ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 115 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty " ra n k " and "sta tu s" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements for the Positions W anted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude d ire c t or in d ire ct references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, C hicago 60611, and should reach th a t office before the second of the month preceding p u b li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received a fte r th a t tim e may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, w hile not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be dire cte d to Leona Swiech a t (312) 944-6780. A confirm ing o rde r should be m ailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible follow ing the call, along with typew ritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE China (m ainly), Japan, Korea. Superb collection o f books in Western languaqe. A ll topics. More than 3,000 volumes. W rite M. Frazin, ERAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. Journal of Cataloging and Classification, v.5-12, 1948—56, b d. in 3v. $15. Library Resources and Technical Services, v.l-1 8 , 1957-74, bd. in 9v. v.19, 1975, unbd. $75. A ll vols, excellent. W . H. Patch, 5817 Dorsett Dr., Madison, W l 53711. U N IO N LIST OF SERIALS in the libraries in the M iam i Valley. New Fifth Edition now availa ble $50.00. Fourth Edition (1973) only $10.00. Send o rde r to Sue C am pbell, W rig h t State University Library, Dayton, O H 45431. Pre­ paid orders are post paid. STUDY COURSES INDEXING BY CORRESPONDENCE STUDY. This course has been prepared a t the request of, and in colla b ora tio n with, the Society of Indexers and is specifically designed as an aid to those who wish to train fo r admission to the Society's register. Free details from—the Rapid Results College, Dept. W A I, Tuition House, London, SWI9 4DS, England. W ANTED TO BUY WE BUY POSTERS AND BOUND AND UNBOUND PERI ODICALS. A fte r m icrofilm ing , d o n 't dispose o f †h‹ oriqinals, sell them to us. We purchase periodicals frorr 1890 to 1940, including Inland Printer, Saturday Eveninç Post, Vogue, Harper's Weekly, Jugend, Fant asîo, anć dozens o f other American and European publications W e are also looking fo r old posters—travel, war, book and magazine posters and others from 1890 to 1940 W rite or ca ll The Exhumation, P.O. Box 2057, Princeton NJ 08540. (609) 921-2339. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, Iowa State University Library: Coordinates library-w ide budget, planning and personnel a ctivitie s; has d ire c t re­ sponsibility for business, personnel, and photod u p lica tion services, the Library Instruction Department, and the Vet­ erinary M edical Library. W ill play a m ajor role in further develoDmen† of b u ild in g program fo r new lib ra ry a d d i­ tion. Q ua lifica tio ns: MLS, five year's adm inistrative ex­ perience in academ ic o r research lib ra ry with evidence of superior performance, and broad knowledge of personnel systems and management operations. Faculty status and excellent fringe benefits. Salary dependent on q u a lific a ­ tions, minim um : $20,000. A va ila b le July. A p p ly by May I. Send d eta ile d resume and have three letters of reference forw arded to : W arren B. Kuhn, Dean of Library Services, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Iowa State Univer­ sity is an equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a † ive action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND HEAD, PUBLIC SERVICES. Position now open. MLS degree from an ALA-accredi†ed lib ra ry school and second master's degree required. Five or more year's adm inistrative experience in a uni­ versity lib ra ry a t the departm ent head level or above. Duties include the planning, coordination, and super­ vision of reference, circulation, and ILL program s and two branch libraries. Public services staff o f sixteen (16), plus 75 student assistants. A p p oin te e must have thorough knowledge o f lib ra ry autom ation and networking. Must be a ble to work successfully as a team member with fellow staff members, faculty, and students. Usual fringe benefits and state retirem ent. Faculty status and rank of assoc, prof. Salary $18,000, 12-month contract. Send resume and references to : Dr. George R. Lewis, D irector of. Libraries, P.O. Drawer 5408, State College, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an equal opp o rtu n ity em­ ployer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES, IO W A STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. D irect and coordinate entire range of lib ra ry technical services. Im m ediate challenge in im plem enting O CLC and continuing developm ent of com puterized serials system. Q ualifications: MLS, five year's adm inistrative experience w ithin technical services in a large academic or research library, substantive knowl­ edge o f lib ra ry autom ation, demonstrated' a b ility in per­ sonnel management. Faculty status and excellent fringe benefits. Salary dependent on qualifications, minimum: $20,000. A va ila b le August. A p p ly by June I. Send d eta ile d resume and have three letters of reference forwarded to : W arren B. Kuhn, Dean o f Library Services, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Iowa State University is an equal o pp o rtu n i† y/a ffirm a tive action em ployer. ASSISTANT M U S IC /A U D IO LIBRARIAN. Under the music lib ra ria n supervises operation o f the A u d io C enter with one fu ll-tim e staff member and 6 student assistants. Se­ lects, catalogs music recordings, and maintains audio ca†aloq. Aids faculty to select audio reserves and super­ vises d u p lica tio n . Supervises and assists in the m ainte­ nance o f audio equipm ent. Assists with collection b uild in g , reference, and other professional duties as required. In­ terest in all aspects o f college lib ra ry work essential. Must have MLS, strong in cata lo g ing , and a music m a jo r o r equivalent. Up to 2 year's p ractica l experience pre­ fe rre d. Salary w itho u t experience starts a t $9,300. Faculty rank and status. Excellent frin ge benefits. One month plus in-school-year vacations. Position open August. Equal em ploym ent/affirm a†ive action em ployer. Send resume and credentials to L. R. Rift, C olleg e Librarian, Ithaca College, Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. N ew position in me­ dium-size university in new $1.5 m illion lib ra ry b u ild in g to ooen summer 1977. Salary to be $11,340 for 12 months (24 working days va catio n ); instructor rank; good fringe benefits. Requirements: 5†h year, A L A -accredited degree. Experience desirable b ut not necessary. Entails some eve- ninq and weekend work. A p p lica tion s accepted until May I. Send vita, transcripts, and at least three reference le t­ ters to : Eli M. O b o le r, University Librarian, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209. An equal oppor†unity/af- firma†ive action employer. ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR PER­ SONNEL, University o f M aryland. Plans, organizes, and coordinates personnel activities o f the libraries for. a staff o f alm ost 300. Develops policies and procedures and works in the areas of manpower planning, staff d e ­ velopm ent, employment, a ffirm a tive action, and employe relations. A t least 3 year's successful adm inistrative ex­ perience required and MLS from an A LA -accredited institution also required. Salary: minimum $17,500. For fu ll consideration a pp ly by June I. Send resumes to Elsi H. Goering, University o f M aryland Libraries, C o l­ lege Park, MD 20742. An equal o pp o rtu n i† y/a ffirm a tive action employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES, U niver­ sity o f Maryland, to manage the p u b lic services thro u gh ­ out the lib ra ry system. A t least 5 year's successful adm inistrative exp erience in a large academ ic lib ra ry is essential. A b ility to develop and maintain positive 116 working relationships. Salary minimum $25,000. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution required. Advance degree desirable. For full consideration apply by May 15. Send resumes to Elsi H. Goering, University of Maryland Li­ braries, College Park, MD 20742. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. CATALOG/DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. ALA-accredited MLS with full-time experience in original LC cataloging required. Experience or academic training in government documents desirable. Minimum salary $12,400. Position open July I, subject to available funds. Application dead­ line A pril 30. Send resume to: Mrs. Carole J. Pollock, Coordinator of Library Services, Danville Community College, 1009 Bonner Ave., Danville, VA 24541. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN: OCLC staff supervisor with re­ sponsibilities for training and supervising all OCLC per­ sonnel and assisting the administrative cataloger in devel­ oping departmental manuals. Qualifications: Graduate de­ gree from an ALA-accredited program with at least two year's professional cataloging experience in a university library system utilizing LC cataloging. OCLC experience is desirable. Salary: $11,500 minimum. Excellent fringe benefits. Application deadline: May I. Apply to: Charles E. Chamberlin, Personnel and Budget Officer, 106 Love Library, University o f Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for original catalog­ ing of printed materials utilizing DDC and for the super­ vision of one cataloging assistant in a medium-size re­ search library collection specializing in Ohio history. Re­ quirements: MLS from ALA-accredited library school with at least two year's experience as cataloger in academic or special library. Background in history with MA pre­ ferred. Starting salary $11,544 plus excellent benefits pack­ age. Position available May. Send vita, official tran­ scripts, and three letters of reference to Personnel Of­ ficer, Ohio Historical Society, 1982 Velma Avenue, Co­ lumbus, OH 43211. CATALOG/SERIALS LIBRARIAN: To be responsible for serials control and to do original cataloging of mono­ graphs and serials. Requirements: Accredited MLS; 1-3 year's experience as cataloger or serials librarian; demon­ strated motivation, flexibility, and supervisory ability. Familiarity with OCLC a nd /or literature of science and technology desirable. Salary: $11,500+ depending upon qualifications. Position available July I. James C. An­ drews, Folsom Library, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12181. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CATALOGER. Beginning position in OCLC-member li­ brary offers opportunity for recent graduate to participate in all aspects of Catalog Department operation. Salary for 9-month year (mid-August to mid-May) $10,500 or more depending on qualifications. Some opportunity for summer employment. Full faculty privileges; rank depen­ dent on academic qualifications. Excellent fringe bene­ fits, TIAA-CREF, and professional travel opportunities. Re­ quirements: MLS from accredited library school with em­ phasis on cataloging and classification. Apply to Paul Landenberger, Chairperson, Committee on Faculty Selec­ tion, Central Michigan University Library, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859, by May 31. CMU is a nondiscriminatory educa­ tional institution and employer. CATALOGER: Anticipated opening. Original cataloging of monographs using MARC tags and LC classification, editing selected OCLC records, cataloging nonbook ma­ terials. MLS from ALA-accredited school; fluent reading knowledge of two languages, Latin, Russian, or French. (Spanish may be substituted for French.) Specialization in literature or art. Exposure to and interest in rare books. Full faculty status, e lig ib ility for tenure, 22 work­ ing days vacation, paid life and major medical insurance, TIAA/CREF. Salary: $10,000. Apply by May 15 to: W il­ liam K. Black, Assistant to the Director, University of Louisville Library, Belknap Campus, Louisville, KY 40208. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CHIEF, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT (Senior Librarian). Salary $ 17,000—$22,000. Responsible for providing the total range o f Government Documents De­ partment services, including acquisition, processing, and public service. Defines goals, sets policies, and makes plans for the department; prepares annual departmental budget request and allocates fiscal and physical re­ sources; directs work o f four professionals and nine sup­ port staff; develops the government documents collection to support academic programs; analyzes and reports to the library administration on activities of the depart­ ment; takes part in reference services of the department. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent required; graduate training in history, political science or economics helpful; substantial applicable experience in a large academic or research library is required; demonstrated managerial ability is required.. Benefits include TIAA/CREF and 30 working days of holiday annually. Closing date for ap­ plications: May I. Contact: Tina Kass, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. Stanford is an affirmative ac†ion/equal opportunity em­ ployer. DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION—Position available after June I. The Medical Library Association seeks an experienced and innovative individual (MLS required, PhD in libra- rianship preferred) to d irect educational and related pro­ grams. Working closely with appropriate committees, the director of education plays a major role in the develop­ ment, promotion, and implementation of MLA's education activities and in the implementation of the association's new competency-based certification program. The ap­ pointee provides advisory and consultative services to the library and library education community, represents MLA at meetings o f related organizations when appropriate, and assists in general MLA activities as directed. A p ­ plicant must possess excellent leadership and communica­ tive. skills, demonstrated superior organizational and ad­ ministrative abilities, working experience in librarianship (preferably health sciences), research capability and ex­ perience, and a background in library education. Posi­ tion. is located in Chicago and requires moderate travel. Minimum salary is $18,000 with excellent benefits program. Applicants please send confidential resume by A pril 30 to: John S. LoSasso, Executive Director, Medical Library Association, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3208, Chicago, IL 60611. The Medical Library Association is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer and encourages applications from members of minority groups. Two librarian/facul†y positions: ( I) EVALUATION LI­ BRARIAN: to develop and administer college-wide test­ ing program offered as library service. MLS, background in education and evaluation methods required. (2) IN ­ STRUCTION LIBRARIAN (tentative): to develop and administer undergraduate library instruction program. MLS, background in education and materials develop­ ment including evaluation required. For both positions, teaching experience and familiarity with nonprint formats desirable. S k ill. in total communication using sign language or willingness to learn required. Salary: $14,666 for 12-month appointment. Starting date: June 13. Apply to Fern Edwards, Gallaudet College Library, Kendall Green, Washington, DC 20002. Deadline for applications: May 13. Gallaudet College is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN/ARCHIVIST. Responsible for administration of government documents collection and small, but growing, archives collection. Emphasis of position is on government documents col­ lection. MLS from ALA-accredited library school required. Experience in government documents a nd /or archives desirable. Faculty appointment—twelve-month appoint­ ment. Position, available July I. Minimum salary—$10,500. Send application and resume to Bob Carmack, Director of Libraries, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD 57069. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Fort Hays Kansas State College, en­ rollment, 5,300, seeks a head librarian to administer the college library. Appointment July I or as soon there­ after as possible. The library staff includes eighteen professional and clerical positions and 35,000 student-use hours annually. Forsyth Library has 277,000 volumes and 500,C00 government documents. The current library budget is approximately $523,000. Forsyth Library was completed in 1967 and seats 1,100. Applicants should preferably have the earned doctorate and MLS degrees; minimum of five year's experience. Administrative experience desirable. Salary negotiable, minimum $20,000. Send vitae and supporting materials to John D. Garwood, Chrprsn., Library Search Committee, Fort Hays Kansas State C ol­ lege, Hays, KS 67601. Applications accepted until May 15. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Wes†mar College, LeMars, Iowa 51031. 650 students, 87,000 volumes. New facility. OCLC. Write: Dr. John Courter, Dean, with resume and send credentials. HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN to participate in collection development/service, share reference responsibilities. A c­ credited graduate degree in library science plus gradu­ ate degree in subject area appropriate to humanities. 117 Previous experience required in reference and materials selection in academic library, preferably 2-4 years. Facility in at least one foreign language desirable, as well as capacity for organization of related activities and supervision of other staff and students. Should be ar­ ticulate in both oral and written communication. Faculty rank and benefits, fiscal year appointment, effective July I. Salary $11,500 to $16,500 dependent upon qualifications. A pplica tion and recommendations due by May 15 to Dean o f Library Service. University o f Montana, Missoula, MT 59812; (406) 442-6800. The University o f Montana is an equal opportunity employer. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN: Duties include b ib lio g ra ph ic instruction; preparation o f instructional materials; collection development, especially of reference materials; reference desk duty; supervision of government documents. Participates in formulation of policies and procedures. MLS from accredited library school; second master's degree and previous experience very desirable. A vailable July I. $ 12,000—$ 14,000. Send letter of a p p li­ cation, resume, credentials, and names of three references to Philip C. Wei, College Librarian, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057 by 15 A p ril. Carleton College is an equal opportunity/affirm a†ive action employer. LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE: Hampden-Sydney College. Po­ sition available I July. Responsible for general reference service, selection o f library materials in assigned fields, conducting classes on lib ra ry resources, developing and directing orientation programs fo r new students, assisting students engaged in independent study. Prefer applicants who possess, in addition to the master's degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited library school, an advanced degree in a subject field. Twelve-month faculty appointment. Salary $12,000 or more based on education and experience. Closing date for receipt of applications is A p ril 15. Send resume and three letters of recom­ mendation to Paul L. Grier, Librarian, Hampden-Sidney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943. Equal o p p o rtu n ity/ affirm ative action employer. LIBRARIES/LEARNING RESOURCES: EXECUTIVE DIREC­ TOR. Responsibilities: Provide leadership for the univer­ sity library and audiovisual services; supervise develop­ ment o f new service programs and automated library systems and extension o f comprehensive instructional support of off-campus programs. Reports to assistant vice-chancellor—academic systems and is responsible for budget, personnel, and program plan and implementa­ tion. Qualifications: earned doctorate with preparation in library and audiovisual services and demonstrated ad­ ministrative a b ility in library background. Salary: com­ petitive. Revised date for receipt o f applications: A p ril 29. Send resume, three current letters of reference, and transcripts (graduate and undergraduate) to James Gueths, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, University o f Wisconsin, Oshkosh, W l 54901. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY SERVICES COORDINATOR: For University o f Wyoming programs in Casper, Wyoming. Work in Casper College Library acting as liaison between university instructors in Casper and lib ra ry resources in Casper College Library and the UW libraries in Laramie. Duties include reference, circulation, interlibrary loan, and acquisitions. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school and 1-2 year's public service experience. ILL experience desirable. Rank and salary: Instructor, $10,500 min. Position open: July I. Deadline: A p ril 15. A p p ly to: Jean S. Johnson, C oordinator o f Public Services, Coe Library, University o f Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071. Wyoming is an equal opportunity employer. NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, having moved into new Founders Memorial Library, needs to fill four po­ sitions. The minimum requirement for these positions is a master's degree from an accredited library school. Fringe benefits include Illinois retirement benefits, ac­ ademic status, and one-month vacation. Applicants should send their resume and personal references to Mr. George Nenonen, Business Manager, University Libraries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115, before A p ril 15. Northern Illinois University is an affirm ative ac- tion/e qu a l opportunity employer. I. SOCIAL SCIENCES CATALOGER: This person w ill be responsible fo r the original cataloging o f social science monographs as well as certain materials in Russian. Minimum requirement (beyond the master's degree) is a reading knowledge o f Russian. Two years o f LC cataloging, a reading knowledge o f German, and a second master's degree (or additional graduate work) are highly desirable. Minimum salary: $10,800 for twelve months. 2. BUSINESS AND ECO­ NOMICS SUBJECT LIBRARIAN: This person w ill be re­ sponsible for the operation of the business and eco­ nomics sub|ect area in Founders Memorial Library, with equal emphasis being placed on readers' advisory services and on collection development. Minimum re­ quirements (beyond the master's degree) are a second master's degree in business or economics and two year's of library experience. Minimum salary: $14,000 for twelve months. 3. HEAD, LIBRARY DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT. This person w ill supervise and coordinate the work of the Library Data Processing Department. The department is responsible for ( I) maintaining and de­ veloping the library's data base, (2) identifying and suggesting solutions to library data processing problems, and (3) suggesting a dditional applications of data processing to lib ra ry operations and routines. Minimum requirement (beyond the master's degree) is four year's of varied and increasingly responsible experience with lib ra ry data processing. A second master's degree (or additional graduate work) is highly desirable. Minimum salary: $14,000 for twelve months. 4. HEAD, COLLECTIONS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: This person w ill supervise and coordinate the work o f four librarians and nineteen operating staff in the Collections Development Depart­ ment. . The departm ent is responsible for a ll library acquisitions, including but not lim ited to monographs, microforms, and serials. Minimum requirement (beyond the master's degree) is six year's of varied and progres­ sively more responsible technical services experience with both monographs and serials. A second master's degree (or additional graduate work), some experience with lib ra ry data processing, as well as a working knowl­ edge of two maior European languages, are highly de­ sirable. Minimum salary: $17,000 for twelve months. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Bio-Medical Sciences) in the Brown University Library. Requirements: MLS from an accredited library school; undergraduate ma|or in one of the life sciences; master's degree in the life sciences desirable; reading knowledge o f French and German desirable; experience in medical, health, or life sciences lib ra ry desirable; fa m ilia rity with b ib lio g ra ph ic data base desirable. Minimum salary is $10,100 fo r a twelve-month contract, with one-month vacation. A pplications accepted until May I. Send complete resume and three letters o f recommendation to Charles D. Churchwell, University Li­ brarian, Brown University Library, Providence, RI 02912. An equal opportunity/affirm a†ive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: A nticipated opening. Assistant at desk, b ib lio g ra ph ic com pilation, computer data base searching, book selection, and library instruction. MLS from ALA-accredited school, undergrad major in history, business, economics, or p olitica l science. Full faculty sta­ tus, 22 working days vacation, paid life and major m edi­ cal insurance, TIAA/CREF. Salary: $10,000. A p p ly by May I to : W illia m K. Black, Assistant to the Director, Univer­ sity of Louisville Library, Belknap Campus, Louisville, KY 40208. An equal opportunity/affirm a†ive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Beginning reference position. Nine-month appointm ent (continuous appointm ent). Re­ quires MLS from ALA-accredited lib ra ry school. Faculty appointm ent. Minimum salary—$7,500. Position available: Aug. 15. Send application and resume to Bob Carmack, Director of Libraries, University of South Dakota, Ver­ m illion, SD 57069. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirmative action employer. SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER: Responsible fo r the develop­ ment o f th e .science collections and doing o rig ina l cata­ loging of science titles. MLS, reading knowledge o f G er­ man, and bachelor's degree in one o f the sciences, pref­ erably chemistry,, required. Salary: $10,000—$ 12,000 for a twelve-month period. To apply, send letter o f application, resume, transcripts, and placement credentials to: Roy H. Fry, Loyola University Library, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., C hi­ cago, IL 60626. An equal o pp o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN— University of Northern Colorado. ALA-accredited master's required; one year professional experience in technical services desirable. As assistant to acquisitions librarian, participates in planning and super­ vision of acquisitions services with prim ary responsibility for serials; assists in problem-solving arising from new computerized serials programs; works with subject refer­ ence librarians in development o f serials collection. M in i­ mum twelve-month salary, $12,500 (subject to approval of new salary schedule), faculty rank, and usual fringe bene­ fits. W rite James B. Greer, Selection Committee Chair­ man, James A . Michener Library, Greeley, CO 80639, for application forms. A pplication must be post-marked by May 15. Position starts July I. Equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a ­ tive action employer. OVER 13,000 SOURCES OF UP-TO-THE-MINUTE INFORMATION . . . ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AS 1 S 1 OCIATIONS th EV olumde 1,i tN AiT IoO N AnL OR- G A N IZ A T IO N S OF T H E U.S. O v er 1,400 pages. A lp h ab etical In d ex to O rg anization N am es a n d K eyw ords. C IP : L C N o. 7 6 -4 6 1 2 9 . ISBN 0 -8 1 0 3 -0 1 3 3 -4 . $ 70.00. G et in fo rm atio n quickly by calling o r w riting specialized a sso ciatio n s—the p rim ary sources o f the latest an d m ost a u ­ th o ritativ e facts, figures, a n d opinions. V olum e 1 of the 11th edition o f G ale’s E ncyclo p ed ia o f A sso cia tio n s keeps you in touch w ith these sources th ro u g h detailed entries on o ver 13,000 active o rgani­ z a tio n s—m ore th a n 6 0 0 listed fo r the first tim e a n d 9 0 % o f previous entries changed. Listings are d ivided into 17 m a jo r su b ject categories (trade, ag riculture, ed u catio n , law , religion, etc.). E n tries give: official n am e o f g roup, p o p u la r nam e o r acronym , ad d ress, p h o n e n u m b er, chief executive, n u m b er of m em bers, com m ittees, publications, c o n v e n tio n / m eeting schedule, an d m ore. V olum e 2 , G E O G R A PH IC A N D E X E C U T IV E IN D E X . O v er 700 pages. C IP : L C N o. 7 6 -4 6 1 2 9 . ISBN 0 -8 1 0 3 -0 1 3 4 -2 . $ 5 0 .0 0 , V olum e 2 is divided into tw o sections. T h e G eographic In d e x lists in state and city o rd e r all the associations th a t a re arran g ed in V olum e 1 by subject. In clu d ed a re addresses, pho n e num bers, an d nam es of executives. T h e E x e c u tive In d e x lists by su rn am e all the executives m en­ tioned in V olum e 1, followed by th e ir titles, nam es of th eir organizations, com plete addresses, an d phone num bers. E ach listing in b o th sections gives th e e n try n u m b e r o f the m o re d etailed o rg anization en try in V olum e 1. Volum e 3, NEW A SSO CIATIO NS A N D PROJECTS. A periodical su p p lem en t to V olum e 1. C um ulatively indexed. C IP : L C N o. 7 6 -4 6 1 2 9 . ISBN 0 -8 1 0 3 -0 1 3 0 -X . In ter-ed itio n subscription, with b in d er fo r new subscribers. $60.00. T his su p p lem en t m aintains a n d increases the usefulness o f V olum e 1 by furnishing full descriptions o f new ly fo rm ed associations, w hich are of p a rtic u la r interest to researchers because new groups ten d to be co n ­ cern ed with n ew pro b lem s a n d n ew ideas n o t ad equately covered else­ w here. GALE RESEARCH CO. B o o k T o w er • D etro it, M ic h . 4 8 2 2 6 Customers in the U.K., on the Continent, and in Africa should order direct from: Gale Research Co. • c/o European Book Service • P.O. Box 124 • Weesp, The Netherlands. REVIEWERS HAVE HAD HIGH PRAISE FOR THIS STANDARD REFERENCE B O O K . . . RQ: “The Encyclopedia o f Associa­ tions has earned its reputation as a cornerstone of any sound genera! ref­ erence collection. . . . In a word, EA is a basic reference tool. All libraries should have it." (Spring 1973) BOOKLIST: “The work is. still the most comprehensive directory of asso­ ciations in the U.S.” ( “Reference and Subscription Books Reviews," Octo­ ber 15, 1975) AMERICAN REFERENCE BOOKS ANNUAL: “Highly recommended.” (1973) C H O IC E: I n c lu d e d in C h o ic e ’s "Opening Day Collection,” 3rd Edi­ tion. GUIDE TO REFERENCE BOOKS FOR SCHOOL MEDIA CENTERS: “The only comprehensive source of detailed information on nonprofit American membership organizations of national scope.” (1973) ASLIB PROCEEDINGS: “This ref­ erence work is a mine of useful infor­ mation.” (June 1975) T h e E n c y c lo p ed ia o f Associa­ tions and all Gale books of a con­ tinuing nature are available on Standing Order. Complete cata­ log of Gale books sent on request.