ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 22 0 ACRL Internship Program The Association of College and Research Li­ braries announces the selection of six interns to participate in the first year of its program for administrators of predominantly black college and university libraries. The three-year pro­ gram, funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is intended to accelerate the development of the management ability of librarians in black colleges and universities by providing them with experience in the admin­ istration of strong and progressive academic li­ braries. Bernice L. Bell, acting assistant direc­ tor of libraries and acquisitions librarian at Jackson (Mississippi) State University, and James R. Jarrell, assistant acquisitions librarian at the University of North Carolina at Greens­ boro, will intern with Herbert F. Johnson, at Oberlin College. Jessie Cottman Smith, director of library services at the University of Mary­ land, Eastern Shore (in Princess Anne), is as­ signed to David C. Weber, at Stanford Univer­ sity. Alma Z. McPherson, librarian at Utica (Mississippi) Junior College, will serve her in­ ternship with Richard A. Olsen, at Rhode Is­ land College. John S. Page, Jr., senior media specialist at Federal City College, and Ida C. Adams, assistant director of university libraries at Florida A & M University, will intern with Richard M. Dougherty, at the University of California, Berkeley. During the period of the internship, the par­ ticipants will receive salaries, benefits, and ap­ proved expenses from the Mellon Foundation grant. The host institutions will provide the training experience. Several workshops for the participants are also planned. ACRL is now accepting applications, both from prospective interns and from prospective host institutions, for the second year of the in­ ternship program. Ten internships, ranging from three to nine months, will be funded for the 1975/76 academic year. Deadline for submission of applications from interns and host institutions is December 1, 1974. For application forms and further infor­ mation, contact the project director, Casper L. Jordan, Associate Professor, School of Library Service, Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA 30314. ■ ■ You can get a one year subscription $1 to every 3 price 1 d t 3 itle in our files for , … b u t o u r s e rv ic e s e n 11 c o m p a 9 s s so .9 4 m u c h m o re th a n ju s t th e sa le o f s u b s c rip tio n s . O u r T itle In fo rm a tio n D e p a rtm e n t c o n s ta n tly se e ks a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n a nd t it le s … o u r irr e g u la r s e rie s n u m b e r in th e th o u s a n d s . We have a lo t m o re to o ffe r th a n $1,813,119.94 w o rth o f s u b s c r ip tio n s ! C all o r w rite fo r fu ll in fo rm a tio n . (p ric e s u b je c t to ch an ge , n a tu ra lly !) EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES d iv is io n o f 8 2 6 S o u th N o rth w e st H ig h w a y B a rrin g to n . Illin o is 6 0 0 1 0 (312) 381 2190 P. O. B o x 254 3 B irm in g h a m . A la b a m a 352 01 (205) 879 -2113 161 F o rb e s R o a d B raintree. M a s s . 0 2 1 8 4 (617) 8 4 3 -2 3 8 3 o r 8 4 3 -2 3 8 4 4 1 5 D o u g la s Plaza B u ild in g 8 2 2 6 D o u g la s A ve n u e D a lla s.’ T e x a s 7 52 25 (214) 3 6 9 7591 o r 3 6 9 759 2 S u it e 110-B D ia m o n d Hill C o m p le x 2 4 8 0 W. 26th A ve n u e D enver. C o lo ra d o 80211 (303) 4 3 3 323 5 P. O. B o x 92901 L o s An ge le s. C a lifo rn ia 9 00 09 (213) 772-2381 5 1 2 N icollet B u ild in g M in n e a p o lis. M in n e s o t a 554 02 (612) 333 -5081 E B S C O B u ild in g R e d Bank. N e w J e rse y 077 01 (201) 741 430 0 681 M ark e t Stre e t S a n Fra n cisc o . C a lifo rn ia 9 4 1 0 5 (415) 391 3 5 0 0 5 4 0 6 A Port R o y a l R o a d S u it e 200 S p rin gfie ld . V irg in ia 22151 (703) 321 -7516 o r 3 2 1 -9 6 3 0 17-1 9 W a sh in g to n A v e n u e T en afly. N e w J e r s e y 0 7 6 7 0 (201) 569-2500 S ix T ho rncliffe P a rk D rive T o ronto. C a n a d a . M 4 H 1 H 3 (416) 421 -9000