ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 31 The San Antonio group is the second large Texas consortium to develop an OCLC union list. The Association for Higher Education located in the Dali as-Fort W orth area has already completed a union list for its region. CORAL and AHE repre­ T lis to nt two of the three most populous urban areas in exas, and it is expected th at their OCLC union ts will form the nucleus of a statewide union list be developed in coming years. ■ ■ 1985 RBMS Preconference The 1985 Rare Rooks and Manuscripts Section Preconference will explore the theme, “Changing Concepts of Value and R arity.” The event will take place at the Holiday Inn-M art Plaza, Chicago, on July 2-5, 1985, prior to ALA Annual Conference. Speakers will examine various aspects of the ques­ tion of how contemporary culture has evolved, its perception of w hat constitutes “rarity ,” and how society relates “rarity” to value. The range of discussion will involve such ques­ tions as the historical evolution of the idea of rarity, the influence on the concept of various social and cultural factors, such as the development of the modern university system, and the political state­ ments th at a rare book collection can make. Speakers will include Paul Mosher, of Stanford University; Thomas F. W right, of William An­ drews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA; Kenneth Rendell, of Kenneth Rendell, Inc., Newton, Mas­ sachusetts; Arthur Freeman, of Rernard Quaritch, c., London, England; James Wells, formerly of e Newberry Library; and Robert Rosenthal, of e University of Chicago. In addition to the plenary session, a series of sem­ ars on a variety of topics of interest to rare book brarians, curators, and m anuscript librarians, ill be presented by the RBMS Continuing Educa­ on Committee. Since the Preconference encompasses Indepen­ nce Day, celebratory events are being planned r the afternoon and evening of July 4. A brochure describing the Preconference will be nt to all RBMS members by mid-March. Others ho are interested in attending may w rite to Sandy h ite le y , A ssociate E x ecu tiv e D ire c to r, CRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 95. ■ ■ n h h n i i e o e 7 I t t i l w t d f s w W A 2 CALENDAR January 22—B aconiana: Bacon B irthday C elebration, Francis Bacon Library, Claremont, California. Ian Box, Mt. Allison University, New Bruns­ wick, will speak on “Power/Knowledge in Ba­ con’s N atural Philosophy.” A reception to toast the 424th anniversary of Francis Bacon’s birth will be held after the talk. Contact: Elizabeth S. Wrigley, Director, Francis Bacon Library, 655 N. D artm o u th Ave., C larem ont, CA 91711; (714) 624-6305. February 1 -3 —Special Libraries: SLA W inter Education Conference, Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadel­ phia. A “Marketing and Public Relations” pro­ gram will be offered as one of the five segments of the Middle Management Institute. A special workshop for paraprofessionals and support staff will be given on February 1, as well as workshops on interpersonal communication skills and li­ brary automation; other topics will be presented on February 2-3. Contact: SLA, 235 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003; (212) 477-9250. M arch 8—Drexel Workshops: W inter work­ shops, College of Information Studies, Drexel U niversity, P hiladelphia. F eb ru ary 8, “ The W orld of Rare Books,” Howell H eaney and Marie Korey, $75. February 15, “On-line Liter­ ature Searching,” Jerry Saye, $110. February 22, “L ibrary Automation: A Seminar on the State of the A rt,” Rob McGee, $115. March 8, “M idstream C areer C hanges,” Jane Spivack, $80. Contact: Janet Goldwater, Office of Con­ tinuing Professional Education, College of In- 8- 4 million people in one century BRITISH A N D IRISH All researchers, genealogists, and editors of BIOGRAPHIES papers, diaries and editions must turn to this reference work first. It is the only 1840-1940 fully comprehensive biographical reference work to cover the Victorian Ten tim es larger period and the twentieth century to the War. An index of names than an y com parable in a single alphabetical sequence, on COM micro­ fiche or on computer tape, biographical provides access to the entries. The 272 biographical p u b lica tio n dictionaries are selected by David Lewis Jones, Deputy Librarian of the House of Lords and are reproduced on high quality archivally Please write or call Linda Fox for a sales brochure permanent microfiche. and free copy of the The first part containing Bibliography o f British and Irish Biographical Dictionaries over one million separate 1840-1940 biographical entries on over 700,000 people is now CHADWYCK-HEALEY INC. published. Price $6,950 623 Martense Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666, USA Five more parts follow over Telephone: (201) 692-1801 the next two years 33 form ation Studies, Drexel University, P hiladel­ p h ia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2474. March 4 - 5 —Preservation: L ib rarian s’ Association, U ni­ versity of N orth C arolina at C hapel Hill, 9th a n ­ nual Spring Conference. Them e: Preservation in the 80s. Speakers will include C arolyn M orrow, L ib rary of Congress; C arolyn H arris, C olum bia U niversity; P a u l K oda, C a th o lic U niversity; John Finzi, L ib rary of Congress; and M argaret C h ild , S m ith so n ia n L ib ra rie s . F ee: $20 fo r m em bers, $25 for non-m em bers, and $10 for re ­ tired librarians and students. C ontact: Carson H ollow ay, BA/SS, Davis L ib rary 080A, U niver­ sity of N orth C arolina, C hapel H ill, NC 27514; (919) 962-1151. 6 -8 —L ib rary History: “L ibraries, Books and C u l­ tu re ,” L ib rary Sem inar V II at the University of N orth C arolina at C hapel Hill. T he conference w ill explore the historical role and significance of graphic records in society. Speakers addressing p le n a r y sessions in c lu d e : J o h n P. F e a th e r , L o u g h b o ro u g h U n iv e rsity ; D a v id D . H a ll, A m erican A ntiquarian Society; D avid Kaser, In ­ d ia n a U niversity; an d M arg aret W . Rossiter, H arv ard University. T w enty-four other selected papers will be presented. No registration fee, courtesy of an N EH grant. Those w ishing to a t­ tend th e tw o luncheons should include a $30 res­ ervation fee. Sponsored by the Journal o f L i­ brary H istory, th e University of Texas G rad u ate School of L ib rary and Inform ation Science, and th e UNC at C hapel Hill School of L ib rary Sci­ ence. C ontact: D onald G. Davis J r., LHS VII C oordinator, G ra d u a te School of L ib rary and Inform ation Science, University of Texas at Aus­ tin , E ducation Building 564, Austin, TX 78712- 1276. April 8 -1 1 —C atholic Libraries: 64th A nnual Conven­ tion, C atholic L ib rary Association, M arriott P a ­ vilion H otel, St. Louis. Them e: “T he L ibrary: G atew ay to G lobal U nderstanding.” Tours of th e St. Louis A rchdiocesan Archives an d th e C oncordia Sem inary Archives are planned. C on­ tact: CLA, 461 L ancaster Ave., H averford, PA 19041; (215) 649-5251. 12—User In stru ctio n : “ L ib ra ry In stru c tio n and th e C o m p u te r,” a conference co-sponsored by th e CUNY L ib ra ry Association’s L ib ra ry I n ­ struction C om m ittee and the G reater New York M etropolitan C h ap ter of ACRL, at th e G ra d u ­ ate C enter, C ity University of New York. Speak­ ers include P at A rnott (University of D elaw are), K atherine K lem perer (Berkeley), D eanna N ipp (Mansfield University), and P at W alsh (Univer­ sity of B ridgeport). Fee: $10 for m em bers, $15 for others. C ontact: Elysabeth Kleinhans, John Jay College L ibrary, 445 W . 59th S t., New York, NY 10019; (212) 489-5167. 18-19—Extended services: “O ff-C am pus L ib rary Services C onference I I ,” sponsored by the C en­ tra l M ichigan University Libraries, at th e Knox­ ville H ilto n , Tennessee. Fee: $175. C o n tact: B arto n M. L essin, A ssistant D ire c to r of L i­ braries, 206 Park L ib rary , CMU, Mt. Pleasant, MI 58859; (517) 74-3500. 8- 20—A fricana: Archives-Libraries C om m ittee (African Studies Association), Spring M eeting, University of Illinois at U rbana. T he m eeting agenda will ap p ear in A fricana Libraries N ew s­ letter. C ontact: Yvette Scheven, University of Il­ linois L ibrary, 1408 W . G regory D r., U rbana, IL 61801, (217) 333-6519; or Joseph L au er, U ni­ versity Research L ibrary, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024, (213) 825-1518. ay - 1 7 —M a n a g e m e n t: 19th A n n u al Session, L i­ b ra ry A dm inistrators D evelopm ent P ro g ram , sponsored by th e College of L ib rary and In fo r­ m ation Services, University of M aryland. P artic­ ipants will include senior adm inistrative person­ nel of large lib rary systems from N orth America and abroad. Sem inar sessions will concentrate on principal adm inistrative issues. T he program will be held at th e D onaldson Brow n C enter, P ort Deposit, M aryland. C ontact: M arcia Hay- leck, L ib rary A dm inistrators D evelopm ent Pro­ gram , C LIS, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 20742; (301) 454-6080. 9- June 7—E ngland: “English L ibraries and Li- b rarian sh ip ,” a sem inar at Oxford University, sponsored by th e University of O klahom a in con­ junction w ith Oxford University’s Bodleian L i­ brary. The sem inar is designed for librarians in ­ terested in th e social role and present practices of libraries w ith special emphasis on cross-cultural comparisons and the relationships of libraries to a national system. C ontact: University of O kla­ hom a, C L S-L ibrary, 1700 Asp, N orm an, OK 73037; (405) 325-1061. une -1 3 —Special Libraries: 76th A nnual Conference, Special Libraries Association, W innipeg, M ani­ toba. Them e: “T he Inform ation Specialist: A Bridge to the New C om m unications.” C ontact: R ichard D. B attaglia, D irector of Program Ser­ vices, SLA, 235 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003; (212) 477-9250. 9-23—SALALM: “Masses and Minorities: T heir Images and R ealities,” the 30th Sem inar on the Acquisition of L atin Am erican L ib rary M ateri­ als, at th e W oodrow Wilson School and Forbes College on th e P rin ceto n U niversity cam pus. Em phasis will be on subcategories of popular c u ltu re an d mass o rg an iz atio n an d assertion. C ontact: Suzanne H odgm an, SALALM Execu­ tive Secretary, M em orial L ibrary, University of W isc o n sin , M ad iso n , W I 53706; (608) 262- 3240. ■ ■ 1 M 5 1 J 8 1