ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1 9 9 4 / 4 1 7 Internet resources for English and American literature By Loss Pequeno Glazier Tap into discussions, full-texts, and writing critiques N umerous academic disciplines have felt the influence o f the Internet, English and American literature studies among them. Per­ haps in no other discipline, however, has the effect o f the Internet been as intriguing, multi­ faceted, and theoretically relevant as in literary studies. In addition to facilitating discussions in the discipline, making texts available, and providing a medium for the publication of writ­ ing and research results, the Internet has even further-reaching implications for literary stud­ ies since electronic texts, in their various forms, have emerged as subjects themselves o f liter­ ary investigations. Not only has this relevance o f the electronic text provided a partial en­ actment o f contemporary literary theory but electronic technologies have, as literary agen­ cies, opened new methodologies in literary research. The degree to which literary endeavors can be tied to technology (few no longer write with­ out a word processor, as a very basic example) makes a list o f Internet resources for English and American literature studies considerably challenging. For instance, for most humanities and social sciences disciplines electronic mail discussion groups (listservs) determine a fun­ damental level of scholarly interchange, with the more technologically engaged disciplines producing electronic journals. (If anyone needs reassurance about the scholarly validity o f elec­ tronic journals, the recent acquisition of the elec­ tronic P ostm odern Culture by Oxford Univer­ sity Press is particularly worthy o f note.) Like most humanities and social sciences dis­ ciplines, English and American literature stud­ ies is clearly grounded in both o f these forms of Internet exchange (with wildfires o f elec­ tronic journals for creative work), but finds it­ self on even more intriguing terrain— sites dedi­ cated to the circulation o f electronic texts. A truly productive exploration o f this discipline must begin with the knowledge that it is the intersection o f these three areas of exchange that defines how the evolution o f literary stud­ ies is manifest in English and American litera­ ture studies on the Internet. The following resource list, therefore, aims to be diverse enough to represent different In­ ternet areas; it must be selective because o f the sheer amount o f material available; and its goal is to be broad enough to recognize both the presence of interdisciplinary interests (such as the direct relation o f certain philosophers to literary studies) and the larger arena o f general humanities computing which offers resources indispensable to the student or scholar work­ ing in English and American literature studies. It is my hope that this list will chart a con­ text for English & American literature studies as available through the Internet and foster not only greater access to these sources but a more widespread understanding o f immersion of the literary endeavor in this technology. Electronic mail discussion groups (listservs) Given the large number of candidates for this category, the following list o f listservs relevant to English and American literature studies must by necessity be a highly selective one; choices were not always easy to make but the selec­ tions below aim to represent a “scholarly” level Loss P equ eño G lazier is English & A m erican literature subject specialist a t Lockw ood Library, State University o f New York a t Buffalo; e-m ail: LOLPOET@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU mailto:LOLPOET@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU 418 /C&RL News of discourse in the discipline. Numerous lists treating less canonical topics are not included because o f space limitations. (Note that when both Internet and Bitnet addresses were avail­ able for a given list, the Internet address is pro­ vided here as more widely accessible.) N a tio n a l litera tu res, genre, p e r io d , a n d lite r a r y th e o ry • AMLIT-L. American Literature Discussion List. Informal and often chatty discussion on various topics in American literature, frequently about themes and motifs (women performers, ghost stories, e tc.). S u b scrib e: LISTSERV@ MIZZOUl.MISSOURI.EDU. • CHICLE. Chicano literature discussion group. Wide-ranging discussions in this gener­ ally u n d e rre p re s e n te d a re a. S u b s c r ib e : LISTSERV@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU. • LITERARY. This is a very active list on numerous general topics in literature and read­ ing. Su bscribe: LISTSERV@UCF1VM.CC.UCF. EDU. • LITSCI-L. Society for Literature and Sci­ ence. Issues related to literature, science, and te ch n o lo g ica l literary cu ltu re. S u b s c r ib e : LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU. • NATIVE-LIT-L. Discussion of literature of “autochthonous peoples of the North Americas (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico) and neighbor­ ing islands, including Haw aii.” S u b scrib e: LISTSERV@CORNELL.EDU. • PMC-TALK. A discussion list for the elec­ tronic journal P ostm odern C ulture featuring postmodern issues and news, announcements, and events of interest to scholars and writers. Subscription to PMC-TALK must be undertaken independently of a subscription to the journal. Subscribe: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NCSU.EDU. • VICTORIA. 19th-century British culture and society. This very active list on topics re­ lated to Victorian culture has a strong empha­ sis on literature. Subscribe: LITSERV@IUBVM. UCS.INDIANA.EDU. • WWP-L. Under the aegis of the Brown University Women Writer’s Project, this is an informational vehicle for discussion of Project texts. See also the entry under Electronic Texts. S u b scrib e: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN. EDU. S in gle-au th or lists The following lists offer forums for discussing the works and lives of individual authors. Most lists also disseminate queries, conference an­ nouncements, calls for papers, and information on new publications related to the author. • AUSTEN-L covers Jane Austen and her contemporaries (e.g., Fanny Burney, Maria Edgeworth, and Mary Wollstonecraft). Su b­ scribe: LISTSERV@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA. • BRONTE on covers Emily, Charlotte, and Anne Bronte. Sub­ s c r ib e : MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM (Note: Address subscription request to major- domo not listserv. Request should read sub­ scribe bronte in the body of the e-mail mes­ sage. Do not include your name after the list name.) • CHAUCER covers Geoffrey Chaucer and m e d ie v al E n g lish L ite ratu re . S u b s c r ib e : LISTSERV@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU. • DICKNS-L covers Charles Dickens and of­ fers access to files containing related bibliogra­ phies, papers, and articles from D icken s’ World. Subscribe: LISTSERV@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU. • FWAKE-L covers Jam es Jo y ce’s F in n e­ g a n ’s W ake with general discussion of the novel and attention to “the jokes in Fin n egan ’s W ake.” Subscribe: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE. • JACK-LONDON covers the writings and political activism of Jack London. Subscribe: JACK-LONDON-REQUEST@SONOMA.EDU. • MILTON-L covers John Milton. Subscribe: MILTON-REQUEST@URVAX.URICH.EDU. • SHAKSPER. “SHAKSPER offers announce­ ments and bulletins, scholarly papers, and the formal exchange of ideas— but it also offers ongoing opportunities for spontaneous infor­ mal discussion, eavesdropping, peer review, and a fresh sense of worldwide scholarly com­ munity.” It also offers access to numerous re­ lated electronic files. Subscribe: LISTSERV@VM. UTCC.UTORONTO.CA. • TROLLOPE covers Anthony Trollope. S u b s c r ib e : TROLLOPE@WORLD.STD.COM ( Note: Address subscription request to major- domo not listserv. Request should read sub­ scribe trollope in the body of the e-mail mes­ sage. Do not include your name after the list name.) • TWAIN-L covers Mark Twain. Subscribe: LISTSERV® VM1 ‚YORKU.CA. P h ilo s o p h e r s releva n t to lite r a r y s tu d ie s Philosophy, to varying degrees, has become inseparable from literary studies. (Perhaps the most salient example of this interdisciplinary activity is Jacques Derrida.) Representative ex­ amples of discussion groups that might be of mailto:LISTSERV@UNMVMA.UNM.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@UCF1VM.CC.UCF mailto:LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@CORNELL.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NCSU.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA mailto:MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM mailto:LISTSERV@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE mailto:JACK-LONDON-REQUEST@SONOMA.EDU mailto:MILTON-REQUEST@URVAX.URICH.EDU mailto:TROLLOPE@WORLD.STD.COM July/August 1 9 9 4 /4 1 9 interest to literary scholars include ADORN (T h e o d o r A d orno), BAUDRILLARD (Je a n Baudrillard), and DELEUZE (Gilles Deleuze) all at THINKNET@WORLD.STD.COM an DERRIDA (Jacques Derrida and deconstruction at LISTSERV@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU; HEGEL (G W. F. Hegel, 1770-1831), the Hegel Society o America at USTSERV®VILLVM.BITNET; KANT- (Immanuel Kant) at USTSERV@BUCKNELL.EDU L ists a b o u t w ritin g • CREWRT-L. Creative Writing Pedagog for Teachers and Students. This is an extremel active list on topics related to the teaching o creative writing and its place in the college an university curriculum. Su bscribe: LISTSERV MIZZOUl.MISSOURI.EDU. • FICTION. Fiction Writers Workshop. I gives “people interested in writing fiction pro fessionally a support group of peers.” All lis members are required to offer critiques o f sub mitted writing in order to remain on the list Subscribe: LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU. • MBU-L. Megabyte University. This is list concerned with computers, composition theoretical issues in writing instruction, an technology in the writing classroom. Subscribe LISTSERV@TTUVMl .TTU.EDU. • NOUS REFUSE. A writing collective fo experimental poets moderated by Jo e Amato this list is very interesting, energetic, offbeat and always willing to entertain new issues. Fo information contact JAMATO@UXl.CSO.UIUC EDU. • RPOETIK. Realpoetik is a moderated lis where subscribers may submit material for dis tribution or comment. Subscribe: LISTSERV WLN.COM. • WRITERS is for professional writers an those who aspire to be writers. It is a busy lis on the “craft” of writing but also on “the Os cars, the lunchboxes we had as kids, buttere cats and gravity, Tori Amos and whether P icke F en ces and N orthern E xposure are too similar. Subscribe: LISTSERV@VMl.NODAK.EDU. O th er r e lev a n t lis ts • GUTNBERG is a mailing list for Projec Gutenberg. See Electronic Texts section below Subscribe: LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU. • E-GRAD. This list is for graduate student in English and the modern languages sponsore by the Graduate Student Caucus of the Moder Language Association. Subscribe: LISTSERV RUTVM1 .RUTGERS.EDU. O , d ) . f L . y y f d @ t ­ t ­ . a , d : r , , r . t ­ @ d t ­ d t ” t . s d n @ • ETEXTCTR features discussion about all aspects of the development o f electronic text centers. See Electronic Texts section below. Subscribe: LISTSERV@RUTVM1 .RUTGERS.EDU. • HUMANIST is the major list for those in­ terested in humanities computing. It contains much information o f relevance to those work­ ing in English and American literature studies. Subscribe: USTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU. • TACT-L is a list for discussion o f TACT, “Textual Analysis Computing Tools.” It is a text- retrieval and analysis system of MS-DOS pro­ grams, developed at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, University of Toronto. TACT- L also includes announcements of new research, publications, and courses involving TACT. Sub­ scrib e: LISTSERV@EPAS.UTORONTO.CA. Usenet newsgroups Methods o f accessing Usenet newsgroups vary widely by system; to find out how you can access these groups, contact your system ad­ ministrator. Usenet groups related to English and American literature studies, mostly with an em phasis on writing include ALT.BO OKS. REVIEWS, REC.ARTS.INT-FICTION, REC.ARTS. PO EM S, R E C .A R T S.P R O SE , AND MISC. WRITING. Electronic journals Although traditional literary studies journals do not seem to have migrated to the Internet, there is no lack o f electronic journals devoted to cre­ ative expression. A number of gophers now carry selected electronic journals but the chal­ lenge for a scholar who wishes to gamer a sense o f what kinds o f literary activity are present is in for quite a bit o f active digging. Journals may b e accessed either through an archive (two major repositories of electronic journals have emerged to date) or, in many cases, through a direct “subscription” to the journal. C ollections o f e lec tro n ic jo u r n a ls • CICNET is a major repository for elec­ tronic journals. Be prepared to look in differ­ ent menus for the journal you seek and keep in mind that no one archive contains all elec­ tronic journals. Gopher to GOPHER.CIC.NET and select “Electronic Serials” under the CICNet root menu. • MICHIGAN ELECTRONIC TEXT AR­ CHIVE is a very complete archive that includes a lot of electronic journals not found elsewhere. Literary journals appear in several categories. mailto:THINKNET@WORLD.STD.COM mailto:LISTSERV@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU mailto:USTSERV@BUCKNELL.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@VMl.NODAK.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU mailto:USTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@EPAS.UTORONTO.CA 4 2 0 /C&RL News B e sure to consult “Fiction,” “Poetry,” and also “Zines.” Gopher to ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH. EDU or FIR.CIC.NET. E lectron ic jo u r n a ls Interestingly, journals of new writing and new critical approaches have taken a strong foot­ hold on the Internet. O f these, a few have risen to dominate the field. The following is intended to offer an introduction to this exciting new area of publishing. (Periodicals typified by de­ clarative style rather than formal innovation, “zines,” are not included here as the aim o f this list is to offer “literary” suggestions.) • FICTION-ONLINE is a new electronic fic­ tion journal begun in June. To subscribe con­ tact Bill Ramsay at NGWAZI@CLARK.NET. • GRIST ON-LINE is “a new journal of elec­ tronic network poetry, art and culture.” Edited by a publisher with long-standing credibility in the literary community, it publishes new and reissued work by established and emerging au th ors. S en d e-m ail to Jo h n F o w le r at FOWLER@PHANTOM.COM. • INTER\FACE is published at the State University o f New York at Albany in an effort to offer an “open forum for the publication and distribution o f creative work.” For more infor­ m ation, sen d e-m ail to bh4781@RACHEL. ALBANY.EDU. • POSTMODERN CULTURE (PMC-LIST) is a peer-revięwed journal containing essays on postmodernist literary and social issues. It in­ cludes a popular culture column, news, and reviews on an intriguing selectio n o f new books. Subscription is independent o f the dis­ cussion list (see above) associated with the jour­ nal. S u b sc r ib e : LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NCSU. EDU. • R I F /T features poetry, creative prose, and critical writing from contributors like Charles Bernstein, Robert Kelly, and many others dis­ seminated through the E-POETRY list. Forth­ coming volumes include a collection o f work on Charles Olson and a Latin American poetry in translation issue. See also “E-Poetry Center” below. RIF/T is published through the E-Po­ etry listserv. To subscribe to the journal, you must su b scrib e to E-Poetry at LISTSERV@ UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. • TREE. TapRoot Reviews Electronic Edi­ tion offers brief but engaging reviews o f “Inde­ pendent, Underground, and Experimental lan­ guage-centered arts” publications as appearing in TapRoot Reviews magazine. The Ju ne issue (#5) included about 300 reviews. Contact edi­ tor Luigi-Bob Drake at AU462@CLEVELAND. FREENET.EDU. • WE MAGAZINE is a poetiy journal now in its 17th volume. It is edited by a collective that includes editors in Santa Cruz, the Bay Area, New York City, and Albany. For more infor­ mation, e-mail to CF2785@ALBNYVMS.BITNET. Electronic text projects and archives The electronic text projects and archives pre­ sented in this section take different approaches to providing access to electronic texts. Selec­ tions o f texts vary according to the mission and inclination of an individual archive; overlap of material among them is not uncommon. These archives do seem to share the goal of making information freely available. Certainly, as the following list suggests, an immense amount of material is readily accessible. (Note: A new In­ ternet-accessible directory o f electronic text centers was slated to be made available by the end o f June. For more information on this di­ rectory, contact Mary Mallery at MALLERY@ EDEN.RUTGERS.EDU. You may also wish to subscribe to ETEXTCTR (see entry above) for information on developments in the field. • CPET. The Catalogue o f Projects in Elec­ tronic Text provides information on over 300 electronic text projects worldwide (but not the te x ts th e m s e lv e s ) and is a v a ila b le at GOPHER.GEORGETOWN.EDU. First choose “The Catalogue o f Projects in Electronic Text (CPET)” then “Digests Organized by Discipline” then “Literature” then “English - Literature.” • ELECTRONIC TEXT CENTER & ON-LINE ARCHIVE OF ELECTRONIC TEXTS. Alderman Library, University o f Virginia. Although most o f the resources here are not available to the general public, the center is a model for library- sponsored electronic text centers. For informa­ tion, e-mail ETEXT@VIRGIN1A.EDU. • IN TERN ET W IRETAP. A v a ila b le at WIRETAP.SPIES.COM, this is an extraordinary selection o f resources, most notably in the menus “Electronic Books at Wiretap” and “Vari­ ous ETEXT Resources on the Internet.” • ONLINE BOOK INITIATIVE is an initia­ tive fo rm e d to “m ak e a v a ila b le fr e e ly redistributable collection s o f inform ation.” These collections include conference proceed­ ings, various documents, and notably a num­ ber o f full-text books, including authors such as B ierce, D ickens, B ooker T. Washington, Pound, Chaucer, Thoreau, and others. Gopher mailto:NGWAZI@CLARK.NET mailto:FOWLER@PHANTOM.COM mailto:ETEXT@VIRGIN1A.EDU July/August 1994 / 421 to WORLD.STD.COM then choose “OBI The Online B ook Initiative.” Under “The Online Books” you will find a list o f texts by author. ( Note: Author names are alphabetical by first name.) • OXFORD TEXT ARCHIVE consists of over 1,300 texts in 28 languages. The catalog and some o f the texts are available by anonymous ftp to OTA.OX.AC.UK and at various gopher sites. For information you may send e-mail to the archive at ARCHIVE@VAX.OX.AC.UK. • PROJECT GUTENBERG intends to make available a large number of public domain texts including numerous literary classics. It is avail­ able on many gophers. Further information can b e obtained by subscribing to the Project G u te n b e rg n e w s le tte r , GUTNBERG, at LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU. • RICE UNIVERSITY. “Information by Sub­ ject Area” at RICEINFO.RICE.EDU contains a menu selection for “Literature, Electronic Books and Journals” and is an exemplary location for numerous electronic texts. See Gopher Sites be­ low. • TEI. Text Encoding Initiative is a project to set SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) standards for electronic texts. TEI recently issued a new updated version o f its guidelines. Guidelines are available in elec­ tronic form over the Internet. For more infor­ mation contact the TEI editors by e-mail at TEI@UIC.EDU. • UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. The menu selection “Electronic books” is available under the “L ibraries” m enu at GOPHER.MICRO. UMN.EDU. • THE WELL. This gopher for the Whole Earth ‘Lectric Link (The Well) offers, as one might suspect, an unusual, eclectic, and dis­ tinctive selection o f material. This includes elec­ tronic texts as well as information about printed texts. Two directories o f special interest include “Authors, Books, Periodicals, Zines” and its subdirectory “Authors: Writings grouped by au­ thor name.” GOPHER.WELL.SF.CA.US. • WOMEN W R ITERS P R O JEC T. T h e Women Writers Project at Brown University provides texts o f some 200 literary works pro­ duced before 1830 by British, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh women writing in English, includ­ ing works from other colonies. The WWP-L listserv offers a forum for discussion o f the works. For further information about the ar­ chive contact the Women Writers Project at (401) 863-3619. Fee-based services • ESTC. The Eighteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue is a project o f the Research Libraries Group (RLG) and the International Committee o f the Eighteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue (ESTC). When completed, ESTC will contain records for “virtually every English letterpress item published between 1473 and 1800.” The catalog provides very detailed descriptions (not the texts themselves) for materials published in English and the other British languages any­ where in the world. For information contact the RLIN Information Center (BL.RIC@RLG. STANFORD.EDU) or the ESTC RLIN Liaison, Henry Snyder, at BM.ESL@RLG.STANFORD. EDU. Gopher sites for general information Many g o p h er sites have b e e n su g gested through the course o f this resource list. The following is presented, however, for those who might wish a recommendation for a single go­ pher site to begin their explorations. RICEINFO. “Information by Subject Area” at RICEI.NFO.RICE.EDU contains a menu selec­ tions for “Literature, Electronic Books and Jour­ nals” which is an often-accessed and excellent starting point for anyone wishing to pursue gopher-accessible resources for English and American literature studies. Other menu selec­ tions o f related interest under Ricelnfo’s “Infor­ mation by Subject Area” are “Language and Lin­ guistics” and “Film and Television.” Real-time conference facilities Facilities are also available through the Inter­ net for real-time conferencing in English and American literature studies through relevant MOOs. MOOs (multiple object-oriented) offer real-time discussions (that is, live and interac­ tive, sometimes chatty) related to specific top­ ics or themes. • IATH-MOO: A Real-Time Multi-User Con­ ference Facility. It includes linguistics, literary studies, medieval studies, teaching resources, and text-based virtual reality. Log in as a guest o r m ail a r e q u e s t fo r re g is tr a tio n to IATH@VIRGINIA.EDU. To enter IATH-MOO telnet to HERO.VILLAGE.VIRGINIA.EDU 8888. • PMC-MOO is a theoretical “environment” developed through the efforts o f P ostm odern Culture. It includes an interactive virtual library as well as a “theme park” and various areas for group discussion. Telnet to HERO.VILLAGE. VIRGINIA.EDU 7777. mailto:ARCHIVE@VAX.OX.AC.UK mailto:LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU mailto:TEI@UIC.EDU mailto:IATH@VIRGINIA.EDU 4 2 2 /C&RL News The World Wide Web Virtual Library G en era l s u b je c t a c c e s s From the World Wide Web “Subject Catalogue” select “Literature and Art.” Many subheadings relevant to English and American literature stud­ ies can be found under this heading. These in­ clude “English language Literature,” “Project Gutenberg,” “The Online Book Initiative,” “The English Server” (which claims “many texts not available elsewhere on the Internet, primarily o f interest to humanities scholars,”) “Fiction,” the “English Server” Poetry (a number o f po­ ems with keyword searching capability), “Con­ temporary Fiction” (a hypermedia exhibit), and In ter Text M ag azin e. The catalog’s URL (case sen sitive) is DataSources/bySubject/Overview.html. URLs o f in te r e s t • E-POETRY CENTER— RIF/T (BUFFALO). Electronic Poetics Center is a hypertextual gate­ way to “the extraordinary range o f activity in formally innovative writing in the United States and the world.” Opening August 1, the center will provide access to numerous electronic re­ sou rces in contem porary poetry including RIF/T. Note: A subscription to the E-Poetry list provides a subscription to E-Poetry Center an­ nouncements. Send E-Poetry subscriptions to LISTSERV@U BVM .CC.BUFFA LO.ED U. The c e n te r’s URL (ca se sen sitive) is gopher:// w ings. buffalo. edu/11 / internet/library/e-jour- nals/ub/rift. • INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED TECHNOL­ O GY IN THE HUMANITIES. Recently added to the Web are the “First and Second Series of Research Reports” of the Institute. Its URL (case sensitive) is • LABYRINTH. Global Information Net­ work for Medieval Studies. Its URL (case sensi­ tive) is labyrinth-home.html. ■ (Quality c o n t.from p a g e 409) sible for implementation o f new services or policies. However, evaluation follow-up is con­ ducted by the teams on an ongoing basis. In conjunction with the implementation of team management, the BGSU Libraries adopted a management philosophy statement in sup­ port o f the mission o f the organization. The statement identifies principles that are used to promote and maintain employee involvement such as: 1) employees shall be empowered to participate in the development o f policies and procedures related to the organization of work and to services provided; 2) employees shall have access to information necessary for the performance o f duties and participation in re­ designing work processes; and 3) a system for assessing employee involvement shall allow for feedback and improvement. Today, the application of a quality manage­ ment system in the BGSU Libraries incorpo­ rates continual learning, training, and imple­ m entation o f improved ideas. The adm in­ istrative body sets the vision, tone, and key priorities. Managers insure that objectives are met in order to achieve the team proposals for improvement. For staff members, continuous training, teamwork, and mutual accountability are in the process of replacing strict hierarchi­ cal structures as major aspects o f the organiza­ tion culture. As members o f each team work together toward goals they set within their broad charges, they functionally cut across the orga­ nizational lines which divide them both hori­ zontally and vertically. The interdependence o f staff and functions in the form o f collabora­ tive teamwork yields horizontal accountability for key services and customer satisfaction. In this environment, leadership is not tied as much to inherent authority as in a traditional setting, and management is a collaborative and demo­ cratic process. Notes 1. Albert M. Koller Jr., “TQM: Understanding the Basics of ‘Total Quality Management’,” M an ­ a g e 42 (May 1991): 27. 2. Susan Jurow and Susan B. Barnard, “In­ troduction: TQM Fundamentals and Overview o f Contents” in Integrating Total Q uality M an ­ a g e m e n t in a L ib r a r y S ettin g, Ju ro w and Barnard, eds. (New York: Haworth Press, 1993), p. 2. 3. Michael Brassard, T he M em ory J o g g e r Plus+ (Methuen, Mass.: GOAL/QPC, 1989). 4. Peter Scholtes, The T eam H a n d b o o k : H ow to Use T eam s to Im p ro v e Q u ality (Madison, Wise.: Joiner Associates, 1988). 5. Ted Marchese, “TQM, A Time for Ideas,” C h an g e: The M a g a z in e o f H ig h er L earn in g 25 (May/June 1993): 10-13. ■ mailto:LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU