ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries N ovem ber 1 9 9 7 / 703 internet R esources C a re e r d evelo p m en t By C ynthia C o ccaro Some less well-known sites to check out T here are many considerations when in­vestigating various careers. Industries, oc­ cupations, necessary education and experience, salaries, and locations will be examined. Re­ searching companies and writing résumés and cover letters are also a part o f the career devel­ opment process. There are many career guid­ ance Web sites to assist in these areas. Many of these sites are associated with college and uni­ versity career counseling centers. They usually contain information specific to what their insti­ tutions offer, such as campus job fairs. Additionally, there may be a student résumé bank, résumé writing guides, and information on interviewing techniques. This collection of Web sites excludes sites that are well published, such as The Monster Board ( com) or Career Mosaic (http://www.careermosaic. com), and for which many links are provided within the listed sites. Unique or well-organized Internet sites were generally sought for this list­ ing. G e n e ra l care e r guidance • ASU Business: Student Services: In­ t e r n e t R e s o u r c e s : C a r e e r . Arizona State University’s College o f Business has a select listing o f career Internet resources. Access: http:/ /www.cob rscs. html#car. • The C areer C hannel. Rice University Career Services’ Web site is geared toward its students, but has internship links, résumé and cover letter samples, and a guide for persons considering graduate school. A ccess: http:// • C hicago T ribune C areer Path . This site contains links for the job search, “hot” companies, employment news and advice, placing an ad, and job fairs especially for the Chicago area. Access: http://www.chicag0.tribune.c0m/career/#t0p. • W C areers. This W all Street J o u r ­ n a l Web site includes job listings and various career articles concerning résumés, interview­ ing, networking and specific careers within an industry. Access: Industry inform ation • In d ustry R esearch Desk. This Web site explores specific industries and companies. It also provides an explanation for the change from the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) System to NAICS (North American Industry Clas­ s if ic a tio n S y s te m ). A c c e s s : http:// • This site specializes in vari­ ous engineering and manufacturing industries, with links to news reports and associations. • LSU Libraries W ebliography: Business an d In d ustry News. Louisiana State Univer­ sity Libraries has an Internet subject guide for business that includes Business and Industry News. Links are provided to various industry reports. A ccess: biznews.html. • R esearch Magazine Online: In d ustry Spotlight. Research Magazine Online has an Industry Spotlight that provides the state o f the industry, top-performing companies, company profiles, and cumulative comparison graphs. A ccess: spots.htm. O ccupatio nal inform ation • 1 9 9 6 - 9 7 O c c u p a tio n a l O u tlo o kI C y n th ia C o c c a r o is a s s is ta n t p r o fe s s o r , b i b lio g r a p h y a t th e U niversity o f A k r o n ; e - m a il: c c o c c a r o @ u a k r o n .e d u http://www.careermosaic http://www.cob http://www.chicag0.tribune.c0m/career/%23t0p 7 0 4 /C&RL News H an d b oo k . The Occupational Outlook Hand­ book (O O H ), published by the Bureau o f La­ bor Statistics, is searchable by keyword and contains the full text o f the OOH with links to term definitions and related occupations. A c­ cess: • E x p lo rin g O ccu p atio n s. The Univer­ sity o f Manitoba provides numerous links to useful occupation-specific sites. A ccess: http:/ / • IEEE USA C a re e r an d E d u cation Page. This site provides extensive career informa­ tion for the Institute o f Electrical and Electron­ ics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) membership. There is a link for employment assistance, also. A c ­ cess: CAREER/ career, m enu. html. Education • College Guide. Information provided by this site includes descriptions o f colleges, and it explains how to receive additional informa­ tion. A ccess: • .edu C olleges & C a re e r C en ter. This site, provided by U.S. News & W orld Report, contains topics such as getting into college, choosing a graduate school, financial aid, avail­ able jobs, and interviewing skills. It also in­ cludes the 1998 college rankings. A ccess: http:/ /www4. • P e te rs o n ’s E d u catio n C en ter: U n d er­ g rad u ate Study. This Peterson’s W eb site al­ low colleges to be searched by name, loca­ tion, and major. Additionally, it allows one to apply via the WWW, and gather financial aid information. Access: ugrad/. In ternship a n d su m m e r em p lo y m en t • A m e ric a n E x p r e s s U n iv e rsity : G et­ tin g a J o b : In te rn sh ip s. Companies or insti­ tutions that provide internships are described. A ccess: http: // Internet articles on W eb The Internet Resources articles published in C&RL News are also posted on the Web at 1 lyper- text links are made to each reviewed site. Future topics will cover: biotechnology, free W eb graphics, investment/personal finance, social work/welfare, nutrition, distance edu­ cation, tourism and travel, and East Asia. dent/moneypit/getjob/intem/intem.html. • G reat S u m m er Jo b s . A W eb site spon­ sored by the American Camping Association that emphasizes jobs at summer camps. A ccess: • In tern sh ip an d Fieldw ork Listings Na­ tionw id e. The University o f Virginia Office of Career Planning and Placement provides links to select internship Web sites. A ccess: http:// • Regional, N ational, an d In tern atio n al In te rn s h ip s . Drake University’s Career Center provides a subject arrangement o f internships. A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / w w w .d ra k e .e d u / stu life / carregion.html. • R esort, R ecreatio n an d T o u rism Man­ a g e m e n t (RRTM) S tudent In te rn sh ip P ro ­ g ram . RRTM provides summer internship and sem inar opportunities within the resort and tourism industry. A ccess: market/rrtm/ p agel .html. • S u m m er Jo b s . Worldwide job search ca­ pabilities by keyword or location are provided. This site, also, gives success stories and career links. A ccess: Relocation a n d s a la r ie s • City.Net. This site includes information concerning the arts, entertainment, education, demographics, and business within various cit­ ies. A ccess: • Click City. City information from this Web site includes categories such as city guides, employment, religion, education, arts, and rec­ reation. A ccess: • Jo b S m a rt H om e: Salary In fo rm atio n . This site provides citations to salary surveys, links to some salary tables, and articles con­ cern in g salary n e g otiation . A c c ess : http:// • The Salary Calculator. This Web site calcu­ lates comparable salary differences between U.S. and international cities. It has a Spanish-language version, also. Access: homefair/cmr/salcalc.html. R ésu m é, co ver letter, a n d in terview in g • 200 Letters for Jo b Hunters. Detailed in­ formation concerning applying for different types of jobs is presented. The site also includes pointers on writing cover letters and other employment correspondence. Access.- http://www.careerlab. com/letters/. • C areer Center: Guide to Resume Writing. Tips for writing résumés for print and electronic http://www.careerlab N ovem ber 1 9 9 7 / 7 0 5 formats, a sample résumé, and advice for writing cov er letters are given. A ccess: http:// • R e s u m e M a g ic : M a s te r R e s u m e W riter’s S ecrets R evealed. Resume Magic ex­ plains how to write the various components of a résumé. Additionally, definitions and samples of the parts are given. Access: b_c/career/res.shtml. Links to: Abracadabra: Cover Letters That Make Interviews Appear. Access: http: // The cover letter site links to: Interview Magic: How to Pass Through the Interview Process in One Piece. Access: iview.html. C o m p a n y inform ation • Edgar Database o f C o rp orate In form a­ tion . Domestic public companies required to file forms 10-K and 10-KSB, containing most of the information from the “Annual Report to Shareholders,” with the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) are found on Edgar. Edgar posts the forms within 24 hours o f filing. Access: http ://www. sec .gov/edgarhp. htm. EDGAR Database o f corporate information • T he F o rtu n e 5 0 0 . This site contains in­ formation about the Fortune 500 companies arranged by com pany names, industry, and CEO. Some o f the information provided in the Company Snapshot includes links to the com­ pany Web sites, the company’s address, cur­ rent stock prices, and revenues. A large num­ b e r o f th e c o m p a n y W eb s ite s in c lu d e em ploym ent opportu nities. A ccess : http:// fortune/fortune500. • Job W eb : E m p lo y er P rofiles. The Na­ tional Association o f Colleges and Employers publishes these Web site pages describing vari­ ous employers and providing links to their homepages. A ccess: employer/. • Sources o f Public In fo rm atio n o n P ri­ vately Held C om p anies. A list, provided by Washington Researchers, Ltd., notes public sources to consider when searching for infor­ mation about private companies. Access: http:// a llis o n .c la r k .n e t/ p u b/ b u sin tel/ p re m iu m - private.html. Electronic jo u rn als • C a re e r M agazine. This site provides ac­ cess to job openings, résumé banks, employer profiles, articles, and news, as well as career links. A ccess: • J o b C h oices O nline. This online peri­ odical contains current and archived career ar­ ticles from the print version o f J o b C hoices. Access: • R e se a rch M agazine O nline. Research Magazine Online provides comprehensive stock information to job seekers concerned with the financial health o f a potential place o f employ­ ment. 4̂ccess.- ■ (D evelopin g a d eg r ee con t. f r o m p a g e 6 9 6 ) w on’t have long to wait. And an exciting side benefit of going asynchronous is that we are now able to welcome out-of-state students to partici­ pate, and have done so with 16 out-of-state stu­ dents taking Basic Reference and Database Searching this past summer. Out-of-state students are eligible to earn a UMA degree by taking the library core courses via distance education and transferring in other required courses from an accredited institution of higher education, or as many seem to do, take them for professional development. Based on a special policy for these type of courses, set up by the Board o f Trustees, out-of-state students pay in-state tuition rates. It has been an interesting and “excellent” adventure— one we are delighted we signed up for. The staff have com e together in sup­ port o f our students and we have made an­ other name for ourselves in our institution and in the state. Changes continue to swirl around the librarians and their entrepreneurship. This fall, Dean Abbott submitted a proposal to the president requesting that, in addition to Kirk Rau, the two other reference librarians be given non-tenure faculty rank to recognize their place in the greater institution. O f course, while all o f this is going on, we continue to provide li­ brary services to our undergraduates and keep the business o f the library in good order. Note 1. Shirley M. Jarvella, “Associate Degree in Li­ brary and Information Technology: Experiment in ‘Virtual’ Library Education in Maine,” L ibrary M osaics (May/June 1996). ■