ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 8 6 /C&RL News year effort to digitize and network as much course reserve material as possible. The file can be accessed at Students are enthusiastic about the timesav- ing aspect of the new X-File. No longer do they have to visit the library, wait for their turn to view the materials, and then wrestle with the photocopier. Now they can get the informa­ tion from the nearest networked computer. Guided by the Reserve Services coordina­ tor, and with the help of a programmer, stu­ dent employees scanned the file o f paper ex­ ams and then linked them to an academic department index from which they are acces­ sible by course name, number, and instructor. Scanning time will be minimal in the future, since faculty now send their exams to Reserve in digital format whenever possible. Library staff are also benefiting from the switch to electronic access. The labor-intensive process of creating and maintaining a multicopy paper file has been eliminated, and repetitious charging and dis­ charging of exams, one of the most heavily circulated materials on reserve, has been re­ duced. For additional information, contact Dipa R oy, R e se rv e S e rv ic e s c o o r d in a to r at or (860) 486-2307. ACRL's W ESSW eb w in s a w a rd The German newsweekly D ie Z eit recently named WESSWeb, the Web service o f ACRL’s Western European Specialists Section, as one of 67 key sites in the emerging digital library. In a four-part article, reporter Dieter E. Zimmer identified the major issues confronting Inter­ net users today and singled out WESSWeb for its efforts to provide easy access to informa­ tion, especially electronic texts. Zimmer’s article is available on the Web at R eso urces on a cce ssib le W eb d esig n and a d a p tiv e technology for lib ra rie s An innovative cooperative project between the University Libraries and DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technol­ ogy) at the University of Washington has pro­ duced a training packet of materials on issues related to accessibility for people with dis­ abilities to library resources. Portions of the materials were presented and enthusiastically received at ACRL’s 8th National Conference in Nashville last spring. Director of DO-IT, Sheryl Burgstahler, com­ ments, “We were very interested in joining with the University Libraries on this project as libraries play such an important role in pro­ viding information in our society. We are happy to report that the project sent over 300 complementary copies of the training materi­ als to libraries across the country and that we reached over 1,500 librarians and educators through conference presentations." The University Libraries were equally ex­ cited to join the partnership. “We enthusiasti­ cally joined DO-IT in this project,” said Betty Bengtson, director of University Libraries. “As a result, our staff are more aware of the issues related to serving students and staff with disabili­ ties. And more importantly, we are working to be better equipped to provide them services.” The training packet includes materials on accessibility issues for libraries, adaptive tech­ nology, and accessible Web design. Included are two videotape presentations on adaptive technology and accessible Web design, a pre­ sentation script that can easily be modified to one’s needs, overhead transparency templates, and handout templates covering adaptive tech­ nology, accessible Web design, and library accessibility issues. The training materials are available for pur­ chase from DO-IT at a cost o f $50.00 U.S. for the entire package. To order, contact DO-IT by e-mail at, by fax at (206) 221-4171, or by mail at 4545 15th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105^527. Many of the materi­ als are also available at DO-ITs Web site at http:/ /weber. u Funding for the development o f the mate­ rials was provided by the Telecommunica­ tions Funding Partnership and the National Science Foundation. DO-IT is directed through the College of Engineering and Computing & Communications at the University of Wash­ ington.— B eth M. Fraser, University o f W ash­ ington Libraries, b a m f ê u .w ashington .edu