ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1986 / 365 A m e r ic a n T h e o l o g i c a l L i b r a r y A ss o cia tio n , Kansas C ity , Missouri. C o n ta c t: M ich a el P. Boddy, Drew University Library, Madison, NJ 0 7 9 4 0 ; ( 2 0 1 ) 3 7 7 - 3 0 0 0 . ' 1 6 - J u ly 2 5 — R are Books: C o lu m bia University School of L ibrary Service, Rare Book School. Seventeen courses, each one week in length, in­ clude: Ita lia n hu m anistic manuscripts of the 15th century, developing administrative strate­ gies for special collections departments, an intro­ duction to photography curatorship, Western Americana, developing preservation programs, and investigating evidences of ownership. T u i­ tion ranges from $300 to $400 per course, and low-cost dormitory housing will be available on C olu m bia’s Morningside Heights Campus. The School is directed by Terry Belanger, assistant dean of the School of L ibrary Service. Contact: Rare Book School, School of L ibrary Service, C o lu m b ia University, New York, NY 10027; (212) 280-2292. July 5 - 2 6 — Soviet Union: International Conference Se­ ries for Librarians and Educators, sponsored by the A C R L Greater New York Metropolitan Area Chapter. C ontact L ibrary and Education C on­ ference, Human Relations Area Inter-Group, C o n fe r e n c e Reservations C e n te r , 12 W . 32d Street, New York, NY 10001; (800) 221-1255. August 1 - 2 4 — China: International Conference Series for L ib r a r ia n s and E d u c a to r s , sponsored by the A C R L G re a te r New York M etropolitan Area Chapter. See July 5 - 2 6 entry for information. 9 - 2 3 — Ja p a n : International Conference Series for L ib r a r ia n s and E d u c a to r s , sponsored by the A C R L G reater New York M etropolitan Area Chapter. See July 5 - 2 6 entry for information. 1 0 - 1 5 — Rare Books: Out-of-Print and Antiquarian Book Market Seminar/Workshop, University of D e n v e r, C o lo rad o . K eynote speaker will be Thomas W right, director of the W illiam An­ drews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles. Lectures by booksel­ lers, demonstrations, discussions, and practical workshops are all part of the program. Fee: $360 ($100 deposit required by July 1). Contact: Out- o f - P r i n t an d A n t i q u a r i a n B o o k M a r k e t Sem inar/W orkshop, 4 0 2 4 N .W . 15th S tre e t, Gainesville, F L 32605. September 2 5 - 2 7 — Nevada: Annual conference, Nevada L i ­ b ra ry A ssociation, E lk o C o n v en tio n C e n te r , Elko. C o n tact: L a u ra Oki, Elko County L i ­ brary. 720 Court Street, Elko, NV 89801; (702) 738-3077. October 8 - 9 — Automation: Fifth Texas Conference on L i ­ brary Automation, sponsored by the University of Houston-University Park Libraries, will be held at the S to u ffer G r e e n w a y P la z a H otel, Houston. T h e conference will address such top­ ics as the electronic library, electronic publish­ ing, microcomputer applications, and coopera­ tive automation projects. Fee: $75 before August 25, $90 afterwards. Contact: Carol Hawks, Uni­ versity of Houston-University Park L ibraries, 4800 Calhoun Blvd., Houston, T X 77004; (713) 749-7135. 9 - 1 1 — Archives: Midwest Archives C onference, F a ll Meeting, Hudson House Hotel, Hudson, Wisconsin. Contact: Cheryl Norenberg Thies, Minnesota Historical Society, 1500 Mississippi Street, St. Paul, MN 55101; (612) 296-6980. 2 3 - 2 4 — O ff-C am p u s: T h e O ff-C am p u s L ib ra ry S erv ices C o n f e r e n c e , sponsored by C e n t r a l Michigan University Libraries. Contact: Barton M. Lessin, Park Library, Central Michigan Uni­ versity, M t. P le a sa n t, M I 4 8 8 5 9 ; (517) 7 7 4 ­ 6419. ■ ■ should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). G uidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JO BLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL m em ­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: a C c n la s c s if l _ i / e i d Ad C v ł e rtising Dep i ' i t , c A n C c R i L 1 , ■ / A o m i o e ì ri O c / a M n « L 7 ib a n rary THE DC LAADSSSIFIE Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members. $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. T elep h o n e: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders 366 / C&RL News POSITIONS OPEN ARCHIVISTZREFERENCE IN ST R U C TIO N LIBR ARIAN . The Li brary/Learning Center of the University of W isconsin-Parkside seeks an Archivist/Reference Instruction Librarian. The successful cand i­ date will coordinate the services and functions of the library’s Ar- chives/Area Research Center, including supervision of one full-time clerical staff member, serving as cam pus records manager, serving on UW System Archives Council, and adm inistering Open Records Law; provide reference service to users, including some evening and weekend hours; participate in the bibliographic instruction pro­ gram on basic and advanced levels, including advanced course- related instruction and workshops in m icrocom puter applications; participate in collection developm ent, serving as library liaison to designated subject disciplines; perform online searches in desig­ nated subject areas; and participate in a variety of outreach pro­ grams. Required: Graduate library degree from an ALA-accredited library school; graduate level coursew ork in archives administration; dem onstrated effective speaking, writing, and human relations skills; flexibility; strong public services orientation; must enjoy teaching and working with undergraduate students; professional com m itm ent to librarianship and archives administration. Desirable: Experience in archives administration, records m anagem ent, online database searching, reference service, and teaching; dem onstrated interest in and know ledge of current trends in bibliographic instruction; fam il­ iarity with m icrocom puter applications; interest in historical research. Salary: M inimum $18,000. Application deadline: May 30, 1986. To apply: Send letter of application, current resume, graduate tran­ scripts, and three current letters of reference to: Donna Nicholson, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Library/Learning Center, UW- P a rkside, Box 20 0 0 , K e nosha , Wl 5 3 1 4 1 . The U n iv e rs ity of W isconsin-Parkside is an equal opportunity, affirmative aciton em ­ ployer. A S S IS T A N T OR AS SO C IA TE DEAN OF PUBLIC SERVIC ES, University of New Mexico, General Library. The Assistant/Associate Dean for Public Services reports directly to the Dean of Library Ser­ vices, and as a m em ber of the Library Executive Council (Dean, As­ sociate Deans for Technical and Public Services, Assistant Dean for Collection Development, et al.), participates in resource allocation, imm ediate and long-range planning and overall policy deve lop­ ment. The Assistant/Associate Dean for Public Services is responsi­ ble specifically for leadership in planning, im plem enting and evaluat­ ing public services program s; interpreting library public service policy to the academ ic com m unity; recruiting, training and evaluat­ ing public services departm ent heads and assigning their responsi­ bilities. The Public Services division will include five prim ary locations (Zimmerman Library—the main library, Fine Arts Library, Parish Business Library, Tireman Education Library and, under construc­ tion, a new Science and Engineering Library) and the functional ar­ eas of governm ent docum ents and maps, access services (circula­ tio n , in te r lib r a r y lo a n , a n d d o c u m e n t d e liv e ry ), re fe re n c e (bibliographic instruction— including credit courses— and online search service), special collections, and learning assistance center. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES AND COLLECTION MANAGEMENT Case Western Reserve University Reports to the D irector of University Libraries and is responsible for the adm inistration of all p ub lic ser­ vices and collection m anagem ent activities. Has prim ary responsibility for planning, co ordinating and m an­ aging the w ork of the Circulation, Reference, Interlibrary Loan, G overnm ent D ocum ents and C ollection M anagem ent departm ents, for co ordin atin g the w ork of these departm ents with other University Libraries departm ents and for representing the Public Services and Collection M anagem ent Division in library-w ide planning. U niversity Libraries, an ARL m em ber, is co m p ose d of Sears and Freiberger Libraries, plus two branches, and houses the collections in hum anities and arts, social and behavioral sciences, engineering, science, m anagem ent and music. There are 14 professional and 23 su pp ort staff m em bers in the Public Services and Collection M anagem ent Division. Responsibilities: Directs the Public Services and Collection M anagem ent Division staff in establishing, im plem enting and evaluating operational goals and objectives; organizes and adm inisters the hum an and fiscal resources of the division; approves operating policies and procedures and serves as a resource for m atters relating to p ub lic services and collection m anagem ent within the library system; plans and c o o rd i­ nates all collection m anagem ent activities, including form ulation of policies and p rocedures and allocation and m onitoring of the materials budget; participates in the m anagem ent of the GEAC autom ated library system; participates in library-w ide planning and policy form ation. Requirements: A L A -accredited MLS; m inim um seven years’ professional experience in an academ ic research library, including senior level adm inistrative experience in p ub lic services and collection m an ag e ­ ment; com prehensive know ledge of library organization and procedures, particularly in p ublic services and collection m anagem ent; know ledge of trends and issues in the m anagem ent of research collections, including collection assessm ent and resource sharing; dem onstrated ability to w ork effectively with faculty, staff and students; fam iliarity with te ch n o lo g y as it relates to public services; experience with autom ated library systems and online data bases. Salary: m inim um $32,500. Send resum e and names of three current references to: Karen K. Griffith Personnel Librarian Case Western Reserve University Libraries 11161 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106 by June 6, 1986. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. M ay 1986 / 367 The division consists of approxim ately 26 faculty and 44 staff, plus s tu d e n t a ssista n ts. R e q u ire s m a s te r’ s d e g re e fro m an A L A - accredited program ; an earned doctorate, or a second m aster’s de­ gree is highly desirable. A pplicants should be able to meet university requirem ents for prom otion and tenure, including research, pub lica ­ tion and service. The successful candidate must dem onstrate pos­ session of a broad range of substantial public services experience; increasing responsibility at the m iddle m anagem ent, or higher, level in an acad em ic research library; adm inistrative know ledge, skills and abilities to plan and deve lop service program s for an academ ic research library; m anagerial ability in a com ple x organization with the proven ability to w ork effectively with people at all levels; user- orien te d a ttitu de and c o m m itm e n t to active p ro g ra m s in b ib lio ­ graph ic instruction and other user education program s, online data­ base searching, collection developm ent and staff developm ent; strong analytical and com m unication skills; com m itm ent to effective interaction between public and technical service operations; w o rk­ ing know ledge of autom ation in a public services environm ent and an understanding of developm ents in the field of autom ation. A p ­ pointm ent at the level of Assistant or Associate Dean will be d e p e n ­ dent on qualifications and degree of a p p ro priate experience trans­ ferable to the UNM environm ent. A ca dem ic rank is d e p ende nt on academ ic qualifications. Salary range, $35,000 to $48,000 (perm a­ nent, 12 m onth, full-time). Subm it resume (including names and ad­ dresses of three references) by June 1, 1986 to: C laudia Dean, Per­ sonnel Specialist, G eneral Library, U n ive rsity of N ew M exico, A lbuquerque, NM 87131. Recruitm ent will remain open until position is filled. AA/EOE. A S S IS T A N T M O D E R N L A N G U A G E S A N D L IN G U IS T IC S L I­ BR A R IA N . University of Illinois Library at U rbana-C ham paign. A perm anent position available August 21, 1986. U nder the general direction of the M odern Languages and Linguistics Librarian, re­ sponsible for original cataloging of Rom ance languages and litera­ ture, with em phasis on Spanish language; participation in providing reference services and user education; collection developm ent re­ sponsibilities, inclusing liaison with a cad em ic departm ents. Re­ quired qualifications: m aster’s degree in library science from an A LA -accredited library school or its equivalent; a m inim um of two years’ professional experience in an academ ic, research, or special library. Familiarity with AACR2, Dewey 19, and LC subject headings. Excellent and dem onstrable reading know le dge of Spanish. Evi­ dence of ability to m eet general university requirem ents of research, publication and service for prom otion and tenure. Preferred qualifi­ cations: know le dge of at least one R om ance language other than Spanish. Desired qualifications: an a dva nced degree in Spanish or a related discipline. Professional librarians have faculty rank. Librari­ ans m ust meet general university requirem ents for prom otion and tenure (research, publication, university/com m unity/professional service), in addition to specific library assignm ents. A p pointm ent at Assistant Professor level. Salary: $21 ,00 0 upw ard, de p e n d in g on qualifications, experience, and scholarly credentials. Send letter of application and com plete resume with names and addresses of five references to: Sara de M undo Lo, Chair, Search Comm ittee, c/o Li­ brary Personnel Office, 127 Library, University of Illinois Library at U rbana-C ham paign, 1408 West G re g o ry Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-0076. For m axim um consideration, applications and nom ­ inations should be received no later than June 1, 1986. The U niver­ sity of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal o pp ortun ity em ployer. A S S IS T A N T REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N /IN T E R N . Performs gen eral reference services; shares responsibility for biblio g ra p h ic in­ struction and online biblio g ra p h ic searching; assists in ILL verifica­ tion and reference collection developm ent. This position is designed for a recent library school graduate w ho wishes to gain academ ic library experience while pursuing a second m aster’s degree. (Nine- month term appointm ent, renew able up to four years). Required: A L A -accredited MLS (earned by A ugust 31 ,1 9 8 6 ); coursew ork and/ or experience with online b ib lio g ra p h ic searching. M inim um salary: $15,500, with standard benefits. A p plication deadline June 27, 1986, or until filled. Tentative starting date: Septem ber 1,1986 . Send resume, which addresses specific jo b qualifications, and have aca­ dem ic credentials and three recent letters of recom m endation sent directly to: M ary Caspers, Chair of Reference Search Committee, South Dakota State University Library, Box 2115, Brookings, SD 57007. An AA/EEO em ployer. B IB L IO G R A P H IC D E P A R T M E N T HEAD, Brigham Young U niver­ sity. Responsibilities include planning, supervising, and ensuring the proper initial processing and evaluation of all m o n o g ra p h ic and se­ rial materials received by the library. Also includes responsibility for pre-order searching, pre-bindery review, review and dispersal of d u ­ plicate and unw anted materials and adm inistrative responsibilities for all of the above. Required qualifications: A L A -accredited MLS, a masters degree in a Liberal Arts subject, experience and aptitude in bibliograph ic identification and research, excellent reading ability in two or m ore foreign languages, goo d written and oral co m m u n ica ­ tion skills and experience in hum an resource m anagem ent. Must be willing to maintain highest standards of honor, integrity and morality as taught by the C hurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in clu d ­ ing abstinence from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea and coffee. Salary and Benefits: faculty status, generous insurance and retire­ ment benefits. Salary $20.000 and up de p e n d in g on qualifications, 12-month app oin tm ent with 22 days annual leave. Deadline for a p ­ plications is July 1, 1986. Send resume and names of three refer­ ences to: Patti Jo Findley, Personnel Officer, 3080 HBLL, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602. C A TA L O G E R , Baruch College/The City University of New York. Re­ sponsible for original and com plex co p y cataloging of m onog rap hs on OCLC acco rd in g to AACR2; descriptive and subject cataloging using LC classification and subject headings; a pp ro priate authority work. Two years’ recent cataloging experience in an academ ic li­ b ra ry p re fe rre d . C a n d id a te s fo r th e p o s itio n m u st h a ve A L A - accredited MLS for instructor rank; additional subject m aster’s d e ­ gree for assistant professor. Salary from $21,844 for instructor, $23,815 for assistant professor (may be flexible d e p e n d in g on q u a li­ fications); 35 hour w ork week; six weeks vacation; generous fringe benefits. Send letter of application and names of three professional references to: Chief Librarian, Baruch College/CU NY, 17 Lexington Avenue, Box 317, New York, NY 10010. AA/EOE. C A TA L O G E R , W ashburn University. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited library school. Familiarity with AACR2, MARC form at, LC subject headings, LC classification. Prefer candidates with e xpe ri­ ence in cataloging, technical processes and OCLC. Responsibilities: Limited supervision; input all original cataloging for materials in clu d ­ ing m onographs, serials, m icroform s, m achine-readable data files, audio-visual material; share responsibility for c o p y cataloging, m ain­ taining public card catalogs, processing materials, shelf mainte- 368 / C‹bRL News nance. Other duties as assigned. Salary: Com m ensurate with qualifi­ cations and experience, $17,000 minimum. Application deadline July 15, 1986, or until suitable candidate identified. Position avail­ able August 1, 1986. Submit resume and names of three references to David Ensign, Associate Director, W ashburn University School of Law Library, 1700 College, Topeka, KS 66621. W ashburn University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. C A TA LO G IN G LIBR ARIAN , a full-time, 12-month, tenure track ap­ pointm ent available July 18, 1986. Performs original and copy cata­ loging and Library of Congress classification of m onographic m ateri­ als in the h u m a n itie s and social s cie n ce s. P a rtic ip a te s in the professional activities of the Cataloging Department. The dep art­ ment staff totals 37 FTE including 11 professional librarians. A fully autom ated records m anagem ent system and integrated authority control system are utilized. Requires ALA-accredited MLS: strong reading know ledge of German; cataloging experience with AACR2 or recent library school training in cataloging; ability to work effec­ tively with a large staff. Prefer degree or strong coursew ork in lan­ guage and literature or history; reading know ledge of one other Western European classical or m odern language; successful cata­ loging experience in a research library including use of Library of Congress Subject Headings and Library of Congress classification. Salary: $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 2 .0 0 0 dependent upon qualifications. Excellent benefits. Applications must be postm arked by May 30, 1986. To a p ­ ply, subm it letter of application, resume, transcripts, and names of three references to: Sandra Gilliland, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Minorities are encouraged to apply. An AA/EEO Employer. C IR C U L A T IO N /S E R IA L S LIBR ARIAN , Westfield State College Permanent, tenure-track, twelve-month faculty appointm ent. Re­ sponsible for administration of circulation and serials departm ents and for developing and supervising all daily routines including stack maintenance, reserve and serials records. The circulation/serials li­ brarian supervises two full-time paraprofessionals and a large num ­ ber of student assistants. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS, de m ­ nstrated supervisory skills, minimum of three years of professional library expe rience. Preference will be given to ca n d id a te s with know ledge of autom ated systems. Salary: $ 1 6 ,5 0 0 -$ 3 8 ,9 0 0 , de ­ pendent upon qualifications and experience. Liberal fringe benefits package. Deadline for applications: June 1,1986. Send cover letter, resume, three letters of recom m endation, and transcripts to: Person­ nel Office, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA 01086. An AA/EO Employer. DIRECTO R OF LIBRARY SERVIC ES, the College of W ooster Di­ rector serves as chief adm inistrative officer of library and is responsi­ ble for all phases of library operation: budgeting, acquisitions, cata­ lo g in g , re a d e rs s e rv ic e s , b ib lio g r a p h ic in s tru c tio n , s ta ff developm ent and supervision. Andrew s Library holds collection of 740,000 items and is m em ber of OCLC and NEOMAL. M inimum re­ quirements: MLS with significant library experience; dem onstrated leadership and m anagem ent ability. Salary ($30,000 minimum) re­ flects backg ro und and experience. Position available July 1, 1986. Send resume, transcripts and references to Vice President for Aca­ d e m ic Affairs, The C ollege of W ooster, W ooster, O hio 44691. AA/EOE. The College of Wooster is an independent liberal arts col­ lege with a com m itm ent to excellence in undergraduate education. E D U C A TIO N /G E N E R A L REFERENCE LIBRARIAN with a Collec tio n M a n a g e m e n t a s s ig n m e n t. S e n io r A s s is ta n t L ib ra ria n . $ 2 7 ,3 2 4 -$ 3 2 ,8 8 0 for 12 months; 10-month option available with proportionate salary reduction. Required: ALA-accredited MLS de ­ gree; academ ic background in education or related experience; m inimum of three years’ experience as a reference librarian; d em on­ strated ability to work effectively, independently, and cooperatively with colleagues and students; dem onstrated oral and written com ­ m unications skills. Preferred: Recent experience as an education ref­ erence librarian; graduate course work in the field of education; o ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR READERS’ SERVICES AND DEPUTY CHIEF LIBRARIAN City University of New York Mina Rees Library Graduate School and University Center This is a senior position responsible for the adm inistration of all re a de rs’ services including reference and inform ation services, collection m anagem ent, circulation, reserves, interlibrary loans and cooperation, and b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction activities; and for the further d e ve lop m e n t of autom ated services including on-line search services. Staff of four librarians, one clerk, and g raduate student assistants. As one of tw o associate librarians, contributes to general library planning and direction. Qualifications: MLS from A LA -accredited school and an a dva nce d degree, preferably in the h um ani­ ties or social sciences. Several years of progressively responsible experience in rea de rs’ services in a re­ search or university library, at least three of w hich m ust be at an adm inistrative level. D em onstrated evi­ d e n ce of m an ag e ria l skills; ability to w o rk effe ctively with d o cto ra l faculty, g ra d u a te students, and colleagues; and an u nderstanding of graduate education. C om prehensive know ledge of general refer­ ence and b ib lio g ra p h ic sources and services. A p p o in tm e n t at the rank of Associate Professor. Salary: $40,505-$46,710, d ep e n d in g on experience and qualifications. Six weeks vacation; tw enty days sick leave. Position available S eptem ber 1986. Send letter of application and resume with names and addresses of three references to: Jane R. Moore Chief Librarian Mina Rees Library Graduate School and University Center City University of New York 33 West 42 Street New York, NY 10036 For m axim um consideration, applications should be received no later than June 15, 1986. The City University of New York is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. May 1986 / 369 demonstrated success with database searching; collection manage­ ment experience as an education bibliographer; demonstrated abil­ ity in bibliographic instruction. Send letter of inquiry and resume (in­ c lu d in g names, addresses, and te le p h o n e num be rs of three references) to: Walter H. Roeder, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Li­ brary Secretary, California State Polytechnic University, 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768-4080. Letter of inquiry must be postmarked by July 15, 1986. EEO/AA/Title IX, Section 504 Em­ ployer. ENGINEERING/PHYSICAL SCIENCES/GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN with a Collection Management assignment. Senior as­ sistant librarian. $27 ,324-$32,880 for 12 months; 10-month option available with proportionate salary reduction. Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree; academic background in engineering/phy- sical sciences or related experience; minimum of three years’ experi­ e n ce as a re fe re n c e lib ra ria n ; d e m o n s tra te d a b ility to w o rk effectively, independently, and cooperatively with colleagues and students; demonstrated oral and written communications skills. Pre­ ferred: Recent experience as an engineering/physical sciences ref­ e re n c e lib ra ria n ; g ra d u a te co u rs e w o rk in the fie ld of e n g i­ neering/physical sciences; demonstrated success with database s e a rc h in g ; c o lle c tio n m a n a g e m e n t e x p e rie n c e as an e n g i­ neering/physical sciences bibliographer; demonstrated ability in bibliographic instruction. Send letter of inquiry and resume (includ­ ing names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references) to: Walter H. Roeder, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Library Secre­ tary, California State Polytechnic University, 3801 West Temple Ave­ nue, Pomona, CA 91768-4080. Letter of inquiry must be postmarked by July 15, 1986. EEO/AA/Title IX, Section 504 Employer. HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT, Georgia State University. Re­ sponsible for managing a department of six faculty and seventeen support staff in the cataloging of serials, monographs, maps, micro­ forms, documents, and media in all languages and in all subject ar­ eas, as well as catalog maintenance, creation of machine readable records, and retrospective conversion of records. An online catalog is in its first year of operation and an integrated online circulation sys­ tem will be installed this year. Integrated acquisitions and serials con­ trol systems are to be installed at a later date. Cataloging is per­ form ed through OCLC. The library collection includes 900,000 volumes and 5,000 periodical subscriptions. A library addition is scheduled for completion in 1987 and the library is in the process of re o rg a n iz a tio n . R e q u ire d : a m a s te r’ s d e g re e fro m an ALA- accredited library school: a minimum of 5 years’ professional experi­ ence in a cataloging operation in a medium to large academic or special library including increasingly responsible management ex­ perience; evidence of substantial professional development; dem ­ onstrated leadership, supervisory and planning skills and the ability to communicate and work effectively with staff at all levels; knowl­ edge of AACR2, LC classification, and LC subject headings; work­ ing knowledge of Romance and Germanic languages; experience with a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC or RLIN; and, thorough knowledge of Marc formats for bibliographic data. Preferred: an un­ derstanding of Marc format for authorities and holdings. Tenure track position with faculty rank and status. Salary: minimum $31,000 for twelve months. Available July, 1986. Applications received by June 13, 1986, will receive first consideration. Submit letter of appli­ cation, resume and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Dianne M. Smith, Assistant to the Librarian, William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur St., S.E., Atlanta, GA 30303-3081. An equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. HEAD, MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Indiana State University has implemented the NOTIS online cataloging, ac- quistions, and circulation systems, and is seeking a Head of the new Monographic Cataloging Department which includes copy catalog­ ing (OCLC) and original m onographic cataloging units. The depart­ ment includes three professional catalogers, one OCLC supervisor, four copy catalogers (terminal operators), and student assistants. The Department Head supervises staff and work flow; is responsible for training staff; and coordinates cataloging, OCLC, and NOTIS practices and policies with other departments, especially Serials Cat­ aloging and Catalog Management Department, and Acquisitions Department. May be invited, also, to serve as a Collection Develop­ ment Subject Specialist. Reports to Director of Technical Services. Technical Services Division is subject to further reorganization to take advantage of the online integrated system. Required: ALA- accredited MLS; three years of professional cataloging experience SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Trinity University San Antonio, Texas Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites ap­ plications for the position of Social Sciences Li­ brarian, a faculty appointm ent in a rapidly growing university library. Trinity, with 2300 undergraduates and 400 graduate students, is strongly comm itted to excellence in the liberal arts and sciences tradi­ tion. Scholarly achievem ent is recognized through Phi Beta Kappa and other national honor societies. Selective admissions, highly qualified faculty, and o u ts ta n d in g te a c h in g p ro g ra m s p la c e T rin ity am ong the excellent liberal arts and sciences uni­ versities in the nation. The Library has undertaken an accelerated program of collection development; presently the collection has more than 500,000 vol­ umes of books and bound periodicals (com pared with 300,000 in 1980), plus sizable holdings of gov­ ernm ent docum ents, m icroform s, and non-print items. Primary responsibilities of the position include g en era l re fe re n c e fu n c tio n s , o n lin e c o m p u te r searching, collection developm ent and user educa­ tion in the social sciences, and frequent liaison work between those departm ents and the Library. Qualifications include an appreciation for and com m itm ent to undergraduate liberal arts and sci­ ences education, initiative and creativity, interper­ sonal skills, the ability to function effectively in a com plex organization, strong professional com m it­ ment, interest in research and publishing, and an ALA-accredited MLS. In addition, preference will be given to candidates with an academ ic back­ ground (preferably a graduate degree) in an appli­ cable subject area or with relevant library experi­ ence, preferably in strong liberal arts and sciences institutions, and to those with a strong interest in and enthusiasm for user education and faculty liaison programs. Instructor or Assistant Professor rank with faculty status, including tenure-track. Salary m inim um : $19,000; twelve-month appointm ent; TIAA/CREF and liberal fringe benefits. Send letter of a p p lic a tio n , d e ta ile d resum e, placement file if available, and names of three refer­ ences to: Richard Hume Werking Director of Libraries Maddux Library Trinity University 715 Stadium Drive San Antonio, TX 78284 Applications must be received by May 31,1986. Trinity University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer; we especially enocurage applications from minorities. 370 / C&R L N ew s in an academic library; experience with OCLC, MARC formats, AACR2, LC classification, LC subject headings; and good interper­ sonal and communication skills. Desirable: experience with NOTIS or other online integrated system; experience in supervising. Faculty status, tenure track position. Excellent fringe benefits. Minimum sal­ ary: $22,500, negotiable depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: Betty Bartlett Davis, Chairperson, Library Search Committee, Indiana State Uni­ versity, Terre Haute, IN 47809. To ensure consideration, applica­ tions must be postmarked no later than May 30, 1986. ISU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF SERIALS (Search reopened). The Head of Serials over­ sees daily activities of the Serials Department, supervises one librar­ ian and three assistants, administers serials budget for 3,000 serial records, and oversees an in-house serials automation project. Re­ quirements: MLS, knowledge of serials and supervisory experience. Knowledge of microcomputers preferred. Minimum salary: $23,660. Candidates can expect to be challenged as to the quality and quan­ tity of their work. Send resumes to: Professor Joyce Saltalamachia, New York Law School Library, 57 Worth Street, New York, NY 10013. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD, SERIALS CATALOGING SECTION. Manages the Serials Cataloging Section of the Serials Department which includes one other librarian and three support staff responsible for: serials catalog­ ing, name and series authority work, and volume holdings record management. Serves as liaison to Catalog Department. Qualifica­ tions: MLS from an accredited library school, working knowledge of two foreign languages, preferably French and German. Two years of increasingly independent serials cataloging experience, using an automated system preferred. Demonstrated supervisory abilities. Salary: $20,000-$23,500. Send letter of application and resume, in- HEAD, BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS Arizona State University (Search extended) A new position, reporting to the Associate University Librarian for Technical Services. Responsibilities include administration of copy cataloging on OCLC; maintenance of the database of the online catalog; maintenance and conversion to machine readable form of several paper files, including the shelflist, author­ ity files, serial holdings file, and public serials list; physical processing of serials and monographs, including binding; involvement in planning and implementation of automation; supervision of approximately 30 staff. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; minimum of three years of increasingly responsible post-MLS experience in original cataloging, copy cataloging, or other relevant work with bibliographic records in a large academic/research library; successful supervisory experience, including hiring, training and evaluating personnel; demonstrated organizational abilities and leadership qualities; demonstrated skills in written and oral communication, interpersonal realtions, management, and planning; knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, MARC formats and current issues/trends in biblio­ graphic control, including automation; experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility; evidence of pro­ fessional comm itment and involvement. Preferred: substantial supervisory experience with a large staff; experience with an online catalog. The ASU Libraries brought up an online catalog in January and will install a separate but linked acquisi­ tions and serials check-in system within the next few months. Additional automation and retrospective con­ version activities have been funded, and the main library, which houses technical services, will be signifi­ cantly expanded by 1988. Arizona State University is located in the heart of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. Salary: $30,000 and up, depending on qualifications. Applications should include a letter that specifically addresses the qualifications given above, a current resume, and the names, addresses and phone numbers of four recent references. Please send to: Constance Corey Assistant University Librarian Hayden Library Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287 Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by July 15, 1986, when review will begin. ASU is a committed equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. May 1986 / 371 eluding a list of references, to: Lance Query, Director of Library Re­ search, Analysis, and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by July 15, 1986, will be considered. Northwestern University Library is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Under the direction of the Di­ rector of Libraries organizes and administers all functions essential to the acquisition and bibliographic control of library materials, includ­ ing monographs, serials, and other media. Plans and coordinates acquisitions, cataloging, and serials control activities, inlcuding the optimal use of OCLC and NOTIS for all technical services, and im ple­ ments new programs. Total technical services staff includes four li­ brarians and 25 support staff. Qualifications: ALA/MLS; minimum two years’ successful acquisitions and/or cataloging experience; de­ monstrable ability to administer and coordinate the efforts of others; excellent human relations and communications skills. Faculty sta- tus/rank, tenure track appointment, and good benefits. Minimum sal­ ary: $35,000. The Robert M uldrow Cooper Library is an important research support facility with a collection of 14,000 serials titles and 1,410,000 volumes; total staff includes 23 librarians and 60 support staff. Send letters of application with resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references by June 10, 1986, to: Christopher Gorsuch, Chair, Tech. Services Search Committee, Cooper Library, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-3001. An EEO/AA employer. HISTORICAL CO LLECTIONS CATALOGER, Health Sciences Li­ brary. The College of Physicians of Philadelphia is seeking appli­ cants for the position, available July 1,1986. Responsibilities include original and copy cataloging of pre-1901 m onographs in the Rare Book and Manuscripts Department of the Library. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, 1-2 years’ cataloging experience on OCLC, preferably using NLM classification and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), knowledge of the principles and procedures of descriptive bibliography and rare book terminology, familiarity with rare book bibliographies and other reference tools, and reading knowledge of Latin, German, and French. Excellent fringe benefits. Minimum sal­ ary: $17,000. Submit resume, listing three references to: Curator, Historical Collections, College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 19 South 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARY INSTRUCTIO N/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Assistant Professor, to provide general reference services; coordinate library instruction program, including subject-specific classroom lectures; perform online database searching; and assume responsibility for two ongoing public series— book reviews and a readers theater. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, excellent com munication skills and strong interest in teaching. Prefer experience in academ ic refer­ ence work, library instruction and online database searching. A p ­ pointment date: August 1, 1986. Salary: $18,000 to $20,000 for 10 month contract. Application deadline: May 20, 1986. Send letter of application, resume and list of three references, including telephone numbers to: Larry R. Oberg, Director of the Library, Lewis Clark State College, 8th Avenue and 6th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501-2698. An affirmative action, equal opportunity institute. LIBRARY DO CUM ENTATION COO RDINATO R. New position in the NOTIS office at Northwestern University Library. Coordinates writing and production of system documentation for use by Library personnel at institutions using the NOTIS system. Has primary re­ sponsibility for writing documentation. Plans and coordinates writ­ ing, printing, and distribution of documentation. Supervises one sup­ port staff. Reports to the Manager of the NOTIS Support Services Group. Requirements: successful experience in writing system user documentation or training manuals/handbooks; demonstrated abil­ ity to plan work projects and meet production deadlines. Accredited MLS and two years of Library experience preferred. Applications ac­ cepted until position is filled. Salary: Minimum of $20,000, com m en­ surate with experience. Send letter of application and resume to: Manager of Employment, Northwestern University Personnel Office, 720 University Place, Evanston, IL 60201. AA/EOE. LIFE SCIENCES/GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN with a Col le ction M a n a g e m e n t assignm ent. Senior A ssista nt L ib ra ria n . MANAGER OF INFORMATION SERVICES Northwestern University Northwestern University Library is seeking a M anager of Information Services who will be responsible for the creation and subsequent developm ent and prom otion of a fee-based information services center. Lo­ cated in the Main Library, but organizationally autonom ous from the rest of the Library, the information center will respond to the inform ation needs of corporations, governm ent agencies, and other organiza­ tions, with special emphasis upon but not limited to the Chicago m etropolitan area. The incum bent will be responsible for assessing client information needs and tailoring the appropriate information services, in­ cluding specialized reference and online database searching, maintaining client awareness of latest infor­ mation, and docum ent delivery. Information services will range from ready reference to analysis of litera­ ture. The M anager will adm inister the information center, including developm ent of policy, planning, b u d g e t­ ing, and supervision of staff. He/she will also play an integral role in the planning and developm ent of infor­ mation services in support of a cooperative effort between Northwestern University and the city of Evanston to establish a center devoted to the industrial application of high technology. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school preferred. Familiarity with scientific and/or business literature and com m unications; experience in a special or academ ic library or information facility, experience/training in reference and searching of bibliographic databases, familiarity with current trends in library and information services and autom ated systems; dem onstrated ability to w ork effectively with aca­ demic, corporate, and governm ental professionals, excellent oral and written com m unication skills. Salary: starting salary of $37,000 to $42,000 annually. Send letter of application and resume, including the names and addresses of three references, to: Lance Query Director of Library Research, Analysis, and Personnel Northwestern University Library Evanston, IL 60201 An EEO/AA employer. 372 / C&RL News $27,324-$32,880 for 12 months; 10-month option available with proportionate salary reduction. Required: ALA-accredited MLS de­ gree; academic background in life sciences or related experience; minimum of three years’ experience as a reference librarian; demon­ strated ability to work effectively, independently, and cooperatively with colleagues and students; demonstrated oral and written com­ munications skills. Preferred: Recent experience as a life sciences reference librarian; broad based (both plant and animal) course work in the life sciences; dem onstrated success with database searching; collection management experience as a life sciences bib­ liographer; demonstrated ability in bibliographic instruction. Send letter of inquiry and resume (including names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three references) to: Walter H. Roeder, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Library Secretary, California State Polytech­ nic University, 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768- 4080. Letter of inquiry must be postmarked by July 15, 1986. EEO/AA/Title IX, Section 504 Employer. REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN, Washburn University. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; excellent oral and written communication skills. Preference to candidates with experience in bibliographic instruction and online s e a rch in g . T w e lve -m o n th fa c u lty p o sitio n . Salary: $16,000-$19,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. Responsibilities: Coordinate bibliographic instruction activities, with responsibility for most lectures, preparation of handouts, resource guides, and newly-developed one-credit course. Work approxi­ mately 16-18 hours a week at general reference desk; some night and weekend hours, perform online searches and share responsibil­ ity for collection development in several areas. Other reference du­ ties as assigned. Position available July 1, 1986. Application dead­ line June 10,1986 or until suitable candidate identified. Send letter of application, resume and three current letters of reference to Wilma Rife, Director, Mabee Library, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621. Washburn University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Auraria Library, located in downtown Denver and serving the University of Colorado at Denver, Metropolitan State College and the Community College of Denver, seeks a science reference librarian to work with and support science programs on campus. The science programs of the three schools on the Auraria Campus range from introductory to graduate level courses. Responsibilities of the position include faculty liaison activi­ ties, collection development, reference work, computer assisted re­ search and library instruction. Also required are scholarly activity, faculty committee assignments and professional service. Some eve­ ning and weekend work will be required. Requirements: ALA- accredited master’s degree and relevant academic degree or expe­ rience. Preferred: A ca dem ic degree or expe rience in math, computer science, physics, or health sciences; reference; online searching: teaching experience and strong communication skills. The Auraria Library occupies a unique position as the central point for information services in support of the programs of three diverse academic institutions on one downtown campus. The University of Colorado-Denver, Metropolitan State College and the Community College of Denver serve a combined student FTE of about 20,000 with 1050 FTE faculty and are engaged in programs ranging from vocational to graduate and professional education. The 25 profes­ sional staff and approximately 95 FTE support staff of the Auraria Li­ brary are developing a number of innovative programs stressing a service oriented approach. The Library participates in a cooperative, integrated online catalog system with the Colorado Alliance of Re­ search Libraries. Salary: $17,000-$23,000 for a 12-month contract. Faculty status, tuition benefits, 22 vacation days and TIAA/CREF. All application materials must be postmarked no later than June 1, 1986. Send letter of application, vita, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Betsy Porter, Search Committee Chair, Auraria Library, University of Colorado at Denver, Box 101, Lawrence at 11th St., Denver, CO 80204. University of Colorado is an AA/EO employer. SERIALS CATALOGER. Responsible for cataloging and classifica­ tion of serials in all subject areas. Required: MLS from ALA- accredited school or equivalent; working knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LC subject headings; and reading knowledge of Spanish. Some serials experience and familiarity with OCLC prefer­ red. Appointment at Librarian I or Librarian II level. Minimum salary: $18,000. Liberal benefits. Twelve-month academic appointment. Review of applications will begin May 15, 1986. Position available immediately. Please forward resume and three letters of recommen­ dation to: Kate Maniscalco, Administrative Assistant, Tulane Univer­ sity Libraries, New Orleans, LA 70118-5682. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SERIALS MANAGER, Baruch College/The City University of New York. Responsible for classified serials records management includ­ ing acquisitions; cataloging; updating manual and online files, and revising public catalog and shelflist. Two years’ related experience including working knowledge of AACR2, LC subject headings, name and subject authority work; and experience with OCLC prefer­ red. Candidates for the position must have ALA-accredited MLS for instructor rank; additional subject master's degree for assistant pro­ fessor. Salary from $21,844 for instructor, $23,815 for assistant pro­ fessor (may be flexible depending on qualifications); 35 hour work week; six weeks vacation; generous fringe benefits. Send letter of application and names of three professional references to: Chief Li­ brarian, Baruch College/CUNY, 17 Lexington Avenue, Box 317, New York, NY 10010. AA/EOE. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Search re opened Re sponsible for administration of the Special Collections Library, which encompasses the rare book division, the manuscript division, and the University Archives. Participates in and supervises personnel en­ gaged in organization of materials, reference assistance, collection maintenance, mounting of exhibits, and public relations. Major activ­ ities also include bibliographic instruction, collection development, gift encouragement, and preparation of promotional publications and events. Reports to the Director of Libraries. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; strong liberal arts background, history especially desirable; three years’ experience in a rare book and manuscript re­ pository, preferably in an academic library; familiarity with rare book and manuscript cataloging practices; familiarity with out-of-print and antiquarian book trade; ability to establish cordial relationships with researchers, colleagues, contributors, and the public; command of written and spoken English. Preferred qualifications include addi­ tional graduate degree(s); prior administrative experience. Library faculty must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Tenure-track position. Twenty-four days annual leave. Tuition remis­ sion. Group health insurance. TIAA/CREF or state retirement plan with non-refundable contributions paid by the university. No state in­ come tax. Rank and salary dependent upon education and experi­ ence. Assistant or associate professor: $28,000-$35,000. Send let­ ter of application, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 recent references by June 15, 1986, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO, affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The Myrin Library, Ursinus College, seeks an innovative librarian for the position of Head, Tech­ nical Services Department. Primary responsibilities include the man­ agement of the catalog, acquisitions, and serials departments. Su­ pervises a staff of 2.5 FTE support staff plus student assistants in a highly automated environment that includes OCLC, automated seri­ als and acquisitions systems, and additional microcomputer sup­ port. Responsible for all original cataloging of monographs and seri­ als. A d ditio nal duties include some p u b lic service activities. Qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS, successful manage­ rial experience in an academic library technical services depart­ ment, well developed organizational, communication, and leader­ ship skills, working knowledge of OCLC formats, DDC, AACR2, LCSH. Experience with microcomputers and library automation planning highly desirable. The Myrin Library is currently planning for a renovation and automation project and the appointee is expected to play a major role in the implementation of an integrated library sys­ tem. The position reports to the Library Director and has academic status. Rank and salary are dependent upon experience and qualifi­ cations. Send letter of application, resume, and three current letters of reference to: Charles A. Jamison, Library Director, Myrin Library, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA 19426. To ensure consideration, applications must be received by May 30, 1986. Ursinus College is an equal opportunity employer. UNIVERSITY SALES. Unique business opportunity for MLS with outgoing personality. Publisher of scholarly books and microforms seeks full-time sales representative to market research collections in a wide range of subject areas to university libraries nationwide. Ex­ tensive travel. Background in history or political science a plus. Com­ petitive salary and benefits. Send resume and salary requirements to: Personnel Director, University Publications of America, 44 North Market Street, Frederick, MD, 21701. May 1986 / 373 LATE JOB LISTINGS DIRECTOR, MEDIA RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. Jam es M ad iso n U n i v e r s i t y ’ s C a r r i e r L i b r a r y i s s e e k i n g an i n d i v i d u a l t o d i r e c t i t s M edia R o u rc e s D e p a r t m e n t . The U n i v e r s i t y i s a p u b l i c l y s u p p o r t e d i n s t i t u t i o n o f f e r i n g p r i m a r i l y u n d e r g r a d u a t e p ro g ra m s ( e n r o l l m e n t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 9 ,4 0 0 F T E ). T h e re a r e a l s o g r a d u a t e p ro g ra m s a t th e m a s t e r ’ s l e v e l . M edia R e s o u r c e s , l o c a t e d i n C a r r i e r L i b r a r y , i s com posed o f a p u b l i c a u d i o v i s u a l r e s o u r c e s l a b o r a t o r y , e q u ip m e n t c h e c k - o u t o p e r a t i o n , i n s t r u c t i o n a l e q u ip m e n t r e p a i r f a c i l i t y , f i l m r e n t a l d i v i s i o n and g r a p h i c a r t s / m e d i a p r o d u c t i o n a r e a . The D i r e c t o r w i l l s u p e r v i s e s i x f u l l - t i m e e m p lo y e e s . T h i s i s a f a c u l t y p o s i t i o n , t e n u r e t r a c k , 1 2 -m o n th a p p o i n tm e n t and r e p o r t s to t h e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i a n . B e n e f i t s i n c l u d e 20 d a y s v a c a t i o n p l u s U n i v e r s i t y h o l i d a y s , p a i d BC/BS h e a l t h i n s u r a n c e . R e t i r e m e n t o p t i o n s a r e s t a t e o r TIAA/CREF w i t h th e U n i v e r i s t y m ak in g f u l l c o n t r i b u t i o n . S a l a r y r a n g e i s $ 2 8 , 0 0 0 - $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 . A p p l i c a n t s h o u ld h a v e had a t l e a s t f i v e y e a r s ’ e x p e r i e n c e i n m e d ia m anagem ent a t a s i m i l a r i n s t i t u t i o n . E v id e n c e o f s t r o n g s u p e r v i s o r y a b i l i t i e s t o g e t h e r w i t h th e a b i l i t y to c o o r d i n a t e a c t i v i t i e s o f com plex o p e r a t i o n s , s u p e r i o r i n t e r p e r s o n a l c o m m u n ic a tio n and an o p e n c o l l a b o r a t i v e m anagem ent s t y l e i s e s s e n t i a l . E d u c a t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s a r e MLS ( A L A - a c c r e d i t e d ) a n d / o r a d v a n c e d d e g r e e i n e d u c a t i o n a l t e c h n o l o g y . I n t e r e s t e d i n d i v i d u a l s s h o u l d se n d l e t t e r o f a p p l i c a t i o n , t r a n s c r i p t s , and t h r e e l e t t e r s o f r e c o m m e n d a tio n to D e n n is E. R o b is o n , U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i a n , C a r r i e r L i b r a r y , Jam es M ad iso n U n i v e r s i t y , H a r r i s o n b u r g , VA 2 2 8 0 7 , by May 3 0 , 1 9 8 6 . Jam es M ad iso n U n i v e r s i t y i s an e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y , a f f i r m a t i v e a c t i o n e m p l o y e r . HEAD, PHYSICS/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LIBRARY, N o r t h e a s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y . P l a n and m anage t h e p o l i c i e s , o p e r a t i o n s and s e r v i c e s o f a b r a n c h u n i t . P r o v i d e r e f e r e n c e and o n l i n e s e a r c h s e r v i c e s , b i b l i o g r a p h i c i n s t r u c t i o n and c o n s u l t a t i o n , and c o l l e c t i o n d e v e lo p m e n t i n p h y s i c s and e l e c t r i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g . M a i n t a i n e f f e c t i v e f a c u l t y / s t u d e n t r e l a t i o n s . H ir e and s u p e r v i s e p a r t - t i m e s t a f f . O c c a s i o n a l e v e n in g and w eekend d u t y . P a r t i c i p a t e i n c o m m itte e s and o t h e r l i b r a r y / p r o f e s s i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s . Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s : A L A - a c c r e d it e d MLS; 2 y e a r s ’ p r o f e s s i o n a l a c a d e m i c / r e s e a r c h l i b r a r y e x p e r i e n c e , i n c l u d i n g r e f e r e n c e and o n l i n e s e a r c h i n g . E x c e l l e n t c o m m u n ic a tio n , o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , i n t e r p e r s o n a l , s u p e r v i s o r y , p l a n n i n g and a n a l y t i c a l s k i l l s . S e l f - m o t i v a t e d , s e r v i c e - o r i e n t e d . U n d e r s t a n d i n g o f i n s t r u c t i o n a l and s c h o l a r l y r e s e a r c h m e t h o d o l o g i e s , and o f t r e n d s i n s c i e n c e / t e c h n o l o g y p u b l i s h i n g and i n h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n . E d u c a t i o n i n th e p h y s i c a l s c i e n c e s o r e n g i n e e r i n g , o r e x p e r i e n c e w o rk in g w i t h i t s l i t e r a t u r e d e s i r a b l e . $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 m inim um , d e p e n d in g upon q u a l i f i c a t i o n s o r e x p e r i e n c e . Send a p p l i c a t i o n l e t t e r , r e s u m e , and names o f t h r e e r e f e r e n c e s by May 3 1 , 1 9 8 6 , t o : A d m i n i s t r a t i v e O f f i c e , 211 D odge, N o r t h e a s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s , 360 H u n t i n g t o n A v e ., B o s to n , MA 0 2 1 1 5 . N o r t h e a s t e r n i s an EEO/AA e m p lo y e r . HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN. A v a i l a b l e F a l l 1 9 8 6 . E m p h a sis on b i b l i o g r a p h i c i n s t r u c t i o n . R e s p o n s i b l e f o r c o l l e c t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t , f a c u l t y l i a i s o n i n a s s i g n e d s u b j e c t a r e a s and g e n e r a l r e f e r e n c e s e r v i c e . R e q u i r e d : MLS fro m A L A - a c c r e d it e d l i b r a r y s c h o o l ; a c a d e m ic r e f e r e n c e e x p e r i e n c e ; b i b l i o g r a p h i c i n s t r u c t i o n o r t e a c h i n g ; o n l i n e s e a r c h i n g . S econd m a s t e r ’ s n e e d e d f o r t e n u r e . B ro ad b a c k g r o u n d i n H u m a n i t i e s . S a l a r y r a n g e : $ 2 0 ,5 1 7 - $ 2 2 ,6 2 1 m inim um . F a c u l t y s t a t u s , TIAA/CREF. I n t e r v i e w i n g a t ALA New Y o rk . A p p ly w i t h f u l l r e s u m e , p l u s nam es and c u r r e n t a d d r e s s e s / t e l e p h o n e num bers o f t h r e e r e f e r e n c e s by J u n e 1 0 , 1 9 8 6 , t o : L o u i s e F r a d k i n , C h a i r , S e a r c h C o m m itte e , T r e n t o n S t a t e C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , CN550 H illw o o d L a k e s , T r e n t o n , NJ 0 8 6 2 5 . EEO/AA. LIBRARY DIRECTOR, C i t y o f S a n ta A na, C a l i f o r n i a ( p o p u l a t i o n 2 2 5 , 0 0 0 ) . S a l a r y : 374 / C&R L N ew s $ 4 ,1 0 9 t o $ 5 ,8 0 5 /m o n th , d e p e n d in g on q u a l i f i c a t i o n s . R e p o r t s to E x e c u tiv e D i r e c t o r , C i t y ’ s C u l t u r a l , R e c r e a t i o n and Community S e r v i c e s Agency and s e r v e s a s s t a f f to L i b r a r y A d v is o ry B o a rd . R e s p o n s ib le f o r d a y - t o - d a y o p e r a t i o n and s h o r t and lo n g te rm p la n n in g f o r C i t y ’ s L i b r a r y S y ste m . R e q u i r e s M a s te r of L i b r a r y S c ie n c e w ith P h.D p r e f e r r e d . Minimum e i g h t y e a r s a s head l i b r a r i a n o r a s s i s t a n t l i b r a r i a n . P r e f e r m u l t i - c u l t u r a l e x p e r i e n c e p l u s k n o w led g e o f b u d g e t and f i n a n c e , p e r s o n n e l , p l a n n i n g , c o l l e c t i o n m an ag em en t, te le c o m m u n i c a t i o n s and i n f o r m a t i o n r e s o u r c e s y s t e m s . Send re su m e s t o : K o r n / F e r r y I n t e r n a t i o n a l , A t t n . : Jim B. C l a r k e , 1800 C e n tu r y P a r k E a s t , S u i t e 9 0 0 , Los A n g e le s , CA 9 0 0 6 7 . MUSIC LIBRARIAN. L i b r a r i a n I I o r I I I . A v a i l a b l e A u g u st 1 5 , 1986. A d m i n i s t e r s t h e M axw ell M usic L i b r a r y , a d e p a r tm e n t o f th e H o w a r d - T ilto n M em o rial L i b r a r y , w ith a c o l l e c t i o n o f a b o u t 3 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s , p l u s s e r i a l s , s c o r e s and AV m a t e r i a l s . R e p o r t s to th e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i a n . S u p e r v i s e s a s t a f f o f 3 FTE s u p p o r t s t a f f p l u s s t u d e n t w o r k e r s . D u t i e s i n c l u d e r e f e r e n c e , c o l l e c t i o n d e v e lo p m e n t, and b i b l i o g r a p h i c i n s t r u c t i o n . Works c l o s e l y w ith m u sic c a t a l o g e r . Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s : R e q u i r e d : ALA-acc r e d i t e d MLS o r e q u i v a l e n t , u n d e r g r a d u a t e d e g r e e i n m u s ic , r e a d i n g k n o w led g e o f m a jo r E u ro p e a n l a n g u a g e s , e s p e c i a l l y G erm an, one y e a r o f r e l e v a n t p r o f e s s i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e . H ig h ly d e s i r a b l e : g r a d u a t e d e g r e e i n m u s ic , s e v e r a l y e a r s o f r e l e v a n t l i b r a r y e x p e r i e n c e , f a m i l i a r i t y w i t h l i b r a r y a u to m a te d s y s t e m s . S a l a r y and b e n e f i t s : L i b r a r i a n I I minimum $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 ; L i b r a r i a n I I I , $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 . L i b e r a l b e n e f i t s , i n c l u d i n g im m e d ia te t u i t i o n e x e m p tio n f o r s e l f and d e p e n d e n t s . R eview of a p p l i c a t i o n s w i l l b e g in J u n e 15, 1986. Send l e t t e r o f a p p l i c a t i o n , r e s u m e , and nam es and t e l e p h o n e num bers o f t h r e e r e f e r e n c e s to K a te M a n is c a l c o , A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t , T u la n e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s , New O r l e a n s , LA 7 0 1 1 8 -5 6 8 2 . T u la n e U n i v e r s i t y i s an e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y , a f f i r m a t i v e a c t i o n e m p lo y e r . PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN (New p o s i t i o n ) . R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s i n c l u d e : s u p e r v i s i o n o f i n s t r u c t i o n a l m edia and c u r r i c u l u m c e n t e r , d e v e lo p m e n t of b i b l i o g r a p h i c and a u d i o - v i s u a l i n s t r u c t i o n f o r t e a c h e r e d u c a t i o n p ro g ra m , g e n e r a l r e f e r e n c e , and p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n c o l l e c t i o n d e v e lo p m e n t. Some weekend and e v e n in g h o u r s . Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS, o u tg o i n g p e r s o n a l i t y , w i l l i n g n e s s to assum e new r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , s u p p o r t i v e o f a C h r i s t i a n l i b e r a l a r t s c o l l e g e . Minimum two y e a r s ’ e x p e r i e n c e . T w elv e -m o n th a d m i n i s t r a t i v e s t a f f a p p o in tm e n t w i t h f a c u l t y s t a t u s . A v a i l a b l e J u l y 1 , 1986. S a l a r y c o m p e t i t i v e d e p e n d in g on e x p e r i e n c e , $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 minimum. Send l e t t e r o f a p p l i c a t i o n , v i t a , t r a n s c r i p t s , and names o f t h r e e r e f e r e n c e s , to be r e c e i v e d by J u n e 1 , 1 9 8 6 , t o : Lee B ow ker, P r o v o s t , A u g u sta n a C o l l e g e , 2 9 th & Sum m it, S io u x F a l l s , SD 57197. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN w i t h p r im a r y r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r s e r i a l s . M anages s e r i a l s c o l l e c t i o n , p a r t i c p a t e s i n p r o v i d i n g r e f e r e n c e s e r v i c e s , B . I . , and o c c a s i o n a l c a t a l o g i n g . I n c l u d e s e v e n in g /w e e k e n d h o u r s . Second m a s t e r ’ s , c o l l e g e l i b r a r y e x p e r i e n c e DIALOG o r BRS, and t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e on c o l l e g e o r s e c o n d a r y l e v e l d e s i r a b l e . A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS and a d e m o n s t r a te d com m itm ent to an a c t i v e r o l e f o r th e l i b r a r y i n a C h r i s t i a n l i b e r a l a r t s e n v iro n m e n t r e q u i r e d . E le v e n -m o n th s a l a r y : $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 and u p , d e p e n d in g upon e x p e r i e n c e , q u a l i f i c a t i o n s and f i n a l b u d g e t a r y a p p r o v a l . F a c u l t y p o s i t i o n w ith a l l a t t e n d a n t b e n e f i t s and r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . TIAA/CREF. N o rth P a r k C o lle g e i s an a c c r e d i t e d C h r i s t i a n l i b e r a l a r t s c o l l e g e on th e n o r t h s i d e o f C h ic a g o , and a f f i l i a t e d w ith t h e E v a n g e l i c a l C o v en an t C h u rc h . EEO/AA e m p lo y e r . Send l e t t e r o f a p p l i c a t i o n , resu m e and names o f t h r e e c u r r e n t r e f e r e n c e s t o : D .E. G r o s s , L i b r a r y D i r e c t o r , N o rth P a r k C o l l e g e , 3225 W est F o s t e r , C h ic a g o , IL 6 0 6 2 5 . D e a d lin e May 1 5 , 1986 o r u n t i l p o s i t i o n i s f i l l e d . May 1986 / 375 376 / C&RL News ACRL Publications in Librarianship — Your special perspective on the profession. Series titles currently available: 3 9 . Libraries for Teaching, Libraries for Research: Essays for a Century, Richard D. Johnson, ed. "... a m u st for all library school s tu d e n ts in te re ste d in academ ic librarianship.” ARBA 78 $15.00cl. 259p. 0247-2 (use o rd e r c o d e 3196-0) 1977 4 0 . Book Selling a n d Book Buying: A spects of th e N ineteenth-C entury British a n d N orth A m erican Book Trade, R ichard G. Landon, ed. ”... th e se essays, five of th e m on bookselling a n d tw o ... on book collecting, fit to g eth er adm irably.” Book C ollectors M arket $15.00cl. 118p. 3224-X 1979 4 1 . 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