ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 2 /2 5 5 Candidates for ALA Council These ACRL members need y o u r vote T he following m em bers o f the Association o f College & Research Libraries are eithe nom inated or petition candidates for ALA cilor in th e spring 1992 elections. ACRL m em bers are encouraged to vote for these candi dates to increase ACRL’s voice in the affairs o the American Library Association. E th e lle S. B e a n , assistant professor/direc tor, Karl E. M undt Library, D akota State Uni versity, Madison, South Dakota. H e r b e r t B ib lo , director, Long Island Librar Resources Council, Stony Brook, New York. T o b e y l y n n B ir c h , library director, Califor nia School of Professional Psychology, Los An geles Campus Library, Alhambra, California. R h o d a K. C h a n n in g , director, Z. Smit Reynolds Library, W ake Forest University, Win ston-Salem, North Carolina. D ie d r e C o n k lin g , district librarian, Lincol County Library District, N ew port, Oregon. C o l l e e n M. C o n w a y , head, Technical Ser vices, H ope College Library, Holland, Michi gan. J o s e p h R. E d e le n , bibliographic control li brarian, University of South Dakota, I.D. W eek Library, Vermillion. J o A n n E llin g s o n , associate professor/li brary director, Saint Xavier College, Byrne Me morial Library, Chicago, Illinois. E d w a rd E razo, reference technical service librarian, Saint T hom as University Law Library Miami, Florida. M ary M, Evans, public services librarian, Eas Central University, Unscheid Library, Ada, Oklahoma R o b e r t F r a n k lin , president, McFarland Com pany, Jefferson, N orth Carolina. T a m a r a F r o s t-T r u jillo , associate librarian A utom ation a n d T echnical Services, Califor nia State University, Sacram ento. C h a r le s D . H a n s o n , d irecto r o f public li braries, G rosse P ointe (M ichigan) Public Li brary. E la in e M. H a rg e r, librarian, Empire Stat r c f - y h n s - s , t . & , e ou College-SUNY New York, School of Labor Stud ies, New York, N ew York. D a v id M. H o v d e , social sciences bibliogra p h e r & reference librarian, Purdue University Library, Humanities, Social Sciences & Educa tion Library, W est Lafayette, Indiana. S a m u e l T. H u a n g , head, Rare B ooks and Special Collections, University Libraries, North ern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. J o y c e E. Jelks, manager, Acquisition Depart ment, Atlanta-Fulton (Georgia) Public Library. Barbara M. J o n e s, head of reference, Union College, Schaffer Library, Schenectady, New York. E. J. J o s e y , professor, University o f Pitts burgh (Pennsylvania) School o f Library & Infor m ation Science. N a n c y C. K r a n ic h , associate dean, New York (N ew York) University Libraries. H w a -W e i Lee, dean/professor, O hio Uni versity Libraries-Athens. M a rjo r ie H . Li, technical services librarian, Rutgers University Libraries, N ew Brunswick, New Jersey. E v e ly n C. M in ic k , director, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) College o f Textiles & Science, Senator Jo h n Pastore Library. J a m e s R. M o u w , head, Serials, University o f Chicago, Illinois. A n n a H . P er ra u lt, head, Interlibrary Ser vices, Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge. E m m a B. P er ry , director, Dillard Univer sity Library, N ew Orleans, Louisiana. H a n n e l o r e B. R ad er, director, Cleveland (O hio) State University Library. M ark C. R o s e n z w e ig , coordinator, Biblio graphic Instruction, Community College Library, Long Island, N ew York. L ou H e l e n S a n d e r s , director o f libraries, Jackson (Mississippi) State University. A lin e E. S o u le s , m anager, Technical Ser vices & A utom ation, University o f Michigan, Kresge Business A dministration Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. T h e lm a M. T ate, reference coordinator, Mabel Smith D ouglass Library-Rutgers Univer sity, New Brunswick, New Jersey. (Cont. on page 257) n April 1 9 9 2 /2 5 7 Rare B o o k s a n d M a n u sc r ip ts S e c tio n . Daniel H. Traister, Curator o f Special Collections, Uni versity o f Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt- Dietrich Library Center, 3420 Walnut St., Phila delphia, PA 19104-6277 S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y S e c tio n . Colleen J. Pow er, C oordinator o f Regional Services/Sci- e n c e Librarian, California State U niversity, Meriam Library, First & Hazel Streets, Chico, CA 95929-0295 S la v ic a n d E ast E u r o p e a n C o lle c tio n s S e c t io n . Sandra Levy, Assistant Slavic Librarian, University of Chicago, 1100 E. 57th St., Chi cago, IL 60637-1502 U n i v e r s i t y L ib r a r ie s S e c t io n . M axine H. Reneker, 437 College Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306 W estern E u ropean Specialist Section. Mary Jane Parrine, 8 Bolton Place, Menlo Park, CA 94025 W o m e n ’s S tu d ie s S e c tio n . Name o f Nomi nating Committee chair not available. Contact th e se c tio n v ic e -c h a ir, V irginia L. D aley, W om en’s Studies Archivist, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 ■ (Candidates cont. fro m page 255) H e r m a n L. T o tte n , regents professor, Uni versity o f North Texas, School of Library & In formation Sciences, Denton, Texas. B e tty L. T sai, senior associate professor, Technical Services, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania. D a n ie l C. T san g, social sciences bibliogra pher, University o f California-Irvine. S a lly C. T se n g , head, Serials Cataloging and Records Maintenance, University of California- Irvine. J o h n C. T y so n , state librarian, Virginia State Library & Archives, Richmond, Virginia. P a tr ic ia A. W an d , university librarian, The American University, Washington, D.C. M a r ily n P. W h itm o r e , coordinator of in struction, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. E v e lin e L. Y a n g , head, Interlibrary Loan Department, Auraria Library, University of Colo rado-Denver. N o r m a n N . Y u e h , director, Library Services, Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey. ■ C hernobyl B ibliographic Search System Battelle Software Products is proud to announce ChemoLit, an extensive bib liographic search system about the Chernobyl nuclear accident. ChemoLit contains 4,500 references and abstracts in an easy-to-use format and allows users to interactively search the biblio graphic data through menu-driven soft ware. With yearly updates you can be assured it is one o f the most com plete bibliographic sources for Chernobyl research. The releases from Chernobyl and sub sequent data collection present a re source for evaluating historical risk, transport and deposition models using extensive real-world data. Previously, these models w ere based on labora tory experiments, theoretical calcula tions, simulated accidents and limited real data. ChemoLit is provided on high density floppy disks and is easily installed on an IBM PS/2, AT or fully IBM-compatible PCs. The cost is $395.00 each (U.S./Canada) and $500.00 each (international). All titles and abstracts are written in En glish. To place an order please call 1- 800-451-3543 or (614) 424-6393. For more information call (509) 375-6787. All prices U.S. dollars only. Applicable sales tax for the follow ing states: CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MS, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA.