ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ October 1999 / 771 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart C re atin g a Virtu al Library: A How-to-Do- It M a n u a l, e d ite d by Frederick Stielow (184 pages, 1999), offers g u id a n c e o n creating, m ounting, a n d m aintaining a library W eb site b a se d o n th e ex p erien ces o f th e M id-H udson Library System in P o u g h k eep sie, N ew York. Its library-related focus includes suggestions o n building inform ation suites, evaluating an d m o nitoring y o u r site, en h a n c in g W eb c o n ­ tent, an d im plem enting scripts a n d databases. $55.00. N eal-Schum an. ISBN 1-55570-346-1. C ry p to z o o lo g y A -Z , by Loren Colem an and Jero m e Clark (270 pages, A u­ gust 1999), is a n e n cy clo p e­ dia o f large anim als th at re­ m ain u n d escrib ed by science. M ore th a n 100 cryptids (u n ­ k n o w n anim als) a re featured, along w ith “living fossils” that have b een recently discovered, an d biographical sketches o f cryptozoologists. In addition to Bigfoot an d Nessie, the authors catalog o ther alleged m onsters that seem to have a basis in r e a l it y , a m o n g th e m t h e bondegezou o f Irian Jaya, the Hispanic C hupacabra, th e Flat- head Lake (M ontana) m onster, M acFarlane’s b e a r in th e Ca­ n a d ia n N orthw est Territories, th e m okele-m bem be sau rian o f central Africa, surviving N ean d erth als, an d th e A ustralian y ow ie w ild m an. $13-00. Fireside B ooks. ISBN 0-684-85602-6. D e a lin g w ith D iffic u lt P e o p le in th e L i­ b ra ry , b y Mark R. Willis (195 pages, July 1999), pro v id es a co m p e n d iu m o f advice o n th e p re v e n tio n a n d h an d lin g o f stressful e n ­ co u n ters in th e library. Willis offers tips o n c o n tro llin g s itu a tio n s , d e a lin g w ith c o m ­ plaints, a n d tactfully solving p ro b lem s w ith h o m eless p e o p le , un ru ly p atrons, in a p p ro ­ priate. In te rn e t users, a n d c en so rsh ip ad v o ­ G e o rg e M . E b e rh a rt is s e n io r e d ito r o f A m e ric a n Lib ra rie s; e -m a il: g eb e rh a rt@ a la .o rg cates. Sample policies from various public li­ braries are given in appendices. $28.00. Ameri­ can Library Association. ISBN 0-8389-0760-1. D ic tio n a ry o f H u m an R ig h t s A d v o c a c y O r g a n iz a t io n s in A fric a , by Santosh Saha (200 pages, May 1999), lists cu rren t gro u p s in Africa w o rk in g to u p h o ld an d p ro te c t b o th basic political rights a n d th e ex p an siv e rights o f su p p re sse d p o p u latio n s. Each entry gives a cap su le sum m ary o f w h a t th e g ro u p s ’ goals are a n d o n e o r tw o referen ces (very often a U.S. State D ep artm en t c o u n try re p o rt o n h u ­ m an rights). F or so m e reason, ad d re s se s are n o t p ro v id ed , th o u g h th e o ccasio n al W eb site is given. $69-50. G reen ­ w o o d . ISBN 0-313-30945-0. H o m o p h o n e s a n d H o m o ­ g ra p h s: A n A m e ric a n D ic­ t io n a r y , by Jam es B. H obbs (318 p a g e s, 3d ed ., A ugust 1999), identifies 7,786 h o m o ­ p h o n e s (different w o rd s that s o u n d th e sam e, like cow ard, cowered, a n d cow herd) an d 1,552 hom ographs (w ords that are sp elled th e sam e b u t have different pro n u n ciatio n s, like t e a r a n d te a r ). A g o o d s o u r c e b o o k fo r p o e ts a n d p unsters, this third e d itio n perm its an alter­ native w a y o f lo o k in g at w o rd s a n d th e ir m eanings. $32.50. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864- -0610-0. Indian W ar Sites: A G uid e b o o k to Battle­ fie ld s, M o n u m en ts, a n d M e m o rials, by Steve Rajtar (330 pages, S ep tem b er 1999), offers a state-by-state listing o f attacks a n d battles from th e Spanish co n q u e st o f Florida in th e early 16th cen tu ry to th e Y aqui W ar in 1915. Many o f th e se are relatively m inor in­ cidents th at h av e b e e n o v e rlo o k e d b y g e n ­ eral histories y et still affected Indian affairs a n d life o n th e frontier. C anadian an d Mexi­ can incidents are also detailed. A 20-page c h ro n o lo g y o f ev en ts p u ts th e v arious inci­ 772 / C&RL News ■ October 1999 dents in perspective, an d indexes o f persons, battles, an d place nam es en h a n c e access. $39.95. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-0710-7. Inventing Acadia: Artists and Tourists at M ount Desert, edited by Pamela J. Belanger (174 pages, August 1999), w as w ritten to ac­ com pany an exhibition o f w orks by th e p rin­ cipal artists o f Mount D esert Island, Maine, at the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, June through O ctober 1999. Artistic depictions of th e island’s im pressive coastal scenery by Thom as Cole an d Frederic Church w ere a major factor in prom oting tourist excursions to Maine in the 1850s an d 1860s. T hese vi­ sual images contributed to the allure o f an accessible American wilderness that ultimately led to the invention o f Acadia an d o ther na­ tional parks, w here the land­ scape becam e a cultural as w ell as a geological artifact. A w ell-illustrated exam ina­ tion of the connection b e ­ tw een art an d sightseeing. $39.95. University Press of N ew E n g la n d . ISBN 0- 918749-09-3. Ju d g m e n t D ay fo r th e Shroud o f Turin, by Walter McCrone (341 pages, March 1999), gives the author’s per­ spective o n th e Shroud co n ­ troversy an d his detailed mi­ crochem ical analyses o f the fabric since 1974. McCrone presents considerable physical evidence lead­ ing to his conclusion that the Shroud is a 14th- century French red-ochre painting m ade to look like a relic. Since his findings have not b e e n ac c e p te d by Shroud enthusiasts, h e spends considerable time in taking them to task for failing to be objective, thus making the b ook a valuable history of the controversy as w e ll as a s c ie n tif ic r e p o r t. $ 3 4 .9 5 . Prometheus. ISBN 1-57392-679-5. The Okapi, Mysterious Anim al of Congo- Zaire, by Susan Lyndaker Lindsey, Mary Neel G reen, an d Cynthia L. B ennett (131 pages, April 1999), presents a natural history of this zebra-like relative o f the giraffe, w hose habi­ tat in the dense Congolese rain forest precluded its discovery until 1901. Plentiful drawings by G reen dem onstrate the okapi’s physical traits and behavior, and th e authors describe the conservation efforts of the O kapi Wildlife Re­ serve in Congo-Zaire. $30.00. University of Texas Press. ISBN 0-292-74706-3. San Francisco Album: Photographs of the Most Beautiful Views and Public Buildings o f S a n F ran cisc o , by G eorge Robinson Fardon (174 pages, July 1999), is a reprint w ith com m entary by Jeffrey Fraenkel, Hans P. Jraus Jr., an d others o f Fardon’s rare 1856 photographic show case, thought to b e the first published com pilation o f photographs o f any city in America. Many o f the photos are panoram ic view s that docum ent a dy­ namic, comm ercial city on the eve o f the Civil War. Specific im ages include South Park, the M erchants’ Exchange, Fort V igilance, City Hall, N ob Hill, Russian Hill, an d North B each. $50.00. C h ro n icle Books. ISBN 0-8118-2630-9. S u p p re sse d In v e n tio n s and Other Discoveries, by Jo n ath an Eisen (546 pages, April 1999), provides an in­ troduction to scientific con­ sp iracy th e o rie s from th e su p p re ssio n o f alternative medical therapies, through the cover-up o f technologies derived from extraterrestrial contact, to the suppression o f alternative fuel resources. Much o f the evidence is extrem ely tenuous, but it should serve as a starting point for dis­ cussion or critique. T he section o n alterna­ tive p o w e r sources from Tesla to cold fusion is particularly intriguing. Try it out if y o u ’re tired o f the standard political conspiracies. $15.95. Avery P ublishing G roup, 120 O ld Broadway, G arden City Park, NY 11040. ISBN 0-89529-809-0. When the Nazis Came to Skokie: Freedom fo r Speech We Hate, by Philippa Strum (172 pages, April 1999), recounts the com plex le­ gal issues involved in the 1977 case o f the rights o f American neo-Nazis to m arch and display sw astikas in Skokie, Illinois, a su b ­ urb o f Chicago w ith a high concentration of H olocaust survivors. T he case has since be e n C&RL News ■ October 7999 / 773 used as a litmus test in debates over th e limi­ tations o f hate speech. In this m ajor re-ex­ amination, Strum profiles th e individuals in­ volved, looks at th e case law leading u p to it, and speculates o n h o w it might have e n d ed differently. $25.00. University Press o f Kan­ sas, ISBN 0-7006-0940-7. W omen’s Roles in A n cient Civilizations: A R e fe r e n c e G u id e , e d ite d b y B ella V ivante (386 p a g e s, J u n e 1999), is a cross- cu ltu ral su rv ey o f th e statu s o f w o m e n in an cie n t Asia, Africa, E u ro p e, a n d A m erica from a g y n o c e n tric p e rs p e c tiv e . It h ig h ­ lights th e w ays in w h ic h w o m e n p a rtic i­ p a te d in a n d in flu e n c e d th e ir c u ltu re s ’ a c ­ tivities e v e n w h e n th e y w e re re p r e s s e d o r u n a c k n o w le d g e d . A u sefu l s u p p le m e n t to cu ltu ral h isto ries th a t m ay o m it th e fem i­ nist ele m e n t. $59-95. G re e n w o o d . ISBN 0- 313-30127-1. W orking w ith Faculty to D e sign Under­ graduate Information Literacy Programs: A H ow -to-D o-lt M anual fo r Lib rarian s, b y R osem ary M. Y o ung a n d S te p h e n a H ar­ m o n y (123 p a g e s, 1999), p ro v id e s m o d els fo r cre a tin g c o n te n t a n d assig n m en ts for c o u rse -in te g ra te d literacy p rogram s, sta n d ­ a l o n e p r e s e n t a t i o n s , a n d f u l l - c r e d i t co u rses. E v alu atio n in stru m en ts, te c h n o ­ logical to o ls, an d h a n d lin g a d m in istrativ e d e ta ils a re a ls o c o v e re d . $45.00. N eal- S chum an. ISBN 1-55570-354-2. World Conflicts: A Comprehensive Guide to W orld Strife since 1945, by Patrick Bro­ gan (682 pages, May 1999), reviews the wars, revolutions, assassinations, an d terrorist at­ tacks in a country-by-country survey o f co n ­ flict in th e p o stw ar w orld. B rogan discusses th e historical origins of th e political o r racial te n s io n s, th e p a rtie s in v o lv ed , th e m ain events, th e outcom e, a n d th e prospects for peace. A ppendices include a chronicle of terrorist events a n d lists o f wars, coups, and assassinations u p to early 1998. $49.50. Scare­ crow . ISBN 0-8108-3551-7. ■ ( “ACRL leadership … co n t. f r o m p a g e 757) m ade in the spring for term s beginning im­ mediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments Committee recom m ends to the president-elect o f ACRL the nam es of m em­ bers w ho might fill the vacancies. The presi­ dent-elect m akes the final appointments. If you w ant to be considered for an appointm ent to an ACRL committee, com plete the form and return it to Randy B. H ensley at the address given o n the form before D ecem ber 6, 1999. Editorial b o a rd s ACRL has editorial b o ard s for th ese six p u b ­ lications: Choice-, College & Research Librar­ ies; College & Research Libraries News; N ew Publications; P ub lica tio n s in Librarianship; an d Rare Books & M anuscripts Librarianship. A ppointm ents to editorial boards are m ade at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recom m end the nam e of a person to fill the vacancy. T he Publications Commit­ tee m ust approve the recom m endation, and the president o f ACRL makes the appointment. If you w ould like to be considered for ap­ pointm ent to an editorial board, contact the editor o f th e editorial board early in the fall. Choice editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e-mail: irockwood@ College & Research Libraries editor: D onald E. Riggs, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796; e-mail: driggs@ College & Research Libraries News editor: Mary Ellen Davis, C&RL News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: medavis@ N ew publications editor: H ugh T hom p­ son, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: hthom pson@ P ublications in Librarianship editor: Jo h n B u d d , U n iv e rsity o f M isso u ri-C o lu m b ia School o f Inform ation Science an d Learning Technologies, 217 T ow nsend Hall, Colum ­ bia, MO 65211; e-mail: libsjm b@ showm e. m Rare Books & M anuscripts L ibrarianship editors: Lisa M. Browar, Director, Indiana Uni­ versity, Lilly Library, B loom ington, IN 47405; lbrow ar@; Marvin J. Taylor, Spe­ cial Collections, N ew York University, Bobst Library, 70 W ashington Square South, New York, NY 10012; taylorm @ ■ 774 / C&RL News ■ October 1999