ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 21 N E W TECHNOLOGY • The Advanced L ibrary Concepts Integrated L ibrary System has been chosen recently by three academic libraries in the course of planning their autom ation needs. The University of H awaii Li­ brary, Manoa, has in test phase a 2 Megabyte Ulti­ m ate E-2 System w ith four 288MB disk drives. Their plan calls for support of 300 term inals on nine campuses for online cataloging, au th o rity control, acquisitions, serials, and circulation. G et­ tysburg College’s Musselman Library will initially install online catalog, cataloging, and circulation on a 2 Megabyte Prime 250 w ith two 300MB disk drives su p p o rtin g 32 term in als. Southw estern Christian College in Terrell, Texas, will use a 256K Climax 60 Supermicro w ith one 11MB and one 26MB disk drive to support five term inals for the ADLIB online catalog. T he com pany’s ADLIB System can be supported on a wide variety of h a rd ­ w are including the IBM PC-XT, Altos, Climax, Pertec, General Autom ation, IBM Series I, and IBM 4300 and 3080 Series m ainfram e computers. Contact A rthur Brady, Advanced L ibrary Con­ cepts, 9343 Tech Center Drive, Suite 175, Sacra­ m ento, CA 95826; (916) 364-0340. • CL Systems, In c ., has announced th a t its “next generation” online public access catalog, PAC/II, will soon be available to customers. Full MARC bibliographic and authority cataloging form the database for the PAC/II catalog. There are full database m aintenance facilities including local full-screen editing of all MARC formats, heading validation, and autom atic linking of bibliographic records to authorized headings. UTLAS may be utilized to create a library’s PAC/II database. The system will undergo testing and field evaluation at an academic library test site this m onth. Installa­ tion will begin in m id-1985. Contact CL Systems, In c ., 1220 W ashington St., W est N ew ton, MA 02165; (617) 965-6310. • D IA L O G In fo rm a tio n Services has m ad e available the Aerospace D atabase, a collection of 1.3 million research and development documents. Previously available only to NASA and other fed­ eral agencies, the database consolidates “Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports” (STAR) pro­ duced by NASA, and “International Aerospace Ab­ stracts” (IAA), produced by the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics under contract to NASA. International in scope, it concentrates on aerospace research and development in over 40 untries, including Japan and Communist-bloc untries. F urther inform ation regarding its scope d coverage m ay be obtained through AIAA’s echnical Inform ation Service at (212) 582-4901, from DIALOG Marketing, 3460 Hillview Ave., alo Alto, CA 94304, (800) 227-1927. • Lista International C orporation has created a ew high-density mobile filing and storage system a t can increase storage capacity up to 90 %. The m pany offers a choice between a low-resistance anual drive or a precision-engineered m echani­ l assist. The entire system can be locked by a sin­ e cylinder lock, and helps protect against fire and ater damage. C ontact Lista International C or­ ration, 2520 M ira M ar Ave., Long Beach, CA 815; (213) 498-2397. • The N ational Inform ation Standards Organi- tion (Z39), has called for public review and com­ ent on a d raft proposed American N ational Stan­ ard C om puter Software N um ber (SCSN). This andard proposes a 13-digit num bering system for e identification of software for micro, m ini, and ainfram e com puters. T he num ber consists of ur parts: registrant num ber; product num ber, presenting the nam e of the software program ; nit num ber, representing the com bination of the ftware program ’s physical medium , operating stem re q u ire d , a n d o th e r in fo rm a tio n th a t iquely differentiates the item; and a one-digit eck character. The review period ends February , 1985. A copy of the d raft standard m ay be ob­ in ed from NISO (Z39)/SCSN D raft, N ational ureau of Standards, Admin. 101, L ibrary E106, aithersburg, MD 20899. Requests must include a lf-addressed m ailing label. • O C LC began an exchange program for IBM C and M300 W orkstation m icrocom puter pro­ ams on October 1, 1984. The O CLC Microcom­ ter Exchange Program (OMPX) collects and dis­ ib u te s p u b lic d o m a in p ro g ra m s re la tin g to brary operations. The collection contains three fferent types of m aterial: contributed programs om the com m unity of IBM PC and M300 W ork­ ation users; com m and files and templates for use ith commercially available programs such as DB aster, VisiCalc, Supercalc, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase II, ase III, and similar products; and d ata files, ch as the names and addresses of library schools co co an T or P n th co m ca gl w po 90 za m d st th m fo re u so sy un ch 15 ta B G se P gr p u tr li di fr st w M dB su 28 or periodicals. For m ore inform ation, contact OMPX, OCLC, 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017; (614) 764-6000. • The Yale Medical Library recently completed the reproduction and indexing of its valuable print collection through the services of the Communica­ tions Media Division of Yale’s School of Medicine. To make the collection more accessible it was pre­ served on 35mm slides and then indexed on micro­ fiche. A Forox SSA camera was used for both oper­ PUBLIC Notices • American Bronze Sculpture, 1850 to the Present (72 pages, 1984) is a well illustrated catalog of the large-scale exhibition at the Newark Mu­ seum th at documents the use of bronze by Ameri­ can artists. The catalog features an introductory es­ say by Gary A. Reynolds, Newark Museum curator of painting and sculpture, discussing the history of the medium and casting techniques. Concise biog­ raphies of the 57 sculptors represented are also in­ cluded. Each of the 88 works on exhibit is illus­ trated and documented. Over half of the objects are from the Newark Museum collection, aug­ mented by loans from major New York galleries and other museums. The exhibit will be on display through February 3, 1985. Copies of the catalog are $12.95 (plus $2 postage and handling) from the Publications D epartm ent, Newark Museum, 49 W ashington Street, P.O. Rox 540, Newark, N] 07101. ISRN 0-932828-20-5. • Archives and Manuscripts: Administration of Photographic Collections, by Mary Lynn Ritzen- thaler, Gerald J. Munoff, and Margery Long (176 pages, 1984), covers all aspects of photographic materials from appraisal and accessioning through research use. The emphasis is on the means of ad­ ministering historical photographs from an archi­ val perspective, stressing the development of sys­ tem s to organize, access, and preserve en tire collections, rather than an item-by-item approach to single images. 100 photographs are included. The cost is $14 to SAA members, $18 to others. O r­ der from the Society of American Archivists, 600 S. Federal, Suite 504, Chicago, IL 60605. • The newly revised 1984-1985 Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff Members (412 pages), published by the American Institute of Physics, ations. Costs for four microfiche, two copies of each, cam e to $25 for film and processing, or slightly over $3 per copy. The Forox camera can also be used for slide, slide film, videotape, and 16mm work; Yale is also considering its use in vi­ deodisc production. For more information on the camera, contact Wally Fleischer, Forox Corpora­ tion, 393 West Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902; (203) 324-7400. ■ ■ TIONS gives names, addresses, and telephone numbers for almost 30,000 physicists and astronomers located primarily in the U.S. and Canada. It also includes an alphabetical list of the 2,400 departments from over 2,100 academic institutions, and an alphabet­ ical list of the various divisions of close to 600 re­ search and development organizations in North America. The cost is $30 for institutions and $10 for individuals (prepayment required) from the Amer­ ican Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th St., New York, NY 10017. • Minimum Library Use Skills (25 pages, 1984) is now available from the Wisconsin Association of Academic L ibrarians. Included are m inim um competency standards, a test of minimum library use skills, and a brief bibliography on evaluating li­ brary competency. Copies may be ordered for $3 (prepaid) from the Wisconsin Library Association, 1922 University Ave., Madison, WI 53705. • The latest semi-annual microfiche edition of PPHSL: Periodical Publications in Harvard Science Libraries (September 1984), which provides both a title and keyword listing of 16,327 periodicals cur­ rently received in 21 H arvard science libraries, may now be ordered at $18 per set (prepaid). Title entries include locations, holdings, and call num ­ bers. An explanatory booklet is enclosed with each order. Order from the Cabot Science Library, One Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138. • The Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Co- lumbia University: Collections and Treasures (138 pages, January 1985) has been published to coin­ cide with the opening of the library, described on page 12 of this issue. The catalog, printed by The H arbor Press, is limited to 1,000 copies and is illus­ trated with 55 photographs. Copies are $25 (pay­ able to Columbia University) and may be ordered from the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, But­ A