ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ February 2001 / 137 2001 RBMS Preconference—San Francisco The 42nd annual Rare Books and Manuscript Section (RBMS) preconference, “The Twen­ tieth-Century,” will be held June 12-15, 2001, at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The preconference will explore the chal­ lenges and opportunities w e face as builders of 20th-century research collections. The pro­ gram will examine 20th-century collecting practices, formats, and constituencies, along with the evolutionary cultural and techno­ logical changes that bear upon the nature of 20th-century recorded information. The preconference will offer an assort­ ment o f plenary papers, seminars, w ork­ shops, and tours. Topics will include: the history of com puter science and technology; changes in the patterns o f literary collecting; and the relationship betw een collection build­ ing and scholarship. Invited plenary speak­ ers include: Stephen Enniss, Emory Univer­ sity; Marvin Taylor, New York University; and Libbie Rifkin, Folger Shakespeare Library. Seminar presentations will provide a fo­ rum for discussing technical sendees, collec­ tion development, and public service issues, including: online manuscript finding aids; the experience of outsourcing the OPAC; oral history programs and collections; ethical and legal issues involved in donor relations; and subject access to medieval an d Renaissance manuscripts. On Thursday, Ju n e 14, conference par­ ticipants will travel across the Bay for a day at the University o f California, Berkeley, and a reception hosted by the Bancroft Library. The Fairmont, one o f San Francisco’s his­ toric, w orld-renow ned hotels, is centrally located on top of Nob Hill at 950 Mason Street frequency of scholarly resources cited. Book references d ro p p ed from 30 to 19 percent. Newspaper citations increased from 7 to 19 percent and Web citations increased from 9 to 21 percent. ingenta offers CrossRef Linking ingenta, a global research gateway, has b e­ come a registered agent for CrossRef, the ref­ erence linking initiative for scientific and scholarly publishers (see “CrossRef’ article at the com er of Powell Street. It offers pan­ oramic views of the city and the San Fran­ cisco Bay. Renovated in 1999, the Fairmont has been restored to its original beaux arts design as conceived by the celebrated San Francisco architect Julia Morgan in 1906. ALA single room rates for die Fairmont will be $186, with double room rates starting at $199 per night. A dorm option will be available at the University of San Francisco, a 20-minute ride o n the bus line to Powell Street/Union Square. More information about th e F a irm o n t H o te l c a n b e fo u n d at: h ttp ://w w w . fa irm o n t. c o m /h o hote ls/in d e x _ SF.html. Reservations for the Fairmont Hotel must be m ade through the ALA Travel Desk at (800) 999-0925 before May 11, 2001. Please identify yourself as an RBMS attendee. Preconference registration fees will be $195 for ACRL m em bers and $230 for n o n ­ members. Fees include entrance to all p re­ conference receptions, coffee breaks, papers, and seminars. Additional details about the 2001 RBMS Preconference are on the RBMS Web site at http://www.rbms.nd.edU/#preconferences.A printed brochure and registration form will be m ailed to RBMS m em bers in March. Questions about the preconference can be sen t to Katherine Reagan, program chair ( o r to local arrangements co-chairs Theresa Salazar, University o f Cali­ f o r n ia a t B e rk e le y (ts a la z a r@ lib ra ry ., and John Hawk, University o f S an F ra n c is c o ( h a w k j@ u s fc a .e d u ). — K a th erin e R eagan, C ornell University, o n page 206). Publishers hosted by ingenta will benefit from becom ing part o f a system that links their reference citations to the cited content. CrossRef links m ore than 3 million articles from th o u san d s o f journals a n d will ad d 500,00 each year. CrossRef allows participat­ ing publishers to link from electronic article references in one publication to citations and references in another publication, ingenta will act as an agent on behalf o f m em ber pub- http://www.rbms.nd.edU/%23preconferences.A