ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 52 Personnel In the appointment of R i c h a r d L . O ’K e e f f e as librarian of Rice University, the Houston academic community can be assured of con­ tinued support for significant cooperative library efforts. Since his coming to Rice in 1960 as assistant li­ brarian and science li­ brarian, he has been in th e forefront of such useful projects as the publication of the Texas List of Scien­ tific and Technical Seria l P u b lic a tio n s, and the extension of Mr. O ’Keeffe in t e r lib r a r y s h a rin g among Rice, the Medical Center libraries, and the University of Houston. More recently he has served as the first director of th e Regional Information and Communications Exchange, a network of libraries serving business and industry along the Texas Gulf Coast. Since library interdependence continues to grow, these accomplishments augur well for O’Keeffe’s success. Dick O’Keeffe is a native Bostonian, w ith a PhB degree from Mount Carmel College, an MS in LS degree from LSU, and additional study toward the doctoral degree at the Uni­ versity of Illinois. Prior to coming to Rice he held the position of acquisitions librarian and then librarian of th e main technical library at Los Alamos. D uring this period in the Southwest he has been active in the state and regional associations as well as ALA and SLA on the national scene. His election to membership in Beta Phi Mu attests to his humane and scholarly interests. Ultimately, of course, the chief librarian is judged by how well he serves his local con­ stituency. Faculty and students w ant good li­ brary service and demand increasing amounts of it. On this score Dick should do well. He has already worked closely with the faculty and students. Their respect can be seen in the fact that he was the unanimous choice of the Faculty Library Committee to become Rice’s fourth chief librarian, succeeding Hardin Craig, Jr., who now returns to the full-time teaching of history at Rice, where he has long held a full professorship. Dick also has the respect and loyalty of the staff, a tribute to his approachability and his interest in staff development. In private institutions, especially, it is in­ creasingly im portant th a t the chief librarian be a successful fund raiser. As director of RICE and as a faculty member of Rice’s suc­ cessful 33 Million Dollar Campaign Committee, O’Keeffe has had good training for this phase of his new task. This preparation should serve him in good stead as he seeks to fund in­ creased services and resources to m eet Rice’s expanding graduate programs. Those of us in the Houston area congratu­ late Rice University on Dick O’Keeffe’s ap­ pointment as librarian. W e know him to be a competent, personable, and dedicated pro­ fessional, who works well w ith his colleagues. T hat these talents have been recognized and rew arded on his own campus gives us both pride in our profession and promise for even more vigorous library development at Rice in the years immediately ahead.—Edward G. Holley, University o f Houston Scion of th e distinguished Hamlin family of Maine, A r t h u r T. H a m l i n , after almost tw enty years as a westernized Yankee, has re­ turned east, not all the way to New E ng­ land, but w ithin easy distance. In a second sense, however, per­ haps Philadelphia is home, for some eight years of bibliothecal maturation were spent there, some happy years were lived in a farm cottage in sub­ u r b a n W a llin g fo rd , while some productive Mr. Hamlin years were devoted to the renaissance of the University of Pennsyl­ vania library under the inspired leadership of Charles W. David. Thus Hamlin’s move to Temple University as director of libraries is as no stranger to th e Philadelphia scene. This writer earned his first money in a library substituting one afternoon for Arthur Hamlin in the poetry room on the top floor of H arvard’s W idener Library. After the early years in the H arvard College library following his graduation in 1934, came library school at Columbia and, as for all of us then under KDM influence, a year at the New York P ub­ lic Library. His marriage to Pauline (Polly) Randolph, the pretty Radcliffe girl in the W idener treasure room, was in the fall of 1939. At the University of Pennsylvania (inter­ rupted by a tour of duty as a research analyst in the Office of Naval Intelligence in W ashing­ ton) Arthur Hamlin faced the problems of re­ vitalizing public services in the university li­ 53 brary, at th at tim e in an out-dated nineteenth century building. His understanding of service needs was well bolstered by his imagination and vision. Some of his experimentation was described in College & Research Libraries, January, 1950. Then came the call to Chicago as executive secretary of ACRL. This was during a de­ velopmental stage in ACRL history, and Arthur Hamlin worked hard at administrative organi­ zation in Chicago, at th e development of C&RL, and in official and personal relation­ ships w ith libraries the length and breadth of the land. Nor should Polly’s support during this tim e be overlooked, for, while her hus­ band traveled, she nursed three children through more illnesses than any one family has reason to expect. Since then the work for ALA has continued through service on council and many committees, perhaps those activities closest to A rthur’s heart being those relating to the grants program, the role of the library in independent study, and aid to Italian li­ braries. At the University of Cincinnati, an institu­ tion still not yet ready to compensate non­ professional library staff even on a level com­ parable to th e rest of th e university, ATH sought to secure adequate administrative sup­ port and, especially by means of his delicious N ew s Notes from the Library, to develop th at library-faculty communication th at sometimes seems so elusive amidst today’s academic rat race. D uring this period he was fortunate to be granted extended leaves of absence for investigation and lecturing abroad on Ful­ bright fellowships, and these resulted in pu b ­ lished studies of Italian and English libraries. The experience put him in good position to go from E ngland to Italy as ALA’s observer, re­ porter, and adviser at th e time of the Florence floods. Unfortunately the University of Cin­ cinnati fell into the recent all too familar trap of proliferating graduate programs w ithout re­ gard to library collections or their proper de­ velopment, and Hamlin left Cincinnati with M O VIN G If you are changing your mailing address, please be sure to let ALA know at least six weeks in advance. Important: Please send ALA both your old and new addresses plus the date you would like the change made. (A copy of your address label clipped to your notice would help.) M e m b e rs h ip R e co rd s A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n 5 0 Ea st H u ro n S tre e t C h ic a g o , I llin o is 6 0 6 1 1 some of the dreams of a dozen years for th at institution unfilled. The cultural aspects of Cincinnati appealed, b u t these will be refreshingly renewed in Philadelphia. Perhaps the histories of the Harvard Clubs of Boston, Chicago and of Cin­ cinnati will be joined by one on the Harvard Club of Philadelphia. In Philadelphia also we expect th a t th e talents, skills, and facile pen that will blend from three decades of academic library experience will find their full flowering in Temple’s new library.—W alter W . W right, Dartmouth College A P P O I N T M E N T S J o h n D. A m b r i a n o has joined the San D i­ ego State College library staff as assistant sciences ^librarian. H e n r y T. A r m i s t e a d is now acquisitions librarian at Jefferson Medical College, Phil­ adelphia, Pa. C h a r l e s R . B a n d y has accepted th e posi­ tion of librarian at Kentucky Southern College, Louisville, Ky. D a v i d B o l o t i n e is now assistant head, cata­ log department, in the library a t th e State University of New York, Stony Brook. N i l s B r i s k a is now serials bibliographer in charge of central serials records in the library a t the State University of New York, Stony Brook. M r s . H e n r i e t t a F. B r u c e has been named acting head, audio-visual departm ent in the library at Pennsylvania Military Colleges, Chester, Pa. M r s . J u l i e B . B u r n s is now associate li­ brarian at Delaware State College, Dover, Del. D o u g l a s P. B u s h has been nam ed associate director of libraries for reader services at San Diego State College. R u t h J. B u z b y has been appointed serials cataloger at Pennsylvania State University li­ brary. A l b e r t C a r l s o n has been appointed library director at College Misericordia, Dallas, Pa. M r s . B e t t y N. C a r s o n has been appointed librarian I in th e biology library at th e Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley. R e b e c c a R . C a s t i l l o has joined th e staff of Temple University school of law as assistant circulation-reference librarian. M r s . T u n g - C h u L. C h e n is now a general reference librarian a t Drexel Institute of Tech­ nology. B a r b a r a M. C h r i s t y has been appointed assistant map room librarian at the University of California, Santa Barbara. C o r a Y u n g - C h i n g C h u has joined the staff of Glassboro State College, Glassboro, N.J., as a cataloger. N e a l C o i l has been appointed assistant pro­ fessor of library science at Ball State Univer­ sity library. 54 M r s . A d e l e C o m b s has been appointed ref­ erence assistant at Northwestern University li­ brary. M r s . B a r b a r a L. C u r t i s is now a cataloger at Haverford College library, Haverford, Pa. M r s . D o r i s C r u g e r D a l e has accepted a position as assistant professor in the departm ent of instructional materials at Southern Illinois University. H i r a m L . D a v i s has accepted the position of head reference librarian at Muskingum Col­ lege, New Concord, Ohio. I r e n e J. D o n n e l l y has been appointed as professional assistant, reserve book section, at Temple University library. M r s . E l s a l y n P. D r u c k e r is now a pro­ fessional assistant in serials at Monmouth Col­ lege library, W est Long Branch, N.J. H e l e n V. D u n g a n has been appointed as­ sistant cataloger at Lafayette College library, Easton, Pa. R h e d a E p s t e i n has accepted a position as cataloger at the University of South Florida library. M a r y P. F e e n e y is now an associate cata­ loger a t Kenyon College library, Gambier, Ohio. M r s . L y d i a B. F o r b e s has been named ref­ erence librarian at Blackburn College, Carlin- ville, I11. M r s . H e l e n B. F o x has accepted th e posi­ tion of instructor of library science and super­ visor of the library science library at W estern Illinois University. M r s . E l e a n o r F r e i s e m is now assistant ref­ erence librarian at Amherst College. J o h n E. G a l e j s has been nam ed coordi­ nator of resource development at Iowa State University libr ry. P a u l W . G a r r e t t has joined th e staff of Rutgers University school of law as assistant law librarian. M r s . C a t h e r i n e C . G l a s s is now instructor­ cataloger in th e library of Millersville State College, Millersville, Pa. L e s l i e D. G u n d y has joined the staff of the American Philosophical Society, history and philosophy departm ent, University of Pennsyl­ vania, as a consultant. T h o m a s R. G w i n u p is now an assistant h u ­ manities librarian at San Diego State College. D a v i d A. H a l e s is now assistant acquisi­ tions librarian at Temple University. M i c h a e l R. H a l p e r i n has joined th e staff of th e Templana division of Temple University library as a professional assistant. P h y l l i s H a r l a n d has been appointed cur­ riculum laboratory librarian and instructor of library science at Ball State University. M a r g a r e t C. H a r p e r is now assistant chief of the catalog division in charge of serials at Stanford University libraries. M r s . E v e l y n J . H a r r i s h a s b e e n n a m e d education and curriculum materials librarian a t San Diego State College. I r e n e E . H a r t z m a n is a new assistant ref­ erence librarian at th e University of Pennsyl­ vania. J e a n H o l c o m b e has been appointed assist­ ant in cataloging and instructor of library sci­ ence at Ball State University. M r s . M a r y M . H o l l a n d has been appointed cataloger at Rider College library, Trenton, N . J . M r s . S a r a h B. J u b i n s k i is now a profes­ sional assistant in the library at N orthampton County Area Community College, Bethlehem, Pa. M r s . N a n c y S . K l a t h has been named serial s-aćquisitions librarian at Princeton Uni­ versity. G a b o r K o v a t s has been appointed library bibliographer and associate professor of library science at Ball State University. M r s . H e l e n E L e o b o l d t i is now hum ani­ ties librarian at San Diego State College. M r s . B a r b a r a C o p e L e s l e y has been ap­ pointed reference librarian at th e University of Delaware. R i c h a r d L u c e , formerly assistant director of ALA’s Library Technology Program, has joined th e staff of the M ontana State Univer­ sity, Bozeman, as assistant professor and ref­ erence librarian. I r w i n K . L u k e r has accepted the position of science librarian at the University of Utah. J o s e p h L u k s i c is now reference and serials librarian at College Misericordia, Dallas, Pa. J a m e s R . M c A u l i f f e has been named librar­ ian at Pierce Junior College, Philadelphia, Pa. M a r y M c C a l l has been appointed assistant professor of library science at Ball State U ni­ versity. E l e a n o r M c K e e has been nam ed head, order searching unit, at Iowa State University library. V i r g i n i a L . M a n l y has joined the staff of Philadelphia College of Textiles and Sciences as serials librarian. B i l l y B . M a n s o n is now librarian I at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Can­ ada. M r s . M a r i l y n A . M a r t i n is a bibliographer at San Diego State College. M rs. L y n n e J . M a s t e r s has accepted the position of public documents librarian a t the University of Minnesota. B a r b a r a A . M a x w e l l has been appointed assistant cataloger at Shepherd College library, Shepherdstown, W.Va. M i l d a M . M e l n i k a s has joined the staff of th e Community College of Philadelphia as librarian I . S t e p h e n K . M e t z g e r is now documents librarian at Wisconsin State University, La- Crosse. 55 M r s . L i d i e V. Z. M i l l e r is now a cataloger at Rocky Mountain College, Billings, Montana. R o b e r t L. N a y has been appointed assistant law librarian at Temple University school of law. Mns. S u s a n H. N e i l s o n is now a cataloger at American University library. B a r b a r a I. N e w t o n has accepted the posi­ tion of head, technical services at the medical school library, University of Pennsylvania. W i l l i a m N y e has been appointed reference service librarian and assistant professor of li­ brary science at Ball State University. M i g u e l A. O r t i z is now a librarian I at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, P.R. D a v i d O y l e r has been appointed assistant director for public services at the University of W ashington libraries. C a t h e r i n e E. P a b s t has been appointed as an assistant in th e order departm ent of the library at Bryn Mawr College. M r s . R e b e c c a B. P a d g e t t has joined the staff of the catalog departm ent in the library at the University of California, Berkeley. F r e d M. P e t e r s o n has been named assistant director at Iowa State University library. J o s e p h J . P e t r a i t i s has joined the staff of the instructional media center, Temple Univer­ sity, as a librarian I. N o e l C. P f l u g f e l d e r has been named as­ sistant acquisitions librarian at Long Island University, C. W. Post College. F r a n c i s P i e r c e is now circulation-reference librarian at Temple University school of law. P a u l i n e E . P o r t m a n is an assistant catalog librarian at San Diego State College. E d w i n D. P o s e y has been appointed engi­ neering librarian at Princeton University. G w y n n e H. R e e s e is now assistant acqui­ sitions librarian at E ast Stroudsburg State Col­ lege, E ast Stroudsburg, Pa. L e o n E. R o w e has been appointed librarian a t Pennsylvania State University, York Campus. M r s . E l i z a b e t h A. R u s s e l l is an assistant catalog librarian at San Diego State College. B r i a n S a n d e r s has been appointed as an associate librarian at Lehigh University. M r s . R h o d a F. S a n d l e r is now a cataloger of audio-visual materials at Montgomery Coun­ ty Community College, Conshohocken, Pa. C a r l C. S c h m i d t has been appointed as­ sistant librarian at Atlantic County Community College, Atlantic City, N.J. L u c i e n n e S e j o r has been appointed catalog­ ing librarian at the American Museum of N at­ ural History. M r s . M a r g a r e t E. S i g l e r has joined the staff of Camden County College, Blackwood, N.J., as assistant librarian. M r s . V i o l e t R . S m i t h is now acting librar­ ian at Cheyney State College, Cheyney, Pa. M r s . J o a n n P. S o p e r is an assistant social sciences librarian at San Diego State College. M r s . M a r y E. S p e n c e r has been appointed assistant librarian at Hagerstown Junior Col­ lege, Hagerstown, Md. M r s . J o y c e J . S t a h l has been named cat- aloger-periodicals librarian at Pittsburgh Theo­ logical Seminary. M r s . D e b o r a h C. T a y l o r has accepted the position of reference-circulation librarian at Eastern Baptist College, St. Davids, Pa. W i l l i a m R . T h o m p s o n is now documents reference librarian at the University of Massa­ chusetts. D a r i a T u is now assistant serials librarian, Purdue University. M a n u e l T u b i o , J r . has been named assist­ ant professor of library science at the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minn. D a v i d J . W a r t l u f t is now a reference as­ sistant in the library at Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. M r s . J e a n B. W a t s o n has accepted a posi­ tion at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. M r s . A i m e e L. W e i s is now a professional assistant in the library of th e Community Col­ lege of Philadelphia. M r s . R o s a m o n d W e t m o r e has been ap­ pointed assistant professor of library science at Ball State University. M r s J a n e J . W i l l i t s has been named head of technical services, Lincoln University, Lin­ coln University, Pa. M r s . S h e i l a W i r t h has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at St. Procopius College, Lisle, I11. M r s . J o a n J . W o o d is now assistant librarian at Somerset College, Green Brook, N.J. M r s . M u r i e l W o o d has been appointed as­ sistant chief librarian of the health sciences library at the University of Washington. D a n i e l J . Y e h has been appointed cataloger at W est Chester State College, W est Chester, Pa. N E C R O L O G Y E v e l y n G. W i m e r s b e r g e r , former head of the catalog departm ent at Iowa State Univer­ sity until 1964, died on October 7, 1968. R E T I R E M E N T S H. G l e n n B r o w n has retired after twenty- four years of service as chief reference librarian at Brown University. D o r o t h y K e l l e r , head of the acquisitions departm ent at the University of California library, Berkeley, since 1941 will retire in March 1969. A d d i e E. S m i t h retired in October 1968 after more than tw enty years of service in the catalog departm ent at the University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. ■ ■ 56 Fr o m s e a r c h T O P R IN T o u t : i n Le s s t h a n 2 M in . INFORMATION DYNAMICS CORPORATION 57 S e a rc h in g o u t a n d ty p in g an LC e n try ta k e s u p to 20 m in ­ u te s. It m e a n s in-filing a n d out-filing. A n d sk ille d p e r s o n ­ n e l to h a n d le it. B ut n o w it can b e d o n e in le ss th a n tw o m in u te s . . . ev e n by c le ric a l p e rso n n e l. T h e n e w w a y is th e M ic ro ­ g ra p h ic C atalo g R e trie v a l S y ste m th a t a u to m a te s y o u r se a rc h a n d p r in t- o u t p ro c e ­ d u re s . B a sically w e h a v e d o n e th e filing a n d lo o k -u p s fo r you, g iving y o u a q u ick - find in d e x b y b o th LC C ard N u m b e r a n d M ain E n try . You h a v e o n ly to s e le c t th e p r o p e r M i c r o f i c h e c a r d O v e r 1,100 L C E n t r i e s a r e c o n t a i n e d fro m th e q u ick -fin d in d e x . o n a s i n g l e M i c r o f i c h e c a r d . . . m i l ­l i o n s c o m p r e s s e d i n t o a d e s k - t o p 20- I n s e r t th is c a rd in a R ead er- i n c h M i c r o f i c h e f il e . P rin te r. Ju st six se c o n d s la te r y o u h a v e a fu ll-size LC copy. Y ou a re a lw a y s c u rre n t w ith th e M ic ro g ra p h ic C atalo g R e­ trie v a l S y ste m . . . m o n th s a h e a d o f th e p r in te d LC c a rd s. S u b s c rib e rs re c e iv e w e e k ly is s u e s on M icro fich e of a p ­ p r o x im a te ly 3,000 a d v a n c e re le a s e LC c a rd s, all a lp h a ­ b e tiz e d in a c u m u la tiv e 1 3 -w e e k M ain E n try In d e x . C u m u la tiv e is s u e s m o n th ly , q u a rte rly a n d a n n u a lly a re also p ro v id e d . T h e M -C-R S y ste m re le a s e s y o u r s k ille d p e r s o n ­ nel, s p e e d s w o rk flow, a n d sim plifies th e co m ­ p le x itie s o f s ta y in g a b r e a s t o f c u r r e n t LC o u tp u t. W e ’d be h a p p y to give y o u a c o n ­ v in c in g d e m o n s tra tio n . This cou p on can be the begin n ing of the end o f your LC search problem s. T o : I n f o r m a t i o n D y n a m i c s C o r p o r a t i o n L i b r a r y S y s t e m s a n d S e r v i c e s D i v i s i o n 88 M a i n S t r e e t R e a d i n g , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 01867 G e n t l e m e n : H e l p ! □ S e n d m e m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e M i c r o g r a p h i c C a t a l o g R e t r i e v a l S y s t e m . □ H a v e y o u r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e c a l l m e f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t . N a m e __ __ ___ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ P o s i t i o n _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ ____ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ __ L i b r a r y _ _ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ __ S t r e e t_ __ ___ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ C i t y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S t a t e _____________________Z i p _________