ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July /August 1986 / 471 and the way in which the discipline of history is organized. Co-sponsored by the American His­ torical Association and Syracuse University. 18—Automation: “Designing Specifications for an Automated Library System and Preparing a Re­ quest for Proposals,” a workshop sponsored by the University of Iowa School of Library and In­ formation Science, will be held at the Ironmen Inn, Coralville, Iowa. The instructor will be Jo­ seph R. Matthews. Fee: $45. Contact: Ethel Bloesch, SLIS, University of Iowa, 3087 L i­ brary, Iowa City, IA 52242; (319) 353-3644. 19–22— Federal information: “Government Infor­ mation: An Endangered Resource of the Elec­ tronic Age,” an interactive State-of-the-Art In­ stitu te th at com bines lectures by expert practitioners, group discussions, and study ses­ sions, will be held at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, Washington, D .C . The institute is sponsored by the Special L ib ra ry A ssociation. Keynote speaker will be Steve Bell, the anchor for ABC’s World News This Morning. Fees: $350 for SLA members; $400 for non-members. Contact: Sandy Morton, Special Libraries Association, 1700 18th St., N .W . , Washington, DC 20009; (202) 234-4700. THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising D ep’t, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. WANTED USED 60 or 72 drawer card catalog. Call or write Frank Baudonnet, Shields Library, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616; (916) 752-2110. WANTED FROM LIBRARIES. American and Foreign newspapers, bound, 1700-1975; U.S. Pamphlets, 1700-1945; Scholarly Book Collections in Liberal Arts (particularly 20th Century American Litera­ ture), popular scholarly periodicals and magazines. The Caren Ar­ chive. P.O. Box 303, Nanuet, NY 10954; (914) 624-3693. POSITIONS OPEN ARCHIVIST (2 positions), University of Southern Mississippi. The cCain Library and Archives maintains the primary research collec­ ions of the University and has been selected as a host institution for he NHPRC Archival Fellowship Program. 1) City Archivist/Assistant rchivist will be responsible for the City of Hattiesburg Archives and ecords Management Program (approx. 50% of time) as well as as­ isting with the University Archives. Qualifications: accredited MLS or equivalent) with archival training, 1–3 years experience with mi­ rographics records management and institutional archives. Experi­ nce with local government records desirable. 2) Assistant Archivist ill assist with both the University Archives and Historical Manu­ cripts Program. Position is presently a one year appointment with ossibility for renewal. Qualifications: accredited MLS (or equivalent) ith archival training, 1–3 years experience in administering histori­ al manuscripts collections and institutional archives. Knowledge of outhern history desirable. Salaries dependent on qualifications. Ac­ demic appointments. Submit resume and names of 3 references to: erry S. Latour, McCain Library and Archives, University of Southern ississippi, Southern Station Box 5148, Hattiesburg, MS 39406; 601) 266-4348. Review of applications will begin July 15,1986, and ontinue until positions are filled. U.S.M. is an equal opportunity, af­ irmative action employer. SSISTANT MUSIC SPECIAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Univer ity of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. A permanent position vailable August 21,1986. Under general direction of Music Special ervices Librarian, primarily responsible for original cataloging of usic scores, microforms, and sound recordings for the Music Li­ rary; paticipation in providing reference services; collection devel­ pment responsibilities, including liaison with academic depart­ ents. Required qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school. A in music with evidence of formal coursework in music history. Ex­ erience in modern cataloging practices, including knowledge of ACR2, MARC tagging, LC classification, and LC subject headings. eading knowledge of German. Evidence of ability to meet general niversity requirements for promotion and tenure. Other preferred nd desired qualifications: complete job description mailed upon re­ uest. Librarians have faculty rank. Salary $19,000 upward for ap- Classified display rates to rise The following rates for display classified ads will be in effect with the September 1986 issue: one-quarter page, $220; three-eighths page, $260; one-half page, $300; and greater than one-half page, $345. Rates for the regular classifieds, the late job listings, the Fast Job Listing Service, and the Jobline will remain the same. M t t A R s ( c e w s p w c S a T M ( c f A s a S m b o m B p A R u a q 472 / C & RL News pointment as Assistant Professor, and $24,000 upward for appoint­ ment as Associate Professor, depending on qualifications and scholarly credentials. Send letter of application and complete re­ sume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 5 refer­ ences to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, University of Illinois Library, 127 Library, 1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-8169. Applications and nominations deadline is August 15, 1986. AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, General Reference Ser vices, North Texas State University Libraries, Denton, Texas. Posi­ tion Description: The Assistant Reference Librarian provides refer­ ence services to students, faculty, and other patrons of the collection in the University Libraries under the direct supervision of the Head of General Reference Services. This position will also supervise the Mi­ croforms/Periodicals unit with 5 library assistants; serve at the Refer­ ence and Microforms/Periodicals Desks; provide bibliographic in­ struction and perform online searching. Minimum Qualifications: This position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and 2 to 3 years experience in the reference component of an aca­ demic library or a large public library. A combination of supervisory experience, reference desk experience, good communication and interpersonal skills, teaching experience and enthusiasm for library instruction is being sought. Some experience with microforms or se­ rials would be desirable. A vailable August 1, 1986. Salary: $17,592–$18,168. Applicants should send a resume, copies of all transcripts, and the names and addresses of 3 references before Au­ gust 31, 1986, to: Margaret E. Galloway, Associate Director of Li­ braries, North Texas State University, P.O. Box 5188, N.T. Station, Denton, TX 76203. North Texas State University is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, North Texas State Univer sity Libraries. Denton, Texas. Position description: The Assistant Ref­ erence Librarian provides reference services to students, faculty, and other patrons of the collection in the University Libraries under the direct supervision of the Head of General Reference Services. This position involves a variety of bibliographic and consultative du­ ties including library instruction and database searching. Minimum qualifications: an entry-level position with little or no experience ex­ pected; MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; and an under­ graduate subject specialty in the humanities, the social sciences, business or education. Desirable qualifications: experience at a pub­ lic service desk, knowledge of database searching techniques, and teaching experience. Available: Septem ber 1, 1986. Salary: $16,536. Applicants should send a resume, copies of all transcripts, and the names and addresses of 3 references before August 15, 1986, to: Margaret E. Galloway, Associate Director of Libraries, North Texas State University, P.O. Box 5188, N.T. Station, Denton, TX 76203. North Texas State University is an equal opportunity, af­ firmative action employer. AUTHORITIES/ONLINE CATALOG MAINTENANCE LIBRAR­ IAN. Kent State University Library is a member of ARL, uses OCLC, and is implementing NOTIS. The successful candidate will be re­ sponsible for the intellectual content of the name, series, uniform title and subject authority files and for maintaining authority control in the online catalog. Recommends authority procedures and helps estab­ lish authority policy. Serves as an authority resource person for cata­ logers and other Technical Services staff. Oversees online catalog maintenance activities including correction of errors in bibliographic and holdings records, elimination of duplicate records and process­ ing of routine adds, withdrawals and transfers. Supervises a staff of three paraprofessionals. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Desirable: 2 years experience, in­ cluding authority work, in the cataloging department of an academic library. Experience with the Library of Congress online authority file, Library of Congress Subject Headings, and MARC formats. Familiar­ ity with a bibliographic utility and a local automated system. Knowl­ edge of one or more foreign languages. Supervisory experience. This is a tenure track position. The successful candidate must dem­ onstrate the ability to meet faculty reappointment, tenure, and pro­ motion criteria. Minimum salary $19,566 with initial salary and aca­ d e m ic rank c o m m en su ra te with e d u c a tio n and e xp erie n ce. Deadline for applications is September 1,1986. Send letter of appli­ cation, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Harry Kamens, Budget & Personnel Officer, Kent State University Library, Kent, OH 44242. Kent State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR (Search ex tended). Under the direction of the Head of Reference, plans, coordi­ nates, and evaluates the Library’s bibliographic instruction program. In addition, works with eight reference librarians in providing general reference service and freshman library orientation. Other responsi­ bilities include reference consultation service, online searching, bib­ liographic instruction, and collection development in the subject ar­ eas of history, language, and political science. Qualifications: ALA/MLS, two years successful public service experience required. Demonstrated ability to plan, develop, coordinate, and evaluate bib­ liographic instruction program; excellent oral and written communi­ cation skills; and ability to work effectively with the public and co- CHIEF, SERIALS DEPARTMENT Stanford University Libraries The Chief, Serials Department is responsible for the m anagement of acquisitions and cataloging pro­ cesses for serial publications, for coordinating these with other technical processing functions and with the Collection Development Program, and is expected to play an important role in general library planning as a senior library officer. We are seeking candidates who have significant expertise and experience in serials processes; a breadth of experience and understanding of processes in a research library environment; strong m anage­ ment skills; leadership abilities and a flexibility of approach towards changing departmental responsibilities and assignments; the ability to contribute effectively to the overall m anagement of Technical Services. MLS or the equivalent in training and/or experience, effective communication skills, and awareness of autom a­ tion trends. Appointm ent will be at the Librarian ($31,300–$46,300) or Senior Librarian ($36,500-353,300) rank de­ pending upon experience and qualifications. Apply before August 8, 1986. Cite #282CRL on all corre­ spondence. Send com plete cover letter and resume, with the names of three references to: Carolyn J. Henderson Library Personnel O fficer Stanford University Libraries Stanford, CA 94305 EOE/AA July /August 1986 / 473 workers highly desirable. Experience in online searching and microcomputer application and experience in media design and production desirable. Master’s in relevant subject field preferable. Faculty status, tenure-track appointment, and good benefits. Salary range: $19,000–$25,000. The Robert Muldrow Cooper Library is an important research support facility with a collection of 13,500 serial titles and 1,260,000 volumes. The staff includes 23 librarians and 60 support staff. Candidates applying by August 18 will receive first consideration. Send letters of application with resume and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Bibliographic Instruction Coordinator Search Committee, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634- 3001. An EEO/AA employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The University of Evansville is seeking a librarian to coordinate and participate in an active bibliographic instruction program. Responsibilities include planning and developing the instruction program, presenting class­ room and workshop lectures, providing reference service (nights and weekends included), and conducting and coordinating online searches. Good communication skills, the ability to work effectively with faculty and colleagues, and teaching and administrative talent are essential. A bąckground in science and experience in online searching is h i g h l y desirable. The position requires the MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and an energetic commitment to ser­ vice. The University of Eva n s v ille is an independent, coeducational, Methodist-affiliated institution located in a metropolitan area of south­ western Indiana. Enrollment num be r 3,500 fuil- and parttime stu­ dents. The University has recently com ple t e d a new addition to the library, totally converted its database, and is in the final stages of in­ stalling the NOTIS automation system. (The online catalog, acquisi­ tions and cataloging are operational.) The library’s collections total over 300,000 items. Faculty rank will be based upon qualifications. Minimum salary is $17,500, with a 12 month contract. The applica­ tion deadline is August 1, 1986, with the position available Septem­ ber 1, 1986. Send application, resume, and three current letters of reference to: G rady Morein, University Librarian, University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47722; (812) 479- 2376. The University of Evansville is an Equal Opportunity, Affirma­ tive Action Employer. CATALOGER, JAPANESE LANGUAGE MATERIALS, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. This position reports di­ rectly to the Flead of Technical Services, East Asian Library, and has primary responsibility for the cataloging of Japanese-language serial and m onographic materials through the RLIN CJK system, including both original and copy cataloging. Other responsibilities include the training and revising the work of bibliographic assistants and provid­ ing assistance in reference and other units. In addition to an accred­ ited MLS, requirements are fluency in spoken and written Japanese, English communication skills; relevant bibliographic experience; and familiarity with the RLIN system, AACR2, LC classification and subject headings. Knowledge of the Japanese culture, scholarship, and book trade, skills in Chinese and/or Korean languages, and pre­ vious relevant professional experience are desirable. Applications should be submitted to the Library Personnel Office, Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University Libraries, 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Applicants should list three references and salary re­ quirements. Deadline for applications is August 1, 1986. Salary ranges for 1986/7 are: Librarian I: $22,000–$28,600; Librarian II: $24,000–$32,400. An equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). Processing Department, starting November 1. The successful candi­ date will be responsible for cataloging print and non-print mono­ graphic materials in the humanities and social sciences and assist with music materials, editing non-Library of Congress copy from the OCLC database, making series decisions and doing name authority work for assigned subject and language areas, acting as a resource person for cataloging assistants in assigned subject areas and for­ eign languages, and special assignments as necessary. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, familiarity with OCLC or similar cataloging utility, knowledge of LC classification, LC subject headings, and AACR2 course work at the undergraduate or gradu­ ate level in music history and/or music theory, and a good working knowledge of one western European language. Preferred: profes­ sional and/or preprofessional cataloging experience and a second foreign language. $17,500 minimum for a twelve-month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the suc­ cessful applicant. Apply with full resume plus names and current ad­ resses/telephone numbers of three references by August 15 to: ent Hendrickson, Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, University of ebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. Affirm ative Action, qual Opportunity Employer. ATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Entry level position responsible for riginal and complex variant cataloging of monographs and non­ ook materials in all subject areas. Will assist in training new staff, evising original cataloging, and complex authority work. UCR uses CLC, AACR2 and LC interpretations, LC subject headings, and LC lassification in cataloging, and contributes to MELVYL, the Univer­ ity of California’s online union catalog. Requires: Graduate library egree or equivalent. Working knowledge of at least one foreign lan­ uage preferred, in this order of preference: Spanish, French, Rus­ ian, German. Cataloging training or experience and familiarity with ARC formats highly desirable. Appointment salary: $22,872. Send tter of application, resume, and list of 3 professional references to: ohn W. Tanno, Acting University Librarian, University of California, iverside, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. Application Dead­ ne: August 15, 1986. The University of California is an Equal Em­ loyment Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. HEMISTRY LIBRARIAN. Has primary responsibility for the overall peration of the Chemistry Library, including collection develop­ ent; works in general reference services and performs biblio­ raphic duties in chemistry and related areas. Required: MLS from n ALA-accredited library school; degree in chemistry, chemical en­ ineering or sciences, or equivalent experience in Chemistry. Prefer­ ed: reading knowledge of a foreign language; knowledge of online earching in BRS or DIALOG; experience in science librarianship or eference in an academic library; supervisory experience with the bility to make independent judgm ents and to organize work. Salary ange: $21,864–$27,312. Applications, resumes, and letters of ref­ rence should be sent to: Virginia F. Toliver, Director of Library Per­ onnel and Adm inistrative Services, W ashington University Li­ raries, St. Louis, MO 63130 by Ju ly 31, 1986. W ashington niversity is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. URATOR OF BOOKS AND PRINTED MATERIALS. The Essex nstitute, a regional historical agency with research library, museum, istoric houses, and publications functions, seeks a librarian special­ ing in American history (primarily New England materials). Super­ ise other staff in day-to-day operations; responsible for acquisitions, ataloging and preservation of book collections; promotion of col­ ge and library use through public programs, exhibition, and publi­ ation. Plan for online cataloging. Qualifications: MLS, courseworkin merican history required; good communication skills; some super­ isory experience. Salary range: $18,000–$20,000. Starting date ctober 1, 1986. Send resume and names of 3 current references : Anne Farnam, President, Essex Institute, 132 Essex St., Salem, A 01970. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. URRICULUM MATERIALS LIBRARIAN. University of Georgia ibraries. Entry level position. Recent graduates may have the op­ ortunity to participate in a special staff developm ent program nded by the Council on Library Resources. Duties: Responsible for e development and management of services and collections of the urriculum Materials Center located in the College of Education; rovides reference and instructional services; selects and evaluates urriculum materials, including children’s and young adults’ litera­ re; serves as a liaison to the College of Education faculty; partici­ ates in the cataloging process for curriculum materials at the Main ibrary; supervises one support staff. Reports to the Education Bibli­ grapher, Social Sciences Department. The Department is com ­ osed-of four librarians, three computer information specialists, ree support staff, and student assistants. Qualifications: ALA- ccredited MLS; ability to establish and maintain effective coopera­ ve relationships with colleagues, faculty, and library users; interest bibliographic instruction; effective oral and written communication kills; undergraduate degree in education or equivalent educational ackground preferred; teaching experience in the grades K– 12 ange desired; interest in cataloging and bibliographic control and rganization of library materials desired; strong interest in academic brarianship desired. Salary minimum: $17,200. Application Proce­ ures: Send letter of application by August 15, 1986, including re­ ume and names of three references to: John Sutherland, Adminis­ ative Office, Main Library, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, A 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are und. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. d K N E C o b r O c s d g s M le J R li p C o m g a g r s r a r e s b U C I h iz v c le c A v O to M C L p fu th C p c tu p L o p th a ti in s b r o li d s tr G fo 474 / C & RL News EAST ASIAN LIBRARIAN. The University of Chicago Library seeks a librarian with advanced training in East Asian studies to manage its East Asian Collections. Directly supervises librarian bibliographers for Chinese, Japanese and Korean, the Head of Cataloging, and the public services coordinator. Responsibilities include: developing and maintaining collections of over 400,000 volumes in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Manchu, Mongol and Tibetan, and Western lan­ guages from and about East Asia; providing bibliographic asistance to users; administering technical processing and public services op­ erations. Candidate should have: accredited library school degree and at least a master’s degree in East Asian Studies; at least 5 years of experience in a research library; thorough acquaintance with the bibliography and research methodology of East Asian studies; expe­ rience with applications of automation and networking for East Asian libraries. Good to fluent knowledge of modern and classical Chinese or Japanese and working knowledge of French and German re­ quired. Familiarity with other Asian languages desirable. Salary range beginning at $25,000, depending on experience and qualifi­ cations. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of of 3 references to: Search Committee for East Asian Librarian, c/o Andrew Waters, Personnel Officer, Univer­ sity of Chicago Library, 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637. Receipt of applications before September 1,1986, will assure consideration. We anticipate filling the position before January 1987. The University of Chicago is an equal opportunity employer. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Available: September 1, 1986. De­ scription: Faculty position in the Collection Development Division. Responsible for selecting, reviewing and developing engineering science collections. Works closely with Engineering faculty to meet their library needs. Also provides specialized reference and re­ search services in all areas of engineering. Includes assisting with the bibliographic instruction program and serving on library commit­ tees. Qualifications: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school and an undergraduate degree in engineering are required and a graduate degree in a physical science area is highly desirable. Good written and oral communication skills are required as well as skills in reference service. Must be willing to maintain the highest standards of honor, integrity, and morality as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including abstinence from alco­ holic beverages, tobacco, tea and coffee. Salary & Benefits: Faculty status, generous insurance and retirement benefits. Salary range is $20,000 and up depending on qualifications. This is a twelve month appointment with twenty-two days annual leave and additional pro­ fessional development time available. Deadline for Application: Au­ gust 1,1986. To Apply: Send resume and names of three references to Patti Jo Findley, Personnel Officer, 3080 HBLL, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. EVENING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Indiana University of Penn­ sylvania seeks a public service oriented librarian to work with users in general reference in an evening reference capacity. This is a new position to the Reference unit which will start in September, 1986. Librarians with an academic and/or work background in a natural science, economics, business, sociology, or psychology are particu­ larly encouraged to apply. IUP is the fifth largest four-year university in Pennsylvania and the largest in the State System of Higher Educa­ tion with an enrollment of nearly 13,000 students on its main campus and two branches. The University, employing over 1,300 employ­ ees, including a faculty of approximately 700, consists of six colleges and two schools and offers more than 100 majors within 40 depart­ ments. Just 50 miles Northeast of Pittsburgh, IUP is located in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains in Indiana, PA, a community of 35,000 residents. The University Libraries participate in OCLC and DIALOG, subscribe to 4,500 periodical titles, and contain 560,000 volumes, 180,000 government publications, and 1.6 million items of microforms. The Libraries are a depository for Pennsylvania State publications and are a select depository for U.S. Government publi­ cations. Media holdings and services are extensive. The position re­ quires an ALA-accredited MLS, training or experience in online bib­ liographic searching, and strong communication/teaching skills. Applicants with a subject background on the graduate level in the areas of natural sciences, economics, business, sociology, or psy­ chology will be preferred. The person appointed will be expected to assist with bibliographic instruction, serve as a liaison to subject-area departments/colleges, and participate in collection development. Work consists primarily of evening and mıd-to-late afternoon hours, weekends on a rotating basis, and other duties as assigned. Ap­ pointment for this nine-month, tenure-track position will be either in­ structor or assistant professor. The salary will be within the $17,198 to $23,048 range. Additional summer hours are expected to be avail­ able. Librarians have full faculty status and rank. Send letter of appli­ cation, resume, and names/addresses/telephone number of three references by July 21,1986, to Chairperson, Evening Reference Li­ brarian Search Committee, University Libraries, IUP, Indiana, PA 15705-1096. IUP is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer. HEAD, CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. Responsible for supervi­ sion of all aspects of circulation of the general collection (1.1 million vols.); determining departmental policies; hiring, training, and evalu­ ating circulation staff (10 full-time, 11 part-time, and 72 student assis­ tants); general supervision of stacks management unit, student pay­ roll, reserve room, and current periodical display. Responsible for building security and exit control. Will participate in selection and im­ plementation of automated library system, and in planning for build­ ing expansion. Strong organizational, interpersonal, and communi­ cations skills essential. ALA-accredited MLS required, supervisory and library experience preferred, automated systems experience desirable. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications and experi­ ence, $18,000 minimum. 12-month, tenure-track, TIAA/CREF, 22 days annual leave, many other fringe benefits. Position available June 1, 1986. Applications accepted until a suitable candidate is found. As the major academic research institution in the state, the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, a land-grant university, offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Located in scenic Northwest Arkansas, Fayetteville is a university town of 40,000 in a picturesque setting in the foothills of the Ozarks, an unspoiled region with clean air, a temperate climate, and a variety of cultural and recreational opportunities. Letter of application and curriculum vitae, with the names of three references should be sub­ mitted to: John A. Harrison, Director, University Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701. The University of Arkansas is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD, LOUISIANA AND LOWER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY HIS­ TORICAL COLLECTIONS, LSU Libraries. Anticipated vacancy October 1,1986. Reports to the Assistant Director for Special Collec­ tions, participates in the general administration of LSU’s Special Col­ lections program, and is specifically responsible for administering all aspects of the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Historical Col­ lections. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; a mini­ mum of three years experience in the management of special collec­ tions, including book, manuscript and photograph collections; familiarity with the applications of automated technologies to special collections operations; familiarity with donor relations and rare book trade; demonstrated managerial ability; strong interpersonal skills and effectiveness in both oral and written communication. Desired: Additional advanced degree in history or related discipline record of active professional involvement; familiarity with the history of Louisi­ ana and the South. Salary competitive, commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience, $25,000 minimum. Review of applications will begin August 1,1986. Letter of application, resume, and names, ad­ dresses and phone numbers of at least three references to: Sharon A. Hogan, Director of Libraries, Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300. LSU is an equal opportu­ nity employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING DEPARTMENT, Associate Librarian 12 month, tenure-track position. Minimum salary $35,004, plus any au­ thorized salary increase for 1986/87. Reports to the library director. Administers the cataloging department, supervises 2 professional catalogers and 8 support staff. Establishes cataloging policies and procedures; responsible for creation, management, maintenance, quality and consistency of the library’s bibliographic and machine- readable files. Maintains communication with other library depart­ ments and personnel. Requires ALA-accredited MLS degree and 7 years progressive cataloging experience in an academic library. Knowledge of and progressive experience in automated biblio­ graphic utilities (OCLC preferred), LC classification, LCSH, AACR2, MARC formats for monographs, serials, etc., is essential. Demon­ strated ability in written and oral communication skills required. Must have knowledge of and demonstrated ability in automated library functions. Additional knowledge and experience with CLSI, INNOV- ACQ, and online public access catalogs preferred. Administrative experience as head of a cataloging department or unit preferred. A master's degree in a subject field is required for tenure or promotion. Letter of application, current resume, and 3 letters of reference should be sent to: Charles R. Beymer, Interim Library Director, Rob­ ert E. Kennedy Library, California Polytechnic State University, San July /August 1986 / 475 Luis Obispo, CA 93407. Deadline for applications is August 31, 1986. Position available November 1, 1986. California Polytechnic State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEBRAICA CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Catalog monographs and se­ rials in Hebrew and Yiddish using AACR2 and LC classification/sub­ ject headings and participate in Hebraica Retrospective Conversion on RLIN database. MLS, background in Jewish studies and fluency in H ebrew essential. 2 year position funded by grant. Salary $18,000 + , depending on experience. Applications due by Septem­ ber 1, 1986. Please send resume and 3 letters of reference to Mr. R. Gilroy, Brandeis University Library, Waltham, MA 02254. An equal opportunity employer. INSTITUTE OF JAZZ STUDIES LIBRARIAN, Rutgers University Available: October 1, 1986. Reporting to Director of Dana Library through the Director of the Institute of Jazz Studies, is responsible for collection development and technical discographic services of the Institute’s library and archives—including acquisitions, organization, preservation, and cataloging of materials. The Institute contains the largest and most comprehensive archive of jazz and jazz-related ma­ terials in the world. It provides services and resources to Rutgers fac­ ulty and students, to jazz scholars and musicians from the United States and abroad, and to the general public. Specific responsibili­ ties will include: maintaining and revising specifications for comput­ erized cataloging of sound recordings; overseeing production of Jazz Register and Indexes; developing and maintaining effective working relationships with other archives of recorded music and with professional organizations concerned with music librarianship and cataloging of recorded music; and submitting grant proposals and directing grant-funded projects. Shared responsibility for providing reference and other public services. Research, publication, involve­ ment in professional organizations, and participation in committee work at Rutgers are encouraged and expected. MLS from ALA- accredited library school required. Knowledge of music (with a spe­ cial emphasis on jazz and popular forms) and significant experience in computerized cataloging of sound recordings is required. Experi­ ence in developing and administering grants and in preservation of both print and non-print materials is highly desirable. $25,907 and up, dependent upon experience and qualifications. Faculty status, calendar year appointment, TIAA/CREF, life/health insurance, 22 days vacation, tuition remission, prescription drug/dental/eyeglass reimbursement plan. Submit resume and three sources for current references by August 1, 1986 to: Barbara E. Sanders-Harris, (APP 113), Personnel Officer, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. LIBRARIAN, Lewis Walpole Library, a unit of the Yale University Li­ braries. Responsible for the organization, interpretation, conserva­ tion, and security of the collections of rare books, manuscripts, paint­ ings, drawings, prints and furniture; and for the maintenance of CHIEF LIBRARIAN Queensland Institute of Technology Brisbane, Australia Applications are invited for the position of Chief Librarian of the Institute, The Queensland Institute of Technology has 9,500 students in the schools of Business Studies, Engineer­ ing, Health Science, Applied Science, Com puting Studies and Law. The cam pus is located in the central business district of the city of Brisbane. The Institute Library presently comprises a collection of 150,000 monographs, 6,000 serial titles and an extensive collection of non-book materials. These closely reflect the teaching and research activities of the seven schools of the Institute. The collection is generally integrated and centralized, except for a separate library serving the School of Law. The Library comprises a staff of 59 full-time equivalents and for 1986 has a total budget of $2.6 million. Preliminary planning is underway for its extension into additional space in the same building in 1988 and beyond. The Library has a high profile in the application and developm ent of library technology, being full partici­ pant in the Australian Bibliographic Network, and running the Date Phase ALIS II System and Online Cata­ log. An advanced online reference service is a major feature of its present range of services. The successful applicant will provide leadership in all areas of library management, including long-range strategic planning, all personnel and staff developm ent matters, all aspects of financial support for Institute academ ic planning, and the provision of library support for Institute academ ic planning and research activi­ ties. Applicants should be conversant with the latest developments in library technology. The position is graded at Head of School III at an annual salary of $AUS 53,130. Assistance will be pro­ vided to meet the costs of relocation. Applicants should possess appropriate academ ic and professional qualifications and experience at a senior level in a large library. Further details of the position and the Library are available on application from the Personnel Manager, Queensland Institute of Technology. Applications quoting three referees should reach: The Personnel M anager Q ueensland Institute of Technology G .P.O . Box 2434 Brisbane 4001 Q ueensland, Australia by August 29, 1986. An Equal Opportunity Employer houses and grounds of the Lewis Walpole Library. Supervises staff of four. The Library, located in Farmington, Connecticut, is an excep­ tional collection of eighteenth century materials. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school. Knowledge of eighteenth century liter­ ature, history, and the arts. Experience with rare books and manu­ scripts. Reading ability in French and/or German desirable. Ability to work effectively with library users and staff. Excellent communication skills. Salary from $22,300, dependent upon qualifications and ex­ perience. To be assured consideration, submit resume and names of 3 references by August 1,1986, to Linda Green, Assistant Person­ nel Librarian, Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. Yale is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MAP AND ASSISTANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Morris Library. Serves as Map Librarian in charge of 210,000 maps and aerial photos (about two-third time) and Assistant Science Librarian (about one-third time). Required qualifi­ cations: ALA-accredited MLS; bachelor’s degree in geography or a science, or experience with maps and bachelor’s degree involving coursework in the hard sciences. Preferred qualifications: reading capability in German or French (preferred) or other foreign lan­ guage, additional graduate degree in geography or science. Faculty rank, full-time, tenure-track position at the Assistant or Associate Pro­ fessor rank. Liberal fringe benefits. Salary of $19,000 and up based upon education and experience. Position available September 1, 1986. Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. Review of applications began June 15, 1986; however, applications re­ ceived after that date are encouraged. Send applications and names and address of three references to George Black, Chairperson, Map Librarian-Assistant Science Librarian Search Committee, Science Division, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, IL 62901; (618) 453-2700. The University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. PRINCIPAL CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Li­ brary is seeking a Principal Catalog Librarian to serve as the Catalog­ UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES St. Augustine, Trinidad Applications are invited for four (4) posts of Li­ brarian Ill/Assistant Librarian in the University Li­ braries to be assigned to the Faculty of Medical Sci­ ences Library in the following areas: (i) Reference & Loans; (ii) Cataloger; (iii) Acquisitions; (iv) Audio- Visual All applicants should have: (1) a good first degree, preferably in the biological/biom edical sci­ ences (for positions (i) and (ii) this is essential) and (2) a professional qualification in Library/Inform a­ tion Science. Relevant experience in academ ic or research-oriented libraries is essential; experience in Medical Sciences libraries would be an advan­ tage. W orking knowledge of one or more foreign languages is highly desirable. Annual Salary Ranges: Librarian III (Lecturer level): TT$54,708–$77,604; Assistant Librarian (As­ sistant Lecturer level): TT$45,480–$52,008. Hous­ ing, Pension, Passages. Send detailed applications, naming three refer­ ences, to the Registrar from whom further details are available. R egistrar The University of the W est Indies St. A ugustine Trinidad, W .l. ing Department’s authority on AACR2 interpretation and assist in solving difficult bibliographic problems. The Principal Catalog Li­ brarian supervises the Member Copy Cataloging Section, which consists of 7 library assistants, and also assists in coordinating the training and writing the policy and procedure manuals for the Mem­ ber Copy Cataloging and LC Copy Cataloging Sections. The Princi­ pal Catalog Librarian chairs the library’s Cataloging Policy Board, an interdepartmental committee to establish cataloging policy. The Principal Cataloger also catalogs materials in a defined subject area, and is actively involved in planning for an online catalog. Require­ ments include an ALA-accredited degree; minimum of four years ex­ perience as a catalog librarian in a research library; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, and MARC tagging; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effec­ tively in a flexible environment. Working knowledge of one foreign language, and demonstrated managerial experience preferred. Sal­ ary: $21,500 or higher, depending on qualifications. Librarians at the University of Arizona have academic professional status, are voting members of the faculty, have 12-month appointments with 22 days of vacation, 12 days of sick leave, and 10 holidays. Applications re­ ceived by August 15, 1986, will receive first consideration. Send let­ ter of application, resume, and the names of 3 references to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tus­ con, AZ 85721. Position available immediately. The University of Ar­ izona is an EEO/AA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR HUMANITIES, University of Ala bama at Birmingham. The Sterne Library at the University of Ala­ bama at Birmingham is accepting applications for a Reference Li­ brarian for Humanities. The position provides specialized reference assistance to library users in the Humanities, supports the general reference services and works closely with the faculty in the area of collection development. The Reference-Bibliographer is responsible to the Head of Reference. Duties include collection development for the School of Humanities. Management of a library materials budget for the subject area of responsibility. Close and effective interaction with the teaching faculties with an active and progressive interest in furthering the objectives of the library and the university is a primary responsibility. An equally important responsibility of the position is providing effective service to the library user. An active concern for the student’s academic progress is reflected through a service- oriented approach to the user combined with up-to-date knowledge of the subject fields. Information must be effectively organized and communicated when formal instruction in the use of the library is pre­ sented. Requirements: An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and previous library experience is required; a degree in a hu­ manities subject area is highly preferred. Appointment: The position is available June 1, 1986. It is a 12-month academic appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian depend­ ing on qualifications. Minimum starting salary $18 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 9,600, de­ pending on rank. Excellent benefits package. Deadline for applica­ tions and nominations is July 20,1986. Address inquiries to: Gordon Dunkin, Mervyn H. Sterne Library, University of Alabama at Birming­ ham, University Station, Birmingham, AL 35294. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIANS (two positions) Provides general as well as in-depth science/engineering reference services, including online literature searching; selects materials, teaches li­ brary usage and serves as liaison with science/engineering depart­ m ents). Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; de­ gree in science or engineering, preferably with specialization in the physical sciences or in the field of biology. Preferred: reading knowl­ edge of a foreign language; knowledge of online searching in BRS or DIALOG; experience in science librarianship or reference depart­ ment of an academic library. Salary range, $18,336–$22,908. Appli­ cations, resumes and three letters of reference should be sent to Per­ sonnel Office, Box 1184, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, by July 31, 1986. Washington University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer. July /August 1986 / 477 LATE JOB LISTINGS ALCOHOL STUDIES BIBLIOGRAPHER, Rutgers University. Available: October 1, 1986. Under direction of the head librarian at the Center of Alcohol Studies is primarily responsible for identification and acquisition of research documents for the library’s general and special collections. Will also share responsibility for subject classification of uncataloged materials, general reference service, online searching. MLS from ALA-accredited library school required. Advanced subject degree(s) or work experience in the bio-medical sciences is preferred. The Center of Alcohol Studies library is one of the science branch libraries of the Rutgers University Library system. Located on Busch Campus, the Center maintains one of the world’s largest alcohol research libraries with materials covering biomedical and psychosocial aspects of alcohol use. Minimum $21,262 or $25,907, dependent upon experience and qualifications. Faculty Status, calendar year appointment, TIAA/CREF, life/health insurance, 22 days vacation, tuition remission, prescription drug/dental/eyeglass reimbursement plans. Submit resume and three sources for current references by September 15, 1986, to: Barbara E. Sanders-Harris, (APP 115), Personnel Officer, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ARTS/HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER-REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides vital collection development liaison with the departments in the arts, humanities, and behavioral sciences. Position demands bibliographic skills, ability to communicate effectively with faculty and students, and includes line responsibility for service at the centralized reference desk on a limited schedule, including some nights, weekends, and holidays. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program. Second graduate degree in an appropriate academic subject area strongly preferred. Experience in collection development and reference services in a medium to large academic library is required. Knowledge of one or more modern European languages desirable. Appointment level commensurate with qualifications and experience. Minimum starting salary $20,000. Letter of application, resume, and the names of 3 references will be accepted at the University of Southwestern Louisiana through July 31, 1986, or until position is filled, and should be directed to: Donald L. Saporito, Director of Libraries, University Libraries, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70503ğ USL is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Duties: overall coordination, direction, and supervision of the Collection and Bibliographic Services Divisions of Acquisitions, Resource Development, Processing, and Circulation (including Interlibrary Services). Allocation and monitoring of a materials budget of $2.5 million, participates in the overall administration of the Library, including budgeting, planning, and policy formulation. Facilitates faculty liaison activities in relevant areas. Participation in planning and implementation of automation activities, including a replacement of the OCLC Acquisitions Subsystem and an integrated online catalog and circulation system. Represents the library’s collection development and technical services concerns and interests through participation in local, state, regional, and national discussions. Responsible for the encouragement and support of professional development and growth for Collection and Bibliographic Services personnel, including 19.5 FTE librarians and 91.5 support staff. Works with collection Interpretation Divisions on matters pertaining to Collection and Bibliographic Services activities and other cooperative ventures. Position reports to the Director, Sterling C. Evans Library. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. Doctoral degree preferred. 10 years of increasingly responsible and varied professional 478 / C & R L News (post-MLS) experience in libraries, including demonstrated managerial and supervisory competence, and actual work experience in at least 2 of the following areas: acquisitions, collection development, processing, interlibrary services, or circulation. Knowledge of and commitment to cooperative collection development, innovative technical services, library automation, and use of national bibliographic utilities. Experience with a major automated library system; prefer experience with OCLC. Record of productive scholarship, including demonstrated interest and skill in the development, direction, and encouragement of research. Significant experience and stature in professional library and special interest organizations. Ability to present concepts clearly, both orally and in writing. Experience working in strong participative administrative environment. Ability to work on long-range goals as well as immediate objectives of the Library. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty and staff. Knowledge of budget development techniques and understanding of financial analysis and reporting desirable. Salary: negotiable based on qualifications; minimum $43,000 for 12 months. Benefits: competitive benefits package; no state income tax; faculty rank. Open: September 1. Closing date: to ensure full consideration, applications should be received by August 15, 1986. Submit letter of application, complete resume, and names and phone numbers of 3 professional references to: Susan Steele, Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; (409) 845-8111. AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN. The Dartmouth College library is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Assistant Serials Librarian. The Assistant Serials Librarian reports to the Serials Librarian and is responsible for supervising the bibliographic control activities of the department in a technically sophisticated environment utilizing the Dartmouth online catalog, RLIN, and OCLC. The Assistant Serials Librarian assists in the planning, development, and implementation of serials control policies and procedures; coordinates bibliographic control activities for serials throughout technical services areas; provides administrative assistance to the department head; contributes to the planning and management of the department and bibliographic control; participates in the selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of staff; contributes to the implementation and continuing development of computer technology for the department. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum of 3 years experience in an academic or research library, some of which must have been in serials cataloging or acquisitions; familiarity with AACR2; experience with RLIN or another automated system; user-oriented philosophy; effective communication and interpersonal skills. Previous experience with an automated serials control system is highly desirable. Salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. Minimum salary for a Librarian I, $18,500; for a Librarian II, $21,000* Please send resume before July 31, 1986, to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Director of User Services, 115 Baker Library, Hanover, NH 03755. Dartmouth College is an AA/EEO/M/F employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, MANAGEMENT LIBRARY, University of California, Los Angeles. Duties: Works under the general direction of the Head of the Management Library. Collection development duties include: select items to add to the Library’s holdings and oversee a newly-established approval plan; monitoring a book budget of $166,000 and approx. $17,000 in special funds; serve as liaison between Graduate School of Management faculty and the Library regarding collection development; monitor and analyze the collection; participate in Library-wide collection development activities and projects. Reference duties include providing reference assistance to Library users by working a minimum of two hours per day at the reference desk; July/August 1986 / 479 providing special consultation service to MBA students; executing literature searches on computer databases; participating in a wide array of user education programs and compiling and editing GSM Library guides. Qualifications: demonstrated experience in business collection development and knowledge of current practices and issues, preferably in an academic library setting; demonstrated working knowledge of business reference sources and experience in providing reference services in an active library; experience in searching business computer databases; excellent interpersonal and communication skills (oral and written). Salary range is $22,872-$40,248. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei, Director, Administrative Systems and Personnel Services, University Research Library, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. The application letter should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicants qualifications for the position. Candidates applying by August 15, 1986, will be given first consideration. UCLA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Librarians at UCLA are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers. ENGINEERING/SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Participates with other reference librarians in general desk service, library instruction, online searching, and collection development. Responsibilities include general reference, liaison with the College of Engineering, which includes Computer Science, and the departments of Mathematics, Physics, and Geography/Earth Science. Reports to the Head of the Reference Unit. The Library is heavily automated and has an online catalog. Qualifications: ALA-accredited Masters degree. Undergraduate or advanced degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, or Physics is preferred. At least two years of science or technology reference experience in an academic library is preferred. The preferred candidate will have experience with online searching and library instruction. Benefits: Twelve­ month appointment, tenure track position, rank commensurate with experience. State mandated benefits. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Send resume and names of three references by August 15, 1986, to: Raymond A. Frankie, Director, J. Murrey Atkins Library, UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY (EMS), University of California, Los Angeles. The EMS Library contains 190,000 volumes and currently receives 3,500 serials titles. It is staffed by 3.75 FTE Librarians, 8.0 FTE Library assistants, and 6 .5 FTE Student Assistants. Duties: Under the general direction of the Head, Physical Sciences and Technology Libraries (PSTL), responsible for collection development/management; public services, technical services, including online acquisitions and serials control systems; space planning; library operations. Prepares budget requests, monitors expenditures, writes reports. Promotes good relations with library users. Serves at the reference desk. Member of the PSTL management team. Participates in general activities of the UCLA Libraries. May be invited to teach in the UCLA Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Qualifications: Demonstrated potential to manage and develop collections and services of a large, complex academic science/engineering library. Excellent communication skills. Strong interpersonal skills. Self-motivated, with strong potential for leadership in planning and implementing innovative user services, user instruction and collection development. Managerial/supervisory experience in an academic library. Experience in a science or engineering library including experience with conventional reference and online database searching. Commitment to a 480 / C & RL News sound technical processing basis for public services. Commitment to professional growth and staff development. Experience with online systems. MLS or equivalent. Academic background in physical sciences or engineering preferred, but not required. Salary range: $32,808-$47,292. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei, Director, Administrative Systems and Personnel Services, University Research Library, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. The application letter should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications for the position. Candidates applying by October 1, 1986, will be given first consideration. UCLA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Librarians at UCLA are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Ohio Wesleyan University is seeking a dynamic and innovative librarian to fill the newly created position of Head of Public Services. This librarian will be responsible for the management, development, and supervision of staff and services of the folowing units: Circulation, Reference, Instruction, Online Searching, Microcomputer Services, Inter-Library Loan, Government Publications, and three branch libraries. This position supervises 8 staff workers (3 librarians) and works with staff from other library departments who devote time to other public service. The Head of Public Services will actively participate in two major ongoing projects: implementation of an integrated library system (LS/2000), and implementation of the activist "teaching library” philosophy into all aspects of library services. Additional duties include participation in the library management team; staffing the reference desk, including nights and weekends; and service as a liaison to faculty departments for the purpose of collection development, instruction, and online searching. Ohio Wesleyan University offers the collegial atmosphere of the liberal arts college committed to academic excellence, a library collection including over 400,000 volumes with a strong rare book collection and the second oldest Federal depository in the country, an integrated library system, and a commitment to an activist approach to library service. The new Head of Public Services will be offered the opportunity to make a major impact on services, to advance our planning and evaluation process, and to participate in the radical restructuring of the library. Qualifications: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-acredited program; minimum of 3 years experience in providing public services; demonstrated planning, supervisory, communication, and staff development skills; and a strong user-oriented philosophy. Experience in teaching, microcomputer applications, and/or automated library systems desirable; a background in science or social science preferred but not essential. 12 month librarian/faculty appointment, salary range $21,000-$23,000. Send letter of application, resume, and a statement of personal public service and management philosophy (no more than two pages, please), to: Kathleen Weibel, Director of Libraries, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH 43105. Applications will be accepted until July 18. Position will be filled by mid-August. An equal opportunity employer. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIANS (two). Ohio Wesleyan University is seeking two innovative librarians who will be responsible for the coordination and development of of some combination of the following services: displays, online searching, inter-library loan, instruction, branches, microcomputer laboratory, special colections/rare books. In addition to managing these public services functions, under the guidance of the Head of Public Services, each librarian will staff the reference desk an average of 15 hours per week, including nights and weekends, and will serve as liaison to faculty July/August 1986 / 481 departments for the purpose of collection development, instruction, and online searching, Ohio Wesleyan University offers the collegial atmosphere of the liberal arts college committed to academic excellence, a library collection including over 400,000 volumes with a strong rare book collection and the second oldest Federal depository in the country, an integrated library system, and a commitment to an activist approach to library service. Opportunities abound to make major impact on services and to participate in the radical restructuring of the library. Qualifications: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-acredited program; strong user-oriented philosophy; interest in gaining managerial experience; ability to plan and develop services; and strong communication skills. Teaching, bibliographic instruction experience, working knowledge of microcomputer applications and/or library automated systems desirable; a background in science or social science preferred but not essential. 12 month librarian/faculty appointment, usual benefits, salary range $17,500-$18,500, depending on qualifications. Send letter of application, resume, and 3 letters of reference to: Kathleen Weibel, Director of Libraries, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH 43105. Applications will be accepted until July 18. Positions will be filled by mid-August. An equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Two positions. Available: September 1, 1986. Under the direction of the Head of Public Services, provides general and specialized reference services. Responsibilities include online database searching, bibliographic instruction, collection development. Research, publication, involvement in professional organizations, participation in committee work at Rutgers encouraged and expected. Must be able to work one evening and weekends on rotating basis. Other responsibilities as assigned. MLS from ALA-accredited library school required. Online database searching and bibliographic instruction highly desirable. The John Cotton Dana Library, located on the Newark Campus of Rutgers University, supports the academic and research programs of the College of Arts and Sciences, the University (evening) College, the Graduate School (of arts and sciences), the Graduate School of Management, the School of Criminal Justice, the College of Nursing, and a number of institutes and research centers. Minimum $21,262 or $25,907 dependent upon experience and qualifications. Faculty status, calendar year appointment, TIAA/CREF, life/health insurance, 22 days vacation, tuition remission, prescription drug/dental/eyeglass reimbursement plans. 1) Reference Librarian (Business) (APP 114). MBA and undergraduate degree in one social science desirable. Responsibilities primarily in the areas of business, accounting, economics. Serves as a liaison to assigned academic programs and departments, including those of the Graduate School of Management. Business reference experience in an academic, research or special library preferred. 2) Reference Librarian (Science) (APP 116). Science degree (preferably in one of the physical sciences) is expected. Reference experience in an academic, research, or special library preferred. Responsibilities primarily in the physical sciences. Serves as a liaison to assigned academic programs and departments. Submit resume and three sources for current references by September 1, 1986, to: Barbara E. Sanders-Harris, (APP 114) or (APP 116), Personnel Officer, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SOCIAL SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking a librarian responsible for providing reference, instruction, online searching, interlibrary loan services, and collection development for the Social Science Library, a department within the University’s main library. Shares in the administration of the Social Science Library and in supervision of support staff and student assistants. Provides online searching of social science 482 / C& RL News databases and bibliographic instruction and training in the use of the library. Develops collections in selected disciplines and engages in faculty liaison activities. Requirements include a masters degree from an ALA-accredited program; strong social science background and/or equivalent experience; second masters in a social science discipline preferred. Two years of professional library experience in an academic or research library preferred; competence in online database searching required. Ability to communicate well orally and in writing; strong public service orientation; ability to work in a team environment as well as independently. Minimum Salary: $16,500 for 12 months with usual fringe benefits. Available: September 1, 1986. Send letter of application, names of three references and resume to: Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordinator, 104 Ellis Library, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by August 1, 1986. The University of Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action institution. CATALOGER, Martha Ellison Library, Warren Wilson College. Responsible for original and copy cataloging of all materials, OCLC/Dewey; planning for automation; maintenance of catalog and databases; supervision of RECON project; reference work one evening weekly and every fifth weekend; supervise and train students. Full-time. Required: ALA degree; academic experience. Working knowledge of OCLC cataloging and name authority subsystems. Extensive knowledge of RECON; AACR2; good training, reference, and interpersonal skills. Salary range $13,000-$l5,000, with housing if desired. Application closing date is August 15, 1986. Contact: Jean Hutton, Director, Martha Ellison Library, Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Rd., Swannanoa, NC 28778-2099; (704) 298-3325, ext. 245 or 321. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. This position, reporting directly to the East Asian Librarian, has administrative responsibility for technical services units including acquisitions, cataloging, catalog maintenance, and current periodicals for materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages. Other responsibilities include coordination of East Asian technical services with central technical service units, Research Libraries Group members, and other outside organizations. In addition to an accredited MLS and fluency in spoken and written English, requirements are fluency in Chinese or Japanese, excellent managerial, communication, and interpersonal skills, experience with applications of standard cataloging codes and practices (e.g. AACR2, LCSH, LC Classification), with the RLIN/CJK system, and with supervisory responsibilities. A graduate degree in East Asian studies and knowledge of other East Asian languages preferred. Applications should be submitted to the Library Personnel Office, Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University Libraries, 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Applicants should list three references and salary requirements. Salary ranges: Librarian II: $27,500-$37,125; Librarian III: $30,500-$44,225. Deadline for applications is August 15, 1986. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE/DOCUMENTS AND MAPS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for administering federal and state documents depository collections and map collection and for providing reference service from the Library’s general reference desk. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and colleagues; teaching ability; effective oral and written communication skills; knowledge of U.S. government documents and their organization desirable; supervisory capability; second master’s degree in a subject area desirable. Faculty status, tenure-track. Salary: $20,000 minimum and fringe benefits. Submit letter of application, resume, three July/August 1986 / 483 letters of reference, and copies of credentials and transcripts to: Director’s Office, Olson Library, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI 49855-5376. Screening of applications to begin: September 15, 1986. NMU is an AA/EO employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Energetic generalist for reference, bibliographic instruction and interlibrary loan. Must have ALA-accredited MLS and at least two years of academic library experience, including database searching and OCLC. Good management and interpersonal skills are essential. Salary range: $17,000-$20,000 for twelve months. Appointment begins September 1, 1986. Applications will be accepted until July 20, 1986, or until position is filled. Send resume and list of three references to: Joanne Cooper, Director, Hammermill Library, Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA 16456. AA/EOE. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. The University of Akron, Bierce Library, is seeking a Head of Reference to coordinate and supervise activities of all Reference Department personnel. Position available October 1, 1986, or as soon thereafter as possible. Responsibilities: plan, implement, and evaluate general reference services and instructional programs; monitor reference and government documents collections; serve as link between the Reference Department and other units. Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited school; at least 3 years professional experience in public services in an academic library; evidence of managerial ability; strong interpersonal skills; and ability to communicate well, both orally and on paper required. Salary: $20,200-$24,000, depending on qualifications and experience; excellent fringe benefits. Application deadline: September 15, 1986. Send letter of application, resume, and 3 letters of reference to: Lee Faulhaber, Reference Search Committee, Bierce Library, Box CR, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325. The University of Akron is an equal education and employment institution. INTERLIBRARY LOAN COORDINATOR. Coordinates inter-library loan operations for the main library and three branches. May represent the library in state, regional, and national planning for networking and resource sharing. As a member of the Reference Department, participates in a variety of activities including desk service and database searching. Plans, directs, trains and evaluates the work of 4.5 FTE staff. Reports to the Head, Reference/Documents. Library faculty must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; two years* academic library experience, particularly with inter-library loan practices and the OCLC/lLL subsystem preferred. Tenure-track position. 24 days annual leave. Tuition remission. Group health insurance. TIAA/CREF or state retirement plan with non-refundable contribution paid by the University. No state income tax. Rank and salary dependent upon education and experience. Instructor, $19,000 minimum; Assistant Professor, $23,000 minimum. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references by September 15, 1986, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO, affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504, employer. 484 / C& RL News (Washington Hotline, continued) Telecommunication rates for library connections to nationwide biblio­ graphic databases have continued to increase every few months, causing planning, paperwork, and cost problems. Although the Federal Communications Commission allowed new AT&T private line tariffs to take effect over a year ago, it is conducting a continuing investigation of the tariffs. Senate Communications Subcommittee member Larry Pressler (R-SD) delivered May 2 a letter with a total of 29 Senate signatures to FCC Chairman Mark Fowler on the problems continuing cost increases cause for libraries. On May 28 Chairman Fowler sent a lengthy response, which is being analyzed by Sen. Pressler’s office. ACRL Publications in Librarianship — Your special perspective on the profession. Series titles cu rre n tly available: 3 9 . Libraries for Teaching, Libraries for Research: Essays for a Century, Richard D. Johnson, ed. "...a m ust for all library school students interested in academ ic librarianship.’’ ARBA 78 $15.00cl. 259p. 0247-2 (use o rd e r c o d e 3196-0) 1977 4 0 . Book Selling and Book Buying: Aspects o f the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, Richard G. Landon, ed. "... these essays, five of them on bookselling and tw o ... on book collecting, fit together admirably.” B o o k C ollector's M a rk et $15.00cl. 118p. 3224-X 1979 4 1 . W omen View Librarianship: Nine Perspectives, Kathryn Renfro Lundy, ed. It is satisfying to read their considered resp onses to questions ranging from ideas about adm inistration and personal career ch oices to developing library school curricula and advice to beginning professionals.’’ C o lleg e & R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s $8.00pbk. 99p. 3251-7 1980 42 . The Spirit of Inquiry: The Graduate Library School at Chicago, 1921-51, by Jo h n V. Richardson, Jr. "...a significant book in library ed ucation and an exam ple o f painstaking historical research.’’ ARBA 84 $35.00cl. 238p. 3273-8 1982 4 3 . The Landscape of Literatures: Use of Subject Collections in a University Library, by Paul Metz. “Metz p ro v id es...a n im portant use s tu d y attem pting to identify the su bject literature o f interest to faculty and students in various academ ic d iscip lin es.’ RQ $30.00pbk. 143p. 3286-X 1983 4 4 . The Carnegie Corporation and the Development of American College Libraries, 1928-41, by Neil A. Radford. Provides a useful historical perspective on collection analysis and external funding by studying the im pact of Carnegie grants for collection development. $29.95pbk. 257p. 3295-9 1984 O rd er from Am erican Library Association Publishing Services 50 East Huron St. C hicago, IL 60611 (ISBN prefix 0-8389)