ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 83 • OCLC: Its Governance, Function, Financ ing, and Technology by Albert F. Maruskin (Mar cel Dekker, 1980, $22.75) analyzes the growth and development of OCLC, Inc., utilizing a vari ety of primary source materials. OCLC is volume 32 in the Books in Library and Information Sci ence series. • The second edition of Library Management by Robert D. Stueart and John Taylor Eastlick (Libraries Unlimited, 1980, $22.50 U.S., $27 elsewhere; $14.50 pa. U.S., $17.50 elsewhere) discusses the effects of such factors as increased staff participation in the decision-making process, unionization and collective bargaining, the histor ical background and development of library man agement, networking, and women and minorities as managers. • Introduction to Cataloging and Classifica tion, Fifth Edition by Mildred Harlow Downing is now available from McFarland & Company (1981, $14.95). Introduction to Cataloging, re vised and enlarged in accordance with AACR2 and the 19th edition of the Dewey Decimal Clas sification, is directed at students beginning the study of cataloging and classification. • A guide to the present British copyright law as it affects practicing librarians, and a worldwide survey of recent developments and controversies is the topic of C opyright fo r Librarians by L. J. Taylor (Tamarisk Books, 1980, £7.50). • Planning fo r Computing in Higher Educa tion (Westview Press, 1980, $25), edited by James C. Emery, addresses planning for the use of computing and information resources on col lege and university campuses. Considered are computer applications in the areas of instruction, research, and administration, and an analysis of these from the viewpoints of faculty, administra tors, and computer center directors. Also discussed is the use of a facilities management firm as an alternative for providing computer services. C a le n d a r March 22-24—Publishing: Fourth American Book Pub lishing Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. The institute will focus on current de velopments in publishing as they impact on li braries, bookstores, and authors. Fee: $105. Contact: Division of Librarianship, Emory Uni versity, Atlanta, GA.30322; (404) 329-6840. 27-29—Ephem era: “Collecting, Collectors and Collectibles,’ Second Annual Conference and Fair of the Ephemera Society of America, Rye Town Hilton, Rye, New York. Contact: Wil liam Frost Mobley, P.O. Box 333, Wilbraham, 84 MA 01095; (413) 596-9516. 28—Microcomputers: The Alumni Association of the School of Library Service, Columbia Uni versity, is sponsoring the 30th annual Alumni- Student Day. Topic: “Microcomputers in Li b ra rie s .” Fee: $18 for alumni and $20 for others. Contact: SLS Alumni Association, Box 44, Butler Library, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027. 28-April 4—Online Searching: “Refresher Work shop on On-Line Data Base Searching,” a two- session workshop, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston. Fee: $125. Contact: Ching-chih Chen, Associate Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224. April 6-7—Bibliographic Instruction: “Current R&D Projects in User Education in the UK,” a con ference sponsored by the British Library R&D Department at Stanford Hall, Leicester. Fee: £40. Contact: Ian Malley, Conference Director, Library, Loughborough University of Technolo gy, Loughborough, England LE11 3TU. 10-13—Resource Management: Annual Study Conference, University, College and Research Section of the Library Association, Lough borough University of Technology, Lough borough, Leicestershire, England. The theme is “Resourceful Professionals,” the solution of resource problems in a period of severe short ages. Contact: J. E. Davies, Chairman of the Programme Planning Subcommittee, Lough borough University of Technology, Lough borough, England LE11 3TU. 17—Bibliographic Instruction: “Advanced Tech niques in Teaching the Library User,” work shop, School of Library and Information Sci ence, Drexel U niversity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Fee: $65. Contact: Director, Office of Continuing Professional Education, Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. 23—25—Tennessee: Annual convention, Tennes see Library Association, Holiday Inn River mont, Memphis. Three preconferences to be held: Managing Online Services in Libraries, Worklife Issues Facing Librarians in the 80’s, and Business Writing for Librarians. Contact: Jane Qualls, Publicity Committee, Tennessee Library Association, Memphis State University Libraries, Memphis, TN 38152. 24— Online Searching: “ O n-line L iterature Searching,” workshop, School of Library and Information Science, Drexel University, Phila delphia. Fee: $90. Contact: See April 17 entry. 25— Information Science: “Information Resources M anagem ent,” in stitu te on m anagem ent approaches to handling information systems, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston. Fee: $55 and $6.50 for lunch. Contact: Ching-chih Chen, Associate Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224. 26- 28—Reference Service: “Improving Reference Performance,” a prototype institute for mana gers of reference services, will be held at the College Inn Conference Center, Boulder, Col orado. The event is sponsored by ALA s Refer ence and Adult Services Division. Topics for discussion include: needs assessment; updating staff knowledge of resources; communication skills; service attitudes; performance evaluation; and burnout and stress management. Registra tion fee: $120 for RASD members; $135 for ALA members; and $150 for non-ALA mem bers. Contact: RASD Reference Performance Institute, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. 27- 30—M arketing L ibrary Services: Meadow Brook Hall Institute on Marketing of Library Services, a participatory conference on the ap plication and adoption of marketing concepts and techniques to libraries, Meadow Brook Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, Michi gan. Registration fee: $425 with lodging, $325 without; limited to 100 persons. Contact: Con ference D epartm ent, Oakland U niversity, Rochester, MI 48063; (313) 377-3272. May 5—Automation: “Nonbibliographic Databases,” workshop, University of Florida, Gainesville. Contact: Nolan F. Pope, SLA Florida Chapter, 505 Florida W est, U niversity of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. 7-8—Archival Conservation: Workshop held by the Society of American Archivists in conjunc tion with the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Pittsburgh. Limited enrollment. Contact: Basic Archival Conservation Program, Society of American Archivists, 330 S. Wells, 85 Suite 810, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 922-0140. 15—Online Searching: “Advanced On-line Searching,” workshop, School of Library and Information Science, Drexel University, Phila delphia. Fee: $90. Contact: See April 17 entry. 20-22—Management: Sixth Annual University of South Dakota Library Management Seminar, Vermillion, South Dakota. This year’s seminar will concentrate on personnel management for library administrators. Fee: $195. Contact: Dr. C. N. Kaufman, Dean of the Graduate School of Business, University of South Dakota, Ver million, SD 57069; (606) 677-5355. July 6- August 29—Study Abroad: Ninth International Graduate Summer School in Librarianship and Information Science, College of Librarianship Wales. All courses carry graduate academic credits acceptable to most library science pro grams in the United States and Canada. Con tact: Richard Downing, Liaison and Training Services, College of Librarianship Wales, Llan- badarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, Wales SY23 3AS. 7- 10—Bibliographic Instruction: Second Interna tional Conference on Library User Education, Keble College, Oxford, England. Apply by March 31. Fee: £95. Contact: Second Interna tional Conference on User Education, P.O. Box 45, Loughborough, Leicestershire, Eng land LE11 3UL. 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