ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C & R L N e w s ■ F e b r u a r y 2001 / 221 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young New York University (NYU) has received a two-year grant of $80,000 from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation to assist in preserving and cataloging a collection of papers and photographs of Sir Harold Acton and his family. The collection is currently housed at Villa La Pietra, the Florentine estate bequeathed to NYU by Acton that now serves as the university's study center in Italy. Acton, a scholar, aesthete, writer, historian, and art collector, dedicated himself to developing the art and literary collections of his estate (his mother bought the villa in 1903). Of special interest in the collection are letters and books by such friends and contem poraries as Evelyn Waugh, Nancy Mitford, the Sitwells, W. Somerset Maugham, Gertrude Stein, Peter Quennell, Graham Greene, D. H. Lawrence, Aldous Huxley, Bernard Berenson, and Henry Moore. During the 1930s Acton lived in China and taught at the University of Peking, and his papers contain an extensive correspondence with Arthur Waley, the noted Buddhist scholar. A c q u i s i t i o n s Jou rn alist, co m m entator, and au th o r Shana A lexander will d o n ate h e r pap ers to the U n iv ersity o f Illin o is at U rb an a- Champaign. A lexander w as the first w om an staff w riter for Life m agazine, the first w om an ed ito r of M cC all’s, and the first w om an colum nist at Newsweek. In the 1970s she w as w ell k n ow n for her p o p u la r “Point C o u n terp o in t” segm ent on 60 M inutes. In recent decades, A lexander has tu rn ed her in te re st a n d ta le n ts to n o n fic tio n . In particular, she has w ritten ab o u t fam ous trials involving w om en such as Patty Hearst, Bess M yerson, an d Jean Harris. H er most recent book, The A sto n ish in g Elephant, is based o n decades of w riting about elep h a n t births in captivity, the ab u se of elephants in circuses, an d their en d an g erm en t in various parts o f th e w orld. Parts of the collection have already b e e n received, including scrapbooks, notebooks, photos, and other books. A collection of family photos, scrapbooks, and memorabilia of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ daughter Joan, has been donated to the Uni­ versity of Louisville. Roy and Dela White of Denver, Colorado, made the donation to add to the Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection— w h ic h w a s e s t a b li s h e d by G e o rg e T. McWhorter, its curator, as a memorial to his m other Nell Dismukes McWhorter. In addi­ tion, the gift includes 35 original paintings used for illustrations in Burroughs's Tarzan and Mars stories. The p e rso n a l M iddle E a st stu d ie s collection of Thomas Naff, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, was donated to Portland State University. The collection includes 1,724 books, 81 periodicals, 56 reels of microfilm, 35 pamphlets, and personal papers. The gift includes Early M uslim Architecture, by K. A. C. Creswell; History o f Turkey, by A. De Lamartine; Precis de l ’histoire d'egypte, and a num ber of other rare items. The collection illustrates the influence of France on the Middle East, and features many books in the vernacular. The archival collection of Beat poet Philip Whalen has been acquired by the Brancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley. The library received nine boxes of journals, posters, cor-respondence, photos, writings, and W halen’s personal library. The bulk of the collection is 62 of W halen’s handwritten notebooks from 1959 to 1979, a period generally considered his most productive and creative. Whalen is author of more than 20 volumes of poetry, fiction, commentary, and interviews. His volumes of poetry include On Bear's H ead (Harcourt, 1969), Canoeing up Carbaga Creek (Parallax Press, 1996), Scenes Ed. note: S e n d yo u r new s to: Grants & Acquisitions, C& RL News, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: ayoung@ 222 / C&RL News ■ February 2001 o f Life fr o m the Capital (cranium Press, 1970), and Overtime (Penguin, 1999). A microfilm copy of the Bleek & Lloyd Collection of African /Xam San (“Bushman”) folklore from the 19th century has b een ac­ quired by Texas A&M University. The mi­ crofilm collection was purchased from the University o f Cape Town, South Africa, un­ der the auspices of the School of Expressive Culture (SEC), w hich is housed in the Texas A&M Departm ent o f Anthropology. The col­ lection consists of 19th-century folklore and other verbal materials dictated to linguists Wilhelm Bleek and Lucy Lloyd by indigenous /Xam San (“Bushman”) people. The /Xam w ere living around 1870-1884, but no m em ­ bers remain today. Their /Xam language is also extinct, so the Bleek Collection is the last key to this ancient “click” language. The collection’s painstaking linguistic detail is a source o f scientific data for archaeologists, confirming metaphoric patterns in the rock paintings o f South Africa. A significant collection of scholarly books on Buddhism, focusing particularly on Buddhism in China and Japan, has been be­ queathed by Stanley and Lucie Weinstein of Hamden, Connecticut, to the University of Vir­ ginia (UV). The collection of 10,658 books is particularly strong in 19th- and 20th-century publications on Buddhism, and also includes many books on other East Asian religions, as well as history, literature, art, and related sub­ jects. W hen asked about his choice of UV as a perm anent home for his library, Weinstein said, “The University o f Virginia has show n a deep commitment to the study o f Buddhism by es­ tablishing four full-time positions in Buddhist Studies. An especially strong constellation of scholars has m ade Virginia one of the major centers in this country for the serious study of Buddhism.” A book endow m ent has been es­ tablished in the UV Library to purchase books on Buddhism and other East Asian topics. The library is seeking additions to the book en­ dow m ent to reach a goal o f $100,000. More than 200 children's books w ith illu s tra tio n s b y A rth u r R ack h am h a v e b een donated to the University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, by alumni Joann and Ned Chalat. Rackham published more than 3,300 illustrations in classic children’s literature o f th e late 19th century. Some titles in th e collection include C in d e re lla , M o th e r Goose, an d A lice's A dventures in Wonderland. sketch fro m a 1980 Rackham Christmas card, part f th e Chalat Family A rth u r Rackham Collection. Texas A&M University Libraries increased its Russian and Slavic collections by 20 per­ cent through the acquisition of three privately held collections. Professor Emeritus Horace G. Lunt of Harvard University, a leading scholar of early Slavic linguistics, donated nearly 6,000 volumes all in Slavic languages. The univer­ sity libraries received a second gift o f more than 1,500 volumes of Russian, Soviet, and post-Soviet law and politics from retiring Pro­ fessor Donald Barry, a political scientist from Lehigh University. The Lunt collection contains most of the major dictionaries of all Slavic lan­ guages ever printed. The Barry collection con­ tains ongoing subscriptions to Russian law jour­ nals in translation. Robert Bathurst, a retiring diplomat, donated his 43-volume Encyclope­ dic Dictionary (Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar) pub­ lished by Brockhaus and Efron in 1890-1906, w hich Associate Professor o f History Chester Dunning describes as the “best reference work in Russian ever printed.” These acquisitions increase the Russian and Slavic Collection to m ore than 50,000 volumes. Stephen Atkins, associate university librarian for collection man­ agement, said the library also acquired 2,500 volumes o f Soviet science materials, covering 1945 to 1965, during the spring of 2000. ■ A o C&RL News ■ February 2001 / 223 224 I C&RL News ■ February 2001