ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1 9 9 5 /6 3 9 Internet resources for sociology By Gary A. McMillan, M argaret R. D ittem ore, an d C arol Ritzen Kem ACRL’s Anthropology & Sociology Section explores network resources S ociology— the scientific study o f human social behavior— presents a daunting chal­ lenge to the Internet explorer. The discipline’s theoretical, methodological, and substantive di­ versity renders almost every site and resource useful for sociological inquiry. In reviewing re­ sources, we sought to develop a guide to help librarians introduce sociology faculty and stu­ dents to the Internet. Thus, with library instruc­ tion in mind, it is wise to consider what sociol­ ogy is not, e.g., neither socialism, social activism, social engineering, nor social work. Many of the entries cited will indeed lead one to ap­ plied social sciences resources, but we have attempted to focus on sites relevant to sociol­ ogy as a discipline. We cite resources which are clearly “sociology-identified” in terms of sponsorship, production, participation, and/or use. A few key general sources that sociolo­ gists should find interesting (e.g., federal and funding-related information) are also included. G a t e w a y s y ste m s: A id s to e x p lo r in g the Internet fo r s o c io lo g y re so u rce s • B erk eley S ociology G op h er. Identifies journals, data archives, Internet directories and guidebooks, and selected special collections and Web sites. Access: gopher://infolib.lib.berkeley. edu/11/resdbs/soci. • NTIS FedW orld. This unparalleled om­ nibus gateway to federal-related sites includes pointers to the White House and Congress, the Bureau o f the Census, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes, other fed­ eral departments and independent agencies, and information clearinghouses such as the National Criminal Ju stice Reference Service. Access is provided to 130-plus government bul­ letin boards not otherwise accessible. Access: • S o cio lo g y D e p a rtm e n ts. Connect to more than 35 (and growing) sociology depart­ ments for descriptive program information plus hot-links to newly identified sociology sources. A ccess: institut.html or sociology/us_links. html. • WWW Sociology Virtual Library. All types o f resources are here, including schol­ arly and professional organizations, academic departments, research centers, and public and private institutions worldwide. Access: http:// / Sociology/Overview.html. • Y a h o o ’s Sociology. The Yahoo ( “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle”) group represents another ongoing effort to iden­ tify and system atize Internet resources. A c ­ cess: http: // sociology. S c h o la r ly d is c u s s io n lists a n d electronic co n fe re n ce s Over thirty discussion groups were assessed through subscription or communication with the list owner. The following lists should have the broadest appeal to sociologists. Gary A. McMillan is head o f the Social Work Library and sociology/anthropology bibliographer at Howard University, e-mail: Margaret R. Dittemore is the librarian o f the John Wesley Powell Library o f Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, e-mail: Carol Ritzen Kem is the sociology collection bibliographer at the George A. Smathers Libraries, University o f Florida at Gainesville, e-mail: gopher://infolib.lib.berkeley 6 4 0 /C&RL News • ABSLST-L. For scholarly communication among members of the Association o f Black Sociologists and associates. Access: LISTSERV® CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU. • ANSS-L. For librarians and information specialists in anthropology and sociology, the list also serves as a communications medium for members of the ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS). Access: LISTSERV® UCI.EDU. • DEMOGRAPHIC-LIST. Demography and population studies list. Access: MAJORDOMO@ COOMBS.ANU.EDU.AU. • EUROPEAN-SOCIOLOGIST. The Euro­ pean Sociological Association’s list focuses on the sociological analysis o f Europe. A ccess: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK, message: join european-sociologist firstname lastname. • EVALTEN. A multidisciplinary discussion list for evaluation and statistical methods. A c­ cess: MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM. • FAMILY-SCI. The Family Science Net­ work includes family sociology within the broader scope of behavioral and social science aspects o f marriage and the family. A ccess: LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU. • H-DURKHM. The Emile Durkheim his­ tory list focuses on this key figure in the devel­ o p m en t o f s o c io lo g ic a l th o u gh t. A c c ess : LISTSERV@UICVM.CC.UIC.EDU. • METHODS. Noted research/statistical methods author Earl Babbie’s list for social sci­ ence research methods instructors. A ccess: METHODS@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU. • OIC. The Organization Issues Clearing­ house is a multidisciplinary information ex ­ change for organizational researchers. Access: LISTPROC@URAUS.JUN.ALASKA.EDU. • POR. A forum for public opinion/survey researchers. A ccess: LISTSERV@GIBBS.OIT. UNC.EDU. • PSN. The Progressive Sociologists Net­ work addresses issues o f class, race, gender, social justice, community, the environment, etc. Participants include members o f the American Sociological Association’s Marxist Sociology section. Access: LISTPROC@CSF.COLORADO. EDU. • QUALRS-L. A Qualitative Research dis­ cussion list. Access: LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA. EDU. • RURSOC-L. Rural Sociology discussion list. Access: LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU. • SOCIAL-THEORY. Explores the relation­ ship between sociology and psychology, in­ cluding ontological, epistemological, and meth­ odological issues in social psychology. Access: MAILBASE® MAILBASE.AC.UK. • SOCORG-K. Social O rganization o f Knowledge discussion list. Access: LISTSERV® VM.UTCC.UTORONTO.CA. • SPORTSOC-L. A Sports Sociology discus­ sio n list. A c c ess : LISTSERV@VM.TEMPLE. EDU. • SSREL-L. The sociology of religion is one focus o f this Scientific Study o f Religion list. Access: LISTSERV@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU. Electronic jo u rn a ls • E lectro n ic J o u r n a l o f Sociology. A ref­ ereed journal containing articles, commentar­ ies, review essays, and book and software re­ views; designed for rapid feedback on current and p r o p o s e d p r o je c ts . A c c e s s : http:// or, cd pub/docs/e-journal. • E th n o /C A N ew s. New sletter for re­ searchers in ethnomethodology and conversa­ tion analysis. A ccess: http://www.comp.lancs. • E u r o p e a n Sociologist. The European Sociological Association’s newsletter for devel­ opments on the sociology o f Europe. Access: html. • H u m a n E colo gy F o ru m . The leading journal in human ecology. A ccess: gopher: // goρ alphabetic/ all/human_ecology/Sub. • IC P SR B ulletin. The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (University o f Michigan), a membership-based organization, offers access to the world’s larg­ est repository of computer-readable social sci­ ence data. The quarterly ICPSR Bulletin an­ nounces data collections most recently released or updated, and ICPSR activities, programs, and services. Access: ICPSR_homepage.html or gopher://gopher/ • J o u r n a l o f World-System s R e s e a rc h . An interdisciplinary scholarly research journal sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Program in Comparative International Development. A c­ cess: LISTPROC@CSF.COLORADO.EDU, mes­ sage: subscribe wsn Firstname Lastname. • N ew C om m unity: J o u r n a l o f th e E u ­ r o p e a n R e s e a r c h C en tre on M igration a n d E th n ic R elations. Contents and abstracts of latest issues are posted with ordering informa- mailto:MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK mailto:MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM mailto:LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@UICVM.CC.UIC.EDU mailto:METHODS@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU mailto:LISTPROC@URAUS.JUN.ALASKA.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@GIBBS.OIT mailto:LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA mailto:LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU http://www.comp.lancs gopher://gopher/ mailto:LISTPROC@CSF.COLORADO.EDU October 1 9 9 5/641 tion for print and electronic formats. Access: http://www. ruu.n1/ercomer/index.html. • P o s t m o d e r n C u lt u r e . This includes analytical essays, reviews, and various liter­ ary forms to stimulate discussion o f postmod­ ern culture, encouraging reconsideration o f traditional forms of academic writing and pub­ lis h in g . A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / je ffe rs o n .v i l la g e . virginia.ed u/pm c/contents.all.htm l or ftp., cd/pub/ncsu/pmc or LISTSERV@ LISTSERV.NCSU.EDU, message: subscribe pmc- list Firstname Lastname. • S o c i a l S c i e n c e J a p a n . An English-lan­ guage newsletter addressing economic, politi­ cal science, law, and sociological research on Japan. A ccess: center/SSJ.html. S u b d isc ip lin e -re lα te d sites The following resources illustrate the wealth of information (bibliographic, numeric, and full- text) on the Internet. Highly specialized sources (e.g., the Anabaptist Sociology & Anthropol­ ogy Association homepage) may be identified through the gateway systems listed above. • A lcoholism R esearch Data Base. This file includes citations to books, book chapters, journal articles, documents, technical reports, etc., on alcoholism and substance abuse in the Project Cork Resource Center (Dartmouth Uni­ versity). Access: telnet, log on and then enter: SELECT FILE CORK. • C en ter fo r th e Study o f G roup P ro ­ cesses. Information about the center (Depart­ ment o f Sociology, University o f Iowa), group processes research, researchers, publications, and events around the country. A ccess: http:// • D e m o g ra p h y & P o p u la tio n Studies WWW Virtual Library. Provides over 140 links to d em ographic resou rces. A c c e s s : http:// Page.html. • D isaster R esearch C en ter (U niversity o f D elaw are). Addresses group and organiza­ tional preparations for, responses to, and re­ covery from communitywide emergencies, both natural and technological disasters. Provides in­ formation on the center as well as extensive listings o f books, monograph series, prelimi­ nary papers and project/technical reports, ar­ ticles, dissertations, etc. A ccess : gopher:// • I n s titu te f o r R e s e a r c h o n P o v e rty (IR P ) G op h er. Provides information on the institute, its programs, and publications. Instruc­ tions for retrieving discussion papers and news­ letter features (in PostScript format) are pro­ vided. A ccess: gopher:// 1/1/irpgopher. • In ter-U n iversity C o n so rtiu m fo r P o­ litical an d S ocial R esearch (ICPSR) G opher. Provides information on ICPSR, its staff, mem­ bers, services, and summer training program, with pointers to topical archives, Census 2000, data archives at other U.S. universities, and so­ cial and behavioral science and government In­ ternet services. The ICPSR Guide to Resources and Services is searchable. Access: gopher:// • In tern atio n al Networks fo r Social Net­ w o rk (INSN) Analysis. Provides background information on INSN, its journal and ftp site, including social network analysis reference re­ sources, course descriptions, and related links. Access: ror/index.html. • IRSS Public O p in io n D ata A rch ives (Institu te fo r R esearch in Social Sciences, U niversity o f N orth C aro lin a). Provides ac­ cess to the General Social Survey codebook with response frequency distributions. Other opinion data include: Louis Harris surveys, USA T oday polls, National Network o f State polls, A tlan ta J o u r n a l Constitution survey, and Latin American public opinion polls. Other IRSS data are also cataloged. F o r a c c e ss instructions: go- ρher://, select “Getting started.” • M arx & Engels. Marxist classics in ASCII text files, plus contemporary Marxist material, graphics, and lyrics, and a sound recording of “T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l e .” A c c e s s : gop her:/ / • P r o g r e s s i v e S o c io lo g is ts N e tw o rk (PSN). PSN brings together sociologists world­ wide, especially the American Sociological Association’s Marxist Sociology section, con­ cerned with progressive issues and values such as working class struggles, civil rights, commu­ nity development, justice, ecology, and the environment. It provides access to archival material, reviews, syllabi, discussion, etc. A c­ cess: gopher:// psn. For like-minded resources, see also the E co n o m ic D e m o c ra c y In fo rm a tio n N etw ork (EDIN), “the voice o f community organizations on the Information Superhighway,” providing links to progressive issues and net connections, http://www http://jefferson.village gopher:// gopher:// 6 4 2 /C&RL News E N V I S I O N I N G I N F O R M A T I O N by EDWARD R. TUFTE W I N N E R O F 10 B O O K A W A R D S Phi Beta Kappa Award in Science George Wittenborn Memorial Award ACM Sigdoc, Joseph T. Rigo Award Instructional Development Award AIGA Book Show Award Computer Press Association Book Award Best Graphic Design, ID, Magazine of International Design Association for Computing Machinery, SIGGRAPH A rt and Design Show Best Book Design, National Association of Independent Publishers Chairman’s Award, International Architecture Book Award, AIA “Irresistibly beautiful. Envisioning Information is Tufte’s se co n d b o o k on in form ation design. H is 1983 Visual Display o f Quantitative Information is already a classic; the new b o o k is su re t o b e co m e on e as well.” C O L L E G E & RESEARCH LIBRARIES “A rem arkable range o f exam ples fo r the idea o f visual thinking, w ith beautifully printed pages. A real treat fo r all w h o reason and learn by m eans o f images.” r u d o l f a r n h e i m “R e m a r k a b le .. . . Envisioning Information is a m arvelously inventive and entertaining stim ulus fo r creative thought.” b u l l e t i n o f t h e m e d i c a l LIBRARY A SSO CIA TIO N O ve r 400 illustrations with exquisite 6 to 12-color printing. Finest examples in technical, creative, business and scientific presentations: diagrams, maps, statistical charts, legal exhibits, computer graphics, and use of color. Envisioning Information (ISBN 0 961 3921 I 8) $48 postpaid The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (ISBN 0 961 3921 0 X) $40 postpaid Order directly from the publisher. Moneyback guarantee. Graphics Press Box 430 Cheshire, Connecticut 06410 October 1 9 9 5 /6 4 3 national policy and budget information, third party politics, electoral reform, organizations and movements, magazine and news services, e-mail lists, and fast facts on selected social and econom ic problems. A ccess: gopher://garnet. 1250/1/. • Society fo r th e Study o f Sym bolic In ­ te ra ctio n (SSSI) H om epage. A social science professional organization for qualitative, espe­ cially interactionist, research. The society orga­ nizes panels and sessions at annual meetings o f the American Sociological Association and other organizations. A ccess: http://sun.soci.niu. edu/~sssi. • W orld-System s A rchive. This electronic archive promotes the free exchange o f infor­ mation on the modern world-system and ear lier intersocietal networks, including announce­ ments, documents, books, data, biographical information, bibliographies, newsletters, the J o u r n a l o f W orld-System s R esea rch , and the World Systems Network (WSN) listserv archive. A c c e s s : g o p h e r:/ / lo ra d o .e d u / 7 0 / ll/ wsystems. G r α n t s m α n s h ip a n d f u n d in g so u rc e s g a t e w a y s Internet information on grants, contracts, schol­ arships, and other financial assistance is found on numerous, reciprocally linked sites. Typical hot-links include the C atalog o f F e d e r a l D om es­ tic A ssistance, C o m m erce B usin ess Daily, the F e d e r a l Register, MOLIS (Minority Online Schol­ arship Service), FEDIX (Federal Funding Pro­ grams Information Exchange), and Foundation Center background information. B elow are three excellent gateways. • F o u n d atio n an d G ran t In fo rm a tio n (t h e U n iv ersity o f M ich ig an ). A ccess: go- pher://; Port 70, select: genref. • G ra n ts, S c h o la rs h ip s a n d F u n d in g ( R i c e U n i v e r s i t y ) . A c c e s s : gop her:/ / riceinfo. rice. edu: 70/1/ 1/Subject/Grants. • GrantsNet (U.S. D ep artm en t o f Health a n d H u m a n S e r v ic e s ). A ccess : gopher://, select: DHSS Resources by Topic. A m e r ic a n S o c io lo g ic a l A s s o c ia tio n h e a d q u a r t e r s If you have membership-related queries, the American Sociological Association may be con­ tacted by e-m ail at: asa_execu tive_office@ ■ gopher://garnet http://sun.soci.niu gopher://