ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 5 6 /C&RL News The time to lead ACRL seeks nominees fo r office W o u ld y o u lik e to serv e o n th e ACRL Board of Directors as vice-president/ president-elect or seek office in an tion? W ould you like to nom inate anyone else for such a position? If the answ er is yes, here is w hat you need to do. ACRL Board of Directors The ACRL Appointments and Nominations Com­ mittee will be nominating candidates for ACRL vice-president/president-elect. The election will b e held in the spring of 1993. The w inners will hold office beginning in the sum m er of 1993. If you w ish to be considered for nom ination or if you w ould like to submit nam es for consider­ ation, contact the chair o f the committee: Hiram Davis, D irector of Libraries, M ichigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1048, prior to the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco. ACRL section officers Candidates for vice-chair/chair-elect o f ACRL sections are selected by the Nominating Com­ mittee o f each section. If you w ould like to nom inate som eone or be nom inated for vice- chair/chair-elect of an ACRL section, contact the chair of the Nominating Committee for the appropriate section prior to the ALA Annual C onference in San Francisco. O ther section offices, including secretary an d m em ber-at- large, m ay also be u n d er consideration for this term of office, w hich w ould begin in the sum m er o f 1993. Section Nominating Committee chairs A fr o -A m e r ic a n S tu d ie s L ib r a ria n S e c tio n . Rochelle R. Ballard, Reference Librarian, Uni­ versity o f Central Florida Library, P.O. Box 25000, Orlando, FL 32816-0666 A n t h r o p o lo g y a n d S o c i o lo g y S e c tio n . Janet L. Steins, H ead Chemistry Librarian, State Uni­ AC versity o f New York, 215 G raduate Chemistry, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3425 A rts S e c t io n . S tephen Allan Patrick, H ead Documents/Law/M aps Dept., East Tennessee State University, Sherrod Library, P.O. Box 22 450A, Johnson City, TN 37614 RL sec­ A s ia n a n d A fr ica n S e c tio n . Name of Nomi­ nating Committee chair not available. Contact the section vice-chair, Ray P. Boylan, Center for Research Libraries, 6050 S. K enwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 B i b l i o g r a p h i c I n s t r u c t i o n S e c t i o n . Ree DeDonato, Head, G eneral & Humanities Ref­ erence, New York University, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 W ashington Square South, New York, NY 10012 C o lle g e L ib r a rie s S e c tio n . Sarah Pedersen, Dean of Library Services, Evergreen State Col­ lege, Library L2300, Olympia, WA 98505 C o m m u n ity a n d J u n io r C o lle g e L ib raries S e c tio n . Lenora C. Lockett, Library Director, Delgado Community College, Moss Memorial Library, 615 City Park Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119 E d u c a tio n a n d B e h a v io r a l S c ie n c e s S e c tio n . Tara L. Fulton, Loyola University, Cudahy Me­ morial Library, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626 E x te n d e d C a m p u s L ibrary S e r v ic e s S e c tio n . Name of Nominating Committee chair not avail­ able. Contact the section vice-chair, Colleen J. Power, Coordinator o f Regional Services/Sci- e n c e Librarian, California State U niversity, Chico, Box 6640, First and Hazel Streets, Chico, CA 95929-0295 Law a n d P o litic a l S c ie n c e S e c tio n . Name of N om inating C om m ittee chair not available. C ontact th e sectio n vice-chair, C aroline J. Tibbetts, Associate Librarian, University o f Dela­ ware, Morris Library, Newark, DE 19717-5267 April 1 9 9 2 /2 5 7 Rare B o o k s a n d M a n u sc r ip ts S e c tio n . Daniel H. Traister, Curator o f Special Collections, Uni­ versity o f Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt- Dietrich Library Center, 3420 Walnut St., Phila­ delphia, PA 19104-6277 S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y S e c tio n . Colleen J. Pow er, C oordinator o f Regional Services/Sci- e n c e Librarian, California State U niversity, Meriam Library, First & Hazel Streets, Chico, CA 95929-0295 S la v ic a n d E ast E u r o p e a n C o lle c tio n s S e c ­ t io n . Sandra Levy, Assistant Slavic Librarian, University of Chicago, 1100 E. 57th St., Chi­ cago, IL 60637-1502 U n i v e r s i t y L ib r a r ie s S e c t io n . M axine H. Reneker, 437 College Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306 W estern E u ropean Specialist Section. Mary Jane Parrine, 8 Bolton Place, Menlo Park, CA 94025 W o m e n ’s S tu d ie s S e c tio n . Name o f Nomi­ nating Committee chair not available. Contact th e se c tio n v ic e -c h a ir, V irginia L. D aley, W om en’s Studies Archivist, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 ■ (Candidates cont. fro m page 255) H e r m a n L. T o tte n , regents professor, Uni­ versity o f North Texas, School of Library & In­ formation Sciences, Denton, Texas. B e tty L. T sai, senior associate professor, Technical Services, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania. D a n ie l C. T san g, social sciences bibliogra­ pher, University o f California-Irvine. S a lly C. T se n g , head, Serials Cataloging and Records Maintenance, University of California- Irvine. J o h n C. T y so n , state librarian, Virginia State Library & Archives, Richmond, Virginia. P a tr ic ia A. W an d , university librarian, The American University, Washington, D.C. M a r ily n P. W h itm o r e , coordinator of in­ struction, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. E v e lin e L. Y a n g , head, Interlibrary Loan Department, Auraria Library, University of Colo­ rado-Denver. N o r m a n N . Y u e h , director, Library Services, Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey. ■ C hernobyl B ibliographic Search System Battelle Software Products is proud to announce ChemoLit, an extensive bib­ liographic search system about the Chernobyl nuclear accident. ChemoLit contains 4,500 references and abstracts in an easy-to-use format and allows users to interactively search the biblio­ graphic data through menu-driven soft­ ware. With yearly updates you can be assured it is one o f the most com plete bibliographic sources for Chernobyl research. The releases from Chernobyl and sub­ sequent data collection present a re­ source for evaluating historical risk, transport and deposition models using extensive real-world data. Previously, these models w ere based on labora­ tory experiments, theoretical calcula­ tions, simulated accidents and limited real data. ChemoLit is provided on high density floppy disks and is easily installed on an IBM PS/2, AT or fully IBM-compatible PCs. The cost is $395.00 each (U.S./Canada) and $500.00 each (international). All titles and abstracts are written in En­ glish. To place an order please call 1- 800-451-3543 or (614) 424-6393. For more information call (509) 375-6787. All prices U.S. dollars only. 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