ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 462 / C & RL News . p E O P L E . Profiles M . F r a n c e s J o n e s , interim library director since September 1985, has been appointed university li­ brarian at Cornette Library, West Texas State Uni­ versity, Canyon. Jones had served as as­ sociate lib ra ria n for technical and computer services since 1972. From 1967 to 1972 she was acquisitions librar­ ian at East Texas State University. She holds a b a ch e lo r’s degree in home economics from Oklahoma State Univer­ sity, and an MLS from East Texas State Univer­ sity. M. Frances Jones Jones guided W est Texas State’s participation in the Harrington L i­ brary Consortium, a mix of college, public, and school libraries in the Texas Panhandle sharing a common bibliographic database and an integrated library system. She has served in a wide variety of offices in the Texas Library Association and in community service organizations. L in d a K. R a m b l e r has been named associate di­ rector of libraries for technical services and systems at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania, effective in July. Prior to coming to IUP, Rambler served as the state automation coordinator for the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Stabili­ zation and Conservation Service, library liaison of­ ficer with the SUNY/OCLC Network, and a vari­ ety of cap acities at the Pennsylvania State University Libraries and Lehigh University. Rambler holds a doctorate in library administra­ tion from Simmons College, a master’s degree in English from Lehigh University, an MLS from Case Western Reserve University, and a bachelor’s degree in education from Millersville State Col­ lege. She has published articles in the Journal fo r A cad em ic L ibrarian sh ip , Serials R eview , and W om en’s Studies Abstracts. People in the news J a m e s D o n a l d C r a i g , director of the Todd Li­ brary at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, has been named president of the Tennessee Library Association at the group’s an­ nual convention in Knoxville. Y e n - T sai F e n g , the Roy E. Larsen librarian at Harvard College since 1982, was awarded an hon­ orary Doctor of Library Science degree from Sim­ mons College at the College’s 81st commencement exercises on May 18. Yen-Tsai Feng has also served as librarian of Harvard College (1980– 1982), li­ brarian of Wellesley College (1977– 1980), and as­ sistant director of research library service at Boston Public L ibrary (1966– 1977). Born in Peking, China, Yen-Tsai Feng holds degrees from the Uni­ versity of Shanghai, Colorado State College, the University of Denver, and the Columbia Univer­ sity School of Library Service. At the Simmons Col­ lege ceremony Feng was cited for her achievements as an accomplished librarian, an effective teacher, and a valued advisor to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the City of Boston on ethnic her­ itage affairs. Sa m u e l H i t t , director of the University of North Carolina Health Sciences Library, Chapel Hill, was named a Fellow of the Medical Library Associ­ ation at MLA’s annual meeting in Minneapolis. Hitt has served as president of MLA, chaired its Publications Panel, and helped found the Associa­ tion of Academic Health Sciences Library Direc­ tors. D a v id K a s e r has been named to the rank of Dis­ tinguished Professor at the all-Indiana University Founders Day cerenonies on April 16. Kaser joined Indiana’s School of Library and Information Sci­ ence faculty in 1973. He served as president of ACRL in 1968– 1969. Su l H . L e e , dean of university libraries at the University of Oklahoma, was appointed academic consultnt for the Oxford/Oklahoma Library Semi­ nar at Oxford University in England, held May 18–June 6, 1986. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ July/August 1986 / 463 pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Y o k o A k ib a is a new catalog librarian at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. W h i t n e y B a g n a l l has been appointed head of special collections at the Columbia University Law Library, New York. M a r y A l i c e B a l l is now support services librar­ ian for NOTIS, Northwestern University, Evan­ ston, Illinois. K i m b e r l y B a n k s - I s z a r d is the new reference/ collection develeopment librarian for psychology at Columbia University, New York. B a r b a r a B a x t e r has been appointed law librar­ ian at CBN University, Virginia Beach. Susan I . B e l l o is the new assistant acquisitions librarian for exchange, gifts and serials at the Mas­ sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. D e e M . B e s t has been appointed director of li­ brary services at Davidson County Community College, Lexington, North Carolina. T e r r e n c e A . B r o o k s has been appointed assis­ tant professor in the Graduate School of Library and Inform ation Science at the University of Washington, Seattle. H e a t h e r C a m e r o n has been appointed director of acquisitions and editorial development at ABC- C L IO ’s Denver office. R e n e e D . C h a p m a n has been appointed head of technical services in the Law Library, State Uni­ versity of New York at Buffalo. J a m e s C h e n g has been appointed head of the Oriental Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. E l l e n C o r d e s has been appointed assistant cir­ culation librarian at Yale University. M a r t h a D e l l C o o n e y has been appointed busi­ ness lib rarian at Hofstra University L ib rary , Hempstead, New York. J .M . E d e l s t e i n has been appointed senior bibli­ ographer and resource coordinator for the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, Santa Monica, California, effective in September. H a l E sp o has been appointed senior consultant for Information Systems Consultants, In c., in Be­ thesda, Maryland. P a t r i c i a B . F a r r is has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian at the Biomedical Library, University of South Alabama, Mobile. G r e g o r y F in n e g a n is now humanities and so­ cial sciences reference/bibliographer at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. R o b in G a u l t has been appointed head of public services at the College of Law Library, Florida State University, Tallahassee. St e v e n R . G o l d b e r g is now technical services librarian at Williams Colege, Williamstown, Mas­ sachusetts. G a r y G o l d e n has been named director of the Camden Arts and Sciences Library, Rutgers Uni­ versity, Camden, New Jersey. R e b e c c a J . G o m e z has been appointed head of he Interlibrary Loan Department at Duke Univer­ ity, Durham, North Carolina. R . E l l e n G r e e n b l a t t has been appointed cata­ g editor in Central Technical Services, State Uni­ ersity of New York at Buffalo. Sa m H a m m o n d has been appointed assistant cu­ ator of rare books at Duke University, Durham, orth Carolina. R a e M . H a w s has been appointed acting coordi­ ator for library instruction at Iowa State Univer­ ity, Ames. G e n e v a H o l l i d a y has been appointed refer­ nce/interlibrary loan librarian in the Health Sci­ nces Library at Columbia University. J o h n B . H o w a r d has been appointed assistant li­ rarian at the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Har­ ard University. P r i s c i l l a H o w e has been appointed Slavic cata­ oger at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. G a r y A. H u n t has been appointed associate di­ ector of libraries for subject and special collections t Ohio University, Athens. R o b e r t D . I b a c h J r . has been named director of he Mosher Library at Dallas Theological Semi­ ary. C h a c o n a W. J o h n s o n has been appointed direc­ or of grants and development for Wayne State niversity Libraries, Detroit. E.J . J o s e y has been appointed professor in the epartment of Library Science at the University of ittsburgh School of Library and Information Sci­ nce. J a n e P . K l e i n e r has been appointed head of ref­ rence services at Louisiana State University, Ba­ on Rouge. B l a k e L a n d o r is a new catalog librarian at outhern Illinois University, Carbondale. L o u i s e M . L a n g d o n is now ORION user ser­ ices librarian at the University of California, Los ngeles. I r e n e M . L o v a s is the new resource develop­ ent coordinator at the Pacific Southwest Re­ ional Medical Library Service in the Biomedical ibrary at the University of California, Los An­ eles. M i c h a e l L y n c h has been named assistant direc­ or of the College of Law Library, Florida State niversity, Tallahassee. T h e r e s a M c D e v i t t has been appointed govern­ ent publications/reference librarian at Indiana niversity of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylva­ ia. M a r y B e t h M e r e d i t h is a new cataloger at the enter for Research Libraries, Chicago. Correction American Book Prices Current is published by Bancroft Parkman, Inc., not Dodd, Mead, Co., as erroneously reported in C &R L News, May 1986, page 236. t s lo v r N n s e e b v l r a t n t U D P e e t S v A m g L g t U m U n C 464 / C & R L News Sa l v a d o r M ir a n d a has been appointed assistant director for collection development at Florida In­ ternational University, Tamiami Campus, Miami. M a r i l y n K. M o o d y has been appointed head of the Access Services Department at Iowa State Uni­ versity Library, Ames. G l e n d a M o r r is has been appointed reference li­ brarian at St. Johns River Community College, Pa­ latka, Florida. Su sa n M . M u e l l e r has been appointed health sciences cataloger at the University of Missouri, Columbia. M i c h a e l M . N o g a has been appointed head of the Geology-Geophysics Library, University of California, Los Angeles. T e r r e n c e D . N o l l e n has been appointed edu­ cation bibliographer at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. L a r r y R . O b e r g has been named director of the library at Albion College, Michigan. S c o t t P a g e l has been appointed assistant law li­ brarian for public services at Columbia University, New York. I s a b e l M . P i n t o has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian at the Health Sciences L i­ brary, University of Missouri, Columbia. V i c t o r i a R e i c h is now head of the Acquisitions Branch of the National Agricultural Library, Belts­ ville, Maryland. Su z a n n e R e m u s a t has been appointed reference librarian at Marymount Manhattan College, New York City. M a r t h a K . R e n i c k has been appointed assistant law librarian for public services at the University of Oregon, Eugene. J an L . R i c e has been appointed science librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. R u t h A. R i l e y has been appointed information services librarian at the Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia. T h e r e s a R y a n has been promoted to head of ORION user services at the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. L i l y G . Sc h w a r t z has been appointed archivist of the Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center at the Balch Institute, Philadelphia. S . D i a n e Sh a w is the new catalog librarian Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. D o r o t h y S. T a o has joined the Information Dis­ semination Department of the Health Science L i­ brary at the State University of New York, Buffalo. M . Su sa n T a r a b a has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at Duke University, Durham, North Caro­ lina. M i c h e l T h e r i a u l t has been appointed assistant professor on the Faculty of Canon Law, Saint Paul University, Ottawa. P o l l y T h i s t l e t h w a i t e has been appointed head of the Circulation Unit, New York Univer­ sity. B o - G a y T o n g is now associate ORION user ser­ vices librarian at the University of California, Los at Angeles. D a n i e l T sa n University of C K a t h e r i n e L. g is now reference librarian at the alifornia, Irvine. W a l t e r has been appointed chair of the Serials Department at the University of Ne­ braska, Lincoln. K e i t h E . W a s h b u r n has been named executive director of the C entral New York L ibrary R e­ sources Council, Syracuse. B e t h W e i l has been appointed biology librarian at the University of California, Berkeley. M a r g a r e t R . W e l l s has been appointed head of bibliographic instruction at the Undergraduate Library at the State University of New York at Buf­ falo. J o y c e L . W e m e r is the new cataloger at Eastern Washington University, Cheney. V ir g in ia W i s e has been appointed associate ref­ erence librarian in the University of Michigan Law Library, Ann Arbor. B r ia n Z a c c a r ia has been appointed real estate librarian at the Jack Brause Real Estate Institute Library, New York University. Retirements A nn M . C a r p e r has retired as director of the E l­ izabethtown College Library, Pennsylvania. J e s ú s and C e l i a L e y t e - V i d a l retired from the staff of Duke University Library, Durham, North Carolina, on December 20 after 20 years of service. Jesús was librarian for Ibero and Latin American materials and his wife Celia was responsible for processing Duke’s Guido Mazzoni collection. The couple obtained their MLS degrees at Emporia State University after emigrating from Cuba in 1961. J o h n L i u , Oriental studies librarian at the Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tucson, retired on June 30 after 20 years of service. Liu obtained an MLS from Co­ lumbia University and a master’s degree in sociol­ ogy from the New School for Social Research in New York. R o b e r t L o c k a r d , documents librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene, retired April 30 af­ ter 25 years of service. He had also held positions as social science librarian and reference librarian. He received his MLS from the University of Denver in 1956 and a master’s degree in political science at the University of Oregon. D o n a l d O . R o d , director of library services at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, re­ tired June 30 after 33 years of service. He had ear­ lier served as head librarian at Augustana College for 10 years and as assistant librarian at Luther College for 3 years. He received his ABLS degree from the University of Michigan in 1940 and pur­ sued additional graduate work in library science at the University of Chicago and Rutgers University. Rod has been active in ALA and ACRL, serving terms on the ALA Council and on the standards 466 / C & RL News committees that prepared the first college and community college library standards. He has been a library building consultant to more than 40 col­ leges and universities throughout the United States. In honor of his services to the University of Northern Iowa, the State Board of Regents has named the library building the Donald O. Rod L i­ brary. J o h n A. W i t m e r will retire in August as director of the Mosher Library at Dallas Theological Semi­ nary, a post he has held since 1963. Witmer joined the Seminary faculty in 1947, teaching in the Sys­ tematic Theology department along with his li­ brary responsibilities. Deα†h F r e d C a r r in g t o n C o l e , president of the Coun­ cil on Library Resources from 1967 to 1977 and a member of its board of directors since 1962, died on May 6 at his home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. While serving as a special consultant for the Ford Foundation’s education program in 1954– 1955, Cole began inquiring into the problems facing the nation’s libraries. It was in part his awareness of these problems that contributed to the establish­ ment of the Council on Library Resources by the Foundation in 1956. PUBLICATIONS •The Abstracting and Indexing Career Guide, by M. Lynne Neufeld and Martha Cornog (63 pages, 2d ed., June 1986), provides information on education for abstracting and indexing, how to find a job, who hires abstractors and indexers, typi­ cal salaries, and the future of the field. A special feature is a newly updated 8-page chart providing position descriptions for 22 abstracting and index­ ing services. The cost is $15 prepaid from the Na­ tional Federation of Abstracting and Information Services, 112 S. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, PA 19102. •African Languages: A Guide to the Library Col­ lection o f the University o f Virginia, edited by Mary Alice Kraehe, Cristina W. Sharretts, and Christine H. Guyonneau (169 pages, 1986), describes 1,266 items in that collection. Included are maps and au­ thor and language indexes. Copies are available for $10 from the Collection Development Depart­ ment, University of Virginia Library, Charlottes­ ville, VA 22903-2498. •Automation at the Library o f Congress: Inside Views is a collection of articles written by current and former employees from different LC depart­ ments that describes in detail the part that automa­ tion plays in bibliographic control, collections de­ livery, and reference and research at the Library of Congress. Copies may be ordered for $10 (prepaid) from the Library of Congress Professional Associa­ tion, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540. • Creating Connections: Books, Kits, and Games f o r Children, by Betty P. Cleaver, Barbara Chat­ ton, and Shirley Vittum Morrison (560 pages, 1986), is a resource guide for the selection and use of curriculum-related materials for elementary students, school library media specialists, teachers, and children’s librarians. Six chapters— on Appa­ lach ia, bodies, cities, monsters, oceans, and sound— outline specific topics for integrating books and media throughout the curriculum. Cop­ ies may be ordered for $27 from Garland Publish­ ing, 136 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-8240-8798-4. • Foreign Relations o f the United States, v. 1: Viet• nam, 1 9 5 8 –60 (802 pages, 1986) recounts the story of early American policy towards Vietnam through a series of diplomatic documents collected and compiled by the Office of the Historian at the U.S. State Department. The volume includes letters and official memoranda as well as embassy telegrams on the political and military events in Vietnam be­ tween 1958 and 1960. Copies are available for $18 from Dept. 36-ST, Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC 20402-9325. Stock no. 044-000- 02107-2. •A Guide to History-Related M icroform H old­ ings a t the University o f T o le d o , compiled by Gerald Thompson and Larry D. Wilcox (81 pages, 1986), lists over 1,000 entries, including manu­ scripts, newspapers, government documents, and journals. Each entry contains the call number as well as the number of reels, cards, or fiche in a par­ ticular collection. Most large microform collec­ tions are indexed by reference guides, also listed in this volume. Copies are $5 (prepayment required) from the Department of History, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606. •Jesuit Science in the Age o f Galileo (32 pages,