ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 101 Personnel P R O F I L E S Stephen R. Salmon, thirty-eight, president of Xerox BiblioGraphics, Washington, D.C., was appointed director of the University of Houston libraries effec­ tive January 1, 1972. Salmon, also with the Library of Congress for about seven years, will replace Dr. Edward G. Holley, who has left the University of Houston to accept a post as professor and dean of the School of Library Science at the University of North Caro­Stephen R. Salmon lina. The appointment was made by President Philip G. Hoffman and is subject to approval by the University of Houston Board of Regents. A University of Houston library committee rec­ ommended Salmon for the post. Salmon has been with Xerox Corporation since September 190 9, and served as president of Xerox BiblioGraphics from April 1970. Prior to that post, he served as president and general manager of two Xerox subsidiaries, Library Journal Cards, Inc., New York, and Professional Library Service, Santa Ana, California. Salmon was with the Library of Congress August 1966-September 1969, first as executive officer of the Processing Department, and later as assistant director for Processing Services. Salmon was assistant director of libraries for Washington University in St. Louis April 1964-July 1966. He served as administrative assistant of the Processing Department and assistant chief of Photoduplication Service at the Library of Congress December 1961-March 1964. Salmon was also librarian of George Ma­ son College of the University of Virginia at Fairfax August 1959-Decem ber 1961. He served as cataloger, reference librarian, and in­ tern in the Library of Congress September 1958-April 1959 and assistant for Mechanized Information Retrieval Study from April 1959. With the St. Louis Public School Library June 1958-August 1958, Salmon was also assistant librarian at California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland October 1957-June 1958. Salmon received his A.B. with honors from the University of California at Berkeley in 1957 and his M.L.S. in 1958. He also attended the University of California at Los Angeles and Austin College in Sherman, Texas. From 1966 to 1967, Salmon was instrumental in founding the Information Science and Automation Division of the American Library Association, and served as chairman of the or­ ganizing committee and as its first president. * * * College & Research Libraries recently added two new members to the board of editors; Dr. H. Joanne Harrar, associate director of libraries at the University of Georgia, and Dr. Ann Painter, associate professor in the Graduate School of Library Science at Drexel University. Dr. Harrar has held a variety of positions of steadily increasing responsibility since she re­ ceived her doctorate from Rutgers in 1962. Her first position was with Columbia University li­ braries, where she was first research assistant, and later assistant to the director. Leaving Co­ lumbia in 1963 after two years, she became li­ brarian and professor of library science at Win­ throp College, Rock Hill, South Carolina. Dur­ ing her seven years at Winthrop she was re­ sponsible for the programming, planning, and move into a new $2.25 million building com­ pleted in 1969. She joined the staff of the Uni­ versity of Georgia as associate director of li­ braries in January 1971. Her professional activities have shown a con­ cern for state, regional, and national library problems. She has served with ACRL’s Audio- Visual Committee, the membership committee, and as a consultant for the ACRL Grants Com­ mittee in 1967 and 1968 as well as a member o f the United States Office of Education’s Ad­ visory Committee on Library Research and Training Projects 1968-1971. Dr. Painter comes to the board of editors with a somewhat different background. Though she too received her doctorate from Rutgers, her first position was with the National Bureau of Standards as a systems analyst. From this po­ sition she moved to the National Agricultural Library as a staff assistant in technical services, a position she held 1964—1965. Her commitment since leaving the National Agricultural Library has been to library educa­ tion, first at Indiana University 1965-1970, and next at Drexel University where she is now an associate professor in the Graduate School of Library Science. Her publishing and professional activities have shown a strong orientation to the field of information science and its problems. She has served on numerous committees in ALA, The American Society for Information Science, and the American National Standards Institute. Their wide experience and diverse back­ grounds should add much to the board of editors 102 in a tim e w hen th e re is a continuing th ru st to w ard m aking library publications m ore m ean­ ingful to th eir readers. A P P O I N T M E N T S I l o n a B i c s a k has b een ap p o in ted cataloger, serials cataloging, C olum bia U niversity li­ braries. K e i t h C. B l e a n is now assistant university lib rarian a n d h e a d of technical processes divi­ sion a t th e U niversity o f California, Santa B ar­ bara. J o s e p h i n e B u f f i n g t o n h as b e e n app o in ted reference librarian a t D avid Lipscom b College, N ashville, Tennessee. G r a c e C a l l a h a n is now h e a d of th e catalog d ep artm en t a t th e U niversity o f California, Santa B arbara. M o n i q u e C . C l e l a n d has accep ted th e posi­ tio n of selection officer a t D artm outh College L ibrary, H anover, N ew H am pshire. J. M . E d e l s t e i n will becom e chief librarian of th e N ational G allery of A rt, July 1, 1972, in W ashington, D.C. L u t h e r H. E v a n s is visiting professor and Thom as E . B enner lectu rer a t th e G raduate School of L ibrarianship, U niversity o f Puerto Rico, R io Piedras, Puerto Rico. R e n e e E v a n s is now Oil Spill Inform ation C enter coordinator in th e sciences-engineering lib rary a t th e U niversity o f California, Santa B arbara. L o u i s e A. F a c h i l l a has b een a p p o in ted li­ b ra ria n of th e E m ory and H en ry College li­ brary, E m ory, V irginia. J u d y H u g h e s F a i r has accep ted th e position of chief reference librarian, T h e G eorge W ash ­ in g to n U niversity library, W ashington, D .C. A l e x G o n z a l e s has b een nam ed as re fer­ ence lib rarian a t th e U niversity of California, Santa B arbara. S h i r l e y J. G r a i n g e r has assum ed th e duties of librarian of th e D an a Biom edical L ib rary at D artm o u th College, H anover, N ew H am pshire. D e n n i s H a m i l t o n has accep ted th e position o f serials cataloger a t th e U niversity o f C alifor­ nia, Santa B arbara. L a u r a H e l e n e H e n n i n g has joined th e S ta­ nislaus State College lib rary as reference lib rari­ an , T urlock, C alifornia. L o u is A. J a c o b has been appointed h ead of th e S outhern Asia Section o f th e O rientalia D i­ vision in th e L ib rary of Congress, W ashington, D.C. J o v i a n L a n g is p resently serving as assistant professor of th e lib rary science-audiovisual e d ­ ucation d ep artm en t a t th e U niversity o f South F lorida, Tam pa. M i r l a M . L i s c a n o has been app o in ted as a librarian on th e staff of th e catalog departm ent, T h e G eorge W ashington U niversity library, W ashington, D .C. E d w a r d H . L i s z e w s k i has b een app o in ted special assistant to th e director o f libraries, T he G eorge W ashington U niversity library, W ash ­ ington, D.C. D a v i d C. M a r s h a l l has been app o in ted h ead librarian at th e V enango cam pus of C lari­ on State College, O il City, Pennsylvania. C o l l e e n M. N e i l is now a librarian in th e H ealth Sciences L ib rary a t th e U niversity of W ashington, Seattle. R o c h e l l e L. O r l o f f has b een n am ed assist­ a n t to th e h ead of th e reserve books d ep artm en t of T em ple U niversity, Philadelphia, Pennsylva­ nia. M a r t h a H . P e t e r s o n has b een appointed associate university lib rarian a t th e U niversity of California, Santa B arbara, w ith duties in col­ lection developm ent. D o n a l d M. R a l s t o n has been nam ed assist­ an t university lib rarian for adm inistrative ser­ vices a t th e U niversity of California, Santa B ar­ bara. H a n s J. R a u m , J r ., has b een ap p o in ted as­ sistan t professor an d assistant lib rarian in charge of public services a t C astleton State C ollege in Castleton, V erm ont. J o h n H e n r y R i c h t e r has joined th e staff of th e serials division, cataloging section, a t th e U niversity of M ichigan, Ann Arbor. G a i l S c h l a c h t e r has joined th e facu lty of th e U niversity of S outhern California, School of L ib rary Science, Los Angeles. T e r e s a F. S t r o z I c has b een app o in ted as­ sistant d irecto r of libraries fo r processing an d com puter-based systems at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N ew York. B e t s y R o b b T a b a s has accep ted th e position of assistant to th e h ead of th e pre-catalog d e ­ p artm en t of T em ple University, P hiladelphia, Pennsylvania. B e t h T h o r s t e n b e r g has b e e n a p p o in ted as assistant professor of th e lib rary science-audio­ visual education d ep artm en t a t th e U niversity o f South Florida, Tam pa. G l o r i a F. W a t t e r s o n h as joined th e refer­ ence staff of th e D. H. H ill lib rary a t th e U ni­ versity of N o rth C arolina, C hapel Hill. B e l l a W e i n b e r g has accepted th e position of assistant lib rarian a t th e YIVO In stitu te for Jew ish R esearch, N ew York City. E d n a L . W i l l i a m s has accep ted responsi­ bilities as a m em ber of th e R eference Staff in th e U niversity of Pennsylvania library, P hila­ delphia. D a n i e l C. W i l l i a m s o n has joined th e staff of th e catalog d ep artm en t of T em ple U niversi­ ty, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. M i c h a e l Z a c k h e i m has b een ap pointed cir­ culation librarian of the S tate U niversity Col­ lege library, N ew P altz, N ew York. N E C R O L O G Y R o b e r t E . B i r k h i m e r , order librarian at Morris Library and assistant professor at South­ ern Illinois University, w as accidently killed January 23, 1972, in Carbondale, Illinois. E d n a H a n l e y B y e r s , librarian at Agnes Scott College for thirty-seven years until her re­ tirement in 1969, died February 16, 1972, at her home in Decatur, Georgia after a long ill­ ness. M a r g a r e t N o r a h J o a n O ’R o u r k e , chief of the Resources Development Division, Research and Planning Branch, National Library o f Can­ ada, died A ugust 8, 1971. D a r o l d E a r l R u d e , director o f Library Technical Services at Indiana State University, died January 26, 1972, following a short illness. ■ ■ Classified Advertising N O T IC E Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "r a n k " end "sta tu s" are advised that these terms are am biguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. β A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is willing to provide for the position offered.a A ll advertisements for the Positions W anted and the Positions O pen classifications will be e d ­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, C hica go 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. C o p y received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. N o additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. P O S IT IO N S W A N T E D LIB R A R IA N (H EA D ), teacher of librarianship, or b ib ­ liographer (social sciences and business). O ne of the above positions is being sought by author of books, experienced teacher (both graduate and undergraduate levels), former head librarian, subject specialist (social sciences and business), and head of technical services. His academic background includes M LS, M A in social sciences and education, doctorate in taw, and equivalent ot Ph.D in economics, including knowledge of several languages. Write Dr. Jacob Shumelda, Dept, of Library Science, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. C A T A L O G E R with accredited M L S and 2 years' univer­ sity library experience seeks position in South. Social sci­ ence, humanities, and strong language background. Reply to Box 814, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., C hicago. IL 60611. CA TA LO GER. M S in LS + subject master's, experienced, thorough knowledge of LC, seeks position in small or me- dium-siie academic library. Write Box 819, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, IL 60611. P O S IT IO N S O P E N A dm inistration O pening for LIBRARY SERVICES D IRECT O R (Chief Librarian and Chairman, Department of Library Sei* ence). To direct staff of 5 professional librarians in devel­ oping program of library service including an expanding undergraduate program of library science. Must have M L S from ALA-accredited library school, considerable experience in college-level teaching and administration. Salary and faculty rank depending on training and expe­ rience. Minim um $14,000 for II months. A p p ly to Dr. Jean Johnson, New Mexico H ighlands University, Las Vegas, N M 87701. A n equal opportunity employer. A R E A REFEREN CE LIBRA R IA N . The Hennepin Coun. ty Library System has a position available A ugust I in new 200,000-volume area library scheduled to open June 1973. Professional staff of 9+. Unique administrative ar­ rangement frees person of building, scheduling, and cleri­ cal responsibilities. Salary $13.800—S 17,616 depending on experience. The individual we are seeking should have a public or academ ic background with extensive reference experience, including some supervisory responsibilities. Emphasis will be on reference capability and range of ex­ perience. W ill be in charge of professional service in the first of three area libraries to be built in urban county system with 22 existing agencies and total annual materi­ als budget over $1.(XX),000. Ap plicants should have a M A L D with 4 years' experience; additional years of ex­ perience may be substituted for the M A L D . Interviews may be scheduled for the A L A conference in June at Chicago. Please submit resumes by June 10, 1972, to H en­ nepin County Personnel, 438 Courthouse, Minneapolis, M N 55415. DIRECTOR. General library. University of New Mexico. Full faculty appointment, MLS, recent administrative ex­ perience in large academic or research library. 600,000 volumes, 19,000 enrollment and growing, 26 doctoral pro­ grams. Professional management survey of general li- rary just completed. Multicultural community. Salary $22,000-$26,000; beginning July I. Resume: Dr. Raymond R. M acCurdy. Chmn., Search Committee. Department of Modern and Classical Languages. O rte ga Hall 441. U ni­ versity of New Mexico, Albuquerque. N M 87106. DIRECTOR. A U D IO V IS U A L SERVICES. York C ollege of C U N Y seeks specialist to develop and administer an audiovisual center for a future cam pus while providing services in interim facilities. Minimum: M aster's degree in audiovisual or Ed. Tech. doctorate and documented successful experience preferred. Assistant-associate pro­ fessor $I4,830-$20,830. For Septem ber I, 1972. A p p ly to Lewis J. Bodi. Dean of Faculty York C ollege of C U N Y , 150-14 Jam aica Ave., Jamaica. N Y 11432. LI BR A R IA N -D I RECTOR O F IN S T R U C T IO N A L M ED IA . Minimum of master's in librarianship from A LA-ec- credited institution. C ollege experience (preferably li­ brary administrative), knowledge of government docu­ ments, ERIC, audiovisual, and other media materials. Faculty rank. Fiscal year salary, $15.000-$17.000. Contact Dr. H. McCleave, Academ ic Vice-President, Eastern Montana College. Billings. M T 59101. H E A D O F T E C H N IC A L SERVICES (Asst. Library Di­ rector) for new college library. Exciting opportunity to develop a resource center. Begin A p ril I. M L S with ex­ perience in acquisitions and cataloging. Supervise staff of /. Faculty status, 4 weeks' vacation, fringe benefits. Sa l­ ary $10,000 (12 months). Send resume to Dale Shaffer, Liorary Director, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown, PA 15904. An Equal O pportunity Employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR— Innovative liberal arts college in Midwest seeks enerαetic librarian interested in making the library central to tne academic enterprise. New build­ ing, cooperative administration high faculty interest. Sal­ ary range $11,000-$ 14.000 + fringe benefits. Write Dr. Ronald Matthias, Dean of the Faculty, W artburg College, Waverly, IA 50677. M ultiple CAREERS for qualified graduates of accredited library schools in a major university library in a pleasant M id ­ western town; Business Administration Librarian. A d ­ ministers a collection of 8.500 volumes which serves members of the faculty and students enrolled in the C o l­ lege of Business Administration. Knowledge of economics and of statistical sources and 3 years of appropriate ex­ perience required. Salary. $10.000-$11,000. Engineering Librarian. Administers a departmental library of 35,000 volumes which serves members of the faculty and stu­ dents enrolled in the C ollege of Engineering. Knowledge of scientific and technical literature and 3 years of a ppro­