ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries NEWS No. 2, February 1969 ACRL News Issue (B ) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 30, No. 1 From Inside the DLSEF By D r. K a t h a r i n e M. St o k e s College and University Library Specialist, Library Planning and Development Branch, Division of Library Services and Educational Facilities, U.S. Office of Education, Washing­ ton, D.C. 20202. Since the inception of the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963, over 800 library facili­ ties have received Federal aid. Construction of new libraries and remodelling of existing facili­ ties have been assisted by Title I grants for undergraduate facilities, Title II grants for graduate facilities, and Title III loans. In the Library Journal’s December 1 issues for 1967 and 1968, Dr. Jerrold Orne’s statis­ tical surveys of the year’s work in college and university library architecture reported build­ ings occupied or dedicated in those years. All but 23 of the libraries listed in both surveys have received Federal aid under Titles I, II or III of HEFA. Title I grants come from the Federal allot­ ments made to States. The State commissions established to administer State plans receive applications and assign priorities to eligible projects. The priority list is then submitted to the OE regional office. The projects ranked by the States which are within the State allot­ ment are reviewed by the OE regional office and the regional engineer for eligibility. Those projects which satisfy both reviews are ap­ proved by the Regional Director of Higher Education for awards. For Title III loans, in­ stitutions submit applications to the OE regional office. Financial review, recommenda­ tion for approval, and post-approval actions are performed in Washington, D.C., by the Facilities Loans Section, Program Operations Branch, Division of College Facilities. The loans are awarded by the Regional Director of Higher Education. Listed herewith are 12 libraries that were in Dr. Orne’s surveys and eligible for Title II (H E F A ) grants as graduate facilities, with the amounts awarded under each HEFA Title. Ap­ plications for Title II grants are submitted directly to Dr. Olof Stamberg, Chief, Grad­ uate Facilities Branch, Bureau of Higher Ed­ ucation. From the 1967 December Library Journal Survey Title I Title II Title III Fiscal Grant Grant Loan Year Michigan State University, East Lansing $1,000,000 1966 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee $ 475,766 1965 756,156 1966 $1,425,000 1967 (Continued on page 37) 34 A N E W B I - W E E K L Y C O M P U T E R - B A S E D I N D E X S C I E N C E • M E D I C I N E • T E C H N O L O G Y PANDEX CURRENT INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LITERATURE Comprehensive coverage o f: • 1,900 Journals • 6,000 Books • 35,000 US Government Technical Reports NOW IN PRINT N O W , IN ONE SO U R C E, find in f o r m a tio n on c u r r e n t jo u r n a l a r tic le s , b o o k s, a n d U .S. t e c h n i­ c a l re p o rts in a ll s ig n ific a n t s c ie n tific , m e d ica l, o r te c h n ic a l a r e a s . P u b lish e d e v e r y tw o w eek s in p r i n t e d form . A ll lit e r a tu r e title s a r e co m p u te r -in d e x e d u n d e r fr o m 6 to 20 d iffe r e n t s u b je c t h e a d in g s. G o d i­ r e c tly to y o u r s u b je c t a n d find th e lit e r a tu r e im ­ p o r ta n t to y o u r field o f in te r e s t. N o d o u b le loo k-u p . A n A u th o r In d ex le ts you know w ho is d oing w h at. P rice of PANDEX C u r r e n t I n d e x t o S c i e n t i f ic a n d T e c h n i c a l L i t e r a t u r e is $360 for a 12-month bi-weekly subscription. In a special introductory offer, those who su bscribe p rior to F eb ru ary 15, 1969 receive the first 26 issues fo r $295. T o d is c o v e r how m u lti-d is c ip lin a r y a n in d ex c a n b e , ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f th e in tr o d u c to r y o ffe r —o r w rite f o r a fr e e sa m p le . T r ia l s u b s c rip tio n s a r e h o n o red . I f n o t sa tisfie d a f t e r a m o n th , th e r e is n o o b lig a tio n . INTRODUCTORY O FFER- S A V E $65 PANDEX CCM Information Sciences, Inc., Dept. CRL4 A SUBSIDIARY OF CROWELL COLLIER AND MACMILLAN, INC. 866 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 □ Please enter my subscription to Pandex Current Index to Scientific and Technical Litera­ ture at the introductory price of $295 □ Please send sample and more information n a m e ______________________________________________________________________________________________ TITLE____________________________________________________________________________________________ LIBRARY_________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY________________________________________STATE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP______________________ 37 FROM INSIDE T H E D L S E F (C on tin u ed fr o m p a g e 3 3 ) University of Hawaii, Honolulu ( Grad, research) $1,088,000 1965 George Washington University Law School, $ 529,100 1965 Washington, D.C. $ 701,000 1968 From the 1968 December Library Journal Survey Title I Title II Title 111 Fiscal Grant Grant Loan Year Indiana University, Bloomington $2,656,000 1965 $2,132,454 1966 $4,000,000 1967 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis $ 939,130 $1,885,616 1965 266,382 1966 Duke University, Durham, N.C. (addition) $1,275,117 1965 926,143 1967 Tulane University, New Orleans, La. 475,253 1965 $1,327,833 1965 Ohio University, Athens 536,304 1965 1,000,000 1966 Rutgers, New Brunswick, N.J. (Science and 730,126 1966 M edicine) Princeton University, N.J. ( annex-storage) 185,965 1966 ( math-physics) 155,735 1967 Part of a $14 million building supported by a Title II grant in 1965 and a Title I grant in 1966 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 286,207 250,000 1966 ■ ■ Think small!....... CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS on Microfilm 1 Volum e (26 1 Vo lu m e (26 Issu es) o f Issu e s) o f • It you would like to pack a lot into a small space, C HEM IC AL A B S TRA C TS C HEM IC AL ABS TRA C TS CH EM ICAL ABSTRACTS on Microfilm will suit your needs. 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