective com munication skills and have experience in working collaboratively with the Library’s s ta ff, the cam pus adm inistration, the academic d e p artm ent heads and other faculty members. The Director is responsible fo r hiring, supervising and developing th e personnel who s ta ff the Library. This currently co n sists o f 4 librarians, 3 full-tim e s upp ort s ta ff, plus student a ssistants. The Director plans, defends and adm inisters the Library’ s budget and is responsib le fo r guiding the e sta blishm ent o f library policies and procedures to ensure high quality services to the com m unity which th e Library serves. The Director is responsible fo r coordinating the assessm ent o f library services and fo r keeping abreast o f changes in inform ation literacy and ele ctronic resources. The Director is a member o f th e IUK Academic Council, the IU system-wide Council o f Head Librarians, and serves on other Library, faculty, and adm inistrative com m ittees. Applicants fo r th is position m ust have a M aster o f Library Science from an ALA accredited program, a minim um o f eight years o f previous academic library experience with a t least 5 years in adm inistration and a minim um o f 3 three years experience in management and supervision o f professional librarians and dem onstrate proven leadership in fiscal management including budget development, ju stifica tio n , and adm inistration, and developm ent o f programs and personnel. The successful applicant will have an understanding o f current technolo gical applications in libraries and good knowledge o f curriculum , teaching m ethods, diversity is sues, and the higher education process as these relate to library needs and services. This is a twelve-month, faculty rank, tenured position. Therefore, the successful applicant m ust m eet tenure requirem ents in the Indiana University System available a t w w w ..ind ia n a .e d u /~ lib p e rs /fa cu lty.h tm l. Please su bm it your le tte r o f application, detailed resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers o f three professional references by Ja n u a ry 15, 2 0 0 3 to Dr. Niranjan Pati, C ha ir o f th e D ire cto r o f Library S e rv ic e s S e a rch C o m m itte e and Dean, Scho ol o f Busin ess, Indiana U n ive rs ity Ko kom o, 2 300 S. W ashin gton S tre e t, P.O. B o x 9 0 0 3 , Kokom o, Indiana 4 6 9 0 4 -9 0 0 3 . For additional information regarding th is position and Indiana University Kokomo, vis it our web site at w w w .iu k .e d u . Application review will begin on January 16 , 2 0 0 3 and will continue until the position is filled. The appointm ent begins on July 1, 2 0 0 3 or can be negotia ted fo r a later date. Indiana University Kokomo is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities that need modifications or adjustments to participate in the application process should contact the affirmative action office at (765) 455-9529. Verifications of a disability under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may be required. L a te J o b L is tin g s ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. B enedictine L ibrary. D uties an d Responsibili ties: O versee access services operations in a u n iv e rsity library; tr a in an d supervise a staff of four in circulation, in te rlib ra ry loan, reserves an d in stru c tio n a l m aterials; m a in ta in records an d produce rep o rts an d sta tistic s as needed; m onitor policies and procedures an d revise as necessary; serve as lib ra ry contact person to d eterm in e needs, m onitor budget, an d h ire an d m a in ta in ap p ro p riate records for lib ra ry s tu d e n t employees; serve as m em ber of professional sta ff team , providing reference service; p articip ate in collection development; re p re se n t th e lib ra ry as liaison to assigned faculty d ep a rtm en ts; p a rticip a te in plan n in g , developing, im plem enting, an d m onitor ing activities. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; m inim um of two y ears’ previous lib ra ry experience. The Access Services L ib rarian m u s t be a team 62 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 Pennsylvania College of Technology Director of the College Library (Search R eo p e n ed ) Pennsylvania College of Technology invites applications and nominations fo r the Director of the College Library. This is a tim e of opportunity fo r the Director, because the Library will be undergoing significant expansion and renovation. The Director needs to have the knowledge, Imagination, and resourcefulness to lead in the design of the Library facilities. He or she will guide the planning fo r space utilization, w ork flow, public services access, technical support facilities, the integration of technology, and the mainte nance of the attractiveness of the Library to the College community. The Library is a center of activity on campus and has been consistently ranked by students, faculty, and staff as the top place to visit. Not only is there high traffic from the College and local communities, but the demand fo r computer use there Is equally high. The Library is one of the "wireless zones" on campus where laptop users can access the Internet, and there are wireless-ready laptops fo r loan within the Library as well. The Library plays an integral role in teaching through its bibliographic instruction programs, working with faculty in every department, and through the significant support of distance learning students. The new Director will be a leader with the skills to advance space utilization, information literacy, and technology use, as well as the Institution's vision as Pennsylvania's Premier Technical College. Reporting to the Associate Vice President fo r Academic Affairs, the Director manages all aspects of library operations and assumes a leadership role in determining library policy, developing and monitoring budget, and long-range planning. The Director supervises 6 full-tim e librarians, 13 support staff, and student assistants. Minim um qualifications include a Master's degree in Library Science from an ALA- accredited Institution; five years o f experience in an academic library or learning resources center, with tw o years i n a supervisory capacity; and knowledge of library architecture and design, information tech nology, library automation, cataloging, collection development, and reference. The College anticipates filling the position in late spring or as soon thereafter as feasible. Pennsylvania College of Technology, an affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University, is located in Williamsport, a family-oriented community, ideally situated along the Susquehanna River at the foot of Bald Eagle Mountain In north central Pennsylvania, just a four-ho ur drive from four major metropolitan areas. Nearly 6,000 students are enrolled in Penn College's bachelor and associate degree and certificate majors, which combine hands-on experience with theory and management education. Penn College offers a competitive salary and benefits package, including excellent educational benefits for employees and dependents at Penn. College and Penn State, Submit a completed College application for employment AND a letter of interest, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: H u m a n R e s o u r c e s ( 2 2 2 ) , P e n n s y lv a n ia C o lle g e o f T e c h n o lo g y , O ne C o lle g e A v e n u e , W illia m s p o r t , PA 1 7 7 0 1 . Position will remain open until a suitable candidate is identi fied; however, review of applications will begin upon receipt. For more Information about Penn College, please visit our Web site at ww A detailed job announcement and an application fo r employ ment are available at w w w .p c t .e d u / h u m a r e s o /s t a f jo b s .h lm or by c a lli n g ( 5 7 0 ) 3 2 7 - 4 7 7 0 . Penn College is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. p lay er who possesses stro n g in te rp erso n al skills; is custom er-service oriented; is tactful, flexible, an d a problem -solver; is organized an d d etail-oriented; an d h as good supervisory skills. He or she m u s t also be com puter literate ; organized; an d have th e ability to th in k creatively. A pplication Process: S ubm it cover le tte r an d résu m é w ith sa lary h isto ry to: Office of Employee Services, Benedictine University, 5700 College Road, Lisle, IL 60532; fax: (630) 960-9946; e-mail: sstrougal@ Review of applications will begin im m ediately. E q u al opp o rtu n ity employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Duke University Medical Center Library invites applications for the position of Associate Director of Public Services. This position will be responsible for the planning, coordination, implementation, and evaluation of the Public Services programs including Information Services, Education Services, Circulation, Stacks Maintenance, and Document Delivery/I nterlibrary Loans. Supervises and coordinates work of professional librarians and support staff. Works as a primary partner in setting and achieving the goals of the Medical Center Library. This position will be a member of the library’s planning and management groups. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications and experience; minimums are $35,800 for Assistant Librarian, $38,300 for Senior Assistant Librarian, $41,650 for Associate Librarian, and $47,750for Librarian. Visit our Website a t C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 63 COLLEGE LIBRARIAN Ithaca College is seeking an innovative and dynamic College Librarian to assume leadership of a strong program o f library services. The ideal candidate will balance vision with a talent for establishing relationships that promote the role of the library in a student-centered learning community. Ithaca College is a private residential college, located in the scenic Finger Lakes region o f New York State. The College is an internationally recognized institution with approximately 6,000 students from nearly every state and 75 countries. The liberal arts offerings o f its largest school, Humanities and Sciences, are integrated throughout the programs o f study in each of its four professional schools: Business, Communications, Health Sciences and Human Performance, and Music. The Ithaca area is rich in educational resources and libraries, including Cornell University, Wells College, Elmira College, Binghamton University, Syracuse University, SUNY College at Cortland, the Sciencenter, the Paleontological Research Institution, and the newly constructed Tompkins County Public Library. The Ithaca College Library, located in the center o f the campus, serves the five schools o f the College with an annual budget of more than $3 million and a staff o f 13 librarians and 19 paraprofessionals. The collection consists o f 400,000 holdings in books, periodicals, multimedia formats, and microforms. In addition, the Library provides access, both on and off campus, to more than 15,000 full-text journals and 150 databases. The Library is a strong advocate for scholarship and information literacy and supports, among other initiatives, an instructional program that includes a one-credit course, Library Resources and Methods o f Research. Special collections include the Rod Serling Archives, a collection o f original television scripts, films, and related memorabilia. An ALA-accredited MLS is required, additional advanced degree preferred. Additional required qualifications include: Evidence of strong leadership as demonstrated by significant and progressively responsible leadership positions in academic libraries. An informed vision o f the library in the 21" century and skills to advocate for and communicate that vision. Evidence of involvement in the library profession. Superior communication skills and ability to work with all constituencies. Ability to foster a positive and collegial library environment. Position is available June 1, 2003. For further information see Review o f applications will begin January 20, 2003, and will continue until the position is filled. Apply online at Attachments should include a letter of interest, current vitae, and the names and contact information for three references. The College is committed to building a culturally diverse educational environment, and applicants are requested to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. Ithaca College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Members of underrepresented groups (including people of color, persons with disabilities, Vietnam veterans, and women) are encouraged to apply. about/jobs.html for more detailed information about the job, qualifications, benefits, and application procedures. Review of applications will begin in February 2003 and will continue until the position is filled. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. Government Documents librarian and subject specialist in public administration. Administration, planning, evaluation, and development of the documents collections including United States and United Nations depository collections, international documents, and New York State and city documents. Responsible for all functions related to government publications, including advanced reference assistance, management of government electronic resources, adherence to depository rules and regulations, supervision and training of clerical staff and students, and promotion of the documents collection. Responsibilities include reference assistance in business, social sciences, and documents. Management and selection of resources in all assigned subject areas; liaison with New York University (NYU) faculty and students; user education; and participation in library and university committees. lib ra ria n s serve as partners in the educational mission of NYU by establishing strong relationships with th e faculty and students, building appropriate subject collections, and acting as intermediaries to the world of information. New York University Libraries: The NYU documents collection includes United States, United Nations, Food and 64 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 Wayne StatE URBAN ISSUES LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY Wayne State University POSITION: Urban Issues Librarian (Librarian I or Librarian II or Librarian III— Employment Security System o r Tenure-Track). The Wayne State University (WSU) Library System is searching for a dynamic, service-oriented individual to play a key role on its Information Services team. Reporting to the Director of Information Services and working with fellow librarians, the Urban Issues Librarian will serve as the library system’s liaison to the School of Social Work, Institute of Gerontology, and College of Urban, Labor, and Metropolitan Affairs. As a liaison, this librarian will provide research support, training, and instruction to the faculty, students, and staff of those departments as well as developing the print and digital collections in those areas. The Urban Issues Librarian will also serve as the coordinator of the government documents and Foundation Center collections located in the Purdy/Kresge Library. This librarian will also provide general reference within th e areas of the social sciences, humanities, fine arts, business, and education. T h e l ibrarian may also be called upon to assist with instruction in U G E 1000, the freshman introduction to the university and its libraries. Information Services, one of eight service groups within the WSU Libraries, is responsible for reference, instruction, and research support at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Purdy/Kresge Library in which the candidate will work offers services and collections in support of learning and research in the School of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts, College of Liberal Arts, Library and Information Science Program, School of Social Work, and College of Urban, Labor, and Metropolitan Affairs. RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop, manage, and promote the use of electronic and print collections related to liaison assignments with the School of Social Work, Institute of Gerontology, and College of Urban, Labor, and Metropolitan Affairs (with particular emphasis within that college on the Department of Geography and Urban Planning and the Centerf or Peace and Conflict Studies). Instruct undergraduate and graduate students in those programs in library use and information literacy skills. Serve as the Collection Coordinator for the Foundation Center Collection, offering workshops on grant seeking and research to both university and community members. Coordinate the government documents collection (the Purdy/Kresge Library is a partial depository library within the Federal Depository Library Program and a United Nations Depository Library). Develop collectio n so f Geographic Information Systems data sets within the WSU Library System and promote their use. Provide instructional and reference assistance to Library System patrons. QUALIFICATIONS: MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution; ability to deliver lectures, small-group learning experiences, and one-to-one learning experiences th a t are appropriate to the learner; excellent organizational, interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills; willingness and ability to work rotational evenings and weekends; demonstrated commitm entto customer service; ability to work with faculty, researchers, students, and colleagues in a highly interactive and fast-changing team environment; demonstrated ability to set individual and group work priorities, organize tasks, and meet deadlines. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience providing reference services in an academic or large public library; experience developing collections and selecting electronic resources in an academic or large public library; ability to thinkc ritically in analyzing problems and developing resourceful solutions; degree in the social sciences; experience with government documents collections; experience with virtual reference and other digital technologies. QUALIFICATIONS FOR LIBRARIAN I RANK: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent credentials from a foreign institution. Potential to begin establishing a record of professional achievement and service required. (continued on next page) Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), other International Governmental Organizations (IGO),and New York State and City documents. Emphasis is placed on materials with either statistical or policy interests; social, health, or economic issues are also selected. The Library is also a United Nations and FAO depository. T he United Nations and intergovernmen tal agency collections serve NYU’s Graduate School of Art s and Sciences, the Wagner School of Public Administration, the S tem School of Business and the Law School. The international collection’s strength is the paper holdings of the League of Nations and United Nations historical documents. No other collection in New York City makes these materials available to the public. The depth of the other IGO collections also makes the international collection unique. Qualifications: Two years’ experience with government documents in an academic, public, or special library required. Previous management or supervisory experience preferred. Knowl C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 65 (continued from previous page) QUALIFICATIONS FOR LIBRARIAN II RANK: MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution; demon strated ability to carry out competently the range of professional library functions pertaining to the primary assigned area of librarianship; ability to work well independently, to make sound decisions, and to have constructive and productive interactions with colleagues. Continuing record of profes sional achievement and service required. QUALIFICATIONS FOR LIBRARIAN III RANK: MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution; demonstrated excellence in job performance; established record of excellence in professional achievement and service. Appointment a t this level is based on the applicant’s cumulative professional record rather than on any single accomplishment. Must have achieved statewide and/or regional recognition within the profession. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary and rank commensurate with education and experience. Wayne State offers dental and health plan options; TIAA-CREF or Fidelity; tuition assistance for employees and family members; relocation assistance; and liberal vacation. THE CAMPUS AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: Wayne State University is one of the nation’s leading urban research universities with a demonstrated com m itm ent to teaching and learning. The university enrolls 31,000 students (approximately 18,000 undergraduate and 13,000 graduate/professional). The WSU campus is located in an attractive urban setting in the heart of the Detroit Cultural Center. Wayne State University Libraries rank among th e top 60 libraries in the Association for Research Libraries. The University Libraries is committed to national leadership in the transition of library collections from print to electronic resources and to excellence in digital delivery of services. The University Library System includes Information Services, Access Services, Shiftman Medical Library, Arthur Neef Law Library, Library Computing and Media Services, Resource Acquisitions and Metadata Services, Resource Development and Management, UGE 1000, Library and Information Science Program, and Central Services. Please submit an electronic copy (print copy optional) of a complete résumé, and letter of interest including the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least three professional references to: T o i Price Personnel O fficer Wayne State U niversity Library System O ffice o f the Dean 3100 U ndergraduate Library Detroit, Ml 48202 Phone: (313) 577-0152 Fax: (313) 577-5525 E-mail: Applications accepted until position is filled. For more inform ation about the University Library System, please visit: For a complete position description, the posting may be viewed at: employment/POSTINGS/02030173.htm. For additional inform ation about the position, contact: Paul Beavers, Interim D irector of Inform ation Services; phone: (313) 577-2360; e-mail: a a 6 5 36 @ w ayne .edu. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. edge of emerging trends in government information publication and dissemination is essential. Experience with print and electronic library resources and services, electronic information retrieval, MARCIVE, statistical applications such as SASS and SPSS, and user education are recommended. Excellent oral and written communication skills; strong service orientation. Graduate work in one of the social sciences is preferred. Accredited MLS and subject master’s degree required for tenure. Salary and Benefits: Faculty status, attractive benefits package, including five weeks’ annual vacation. Salary commensurate with experience and background. To Apply: Send résumé with salary requirements to: Ja n et Koztowski, Director of Libraries Human Resources, NewYork University, Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. 66 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Yale University Yale University Library invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate University Librarian for Integrated Library Systems and Technical Services. POSITION DESCRIPTION The Associate University Librarian (AUL) for Integrated Library Systems and Technical Services is a new position and is expected to provide leadership and vision for the library in developing and maintaining the bibliographic organization, metadata controls, and technological infrastructure that are necessary for the integrated concept to flourish. Reporting directly to the University Librarian, the position Is a member of the senior management team that includes the Director of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the Director of Library Human Resources, and two other AULs with systemwide responsibilities. Each of them is charged, from their varying perspectives and program areas, with leading aspects of the integrated library at Yale. The AUL for Integrated Library System s and Technical Services will directly supervise the follow ing departm ents: A cquisitions, Catalog, Library System s O ffice, M anuscripts and A rchives, and the Social Science Libraries and Information Services. For a detailed position description, consult Yale’s W eb site at: http:// w w w .lib ra ry .y a le .e d u /lh r/jo b s /. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or its equivalent; an advanced degree or similar research and/ort eaching achievements; a minimum of 12 years of professional experience; a successful record of exercising progressively more demanding leadership and management in research libraries; broad and in-depth knowledge of technical services and metadata standards and practices, and appropriate information science technologies; demonstrated success in managing traditional library operations, as well as innovative projects in a complex organization; proven ability to work within a team environment and to promote teamwork; strong leadership and supervisory skills; commitment to fostering a diverse workplace and to professional development and training for staff at all levels; ability to deal with complex and unclear situations; excellent ability to communicate; strong analytical skills; grace and zest in working with faculty, students, and other colleagues in a leading university. SALARY AND BENEFITS Competitive salary will be based upon the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; 18 holiday, recess, and personal days; comprehensive health care; TIAA-CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. Application deadline is Ja n u a ry 3 1 , 2003, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applications consisting of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and phone numbers of three references should be sent to: Diane Y. Turner Director, Library Human Resources Yale U niversity Library 130 Wall Street New Haven, CT 06520 Fax: (203) 432-1806 Please be sure to include Source Code EAYU8798. Yale University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MANUSCRIPTS/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. The G elm an L ib rary System , George W ashington U niversity, seeks a creative an d e n th u sia stic M anuscripts/C ollection D evelopm ent L ib ra ria n to jo in its Special Collections team , a new, self-m anaged te am o p eratin g in a L earn in g O rgani zation environm ent. We encourage all ap p lican ts to le a rn more about th is position by v isitin g our Web site at: w w w .gw an/library/em ploym ent/librarian. George Washington University is a n equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 67 DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES University of North Florida The University of North Florida (Jacksonville, Florida) invites nominations and applications for an experienced Director of University Libraries to succeed the retiring director of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library. The Director is th e chief administrator of the University Library and reports directly to the Provost/ Vice President for Academic Affairs. DESCRIPTION: The Director of University Libraries is responsible fo r the organization, administration, operation, and evaluation of library services, physical facilities, staff, collection, and budgets. In concert with faculty, staff, and students, the Director strives to meet the educational objectives of the university by playing an active role in developing the library’s collections and services. The Director sits on the University Dean’s Council and works closely with other Florida public university library directors. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; at least five years of successful experience in library administration at the Division Head level or above in an academic institution that includes master’s and doctoral level programs; documented experience with information technology appropriate to university libraries; demonstrated leadership and vision; demonstrated ability to work collegially with the library faculty in an atmosphere of participatory management; commitment to community outreach and fundraising; and record of participation in state and/or national library organizations. Experience in research and scholarship in library-related issues and a second graduate degree are highly desirable. Please visit our Web site at for further library information and for detailed information about the university. Nominations are due by Ja n uary 17, 2003, and applications must be postmarked no later than February 7, 2003. Applications must include a cover letter, two copies of detailed vita with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Anticipated starting date is July 1 , 2003, and salary is competitive. Expressions of interest should be sent to: O ffice o f Academ ic A ffairs Search Committee Chair fo r D irector o f U niversity Libraries U niversity o f North Florida 4567 St. Johns B lu ff Road South Jacksonville, FL 32224 University o f North Florida is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action institution. MANAGER, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT University of California, San Francisco The University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Library and Center for Knowledge Management seeks an Innovative, experienced individual fo r the position of Manager, Collection Development. UCSF is one of the 10 campuses of the University of California, and is the only campus devoted exclusively to the academic health sciences. The incumbent will serve as the leader for collection-building/maintenance and electronic content access that support teaching, learning, clinical, and research activities of the University’s faculty, students, and staff. REQUIRED: An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent degree; successful leadership experience in managing and developing both print and digital collections in an academic health sciences library. SALARY: Salary range is $42,996 to $76,860 depending on qualifications. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and the names of three references to: Nanette Grimm UCSF Library/CKM Box 0840 San Francisco, CA 94143-0840 For a complete position description, see: The University undertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunity for underutilized minorities and women, for persons with disabilities, and for Vietnam-era veterans and special disabled veterans. 68 / C&RL News ■ January 2003 DIGITAL INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN California State University, Sacramento California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), seeks a librarian to fill a new position to provide leadership in the development, design, and planning for the library's Web-based services and digital collections. Working under the general direction of the library’s Directorof Library Information Systems, this Individual will serve as a liaison to library departments about emerging digital information needs, explore and introduce innovative services such as Web-based virtual reference, and assist in the creation of digital collections and preservation projects. This person will be responsible fo r the planning and implementation of digital initiatives, including digital publishing and Web-based communication services. They will manage technical issues related to licensed electronic resources, software and support systems, and supervise the development of project-related Web sites. They will take the lead in working with instructional and library faculty and staff to identify digitization projects that improve access to library materials and other resources. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or an equivalent degree; knowledge of current and emerging technologies in digital and Web-based library services; demon strated proficiency in Web page development and in the use of Web-authoring tools and HTML: familiarity with script languages such as PHP, ASP, and JavaScript; knowledge of MARC and developing metadata standards, such as XML and Dublin Core; ability to plan, initiate, and implement effective programs, projects, and services; excellent oral and written communication skills, including public presentations; excellent Interpersonal and team collaboration skills and the ability to work with faculty, staff, and students in a culturally diverse environment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience with XML and emerging metadata standards; experi ence in planning or creating digital library collections; demonstrated experience with relational database applications such as Microsoft SQL Server and Access and their use in the creation of dynamic Web pages; working knowledge of LINUX, Apache, and MS IIS Web Server software; demonstrated leadership and organizational skills and project management experience; evidence of participation in scholarly activities and professional organizations; successful grant-writing experience. ANTICIPATED STARTING DATE: July 1, 2003. APPOINTMENT: This is a probationary, 12-month, tenure-track position at the Senior Assistant rank, salary range $50,100 -$63 ,300, or Associate Librarian rank, salary range $57,612—$80,136, based on background and level of experience. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achievement, and service to the university and the community to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applications received by M arch 3, 2003, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of four professional references to: Terry Webb Dean and Director o f the Library C alifornia State University, Sacramento, Library 2000 State U niversity Drive East Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically: request from CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. METADATALIBRARIAN/ARCHIVIST AND DIGITAL LIBRARY PROJECT MAN AGER. Cornell University Library’s Division of Rare and M anuscript Collections seeks an A ssistant Librarian/Archivist to assist in the creation of a m etadata standard for the performing arts and to manage digital library digitization projects; analyze and evaluate the current prototype m etadata schema of the Global Performing Arts Database and map this schema to existing standards; participate in workshops devoted to evaluation and refinem ent of the revised prototype m etadata schema; manage library digitization projects, overseeing and coordinating production elements to ensure timely completion and seeing th a t appropriate standards are followed; and facilitate communication among project team C&RL News ■ January 2003 / 69 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE College of Staten Island The College of Staten Island of the City University of New York seeks candidates for the following positions: P e riod icals S ervices Librarian (In s tru c to r o r A s s is ta n t P rofe ssor) REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS and academic library experience in an integrated online environ ment; technical services experience. Reference and bibliographic instruction desired. Second graduate degree required for appointment as Assistant Professor. Responsibilities include coordinating and managing the overall operation of the serials function of the library in consultation with the Chief Librarian; serving as principal library contact with serials vendors; monitoring trends in serials and electronic publishing, and recommending selections; and reference. R efe re n ce /in stru ctio n L ib ra ria n s (In s tru c to r o r A s s is ta n t P rofessor) (Two Positions) REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; academic library experience; expertise in providing effective reference and library instruction services. Second graduate degree required for appointment as Assistant Professor. RESPONSIBILITIES: Participate in proactive reference service utilizing a variety of print and electronic research resources; prepare and conduct bibliographic instruction classes integrating information literacy concepts. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Chair, Search Com m ittee (indicate appropriate search) College o f Staten Island 2800 V ictory Boulevard Room 1L-106 Staten Island, NY 10314 For more on information on all Library positions, see our Web site: libinfo/ļobs. EEO/AA/ADA employer members, prepare project reports, and post communications to project Web site. Required: Graduate degree in library/information/computer science, humanities, or social sciences, with coursework or professional experience in archives, museums, or libraries; demon strated understanding of m etadata standards and th eir application; knowledge of digitiza tion production processes and standards; excellent w ritten and oral communication skills, organizational skills, and analytical ability; meticulous attention to detail and ability to work well with others as p a rt of a team environment. Term appointment to September 30, 2005. Review of candidates will begin Jan u ary 6 , 2003, and will continue until position is filled. For further information about the position and applicant directions, please visit: Cornell University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. C o lle g e & R e s e a r c h Classified Ads Online